Hoi4 Infantry Template Guide!

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so today this is going to be my infantry templates guide video for you guys this is essentially the follow-up to the previous video i released where i was just explaining a little bit more about template design some factors that go into it and just general information and tips for template design itself so anyways this is more of a focused video where i'm just going to be sharing with you a few of the different templates that i've used in my games and ones that i consider to be some of the best for what we're doing now of course this is still always going to be my personal opinion and one thing that i would like you guys to do is obviously just leave your own template designs in the comments section if there's something that you like using and you think works very well for a certain country or a play style or whatever it may be certainly just leave a comment down below i'm always trying to respond to what you guys message me and in that case i can at least like the comment and reply to it and hopefully drive a little bit more traffic towards it and that way other players who are watching this video are going to have some more options when it comes to template design itself because at the end of the day we're all trying to help each other and learn from our mistakes as well as just provide a little bit more information for newer players so anyways let's get right into the video alrighty so now that we're in the game here first things first i just want to quickly cover the fact that i've already done some research it is the very start of the game but i used console commands just to get some of the research out of the way that i would need to show these templates um outside of it though so i just did anti-tank i did all the support companies and then i just had the reinforcement in the radio just so i could actually get the signal company but outside of that i haven't done any of the other research just because i didn't want to alter the statistics on the template designs themselves and that way you just get the truest representation of what everything does now one other thing i'm going to quickly go through all of the templates that i've designed here but these are only going to be the infantry templates today i am going to make a separate video on tank design and any other motorized designs in a separate video the other thing i'm doing and i want to include this at the start if you check the description on this video i've already created a google spreadsheet where you can actually look at all the data sets on all of these so i have basically a big table where you can look at all the soft attack and heart attack and all these stats compared to each other so that way you guys get the truest representation of what each template is actually doing and i am going to go through that today as well just briefly so that way you can get a sense of it but the link will be in the description so make sure you check that and you can get a better understanding of what everything is doing so anyways first things first here the first template that i'm showing is the standard 7-2 now the support companies are going to be all the same i think at the end of the day that's something you guys have to decide for yourself what you want but this is what i use on all of my templates for the most part as a general rule of thumb and the reason for that is because i think they just provide the most benefit for what you get out of it signal company providing initiative so any frontline troops you should always have that on just because it makes them get into combat faster logistics reducing your supply loss usage is always great it makes no sense not to be using this on a frontline troop and then support artillery for infantry units or just about anything else even if it's a tank division you can get a bit of extra soft attack to do higher damage values to infantry plus it's relatively cheap at only what is it 12 artillery per one yeah 12 artillery so very cheap again and then engineers same thing they provide defensive values they provide entrenchment so as your line gets stretched out thinner and thinner with less divisions you'll be able to hold on to territory a little bit easier and make sure that you're not losing all of your gains during combat so um i didn't include everything and i think at the end of the day you guys have to kind of decide that for yourself and i already covered it in the last video so i don't want to focus on that too much today so anyways first one here is the 7-2 infantry template obviously a 20 combat width this is one of the best infantry templates that you can design when you're expecting to go up against other infantry units because it has the highest soft attack value for a 20 combat width i don't believe there's any other template that will beat it sure some of these other statistics will be higher or lower depending on what you're doing but when it comes to pure soft attack this is the best unit overall and it's why you see it so often in hearts of iron 4 and why most people are using a seven two it's because the soft attack is the highest when you design your template this way um so that's the first template that we're gonna be showing here today pretty straightforward relatively cheap and most countries can actually make a seven 7-2 in this game so you shouldn't really have any issues with that one there now of course the next step off from that obviously is going to be a 14-4 if you look at it again the soft attack is just wicked high sure there's still going to be other statistics that are going to change and be impacted which i'll be showing in the google spreadsheet but this is the next step up as you get into the later stages of the game let's say you're in a 1939 and you've got a bunch of seven twos by probably 1940 beginning of 1941 is when you would want to try and switch over to a 14-4 because these just provide wicked high soft attack you're going to come up with nothing in single player at least that's going to match this