Ranking ALL 11 Orbital Stratagems!!! Which is Best? / Orbital Tier List! | Helldivers 2

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here is a bug moments before democracy and Liberty strikes this orbital strike was administered by the bread and butter of the super Earth Fleet the Super Destroyer class ship I tested all these orbital strike strategems to show you how best to use them to see which are the most useful but more importantly to decide which is the coolest think of these on the battlefield as super Earth's version of normal Earth's Old World War II battleships but upside down and in space or ac130 aircraft but on steroids these delivered powerful payloads and Munitions from the air to the ground Call of Duty fans will know these from the iconic missions where you're able to command one but before we check out each one it's important to cover the ways in which we can boost their power and utility through the upgrades on the ship like with the eagle and the rest of the strategems you can upgrade these via the ship management terminals on your ship where you will find four upgrad for these strategems under the orbital cannons and Bridge tabs whilst quite as comedic as the Eagles descriptions they do have some funny law tidbits attached to them so let's go through them the first is exploding shrapnel where the military is adding exactly that to the orbital Munitions citing that military Watchdog groups have called exploding shrapnel Savage merciless and well suited for spreading democracy strael injuries are secondary blast injuries that are inflicted outside of the ground zero this is why in game the upgrade increases the area of damage before it it falls off which is a pretty powerful perk to have as it will just make all of the relevant strategy more consistent mainly the rail gun or have a higher chance of taking out targets which is more important for the barrages which are already a gamble but we'll cover that later on next up we have more guns which well does exactly what it says on the tin it mentions after years of research into improving the Super Destroyer fire power the ministry of science concluded the most effective method was adding more guns more guns equals more democracy right so this upgrade increases the salvos of all barrage orbitals by one meaning that the Gatling barrage goes from 32 effective rounds to 40 effective rounds which are denoted by the small impacts on the [Music] ground the walking barrage from three salvos of three rounds to four salvos of threee [Music] rounds the 380 mm HG barrage from five salvos of free rounds to six salvos of free rounds and the 120 mm H barrage from five salvos of free rounds to six salvos of free rounds as well this is essentially just a flat increase to their damage potential which is really nice to have if you ever want to take these strategems into battle as it will make them more reliable on the battlefield thirdly we have zerog G breach loading which replaces the current method of loading cannons manual shell insertion down the front of the barrel with rear loading which is much faster first off I'd really love to see how the officers managed to manually get the giant 380 mm shells which would be about the size of an average human into the barrel of the Cannons on the underside of the ship that would be a sight to behold in itself if anything for your crew sake please purchase the breach loading upgrade for them which will make loading for the Cannons much easier L crew lives risked and more enemy lives perished for democracy anyway I tested these by absorbing footage frame by frame to get the numbers as accurate as possible the strategy cooldown starts the moment it switches from inbound to impact plus or minus a few frames for consistency I rounded up to the nearest 10th decimal and the numbers are consistent with what are on the stat sheets this upgrade reduces all orbital strategen cooldown Times by 10% I'm going to throw all the differences on screen now to save you the burden of me reeling the numbers for 11 strategems the time savings don't seem significant on paper but trust me you'll feel that difference when you're in the heat of battle finally we come to targeting software upgrade we all know real life software and applications usually have a free and premium package which usually involves some removing adverts from your experienced amongst other things it's no different in the future on super Earth where apparently military contractors burden some Super Destroyers by making them pay for the priv privilege of better software this upgrade reduces the deployment time for all orbital strategems by 1 second again I'll throw all the differences on screen now for you to yet again save you from RE reeling off numbers for all 11 of them and again like the cooldown times I tested these by viewing the footage frame by frame to get these numbers as accurate as possible for the deployment times starting from the point the text changes to inbound I measured the time between this and when it changes to impact I rounded to the nearest 10th decimal again to make these numbers more consistent this is a more significant change for strategy such as the Precision strike which can sometimes feel like an age before the strike makes contact which should make it a little easy to predict these are all going to give you the edge on the battlefield if you're a fan of the orbital strikes so get Gathering those samples so you can upgrade these as soon as possible right it's time to get into the strikes themselves just like with my Eagle video I'll be ranking them on Aesthetics as we go and giving my overall Tail list on their practicality at the end I will say when admiring any of the strikes Aesthetics yourself don't forget to look up as you can see all of them being launched from the Super Destroyer in the atmospher book which looks awesome okay there's 11 of these to get through so let's jump into them starting off with the orbital Gatling this strategy utilizes the rather large Gatling cannons on the Super Destroyer which I hope the staff don't have to manually reload when you don't have the upgrade as that would take quite a while it bombards a small fixed area with four to five salvos of eight impacts I would assume the size of the rounds is between 25 to 40 mm for real life reference this does a good job at clearing any small to medium targets caught in the attack Zone from either faction and can do a respectable amount of damage