300 Factories Instantly? EASY!

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or seven five five to six five six to boom there we go 610 military factories hey I'm feedback gaming and if you've you been asking for hearts of iron for content well hits back here it is and today for a change we're gonna break the game do you want to know one of the mechanics and house of mine for there just is a little bit of a pain you know a mechanic that probably shouldn't be in the game and mechanic the guess in the way of your enjoyment construction you want to build factories instantly then you have found the right video now you can do this as UK and you can also do this as USA but with the UK you can do it a lot sooner so UK it is did I say we're gonna do something different in this game yeah that's right a change of course is needed now this is an important question I need you guys to give me feedback feedback wants feedback I need you to tell me in future do I make my videos tutorial style but I show you the clicks and the main choices I make in the game or would you just push prefer me to just make a video where I demonstrate an exploit or something cool in the game let me know in the comments below right now if you're new to hearts of mine before the first thing you should always do when you start a brand new game is deal with these notifications across the top best of all research we are going to go for basic machine tools instruction mechanical computing and superior firepower with the civilian factories we are going to build loads of civilian factories in the south of the UK all the areas to need civvies the areas that have the highest infrastructure perfect we've got free military fighters we can assign so we can go for more guns and artillery and also go for a few planes as well I like close air support let's make just a few of those don't care too much about the tank perfect and we're also going to build new combos as well as the bomb and when these ships can play and the naval dockyard become free they'll get assigned to the convoys once all the previous ships are completed and off we go now we can activate some decisions here which cuts down the amount of local power we get per day and the result about is more democracy from the raj of Malaya but we're not gonna do that either right click goodbye we've just completely change of course and now we're going to her industry on this side limited rearmament also there's a Navy in the Air Force so Navy wise you go f-22 bring up all the Navy hold shift and left-click all your task forces right-click them on the reserve and to take loads them up and select them all by clicking here and pressing G to merge and they will all merge on one spot Air Force wise I just like press f3 and just like the fuel and ones try not to click the the ones on the carriers put them off arm all around the world not view and then move them to London once they're all in London you select them on press G and merge up all the air wings beautiful next we go for the shadow scheme which gives us access to a few military factories once we do declare war we got the option to go for partial mobilization so do that as soon as you can and also we are gonna go for a little trick where we go for two industries oh yeah what's that we're gonna go for disperse weight and now concentrating a change of mind oh no we've got both now oh how did that happen I made a video on this you want to know how I do this check out the video all right next up we can go for industrial effort but we're gonna hang on for that one because I like to get in dispersed in a concentrated industry 3 so we're gonna go revise colonial policy hey it's trivia time what day is described as a date which will live in infamy what date is one that will be described to live in infamy if you know comment below work on the next doctrine delay like so we're gonna go for construction which we've got a 50% boost for I'm partially almost completely as well due to the colonial trade basis with all the Commonwealth countries it's gonna go up a silent workhorse and construction - alright I'm gonna go back to industrial effort I want to get the level 3 the tier 3 boosts the industry right concentrated - and dispersed - Wow the little on taunts hello I'm playing with historical turned on and this must be the outcome of the UK got a different direction France goes a different direction because we've done a change in course we're weakly gaining war support now we're over 25 percent we go for partial mobilization just considerable at earlier than the UK would normally have to do that we'll start looking on artillery we'll start working on fighters and we'll all start working on air doctrines as well military theorist is next now we can go for concentrate and dispersed three wall tension is spiked after the Spanish Civil War so we have a very tiny window right now because it is 10 World tension to go for general rearm and so we should do that because that is the first focus that locks all of these behind it we just need this first one to break through we've got a little bit excess fuel right now so we use that to exercise our planes assign all the spare wings as well so we get every plane in the air that gives us a year's worth of fuel to exercise which would be enough to get them to level 3 who execute what I'm about to do we need the armaments organizer which I'll explain a little later let's work on interwar artillery and we'll upgrade our planes from interwar to fire ones we're gonna graph the concessions of the trade unions now we're also go for worker conditions will move the Dominions towards independence now right we've got concentrated three and disperse three so we can start working on let's say guns all right now we've unlocked the trade union events we have the options we either give into the trade unions which has penalties in this case of factory output but we gain more communism so yes but we can also get things back from the trade union by going for these events now can I can only give in to the trade unions once every 30 days in