Hoi4 Germany World Conquest

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron for video so today this is gonna be my Germany guide world conquest episode number one so where we left off in the last episode that I released on my channel that was episode 1 of my Japanese world conquest I kind of up and I'm having to rework on episode 2 I made a big mistake in the second recording that I was working on so it's gonna be a little delayed probably a few days after this video comes out I'm hoping to have that done and we can proceed from there maybe episode 3 and 4 depending on how long everything else takes in the video but for today it's just gonna be my Germany guide or Germany world conquest because a lot of people were asking about that it was the second most popular country when I put that poll up on my channel so I figured it'd be really fun and I just like blending this country in general so that's how it is I'm thinking one of the other ones that I might do though is probably the Netherlands I was actually asked on my discord channel if I could do that one and if you haven't already joined the discord channel I've put a link down in the description below so feel free to sign up and join that group I'm essentially just using that to keep everyone updated and also just provide a little more sense of community you know we can just chat on there and it makes it easier than using the YouTube comments I'm more active on discord than I would be on the comments so feel free to join that anyways should be a fun video let's get right into it and reassign them into just one army group as usual put a frontline I don't know let's go with the Czech border why not and then so research here we're just gonna go into industry basic machine tools good stuff we're also going to do construction 1 to get a construction speed up and let's see go back into engineering do mechanical engineering as well just to increase our research speed and then I think I'm just gonna do my basic weapons and equipment just at the start here I just prefer doing it this way just what I like doing anyways national focuses we're probably gonna go with the four year plan actually I think I might even go with army innovations because I do want to make medium tanks today we're gonna try and get those as early as possible so it is beneficial to do these two routes we also get some land doctrine bonuses so we can utilize those as well we have some free military factories so let's just take a look thinking for artillery hmm we can cancel the light tanks for now and tactical bombers we can take out close air support we'll bump to three fighters two three motorized is fine too let's put that up one artillery five is okay and you want yeah we'll just put those last two on our planes and that should be okay for our production we're not really gonna worry about our Navy for the most part I typically find when you play the Germans if you can take out the UK from there it's really not an issue so we're not gonna really worry about it today basically just paying attention and helping to finish any production whenever it becomes available last thing we're gonna do as always just build up some civilian factories at the start because you got to get your industry going otherwise you're just gonna need a potato so we're just gonna do something like this just max out the civilian factory count in each territory and that should be fine so it's gonna be a little different in today's video I'm probably not gonna show as much research I'm gonna try and focus a little more on combat and maybe even cut down this Germany guide into two videos hopefully one hour in length each because I typically find that if you watch my Germany god you're gonna get basically all the same information and I don't want to be too repetitive so that's why I'm trying to cut it down a little bit my research is gonna be fairly similar to what I normally do and then from there it's just focusing on combat so anyways I'm just gonna wait the 70 days and I'll see you guys shortly and just like that we have finished army innovations so the next national focus that we're gonna select in our list here is treaty with the USSR this just gives us a one-time research bonus for medium tank models as well an extra research bonus for Army technology so we can use that later on in the game to actually upgrade into some medium twos and then heavy tanks if we wanted maybe we could switch it up and do one of those so anyways that's all the national focus I'm gonna select after this one I think is the four-year plan and then focus down this route over here but I'll probably stop in around the autarky or I don't know Hermann Goering work probably around there I'll pop back in and do another clip here okay so it's October 10th 1936 we have another national focus ready so the next one is just gonna be Hermann Goering work we've already finished the four you plan and so that's okay we're just gonna get some civilian factories from this which is always good as for political advisors I just wanted to try it out today I took two political hours so two silent workhorses I know that it's useless but hey I'm almost getting to political power a day so that's kind of cool then I also just picked my cap in the ministry just above my civilian factory construction speed up a little bit higher and I'm also probably going to send a military attache if I can I don't know I think I can send one to Japan I'm probably going to do that to try and bump my war support up a little bit earlier and then that way we can switch to war economy so we'll have to see how that goes maybe we can do it maybe we can't who knows as for everything else research was just gonna show it quickly everything is kind of just finishing up here I've got some land doctrine second research on mechanical computing here and then I'm already finishing my medium tanks so probably gonna do some artillery focus on my Air Force a little bit and then from there also my industry cuz I have some bonuses available so I'm gonna definitely use them on my construction here so I'll have to kind of avoid using it on improved machine tools otherwise not much else to really show just obviously helping down in Spain and then I also send some air volunteers because you can actually get a little bit of air experience that way now you can see here they don't actually have any planes in this region so one thing that you can do