value defense is super high breakthrough is humongous your piercing values don't change and that's one thing you do have to pay attention to if you just produce a crapload of these and you never have anything with piercing and you're facing a lot of armor or motorized or anything like that with armor you can run into some issues there so you got to keep an eye on it but again this is one of the better infantry templates to have in the game just because it provides such a high amount of soft attack and if i'm not mistaken again there's nothing that will actually beat this in terms of pure soft attack which is again what you want out of an infantry unit um if you're fighting something with high heart attack and you have soft attack it's not really going to do anything but when you face another unit with really high soft attack values or in this case it's only soft attack that they're focused on they don't have any hardness you want to have the higher soft attack value that's what's going to make the difference between you winning or losing combat not really any of these other stats as much although they do still play a part soft attack is really what is going to drive these units and make them the best so that's why 14 4 is the next step up from a 7-2 and it's something that i use those are probably my two most common divisions obviously because they provide such a high soft attack um and you'll pretty much see me use them in almost all of my guide videos just because of that reason they're just so good overall and then the next one here we've got infantry template three these are what i like to use as a defensive position or sorry what am i saying they're a defensive division because they're sort of an all-rounder um they provide higher defensive values than something like a 7 2 if you compare it there and they're overall really cheap you're not having to produce artillery which is more expensive than guns essentially they take longer to produce so if you're just throwing out a bunch of these guys they're really cheap you can throw in that support artillery and the signal to help out a little bit some engineers which are perfect for this because of the higher defensive values and that way these guys are just great for guarding ports or maybe you want to have some on a fallback line near your capital just in case someone makes a landing just really good units to have as defensive units i don't think they're very well suited for regular combat obviously because if you look at the soft attack it's about 30 points less than that 7.2 um and you're gonna see on the next one here if we compare it to the next template again it still doesn't compare to some of the other ones but because of the high hp the high defense they're very good units for defense so that's why i recommend these ones at least and again they're 20 combat width you don't have to do this one if you want to cut it down actually you can make it into a 10 combat width so just cut these infantry units in half and essentially you can then just recruit more of them and sometimes i actually like to do that just because if you have a lot of ports you don't need super strong divisions like this maybe you want to have a few of them sprinkled in here or there but at the same time you're also going to want quite a few divisions to obviously guard the ports uh that allows you to move troops around make sure that they're not all getting stuck and surrounded by a big naval invasion um and that way it's just more adaptability that it offers if you cut this number in half of course one thing to pay attention to though is you lose out a lot on that defense the hp and the soft attack so if you go that route you do need to recruit quite a lot of these divisions so just something to watch out for and be careful of when you're playing your games okay and then so the next one here this is infantry template number four so what i've done here it is an eight two although it's not an artillery unit it's a anti-tank artillery and then obviously the eight infantry so why do we use this one well the reason why it's so good is because you can see here soft attack is 95. if we compare that to something like the standard 72 which is 110 it's relatively close if we also look at the piercing value though it's 35.1 now if we compare that to a basic panzer division you can see here the armor is 9.1 so even if we bump this up suddenly to a 20 width and just throw a bunch of these light tanks in and then hit save you can see the armor is still 10.9 so whoops if we go here and just hover over having equal or greater piercing to the target's armor value allows you to do more damage so to pin down their armored forces so just by having one anti-tank into this unit combining it with artillery and having one extra infantry unit you have similar soft attack still very high heart attack you get almost identical defensive values your breakthrough is on par but your piercing is miles ahead of a standard 7.2 these are very adaptable units very good for just about any country if you're able to produce this amount of equipment they are very good units and you can build off of this and make it you know 40 with and that's what i wanted to say all of these 20 combat with units you can adapt into 40 width units there's no reason you can't do that so as you get into the later stages again you can just bump up the amount of artillery bump up the amount of anti-tank maybe make this into two or two or three on artillery and then throw in the rest infantry and again that way you're gonna be able to defeat armored units you'll still have very high soft attacks so you can defeat infantry units and your defense and hp and all the rest of it is still very comparable so that way they're just very good units overall you don't really suffer any problems really with anything that people are gonna throw against you this is actually one of my preferred templates when i pray pray when i play france um simply because the germans have armor and usually when i play france i don't so i find this way i don't really have any issues when i'm