Portugal makes an Empire in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to my newest hearts of iron 4 video today we will be playing as portugal recently you guys seem to be enjoying my more exploratory videos and by that i mean videos into which i go unprepared like the two spain ones and explore the possibilities while playing now usually i prepare a strategy beforehand but recently i have not been doing that and you guys seem to like it so let's do it again this time with portugal they also do have a new focus tree but before we begin a message from a sponsor this video is brought to you by surfsharkvpn when it comes to online security vpn is not going to do all of it for you but it is an important tool that helps you protect your identity online surfsharkvpn is a complete package it has all the features you may want you can use it on any number of devices pretty much any operating system you have a strict no log policy static ips if you want there's an internet kill switch it has a multi-hop mode for added 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and there is a 30 day money back guarantee try it out for the first month and if you don't like it you can cancel okay back to huntsville and four rules as always regular difficulty admin mode historical focuses let's start what are we going to do with portugal not sure yet we'll do something i tried to figure the focus tree out a little bit but i still have no idea what the best path in it is so what do we have colonial assimilation public works army and navy popular front and estado nova they'll be communist this path is connected with the intervention in the spanish civil war here we can do neutrality plus democracy is there a fascist path here oh yeah here supporting the spanish nationalists or the royal wedding the royal wedding can reunite us with brazil that doesn't sound good we have two paths that interest me going down to expand the chinese territories here or reuniting with brazil peacefully through here i guess i'll go with the non-aligned option those are always interesting let's start with estado nova and get some civilian factories going get all our divisions here and switch multi this template it should be sufficient we're going to need to produce some support equipment and artillery but i don't really have military factories which is a bit of an issue let's buy some steel electronic mechanical engineering and the doctrine superior firepower also some convoys and that'll do it for now on pause i'm gonna need more military factories quite quickly also let's make sure to exercise these armies don't really have enough manpower but that will be fixed soon salazar is actually a very good leader he gives us infinite stability but we do have to replace him we start with some negative modifiers unreliable army it's not terrible and unstable republic this unfortunately counters the gains of stability from salazar all right let's do royal wedding don duarte nuno de braganza and princess maria francisco daughter of the brazilian throne pretender good and it gives us a good advisor once we finish mechanical computing i guess i will stop training them it is pointless i don't need them in fighting condition but can't really produce enough equipment but we have points to do something we have points to hire someone but i will wait for the royal wedding to finish so that we can hire the traditionalist theorist this guy actually i don't need to wait because i will get extra political power from it you know what we're going to do improved worker conditions because stability is quite important to us once we're changing the government it's maybe not the best idea but it will help us a little bit it should be helpful in the long run royal wedding complete let's hire the guy traditionalist at the wrist 15 political power and do return of duarte this is going to damage our stability quite significantly and we will have to act quickly to not get a civil war royal wedding in brazil don duarte nuno duke of draganza married princess maria francisca next doctrine we're going to have to do something about those research slots nationalist spain declared war on spain i'm so surprised return of duarte is complete now which path to choose there are several things we need to do we want an uprising in brazil and we want restoration of monarchy in our own country we have to prioritize restoration of monarchy in our own country because until we do that our stability will keep going down all the time so let's promote the monarchist cause in portugal wait a minute we're not losing salazar yet so stability will not go down so i was worried for nothing yeah it's fine see that's what i mean by not testing these scenarios i didn't need to do the improved worker conditions at all it seems oh well it will come in handy eventually enough political power to do something let's see if we have any old guard guys we do we actually have an old guard guy yes that will give us tons of political power promote the monarchist cause is done let's do machine tools and restore the monarchy if stability is below 40 at the time of the focus completion we'll have a civil war it won't be because we are at 71 stability i'm sorry i should have started with brazil on this one maybe mutiny yeah we don't care the navy can do what they want we don't need the navy oh dom duarte not don duarte well that makes more sense or was it done before i don't know monarchy duarte is in charge and now our unstable monarchy is still a problem hopefully we'll be able to deal with that relatively soon ability is going down but we're not threatened by civil war anymore let's work on brazil now there will be a civil war in portugal and we will want to support them so let's prepare our forces for it kill marshall general offensive doctrine charismatic and you guys you guys need to get close to brazil like here for example that's close nice and warm on the other hand if we started with brazil and there was a civil war and we did restoration of monarchy while in that civil war we would have reduced stability due to the war and we would probably have a civil war of our own so maybe we did take the right path oh my poor stability let's go with limited conscription our political power isn't so bad monarchist uprising in brazil integralist brazil has happened there are no fascists we do the empire of brazil and they get a monarchist uprising that we are going to support oh i should have been gathering political power because during that floor perhaps i'd be able to go to war economy yeah i should have taken that into account then again they won't have enough factories for me to do so probably anarchists yeah i'd like to intervene in the spanish civil war but not on anybody's side just attack all of them and we should be able to kill them off one by one but as a non-aligned country i won't really be able to do that so we can just let them kill themselves and then when there's enough world tension justify and destroy spain i'm also considering intervention in china oh you guys don't have good supply do you i did pick the wrong spot for them to wait or i should have distributed them you know among the islands and other territories we have well too