Hoi4 How to Naval Invade 2020 Guide

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron for video so today is you could probably see on the title I'm gonna be teaching you guys how to do some naval invasions so obviously if you're watching this you're probably struggling with it just a little bit so to obviously improve your naval invasion chances there are a few things that need to be covered so the first thing that we're gonna be going through today is some research what sort of things should you be researching for your naval invasions that includes maybe improving your Navy a little bit as well changing your templates and certain things that you'll need to research for doing that and then along with that obviously changing your templates and what sort of divisions you should be putting together for your naval invasions so we're gonna be going through all of that today I'm gonna make this as quick as possible but also inform you as best I can so that way you improve your chances and are successful the next time you try and do a naval invasion so without further ado let's get right into it so as you can probably tell it is 1939 and the reason I'm starting in 1939 is I picked that scenario I just didn't want to wait and have to spend all that time building up my Army and Navy and basically splaining things over three hours when I could simply start in 1939 and go from there so first things first we're gonna go with our research so we're gonna go through naval right here just the naval tab and if you scroll all the way down true to your transports this is the first thing that you're gonna need you have to have this otherwise you cannot do naval invasions so if you are a minor a very small country you might not have this researched if you're a landlocked country you definitely won't have this you may be maybe I shouldn't say won't I think a few countries might have it I'm not entirely certain but either way make sure you actually have this because if you don't you won't be able to so first and foremost transport ship what is it it simply allows you to do the naval invasions but more specifically the naval invasion capacity which is ten on the first one means that you can move ten divisions in one Navy invasion so the other piece of information there that you can see troop convoy requirements it simply means that it's gonna reduce the convoys that you need for your troops by 50% that's just the base amount now if you go to the second one here which is landing craft you can research this one right near the end of 1939 obviously as you can see and that bumps up your naval invasion capacity up to 40 divisions it also improves your invasion defense and again reduces your invasion preparation time so that is huge or sorry not your convoy is different from preparation times so your invasion preparation time reduction by 50% is huge because that is going to mean that if you were only taking these 10 divisions again rather than 70 days is now going to take 35 and if you have 40 divisions it's gonna take somewhere around 70 80 days to complete so you can transport a lot more divisions you can also break up those divisions into larger numbers of assaults so I will show you that in just a moment now as for your naval doctrine basically the best one overall I would say or the best two are gonna be base strike and fleet and being simply because trade interdiction is going to be very submarine focused you can still certainly do it but as Germany for example you don't have a huge fleet so you're not gonna have quite the Navy to back it up with Shore bombardment and whatnot if you have these two here you're gonna have a superior Navy and it's only gonna provide a slight bonus but it is there nonetheless so I just thought I'd mention that although again this is really not something you should really be worried about or paying attention to if you're losing your naval invasions it's not gonna be because of this I just thought I would throw that in there okay and so the next piece on our research here we have gone through our naval and our naval doctrine naval of course again with the transports being the biggest piece that you will require for naval invasions it's essential and without it you can't do them so the next thing that you're gonna be able to research here is down an infantry tab it's under Special Forces and that is Marines so Marines are actually very important and I'll explain now so Marines basically remove or take away the negative combat modifier that occurs when you're crossing a body water so when you attack with infantry for example your combat modifier is about negative 50 so it takes away half of your attacking power if you will and makes it so you're very weak in combat so that's why you need a lot of infantry division's or tanks or whatnot to actually win when you're trying to fight them in a naval invasion so Marines help with that because they take away the combat modifiers because they're specifically trained for marine and you know naval invasions so as you can see here manpower a thousand very standard it's the same as infantry basically just changes it to Marines and they are overall very similar to your infantry there are other things that you can do here so we're gonna research these right now and back in our naval tab I am actually going to research these as well just so I can show you the effects and if we go back to our infantry you can see on the second tab again if we were to improve it now you can see an improved soft attack 5% and our Marines organization goes up by five so that just provides a combat modifier to that specific division it's not gonna affect anything else except Marines but again it's gonna make them much better for naval invasions compared to any other