going against the germans because i can push through against their armor and they're motorized and just about anything else and then i'll use more standard 72s on something like italy the other reason is because you cut down on the amount of artillery that you're using per se yes you are splitting it between two different types um so in the end it's kind of similar but uh i think it just reduces your dependency on one thing a lot of the times if you're just building on seven twos and seven fours or sorry fourteen fours you can just end up in a position where you run out of equipment and you're suddenly scrambling to change the divisions so by doing this and breaking up the equipment that you're actually using in your templates and having different stuff available you can sometimes recruit divisions that you normally wouldn't so in this case if i was running out of artillery i might be able to recruit some more of these guys rather than just the seven twos because i'm going to use half essentially the amount of artillery you can see here it's 84 whereas on this one i use 48 so if i still have extra anti-tank or what not available that provides a little bit more breathing room and i can save some of my equipment and then just end up recruiting the better infantry template later on as i have more available so another very good unit highly recommend you guys check that one out something that i like to use in my games so the next one here these are called space marines depending on who you ask i don't really call them that they're just infantry templates but anyways uh pretty standard here but what we've done we have nine infantry and one medium tank so this is what i like to use at least some people go light tanks hard tanks mediums i just usually put a medium in and the reason we do this is because it provides really high armor values you get pretty good piercing out of it similar soft attack and heart attack your breakthrough is very high defense is very high hp is very high and at the end of the day the biggest thing that's going to help you here is that unless the enemy has some form of piercing in the division template these guys are not going to get pierced so essentially it means their defense is a lot higher than the infantry when they're on the attacks so you don't receive as much damage and because of the high breakthrough the pretty good soft attack and heart attack it allows you to defeat most units that you're ever going to come up against in the game so another very good unit and it's also very cheap if you look here where is it medium tanks 50 it's actually fairly cheap to produce 50 medium tanks is not very expensive for what you're getting out of it and you also don't really expect to lose that many of the medium tanks now sure if your entire army is made up of space marines that can lead to some problems you know you can't have endless amounts of medium tanks you can't have 20 of these divisions out in the field and expect to always have full supply if you're not producing a lot of medium tanks but because they still have that really high armor value and most other units aren't going to have a piercing to match it odds are you aren't going to lose as many medium tanks as you would under most circumstances if you compare it to something i don't know a scenario where someone has the piercing value or you have pure tanks and you're throwing them against the enemy consistently you're probably not going to lose as many but at the end of the day another very good unit some people like to use the light tanks instead you can see here this is basically the difference between them though you lose more of your armor very low and then if you compare it to something like a heavy tank i just think heavy tanks are wasted on this division to be quite frank with you simply because you're using more fuel to begin with you really don't get that much more armor out of it your piercing is lower your weight and supply use goes up heart attack is lower and soft attack is lower so really all you're getting out of it is defense which is one and three and a half armor to me that's really not worth it medium tanks are the go-to for something like this division and still just very good overall so the last one here before we just hop into the google spreadsheet just to give you guys a sense of what i've put together the last one is an anti-air artillery mixture again with the eight infantry templates or companies sorry again 20 combat width so this one very similar to the anti-tank combination but the great thing about this is it does raise your piercing value so if we just remove this just to show piercing goes up almost by about 10. so because of that so because of the piercing value being up you're probably going to be able to do more damage against armored units again as well your soft attack values are relatively high heart attack is still very comparable the big thing though is you also reduce air damage so when the enemy's throwing air against you this is a great unit to have if you're a country where you don't anticipate building an air force so something like italy can actually benefit from this because you're probably not going to really have a whole lot of tanks as italy at least in my experience when playing them so because of this if you use this one or the anti-tank combination you can have air attack values that are reduced so the enemy's air superiority and damage from close air support is going to be reduced you're going to have very good unit stats overall that allow you to do a fair bit of damage to the enemy you're going to have higher piercings so when you come up against allied tanks you're not really having to waste a whole bunch of infantry equipment trying to pierce them and get through them so it allows you to destroy them and break their lines a little bit easier and then again hp org and just about everything else is fairly comparable also it's very cheap anti-air 30 it's the cheapest one out of the list when it comes to these artillery type companies um i believe what's normal artillery something like 35 or