A tutorial on the Lasers | Helldivers 2

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hell diver 12801 liked being a hell diver it was fun the day was always busy things were always needing to be done but sometimes it lacked a little Pizzazz his next schedule would leave was probably after he was dead so instead of trying to go clubbing he decided to bring the club with him call it a team rave [Music] Reginald here democracy has landed triumphs over Ty lasers are cool and that's why I'm making a video about all of the laser guns with the exception of the sickle because it's actually a projectile weapon masquerading as a pulse rifle FAS rating as a laser rifle and it's just not the same thing I like to stick to themes around these parts and I think that gun in and of itself will probably need comparison to its counterparts like the Liberator and the Liberator penetrator rather than to the laser guns which are all very different weapons from the sickle now I have been gathering this data for quite a while and there's quite a lot of it so I'm going to try and do this as concisely as possible which is why I have carefully timestamp this video for you but I think it's important just to give a quick thank you to several people for helping me out including hash crop who is a fellow YouTuber and makes Stellar well researched content because without them I wouldn't have been able to do this video pretty much at all there's a lot of details I need help with when testing but beyond that much to my surprise and significant gratitude clay Aesthetics a streamer that I've been watching since my dark tide days and who I'm happy to call a friend have ended up collaborating on the shared ambition of publishing content in relation to laser guns so he has shared with me and I've shared with him a whole bunch of the research we were doing to try and make things for each other so this video will be a tutorial with the benefit of all of that and if you head over to Clay Aesthetics Channel or check the link in my description below you should be able to head over to his channel for a build guide on the laser guns and How He suggests running them okay pleasantries out of the way let's jump into the nitty-gritty details on screen I am displaying the weapons card for a series of the weapons that I will be talking about today there are five in order to save time I will not be going through each of the basic details on these weapons like I normally do I'm going to actually skip a little bit ahead and try to summarize it was taking about 20 to 30 minutes just to do the basics and nobody wants that so pause your video take a screenshot of it if you want it and then you just have that data on hand but I'm only going to reference the important bits here I'm not going to go through every little detail let's start first with all three Man portable laser weapons I'm going to give you a summary of their performance each of these three laser weapons have almost entirely the same idiosyncrasies firing methods heat and ammo mechanics they are truly a family of weapons and they don't fall too far from the tree the main differences for each weapon have to do with the trigger time and in the case of the laser cannon the armor penetration values it is when using any of these weapons preferable to move as little as possible while firing and be crouched in order to reduce Sway and enhance accuracy an armor with 30% aim sway reduction is actually preferable for that reason as Precision in weak spot targeting is key to maximizing value especially given that there is no obvious damage fall off at range that I was able to find when I tested it maybe I missed it it's pretty hard since the sights these things are kind of bad more on that later these guns are able to reach out to at least around 400 m probably more so having precise aim with these weapons is critical none of these weapons generally speaking truly impress in damage output but they are certainly solid B tier choices the main failure they have is their lack of stagger and somewhat longer and unreliable time to kill due to Hold On Target damage based on tick rate and interfered with through sway essentially you have to stay on target and if you're wiggling around too much you'll miss some of the damage this especially bad for body zones like heads versus torsos you want to pick a Target and stay on that to maximize kill time this means that when enemies are in your face like close up we're trying to call in reinforcements these weapons usually fail to provide that layer of safety because the Stagger just isn't there in exchange for these weaknesses though these weapons have theoretically infinite ammo as well as a quick change ice for Rapid redeployment when overheated overheat is the core limiting factor on firing forever it allows the user to fire for a while and then you either spend a heat sink or wait for the weapon to cool down this heat mechanic is impacted by planetary effects specifically hot and cold climates before we get into the gargantuan Litany of testing data that I use to gather the time to kill on certain targets and the behavior and hot and cold environments versus standarded temperature environments let's just discuss what each specific weapon of this set of three is useful for oh and a quick interjection based on new patch information while I was editing this section it turned out that the streakers were added to the game which means there are now flying terminas on some missions this invites a new possible benefit to the laser guns unlike traditional projectile weapons and for that matter the sickle there is no travel time to the laser guns firing there is a short spool up but once you are firing it just hits instantly whatever you're hitting it is after all moving at the speed