HOI4 10 Tips For Everyone (Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns Guide)

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welcome back to herds of iron for video to date I'm going over ten tips that everybody new or old can use in hearts of iron for now please pay very close attention because like a kamikaze pilot I'm only going to do this once now the first thing I'm going to show you guys is a little tip regarding your research the majority of people know that you can save 30 days and then apply it to something that you want to go ahead and get 30 days off of so if you have this extra research slot sitting here for a month and then you can apply it to something and get 30 days off but that's the max it'll go to one thing you can do here is go ahead and start researching some equipment will just use vp40 and the p38 now we're gonna let our 30 days on these two research slots saved up and we're gonna apply them to our planes we're already researching now really quick before we do get to the 30 day mark I wanted to just really quick point this out I prefer to let it go 31 days because if you do this early you're gonna end up wasting the research it has to have saved at least the 30 days minimum so it can be like this but it will not actually work so I prefer to wait until the 31 day mark now what we're gonna do is we have a hundred and twenty four days on both of these planes remember that so now we're gonna swap over to something else and engineering now instead of it being a hundred and twenty four days we're gonna use our research slots here that already have the 30 day is saved so instead of being 120 now they're 95 that's just a little quick research tip I want to show you guys now this only works once per research for some odd reason you can't do with a second time or a third time unfortunately so this only works once with the technology already doing so don't do it to something really far ahead of time or else you're only gonna get like 6 days off only do it the stuff that you're already researching that is with the current date of the game now this is the number one thing I always recommend people to do in multiplayer and even single-player if they're the United States or Russia sometimes you know countries that aren't gonna be at war for a while it's called one division training now this really only works for the Allies and it's a really easy way to gain army experience from the very start of the game until you're ready to go to war pretty much what it is is normally if you train your entire army you only get right here point one to one daily now what's going to end up happening is if we delete all but our largest division which is right here our National Guard division instead of being at point to one it goes up to one or point one three zero now because you're training this one division you're not really spending as much military equipment either now for some people this might not be enough of a boost but the problem is the larger your army is the last army experience you're gonna get from training so what you can do is over time once you get army experience say we're just gonna add five hundred here what you can do is continuously train your division but at arming de battalions to it over time this is what a lot of us players doing multi players so that way it saves them rifles it saves them equipment and over time it takes about a year to get a single 40 with setup but instead of 1.30 your division over time it just takes a minute to actually reinforce and then your army experience will start going up some there it is 1.45 it just takes it awhile and pretty much while it's actually getting maxed out as you can see here with our strength that's because we don't have enough rifles available yet it's just going to go up and it should actually I think the most you can get once a division is entirely filled it can give you point two five zero army experience or one army experience every single four days so if you do that along with getting a military theorist you're going to be getting around pretty much a single political power on average I would say about every three days or one army experience every three days for next up I'm going to show you guys how to actually swap your designers out so you can get the bonuses for all of them for whatever it is you need now most people know if you need a light aircraft designer this applies to fighters carrier fighters this one to design this one applies to heavy fires and stuff but you can actually swap these out and get some pretty cool results so for an example we're gonna use it for our armor which probably be the best easiest bet to explain it as you can see if we want a martyr works right this or like this but let's go ahead and get a bison so as you can see here our soft attack is 34 we want soft attack for that so what we do is go into here and we will apply the mon tank designer and now our bison is going to have 35 so we're just gonna go ahead and speed for just a couple days and now that we've gotten this done what we can do is instead of over here if we want a heavy self-propelled gun because we don't want the extra soft attack we want armor now we can swap this guy out for a heavy tank designer which will then apply the bonus to our hit me self-propelled gun as you can see right there instead of 57 soft tech now we're going to be at 55 and our armor went up and we still have the bonus from the mod tank designer which you can see my holding shift and left-click they now have the bonuses while they were researched with that specific designer this actually works great for the US something I usually do as the United States for example for those USA players out there in multiplayer what I will do is get coastal defense Naval Yard right here or the coastal defense fleet designer for the Norfolk Naval Yard and what I'll end up doing is I will use them to research the screen ships like destroyers and light cruisers and then once those are done I'll use 150 army extra 150 political power to then swap to the Pacific Fleet designer giving capital ship bonuses and I got a production of efficient production cost reduction for my screens it only arranged penalty which really doesn't matter that much in the Pacific in certain areas of the Atlantic next up is a tip for those people that like to go total mobilization but they have huge problems with manpower now 99% of the time people see total mobilization like okay that'll take three percent my manpower away I'm at five million I'll be fine what ends up happening when you go to that it has to be lower than your conscription law or you're going to have zero troops that are going to be able to resupply now as