if you just send them down here I think yeah that's where all their planes are so if you want to actually get some air experience send them over this way unpause the game and then we'll assign them to this region boost our air crews and now we should be getting a lot more yep so you can see there in just a couple days we already bumped up our air experience by twice the amount so it actually makes sense to send them into regions where there's already planes if you're looking for experience if you're not looking for experience and you just want to actually help your troops win some combat over here then obviously just keep your planes up in the north or whatever you're fighting so that's all for now and I will see you guys shortly okay so it's now February 28 1937 we have now finished kdf-wagen and the last one I'm going to do in this branch for the time being is the extra research slot that's pretty self-explanatory it just gives me an extra research slot so we can get some more stuff done ahead of time and that's always nice as for the Spanish Civil War I did make the breakthrough pushing down here and just gonna cut off Barcelona and then finish up this little pocket once this is done the nice thing is it makes the Civil War a lot faster that's why I always focus on Barcelona this is also one of their last capital points and typically you can usually encircle some troops in here so that makes the war just a little bit faster and normally don't have to worry about getting cut off here as long as there's troops in these territories you're gonna be fine just because of the way the Spanish Civil War works it makes combat last a really long time so anyways not much else to really share here just research is coming along nicely onto the third level of my land doctrine my tanks are finished so I'm going to get some production going on those and then industry wise things are going pretty well I decided to use the extra bonus on dispersed I don't know I think it's just a personal preference of mine I'm not really too worried about having construction 3 you know almost a year in advance because even then I think Germany is just so overpowered in the game the way it is right now when you're playing single-player that is it's just broken Germany can be very easy once you actually figure out how to play it so hey if you don't like my play style just critique it and that's always fine anyway it's just gonna wait 70 days and we'll be moving on after that it's now May 8th 1937 alrighty we got another national focus ready to go um trying to decide what I want to do here mmm maybe err innovations wouldn't be horrible army innovations would give us another bonus for land auctions which is always kind of nice it's good to have that out of the way we could do Rhineland as well if we really want so that would give us a little bit of political power which is always kind of good mmm you know what I'm gonna do Ryan land let's just go with that one for today why not we have those extra research slots available and yeah I could definitely use another land doctrine that would help you know what we might just use up these excavation bonuses just because why not really it doesn't hurt us in the long run but I think actually we'll also do a logistics company right now I've got signal on the way so we'll just get the other one going right now I have another 150 political power already I don't know I actually kind of like these double silent workhorses it actually kind of works pretty well I already have quite a few advisors selected and I think the next one would be pretty good if we selected a weapons and equipment because I don't need any of my military staff until later on in the game at least 1938 in that case and the only other thing we're gonna have to switch to is war economy later on but we'll get higher war support as the game continues so I think the best one I might pick probably just going to be infantry and equipment just so I can increase the research speed a little bit on that not much else I really need my political power for and if you are a new player never select demand increase Dutch or demand increased Dutch traded with Germany it's just a waste of political power it does absolutely nothing and you'll proceed to actually beat the Allies so it really just does nothing yeah there's no need to worry about that anyways not much else to really show here everything is coming along nicely I'm up to sixty civilian factories still have 28 mills and I'm just gonna keep building them for the time being oh I guess these guys are veterans now hey that's pretty cool so yeah they're doing pretty well in this combat I think the Civil War is gonna be done pretty soon here so not much else to really show I'll see you guys in 70 days okay so Rhineland has now just completed I think the next one I'm gonna do is army innovations - just so we get some extra army experience and that land doctrine bonus we have 243 political power but the nice thing is the Japanese just declared on the Chinese so what we can do is just go over to send a - a well they won't accept hey they really don't like me I guess maybe it's too early on in the game or something hmm so they're not really favorable to us I guess maybe if we just wait a few extra days once the rest of these countries declare will they Wow okay so they're not going to allow us to do that so instead we'll just go up here and select another advisor let's just see what we got so we could go with a tank designer I was like going with the heavy tank designer generally I avoid mobile tank the only time I would really want to be using this I find if you're playing not necessarily a minor country but you start out pretty small you can sometimes use this one just because it gives you extra speed so you can actually kind of keep up and utilize that to your advantage with your lower number of units but in general these are gonna be the best two to actually pick because they give either heart attack an armor or reliability and soft attack which soft attack you don't really need for armors so that's why I typically pick heart attack which is the heavy tank designer otherwise we have military staff so I think we might just pick maybe an aircraft designer just for now because I don't anticipate I'm gonna be researching any more tanks for the time being but I will be researching some upgraded aircraft around the 1938 1939 mark so it would be beneficial