of light or whatever the game equivalent of that is weapon rolles the role of the LZ 7 dagger in your kit is that of a kit enabler this weapon is of itself not that impressive but what it does allow you to do is take other things that have bad ammo economy because you will always at least have this as a fallback option let's talk about the performance of this weapon frankly this thing is pretty bad its only real redeeming quality is the infinite ammo it is effective against small numbers of chaff and maybe one weekly armored specialist with favorable weak spots you can kill a Devastator if you can get a clean head shot but I hope you have cover because it's not going to be easy you can kill a single brood Commander but you better be ready to to dodge it's corpse as it flails at you without a head it's essentially not that great for bailout it can maybe kill like a hunter or two but pretty slowly and you might die in the process so really all it's there for is giving you something that's always available as long as you handle your heat management well now that was the answer to the question I originally set out to answer what is the point of the dagger it seems like it's not that good I answered it and I collected some data along the way and now we're going to talk about the Scythe because I couldn't stop myself the role of this weapon in your kit is that of a line rifle that is to say it's kind of just a very standard feeling rifle I know it's a Hold On Target laser but like once you get used to it it's just a rifle basically a very second string rifle you probably wouldn't take it over something like the Liberator in most circumstances but it does have its upsides in some Niche use cases and we'll get into that later the performance of the weapon is decidedly mediocre its main upside is the infinite ammo and its main downsides are the Slow Time to Kill and especially the lack of ID stagger which results in the weapon failing to kill key targets or stun key targets when you need it to if you get used to the positioning of using this weapon well though you can take advantage of that endless well of ammunition and do a lot of DPS over the course of the game with good accuracy you can definitely do solid enough damage to make it a good line rifle it's not like some garbage pin tool it's decent it's just not going to blow you away nor will it blow your enemy away all that fast The Last Man portable weapon in this kit is the L 98 Laser cannon the role of the this weapon in your kit is that of a multi-tool and the context of Hell divers what that means is you can kill basically any enemy up the hierarchy of enemies up to Heavies and Elites depending on the circumstances there are lots of different weak points you can hit with some of the lighter support weapons and this one has the capacity to do that you know things like blowing up a Hulk with shooting in the phas plate or poping the back of a tank stuff like that because of that capacity while still being pretty useful against lighter targets and having the volume of fire to take on groups of Infantry and medium armor enemies like bile spitters this thing just satisfies that multi-tool condition let's talk about the performance of this specific weapon after its Buffs in their most recent patch set this thing just feels great to use it has a long trigger time you get to blast a cool laser and stuff for a while and then it kills a lot of stuff and it is excellent of the three weapon options this one is a solid Choice any game it hits The Sweet Spot of being able to be effective against a wide array of targets while also having infinite ammo the only real difficulty with this weapon is it's somewhat lengthy time to kill even on sort of generically targets and we will see that when I get into the table of data I have on times to kill okay that was a lot of work so let's take a second and let that settle we'll watch something explode all right welcome back from Recess let's discuss the heat up and cool down mechanics in this game when firing these laser guns there is a certain duration you can fire for listed in the fire time in seconds before you actually hit the heat cap of the weapon and blow out the heat sink if you blow out this heat sink the weapon won't fire again until you reload a new heat sink you've essentially destroyed that heat sink however if you stop before that you can wait for the weapon to cool off and then resume firing normal at any point in the process you can only heat it up to 50% let it cool off 20% Then keep firing Etc you understand how these things work I'm sure I just want to be thorough the cooldown mechanics are affected by the weather and there are two different modifiers currently in the game that are affecting those weapons times intense heat and extreme cold intense heat is described as high temperatures increase stamina drain and speed up heat build up in weapons while extreme cold is the inverse of that reading in icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons however that is absolutely wrong they don't do that at all I did a whole bunch of tests heating up the weapons all of them to almost the cap doing my best to get as close as possible and then counting the time down from the start of the laser to the end of the laser firing when it first appears in the first frame and I then measured how long it took for the actual UI to tell me it was out of heat and the way these mechanics actually work is they extend or reduce the duration that it takes to cool off the weapon after you've stopped firing so hot planets it takes longer to cool off the weapon and cold planets it takes less time to cool off the weapon after you've ceased firing it has absolutely no impact on the duration that you can fire the weapon which is to say how