troop because even when you factor in the combat modifiers that you're gonna get from this it's still gonna make your Marines better overall with this modifier here so they're still gonna be better than your infantry all the time the only thing that's going to affect it otherwise is the number of divisions that you have and so another thing here that is actually going to improve your attack during a naval invasion it is another thing that you can research is right down here and these are in fibia Svea khals now you have to get your mechanized vehicle here that is the second one improved from motorized op to mechanized and then you can go to the infibulation vehicles these are used for your Marines so again it removes the negative combat modifiers from your and fibia invasions but it doesn't actually provide a very good unit when you're going across the country so if you were to compare this to a proper tank or infantry unit it's still a lot weaker it also has poor fuel efficiency as it mentions at the top here they're horrible units compared to regular army units but they are great when you're using them in and fibia sin visions because they have higher speeds as well they provide hardness so when you're using them against infantry units which is what your enemy is normally going to use to guard their ports it takes away the negative combat modifier and provides hardness so it makes them a lot better in combat and it'll make the breakdown of their entrenchment and all of that a lot faster so another very good thing that you can research the only downside is you have to do it quite late as you can see it's already 1939 and we still have to wait almost a year and a quarter before we can actually complete this so that's the only downside to it and the last piece of research that is going to affect our Special Forces here this is another combat modifier and general modifier - your Special Forces so we've gone over the enfeebles we've gone over Marines and the last one now is Special Forces simply right here that's all it's listed as and it provides two paths basically the top one just gives you combat modifiers as well you can see their supply grace 48-hours increases your division training time but it helps them in hot and cold climates so it makes them more lethal that way the bottom branch on the other hand provides an increase to your capacity multiplier again I will cover that once we actually have the Marines unlocked because it'll be a lot easier to show it I could do in Mountaineers right now but I just want to do it with Marines I feel like it's better to do it just all at once and get out of the way and this bottom branch again just increases the capacity multiplier it reduces the training time and then on the second one it provides some hot and cold modifiers again but they're slightly weaker and then the final one just soft attack and again modifiers for hot and cold climates so this is something that is gonna benefit your Marines in combat but overall I feel like the best branch to normally pick is the bottom one because again you still get a lot of those modifiers in the hot and cold climates even though they're slightly weaker you still get them but the biggest thing here is the capacity multiplier because 5% if you have a lot of divisions out in the field can mean another five to six Marine divisions which is going to be huge if you're doing a lot of naval debate invasions all at once so that's the last piece of research that we're just going to cover for Marines and in fibia sand visions for now and I will see you guys soon all right and so now basically all I'm gonna do is go to war with Poland the Netherlands Belgium and France the reason I'm going to be doing this now is because if we go into recruiting with POI obviously I can't train any Marines until that research is done and I wanted to show you how to actually edit those divisions so that way I can show you a proper naval invasion using them but as well using some other divisions that's why we're gonna be researching this as well so I can show you more divisions at once because obviously I can't really show you the effects of this if I'm only transporting two divisions over to the UK at a time basically so I'm just gonna fill out the rest of my research slots pick my advisors and complete those war goals really quickly and once that's done I will show you a naval invasion against the UK [Music] so just like that our war has ended real quickly with Poland France and the rest of those smaller allies and now we just need to prepare for our naval invasion so as you can see there's still about 38 days left in the landing craft and Marines so I thought that I would just take the time to quickly go over one of the last things here for naval invasions and a way that you can actually improve them so if you have the dlc la resistance you're gonna obviously have the intelligence agency over here and under that you can obviously have your operatives out in the field gathering intelligence so as you're doing that it provides an invasion defense and planning speed to your troops so that's going to help a little bit when you're in combat it's still gonna help naval invasions with that planning speed the other thing here is well under your intelligence agencies if you go to cryptology I don't have it right now so basically if you're go to cryptology and you actually have this unlocked and you were to break their cipher you would then also get an invasion bonus that you could then use when you are conducting your naval invasion so that's another way that you can actually help yourself and that's only if you have the dlc if not if you're watching this video and you're a newer player which is probably what's happening then obviously you don't