to have this and I generally go with the light aircraft designer because Germany is so focused on its fighters that's where all the national focuses are so that's just my personal preference anyways this war is kind of weird right now I've got one pocket down here and then just a huge pocket in the middle of the country so anyways I'm gonna close off the bottom here and then once that's done we'll just push right over here in Madrid and once we take that last Cal point the game's over so otherwise not much else to really show just gonna keep playing here and I'll come back when I've got more to share already so we've now just finished our air innovations I am currently recruiting some more manpower I have 22 divisions on the way and what I've done here is I've made one extra template it's a 20 with 72 division with a signal company added in set to elite and I just changed the icon because this one looks sick I don't know I feel like they should add some more icons ooh I'm gonna go with this one actually though I don't know what this is maybe a flamingo or an ostrich I really don't know what that is but anyways I think that would be a pretty fun one to pick so we're gonna save that I've got 22 on the way and we need what is it 500000 for this one right here yeah so I'm just gonna recruit those divisions and deploy them and then I'll have a few more that I'll recruit as well and then we'll be doing this next national focus along with this whole branch so I think what I'll do here if you haven't learned this trick already if you want to cheat the system just a little bit you can go right here hit deploy and then start training a whole bunch more so we'll do another 21 divisions and that'll get our number closer to 700,000 there thing that you have to remember here is once we actually complete this national focus you'll actually get some troops from the Austrians so you won't actually need to recruit quite as many troops as I'm doing right now but I still want to just get my army count up a little bit higher the other thing here in construction I am gonna start some military factories now you know let these ones finish off so it'll get me closer to around 80 85 factories somewhere around there and then we should have more than enough for the remainder of the game so from there it's just really building military factories next national focus will do in the meantime at least I think maybe even Reich's Autobahn just to get infrastructure up I just like having it that way and the other nice thing is it increases the supply the maximum supply that you can put out from Berlin so that always helps as well so we'll just take these 22 divisions and we'll go back to the German theater number one and we'll just throw them into one extra Army Group and set them on the Polish line so anyway it's just gonna wait 70 days until that focus is ready and I will see you guys soon so we've now finished the Reich's Autobahn to the next one that we're gonna do here is Angeles and schloss whatever that is five hundred thousand manpower is their requirements we've now done that we're gonna get a little bit of army experience as well which is pretty nice we reduce the cost of nifo bills using their gold and we get some troops out of it along with civilian and military factories the civil war down in the south here is going to end pretty quickly I just got this last little place to take and the nice thing is our army experience is around 66 so that gives us more than enough to still make some changes to our templates if we really want to and kind of play around with things here I know I'm gonna have to change the Panzer Division obviously I can't leave these as light tanks but I won't do that for now just until I get my medium tanks up a little bit more so that's what's gonna be important with the increased construction of military factories and why I'm doing it right now so I generally find with Germany you can definitely go 1938 and you can certainly go sooner this is just how I wanted to play today but anyways just gonna skip ahead to once that's all done and I'll see you guys soon okay so do you ever just you know think you have enough manpower and then you go to the National focus tree and then you realize that you're about a thousand troops off yeah that's where I'm at right now so anyways I just and put another six in the queue so we'll just deploy that one I don't need to do all of them at once so now I have enough for this national focus one other thing here if you ever did I'm not going to be in a war but if you ever entered into a war you have to be mindful of the fact that you're gonna lose troops so if you start doing a national focus and you're losing manpower you have to be careful about that make sure that you're still above the necessary amount because I've run into that problem in previous games where all of a sudden I'm just on the edge of the required amount and then the focus cancels because obviously you lose troops during combat and they have to take a little bit of time to replenish so anyways just gonna do the demand Sudetenland focus and we're gonna work down this whole branch so I think I'm just gonna skip ahead to when that's done research-wise I'll just quickly go through everything so I'm on this point here in the Blitzkrieg focus as for air doctrine we're making pretty good progress because we had so much extra air experience engineering just completing the next computing and then we're gonna be starting the third column of research in our industry tab for support companies I have field hospitals logistics and signal along with engineers and recon so that's pretty good mix I'm not gonna be using all of these in each template I think I'll actually change it up between a couple of my templates and use a little bit of different because I still want to have support artillery in my support companies but that means I can't have all five of these at the same time so I will have to kind of take one out if I was to take a guess I'll probably just take engineers out because I think recon field hospital logistics signal and artillery is one of the best combinations because you improve your firepower through the artillery you increase the amount of manpower you save through field hospitals recon just improves reconnaissance and helps you in combat and then logistics reduces the amount of equipment you're using and then signal makes it so your troops enter combat