a result of fine-toothed percent more communism so I've got an option really I can either go for this and take the penalties or I can say to the trade unions give me something back you get bonuses so you're kind of playing a balancing out you want more communism you've gotta mitigate some of the penalties you get for instance for giving in to the trade unions it's a balancing act alright foundations of the Indian states go getting a lot of pull it apart from decolonizing the Empire but then you use that political power to make requests from the Trade Union once again we're gonna give in to the trade unions also go for the next tank as well all of our construction projects now have finish let's have a look at one of us ships my favorite strategy to do is to pump out loads of submarines and I think that's what we are gonna do yeah we'll do that we'll go for this submarine and we'll just pump out as many as we can yet I'll do just two when it enacts mandatory Union days on the left the focus tree there is one of the focus I'd like to go for and that's Fighter Command that way we can rush for the spy for the fire three amend the legislation unlocks new trade events these events are pretty toxic it so much red the only one of these bonuses that really stick out for me the military factories nice batch output is nice dark out output I guess is nice the construction 15% that's quite a kill I guess and like great was okay this one though is spicy extra warp support of 180 days every opportunity I get I want to go for this one but this strategy to work I need as much more support as possible alright we're going for basic guns working on our doctrines working on more construction more computer machine and also working on air doctrine so I can either go for this one and it releases Bangladesh and Pakistan or I go for just independence which makes a unified India for everything there's no bonus of this though in fact this leaves us at a loss because we lose relations with Raj now we'll go for this one Ward's Indian independence we've got the bonuses now for fires so we'll go for them and we also have submarine but we can get this as quickly as possible we're gonna go for encryption and decryption now as well next up is withdraw from contested territories whoa and it has begun and is a big French Alliance but I have a feeling that the Germans are probably still going to win open we've got Croatia as well self-governance in the Mediterranean this releases Malta and Cyprus you don't see this very often but Yemen and Oman have the exact same color you never notice that did you until they were actually touching we've got a few research boosts here for excavation and before I lose my Commonwealth nations I want to take advantage of these bonuses I'm going to go for the excavations next up is Pass factory safety regulation and we're also going to go for some more war propaganda except itself governs Faiza and then Africa we're also going to work on radar - this will make the most of the fire planes that we do have you just live is gone Czechoslovakia is gone Poland's about to rip remaining is about to rip maybe France soon next up we have a limit conscription changes to volunteer only already on volunteer only okay we've done all the main trade union events now all we need to down is hold a referendum but we can't do that as we currently are party 9.75% Wow right the final one is decolonization it's to build a communism PP men power all the Commonwealth nations breakaway what Australia has a 75% chance of leaving the allies and so does Indians but 50% chance for Jordan interesting oh my goodness check this out not only is this really messy look at all these new countries Wow but also check this out manage subjects which ever there's a scroll wheel here isn't there holy moly polish Romanian Alliance neither country which even exists and France is about to rip as well we're going to see a very meaty access in just a moment and there we go we are fully decolonized amount subjects we have right now zero let us flip and hold as the referendum oh we still got the trade union events well that's kind of cool and I think they've all left I know Egypt of no Jamaica's left up now they're all leaving never mind one by one they lose faith in us I choose to go their own way and I think I think we're the only one left yes there is no one else in the Allies so we are the sole member of the Allies Wow when our new prime minister is your prime minister our new comrade is a Stalinist extra factory output nice we also go for a suffragette advisor that gives extra work rural population don't need it you can also go for war economy two more civvies you say yes in fact just fill the UK with civvies please but now we've finished decolonization we can continue down the Communists focus Pass so we can the fate of the royal family oh boy oh boy here we go meanwhile in France remember right now they're currently not war with anyone but this is a unified Germany and Italy axis currently a war with no one one I'd like to send some ad volunteers to help out China so what I'll do is pump out 30 divisions will make a single battalion division which we always do make the one of those pump amount and then we can send volunteers to China oh dear what should we do the royal family exile them to Canada and have them tried and sentenced oh no I've lost a lot stabile announced a scope of working conditions eliminate the upper-class removes field marshals generals and admirals eliminate the upper-class it meanwhile in other news India has declared war on Pakistan really paradox I try and make a peaceful world and this is what you do hmm now that we have secured the place of communism in our nation we can begin to look forward to redistribute in the world held by the citizens it's red foxes turn we gain a ton of factories we lose basically all I good generals now we're gonna make a very unusual second front against the Germans when they try to attack the Soviets right seventy two divisions just deployed off them twice got all the ideal divisions we want now can we