Hearts of Iron 4 Tips only Pros Know (HoI4 Man the Guns Tutorial Guide)

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welcome back to my lair hoards of iron for video today begin with you guys about ten things that you did not know you could do in hard smart forward to help you guys play better in single-player and multiplayer now really quick I wanted to say I'm very sorry if the quality seems lower than usual or my voice sounds a bit different basically what an up happening is I normally use shadowplay to record my videos and they recently released an update to allow people to do r-tx tracing to make games look better but instead it completely broke shadow play to the point where it won't pick up my mouse so instead I'm using my backup software OBS so the first thing I'm going to show you guys it's actually kind of two things tied into one first off we're using our little thing here on a well defenseless little nation now here's what it is basically find any bubble on a map currently where there's a battle after you found the bubble click it and up here in the center you can click what's called the tactics list now you might be wondering well what is the point of the tactics well I've better keep that open actually you might be wondering what is the point over here with the tactics list now it's actually two things one you can actually look here and see what battles are currently being used as the current tactics the generals are choosing from but more importantly when you go through this list it will tell you the different tactics and usually when they're able to be deployed now it also gives you ideas about the different bonuses and things you can do but here is probably the best part a me scroll down here at the bottom now I want to say this in a few different multiplayer games I've been experiencing some people have found out how to do the dual industry exploit again except they're using land doctrines with it now here's how you can check and see if they've cheated at the very bottom of the list once you've gone to war with somebody click the battle and look here at the bottom of the tactics list and will actually tell you these doctrines are locked because neither side actually has these different doctrines and it also shows multiple different ones like it says to gain backhand blow you need further down superior firepower or mass assault doctrine for the next tip you can actually make frontlines like you used to be able to before man the guns or a correction before waking the tiger now what normally happens to people whenever they try to make line let's actually go ahead and do the ones our generals have here now whenever someone tries to make a front line they usually get one of these where basically the divisions are kind of split up where you'll have one army group here another army group here another army group here basically before man the guns used to be able to make front lines like that and what ends up happening is instead of putting the generals in two different areas this actually evenly splits the troops among the entire front line and spreads them out accordingly here is how you're able to do this basically you have you do not have to have any DLCs okay make sure you select the field marshal himself click front line and hold left shift down and right click the front line or the other way to do this is to do the exact same thing but if you want to do an entire front line hold left shift down and just simply left-click the front line and basically the difference is that one is a what's called defensive front line where everything is on the line evenly this is just a regular front line where that way generals will go to different areas and you can set up battle plans to attack from different territories like that compared to this way now if we do this one more time a defensive line your generals are not going to be able to actually push off compared to like I said one more time comparison now while we're still in this area before we actually take out France I want to show you guys one more thing you can do those are the time people want to go total mobilization but they don't want to take the 3 percent hit to manpower now this works for every single country and this is not exploit now currently you do not have a way to do this decision that's called women in the work force now here's what happens the only thing you have to do to actually get this is be at war someone else has enough factories to where they're really close to your level I did a whole other video on that I'm not going to get into that today however just make sure that the enemy country is very close to you and your terms of your factory count now the big thing with this is make sure you'll have at least 79 percent war support if you're calming or Democratic or if you're a fascist nation you need to have 89 percent worse support which is actually kind of weird for that but let's go and cheat a little bit and we're just gonna add 10% worth support that way we can do this okay so since we have at least 89 percent more support here's what happens once you go total mobilization which takes 3% manpower away you'll now have a decision called women in the work force which gives you the 3% manpower back this essentially means that you can go to total mobilization as long as you have a high enough war support and not take any kind of hit to your recruitable population because the 3% you lose you get back with another decision as long as you have that level of war support but remember this every country that does this decision I think the United States gets a special one called Rosie the Riveter which does not take a stability hit but all of them have the same thing 100% or sorry 100 political power 4 5 % stability but you get 3% recruitable pop giving you total Mobe with no hit to man power now this is a little bit of a bonus tip that I'm not gonna include in really the 10 list but instead this is still something that everybody in hearts of iron 4 should know in my personal opinion now here's what ends up happening if you don't have air superiority if you don't have air superiority in combat you usually