faster so overall it's a very good combination between everything but certainly play layout play the play around and see what you like best as for the infantry tab I'm just up to 1938 and I'll probably be starting the mp38 pretty soon here anyways see you guys in 70 days all righty so at this point we're ready to go I'm just gonna deploy these last 12 divisions and we'll just assign them into one more army I think we can actually just take four off of there as well just one more oops and sign them with our general and then we're gonna take these last eight and assign them in as well and we'll pick let's go with you and then we're just gonna set one last front line on the Netherlands border and just set an offensive line for now national focus is gonna be Danzig Oh what I don't have 950 well then I'm gonna need to train a couple more units it looks like I don't know how I miscounted that huh okay well I'm gonna pause the video real quick and come back in a few seconds and then we're gonna do Danziger war okay so now it's a 20% so we'll just deploy those will cancel those three leave one more so it's still even and we have a few more factories to assign this is what my production looks like I took a little bit off guns because I don't need quite that much I'm gonna probably add a little bit more into support equipment so we'll bump that number up fifteen on artillery is gonna be fine for now we'll get that up to 20 afterwards and then we have 20 on medium tanks at this point so that way we can start producing some more of those divisions because we will need them against the Soviet Union and potentially the UK it does certainly help having oh why did I cancel that anyways I guess that's not really a big problem so we'll just take these three sign them under that general we have some more factories we can build so you know what why not just do some more mills I guess we can't build any more over there because if machs at all so we can ignore that and the National focus was it's gonna be Danziger war the only other thing left to prepare here is just gonna be our Air Force so I'm gonna do that right now and kind of show you what I do so we're gonna send a bunch of Fighters over there what do we got here tactical bombers they can stay you don't need to actually put those close to the border so there's no sense putting them in this airbase right here because you can see their range isn't enormous so we're just gonna put those on close air support because that's what generally works best but you can also set strategic bombing it doesn't really matter too much with those interception isn't really necessary here so just close air support and air and then we're gonna open up the planes tab and you can see we have a whole bunch of stuff here as well so I'm just gonna deploy all the rest of my fighters right now and you can see we still have some more space then we're gonna dump a bunch of close air support I don't think we can put all of it here so maybe we'll do let's go 300 yeah that's okay and then we'll just put the remainder right in this territory right here so then we'll just set these guys to close air support as well these last 400 are also going to be close air support and assign them and then that's really about it these guys need to be deployed first air superiority assign those and that's about it so all of our air force is gonna be concentrated here because the Allies really aren't going to do anything and because we have 24 divisions over here they're never gonna push the French just don't do that in the game so you don't have to worry about them actually breaking through your lines anyways just gonna skip ahead when the war is ready to go and we'll get this on the way May 3rd 1939 this is the moment we are waiting for Poland has refused to see Danzig so we're gonna go to war next national focus we're gonna do here is around the Maginot just going to complete in 28 days and it should give us more than enough time to actually complete it so these are all my advisers as they currently stand just take a moment to look at that if you want and for my army itself these are all my divisions that I have in the field not really a whole lot of medium tanks but that's fine I've got some more in recruitment right now logistics everything is looking very good we had a healthy supply of all of our equipment so that's always good and I've also switched over to some more updated models of equipment so I have improved artillery right now as well as infantry equipment one more time through research just quickly during the 1940 level on infantry still have basically the same support companies that's not too big of an issue I territory we're upgrading engineering isn't really worth upgrading just yet industry wise third level is now complete also completing some excavation and our air doctrine is basically almost finished at that point so that's pretty nice land doctrine still where we left it and tanks exactly the same as before so I'm just going to wait a couple days I decided last second to just send over these divisions just to give myself a little bit more of an edge down on the south here because if we can push a very breakthrough then they're gonna have to send more units away from their main provinces and away from Capitol points it's not like we really need to do this but in the end it just kind of helps us win a little bit faster also we have some extra political power so if we want we can either go with the tank designer or chief of Navy I'm probably gonna go with a chief of Navy just so I have the added edge against the UK once we decide to do a naval invasion against them so that's the only reason I'm doing this one right now otherwise I would just be going with my tank designer but I find it's a little bit better to do that when you're preparing for the war with the Soviets because you'll need tanks more for that because it's just such a large amount of territory and they have a lot of Tanks as well so all we're gonna do here is just unpause the game one more time and then we're just gonna tell all of these guys to go right now this is the general over here on the French border I guess I probably could have used his 24 divisions would have been a little better probably smarter to but anyways that doesn't really bother me we're gonna make sure he's set to aggressive all of our planes are already in positions so we can just declare war like so and Italy's not