convert all of these now to the template that we desire we're gonna need a hundred and twenty thousand guns to do this Wow no you have to do that and do that and also now think about it we could also go for the 10% cheap of guns as well by going for BSA company it has begun Germans have declared on the Soviets okay I'm gonna let them get a little bit into Soviet territory and then I'll start working my magic begin with we will say we'll go to war we'll agree we'll go to war and we can now execute the plan total mobilization so told mobilization it allows me to convert civilian to military factories have minus 30 percent the cost armaments organizer allows me to convert the millions to militaries minus 20 percent the cast now wartime industry national spirit allows me to convert - 50% add those up guys now watch this instant construction in a single day we have just converted ten civilian factories to militaries in sane let's make a few adjustments as well as go limited exports oh the United States was like to send us guns we have a mutual friend now I love man the guns Navy but sometimes it's also a bit of a chore so let's hit the magic button let's de dispute those babies at this point I'm gonna talk more in depth about the man the guns mechanics for Navy now I made a dedicated two part series talking about in depth about the new mechanics they added to man the guns you don't understand what's happening right now man I want to try that video out now to one of the main routes I want to defend is our oil of again from the Soviet Union and you can see the route efficients five percent reason why is we've not got enough escorts so it's gonna be better off if we get oil from the United States ok that's good he says right now the efficiency is 99 percent why cuz there's no supply going through here anyway so let's just Hill you guys I'm gonna move you guys here now there's kind of two methods of getting rid of submarines there are only subs here at the moment but I know that the German ones will arrive fairly soon what I'm gonna do is put my spotters here and then send out a strike force I don't think the strafe also will need to go very far it's more than likely these light cruisers will take out the subs anyway but we'll do it any you go here and then they're spotting in the Western Approaches now we're receiving a lot of oil only a small amounts get intercepted so what we've barely bear off doing is making our own oil so we'll go for synthetics a common turn has become the new allies and Denmark and Norway have joined and right this rubber route to Malaysia is only five percent efficiency five percent is so low we might as well just cancel the route completely don't have enough spotting chance at sea with our ships we're having a really fine job of taking them out by bombing them there you go planes are strong fuel refining gives more output for refineries so we'll go for that do we still have access to these trade union concessions and they gain extra stability so let's do all of them we've got so much political power and we've just boosted the stability by an extra 30 percent so definitely worth it okay we've got the option to boost transport models as well prepare for a second front what I could do is research this now and then get the boost for the third one yeah I'll do that right now since we've got so much access civilian production what I'm gonna do is ask for all the oil or most of it not all of it that's a lot of oil and fill up our silos for the fuel we fill up in 30 days and we've got a lot of silos because we've built so many let's start building those synthetics let's not be shy about it either all right let's prepare a second front a very broad d-day all right we have to promote someone because we paged our our field marshals he's gonna be the guy and we're gonna go for unwielding defend defensive doctrine organization first the best defensive Field Marshal the only thing we're missing right now is guns 26,000 we will replenish in 71 days but there's one way we can do that a lot quicker and that's with instant inversion here here here watch this boom done now able to complete in 57 days when that predicts some pictures he gets up he'll probably quicker than that right it's time to unleash these submarines what we're gonna do is split these boys are and then we're gonna put them on super a convoy reading hundred percent efficiency and immediately we're in German convoys nice official subs are still very very very strong 17:29 dayum oh my goodness this is insane way in so many convoys they're gonna having a really hard time with Robert and oil now probably tungsten as well we're hitting them everywhere oh damn all this area we control now with convoy rating that's insane meanwhile on the Eastern Front the Soviets are struggling but soon they're gonna be relieved the dawn of the North American Coalition Philippines Unites States and Republic of Malaya have all created a faction and joined the Philippines by the way is in North America the more you know Bonnie let's go generals we could wait for advanced learning crap where there's no point well might as well just launch our little trip now whoa and we should have an engagement here I need to get air support let's see how this pans out doesn't look too good that's classed as a defeat oh yeah that was definitely a defeat they still got a lot more ships than us Wow the combat over the English Channel is insane once again all I care about is with shooting down more of their planes than their shooting of ours so I'm happy about that this is probably down to the better aircraft is probably down to the max out radar as well with more conversions you say I love to share this watch this watch this you ready ah one day again one day for everything nice gonna focus on artillery now so therefore we can have some divisions that have a little bit more bite to them with soft attack that's max L our spiteful max guns oh now we need way more xp for that 300 that'll do Jeremy now has 65 277 convoys so we've whittled down their numbers massively Hayley's still