to larger targets if they're caught by multiple impacts weakening and opening up charges for example you will have to time it well to catch Hulks and charges with more hits though and you'll also have to pray to the RNG guards your shots line up with your targets as they can totally miss the things you intend to engage if you have a specific Target in mind something to Bear mind as well is that it can destroy book Holes but not automaton Fabricators but it does look really cool seeing the shower of rounds come from the sky and impact the grass so I think I'll mark it with a solid 6.5 for Aesthetics next up we have the orbital airburst this launches three sequential Flack like attacks that obliterate small to medium Target get within a large area Gatling and airburst are actually extremely similar as they both deliver the same Munitions over the same area the difference is obviously the air burst is well a burst rather than a sustained fire this makes the air burst much easier to land on a Target and the larger coverage means more damage potential this is obviously traded in for an extra 40 seconds cooldown in comparison to the Gatling which I think is a fair trade this can also kill book Holes though it doesn't seem consistent and it will not destroy Fabricators I think it looks pretty epic when it booms down so I think a 7.5 for the cool meter here is well placed thirdly we come to the rail which is one of the most used if not the most used orbital strategy in the game after dropping the beacon the ship deploys a targeting laser that quickly tracks the largest Target in the area for a few moments before firing a Super Destroyer sized rail gun shot at the Target if you're lucky enough this can oneshot even by Titans Hulks and charges the amount of damage it delivers depends on where the impact is for the shot which depends on not only the direction your target is facing but also the orientation of the destroyer in the atmosphere above you this is a favored strategy because it's a guaranteed hits like the eagles's rocket pods for example that may also one-hot the biggest of targets it can also take down book Holes and Fabricators if it targets them or a unit close enough when it comes to Aesthetics it's on the weaker side as there aren't really many special effects due to it being a rail gun so it definitely rates lower than the rest I think it's a four for me for appearances now we come to the second most used orbital strategy the orbital laser this has just been covered by my good friend Reginal in his laser tutorial video here's a small segment next up is the orbital laser the king of the beams the role of this tool in your kit is that of the problem solver if you have a bunch of problems and you want them to go away yet toss this down and they will be gone in a Flash shout out Reginald go check that out if you want a technical Deep dive into all the laser weapons in the game amongst other things he drw up this lovely stat sheet that you may bestow Your Eyes Upon to learn about this strategy it's essentially an almost instantly deploying giant laser of Destruction that tracks the closest targets prioritizing larger ones it penetrates all armor and is the only orbital strategem that has a usage cap with three uses only it will also Target and Destroy automaton Fabricators as well as terminate book holds this thing has the power to weaken open up and kill any Targets given enough time and is also awesome to witness on the battlefield though as seen by the data gathered by Reginald it is indeed pretty poor against bile Titans I think I'm going to have to give this one an eight for the coolness leaderboard though as it's truly a beautiful sight to behold next up is the orbital gas strike this deploys well a a cloud of gas in a decently sized area dealing damage over time to the targets inflicted within and is absolutely one of the most underrated orbital strategem in the list at least I feel so this is absolutely excellent for terminant as it will eliminate most threats from a book breach with ease and with its low cooldown of just over a minute with the upgrade you'll have this ready almost every time you face one of those on the side of the automatons it's decent at clearing smaller targets and okay for medium targets such as Devastators and no another Quirk though that this thing has is that it can destroy book Holes and Fabricators yep you heard it here the gas strike will destroy structures if you hit it On Target you just need to make sure you throw it right at the door with Fabricators as it won't destroy them otherwise the green explosion and Haze it creates looks pretty cool as well so I'm going to give it a solid six for Aesthetics now we have the first of two support orbital strikes the orbital smoke strike this is likely the least used orbital strategy of the bunch due to how Niche it is it does exactly what it says on the tin deploys smoke in an area delivered by three rounds this isn't quite as good as the eagle smoke bomb as the angle of delivery for the eagle is consistent and predictable being perpendicular to you whereas the orbital smoke strike angle depends on where the Super Destroyer is in the sky which can result in unfavorable delivery sometimes against bugs smoke isn't amazing but against bots it can be very very nice for disengagements and St hey Antics it's not as cool as the gas but it's very similar so for looks I'm going to score it a five moving on to the second support orbital strategem the orbital EMS this is essentially a large stun field that stops all enemies in their tracks including charges and keeps them there for a total of about 18 seconds this is definitely another knee strike that I haven't seen many people take but it can be an absolute Lifesaver when you're being chased down or overwhelmed by a large group of enemies or even just key targets such as hulks or Chargers when you don't have the tools to deal with them properly it can give you and your squad time to reposition or disengage which I've noticed is especially effective when facing automatons which I think is because it pauses the range threat that they pose it looks pretty awesome once it impacts so I'm going to have to give it a 6.5 for the all cool meter and finally we've made it to the explosive set of orbital strategy the first being the Precision strike which is one of the first most players use the Super Destroyer fires a single 380 mm round that can deal a huge amount of damage but you need to