actually in our faction yet so we can't really call them in and that's just gonna take a little bit of time but that doesn't really matter so unpause the game and I'll just show you how it looks I'm not even gonna really micro anything just let them attack on their own and generally they'll do just fine so a whole bunch of notifications here to click on as you can see though mostly green across the board as they start to break through on their entrenchment you'll see that the Polish are just gonna get crushed they can't keep up with your units so it's really not a worry at all that there's any red anyway as you can see it's going pretty well so I'm probably not gonna speed this combat up I think I'll just kind of sit here and let it go kind of keep talking to you guys let you listen to my beautiful voice that's just how I roll these days anyways looks like we got an encirclement up in the north so Danzig is gonna fall these units are going to get crushed pretty quickly we have some more military factories available Warsaw is already under attack looks like we're about to take the capital point this is the one time I think I'll actually send my units manually tell them to go and take these two and these guys are still getting held up in the mountains but that's no problem as soon as we push over here and then across that's going to be fine looks like we might actually get a huge encirclement right here if we can actually close that off I could do it manually but again I just want to let these units do their thing so we closed that pocket off in the north looks like this general has suddenly decided that he's completed his objectives that's not okay so we're gonna set them to that frontline spearhead like so and then unpause the game okay so then we're just gonna pause the game there and the rest of these generals maybe we'll just pause for two seconds just let our army catch up a little bit it is a good decision to actually do that sometimes your units do benefit by getting the time to actually regain some organization resupply because that's the other thing too if they're constantly in combat they don't actually have any time to build up more equipment resupply themselves and actually become more successful in combat also the other problem is your units actually have to readjust obviously throughout the territory so if you only have one unit attacking that doesn't really help you all that much so now we can unpause even though it still says it's red it's really not a big problem if we go up to here you can see they're at 76% towards capitulation main reason why warsaw hasn't fallen and once we take that point right there I think they're pretty much gonna be done they won't really have any chance here of fighting back so just national focus wise we've completed around the Maginot so I think I might just do German war economy just for some extra mils cuz honestly why not and there we go so Poland has now fallen so we can unpause or pause the game one more time and now we're just gonna readjust all of our generals so what I like to do I will get this general on this border here set an offensive line this general right here set them on the Belgian line actually you know what we're gonna do we're gonna take the smaller of the two because I don't want to put too many units right on this border and then we'll do an offensive line like that we'll take you and put you on the north as well and then you you know what why not you're going on Luxembourg I guess we are just gonna stuff all the divisions up in that territory it's not really a big problem you don't really run into supply issues normally when it comes to this sort of thing and we can now invite Italy to the factions so we'll just go ahead and do that right now unpause one more time and we can just ignore the rest of these as for production might as well just use up what you've got so I'm gonna resupply or increase my number of factories on the guns again just to get the numbers up and supports looking pretty good and you know medium tanks are looking pretty good fighter production and whatnot isn't going to be as high as before just because obviously I'm not able to trade for any rubber with the Allies anymore so now what we have to do cancel this order so we're gonna send them over to the French border and then we're gonna split up all of these planes across different airports basically so that way you know we're not over supplying any one place and then we're gonna take you send you over there close air support you can go there and there and then this last one we'll send there so let's just see how that works out we still have 200 some planes that we can send over so unpause one more time I guess we'll have to send them to this bigger Airport and that should be okay so now we can just assign all of those planes to that region and then we're gonna send the rest of the planes over here bump that and bump that and that's pretty much what it looks like for our preparation you can see they do have the advantage but that's just because all the planes are focused on the French territory right now so once we declare war on the rest of these allies they will die pretty quickly so what I like to do when I start my war against the French here all I typically do is I declare on the Netherlands first so let's just see which generals we have in position so it's these two right here our best generals actually so that's always good we're now just gonna declare war on the Netherlands and we'll hold off against the Belgians just for a moment and unpause the game one more time because what ends up happening is once you defeat the Netherlands you actually have a larger border along the Belgian Front and the French can't send troops over here into the Belgian territory until you declare war so nothing yeah there you go boom just like that the war is over with them so now we can take our army one more time and because we have the Panzer units here what we're gonna do is set them the closest towards the French border and set a spearhead to right here and then we'll take this general and just tell them to go across the entire Belgian front offensive line across the whole thing unpause once more we have some research available so why not do it now I guess I can do my next land Doctrine so that's how it's good okay and so now that everyone's in position looks like they've got all of their preparations ready to go we have some