late for that the uprising is almost starting and here goes the uprising it's a very tiny bit of territory seems doomed to failure however we have our support be extra aggressive and attack everyone everywhere go and be quick about it please if they lose the last port before you get there we won't be able to get brazil that would give us claims we can use a later we could still support the car lists but don't think the car lists will have an uprising i think the historical path unites the parties do i need those claims well not yet i guess i could do an economic focus instead remove national spirit unreliable army that could be helpful it would give us quite a lot of manpower but maybe later limited self-rule this is interesting see getting the territories we conquer as collaboration governments is the best outcome doing this focus gives us extra manpower and political power however i'm not sure in what manner these countries are released will they become puppets will they become colonies it is not clear so i'm not sure i want to do that and this one gives us cause on their territories which are mostly pointless if i'm aiming for collaboration governments and these focuses seem pointless because of how little they give us for the political power we spend just one factory that's not a lot let us continue the public works then we can get extra research in the meantime our chinese united front we might be intervening there soon anyway our guys are on the move could i theoretically go to our economy i could it seems yes i don't have enough political power damn it you know what i'm gonna do this war is not gonna last very long you need to cancel the focus go to war economy and then re-establish it i think that should work or rather continue doing it then although that will mess up our focus timings ah what do we care our economy is gonna be a huge boon to us and our troops have arrived wait a minute what provisional government of the british raj we will have our own british raj and be called something else i mean they do have our blessing same for angola and mozambique and guinea and china so what is this now portuguese india well yeah sounds better than portuguese british raj but macau portuguese china do you have cores on all china if you do that is very good for me portuguese china has them as course brilliant if i intervene in china and get them as the coalition government immediately that is awesome right now i'm convinced we need to intervene in china but first let's finish up portugal and get our war economy come on give me that political power was it a mistake to delay the focus no i don't think so going to work on me early will be wait i can't do that seems like oh i need both more than 50 wall support and uh damn it i've got so it was a mistake to delay the focus quite a big mistake in fact yeah i messed up a bit oh well we'll fix it in time let's go back to doing the public works pity now should have cancelled the focus yeah note to self always read these carefully see i've been playing this game for many years and i still forget such basic stuff then these from portugal nice and right here because i'm using artillery and sport equipment and i don't have them doesn't it really matter we're so much stronger than our opponent that it's not really an issue just go along the coast oops that didn't come out right it's fine you guys go along the coast yeah that should do it but yeah i can do more economy but my mistake let's go to free trade instead maybe research construction japan attacks china so will we once there is enough world tension chengxi joins the chinese united front they are putting up a fight here i mean we'll win eventually just uh the faster the better i guess i just let them do their job continue the public works complete instituto superior technical we should have focused on the south a bit more we have enough troops here ah sao paulo is ours civil war is over empire of brazil rules supreme and we will integrate them into our country very soon i guess you guys can stay where you are for now national spain is going to win not a problem really i could have finished the civil war earlier anyway now it's time to reunite the kingdom it will give us quite a lot of benefits extra political power extra manpower next war support and well more importantly we will not have the unstable monarchy modified which is pretty bad prance and britain announce alliance oh and also now we have three research slots let's invest in our industry a little bit notice that the modifier we're going to get is a weekly increase weekly wall support plus one percent this will solve all trouble we could ever have with wall support aragon or the next republican spain next now we need to wait until the germans start attacking people to be able to justify war goals we will prepare in the meantime anyway my plan is to go after china because thanks to this little collaboration government here we'll be able to basically make full use of their manpower and factories pretty much immediately getting them and see how we've jumped to 56 factories we had 17 just a moment ago brazil accepts unification and now suddenly we're strong we could do the focus of latin america which is interesting and also lead to the communist threat which would give us a direct war on paraguay and that is an excellent way to expand in south america however the united states do guarantee all of these countries and we are not guaranteed by the united states thus we cannot attack them without angering the united states our army is superior to theirs at this point most probably but our navy is not so we would need to acquire allies to take them on that's just not in our best interest at the moment so what's next let's hire the technocrat civilian factory construction speed and start working on a spy agency as for the next focus we don't really need these claims i mean i could use the ones in spain but i can't really justify yet so this can wait instead we want to continue growing our economy so what we want to do is pursue the military research facilities the new industry focus here and eventually the naval research institute i don't really use the navy so all of these are pointless which makes this focus something i will begrudgingly have to do because of the research thought we will also need to do army reorganization before we start another war i guess we'll go for the research slot first empire of portugal and brazil the portuguese king and brazilian emperor dom duarte nuno has been crowned emperor of portugal and brazil perfect and finally we have enough military factories to do stuff i guess we'll set it up like this should be enough of everything and buy some more steel really do need to fix my economy agency created now we're gonna need some chinese spies and some spanish spies i chose of austria in a year and a bit we have to be ready to start working on war goals japan is not doing very well which might be a problem for us in the long run we'll see ah time to recruit an operative let's get a spanish one should i get chinese or spanish operative well spain will be severely weakened after the civil war so i should be able to defeat them even without using an operative and we