Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Ireland annexes United Kingdom

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone I am Tory and welcome to another one of my hearts of iron phone challenges we're going to play as Ireland and the challenge is to annex the United Kingdom not just occupy and next let's go there are a few ways to do it and the dirtiest I have tested this a lot and the dirtiest and most let's say luck based is to just send a bunch of paratroopers all over Britain a variety before the war start but that is a method that can succeed but will usually fail on yes unless you do it perfectly and I don't like that I like my strategies to be working all the time or almost all of the time so I'm going to do something different and yeah let's start our initial research a setup is Marines below them was below Marines submarines yes exactly that's a dad joke and an electronic mechanical engineering SF or construction just some factories and the political effort focus and no training of units so far and let's just produce a bunch of guns that is it for now but both caught effort and done that's higher a fascist demagogue and set him to the higher-ups because we are very likely to get a coup quickly because of the next election and the next focus will be naval effort because we do need some ships our naval effort is done and submarines are too so let's start building we're going to use to talk arts on submarines and one of them on convoys and let's buy some steel I suppose France is okay next focus in the street and then armament effort Marines have been researched it's time to train some I will need 10 units and I also need to switch the and have into Marines do we have any manpower left afterwards yes we do have a bit which will be enough to deploy our submarines here's the coup activator it's a very necessary event with it we can maybe even turn in January because with the next election we'll get some extra fascist support so the next focus nice to element effort I'm going to be deploying those Marines ahead of time because I do want to train them up if I just let them train normally I might not have enough time to do it that would be more equipment efficient but not as time efficient most research naval invasion the Spanish Civil War has started a bit too early for my tastes but it's fine it is integral to our plans and it might be a bit of a problem that it already started but hopefully we'll manage to do what I'm planning to do those 10 Marines and deployed ahead of time let's train them up elections yes and that's increase a polarity of fascism and with that we have 36% which is actually enough to get the coup event let's hope we get that quickly so the war fascism no oh and a coup as well great it could have happened earlier but that is perfectly good enough which means we're starting to justify war goals and yes is going to be Spain both nationalist Spain and Republican Spain let's do Catalonia yeah right and with naval invasions researched let's plan a naval invasion I suppose here and also let's go down to collectivist at this path so we can get militarism and we won't have to suspend political power to change our manpower as they're still fighting in this area I have decided to change my invasion plan do this instead Republican Spain is not doing great but all it has to do is survive until I beat up nationalist Spain and then I'll take care of them militarism is ready I was hoping to Nevada this port here Bilbao well it's still in the Republican hands I will see how that works out although I can delay the attack a little bit and possibly edit the order now let's do military youth and in the meantime start training our reinforcements because we will want to fool army it will be deploying them green the reinforce in the field that'll be fine okay I could attack now but I can also wait two months if they manage to take Bilbo I will attack and land here because that will give me a better spot to invade from you guys go to the port and you will be joining the frontline as soon as it is created you guys patrol the Seas so we can actually land the invasion they have still not taken the port no ride then let's attack launch have you launched yes you have launched perfect some manual management will be necessary there are the first things first all of you are going to join as the army we're going to get the frontline and an attack order this way execute get everyone execute as the order secondly well some manual management pretty much done let's unpause all right I should probably mention I have hired some guys that will make our army stronger I'm also going to invest in a war economy one of our unions got separated this might mean their death but we'll find out soon enough I'm also on aggressive because the enemy is unprepared for our attack for now let's keep up the pressure with aggressive attacks and he's gaining experience very very quickly and the war go against the Republican Spain is already - I don't need to attack them yet I can do that in two months go get me Madrid I that's and declare war on them as well it's going well enough level seven already perhaps I'll make him a Field Marshal one who reaches level eight then you could send them all units in is it perhaps time to stop being aggressive no the enemy is out of supply or anything and being aggressive is exactly what we need he's level 8 I'm going to promote him to a field marshal you'll lose some of his nice bonuses and bad perhaps he'll gets even nicer ones ok we have defeated national Spain only Republican Spain remains now this might be good for us but it might also not be good for us wine would not be good for us well if Republican Spain Jones come intent now which depends if they don't join comment on the last great because