quickly it builds up heat when firing I also tested this from 50% capacity and and at near Max Capacity and so I'm going to give you a little bit of information here all this data is in the cards I've been displaying in the heat section for the dagger which has a 5c fire time when firing Landing just shy of Maximum heat to the best of my ability you get a cooldown time of 8.25 seconds on a normal planet with no weather effects the 50% time is 4.06 there's a little variability here of course because I'm not doing this perfectly and I'm using the UI to inform you which may not be a perfect representation of the real numbers on cold planets that fire time about 4.38 seconds of a total of 5 Seconds which is the capacity again I'm having to just do this by hand so it's a little off you get a 5.18 second cool down on a cold planet on a hot planet that same rough time of 4.3 seconds uh gets a cool down of 9.52 seconds so what you can see here is that as you go from a standard planet to a cold Planet the time to cool down from Max heat approaches the time that you can fire whereas you actually get much worse when you're on a hot planet so you have to spend a lot more time waiting for the weapon to cool off or use your heat sinks more often additionally that cooldown time of 4.06 seconds at 50% versus the 8.25 at near Max suggests that there is actually a linear curve it's not really a curve it's a line there is a linear method for cooling down the weapons it's not like gradiated so you don't want to aim for like 20% then stop cooling down it won't have any beneficial effect referring to the table for the Scythe we get a cooldown time from near Max on a standard planet of 11.35 seconds out of an 8C fire time from 50% heat you get 6.37 seconds and so it looks like the maximum would have been 12 but of course then you need to swap the heat sink and the halfway point gets you to about six seconds of cool down time which suggests again it's linear and that bears out in the next test as well so I won't mention it further it is linear to cool down so fire as much as you want it will just take more time depending on how long you've shot for the cold modifier I was able to fire for 7.28 seconds out of 8 total cap for the heat that left me with a coold down time of 7.5 7 seconds again as we get on a cold planet we approach the actual firing time as we get on a hot planet it gets much worse the fire time of that same 7.3 seconds in this case just a hair off gives you a cooldown time of 15.56% anywhere so I will tell you in this case the fire limit for the laser cannon is 10 seconds when getting near Max I get a coold down time of 16. 16 seconds which means that on a standard Planet it takes as long for the laser cannon to cool down as it does for this Scythe to cool down on a hot planet for cold planets firing at 9.35 seconds we get a cooldown time of 10.59 seconds on a hot planet we get a cooldown time of 20.5 6 seconds however with this weapon you only get one reload so you have to be cautious about using it one last detail that's kind of a weird thing that we just could not sort out this is one of the things that Kay and I worked on a lot here's the weird behavior that was discovered if you aim for the same position in the UI telling you how much heat you have and you do say a series of tests let's say 10 tests you fire the L Cannon you let it cool down you fire the L Cannon you let it cool down you never blow out the heat sink so you never replace it you will get wildly different times just measuring from the first instance you see the laser beam show up to the last frame the laser beam goes away when you let off and based on the UI position that we chose it was fairly easy to land with an enlarged UI and you can even see in some of my time cards that I was within. 2 seconds on some of these closure times at the worst so definitely not a very wide margin the fire time duration from example one to example 5 could be as wide as 1.5 seconds in one case normally it was closer to 1 second or even half a second and certainly that could be user error but it was very strange Behavior to begin such wide swings at random times and not only that it didn't always go down or up it often times would go down for say the first five times and then you'd hit like item 10 or whatever of 20 and then it would go back up a whole bunch and so it's very weird behavior and then obviously cooldown time is dependent on fire time and so that was moving around a bunch as well so here is the question that was sort of posed that we were trying to Source an answer to do the heat sinks Decay over firing cycles for example if you fire it 200 times not not that we tested that would it actually get worse over time and you would only be able to fire that same heat sink for 5 seconds instead of 10 the solution that we came up with was to do the same kind of set test but then fire to heat sink replacement so we fired a set of five then replace the heat sink on the last one just blew it out then we fired a set of 10 and blew that heat sink out and replaced it and what we found is that if you blow out the heat sink on the fifth cycle you will get around 9 seconds of trigger time before it blows out instead of the expected 10 and if you do it on the 10th it seems like our numbers pretty consistently line up around 8 seconds but then I have a test that I did kind of by accident due to bad counting uh where I blow it out on the 16th instead of the 15th test and that gives me 10 seconds 959 actually so I have no idea what's going on here if any of you have an idea what's going on here please just like let me know in the comments honestly I've spent so much time on this one problem and it's boggled my mind for far too long and I frankly just do not care anymore I'm going to