need to worry about this because you're just not going to have it in the game so just ignore this part if you don't have it and if you do then that's just another thing that you should be considering as well to help yourself during naval invasions now when it comes to actually setting up your naval invasion there's a few choices again you can use those Marines or your landing craft I'm just gonna wait a few more days until they're done we're gonna go over the templates real quickly and then we're going to get the naval invasion set up and actually on the way so we have now waited long enough that our research is complete so we have the second level of naval invasion researched here so landing craft again it reduces our naval invasion by 50% it increases our invasion defense and the capacity as well 240 divisions so that's very good first things first just to quickly cover the Marine divisions over here so you can see them now if we were to click train you can see that we get 7 units available now this depends entirely upon how many Marines you actually have inside of the division template so every time you increase this with a Marine here it would actually reduce the count so if I was to hit save you can see now it's down to 5 so basically with Marines the best way to increase them obviously is just treat them like a normal Infantry Division so if you make them a 7/2 it actually makes them very good in combat so for example we just put infantry or anti-tank we don't want anti-tank because we don't have that boat if we put artillery in there that would help them as well by raising their soft attack well they still wouldn't really suffer those combat modest to heavily from those combat modifiers as you can see it's only 35% now so it's a little bit affected because of the artillery but even then you're still not that affected so it is gonna make the Marines the best choice for your naval invasions now I'm not gonna train them here simply because I don't want to waste time doing that right now but trust me if you were to use them they would be very good during your naval invasions you'll find that they provide a lot higher attack values when you're doing a naval invasion so now all we're gonna do I'm just gonna cancel this because I don't need it we're just gonna get our naval invasion set up so what I like to do with my army if I have the second level researched normally with Germany because I'm attacking so early in my games I don't have it researched but because we have it done here and if you want to practice this in the 1939 start that's what I recommend we're gonna first select our Heinz Guderian right here he has all of the Panzer divisions so motorized and a bit of infantry and we're basically just going to take the whole thing and select naval invasion now the first thing here when you're doing a naval invasion whatever port you send them from that's gonna change the amount of supply that you can actually send for your naval invasion itself and Risa by those troops so if it has only 18 and then you compare that to nine well your supply is only gonna be half so if you look in supply here it's essentially treating it the same as if let's say you were in this province here and you had 50 and in this one you had 20 now you could only support half as many divisions with the amount of supply that you have available so it is important that when you're doing a naval invasion the first thing you're checking is how much supply you have available to you and you're picking the port with the highest level available so as Germany Rotterdam right here is going to be the highest one it is 30 if you scroll all the way down you can see the next one here is Brest so it's not a huge concern if you're attacking early enough but in later games it's gonna be very important that you actually have enough supply because your divisions are going to be a lot larger and you'll need a lot more divisions in these provinces to actually win in combat so again with all twenty four divisions we're gonna actually select this port up top here and it's gonna be nine and then we can select this one right here so that's going to set all 24 divisions and it's gonna be on two sides right here now ideally when you're attacking it depends where you're actually going to launch your naval invasion from that's gonna actually change what areas you can attack so if we go to this port right here you can see we could attack all of those we could even go there and there if we launched our first assault from here so basically that's going to allow us to tak all these ports and the reason it's so important that you're going on either side of a port is because it's gonna allow you to quickly cut off their supply so for example if we land our troops here and we're attacking this port and a few of them land here we can quickly cut this off they now get a - 50 percent combat modifier and it's gonna allow us to beat them a lot faster and once you beat them in combat your troops are gonna get supply so they're no longer going to be attrition and they get all of their combat or soft attack and heart attack it's no longer a longer it's no longer going to affect them negatively because they have supply available and the same can be said over here because you're attacking on either side it allows you to quickly wrap around depending on how many troops you've assigned you can actually get your troops around this port and cut it off and do the same thing or even here you could cut them off this way so that's one such way that you can do that now we're just gonna leave this like that because I think that's just great as an example for beginners now if you run into a problem here where your divisions aren't actually saying all 24 that happens quite commonly