yeah you can see how easily we're cutting through them now but if they would join Comintern well that is terrible here have all those units Oh naval invasion seriously and he did get other combat with trade which is a pretty good straight got extra research it's not we don't have enough factories to get the next one but we soon the will for now let's do secret weapons who got a new trait what is the death the vision recovery rate is very useful also what it what bloody hell really around Africa a great job guys a great job I mean I just wanted to have a trip you know on government money use that military funding for a little trip around Africa all right this is looking good this is looking good all right take Barcelona for me and they have surrendered now I could puppet them for manpower or I could and necks them for factories and I think without with what I have planned and exiting them for factories is the better choice I can always release them later if I want to there it goes we have annexed Spain as Ireland and our next order of business perhaps Portugal it will depend on whether we can get that without any Allied intervention and now we have 61 factories so let's start the extra research slot and get ready for further whatever we decide to do next and I'm gonna get my coffee we have been making some preparations and training our troops up modifying the templates producing guns and demanding some because we don't have enough manpower but we'll get some more soon anyway Germany is about attack Poland which will put them at work with the Allies and we can use that to just file in Portugal but we have to do it all right all right they have attacked are you at war with Britain yes you are so what we need to do is send lend-lease to Britain I'm gonna send them you know what I'm gonna wait a bit because I'm not going to start justifying until Belgium Netherlands and Franz have capitulated so let's wait until at least Germany attacks Belgium and Netherlands all right they're attacking I suppose now it's a good time to start we're going to improve relations with Britain and I'm also going to start a lend-lease I'll send them 30 convoys that will boost our opinion by 30 and the improving will boosted by 100 will get 130 opinion we have to wait a month and I also wanted to wait until Netherlands and Belgium capitulate France has capitulated it is a good time started justifying just let's just check if the United Kingdom is our friend and yes they are right let's start justifying on Portugal and hope that they don't get guaranteed by anyone so going to choose something far away not sure if that will influence it probably not if you're curious how I got these so quickly that's because of the secret weapons Focus 2022 with units trained up to the maximum hopefully should be enough to destroy Portugal let's make some artillery and I have a supporter to the ring yeah Germany has done all the things I'm not really paying attention to that because we don't care we're only interested in the UK our war goal is already and no one has going to them let's go let's go and immediately give them manual orders all of them and just to take the victory points and ignore everything else and if we can do that when well then we win and yes they can take out the territory we only need those two victory points in order to beat up Portugal and their arse is that enough for them to give up yes they are that was a blitzkrieg wasn't it beautiful now what Portugal were not going to just take everything we're going to satellite and their African positions Mozambique and Angola are going to become our puppets let's just end the chance now because we need some manpower but Portugal itself has quite a lot of factories which I prefer to take for myself yeah right that does it and now we will be at peace for a very long time until we decide to beat up the UK and we're going to start boosting fascism in the UK right now why well you'll see soon enough hopefully as far our colonial subjects and let's have a look what is your matin paja 51,000 only well you are on the volunteer only 51,000 on the volunteer only that's 1.5 percent service by requirement plus the fascist generic ideas is going to be 17% so that is going to be more than 10 times at that they should go up to six six hundred thousand member that's quite a lot about Mozambique Mozambique is gonna get even more perfect but we must make sure that we get older manpower so let's get some cool new templates going right away and make sure we get all that I'm going to need some paratroopers soon however let's just use the generic marine templates we made for them for now to switch all our units to that to reserve that manpower for ourselves so they say and I've cued up a lot of construction now all we do is research stuff and wait so what's the plan the plan now is to exploit other manpower of our subjects fully use all of it prepare our invasion of Britain change the government to fascist and wait for the Allies to beat the axis and when the Allies with the Soviet Union has beaten Germany then if all goes well the UK will turn fascist and all of its allies so essentially in the US and France and whatever is released from Germany once it's beaten will leave the faction because they won't like the UK being fascist and by that time British Raj should achieve its independence and then Britain will be alone with no great power vassals or vassals subjects puppets whatever and then then we can just launch an attack and take everything that is the plan will it work we'll see now I'm going to wait for a few years and just build up my strength it's gonna take some time for them to gain manpower but we have time you might find this interesting I have stopped training Marines and started training a paratroopers 100 divisions