something and then anti-tank is somewhere what was it 38 36 so it is the cheapest one overall to produce um i don't have them in production so i can't really show it but again very well-rounded unit i actually like these a lot again for france i don't usually deploy them quite as much as the other one the anti-tank and artillery units simply because you can usually depend upon your other allies to help give you air superiority as france but if you're playing something like a i don't know a monarchist route or a communist route even sometimes you will want that anti-air because that's just going to burn out the enemy's air defenses um or their air force a little bit faster for you so just another very good unit and again just to mention it you can always build up these units and make them into the 40 combat widths that's why i was showing you you essentially just double what's been shown and that way you can move them into templates that apply later on in the game the other thing too i recommend just look up how they're performing when you're fighting obviously you can click on combat and see how each unit is performing what their soft attack values are looking like because there are still adjusters that come into effect depending on where you're fighting obviously so you do need to be paying attention to that and find out what you actually like using and what you're having the most success with for each country because every country functions a little bit differently depending on the scenario and where you're actually fighting in the game so at this point i think i've been rambling enough i'm just going to hop onto that google spreadsheet real quick and show you guys what it all looks like okay so this is what the spreadsheet looks like i just have it labeled infantry templates and i am going to put the link again in the description for you guys and that way you'll be able to actually hop on this document you won't have editing privileges but you can view it and actually look at all of this now other thing i didn't throw in the hp values and defense and whatnot so i'm going to throw that in once the video is over so you can look forward to that as well but the actual templates themselves are going to be the same so they're in order um that i presented them in the video and then i put this legend on the left hand side here so you can actually tell what i'm saying so obviously two artillery 7 infantry 14 artillery 14 infantry 10 infantry one 1at1rt so it's all explained on the left-hand side here so you don't have to be too confused by what i'm actually saying so essentially you can see exactly what i was talking about the first template that 7-2 has the highest soft attack i probably should have put this 40 with at the end but you can see between all the 20 combat width units um the soft attack is the highest i did make one mistake where i didn't include enough infantry on these i put seven instead of eight so the values were wrong but i will correct that either way the soft attack is still the highest heart attack is a little bit lower obviously because we don't have those anti-tank or artillery units or anti-air defense again very comparable overall breakthrough is still fairly high piercing initiative and all that good stuff so i don't think i really need to explain this you guys can look at the values yourselves and i just want to put this in here so that way you can make your own decisions and it's a little bit easier to understand because i know how frustrating it is to be building your templates and have no idea what the other values are on the other templates because unless you make 10 duplicates and then waste all your experience trying to save them you're never really going to know you don't know because there's no way to really compare them one to one without having 50 menus open so i wanted to throw this together and hopefully it'll make it a little easier for you to compare the values of everything i might build upon this later on and actually just type out all of the template or the companies themselves and basically i'll just have one company so one infantry will have x soft attack and heart attack artillery will have x you know soft attack and heart attack and maybe that way you guys could actually you know use that information and just open up your own spreadsheet and you can go oh well if i have 12 of these infantry and i multiply it by the soft attack value that's been shown i now know how much soft attack i would get if i built a company or a division template based off of that so anyways i really hope you guys enjoyed this video it's actually been quite a bit of fun for me to make all this especially the spreadsheet i've actually been having some fun with it here so i hope this clears up a lot of the confusion that occurs when you're trying to make your own templates i know that when i started the game i had no idea what i was really doing and a lot of this has just come from experience and what other people have told me and shown me in their games so if it helped you at all please consider hitting that like button and subscribing for future content and as always if you have any feedback questions concerns anything of that nature just leave a comment down below or you can join our discord channel using the link in the description as well i always try and respond to your comments and feedback as soon as i can but it does take a little bit of time anyways again i hope you enjoyed the video i hope to see you guys on the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 79,918
Rating: 4.9296775 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 templates, hoi4 template design, hoi4 best templates, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 germany, hoi4 usa, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 france, hoi4 uk, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 guide, hoi4 template guide, hoi4 tank design, hoi4 template research, hoi4 ussr, hoi4 7-2, hoi4 14-4
Id: jN58EY2AnIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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