ALL Funny Brasch Tactics, War Ads, Propaganda - HellDivers 2 - FOR SUPER EARTH

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[Music] you crash on an Uncharted Planet stranded light years from Liberty then you hear them they almost onu teeth nashing Venom glistening in the Twin Moonlight suddenly you remember the one thing that can save you Eagle sweat one spray in the world shifts you mount the beasts and Rise master of your domain a God Among the cosmos before long you are home Eagle sweat with patented nanof fragrance technology that literally puts odor molecules to the rack until they give up their secrets Eagle sweat don't just smell it live [Music] it hard work can get you there that is the super Earth promise put in your sweat put in your blood enjoy your patriotic responsibility prove your dedication to the betterment of our Federation and before you know it you too will achieve your dreams super Earth freedom justice democracy and [Music] [Music] dreams good evening I'm your host ketta Kelly today fighting against the ter tat was bolstered by the arrival of the hell divers marking the start of operation Valiant enclosure according to the ministry of Defense the terminates will be safely quarantined Once More by the end of the month we go now to breaking news we've just received what appears to be the first confirmed footage of the emerging automaton threat we're receiving word now that the president has released a statement saying quote it is past time we responded to this unprovoked incursion against democracy the hell divers are deploying as we speak to strike a number of automaton military installations these Invaders will soon discover the steel of super Earth resolve end quote with fighting on two fronts this will be the largest hell diver mobilization since the first Galactic War that's Liberty's latest I'm ketta Kelly the bugs are attempting to convert our worlds into swarming hives of fascism will you let them or will you join the fight the automatons should have been content with what they had instead they tried to take for themselves what the citizens of superar had proudly built now they're going to find out just how how hard every man woman and child over seven will work to stop them do your part get to [Music] work this Liberty Day become the Patriot your family needs when your children Sprint to the Liberty day P to pull presence from the Flames make sure they get the gift they deserve the gift of Hell divers because super Earth isn't just about the heroes on the front it's about the heroes right here at [Music] home protecting Freedom isn't just the right thing to do it's the law and now another helpful tip from General [Music] Brash ah the simple joy of unloading round after round into the bodies of your enemies oh yeah that's good but if you get carried away your shooting Days Are Over elite soldiers adjust their fire mode so they can keep the killing going all day long oh yeah that's good frash tactics use them or die trying reminder signs of disloyalty should be reported to the Democracy officer give everything to the cause remember apathy is Liberty's greatest enemy and now another helpful tip from General bran Young Bucks always think they're invincible and while they are mostly right the fact of the matter is that hell divers with broken arms cannot aim hell divers with broken legs cannot run and Hell divers with SH serious injuries to their vital organs will bleed out before they can say death to my enemies so next time you find yourself unable to run aim or stay alive stick yourself with a stim soldier brass tactics use them or die trying the atat heartless killing machines it is an undeniable fact that they do not have hearts and heart is what super Earth is all about prove your Humanity show you care enlist in the super Earth armed forces and destroy the automaton [Music] threat Eagle sweat with an all new formula containing 83% more sweat Eagle sweat don't just smell it live it don't worry top superar scientists have proven that bugs don't feel pain and now another helpful tip from General branch no hell diver can Liberate the Galaxy alone that's why we have Team weapons one hell diver shoots another reloads together they create an Unstoppable path of want and Liberation and don't worry one strategy comes with both weapon and reload pack that's a twoin one combo Soldier brass tactics use them or die trying thousands of Freedom Loving Citizens were killed in the minds of cyber Stan don't let their deaths be in vain buy war bonds today and now another helpful tip from General Brown you will get shot at but remember your ABCs and you will never die always be taking cover because if there's one thing I've learned it's that bullets do not go through cover assuming that cover is thick and largely impenetrable Brash tactics use them or die trying and now another helpful tip from General Brash hear that that's the sound of heavy armor stopping the spread of democracy and its tracks see enemies that are more heavily armored require you to be more heavily armed that's the stuff with the right strategy there's no defense democracy cannot penetrate grass tactics use them or die trying terminates unthinking monstrosity ities who want nothing more than to kill and eat every last human and every last human includes your family don't let your family get eaten enlist today Liberty dissidents don't know the meaning of the word that's why superar has introduced a zero strike law for patriotic intolerance and now another helpful tip from General Branch if you choose to reload your weapon before the current mag is empty those bullets end up wasted on the ground instead of buried in the beating hearts of our enemies I say waste enemies not bullets fres tactics use them or die [Music] trying keep working voters with a higher citizen score receive prioritized waiting in elections super Earth Liberty democracy Freedom Independence voting Liberty if you've ever lost a loved one to the bug Scourge remember they would want you to seek [Music] retribution skepticism is treason treason is bad if a bot speaks to you shoot it their lives are calibrated to sew dissidence and hate and hate is one thing we cannot abide in the first Intergalactic War alone the bugs accounted for the deaths of 189 million superar citizens many of them babies don't let the bugs kill babies fight the good fight it doesn't matter who you are or where you were born all citizens are equal in the eyes of Freedom which is why super Earth's most patriotic Minds instituted the citizenship classification structure thanks to the CCS we can determine exactly which citizens are the most equal continue your War efforts and one day you too could reach class a citizenship the CCS Liberty [Music] optimized remember it's not that super Earth hates aliens it's that aliens hate free Freedom voting day an annual celebration of the idea of voting enjoy Ballot or not tast on voted day no holidays designated for voting reminder element 710 is safe and environmentally friendly any rumors of e710 spills are the work of dissident seeking to undermine our way of life managed democracy the freedom to make the right [Music] choice there is no one way to prove your Devotion to Super Earth but there is one best way become a hell diver become a hero become a legend they escaped the Farms they murder murdered good citizens of super Earth now they're coming for you the only thing that can stop them a strong economy don't let your family get murdered spend your extra cash today my family has owned this same cabin for Generations right here in superstone Park which is why I choose Morganson for all my hunting needs like this sg12 breaker assault shotgun same as [Music] PA now that is what I call Tradition hunting Warfare Home Defense but most of all tradition Morganson a super Earth [Music] company never forget we are all one super Earth underneath the surface every citizen is the same because of skulls skulls are what make us human skulls are what make us hell divers don't worry top superar scientists have proven that bugs don't feel pain remember only a firm hand can support the weight of Freedom may you always have a h divers Heroes of the Federation abolishes of tyranny legends that secure the element 710 we need to maintain our way of life reminder all personnel must submit weekly urine sample by [Music] 0400 do not think of rebels as fellow humans if our ideals are alien to them then they are aliens to us announcement System test Freedom democracy Liberty Independence manage democracy test complete the Democratic Council ensures that all elected leaders act in accordance to the values we all share give everything to the cause remember apathy is Liberty's greatest enemy and now another helpful tip from General [Music] bran utilize super Earth's call and response tagging system to communicate with your squadmates like this look ammo on it look enemy on it because of there's one thing I've learned it's that there is no Liberation without communication Brash tactics use them or die trying the bugs are attempting to convert our worlds into swarming hives of fascism will you let them or will you join the fight automatons are not living beings they are weapons hellbent on our destruction and how do we defeat a deadly weapon with an even deadlier weapon requisition yours today Justice is putting an end to those who would destroy us Justice is every citizen having an equal chance to excel within their assigned role Justice is super Earth ALU a drive calibration complete every day millions of soldiers have their names inscribed upon the wall of Martyrs show your support purchase one of super Earth's exclusive martyr's Day celebration packages there is no greater honor than defending our way of life remember winning is more important than living
Channel: MacLeod
Views: 179,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 55G4zAL2WLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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