for each of our puppets and I can do hundred divisions because I'm only leaving one paratrooper in each division that is the most men empower friendly option I will talk more about how I use part replacer later on for now I need to research a support equipment and so that we can actually give them support companies because we need lots of those Italy in Britain fighting in my territory this is a bit of post-commentary I want to interject here I had this recorded but somehow lost at this part anyway I want to say that in the meantime after begin Portugal I have joined the axis I will not be joining any of the wars but I'm doing that purely for research imbalances I have joined action research so that we can make all of these quickly let's start with engineer companies and I'm also going to switch to free trade I should have done that a long time ago let's edit the templates and and engineer companies switching into heavy fighter 3 completing the research of signal companies signifies the last addition I need to make to the template and see this is just one unit it is just under 3000 men are but it has 126 a soft attack this is a disposable one-time use human bomb we just throw it at the enemy and the enemy dies weigh them in it I have Chinese land really yes I am going to release the People's Republic of China because they're going to have their own focus tree and they will make factories out of that so yes yes I am going to release China in Macau sure why the hell not see they have nothing Chinese Empire they have nothing but they can crab they've already done all of these wait if they hadn't they could have you know they could have used that to get factories but the hunt so they're not gonna get factories yeah well well that was pointless a little update Germany is not doing great France has retaken France as you can see the paratroopers are coming along nicely I wonder if the Allies will release some China to my China that would be amazing it's very very unlikely well it would be amazing fast forward a little and Berlin has fallen Germany probably still will resist for I know maybe half a year huh Mozambique is doing militarism finally some extra manpower that I need from you Germany has capitulated and we're still building up our strength although I already do have two hundred paratrooper divisions interesting I don't think I've seen that before Japan has kept pitch elated the rog Mozambique is finally doing military youth that means it's time to an extant China capitulated to the defeat of Japan is and drawing near a little update we have reduced and Mozambique's independence and we're going to be an acting them soon to take over all of their men are seriously I thought it would capitulate by now I mean they do have nineteen and here it go okay Peace Conference okay what happened Japan state what did you take West Germany air oh so we did the classic bit didn't you okay okay seriously United States how did that happen how did that happen well hello alright East Germany middle Germany West Germany and Austria gentlemen that I exists and it is fascist oh I could easily invite them yes correct well why the hell not I am going to invade Germany because I can first off from the faction ii justify war goal and third plan a naval invasion goes why are the hell not oh never mind then it fixed itself the soviets are just attacking everyone down here well good for them was just hope they don't end up fighting the Allies the UK is reaching 50% fascist and then we'll have to well we'll have to count on the referendum and but we still have a lot of time left so even if it fails at first it should be fine eventually now we can always have launched a civil war or something in the meantime we can annexed Mozambique but before we do that let's make sure they didn't send us any Expeditionary Forces they didn't and let's make sure we deploy all the Muslim weak Muslim beacon paratroopers that we've made even though they are not ready just so we can use all the manpower that they have and that was cancel the rest and go are you just do your thing for now and now I can annex Mozambique wonderful and we did get all their troops as well these are fine they will be allayed on half woman yeah they'll be receiving for manpower soon I might even switch them to the end golden ones no probably not anyway they'll be receiving for manpower soon because we will soon have tons more manpower we did get all of theirs but there's still these guys and they're not bad but my guys are better my guys are so much better so I'm just going to disband them and use their manpower for different troops there you go all of them girls manpower seems to have been exhausted and they're not getting any more so I'm just going to cancel all this yeah when the meantime I have also justified the war call on the British it will not expire because it's a Core State I'm deploying my planes now that wasn't sure if grouping the transport planes makes a difference for the invasions just in case I did separate them a bit it's probably pointless anyway I had to cancel half of this power trip as I was building because I didn't have enough manpower for my 5000 heavy fighters as deploy those two I have built up airfields all over Ireland just to be sure we can fit them here right that's 2,000 and Island and a thousand in each zone of England there are 300 to the sea in just in case that should be enough for anything our justification is complete now all our plans rely on the British turning to fascism Helder doing Indian independence good oh did you see that ah okay now the fascists and now the Allies should start leaving of the faction there already are Vaness well I joined them well we don't care okay okay it's time to tack let me prepare an attack plan an aerial invasion of 400 