do want to go after china next i think i'll have to get a chinese one after that i need to create an asian section and that costs quite a bit all right let's do that and hire a spanish one might come in handy build network in madrid we cannot join the carlist fight anymore but with these bypassed nope i can't do the royal iberian alliance because carlist spain does not exist and it's fine didn't want to do that anyway next focus artillery and then the research thought i guess maybe i should have gone to partial mobilization i still can no we'll go straight to our economy look at that political power 1.8 per month while doing a focus glorious we could get the captain of industry or we could get an elusive gentleman both are valid choices i think i'll go with the illusive gentleman though because that one spy can really make a difference yeah sure let's go with the illusive gentleman being of which let's continue upgrading our agency let's have a look at our army composition well this is a decent units template i could make it bigger i guess go to the universal 20 ways of infantry with some support this will have to do for now which all of you to that template exercise and move from brazil to portugal although they're one and the same now aren't they wait let's make it a full army just one full army for now any interesting operatives available not really we will want a chinese guy so let's wait for the asian section to be complete the research thought asian section complete chinese operative please is he any good no but he is chinese and that will come in handy and i'll just do spy network in spain why of course because we want to prepare a collaboration government there it's not going to be greater just to spice because our network will degrade in the meantime and so on but it will speed things up for us quite a lot so we should make sure that operations are always the highest priority improved infantry equipment can't upgrade my agency at the moment because we are preparing the mission the fourth research thought now we would like to get this one but it costs four focuses it's quite a lot so i think we'll have to delay it a little bit let's get the claims on spain which we can use as soon as the world tension is high enough get another operative only actually this should be switched around and make use of our fourth research thought that's some decent manpower infantry expert the collaboration government operation has launched i'm going to relocate our chinese friend here to madrid because network strength here is more important than in galicia why am i going after spain well because it would be big waste not to they're weak after the civil war and they have quite a lot of factories that i can make use of and also our borders will look neat they are fascists so there is a chance of them joining the axis but we just have to roll with it if it happens right claims on spain already oh i didn't realize i could do that god damn it that was a mistake i should have done that much much earlier uh i thought it only gives us uh wargles on major countries so i did not read it correctly again it also gives us war goes on the neighboring fascist countries well then we're going after spain right away yeah my mistake was that i didn't do that immediately right after the civil war ended not a big deal because we still need to wait for the world tension to increase to be able to attack china so we haven't wasted that much time but we have wasted some time and we were also able to launch one prepare collaboration government operation and that is also important where corporation government complete can we do another one of those probably not enough time oh i will have destroyed spain before it completes but we can attempt it and again perhaps i should wait with destroying spain until it completes decisions decisions i'm doing decryption on spain but it's pointless i'll kill them before it finishes let's do one on china instead war goals ready yeah it's a pity i missed it let's do army uh reorganization now i'm considering waiting for the next operation to complete because the war goes not going anywhere so that we can get a collaboration government instantly i feel like it might be the right thing to do really wait three months i could declare now and just not take them over completely let's wait it should pay off in the long run will i be able to go to war economy how many factories do they have i don't know how many factories they have almost 30. so yes i will be able to do that i'll just have to trade some of my factories away operation has launched once it is complete we attack maybe even a little bit before it is complete i just don't want to defeat them right away let's hire the army a logistics expert spain is very weak then they cannot resist us it's just about um how quickly we will be able to benefit from having conquered them and with those missions we're doing right now well it's gonna speed it up quite a lot this is quite an interesting focus factor out but ten percent quite good and here construction speed ten also quite good but neither of them are as good as another reset slot unfortunately we have to go down this path here i say unfortunately because these three focuses are basically useless to me maybe we'll be fine with just four research slots we should be now let's go for five all right i have planes not a lot of planes how's the operation have we done gonna need to start researching more support companies and the better guns are complete i'm strengthening japan and i'm strengthening france i want japan to prevail against china more or less and i want france to resist the germans they won't but maybe they'll put up a bit more of a fight well last time the netherlands did wait a minute do i work against spain oh god damn it [Laughter] that's what happens when i don't test these things spain as you can see this is nationalist spain this is the fascist victorious in the civil war it's not aligned i didn't get the war goal on them oh that's so silly so after all doing this focus really was pointless well at least these do not expire i think so we do have to wait after or fade off just the vacuum fortunately we will not have to wait long we only need the world tension to be 50 to justify our goals operation is complete 45 again so their collaboration will now be 90 which means immediately after i conquer them we'll get collaboration governments which is perfect now time to work on china you will stay in spain just so we have an easier time conquering them now that is going to be difficult but we can have an even easier time conquering them you go to china and you also go to china it seems like they might be able to push japan out which could be problematic to me we'll see about that first i want to take out spain and then intervene in china if japan is still at war with them we'll have an advantage from that also we'll want to do logistics companies i think just because of how difficult logistics are in china uh submarine effort we don't care but we do want another research slot so i need to build more naval dockers how many do i have ten i need six more documents no use for them oh wait i don't have to build the navel.com i can