go talk to you about anything other than un explained variances but still about the heat mechanic because of course there's still one other detail um just FYI I did test this and I found no significant variation here so it's a negative result which is great something consistent for once there is no variation between night cycle or day cycle and no variation between different types of temperate planets a planet is a planet is a planet they all are the same the only variance I found was whether or not it is a extreme cold or a super hot planet and with that I could finally be done with the heating system section we can talk about something a little more interesting which in this case will be to get the other two weapons Into The Fray let's talk about the LA 5 Scythe guard dog the role of this weapon in your kit is that of an automated chaff clear solution the performance of this tool is fairly well known at this point as excellent it fires on chaff and other larger enemies sometimes and just does a lot of damage to those lighter units and is able to keep them off you and help you protect yourself in nasty situations it's perfectly decent against bots but it'sin certainly best when used against bugs next up is the orbital laser the king of the beams the role of this tool in your kit is that of the problem solver if you have a bunch of problems and you want them to go away yeah toss this down and they will be gone in a Flash the performance of this tool is excellent it is able to just Blast Away most enemies in the area and give you lots of space and breathing room though it can take just a little bit of time it's not instantaneous and it absolutely is terrible against file Titans okay now that I've introduced all of the weapons we could finally talk about times to kill I have a lovely table that I've been constructing with a lot of difficulty in order to show you how long it takes to kill certain key targets obviously I selected targets based on things that are relevant to the weapon's performance like the dagger is not going to be shooting Chargers anytime soon so I didn't bother with that test maybe someday when Arrowhead gives us a range I can go to instead of having to fight actual Chargers with real guns in the middle of missions where Hunters are trying to kill me now this is a fairly rudimentary table as it's just the start of my efforts here here there will be more information added to this table as I test it so different weapons will start to show up in here for now I have started with the laser guns and a few other pistols since originally this video was about the dagger so let me just start there now these time to kill values are only going to be relevant relative to the other laser weapons so we'll talk about them in a second what I really want to direct your attention to is the theoretical and the Practical maximums which are in columns G and H comparing these to The Peacemaker revolver and Redeemer you get some very interesting results what I did here is I estimated time to kill kill versus fire time that's how the you know laser weapons work and then I estimated shots to kill against these targets at least for Raiders against the total number of shots in the magazine for each of these weapons and so this gives you the number of targets you can kill as a theoretical maximum from one magazine or heat sink as the case may be so for The Peacemaker and the Redeemer It Takes Two Shots to the Raider's chest to kill it whereas it takes uh 1 second roughly for a Raider to die to the dagger since the dagger fire for 5 seconds it's a theoretical maximum of five enemy Raiders killed for The Peacemaker you get a theoretical maximum of seven enemy Raiders killed if you're shooting for the chest that we're not aiming for heads I then do a practical test of each of these weapons and see how many I can kill on like a level one or something and the numbers bear out pretty well for the projectile weapons Peacemaker redeem a revolver if you aim carefully and the revolver is actually fairly easy to do this with the dagger on the other hand struggles a little bit and I think four is about the maximum practical due to the way heat Mechanics Work and Hold On Target and issues with accuracy and what this essentially means is that from a damage output perspective the dagger is the weakest pistol it's weaker than The Peacemaker the only Advantage again that it has over those weapons is that it has unlimited ammo so generalizing this Raider data to other enemies we can probably reasonably estimate the dagger pistol is just worse than the other pistols in all target scenarios I'm not certain of that but that's all I want to test for now we won't get much value at just looking at the times to kill on the dagger alone so let's bring in the other weapons and we'll start going Enemy by enemy with the Raider to set the contacts and then The Brood Commander next well remember how I said the laser cannon was kind of interesting in terms of its time to kill on chaft here you can see what I'm talking about the dagger is about 1 second the Scythe is 44 seconds so a little faster and the laser cannon is 35 seconds so definitely faster but again not dramatically faster it's only about twice as fast as the dagger the point is that you can see that against chaff the laser cannon is just kind of okay and you can certainly feel that in game when you're shooting stuff with it it's not like it super fast is just definitely good enough by the way as we move into the brood Commander here we measure this data by actually doing it in the field so there's definitely going to be some variability to the accuracy of these I've done my best to go frame by frame and actually identify when I start shooting it make sure it's correct and I've actually hit the target