Helldivers 2 Lore - The Cyborgs & Automatons

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welcome back hell divers today we will be covering the topic of the Socialist machines the automatons and their precursors the cyborgs let's begin from the helldivers wiki we read once human these terrorists have broken free from the peaceful ways of super Earth and are fixed on mass destruction Devastation and ruination utilizing inferior technology they have become obsessed with the manipulation of their bodies and constantly seek to pervert the skin with machines that according to them gives them a higher meaning of life so the cyborgs are once humans that have broken away from Super Earth's Society under the separatist movement the text we just read is obviously from the view of super Earth officials so it leans far into the Democratic mindset these subhumans have betrayed we continue to read from the wiki cyborg leaders have recently declared their sovereignty from superar stating violently that super Earth's ideals are a lie and the people are brainwashed in an attempt to bring more followers to their heinous cause Gathering different pieces of information from the Cyborg's enemy types reveal some interesting points of the lore as well the emulator enemy type references that they are former superar soldiers most likely from the thief the comrade unit is described as the middle step to being fully cyberized meaning that a lower level cyborg such as the initiate can rise through the ranks via more cybernetic enhancements these cybernetic implants and Transformations seem to be conducted primarily by the butcher class enemy and then there are also the Warlords who are said to be at the top of cyborg Society but if you ask me the hounds should be considered the bestest of boys the cyborgs re from the planet cyber Stan a snow covered planet with harsh weather conditions in the events of the first hell divers game however cyber Stan was liberated by super Earth forces which was a decisive blow in ending the war and now we move on to the automatons in Hell divers 2 from the wiki we read the automatons are Mindless bloodthirsty robots coded for nothing but murder and socialist violence their Origins are mystery but their unthinking hatred of Freedom makes them a threat to all citizens of super Earth it's easy to see that the automatons have many similarities to the cyborgs not only in their design but also in their socialist ideology the automatons faction logo does literally contain the Cyborg's logo within it some theories about this new faction have suggested Ed that after the defeat in the first game the cyborgs went into hiding and fully mechanized their bodies leaving their weak flesh behind this theory is even more grotesque when you realize that the automaton Troopers support a skull on their head to intimidate their enemies the final piece of evidence for These two factions being the same comes from Arrowhead themselves though in this tweet that they posted on October 26 2021 which when translated from binary to English reads we the collective from cyber Stan unanimously assert our independence from superar we have the right to defend our home from the brainwashed hell divers our children the automaton will not suffer as we have under the oppression of super Earth pretty clear-cut evidence that the automatons came forth from the cyborg faction I have also read from various Discord users that in the first game all remaining cyborg survivors were imprisoned inside of the mines on their home planet cyber Stan we can only hope that the automaton forces do not make it that far in the galaxy to then release their forefathers it is also interesting that in the description for the automaton tank it mentions that it is shamelessly copied from Super Earth's tank designs Arrowhead if you are listening we know mechs are coming to the game but please give us drivable tanks the automatons are the stuff of nightmares just look at them on the battlefield as they completely stomp out the light of superar or more specifically as they stomp my lights out hey I hope you've been enjoying the content if you're not subscribed why not go ahead and do that it's free I try my best to release videos weekly this way you'll be notified when they're up also leave a comment if you have questions or maybe you know something about the automatons that I don't I love interacting with you guys once again thanks for watching and as always go spread democracy [Music] care
Channel: Backburner
Views: 66,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, ps5, playstation 5
Id: PzM3Za8dk9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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