get between a penalty depending on the enemy doctrine of 15 to 50 percent which is absolutely massive as you can see here our tanks on defensive wise the air superiority penalties pull it down to 29 we lose 29% of our defense doesn't really affect our heart attack or are soft attack but still that is a huge penalty to defense now our infantry for example when we attack they're not really gonna have that issue as you can see they do have a little bit but it's nowhere close to that penalty of right here the defense of 29 percent it's not really anywhere close to the 29 it's only twenty two point eight zero now here's the reason that's different and how you can actually fix it if you add anti air into your visions the more AAA you have the more of the penalty from you not having air superiority it will pull down now as you can see all of our infantry divisions here have support anti-air and then the more you upgrade them I actually do have a couple of mods on which I'll talk about later if you guys want to they're awesome basically it pulls down the enemy penalties or the bonuses they get from air superiority each level of AAA that you get now it doesn't say it on this list but if we go ahead and cheat a little bit and actually get all the bonuses from anti-air now we're gonna click our division and our defense is oh that's a tank division back here instead of the 22% now it's already down to 21 which and it's actually getting lower and lower depending on how equipped the divisions are with the new anti-aircraft upgrades so it's really cool but also remember under the doctrines let me turn it back off several of them actually give these bonuses like air land battle for the united state or now the united states but superior firepower players it doesn't right here the air superiority penalty is an additional 20% which would have bumped it over here up to 50% for example which would have been absolutely massive next up this is something you can actually do in every game to get a ton more factories so as of right now now that we've taken out France and Poland what's up happening is we have a combined total of about a hundred and sixty-four military factories and 150 for civilian factories now this is probably one of the most irritating things to me that people don't know they can do and it can actually change a game like that in case you couldn't hear it you probably did I snap my fingers to show how quick that was so basically here's what you have to do as you can tell like I said we have 164 mills 18 dockyards 154 sibs or if you want to look up here we have 336 factories in total now what we can do is go over here to our flag go over to occupied territories and bump this up now once we put it on the max on all these territories now instead of 300 sorry 164 mils 18 dockyards and 154 sibs 164 1854 our numbers absolutely skyrocket we've gained about 40 military factories we gained about eight or ten Dockyard some in that ballpark and we've gained almost twenty civilian factories now when we go back down we go from 408 factories to 336 now here is the reasons you would do this and also it's not just that but also the resources in these areas as well whenever you take a territory you automatically start your occupation territory policy on gentle which means you get on you get about 80 percent of the local resources you get 20 percent of the local manpower you get 60 percent of the local factories and the occupation cost is your political power per day so whenever you bump this number up instead of getting those numbers you get all of the territory but you don't get any of the manpower and it costs your political power more daily so as you can see occupations 17 if we bump it all up again occupation has bumped us up to point six eight pluck power day but now you'll be able to get all the territory's resources and factories but you won't get any of the manpower compared to the lowest one you can do this and you'll get more manpower now here's one of our big big thing when you do this this means that your resistance growth will absolutely skyrocket now we have a bunch of divisions right here right now it tells us we would require 77 divisions of this type to be able to stop the resistance now if we lowered this all to say the gentlest instead of the 77 now it's down to 38 so really it has a requirement where you have to send more divisions to keep in our control you spend a little bit more political power but you get an absolutely insane ridiculous amount of more factories and resources compared to the other way next up on our list is how to get research unlocked early this is something I do as the United States guaranteed every single game and even Germany including in multiplayer this would usually give you construction about two months ahead of time and other research slots a lot earlier as well so here's how it works basically you need to keep one of your resaw research slots open now we're gonna go ahead for this and just use construction one as an example along with our electronical mechanical engineering now you can do this with other things too like land doctrines are more technology anything like that just make sure it's not ahead of time or else it will seriously lower the amount of days you get you get to keep now we're gonna let these two research slots save days now when you hover over this line it tells you how many days have actually been saved up now once it hits 30 you're then able to apply those research slots onto the other research up here so basically we're just gonna let this build up to 30 DS I don't care about all these extra notifications wish I could just disable them all for just a moment come on and boom 30 days so now what you're gonna do is whatever technology you want to boost you're going to select that slot right now mechanical computing is 48 days we'll swap that to say a land doctrine now instead of being 48 days you're going to go back into here okay you're gonna go back in your research panel and select one of these slots that has 30 days saved up instead of being 48 days we're gonna use the research bonus go back into whatever else it was you were previously