vertical power again so you know what we can finally do the heavy tank designer it's perfect time to do it Factory count is looking mighty strong we haven't called Italy in yet but we don't need to do that until we defeat the French so as it currently stands the UK has around 136 factories and a hundred or 80 odd divisions now the other thing too is they're not gonna have all their divisions in this territory so you don't really have to worry about it and if you want an easy way to actually split their units up I will show you this in a second so what we're gonna do we'll declare on the Belgians and the game is still paused so we don't have to worry about immediately attacking we're also going to declare on the net or Luxembourg here well unpause there and then where is this general so he's right there so we're just gonna readjust this one more time this generals here so we can tell him to attack him into attack and this one and then this guy with the 24 units we won't tell to attack because obviously they have level 10 forts in this region so it does no good for us to try and attack that way so what we're gonna do now is delete that right there and we'll tell them to go spearhead right towards Paris and then this line same thing we'll redo it and tell them to kind of go like that so that way they're more focused on actually pushing to watch the French territory and not just meeting their objectives in the Belgian territory so Luxembourg has capitulated so we can reset a spearhead and same thing we're gonna go right there tell them to just attack right away and make sure the front is adjusted so that way it's not actually in the French territory along the forts and there we go so now we won't be wasting as much manpower and equipment and if you really want to you can even just tell those guys to go right now and hopefully they might even be able to no no they closed it and that happens but anyways you can see we're already pushing through in the north and these guys because they're on a spearhead if you don't have the option first of your head that's not really a problem either as long as you can do an offensive line you'll be okay we're just gonna need to readjust these like so and delete these two or three unpause and make sure so where you assigned okay we're gonna put you on a front line right here and you're gonna have a spear head going this way then we'll just tell them to go right away and then we'll take a couple of these units and just tell them an attack it's that way these units will actually die and we need to make sure these guys are all set on that line so ctrl-click there we go and then the rest of our air force we can now send over here and into this air base here and set them into the French territory so now all of our air force is concentrated on the French territory which is where all the fighting is happening so it's gonna help us the most in defeating them very quickly the other thing I have a spy or I did in this region so that was helping me fight them a little faster we can send you around there and basically that's really it when it comes to defeating the Allies I know it's single-player but at the end of the day once you obviously get the system down it becomes very easy you can see I'm not really having to do anything just letting my units do their thing and this Wars gonna be over as soon as we take Paris because these provinces in here contain enough victory points that once you take Paris the war is over so you can see the French are just scrambling we haven't even called Italy in yet and the only time we need to do that is once we start our naval invasion so there we go they have now capitulated note we're gonna conquer everything because if we give it to Viki France they will just become our puppet later on and we don't really want that so last thing we need to do make sure we clean up these remaining pockets so we'll just take these guys as well tell them to go down there and it looks like there's still a few more units so maybe we'll just take you three and tell you to go attack so we can now just cancel this and we're gonna get ready for a naval invasion against the UK so what I like to do for this obviously pick the port with the highest level of supply so that one's gonna be Rotterdam it seems I think there's one more over here where is it I thought there was maybe not okay anyways we're gonna go right here in Rotterdam and we're just gonna attack in Dover that should be fine wait can then deselect that hold ctrl click and it automatically assigns 10 divisions which should be more than enough for taking out the UK now the last important piece to actually doing this I'm just gonna quickly do my research what we want what do we want to pick tactical bomber why not let's just do it so the last thing here to make things a little easier for yourself send all of your Air Force over to the coast line because you don't need it obviously fighting the French anymore take these naval bombers as well and send them over and looks like Rudolph has just made his flight so I've just lost my advisor but that's not really a problem our patience is running thin so we're gonna take off strategic bombing set everything to naval strike close air and air superiority set them on the channel the same thing here we can then just do naval strike and close air support and we're gonna bump that number up so you can see immediately we've already sunk a destroyer so when you do this basically they have no way of really responding to it because you do a lot of naval damage and if you also send your ships into the fleet that you would do even more so it's really effective and a good way to actually cut down on the number of ships that the UK has in the region you can see their enemy supremacy is still fairly low and compared to my ship count if I was to actually send my ships in right now we would have superiority also because we have our air force in the region that impacts superiority as well so you can see right there our air superiority increases our shipping amount impact by 100 percent so it makes it very effective in dealing with that and helping you secure the channel so we're just gonna unpause here I'm gonna wait the 70 days until our naval invasion is ready and then I will continue the video from their last national focus why not we can maybe just do air innovations too just to get out of the way and we have some more research so naval