you can see here our recruitable population is two point five zero percent but total mobilization is going to take three percent away so what this is gonna mean is we're going to lose or actually be in debt to the game four point five zero recruitable population so we'd have to increase this over three percent relative zero manpower and we're gonna have a huge shortage very soon so what you can do is just either go to extensive conscription which gets 5% so you'll have to if you're on total mobilization or another option is once you're on total mobilization you can do women in the workforce which gives you 3% which basically balances it out so if you're gonna go total mobilization make sure either a couple things happen one your conscription lot is higher than 3% or you are doing hat or have done women in the workforce now this is literally the number one thing you should always get in hearts of iron 4 and it takes no supply no equipment nothing it's always radio now the majority of people think oh radios not that big a deal is just increased in the reinforcements radar than let's be honest that just resupplies my divisions and leads to radar actually that's not what reinforcements rate is contrary to what a lot of people believe what reinforced Marine is is it affects the divisions that can actually join the battle if something is routed so every hour the battle goes on there's chances of these divisions being d org and getting pushed out now what will happen is there's a chance as you can see with radio which is currently 5% that every hour the battle goes on if the combat width is available one of these divisions will join the battle and there's a chance of that because our 5% of radio so that's about every hour you'll have a plus 5% chance that the battle goes on of reinforcements joining now a lot of people will say that's still not a big deal but this is where it probably to change your mind if they're actually able to hold all these 10 divisions off but your reinforcements rate is zero none of these divisions are going to replace the ones that are routed so that means that once the battle has started the divisions that are attacking nothing is going to replace them if they're d org and if you're being on the defensive side of this if say Poland was attacking Germany and we had no reinforcement rate if this one division was able to push back all these divisions somehow even though we have nine reserves the entire group would retreat because there's no way the reserves can enter the battle because they don't have enough reinforcements rate so the number one thing you can always get for increasing that is reinforcement rate and it helps out a ton also radio does actually help that out a little bit oops radio does actually increase the recovery rate a little bit but for some reason when you do have radio it will actually increase the reinforcement rates another tip I have for you guys is most of the time you don't need as many garrison divisions as you think actually the way rhe resistance works is it will originate somewhere inside of a territory and then spread if it's not in check now what you can do is look at the resistance map and you can see this is true so we look over here in Warsaw you actually see this getting well daily resistance growth but it will be capped at 40% from suppression now as you can see here we're actually getting from seed lice and warsaw is what's causing the increase to our resistance now if you look in the next zone over next let's go down a little bit here we go we're getting one from tar now which is the city in here along with Krakow then we're getting it from Radice and Kleiss as a random random whatever it's literally just increasing because of the cities themselves in the zone but what will end up happening if they don't have a city actually pretty much every zone does have a city but sometimes if you do come across a zone without a city in it for some reason there won't be any resistance growth in that territory itself kinda hard to find one nope okay if you ever do come across one though it will spread from state to state if it's not in checked fast enough so if you don't have any resistance guarded whatsoever it's going to increase rapidly and then it's just gonna start spreading or out next is going to be one of the things that irritate me the most I see multiplayer USA and Germany's do if you go into here even if you're not planning on researching it ever if you're not planning on putting it into production at all as long as you're making tank divisions it's worth it the motorized infantry as you can see have no hardness I actually have Tim Hardin a 10% hardness on here in that sit now if we actually look at the division itself let's look at this division our hardness from the motorized is actually zero now what ends up happening is the hardness for the motorized as long as you just research the first mechanized it'll increase the hardness for all of your motorized divisions by 100% so once you do have one you actually increase the hardness of it and it helps out a lot more than you would think so just by upgrading this even you don't put it into production it's still worth it to research if you have tank divisions to increase the hardness on your divisions with motorized in them for my next tip you don't always need casts but sometimes you just need enough fighters that will give you bonuses to attacking infantry and other kind of divisions on the other side now you might be wondering what I'm talking about now obviously I'm not gonna break through your system Maginot Line I'm not even really trying this just for an example if you have air superiority over a region by at least 70 percent you will get bonuses applied to the enemy on the ground now let me go and show you guys this on the Maginot Line as you can see they do not have air superiority actually says the enemy has air superiority over the French so if you look here we're actually giving them a 19 percent penalty to them having no planes up in the air and us have an air superiority now sometimes it will change as you can see it it's up to 34 percent and it always maxes out at 35 percent inside the game now this can be changed entirely based on your land doctrine now some things in land doctor and will actually give you bonuses to air superiority bonuses I know there's one under here there it is right there air superiority for example give a bonus of plus 20% so you could actually have a plus fifty five percent penalty to the enemy divisions on the ground if you have just fighters up and that's without castes or anything actually damaging the unit so that's a really cool thing to always remember that the air superiority bonus