the whole time and then cut it right when the enemy dies but this data is definitely not perfect and is often only a single or couple samples so you're just going to have to accept that okay The Brood Commander is next on the list and as you can see the worst performing option here is actually the dagger and the orbital laser but for two very different reasons so the dagger is just kind of not that good at this problem and will definitely have the need to reload whereas the orbital laser actually has a problem it causes The Brood Commander to dodge every time it gets a damage tick on it this results in a lot of time being burned up on just trying to kill it with the orbital laser so if there's a lot of brood commanders around you probably don't really want to be using the orbital laser against them the Scythe dog was actually a real pain to get here so this time may not be perfect because it may not have hit the head the whole time I don't have total control over this thing it was a real challenge setting this test up comparing the scythe and the laser cannon to one another though this is where you can see the laser cannon start to really take off this thing blasts through the light armor very easily dealing a ton of damage to the Bro Commander very quickly the Scythe is just adequate let's talk about the warrior next our chaff enemy that looks like a brood Commander to me when I first started playing this game thank you for your Corrections and the comments last time and here you can see I have some variability in my data the Scythe is getting 1 second but the dagger is getting 55 I probably did something wrong I just don't know what and I don't know what the margin of error is either with the drop of the patch today when I was editing this video we got the shrier and I was able to find a seed of a game that had a shrier spawn nearby a spot that I could easily identify on the map and so I was able to get some testing data for it for you and yeah this proves out my hypothesis quite well actually uh compared to the Liberator or the sickle the laser guns being hit scan weapons are actually really great against the shrier the exception that is the dagger it sights and accuracy problems make it hard to use but I did manage to get a solid time to kill when I managed to hit some weak spots with it as it turns out the shriekers have two weak spots that I was able to identify in some testing the head and the shoulders that hold their wings on if you hit these targets you can get really quick time to kill with the lasers and it's fairly easy to do as long as you can aim pretty well with these weapons it's certainly easier than spraying a bunch of Liberator ammo up into the air and hoping you get a score on a difficult Target Angle now I will let you know that the laser cannon is absolutely Stellar for this I know it says like 1 second and maybe you can get it under that since the Scythe can get under that but this thing just feels great against these enemies it's very easy to do the Scythe also performs well and honestly is a good enough reason to take it if you think you're going to be fighting these enemies I will let you know that the Scythe dog also scored a solid time to kill on one of these but it can only fire at them when they are swooping if they don't clear a certain like angle relative to the gun it can't aim high enough to actually kill them last on the list I just want to talk about our armor Buster options here so the laser Canon the orbital Laser Now the time to kill against some of these targets with the orbital laser is actually quite long and that's probably because it's while it can penetrate any armor at once it actually takes a fair bit to chop through it it also seems to strip armor if you remember that clip at the beginning where I popped out of a pod and shot a bile Titan to death with a scythe the reason for that I think was because I was trying to kill that Titan specifically with the orbital laser and it didn't do it the orbital laser against B Titans takes about 24 seconds if I get a good kill and honestly it won't work all the time because it fires between the legs half the time against Chargers is pretty slow and against tanks and hulks it's fast enough to be good and about the same as The Brood Commander so I consider that pretty solid this thing is definitely better as orbital lasers go against bots than against the bugs however the laser cannon itself is pretty useless against the bile Titan only able to blow out its sacks that allow it to spray otherwise not doing really any damage against Chargers I've counted five passes before I was able to pop the bug but you can do some pretty interesting things with chargers and I want to talk about them so with chargers you can shoot their rear leg when they're charging in the animation State you can also apparently and I learned this from claythe XS in our conversations about the subject Ram them into a wall about four times if you dodge and you know they hit an object or possibly even each other they take damage to their armor and eventually their armor goes away after three to four impacts and you can shoot them with whatever if you look at this footage I'm actually dealing damage with nothing but a scythe and a scythe Rover file and Hive spitters are both easy prey for the laser cannon since the most armor they have is medium and you can shoot them in the face pretty quickly and kill them the annihilator tank with its rear heat sink is the priority Target it dies in a hurry if you have this before can really even turn his turret away from you and the same is true for the turret that is on the towers I did shoot the rear engine block of an annihilator tank and that took quite a while and several tries I cut the footage so that I would only do