researching and now instead of being 48 days it's 19 for construction one instead of being how many days was it 125 said to be in 125 days now we've bumped it down to 96 and basically the easiest way to do this is apply this to the basic machine tools followed by dispersed industry instead of construction because that way you'll usually have dispersed or concentrated depending on your preference about two full months before anyone else in the game this actually unlock them faster than if you even had a 100 percent bonus for them at the start of the game the next thing on my list is probably one of my definite favorites it is called consolidate units so basically here's how this ends up working so if you have a bunch of divisions that are under supplied and a few that are fully supplied here's what ends up happening normally you'll get what's called just basic reinforced now with every reinforcement that you get your experience level is going to slowly start dropping because the divisions that you're bringing in to replace them have no training so you're gonna be slowly lowering your experience which means if you have anything major like save veterans from nationalist Spain you really don't want to lose that probably you really want to keep that as close to a high level as possible after the Spanish Civil War is over now here's what you're able to do if you have similar templates all right you can't do it with two different army groups you can have something like this and say some Calvary let's go back down here you can't consolidate different templates it has to be the same template all right so now that we've done that as you can tell here like I was saying we have several of the same tank divisions that are all trained and we want to keep them that way instead of having a lose experience so you're going to consolidate units now what they will do is as long as they are sort of a close to experience level they will begin sort of merging the templates together instead of having to send too many reinforcements so we're already down to ten nine hang on there's definitely more they're trying to get together nine eight it's probably gonna be about seven or six honestly now you have to be really quick about this because as you can see here this guy is already a level two trained now he is not gonna be able to get there in time let's see where is this guy actually uh where is he where is he well okay well basically this guy's not going to be able to get it done in time but probably more likely this divisions gonna group up with him now once they are there yeah see he already got bumped down to green so that's why it's really important to keep an eye on this and try to get it done as soon as possible but if we were to merge these two templates or rookie with a trained he's gonna go ahead and find the rookie template oops double clicked it and he combined forces to fully strengthen it up now this is why you want to catch it before they actually lose the level because what this does is it will stop them from receiving any extra recruits and just merging templates together to keep them at the same level that they already are whichever one reinforced into whatever so basically this is a really cool trick to actually keep your divisions at a medium to high level of experience as long as you're able to stay on top of it if they're in their own army group or something like that and then you can just merge templates together to keep them that way so they don't have a penalty in combat like this guy now does or something like being able to have a bonus in combat if these guys were veterans for the next thing I'm going to show you guys it is rocket artillery is almost hands-down way better than regular artillery now here's a basic artillery by the way we've gone into our tree and we've actually unlocked both of the max level of artillery so it's really debatable if you want to say because they're not technically on the same level and this one's in 1943 artillery this one's 1942 whatever I don't care they're about the same level so here's how you can make them way way way better if you were just to upgrade to regular rocket artillery your heart attack would drop by one which is pretty dramatic and multiplayer once you really get down to when you lose half of the rocket artilleries heart attack but then your soft tech goes up almost to break 3 goes up 4 but your defense goes down 3 now here is where it gets really overpowered so instead of currently our 49 soft attack we're going to get rocket engineering and instead of that 49 our artillery is now at 55 soft attack the defense is 15 break through is 12 now here's why basically if you go back to the experimental rocket technologies once you get to this level here it got it starts again I will tell everyone these mods in the description down here the soft attack bonuses for all artillery including support rocket artillery regular rocket artillery rocket motorized artillery and then the action we'll technically the real rocket motorized artillery all get bonuses to soft attack each level is 5% more soft attack each and every time which means you'll have 5 10 15 percent extra soft attack now also ties in with one other thing if you have the ability to whenever you can make a 20 with infantry division and make sure to add both regular artillery I'll show you the difference add regular artillery along with rocket artillery because adding those two together can boost your soft attack up to about 70 and then defense only goes up a little bit but soft attack also does damage against somebody's defense and their breakthrough correction when they're attacking you so this will really give your divisions an extra 70 soft attack even for tank divisions that would be pretty huge to give someone an extra 70 soft tech that's a little extra bonus tip as well next up on our list is how to get extra oil from synthetic refineries now usually what ends up happening is if someone needs oil and hearts of iron for they're gonna go up here they're gonna be like oh my god I'm in a deficit of 28,000 barrels a day you should never Li have that bad but what you would do is go to