mission efficiency perfect that's just what we need so we can just ignore that for now and I'll see you guys shortly and our naval invasion is now ready to go so the last thing we're gonna do here we have another national focus so I think I might just do one of these or maybe even hmm I could reinter great the French territory so you know what why not we're just gonna do that so now what we need to do just take our Navy obviously looks like we have one more battleship so might as well just merge that into the fleet and once they're together we can then just set these to convoy or naval invasion support and we have superiority so the last thing we have to do just activate the plan that's ready to go so now our ships are going to be guiding them as they move in so they're not getting attacked and losing any of their supply or organization you can see the rest of these troops are branching off pause the game divide these units up and tell those two to attack right there so they have a much higher chance of winning and once that occurs we can just pause once more and there we go so now those guys are good we can just take the rest of our armies to create a front line like so offensive line across their front and then the last thing we can do just to help ourselves out call Italy into the war so now the British are gonna have to immediately resend all their units out towards their territories down in Africa and whatnot they're not going to be solely focused on defending their home islands and their fleets as well are gonna have to redistribute so that kind of just helps us in the long run you can already see they're having to send units out to different places so we're gonna make sure those guys get stopped you go down there and go around and if we can take that second port that's going to help us so it looks like we're a little bit stuck here so we're going to send those guys into London hopefully we can push through that way quickly before all of the units get otherwise we're gonna be attrition to death and that's never really fun I don't like that so looks like we're gonna be okay yet we just took the second port those guys lost but that's okay they're gonna defend it so that's fine and you helped out in combat there you two immediately push those guys back because they were foolish they should not have done that and you helped out in combat there and then you go around you help out as well actually you go there and if we can take that extra port then we're gonna be fine we won't really be attrition and we'll break out of this pocket pretty soon here I think so you help out as well we got it we got to get out of here guys come on don't leave me hanging the other nice thing is that you kid can't really keep up with production at this point so they're gonna be struggling pretty quick so we're just gonna send these units over here so that way okay I'm not sure exactly how they manage to take that and you go there so we took London so if we just look at supply you can see right now we're not attritional all we have more than enough available because of our high infrastructure and we still have naval superiority in the region we can actually even just take our fleet and set them to patrol and there we go so we'll just maintain it and yeah they don't have enough ships to actually keep up with our strength and we have our Air Force still concentrated in this region now if we wanted to we can now just send our Air Force over there we have okay we only have one airbase so let's just see how many we have okay so they're all arrived we can cancel the naval attack and tell them to exclusively go there send those seventy back we don't need those and we can just bump that number up and you can see we're now also doing some extra damage to their divisions so that helps us out as well we can just tell everyone to attack now and hopefully that should help us get a breakthrough and we're gonna make sure everyone's assigned to that order so oh whoops I still only had my 12 divisions so don't be like me don't be an idiot make sure you don't have them still all assigned on their fallback lines oopsies anyways now all the rest of our units are gonna quickly send themselves over here and we should be able to push them back we can't really attack Yugoslavia right now so I really don't think it's a good idea to tell them that we're against them so you know what we'll just ignore them it's not really a problem constructionwise you know what let's build some more mills because it's always nice having extra Mills isn't it so the nice thing is once we take out the UK because it's so early on in the game it's not even 1940 yet pretty close but not yet we can take their puppets and a bunch of other places so we're gonna have an endless supply of rubber and oil and that just makes it way easier once we go to attack the states so you can see they still have quite a bit of their army focused on the home islands but obviously we're still beating them in combat and we're definitely making a dent in their numbers let's try and get those guys to go around and do a little bit of an encirclement Oh oh my god that scared me that's good the out of me okay I'm gonna leave that in the video you know what why not okay so we're going to take these three divisions send them all the way down to this port so they can't resupply and these guys are now encircled so that's always cool take half of those guys and make sure they're not moving you know now that they're all tied up we can tell those guys to go there take one unit off and tell him to go around to make it a little faster and we can just ignore basically everything else so really from here it's just kind of a semi slow quick push I mean they don't really have a whole lot of divisions and they're losing quite a bit of supply once we kind of push past this little area right here mostly just this line you'll have more than enough room for the rest of your divisions you can see we still aren't struggling with supply at all so it's really not a big problem and as for the rest of our Air Force we can now send the remaining planes over to this port right here or this airbase I should say and unpause the game and then just assign them to that territory and take them off naval strike as well and let's see so they still have air superiority I guess probably because it's the home islands and they might actually have some air defenses here I don't entirely know