the time that I was firing and the trigger time to kill it into the rear engine block is 9 seconds that's not accounting for all the running around I had to do I stunned a Hulk and shot its face plate a little inaccurately and I got a 2.16 second time to kill which is pretty solid you can kill them without it but honestly stun grenades make the laser gun really good against hulks I'm laser maxing so if you are going to be running the laser cannon a lot as an armor Buster on Bots take stuns is worth it the one thing to not about Striders is you can pop them by shooting them in the leg fairly easily while laser guns are accurate you can often get that type of the head head shot on Striders if you are aiming from a high ground position it's often times much easier just to blast the legs hips or ankles off of these things and just go about your business that way okay that's all the data I have for you for now I hope you found it helpful and can compare it to your own data assuming you have some or if someone else has provided you some let's get into tips tactics and idiosyncrasies for tips you should probably be aware that laser weapons can actually do damage immediately on impact but they normally function off of a tick for damage kind of system and may not deal damage until held on target for a brief period I'm not exactly sure how that works I don't know if it's a global tick rate or not but just so you know I did try pulse firing and it seems unreliable and is not worth the squeeze like as soon as as soon as you see the laser let off and then tap it again hold or die this thing will instantly trigger jetbot backpacks causing them to explode with just the lightest tickle of a laser it also instantly triggers mines and onions which can be a great way to clear those out of your way before you approach a base or otherwise want to do a little bit of onion skipping the laser cannon can in fact kill bug Towers like mushrooms and the new shrier towers however Laser cannon cannot kill the rebel broadcast tower nor any other proper structure that I know of the laser cannon can open Supply containers but the other laser weapons cannot aside from the orbital one the laser cannon on bugs for stealth seems okay for warriors at 40 m when firing into the air if you are crouched they won't be alerted necessarily that you're there but they may be able to identify you if you're firing at other targets just to give you a sense of how stealthy these weapons are there's a super annoying issue with sight alignment in the current patch where the ads is off from the third person camera by some amount if you just Spam between ads and firstperson shooting you're going to actually have your camera drift to the right quite a lot these sites honestly are so bad the Red Dot site is enormous on the scythe and it's pretty big on the dagger and in both cases it makes it really hard to see your target the Canon site has no zoom on it at all as well as just being kind of eh to use doesn't feel great and none of these sites have magnification actually at all which seems terrible considering they're flat trajectory hit scan lasers and they would really all benefit from more accurate sights like the sickle has if I could just tear the sickle sight off and put it on each of these weapons it would actually probably make all of these weapons that much better my last tip for you is about laser maxing if you run at least two laser weapons you can pretty consistently cycle between them such that you will never actually get to overheat on either of them you could just fire the whole time I like doing this a lot with the sickle and the LZ Cannon because it feels great to just ccle between two weapons that are dealing perfectly decent damage to hordes and just blast all the bugs permanently forever this can result in some pretty solid damage output over the course of game and help manage hordes very well for the rest of your team let's talk tactics so against the bugs you're generally going to want to stand back or be moving backwards when engage against bugs you'll want to use sort of a standoff combat style this is not for aggressive play when using laser guns I recommend thinking of yourself as the fire base for the team you have infinite ammo so you should be shooting as much as you can and despite the bad sights these weapons have pretty solid range so you could fire out pretty long distances and accurately so you should just be sort of spraying down everything you can at all times weakening or killing your enemies when fighting big groups of bugs I recommend taking a circular pattern if you can if you can sort of work your way around the outside edge this can to allow you to keep the enemy sort of corraled between you and your friends and just allow you lots of free space to blast into various enemies while keeping away from the enemies they're trying to kill you do watch out for ambushes since spots are mostly ranged enemies that you basically are going to fight them the exact same way you want to fight from cover keeping cover available to dodge behind so you can avoid those Rockets all the typical anti-bot work kind of positioning that you need is going to be the same with these weapons in my opinion they're perfectly decent against bots and the infinite ammo actually lends you a lot of Advantage when dealing with shooting conflicts that go on for a long time the two things you really need to keep in mind is that melee enemies are a big threat to you since it's hard to stop incoming bot melee before it gets to you often times and even if you can they're going to be putting a lot of pressure on you to keep keep moving maybe out into the open where you don't want to be then there's those horrible chainsaw dudes and those guys are hard as heck to kill with