Helldivers 2 Lore - Super Earth Isn't Our First Home?

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welcome back hell divers first I'd like to say thank you so much for all the support you've been showing the channel in these videos as I'm recording this we just hit 600 subscribers and that's honestly just amazing you know I just make these videos because I really enjoy the game and thought hey I'm not going to focus too much on the YouTube algorithm or when best to upload videos or how best can I push these out on social media and gain this and that I don't think any of that stuff is wrong but I really just wanted to make videos and just kind of chill out and and make the content that I want to make so thank you so much for all the views all the comments all the likes all the subscriptions it's been really inspiring and and really wants me to it really helps me to to continue on and make more content for you guys so with that being said I've been seeing a lot of comments on my super Earth lore video that came out a few weeks ago and mentioned that I missed a very important detail from the first hell divers game that detail being that super Earth is not our Earth how is this possible though I mean it's in the name of the planet Earth come on let's be real so super Earth is not our Earth or at least it's not anymore let's take a look at what happens in the first hell divers game when you fail to win a galactic [Music] War we have failed my friend so in the first game when you lose the galactic War super earth is invaded and lost to an enemy it's then destroyed the text on screen from the general reads for now we will have to Trek the Galaxy for a planet that can become our new home a new super Earth and later text reads but there are many more worlds like old Earth and we will find another where we will put down Roots a new we will rebuild and have our revenge eventually I think the term old Earth is used for a reason here in the game old Earth must be the original Earth that you and I reside on because of the many wars throughout the Galaxy we can assume that the original Earth was lost a long time ago and from its destruction arose the first Super Earth or at least a new Earth that then became super Earth after the first draft of managed democracy was written from pictures of the current super Earth we can see that the planet has been built up to resemble the original Earth with features from different cultures like the Great Pyramids which do seem to have shields around them interesting maybe that's so a hell diver doesn't accidentally drop on top of one and something that resembles the Great Wall of China this structure though is actually known as the Great Wall of democracy we know this from this provided image from Johan pet my apologies I know I'm saying your name wrong where he posted this on the hell divers Discord to show us a map of super Earth now this map looks awfully familiar to our own Earth which raises a lot of questions did the Federation find a planet with exactly the same continents as old Earth did the Federation terraform this new planet to look similar to Old Earth here's the answer I don't know and for now I'm not going to look too far into it until we hear a definitive answer from the devs but looking at the map we can see that there are sections that have been marked as last Great War Wasteland zones this connects with previous lore that we discussed about how before the events of the first game there was a great war that took place many people theorize that that Great War was the second world war but this map doesn't quite align with the conflicts that occurred in World War II all of that being said I'm not a World War II historian so I could be wrong here so for now let's leave that topic up to somebody much more knowledgeable it is interesting also how there are a few sections that have been marked as restricted areas these include three separate areas noted as the last rainforests as well as the emergency seed Vault I'm not sure why rainforests are considered as restricted zones and the idea of an emergency seed Vault makes me think that maybe this is where they keep seeds that would be used on planets to then make them become like super Earth I don't know maybe maybe not and I'd also like to point out that there are a few areas missing as compared to our original earth like Antarctica and Ireland and that the overall shapes of the continents while close are not exactly the same as old Earths part of the fun of the hell divers lore is that it isn't fully discovered yet meaning we have lots of room to theorize and debate on what is and is not canon so what do you think what are your theories on super Earth its map and the old Earth I love to see the conversation so drop your thoughts in the comments below also if you enjoy the content why not subscribe hey thanks for watching and as always go spread democracy of [Music] Li drop ship requesting senty
Channel: Backburner
Views: 10,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, ps5, playstation 5
Id: xDwcx6XPZ4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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