doing okay though so I've been chewing the English Channel now with their bowels trying to work down the numbers of the German planes so when we do land we could have full air superiority all right time to do some more conversions gotta be very careful cuz I can't convert all of them I do I'm gonna be exposed cuz I'll not have any civilian production to do repairs and what no the Germans have taken Stalingrad and the Baku all fields but then it kind of slowed down they've not made any offenses in a while I wonder if the lack of air support her in them or maybe they've said a lot of their production over to the West to try and slow me down have a look at how the air battles going looks like it's going well the ratios are much more in my favor now look at that 42 926 2a 52 2a oh wow 55 I just spotted there at this point the Germans are stupid to keep their planes because we're shooting them down so easily all right I've got to be careful now Soviet sub you know they've lost Moscow lost Leningrad so this point I need to do something to relieve them on the Western Front otherwise they're gonna crumble so it is time to execute the plan just like this entirety of this naval group and put them on naval invasion support here and everyone else is gonna go here we go oh my God look at this what is this that's beautiful well that is a beautiful line on the coast that we hold now need to do a front line order as well in this case we can solo this individually cancel the front lines and then drew a field marshal front line and go here perfect it's like we might lose a few divisions here I'm gonna go aggressive and go-go-go and it's important that we max out all the infrastructure here and that way we can get the most ooh that supply though is so bad ours is what's slowing me down probably AI is very reluctant to move forward too right we've got a decent front line now ideally not the best supply but we're holding up and I say that and we've just got pushed back so what we need is organizer to get logistics wizard and also we need logistics desperately okay time for artillery clearly these divisions were just infantry aren't holding house hope you touched hold lots of defensive lines with just infantry but that isn't gonna work and we need the motorized in the artillery so let's do that doesn't little a we can hold air we've fought for so long though the only thing that's kept us holding is the air superiority we're gonna have to abandon this now though it makes me so sad but we'll find into the frontline somewhere else let's go here and let's get out of here let's try again hopefully this time there's a little bit more supply right so now I need to allow access in English Channel and that should give us supply here all loads are supply to send over all the divisions and then we'll start doing some damage this is kind of worked AS kind of bugged out in the center though do I just want to bail out of here I'll wait I have no supply I think we've got a front now that is reasonable and the Soviets aren't doing too well so I think there's any time to do a push it would be right about in yon after the capitulation of the Soviet Union we're now the lead of the Comintern oh boy the Japanese have now declared war on the Germans as new and also pretty good for us because that means there's another Eastern Front 2,000 years later all right let's never speak of this campaign ever again all right please this game was painful and those naval invasions were incredibly incredibly painful okay now we as much Lund as we can beautiful and now there's only one thing left to do and that is to convert everything the military factories everything all right it's also clicker time and there we go we have now convert them all now we do them n masse well now let as mass convert we currently have 332 let's go boom four seven five five to six five six to boom there we go 610 military factories and I think that means we've got more military factories than anyone yes we do now we have a lot of support women and close air support and fighters oh my god we've got way too many factories this is so many military factories there aren't enough resources in the world to kind of keep up with the production of this it's pretty stupid so this is the big question is this a glitch or is this a game mechanic because this isn't break the game and make it ridiculously opie I'm gonna lead towards this just being a normal game mechanic you can do this with the UK and you can also do with this USA because they have a 50% boost for converting to sibs to military factories as well so yeah it's really strong it's a really easy way of tap into military factories but you can losing those saves as well and there's a lot of things you could do to set up the processor can instantly convert so either way if you've gone this far congratulations I hope you enjoyed this little campaign don't forget to Like don't forget to subscribe and don't forget if you don't ring the bell your subscription means absolutely completely I hope you have a good day and I'll see you next time goodbye as always a massive shout out to the patreon but as little as five dollars a month to get access to the feedback Achaia on the early access check on my discord we could talk to other feedback about upcoming content and get access to my videos before everyone else the link is in the description below [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 260,442
Rating: 4.8705249 out of 5
Keywords: break the game, feedbackgaming, hearts of iron 4 funny, hoi4 man the guns, can you beat, everything is broken, funny moments, game exploit, game glitches, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploits, broken, hoi4 funny, man the guns, man the guns tutorial, uk hoi4, hoi4, hoi4 achievement, steam summer sale, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, summer sale quests, steam summer sale guide, how to steam summer sale, funny montage, perfectly balanced game, funny moments montage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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