units here's my attack plan how do you like it we have sent 10 to every victory point well 20 to London then we've sent 10 around London and around some other victory points and fire round others to each province and then I also dropped one to some of the other properties not all of them it's not necessary also ten over here I've also sent some Marines to attack here and here and Garrison's those it's not necessary now since they have left at the arm since they have changed their ideology all the major countries have left the which means I can just attack them because I was waiting for them to give India independence but when we check over here the Dominion of India is not in the major countries it's let's just make sure just so we don't make a mistake France neutral Italy neutral Japan neutral US Soviet Union Comintern Turkey that's a confederation of Middle East nations then there's Britain in the Allies and the United States are also neutral which means I can attack them so how will that look when I click this it was so beautiful let's go for it elegant isn't it if it works slow things down and launched all right I think we're ready let's go unpause air right there coin people in what's a lot of people in house air superiority not yet established fighting some people propose robust mission efficiency 97% yes go slow speed so we can enjoy this all right they did start launching since relatively slow are you just doing one by one can't you do some athenaeus missions no matter no matter the important thing is to win now we have landed here but this was defended the others not so much all right I should probably show you those guys see they're very small the main strength of these parts refers is that they are very they don't take manpower they take very little manpower one of them is less than 3000 manpower and the soft attack is comparable to a normal frontline unit now the weak point is that they're very squishy and they will be killed very easily however it doesn't matter that much mmm because they're only necessary for the first attack we squash the enemy and then we don't care let's let them land before we do any expanding from the places we have landed in see success success what is your national unity hmm well we to take everything which is fine because I intend to take everything let's enjoy this for a moment power drops I mean you can do this with power drops but I wanted to do it in an elegant manner and I hope I'm succeeding here if you like speed this up no that's not okay and this is not a successful power drop but I'm also dropping them around all those victory points and if all goes well I will be able to converge other on those we should have dropped them in every province know what let's go up to speed three and four and check yeah aerial domination is full the drop in London is slightly problematic should have sent more troops I expected that they would launch more simultaneously guys go to max speed you please launch 400 we don't have air supremacy anymore that is not correct that is not correct I do have air supremacy everywhere no perhaps not in Ireland itself you know what these few guys that have landed that might just be enough I was hoping for a more elegant outcome however this should be enough can see much through all those orders here we go British Empire has capitulated he has the Peace Conference hey great isn't it this is the end let's just make everything ours if I was playing this further I would puppet a few countries just to get the manpower from them but it doesn't really matter since I'm not going to play this further I was just in turn click done thank you very much oh the green stuff is us now how did you like that it was not nearly as elegant as I hoped it would be but it was still pretty elegant wasn't it now if I were to do that again I would only target the major victory points and sand like 40 part rippers each and a hundred to London and they were just Smosh smash or whatever and everyone would die still we're successful and without having to fight anyone else well apart from the initial invasion but we needed that for factories and manpower if I were to continue playing this our next attack would probably be the United States and France and all the non-common ten states and we will do the same strategy just target the tree points with our power troopers which are powerful enough to pull that off actually and yeah after taking those we would face the Comintern and well the Comintern can't really be taken with partial as effectively but what you can do is just land them all behind enemy lines and do a magical encirclement of all their forces I hope you did enjoy this video make sure to let me know what you think in the comments and make sure to leave suggestions for my next challenge also if you would maybe you'd like to support the channel you will find a link to my patreon down in the description as well as a playlist with all my challenges so that was it Ireland and Xing in the United Kingdom I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you soon good bye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 812,171
Rating: 4.8691354 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 challenge, four, hoi4 ireland world conquest, hoi4 ironman ireland, taureor, hearts of iron 4 ireland challenge, hoi4 ireland vs uk, hearts of iron 4 ironman ireland, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 irish empire, hoi4 ireland, of, hoi4 ireland challenge, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4, hearts, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 challenge, world conquest, hoi4 annex united kingdom, iron, annex united kingdom, hoi4, hoi4 meme
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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