conquer them and before releasing the collaboration government thing i use them to start the focus yes we'll do that military theorist and working conditions really joined the access mode of ribbon drop submarine effort oh damn it i need that as well that's way too much for just one research thought well in for a penny and for a pound or something like that i will get two naval documents from this so it will actually be more efficient for me to build the remaining four that i require in that case navy research to get a research thought but it is what it is improved competing machine we're almost ready to attack oh and japan is pushing back against china rather it the other way around stockpiling quite a lot of equipment i will deploy more units but i don't need to do it right away porsche is a german automaton germany attacks poland and we just need the world tension to go to 50 percent poland joins eyes probably need for them to invade the benedicts for this to happen 40 motorized research complete we can invest in our support companies a bit i'm torn about anti-air normally i would want to recon engineer uh artillery signal and possibly anti-air i think i'm going to replace anti-air with logistics this time just for china now the real threat here is that nationalist spain joins the axis and then we will have to fight the axis however we are not allied and we are not a member of the allies so they might also not there is another way to do this we could just attack china first and then justify on spain then spain would join the chinese united front however the downside of that we would have uh japan contending for spain that's a bit of an issue let's do another pointless navy focus industrial concern well germany attacked the benelux they already have the wargles but they're not attacking seems they're willing to wait until poland falls well it is a smart decision on their part they just don't usually do that poland capitulates 45 percent world tension netherlands 51 alright we can start working our magic take claimed state severe 95 days go oh right um i forgot about china i could be doing collaboration governments already now to be clear i already have a collaboration government down here so i don't need to do collaboration governments here however making collaboration government also reduces their surrender threshold then again i'm not sure that's in my best interest because that might lead to japan conquering them before we can do that so i will delay such operations and maybe not do them at all we'll see we just don't want japan to take all that stuff from us another pointless naval focus done let's do one more and i keep forgetting they're not aligned since they are not aligned they're not going to join the axes when i attack them so we're safe on that front i just can't get used to that change yet judgmental combat teams expeditionary forces i don't need them i forgot to keep improving our spy agency denmark so one month until the war go france is still resisting i keep buying stuff from them to strengthen them a bit i don't think that is going to make a difference in the long run but the longer they resist the better i think but just this company research complete let's do signal i will not be adding the logistics companies just yet because i won't be able to produce enough equipment for them for the duration of the war with spain and also we don't need them here we will need them in china arabia ceded to the soviet union also speaking of war with china we will require some more naval bases here for better supply that is a lot of political power i might want to get rid of the old guard guy here and replace him with an army offense expert although i can wait a bit longer because spain is not really going to be a threat to us they don't even have enough troops to cover all the openings in the front line certification complete notedly spain declare war and now we start justifying on china 30 days willing people to feed spain in that time yes i think so also let's send that one expeditionary force unit that we got over to china to secure the pot because if we don't have a port we are screwed let's buy joins the allies are you doing naval invasions of me you are oh you cheeky bastard i'm going to quickly deploy more units well i underestimated them they are weak but not as weak as i thought they would be go the air very rarely does naval invasions which is why i didn't think they would do that finally the fifth research thought iceland independent yeah i'm gonna deploy this army out of time and just use two for armies to defeat spain it'll make things faster or i'll just send it to china we're doing well it's just taking a bit too long yeah i'll just send them to china there you go help me finish off spain quickly willing to wait for reinforcements this location on china is complete let's detach say half of them to a different army which we will send to china just so we're not separated from the port if we're you know too late with everything full of paris which means i won't be able to buy a steel from france for much longer let's switch this around i thought i'd defeat spain much faster i mean i'm going to defeat spain just thought it would happen faster i must make sure our wargle on china doesn't expire not much longer research slot complete what's next this is actually an interesting choice that will give us the best infantry guns quickly let's do it right i need you guys to push more saying to defeat spain before i attack china otherwise they will join the chinese united front which is very bad for me the war goal in china expires on the 3rd of may so i have 2 weeks to defeat them i don't think i'll be able to do that just target the victory points oh no i was able to do that ok good we're going to take all the states all of them and now since our collaboration there is pretty high thanks to the operations we have conducted 90 we're about to get some collaboration government well one collaboration government but the others will happen later already looking good we're going to need to move more troops to china only one unit is in there i do hope they can hold on to the port until the others arrive then again this is a puppet so we don't have to call them in just fortunate and we do finally have five research slots let's do recall companies as well original government of nationalists spain yes please and again with the compliance i've had perhaps that was not necessary because my factories went down quite a lot no no it's fine they'll do their own focuses get stuff and we will create provisional governments of the other territories that they have not caught it's fine it's gonna be good and i almost missed the war goal let's declare war on china it's time declare war i'm not sure these guys will join us so just in case we're going to justify we're going on them well not us them cinqian joins they all join good um i have not called my puppet in but we are not in danger of losing this territory yet and japan invites us to faction which is something we would like to do but first please have docking rights and military access that's better now let's accept their invitation damn it damn it damn damn damn the expeditionary uh unit