for certain but anyways that's not really a big problem they're defending their home islands it's kind of expected that they would have superiority compared to me so I'm not gonna worry about my research right now let's just ignore that it's only gonna last a little longer here I imagine this war typically goes pretty quick and you can see you're pushing them back pretty fast across the whole front let's tell you to just do force attack and see how that goes so anyways I think I might even just cut this rest of the combat out I don't really need to show it I'm I'm really just kind of letting them do their own thing and that's about it so anyways once the war's over I will check back in and we're gonna film probably just what territories I'm taking and why I'm doing them so anyways I will be back shortly once this war is over so there we have it the war has now ended with the Allies at this point we can just go ahead and pick whatever we want so unfortunately we can't take over Canada entirely so what's important right now is we take this territory right away at the start otherwise from there you can really just do whatever you want I mean there are certain things that I like doing though so I'll just show you right now that's East Indies so there it is we're gonna take all of those states so that way we get rubber and oil because if you go down here this has a huge amount of rubber and oil now the other thing you can do is you can go back to the United Kingdom and scroll through and where are they British Malaya so you can actually satellite them as well and take their resources you can satellite the raj and take their resources and then we're gonna pop it the United Kingdom now if we do that you can see it gives them all their territory back but I'm not bothered by that in the slightest because at the end of the day taking that territory from them isn't really necessary for success in this game and I'm still gonna count it as a world conquest if I take them as a puppet they're still part of my territory so I'm gonna take one pass italy's taking a little bit of the French stuff but that doesn't really matter we're gonna kill them later on in the game so that's not really a problem we can just go ahead and take the rest of this stuff from the French and if you really want to you can also puppet the French so we're gonna take as much as we can right now from the rest of these countries I guess we'll have to end turn and pass one past two and take that and then we're gonna take everything from Poland if we can in one turn hopefully take all those states and the turn free France we're gonna go down puppet them as well in case you're wondering why we're puppeting all these countries rather than taking every last place it's actually because you can what am I trying to say here you can use their navies to your advantage so rather than letting them just die and taking every last ounce of territory because if you do that their navies disappear they're gone but if you puppet them and they keep their territory they can use their navies even as your puppet so comparatively they're gonna have no land army but their Navy will be the exact same as where they left off and the UK has a massive Navy so now that we control all of those territories down here we can give oil to our puppet and they can use their Navy around the world so in the event that we go to war at the United States which we will do we can help or they can help us essentially by using their Navy and giving us naval superiority now we won't really need it for most of the other countries I mean when we fight Japan later on in the game maybe then but even at that point we're gonna just be so strong it won't really matter so other than that there's nothing else we really need to take we could just satellite a bunch of these and end our turn click done let the game do its thing just lagging a little bit but that's ok so we can cancel obviously for our rubber we don't need all of that we can take this off as well we're still missing tungsten but that's not a problem we'll just trade with the Soviets and otherwise there's nothing really left here for us to do I think I'm probably gonna end off this video I'm gonna have episode two out tomorrow is my goal but really we're in a great position so you can see now ohoo Canada is free that's why okay so in the next episode we're gonna go to war with the United States right away and to do that we'll have to just declare on Canada I mean they have not really any military factories or units themselves so if we just start recruiting a bunch of medium tanks we can break out really quickly and the other thing we're gonna do here just in preparation for that war we're immediately going to get the infrastructure and some naval bases going so that way we can have mmm supply and that's where the other part of that naval equation comes into play by having naval superiority across this whole ocean you get more supply to your troops and it makes it easier to have more divisions in this territory which then allows you to break out and once you kind of hit down here into Ontario and Quebec you have free reign the United States won't be able to stop you at that point you'll just have too many divisions in this region and they're just stronger in general so otherwise I hope you guys enjoyed the video I tried to make this a little bit different than my Germany guide that I released earlier in the year so hopefully you're enjoying the content I've heard a lot of positive feedback and again if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment down below or just join the discord channel I'm trying to you know provide that for you guys so that way we have more of a sense of community and anyways I'm signing off for now I hope you guys have a good one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 39,216
Rating: 4.9044518 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 germany, germany guide, germany gameplay, germany world conquest, german world conquest, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron iv guide, hoi4 guide, scumpydog, gaming, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 germany conquest, hoi4 germany guide, beginner guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 axis, new world order, tommyk, feedbackgaming
Id: xC1my3_Rxg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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