all you need to do to fix that is once your naval invasion is set simply reselect your general right here hold control and then just click on the line right here that's gonna assign all 24 and obviously if you have a separate line so let's say we select here we take this and set it oh like that and then we take this general and hit s and control and click once more now it's going to be 12 divisions assigned to each one now you have to remember here though that this line isn't just going after this port it actually means that the troops are gonna attack all of these so one way you can get around like that sort of problem is again just setting up a whole bunch of naval invasions two different ports and that way you can actually see how many are assigned to each attack and that'll also allows you to actually specify how many divisions you want going where so it's a lot more accurate and it provides you a much more customized method for attacking the enemy so basically we're just gonna leave those 12 like that or sorry 24 we'll just reassign them real quickly and we're also just gonna take one more general in this case it's just gonna be everyone Rommel and he's all infantry again because I didn't set up this game I just wanted to get going real quickly here so we're gonna actually separate his troops just a little bit we're gonna go from this port actually no with this one right here we're gonna select 12 naval invasion and we're gonna go dover now we're going to land on the opposite side of it as well and well unselect that now we need these other 12 divisions assigned to a new naval invasion and we're actually going to go right we're gonna land right there and right there just again to help cut that off and we could even land some right over there but I don't think we'll need to do that because we already have so many divisions going over there now we will need to select these twelve you can see they're not assigned to anything by that little red checkmark that means that they're not assigned to any plan either a front line or a naval invasion or anything like that so now we just need to hold control again and click and the way I'm selecting all of those just again for beginners you click one division then hold shift and you can manually select all of them and then hold that control button and select so now I just need to wait for my naval invasions to prepare as you can see it's going to take about forty to thirty six days there and then another eighty days for the big one so that's the other thing if you break these naval invasions up a bunch it'll actually reduce the amount of time it takes for them to prepare even though they're under the same general because they're not all falling under one plan so it breaks them up a little bit more and it allows them to attack faster you also need to pay attention to your convoys because if you don't have enough convoys to actually attack you won't be able to transport all your divisions at once so basically you still need to have a large supply of convoys in general I don't find that anything more than 500 is necessary if you're transporting 48 divisions I'm not sure about the exact number there but I will post a link to the paradox forums with that information because I'll find it after this video now we're just going to wait out those 80 days and I will show you the last steps for a naval invasion when we're ready so as you can see we only have about 20 days left before our last naval invasion preparation is complete and one event has appeared here just have to scroll up to the top and as you can see it's fate of Yugoslavia so you have two choices throughout the game you can either pressure them to join you or you can just ignore them now if you pressure them enough they'll either cave in to your demands or they will automatically join the Allies or they'll just ignore you and in that case you have two choices you can then ignore them forever basically and the events won't occur after that or you will just get a war goal with them and you declare war on them right away so we're gonna actually select this and the reason we're selecting this is because once you actually declare war they'll join the Allies and when they join the Allies the UK as the only major left in the game will automatically start sending troops over here and focusing their Navy a little bit more with Italy down here because they want to send troops to help their new ally and also because it serves as a strategic land point for them to basically fight you so they're gonna actually focus on securing that territory there now because it's not core territory they don't really care about it as much so they're not gonna send their entire army obviously to support them but they will stand still send troops which means that they're gonna be diverted from their mainland just a little bit more as well because Italy still fighting them down in the African territories as well or actually they're not fighting them so the last thing that we can do just call Italy in as well Romania sure Slovakia and now with the rest of our allies actually in against the war the United Kingdom will be distracted in fighting them I just forgot to call them in because normally they would have been in by now if I did this under normal circumstances oopsies just gonna wait out the last 10-15 days here and we will get that naval invasion on the way so we are now into the last step here for our naval invasion so we are already with our two generals here we're just gonna move this guy over to keep things simple now if you are starting in this scenario like myself in 1939 you're a new player you're trying to keep this easy have your divisions on fallback lines close to the coastline where you're launching your naval