lead your aim to ensure your target is hit by the center of impact for the most damage this can kill bile Titans if you're lucky and will take out any lesser units within a decent area it can also destroy book Holes Fabricators and any structures with its low cooldown it can actually be a very decent one to pick up in the harder difficulties if you're looking for a change especially if you grab the upgrades as they make the strategy more consistent and easier to use effectively the 380 mm explosion looks absolutely amazing so I'm slapping another 7.5 for aesthetic for this one moving on to the orbital walking barrage which is essentially 3 to four salvos of free 380 mm Precision strikes this obviously means it has absolutely huge damage potential across a very large area unlike the other two bares which we will get to the walking barrage strikes a vaguely predictable area as it l es each Salvo a step back from each other in a line this makes it slightly safer to use around your team as you can anticipate where the salvos are likely to land whenever you have a large amount of enemies moving towards your position this is perfect if you drop it relatively close to yourself so the salvos move forward through the enemy it's also good for large bases as well each round has the same damage potential as the Precision strike so you can either get extremely lucky with it or well just completely unlucky of course it looks absolutely amazing watching it rain down so for me it's getting a big nine for Aesthetics the theme of look continues with the orbital 380 mm H barrage except it's more of a gamble here this launches five to six Salos of threee rounds making it launch two more than the walking barrage however here it launches them randomly across a large fixed area while the damage potential is huge it is a complete gamble with you get any value from this strategy ways in which the gamble could be lessened in a good way would be maybe to have the first round impact close to the or location so there's always a level of value you can get from using it let me know if you would alter it in any way to make it more consistent because as of right now it isn't used very much the unpredictability of the strikes also makes it really really good at deleting your fellow divers from existance if misused your best bet is to throw this into large bases or areas of enemies before before your team is able to engage the location and pray for democracy that the officers aboard the Super Destroyer aim to actually hit something during the barrage I do have to say it looks absolutely amazing watching the Salos impact just like the walking barrage though so I think it deserves another nine for Aesthetics here and finally we come to the orbital 120 mm H barrage which has the exact same amount of salvos as the 380 except it's delivered in a smaller area each impact does less damage a hit but is generally a little more consistent at actually delivering its damage in comparison to the 380 due to the tighter impact area it also fires each Salvo much faster meaning you're less likely to have your targets exit the impact area before potentially being struck which helps a lot though it's still plagued by inconsistency as even in the description video it only kills about 12 of the roughly 37 enemies most of which were small units which isn't a great demonstration of its usefulness it can good against both bugs and Bots if you find an area that it can be used to the best of its ability such as a medium to large base as the impacts will also destroy book Holes and Fabricators as well it's pretty cool to see it rain down just like the 38 barrage but due to the smaller explosions because you know bigger explosions are more fun I'm giving it an eight for Aesthetics placing it under the 380 mm just some quick tips for using the orbitals I've mentioned it a few times in the video already but it's good to be aware of where your your Super Destroyer is in the sky as this will determine the strike angle for all the orbital attacks sometimes a small Cliff May completely block your strike from its attending Zone due to where it was fired from which can be very frustrating and the orbital strikes also do not share a refresh cool down like the eagles so if you have more than one you can chuck all of them into battle if you really want to with that all said and done here is my tail list solely for all the orbital strikes not taking into consideration anything else in the game the laser and rail gun taking s tier with the air burst and gas in a I think for me the gas crept up from B due to how low its cooldown is and the fact it can destroy Fabricators and book Holes to be honest there could be an argument to put it in s because of this the Precision strike for me took b as it's just a solid decent pick in C we have the walking barrage and the Gatling with both H bares taking D the walking barrage took a position higher due to it being slightly more predictable in it pattern in comparison to the H barrages which are just too random to reliably give them a higher position in my opinion but that's not to say they can't deliver s TI results some of the time the orbital Gatling took C because while it does have a relatively low cooldown it never usually takes out many targets and I'm not sure I'd ever take it over the air burst for the role it delivers I threw the EMS and smoke into a dedicated Niche tier I did this with the eagle smoke bomb as smoke can be very good but it's really play style dependent and I would say the same for the EMS usually destroying something is better than stunning it though so maybe I would put it C on second thought and then we have the leaderboard for Aesthetics the metric of coolness I think this proves well at least for me specifically that more and bigger explosions equals more fun with the 380 mm barage and walking barrage taking top spots do you agree with this aesthetic leader board drop your opinion in the comments did the rail gun get ruined here maybe I'm not really sure let me know let me know if you enjoyed this format I have some more deeper dive similar to my arc thrower video on the cards as well drop a subscribe if you enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: The Wile Spice
Views: 224,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FPS, Gaming, Gaming video, helldivers 2, helldivers, Arrowhead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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