HOI4 Why You Should Convert All Your Factories (Hearts of Iron 4 Guide)

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this is a shit strategy

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/DG1981A 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

They're "mils" not "Mills".

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/KeetnaWilson 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'll quote from 5 minutes into the video: "building a civ costs 10800, converting a mil to a civ costs 9000 but on war economy it costs 7200 and total mob it costs 6300, this means for every 2 civilian factories you could be building, you can convert 3 to 5 mils to civs instead and then get so many civs you can just build back the mils with the 20% bonuses."

Are you retarded? you cannot go total mob without being at war against somebody with at least half your factories, if you as germany or russia, countries you say this works for end up at war with somebody like that early on, you cannot be converting your relatively low number of mils to civilians after spending 150 extra pp for a 10% conversion speed bonus and loss of manpower then somehow a year or two later make it all back with the extra 10% construction speed and still expect to win a war. So this only works for war economy as a basic principle.

you have effectively a 50% mil to civ bonus for going war economy over civilian, that same bonus is a flat 30% for just building the civ's in the first place, so there is only a 20% differential, instead of doing 10800 compared to 9000*0.8 then saying your good, you should be comparing the actual production output you make over the period. civilian to war economy also gives effectively a 50% build speed bonus and I'm willing to bet that since going early civs/mils lets you run concentrated industry from the get go, that will let you outproduce over a 1-3 year period instead of converting mils to civs then having to go dispersed industry later on when you start producing in order to ensure you start with a higher base production efficiency which was already surpassed with concetrated.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/swaglfar555 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
today I'm showing you guys one of the most overpowered things in hearts of iron 4 and if used correctly and in multiplayer it is completely unfair and so easy to do for any axis nation or any fascist or anything along those lines even communist nations like Russia it is so easy to do it is almost an exploit now just by the title of this video I'm sure you guys understand already I'm talking about converting factories and you're probably thinking that that's not really overpowered and it's kind of a stupid thing but how overpowered is it when you do it in a certain way like I'm about to show you guys I just made a US a player rage quit in a multiplayer server because as Japan I was out producing him naval II and militarily in 1938 and I hadn't even invaded China yet I was just concentrating on doing this like sifting in a certain way and then later in 39 when I invaded China I was already pushing through to Beijing without even naval invading I was just marching along the coast and so on so let me start off with saying one of the most important things about this video and this only works for a few nations more specifically communist nations but pretty much this is set up perfect for the fascist nations like Italy Japan in Germany and a couple others that don't have very high milk counts at the start well Germany does but you'll understand a minute how it works for them but it mostly works for countries that have small like military factory or high military factory counts and very few sibs like Japan and Italy now before I show you guys this because I know people are gonna say somewhere in the comments like in my other videos that is dumb it's pointless that's a bad idea it doesn't work and to stop all those really comments and all those people saying that stuff I'm gonna go into the math behind this and show you guys why it is so overpowered and why it works the way it does now factory construction by itself cost ten thousand eight hundred for a civilian factory seventy two hundred for a military factory and sixty four hundred for a Dockyard for converting factories it's civilian to military four thousand and military to civilian nine thousand so you're really only saving about eighteen hundred when you're going from just straight up building a civilian factory to going from military to civilian factory so the numbers say pretty much that it doesn't really sound like it's that powerful there's no real reason to swap mills over the sibs and lose the precious bullets and guns you need to make as the access to lob at the Allies right just like the mean goes that's where you're wrong kiddo there are two different economy laws that drastically change the cost of converting Mills to sibs and building mills they are war economy and total mobilization where economy reduces the cost by 20% and also give the bonus of 20% when building mills and the same thing for total mobilization but it's 30% for everything but how big of a difference does this really make in a maxed out level-10 infrastructure zone this changes the normal building cost from 31 days to 24 days when converting a military factory to a civilian factory and at a level 5 infrastructure zone goes from 64 days to 51 by the way I did all these tests on partial mobilization so there's no bonuses or penalties when using total mobilization in the same instances you get on a level 10 infrastructure zone you go from 31 days to 21 days which only makes a three-day difference and a level 5 infrastructure goes from 64 days to 45 days which only makes really a 6-day difference so that just leaves two parts to this one how is someone supposed to get war economy and total mobilization so early and what's the point of swapping all these factories in this is compared to just building the civilian factories instead all the Axis powers can get war economy incredibly easy it only requires more than 50% war support and Italy alone starts at 50% so all they need to do is wait for Germany to do a focus or start justifying on anyone at the start raising support by any amount whatsoever if you're playing is Italy and you want to do this and multiplayer the easiest thing I've seen to do so you don't break any rules is to really quick justify on the Middle East which increases only 2% I believe and it doesn't really do anything to real attention but the 2% and it gives you like 3 or 4 percent worth support so that alone should give you enough to get war economy and then really quick just cancel it and there's no world tension at all and nobody really noticed a spike Germany starts with 30% and Joseph Goebbels under the political advisors also will give another 10% to war support and then the Rhineland focus will give you 12% which puts Germany at enough war