HellDivers 2 - NPC Conversations (Lore bits and more)

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you ever run into any equipment issues let me know I've got your back when I was a kid I always loved all heroes Eve the adults would all dress up as bugs and ring our doorbells and we'd have to fire three shots in the air and say no fascism here insects at the end of the night they'd reenact the Battle of Liberty Peak and we'd all get cake you know these actually aren't exactly the same bugs we fought in the great Galactic War yeah 100 Years of Rapid Evolution not to mention all the genetic modification they got on the e710 farms I can't wait to get home again it's a little things you miss you know like sitting in Candlelight on Hero's day chanting with my family and renewing our vows of citizenship together uh I just set all the ship's clocks back an hour for Freedom savings time I'm going to spend my extra hour doing another round of maintenance checks it's nice cuz today I won't have to work overtime to get them done back when I was a kid we used to play Bug Killers out in the schoolyard whoever could kill the most bugs by the end of recess won sometimes the teachers would join in too I'm hoping to raise my citizenship level by the time I retire if I ever have kids I'd want him to be able to purchase a small pet someday like a goldfish or even a hamster if I had all the super credits in the Galaxy I'd try to find some way to convince our enemies to embrace Freedom maybe print a trillion pamphlets or or build a billion interplanetary radio stations something to break through whatever propaganda they're feeding them it's just a pipe dream I got to Kill Them All if I were a hell diver I think my favorite enemy to kill would be the bugs it's got to be real satisfying hearing them crunch under your boot whenever the war gets me down I try to remember that at least I'm a free citizen it's up to me how I serve super Earth can't take that for granted before I joined the service I'd never left my own planet now I see a new planet almost every day makes me appreciate what a beautiful democracy it'll be once we finish stamping out those fascist bugs I still remember remember filling out my very first Democratic preferences ballot what a rush I earned a few more citizenship points the other day all it took was reporting some unpatriotic talk I heard in the barracks now there's one less dissident and I get one more doctor's visit every year I remember when I was a kid they sold stickers in the freedom catalog that were these little squish bugs you put them on the bottom of your boot and it was like you were squashing bugs every time you took a step everyone was collecting them trying to get the rare ones man the those things were cool hell diver every day you put yourself at risk to defend freedom and liberty and I just want to say thank you long shift deployments are great for saving up you get the family separation bonus which more than makes up for the bunk and Chow fees of course I don't qualify for the bonus since I haven't been approved yet but once I am I'll have a nice Nest Egg saved up you know sometimes as a technician you got to realize when something's Beyond repair when it comes to these automatons there's no fixing them only solution is to wipe this late clean sometimes I almost feel bad for our enemies living without democracy no say over their own lives just believe in whatever they're told sad flag forsaken Bots they just won't accept Freedom no matter how hard we give it to him if I were a hell diver I think my favorite enemy to kill would be the buds I bet watching him spark and explode really lights up your freedom Ling heart hey there hell diver I know you put your neck on the line for regular folks like me every day it's not much but I donate 15% of every one of my paychecks to the war fund it's the least I can do democracy is kind of like these machines I work on needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly the bugs are sort of like if bugs got into one of these machines the only thing to do would be to exterminate them when I need some motivation I like to read the hell diver ethos picks me right up sometimes I read too much and get overly motivated and kind of jittery and need to put it down as much as I hate the bugs I hate dissident even more they were handed freedom and chose to spit in its face death is too good for him when I face superar for the vow of Allegiance every morning I can almost always feel where it is even in a brand new part of the Galaxy superar really is the best place to live in the entire galaxy isn't it sometimes when I can't sleep I imagine what it would be like to live there you know if it weren't for superar I couldn't even afford these Hightech tools I use every day they Lee some out to me so I can do my job pretty low interest rate too it's fish fry night at the chow hall I don't know what planets they get these fish from and I don't care it's all fried and it's all good I heard the chhal got a shipment of purples in today they're not my favorite fruit personally but it's nice just to have something different I heard dissident set another weapons Factory on fire they didn't take responsibility of course tried to blame it on working conditions tell that to the 27 dead Patriots and their families I heard that some dissidents wanted us to select our own candidates instead of using the algorithm great idea everyone will just become a political expert overnight treasonous morons wonder which candidate will be selected for me in this upcoming election by the en the Destroyer is mighty but it's not super earth's greatest weapon no that is managed democracy the one thing our enemies can never understand when I get exhausted I just think of all the brave superar colonists out there settling new planets they do their part and we do ours ammo fuel Personnel I manage everything on