is just as damaging as caste and can actually really be solely used instead of castes under certain circumstances so the next tip you don't need to actually worry all the time about researches and all I kind of stopped and getting them mixed up research bonuses will only apply to the thing that you're about to research never what you're already researching an example of this is as you can see we're going under superior firepower but we're going to get this guy which is going to give a - 100 percent bonus for land doctrine research now to somebody that might worry them and make them think oh no that's gonna cut the days down to 60 on this but I want to save it for this next one here which would be 378 days to cut that down by a hundred percent or a half and then this one by half so basically as you can see here we're gonna finish it up in one day doesn't actually apply for the next one it will apply along with the next one suddenly new I'm doing is I'm gonna be covering a couple extra smaller tips that aren't important enough to make it into a top ten list pretty much but instead are just going to be mentioned really quick so first off focuses cost one political power daily so that means if you want to stock up political power you can avoid doing focuses if you have nothing better to do you can also go and see what someone is exporting or exporting by clicking trade looking for something say for example we know Sweden usually trades tungsten to Germany right the beginning of the game and I didn't stop it so we could go to filter by tungsten we could go down to Sweden and we can see they're trading it to the German Reich this one I know I'm going to catch a lot of flak for because a lot of multiplayer communities don't want this to get out but sorry guys basically what you can do is if you're at war with anybody this works great for Italy in Japan or really any other country that's gonna go to war early with somebody or is it war you can start mind laying certain regions and what will end up happening is after your war has been finished as long as the mines are still there you will end up winning so for example you to tag Ethiopia here really quick we're gonna remove all of our divisions so we can just march into their capital tag Italy now we're gonna start marching their capital or really close by actually so we don't finish this too early alright so now we've been laying mines for a few days we're gonna go ahead and take out Ethiopia's capital so we can finish this now as you can see if you look right here we've been mined laying for a little while it shows right here that we have 70 mines wait 77 mines but if you click the region we've only done 8% mining so now once the war with Ethiopia is gonna be over and we're gonna finally be at peace all right so now that we're just gonna go ahead and annex them whatever now as you can see the mines are going away slowly at a time but the area is still technically mine so if you mine it all the way up to a hundred percent maybe a few months before World War two actually fires off Italy if you're a multiplayer could start theoretically laying mines in the very beginning of the game and just wait before they go to you know finished war with Ethiopia until they have enough the Mediterranean mine to last for a couple years for our next tip heavy fighters are sometimes bad the normal fighters under certain circumstances now it works mostly like that in zones like Africa certain areas in the Atlantic in largely the Pacific for the United States and Japan now this is why let's go ahead and compare the two actually if you remember hold shift left click as you can see heavy fighters have a lot more range for example than a regular fighter which will increase the ability to cover a full zone which will then transfer over to the air superiority now also air superiority heavy fighters have just a little bit more now the air attack itself is a lot higher on these but the agility on the fighters which is the majority of the time what makes the difference is a lot higher same thing if we can parish heavy fire twos along with fight or twos the agility for these are way higher so you would need to max I agility for hip fires to be able to stack up to these guys and if they upgrade the engines it's a nightmare but sometimes it's better to use the heavy fighters against them and this is why as an example I went ahead and put 100 British UK whatever fighter once in the Bella knocks with only half the range that the bf 109s have because they're heavy fighters now as you can see they're engaging and we only have 20% air superiority because the enemies the Germans actually have more range than our so if we look over here at Germany as you can see we obviously cover the zone so that gives us a hundred percent of the coverage which you can actually see if we hover over here no I forget where we're I forgot where it shows I hear it is average mission efficacy is 100% because of the coverage air base and supply so since we have that maxed out if you look now that the planes are gonna begin battling and okay here we go yeah as you can see they're losing a lot more fighters to our heavy fighters by a ridiculous level because we have much more range over them and we have much more mission efficiency compared to them with only this rank here they only have a 60% mission efficiency so we took down 13 enemy fighters before we lost a single one of our heavy fighters because we have more range than them which increases our mission efficiency so sometimes heavy fighters are better than regular fighters other times fighters are better than heavy fighters like if the range is the same so maybe heavy fighters are a good idea for places like Russia where Ukraine is pretty big you know central Russia stuff along those lines which helped out a lot so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video please subscribe if you did not enjoy the joke in the beginning about the kamikaze pilot I'm sorry also guys think you guys watch I'll see you guys next time stay awesome
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 117,213
Rating: 4.8928089 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tips, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hoi 4, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 tips, hoi4 man the guns, hearts of iron 4 how to, tutorial, guide, hoi, hoi4 tutorial, how to play hearts of iron, man the guns, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, man the guns guide, hoiiv, tips, hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, hearts, of, iron
Id: O8cUjsPbBhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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