support for war economy in just one focus as Japan you already start with 100% and in three focuses you are put on war economy and then two more focuses after that will give you total mobilization just through the focus tree alone and you don't even have to use your political power this literally means that all the access have very easy shortcuts to get to war economy and total mobilization and if done correctly the axis can be out producing the Allies as long as you're converting the mills to the sibs and since war economy and total mobilization give you 20 or 30 percent bonuses to building the mills you can literally get them back in just a couple months once you start building back your military factories after you have enough sibs now for the second part of this question why would you do this instead of just building sibs and keep your mills and keep building up in the start a civilian factory cost ten thousand eight hundred production cost converting a military factory to a civilian factory cost around nine thousand on war economy it cost seventy two hundred technically and then on total mobilization it only costs sixty three hundred this means for every to civilian factories you could be building you could get three to five civilian factories by converting the mills to sibs this lets you get more than enough civilian factories early on that you can just build back the military factories with the twenty to thirty percent bonuses and that will literally give you a huge boost in civilian factories and especially in multiplayer where the axis actually need to coordinate and get as many synthetics and supplies as possible this will let you build a huge synthetic refinery and then you can begin building your military factories and become totally self-reliant now for the final part of the video which nation should do this in which nation shouldn't and for how long Germany has a lot of their focuses locked behind troop requirements in the army but for Germany sibs are one of the most important things you can get so you can rebuild your nation if you start getting bombed by the Allies and all this other kind of crazy stuff especially if you're playing multiplayer I would recommend if you're going to do this as Germany like I have do it for exactly one year after you get war economy and then build back one civilian factory or one synthetic factory for every two lines of military factories you're building every single time I've done this and just build it for one year exactly after I've gotten more economy I've always ended up with around sixty civilian factories for my use for Italy this works great since they only have Ethiopia to worry about at the beginning and then they can really choose when and why they want to actually go to war with the Allies and especially if a multi-player they're gonna be working mostly on Navy and they need dockyards this works great for especially because they get a pretty much kind of balanced level of civilian factories and military factories so it really helps Italy out a lot and now we have Japan this is perfect under every single circumstance for Japan because it's Japan you need every bit of resources possible and you're pretty much trading for them up until the point you can actually get China taken over they also have focuses letting them go straight to total mobilization in just five focuses so they can convert them faster than any other nation in the axis without ever having to be at war this lets Japan get enough sibs and the resources needed for war and at the same time lets them work on maybe to fight the u.s. because they have a large chromium deposit already in Japan and then they'll let be able to get the synthetics and the dockyards needed to fight the United States now before we end this I need to mention one last very important thing no I'm not going to tell you guys to subscribe even though it'd be helpful I want to make sure everybody understands a lot of people in a few of my videos have been pointing out things saying that those strategies don't work let me see this people have their own opinions all the time on every single thing for example I did 26 with division video showing off 26 with artillery divisions and 16 with infantry which I forgot to show the 16 with infantry but they shouldn't by any means make sense to work in multiplayer or single-player but they do every time I've tried them they have shredded everybody in my way except for tanks another example is a 46 with tank template video I showed off a long time ago again it made no sense it should not be able to work under combat but again everybody it went up against single-player and multiplayer do the exact same thing it's all fun and everything to try to add up the math behind different strategies and say these things work and these things don't but hearts of iron for there are so many different levels of different types of bonuses and penalties you can get you can never truly add one deciding strategy into one example and that's one thing that really throughs me truly annoys me about the comments I get along a lot of all my videos where people say 10% attack plus 15% defense and this bonus and that bonus make no sense why this would work and this is a bad idea again there are so many factors that can go into hearts of iron for that change things and make them work compared to just ABS we trash an example you can make the best tank division ever seen on earth and it has the best stats of any unit in the game but if you have a thousand 20 with divisions stacked in one tile where it's attacked they shouldn't be able to do anything but if you try that they're gonna stop it and then on top of that if you have air superiority and the caste attacking it and they have no air even though it's the strongest unit in the game it's gonna lose so again it's all fun and everything to try to add up different things and determine if they work or not in hearts of iron 4 by maths sake but again there is real no way to know if something's gonna work or not unless people try it and it works for their play style alone and other people's so guys hopefully you enjoyed this video and maybe I did teach you something new hopefully you guys enjoyed it thank you for watching I will see you guys next time stay off
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 316,277
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Keywords: hoi4 guide, hoi4 japan, hoi4 italy, hoi4 germany, hoi4 tutorial, hearts iron iv guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 guide, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi iv, hoi4, tutorial, hoi 4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, how to play hearts of iron, iron hearts 4, hearts of iron 4 how to, hearts of iron 4 tips, guide, strategy, hoi, tips, hoi4 tips, waking the tiger, tricks, hints, hoi4 factory conversion
Id: 059yDivRhkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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