the laser guns they just don't do enough damage including the laser cannon so please keep in mind that you're going to need other tools to help you make it let's touch on the idiosyncrasies of these laser weapons most of them are shared among all the different weapons but there are a few that are specific I'll try to call those out for the Scythe guard dog there is actually no upper limit to fire time that I could find it's maybe based on kills but it shoots forever I think I literally Sat by this charger for like 2 minutes after I locked it down and just let this thing fire and it just kept going maybe it's bugged right now but for now it shoots forever you do need to know that it can deal friendly fire damage and it can absolutely headshot you and the last detail on this particular piece of equipment is that it is capable of sustaining damage quote unquote which will cause it to return to your backpack and repair this can be from friendlies or enemies however it doesn't seem to be able to be destroyed I mean we hit it with some pretty big stuff and it would not die if the rocket doesn't kill him then nothing doesn't all right it docked now I did not thoroughly test stealth or Quiet Sounds or any of that but as far as I can tell the dagger at least is quite enough to not trigger Bots when firing at a different Target within about 36 meters of the target's closest to you while prone the orbital laser probably needs a few call outs here it can destroy buildings and Bug holes factories turrets however it will not Target bug holes it will Target factories I see that as a Miss I really feel like it should be able to blow up bug holes if it's capable of doing so it should Target them on its own it generally speaking seems to Target the biggest thing nearest to the call down but it will definitely hit targets around the way through and will go after or smaller bucks if there's nothing else around it definitely has Friendly Fire like everything else in this game but it can wipe hold bases so it's very strong when fighting Bots a few Target notes for spitters and bile Warriors there were no special interactions like there are on the Bots for the Bots we know the jump pack can blow up immediately if you shoot them but it actually is the case that the machine gun Raiders also have their backpacks instantly detonate but they don't tend to kill them they tend to start them on fire and possibly you if you're too close the Scythe I did test cannot pen rear tank armor uh or the Hulk face plate so just keep that in mind and that is genuinely everything I could think of to discuss about these weapons I think I got everything I sure hope so this video has gone way longer than I expected but hey I think I got everything I could have told you about and that was what I was after the tutorial is done but I am just going to make a couple suggestions on these weapons is absolutely the case that the sights on these guns below I would really like the sights to be improved or swappable with other types of sights I think the one on the sickle is basically the best for all of these guns I would really like at least for the dagger the weapon to have a thinner Red Dot like a little smaller and maybe a little bit more translucent so I can see through it better because when I'm firing at mediumish range like 20 30 m i can't actually see my target anymore I just see a red dot and a laser going through it it's not that great I would also really like to see the dagger buffed just a little its damage output doesn't need to be increased it can still be that slow time to kill at half the damage output of the Scythe but it really needs like one to two more seconds of Trigger Time it feels really bad to constantly run out of shooting time at like 5 Seconds you just can't kill very much with it very quickly and you're also not able to shoot for very long long so I would say increase it to about 8 seconds just like the Scythe but leave the damage at about half of the Scythe is and you've got a perfectly solid pistol that also feels decent to use it would just feel better let his actual time to kill against enemies be the limiting factor not how long I get to shoot the thing all right well that is a wrap I really appreciate you tagging along if you made it this far thank you so much for visiting I will just ask if you have any thoughts about something you didn't like in the video that you would like me to structure better for brevity's sake in the future please let me know this is actually really challenging to make and I tried to cut as hard as I could on the things that were not relevant data and put those in as brief a format as possible but I've never really done like five weapons at the same time I usually spend my time on one at a time and so I had to change my formula a lot in the editing process it's very challenging to try and present this Allin one go and I will definitely take whatever feedback you have on that front someone did suggest on my shield video that I should add a tactic session and instead of just spending all my time talking about idiosyncrasies and details of the weapon I thought that was a good idea so I tried to include it here it was my first go edit though so I don't know how good of a job I did definitely let me know how I can make it better cuz my goal would be to make these as short as possible with as much information density as possible with as much fun as possible too thanks again so much for visiting bye-bye you can check the strategy inside yeah I hadn't even thought about that I have that's am is now that's absolutely beautiful
Channel: Reginald
Views: 132,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fw_ocG_l-SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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