this ship with one thing in mind making sure you have the support you need hell diver keeping things running around here isn't easy but if that's how I can best serve Liberty I'll do it gladly the more we fight the more it becomes clear that our enemies will never accept our way of life it's us or them you know the cost of one stratagy is more than most citizens make in a year you can see why they only entrust them to Hell divers the enemies on the battlefield are one thing but at least they're out in the open it's the traitors Among Us I truly hate if the terminats had stayed on the element 710 Farms where they belonged all this Bloodshed could have been avoided if we don't stop the bug's mindless reproduction the burden's going to fall on our children and our children's children I'm sure you've wondered how voting works on a destroyer don't worry our terminal is topof the line latest algorithm in everything the average hell diver Mission approaches the cost of a liberty class cruiser just goes to show how critical our mission is to the war effort you inspire me hell diver you inspire us all some of the crew like to talk about what they'll do when the war is over I don't allow that sort of thing we need to focus on the fight the Bots are simple enough little more than bits of metal welded to a gun and a CPU with a single overriding directive kill stay vigilant hell diver complacency plays right into the hands of dissidents there's no day night cycle on board these ship I like to imagine it's always morning with a whole day of Defending Freedom left ahead of me here's the problem with the Bots hell diver their whole society revolves around violence if they actually won the war they'd have no idea how to function you know the problem with the bugs is that they're Relentless expansionists in their region of space we found them on nearly every planet we've settled the bugs are basically an out ofcontrol Pest and you're the exterminator watching hell divers in action is great for crew morale it's even better than a dissident execution Liberty rests on your shoulders hell diver I know you can bear the weight you know this Destroyer has enough ordinance to level a small Moon I've done the calculations myself even though the first Galactic war ended almost 100 years ago we're still enjoying the freedom those Heroes fought and died for maybe in another 100 years our descendants will be doing the same I give every crew member a half day off on Liberty day some things are sacred even on the front I haven't set foot on superar myself but I've heard it's even more spectacular in person if you've got any medals or super credits you can spend them in the acquisition store that's where they sell the fancy stuff each Mission puts This Crew at risk but everyone here would gladly give their lives to preserve democracy the enemies on the battlefield are one thing but at least they're out in the open it's the traitors Among Us I truly hate this ship will never visit most of our planets why because they aren't under attack and with you here they'll stay that way Super Destroyer crew assignments are some of the most sought-after in the fleet everyone wants to be on a hell divers Destroyer I hear a new voting algorithm is coming soon supposed to have even better candidate selection than the current one if you can believe it keep up the good work hell diver once we win the planets we're fighting over will finally be allowed to prosper like the rest of the Federation in the first Galactic War we cast the illuminate from our galaxy and secured the half-human cyborg safely in the minds of cyber Stan our enemies in this war will do no better we must give no less than the entirity of our being in service to Freedom each Ministry is a fundamental pillar upon which managed democracy rests managed democracy offers true freedom freedom from the burden of choice a true servant of Freedom keeps no companion save damsel democracy herself managed democracy offers true freedom freedom from the burden of choice your sample collection is of Great Value to the ministry of science everything serves Liberty in the end even our enemies I am but a conduit for the ministry of Truth which is itself but a conduit for managed democracy the elers receive their orders from the ministry of defense and I mine from the ministry of Truth in this way the hands of Liberty are intertwined we must give no less than the entirety of our being in service to Freedom each Ministry is a fundamental pillar upon which managed democracy rests managed democracy is a watchful Shepherd guiding the will of the people so they do not stray from safety the terminat spent decades content on the e710 farms now their most destructive instincts run rampant to the detriment of all we must give no less than the entirety of our being in service to Freedom lady Liberty's calls for Aid haunt my dreams as the chain does not scrutinize the brevity of its links neither does liberty more in the transience of a hell diver's service I only regret that I have but one ship's worth of lives to give to our cause the terminats are a force to be harnessed not a Scourge to be cleansed Liberty demands our Temperance the torch of freedom is passed hand to hand hand from one thought hero to the next they may bear it for 1 hour or one minute but there is always to keep it from going out the Final Absolution of xenocide is a malif fluous Clarion guiding our path when the undemocratic din of our enemies has at last been silenced we shall finally perceive the unied peel of democracy reverberating ever more our enemies forsook Mercy long ago Oblivion is all that awaits them now
Channel: Locken
Views: 60,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, tips, voicelines, voice lines, dialogue, conversations, npc, new
Id: aWkubZx_054
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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