retreats request forces i need them yeah they're always sent home when you join the faction not really sure why but that's just what happens i will get involved in actual fighting once these guys get in position how are we doing on logistics quite well time to modify our template and add logistics companies right now we don't have enough motorized but soon we will hungary joins the access actually let's make more motorized we'll reduce it shortly just temporarily we've increased the numbers signal company done let's add signal companies need even more motorized it's fine i just need to buy some rubber integrals brazil vichy france is now called integrals brazil why doesn't matter our troops have arrived not all of them but enough we still need to wait for them to receive the reinforcements and then we can start fighting i kept one army in portugal and one was sent to china i don't want to abandon our homeland completely because our jones and the allies alright i think they have received enough supplies let's call our puppet into the war let's do standardization factory out to 10 percent and that is quite significant and use the bonuses to build the best guns they cannot push us out of the port we will prevail i mean this will take some time i could also send some troops to japanese territories but is really not doing well in this war are they i am determined to get all that juicy manpower still it might be more difficult than i anticipated maybe don't attack the province with the fort they fall to find themselves quite well right i'm going to send one army to the japanese territory here and you just hold it doesn't seem like a good place to attack from perhaps we can kill them here yeah too many troops in this small territory so now it is time to start doing our operations in china commencement ready and automatically repeat advanced competing machine yeah attacking from macau was a bad idea i underestimated the chinese also i already lost quite a lot of units oh i know i was forgetting something quite a lot of political power when you were propaganda no no and i will never need war propaganda i can go to war economy or even total mobilization there do we want to go to total mobilization recruit per population three percent yeah sure why not total mobilization and extensive conscription and infantry equipment design and women in the workforce and anti-fascist and anti-democratic rate to increase stability and i think that's it for now our economy will be grateful yeah screwed up down here maybe i shouldn't have attacked china at all i don't really need it could've gone after germany oh well too late now let's do industrial modernization yeah the attack on china is probably a mistake well we'll use our spies to weaken them as much as possible also do some propaganda to lower their stability and i can become spymaster that's how far away are you guys oh some of you have arrived wonderful don't really have a lot of participation well we're making gains wonderful and since our puppet down here has this as their core it's immediately going to them nice and the guy sitting in micah actually do something let's see if i can expand probably not cipher for china it's fully decrypted i think we should use it and hire another agent no one special here let's get the chinese lady make sure she does propaganda oh it seems like we will actually be able to break out from macau good attack actually everyone go aggressive while i activate the cipher let's see if we can make some gains industrial modernization and from that we can do a new industry which gives us them certain construction speed those are very powerful focuses spain has created some troops for me nice okay let's send one to occupy the part here and the rest to just support our units looking good the cipher is about to expire so let's go back down to balance attacks and do a manual one here here the junction click is proving difficult are you guys doing not so well actually perhaps you should be cautious and not balanced no it's fine we are up to 14 participation that actually is quite a lot let's switch the old guard guy to an army offense expert we don't need political power anymore i mean we need some but not that much so let's do anti-communist raids the raids increase our stability how's the operation or the spies almost done we're also about to take nanjing we'll just move the operations elsewhere see the chinese have a very high surrender threshold or very low anyway five percent or less but with collaboration government operations we can change that now they need to own five percent or less and when the operation finishes um still five percent or less what really we just didn't update yet huh we'll see i'll just do the operation again construction five and concentrated industry five full of nanjing about to happen nope they reinforced and there it goes nanjing is ours which means i need to relocate my spies oh we should have done that earlier are you guys doing not too good actually let's make our field marshall a logistics wizard this war might have been a waste of time we could be halfway to berlin by now ah whatever let's do a colonial association policy it's not going to do much for us because we are really saying cooperation government but it will do a bit best guns complete let's also add a recon unit and produce the best guns are we doing on logistics well enough how to switch production around a bit because just go cautious well they are serving as a distraction so that's something kind of disappointed with the fact that it didn't affect their surrender threshold maybe the second operation will more raids it rates and decreased stability for a little while but then increases gradually and the net outcome is positive porto brazilian china oh i have a new agent available don't i no i don't oh i just can recruit one that's fine maybe let's get a german one as well we'll be able to pick the best ones with that colonial assimilation policy done we could get even more non-command power we have more core population than non-core population we don't need these not with brazil agent captured let's try and save her but if it doesn't work out well such is life right operations in progress the rescue and the collaboration government operative rescued successfully let's see if that collaboration government changes anything right now the surrender threshold is five percent operation is complete and now their surrender threshold is also five percent well damn it okay and i forgot to re-initialize the cipher breaking well we're close to victory anyway i just uh thought operations would actually work let's get the land adoption bonuses oh japan got free stuff from france nice moving to secure the philippines which marks the end of our alliance well not immediately but we are not going to get involved against the united states right now yeah and soviets and the germans are fighting which is the perfect moment to kill the germans or the soviets i could start another one of these but we'll wait a bit until the stuff war games focus is complete japan affects and the philippines which means japan and the united states are at war no i'm not joining that one the united states are strong but they