invasions from the reason you're doing this is because that way once you make a successful landing you can quickly send over the rest of your army if needed so that way you'll have troops that can get into combat right away and you won't lose those ports and you can quickly take more territory and expand the front line and actually secure a foothold in their country because honestly once you make a successful landing and you can take a little bit of territory from the UK it's just a matter of feeding in more units and pushing them back so it's really important that you also keep your units just close to the coastline because it saves you precious days and hours that you otherwise just really don't have to spare under most circumstances so just another good thing to do so now the last thing that we need to actually successfully launch the plan is we need 50% supremacy in the channel now there's two things that we can do to actually make that more successful now first of all we're gonna take our entire Air Force and we're gonna focus it on the English Channel and what we do is we set our Air Force two air superiority interception close air support and naval strike now close air support you don't really need it's just naval strike and we're are so close air support right here you can actually take that off and just set them to naval strike I usually just leave it on because once I make a landing you can then just quickly change it over because they won't be doing close air support if they can't do it they'll just do naval strikes so by leaving it on it really doesn't actually affect their capacity at all and we just do that for every plane and strategic bombers same thing you set them to naval and close air support and that way they'll start bombing the enemy ships and if you actually let that sit there for a few days if they actually had any Navy which they don't you would start to see ships actually getting sunk so I'm very lucky right now because there's no Navy actually concentrated in that channel so the last thing that I have to do I round up all my ships and I set them into just one big task force all 114 ships under Carl dare nets and all we do is set them on to patrol the other thing that you can do is naval support so as you can see we actually have full superiority and because of that we can now launch our naval invasion and because it's set to naval support what ends up happening is our ships will actually go and support them through Shore bombardment so it actually provides a combat bonus to your troops when they're fighting so if they're actually on a port or anything like that and they're fighting them they will get another combat modifier that helps them out a little bit more because of your ships so there are certain requirements for that normally it's gonna be your bigger ships they need larger cannons essentially to launch you can't really have a little dinky submarine shooting it's a little machine gun at it I don't think that's really gonna do much so other than that there's nothing else that we really need to do now so I'm just gonna slow this down just to show you and maybe we'll actually get to capture a few of these naval crossings maybe speed that up just a little bit that's a little too slow I'm not good with the awkward silence and as you can see our ship just moved over so right there we have six divisions and that's the naval penalty that I was talking about before so if these were Marines you wouldn't actually have that occurring right now and there you are you can see our divisions are going all over the place so we had the first six land right here so you can actually just take this hit s and send a few of them right there you can send another three down this way and then you can even take one and land him right there boom we have another six available so we can send those guys right there we can take half of those and send those three so they'll meet up with the other three headed this way and we're gonna send them over to this port across the way and all of our divisions now are just landing all across their territory and for some reason those guys just moved okay we're just gonna set those quickly for some reason they got messed up but that's alright and the other thing you now want to do set your offensive lines because obviously if you don't have offensive lines they don't get their landing bonus because there's no plans that they can actually prepare for and it just confuses your troops or yourself as well this just makes it easier and that way you can just activate the plan and they'll start dispersing all over the place we're gonna send that guy up there to the north and as you can see this is a successful naval landing so if he made it all the way to the end of the video thank you very much for watching I hope this helped you out and as always if you have any comments concerns or suggestions for the future please leave a comment down below I love reading what you guys have said and it's been great seeing all the support I've received so far on my videos thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you guys on the next one don't pause let's play don't pause [Music]
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 41,839
Rating: 4.8851094 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 navel guide, hoi4 how to navel invade, hearts of iron 4 how to navel invade, hoi4 navel invasions, hoi4 guide, hoi4 germany guide, hoi4 how to invade uk, how to navel invade uk, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 navel tutorial, hoi4 naval invasion guide, hoi4 navel invasion, hoi4 naval invasion, hoi4 how to naval invade
Id: W02bDrDqJIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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