construction and start making synthetic refineries now the reason is is because this actually boost up your rubber and your oil output or your fuel gain now what people do is they go into your technology here industry and they start getting oil processing right that is completely normal that is what everybody does however this side also gives you bonuses for refineries as well each one of these gives an extra 10 percent refineries this one over here gets 50 so that means if you take all these refining technologies over here this will be an extra plus 50% of fuel gain you're gaining from the refineries plus any oil in your own territory to begin with so this would be another 50 percent over here compared to over here each one of these technologies is 50 percent so essentially you're getting a an additional fourth oil reprocessing by going down this line here now these last two things are probably really easy to cover so I'm just gonna go through and really you can access a special map mode miss menu inside of hearts fire for and I cover this previously in its own video I think but a lot of people still didn't catch that compared to the new people on my channel hit ctrl F 1 on your keyboard and it opens his little map mode now if you don't have access to control f1 for some weird reason you can always go to this little button here and click it and you'll be able to pull this out now what this does is have tons of different map terrain systems you can look at you can click this one and you can view the states in the world I know this probably just blinded some people I'm sorry you can also look exclusively at resources instead of having to go down here but really importantly my favorite ones are for people who play multiplayer because you can click players and it will show all the players in the world this is probably a bad example because I know it will exploit where you can change your name to a single letter in hearts of iron 4 and then people can't see that you're actually on a country which is really funny to do but evil and multiplayer games because you give people false hope making them think that countries they want are available link but really you can also check populations areas it'll have like different colors for you you can see Germany has 7.4 3 million in Berlin over here it's 5.2 you can look at the terrain system here which will give you ideas about where you can attack from with no penalties versus place with penalties you can look at ideology so you can tell communism democratic fascism it it's really a lot of different options in here they're really fun to mess with and check out it's really cool you can also check out the factions like allies Comintern axis it's really helpful depending on how you use it in a multiplayer game now the last thing I wanted to cover people do not do not do not do not research self-propelled artillery one medium self-taught artillery one in this as why ok the only reason you would ever really research this is because of the armor bonuses on it that's it and using a self put artillery versus a tank for artillery is absolutely ridiculous you should never do that here's the reason why if you compare these two this is a light to self-propelled artillery it's this one right here this one on the right is a medium one self-propelled artillery do you notice anything special here the soft attack is actually exactly the same now if you hover over it you can see it's because the Mon bonus it actually went up by ticking you know and actually let me get rid of that really quick so you can see a little bit easier but if we go back into here as you can see this is a wisp this is a grill light so propelled artillery to medium self-propelled artillery one this is actually cheaper by about two tungsten which is really helpful for the people that have to produce these because it's less tungsten which is a more expensive resource in the world plus they have the exact same soft attack 4242 this tank is faster my form km/h 12 km/h which isn't gonna make a difference because it's a tank it's a self-propelled artillery tank meant for attacking infantry and soft targets it's not supposed to go up against tanks anyway oops there's no reason whatsoever you should really ever research the medium one itself put artillery versus this aside from the armor there is no reason to get this one over this one now the armor is kind of bad obviously but you have to think if you're using these they're either gonna be in light tank templates which you're gonna need for speed already which speed is pretty close as it is at 12 kilometers per hour or you're gonna have a with medium tanks where their speed is already 8 km/h which pulls this down anyway other than the armor and you would lose more in combat versus actual tanks which again is a bad idea there's no reason to pick this one over here the medium stuff about artillery one versus the light self-propelled artillery two anyway guys that was not really ten but several tips for hardware and four I have for new and old players that are really all pretty seriously pro tips that I see people like Tommy K and a few other big youtubers out there use very often and I have experienced it when my fifty five hundred hours or something like that at hardware I think I'm actually $5,700 yeah let me check hold on yep about 5,600 hours so anyway guys I wanted to thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoy it I will see you guys next time stay awesome
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 129,478
Rating: 4.8759007 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, hoi 4, hoi iv, hearts, of, iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tips, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 tutorial, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, man the guns, hoi, guide, hoi4 guide, tutorial, hearts of iron 4 how to, how to play hearts of iron, man the guns guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, tips, hoiiv, walkthrough, hoi4 mtg, hoi4 tips, hoi4 dlc
Id: nq_Zk7KjauA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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