are first and foremost very annoying with their naval invasions i'll just go aggressive on everyone to finish this quickly let's try it some of you go here nope going aggressive might have been a mistake balanced zhang ji click capitulates brilliant stuff war games complete let's do the latin america focus in case we want a quick war goal against the communists advanced firebases some manual orders well one manual order 37 participation sufficient come on finish this fall of manila not a problem and japan attacks the allies which is pretty stupid of them is this the end of china 8 victory points and we're about to take one which is probably not going to be enough but maybe is it enough it is not enough there are some victory points here as well you take them while you guys try for their current capital how did my agents get relocated of course they did now that it really matters anymore is that who is it tibetan empire how did that happen weird concentrated industry five complete and china capitalized right lots of stuff to do the japanese have puppeted xin kang and yunnan i could feed those territories directly to my subject that is not the best choice for us the best choice for us is to puppet some of them or more specifically china or possibly communist china just so the japanese cannot do it let's pop up them with a coastal province doing two puppet communists china probably not although it is the only advantage to puppeting communist china rather than just giving all this territory to my subject is that the manpower would be actually ours and not belonging to a collaboration government but it doesn't really make a difference if you are dealing with such huge amounts of manpower there's no reason to puppet communist china or jiangxi click or anyone else we're going to end the turn they've taken you based on that's okay now our subject china has this territory on the cheap for example this province here jang there 20 61 49 and our already existing corporation government has it more expensive what we're going to do is take our puppet china and feed it territory or specifically the territory that the japanese would otherwise want to take the coastal territories japanese will still take some stuff it's fine right and turn and if puppeted the jiangxi click which in itself is not that big of a deal because we can just defeat their territory to our puppet as past once they've cut us off here but it's again not a problem that'll do it for this round now we can safely pass a few times because japan oh my mistake japan has no interest in this territory but tibet has joined the war and they do have interest in this territory well good to know let's cut them off immediately i have tons of convoys i'll be able to annex china almost immediately and uh done no it's a puppet not a collaboration government we already have a collaboration government and once we enact china it should go to that collaboration government how much manpower do you have just three million yeah communist china is better for it but uh don't really want to deal with two puppets and we'll get all that manpower anyway once they are a collaboration government which they will be soonish let's give them then these convoys need to reduce their independence by 500 points that's gonna be 800 convoys once there you go now we're in a faction with japan japan might attack china once we exit the faction also japan has given us military access you know what that means here we go we'll need to buy some more units as well let's go to a full army group well actually i don't want you to travel all the way we will deploy chinese units over in shanghai yeah even more infantry equipment it seems so there are two ways we can deal with japan now of course i'm going to do all the 66 on them because i just hate doing naval invasions of japan that's pretty much the only reason um we could but i don't want to do it normally so what do we do well first we station our troops in their territory obviously but then we either exit their faction and wait for them to attack china which they should have a war goal on still do they they might not no actually they don't well they might attack us normally or we justify on cm and ataxiam once cm joins the japanese faction we'll observe them and see when they start inviting siam so that we can time stuff i don't need that much motorized equipment communist threat do you want a persistent walker on the soviet union well why not let's get one soviet union is holding against the germans if we enter the war on the german side they won't be able to survive not sure we want to enter the war on the german side we will have war goals on both of them so we'll be able to choose actually let's get even more troops and we can lower chinese independence let's do that but i don't have enough convoys to send to them not just build stuff in their territory that's good as well we'll build military factories until we annex china and the last doctrine maybe it's time to work on excavation a bit there really isn't anything else i need here yes i can just do stuff like infrastructure so the points are not wasted raids more raids let's build some spy networks in germany and in the soviet union some more troops for japan but i think i'm gonna need to promote you to a field marshal the infantry expert trait is a bit of a waste in that case but oh well or you both are good let's see how many traits i could give you if you were a field martial three that's a decent amount of traits offensive charismatic and a logistics wizard i think we'll need to hire some generals quite a lot of generals indeed and let's promote this guy as well shock and awe complete doctrines are done ah japan's doing alliance with siam okay i think i need to act now also i was a bit late on that not a problem let's justify on cm and before they finish the alliance with siam we leave their faction we have station troops in their territory but we do have military access so it's not going to be a problem now order 66 still works if you have military access now when they complete alliance with sam that will cancel our justification i don't actually need to go after japan but if i can get some more chinese territory that would be great let's leave the faction our troops will stay here because they are granted military access all right some of those were expeditionary forces so they'll be going home that's fine now it's possible that the japanese will just attack me because they want china they always want china but it is not likely speaking of china we should be annexing them relatively soon i will steal the manpower they have not because i have to it's just for convenience because once we enact them they should immediately go to our collaboration government and thus will have access to that manpower anyway but if it counts as our manpower it can be more convenient sometimes i don't want to give you these ores no no i should have made more maybe i do have enough engines let's start trading units and you should be working as a general now even though you're a field marshal putting your field marshals as generals is actually a very good way to train them quickly oops i got more generals than i need to well that's fine you guys there's one unit you're going home just in case some funny business happens well no funny business should happen well just in case british malay capitulates so they did the focus let's see i'm refused the alliance that would ruin my plans that would seriously ruin my plans if see i'm refused i i'm not sure i've seen that ever happen you'll see i'm refusing oh i seem to have lost my spy i ride because i'm no longer the spymaster i can't rescue the captured operative i have to sacrifice him as there is not enough network strength we could work on the collaboration government in germany but that can wait first i need to know what's happening in japan oh i miss an opportunity i could have attacked tibet instead no they are a protectorate so it doesn't matter a protectorate of manchuko who's a protectorate of japan weird stuff it is interesting if siam does not decide to join japan and it seems like they have decided to not join japan our whole campaign against japan is pointless because we won't be able to attack them properly well i could if i had a navy but i don't like using the navy so i don't have a navy i think i will have to change plans should we kill the germans or should we kill the soviets they're doing strategic bomber effort so they did the focus and siam refused all right you know what i'm gonna change my plans completely then we'll just invade the soviet union instead we'll always return to japan if we so choose they are still giving us military access let's get our guys oh that's going to be a big transportation effort isn't it they're all in china let's get our guys and send them home in a few months you will arrive it's really going to take forever isn't it we don't even have enough convoys yeah well we will wait in the meantime let's take our spies from japan and send them to the soviet union perhaps i can still rescue that operative good on you siem you have saved yourself by not agreeing to the japanese proposition we can now annex china but i first i need to move all these troops home so that i can steal a few million of their manpower now once again i will have access to that manpower later rather means but it's just more convenient to have it as my manpower it's not really stealing it's just moving it from one manpower pool i can use to another manpower pool i can use let's rescue our operative our troops have arrived okay let's use that chinese manpower need to make a colonial template of china just choose some big infantry template this one's big copy edit and a lot of inventory to it i do have a lot of army experience so it's not a problem save infantry template to 10. that's fine switch all units to it okay let's see china and their manpower six million four million went into almost all six million went to thai units good that's good enough next china china has been annexed all of these units now are using our manpower let's switch them back to our regular units what's next well this belongs to united kingdom of portugal and brazil however we already have a chinese collaboration government um let's just let the game run for a moment they can do let's have a look here but there is always china 75 compliance so i guess i could wait for this to automatically create a new collaboration government i thought i'd be able to gift the territory to my already existing collaboration government strange i thought i would have the option to return a territory to them unfortunately i do not well that's not really a big deal because they are at 75 percent compliance already so just five percent and that will happen on its own i wonder if they will be the same country or separate countries doesn't really matter i guess all right let's see do we want to be using this template i think we do so let's take this entire army get ready to attack the soviet union actually we don't need to get ready we can just attack them the fact that we have spies there makes it even better so declare war on the soviet union just like that puppet focus don't call subjects and now the access will give me military access we can use later don't have to hungry bulgaria and romania perfect now i don't even need to join the access but i can and i probably should first though let's send our troops to the front lines then at least from the soviets yes please oh i need more support equipment way more let's do 40 factories this should do it access yes we accept the invitation to the faction now follow the resources let's terminate our trade and redo it first off spain of course and then germany and then united states okay go since these guys are just on reserves right now i'm going to switch them to a smaller template there's that huge one this one so that they don't hog all the equipment what is that request german support garrison support no you're not getting anything from me rescuing operative once that's done we're going to do collaboration governments let's prepare a collaboration government in the soviet union we don't have a soviet spy oh but we could have one we could become spymaster let's become spymaster and let's recruit a russian spy anyway we can start preparing it already even if the guys we're going to use are not here yet i put my guys on aggressive not sure if it is the best choice but we do want to push the front lines a bit and we do have the manpower and we do have the equipment to do so for okay if good new operative a russian one please unless we can get someone very good no we can't so a russian one please collaboration government launched how are you guys doing not so great actually i mean we're pushing them back but we're expecting more perhaps i should relocate them concentrate them in one part of the front line we decided to relocate all my troops north so that we can focus on one part of the front lines this way the germans will do more down south and we'll do more up north oh look at that italy has taken over ireland good job italy of pearl harbor i'm continuing this not to conquer the soviet union and conquer germany because you've seen that a thousand times and i think at this point we all know who to do it i'm not really continuing this to you know conquer the soviet union then turn against germany we've done that a lot of times i'm more interested in exploring the possibilities and the mechanics of the game in that case i want to see if when china gets to 80 compliance and we get the collaboration government thingy if it will be a different cooperation government or if it will merge with the one we have in macau and while we wait i might as well conquer the soviets the minion of india has capitulated japan is doing exceptionally well perhaps i should have stayed in the faction and use them against the swords i mean it's fine we're gonna win just uh it's taking a while oh and we're almost done with the collaboration government first stage of that 78 compliance on china almost there this shows that once i have secured on this territory from the japanese i should have given it to my subject rather than take it myself well now we know sunday threshold is 20 or less let's see how that is affected by our operations fall of moscow moscow has fallen so we had to relocate our agents to stalingrad and we're preparing another operation agent captured i need her for the operation but we could exchange her for someone else and also rescue but that's less important and the surrender threshold is still twenty percent will make it better i think united kingdom declared war on iceland for some reason and to relocate our guys down south the germans can handle the north for a moment for rome united states good job in italy and we are nearing stalingrad also our operatives are on uh operations two of them to be exact the petition lasts for so long italy is taken care of and they haven't capitulated yet while they are about to south africa capitulates well italy has moved to africa it's more territory stalingrad about to be taken and we have built the cipher of the soviets activate and let's go aggressive oh we're already aggressive and stalingrad is ours no actually it's romanians that's good enough where's your capital now down here built by a network innovative iceland capitulated saturday i wonder if the germans will be able to push the allies back once the soviet union is defeated i wonder if i'll manage to finish the operation before the soviets surrender i do think so it's just 55 days left and six percent of victory points are to be taken full of new south wales japan definitely doing quite well two days until the operation finishes they might surrender immediately and they have not surrendered immediately just have to be patient for a little while longer in the meantime let's check up on china that'll be here occupied territories 81 compliance okay i'm disappointed i can't give this territory to my collaboration government from macau also in addition to that we have enough compliance to create a new corporation government however we already have a collaboration government i mean it makes sense that i can't have two of them however i should have the option to give that territory to them i think pity like oh i can return territory to portugal brazilian spain should probably do that bloom yeah it's on they're close to following their own uh governments but doesn't really matter it's fine but unfortunately i cannot do that for china might be an omission no we can fix this but for that i need to annex porter brazilian china and re-release it let's send them some convoys oh and sorry that's going to virtualize it in the meantime uh good yay wonderful puppet focus they do that actually that makes perfect sense populating the soviet union making it the power through the focus doesn't make the puppeting any cheaper but we have so much watercolor that we don't really have to worry about that let's end the turn but the germans take some stuff and now we give territory to our puppet to cut the germans off all the coasts and all the territory that is directly adjacent to the germans we will have to give up some okay and turn them yeah could have cut them off here no doesn't that really matter we take these and now the germans can't really take anything or perhaps this one the rest is all ours and we don't need to give it to a puppet pass a few times what did i miss a thing here might have fortunately it doesn't work from here for some reason and it hasn't worked for a very long time we take this so that we can work on compliance there while annexing the puppet and we did create the puppet but that we could take more in the peace conference you know from the germans rather take it from the soviets but also prevent the germans from taking it from the soviets and stan beautiful now this would be a perfect moment to turn against the germans but i don't really want to do that what i want to do is fix the chinese situation so i need to give convoys to our collaboration government in macau it will take a moment for them to get it i guess i could also build stuff for them in the meantime it will make it slightly faster perhaps i'll have their autonomy reduced by just building before they even get the convoys there we go we can annex our collaboration government for china now we should be able to re-release a collaboration government for china will happen on its own or do i need to do it manually i can do it manually create a collaboration government in china there we go they have our blessing and now they have all this territory perfect no they don't they don't have all this territory let me click something once again china i did not create a puppet here let's see i have created a puppet that didn't get any territory alright we have found a bug i think someone please report it the possible link to this video um yeah this should have created a new collaboration government encompassing all this territory but it did not weird okay it's fine we still get most of the factories anyway and a lot of manpower so i'm going to end it here we have become the most powerful nation in the world we could easily take out the germans now and the eyes but we don't want to so how would i continue this if i would continue this first we would annex russia and also steal their manpower while doing so just in case then our collaboration he'll grow we will just release the collaboration government as always and in the meantime we would go against the germans we could do all the 66 but it doesn't seem necessary we could just kill them normally and well then we either just sit back and enjoy the large chunks of the world we have acquired or we can attack the allies all right there's also japan in the meantime still have military access could do stuff to them we would have to decide if we want to try and order 66 them somehow or perhaps just lead naval invasions we have a lot of dog cars and we can master a large fleet very quickly if we so choose just park the fleet here do naval invasions japan's dead biggest problem would be the united states we would have to have a large naval force to deal with them or attack from brazil but getting through here can be very problematic so that's about it there's another thing we could do we could just join the allies while fighting the germans and the united states couldn't attack us so we could attack all the countries in south america that we have war goes on and we do have them on each of those countries that we border and that is fascist or communist so that will be venezuela actually i can check it like this paraguay venezuela peru japan italy germany six vocals three of them down here okay that is it for today thank you for watching we're going to end the video here and for next time i'm thinking something in south america maybe let me know what you think also remember this video had a sponsor please do check them out and that's it for today i will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 163,274
Rating: 4.9252577 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 portugal, hoi4 defeat germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 portugal world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman portugal, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good portugal, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 portuguese world, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 la resistance
Id: WjAHbyD3ULo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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