HELLDIVERS 2 - How to Play Alone

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I've heard a handful of people complaining about bad teammates whether it be sabotage or just shotty worksmanship to that I say if you want something done right you had better go and do it yourself here's your little crash course on solo missions so you don't need to get all Moody and toxic with people you don't even know on the internet in the case that you think this won't do much for you as a team player it's also a video on how to be completely self-reliant which means you can support your teammates even better than you otherwise would for starters make sure you're wearing the correct armor I always prefer anything medic grade so I can get extra stems if you're attempting stealth which I would advise you can also jump for one that lowers your detection radius next part is likely the most important part of this entire ordeal do not lie to yourself pick the correct difficulty and if you think well I'll never be able to get above hard because they don't tune down the enemies whatsoever I've been doing solo hell Dives all week you can do it too I'm not that smart now your automaton missions are going to be preferred that's due to how they move you're likely getting mobbed at some point regardless it's preferential to at least take the ones that walk up to you somewhat slow and structured instead of just mobbing on top of you make sure you check location modifiers on planets as well low visibility is going to be beneficial to you things like cold or heat are going to be detrimental you're going to want to stay away from those as of right now droper seems to be the go-to planet if you want ideal conditions for not getting spotted easily and now maybe I should have put this portion up by the armor section but guns as far as guns are concerned you need to pick match appropriate weapons that complement your play style you need to make sure you have something that can deal with every situation I'm talking a swarm of enemies to heavily armored targets get the primary of your choice but you're going to want something like an antimaterial rifle recoiless rifle Auto Cannon rail gun anything that can crack heavy armor that's your ideal support Weaponry do not worry about Ammo consumption every resupply is solely dedicated to you when you're playing solo so you never really have to worry about running out however just because you have a lot of bullets doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to where you're shooting your goal should be hit weak points on these robots if they're the little guys hit them in the head naturally if they're the Heavies once again hit them in the head it's going to be a little harder they're a little more durable if they're the Walkers you can either pick the guy off the back or take some sort of heavy weapon we of the hip joints to take him out if they are a Hulk you hit them in that glowing red eye with some sort of armor piercing round or you m dump into their backs but that's kind of dicey because you have to be a little closer to do that if they are a tank just air strike the damn thing and don't waste your time that brings me to my next point of having some sort of large scale explosive stratem to Glass compounds in a rush I carry my 500 kg bomb air strike and orbital laser into every game I go with there is not a clanker in the world those will fail to eliminate once you're fin L on world take things low and slow slow is smooth smooth is fast but when you engage a patrol try to kill them as quickly as possible so they can't call for reinforcements if you see any of them raise their hands straight up in the air you're going to want to at least shoot that thing and stagger it because they are attempting to call enemies the only things however that will call enemies are the basic grunts it is more important to act decisively than ever because handling enemy reinforcements are a much bigger chunk of your time than they would have been before if you happen to be located approach fights incrementally try to spread forces thin or funnel them into corridors that you can shoot into in discriminately pick large suitable cover that you can maneuver around then take them out as they approach you until you have enough Breathing Room to Move upon them remember you do not need to be out in the open to shoot nor should you be hang behind cover use your peripheral vision to base your next shot then quickly break cover hit your shot and drop back into it when engaging a compound here are the steps you will go through observe the most important parts or tactical assets of The Outpost while you approach it your goal is take these out first and foremost these targets include laser cannons mortars anti-air guns any sort of signal Jammers scanners and reinforcement factories destroying reinforcement factories takes priority so to those scanner towers that look like the ifsar on that's because they call in constant reinforcements understand you're not going to get every last objective every time because you are now short staffed you no longer have the option to split up and take out multiple targets at once prioritize key objectives and take out what is convenient along the way if you manage time well you'll be able to complete all Main and side objectives of most missions but legely foro clearing all outposts you have complete control over where the match ends up but you have no backup or someone to bail you out if you get in trouble so keep that in mind when you're engaging if the heat is too heavy and you're low on resources it's time to cut and run my friend you can Circle back later but break away and and create some space for yourself you don't have a great deal of second chances as a solo so don't waste them you need to be more cautious now if you do happen to find yourself in a reinforcement pod for the love of God Don't drop into the middle of the enemies hopefully you pace yourself well and chose the correct difficulty so that you'll have your support weapon strategy ready again if you find yourself to constantly be on the back foot maybe it's time to reduce your difficulty settings don't worry you are perfectly capable of doing hell diver difficulty eventually it's simply a matter of practice well still touching on the topic of strategems and resource scarcity I advise you to use your air support and orbital strategems sparingly you have the capability to take down any clanker with your standard and support Weaponry therefore save the heavier payloads for expeditiously destroying those tactical constructs and things like tanks that that I mentioned earlier minor things to pay attention to would be minimizing redundant movement paths what I mean by this is not retracing your steps too much best case scenario you land opposite your main objective on the map and it's near extraction so you only have to make one pass through the map but since life never works out the way we intend it to your best bet is probably dropping in a low enemy area and working your way from minor to Major objectives you position yourself based upon objectives not extraction when it comes to extracting as I have said in the past try to be quieter than a mouse pissing on Cotton especially because as a solo you will be running that clock near empty just about every time and when the clock is on empty no more reinforcements no more reach rise the higher the difficulty the more you're inclined to believe in a higher power when it comes to extraction time if you're about to get found and you still have a brief moment to call down some sort of orbital Onslaught it's only 2 minutes that's the operative time to exhaust all available strategems and pour down some hate from on high I'll walk you through a fast summary of the steps if you felt lost anywhere in there buy some proper armor preferably medic grade have a gun to kill the masses and a gun to kill the big ones check your field conditions such as weather and World modifiers land with minimal enemies in somewhere you can rotate through your objectives stay low and maintain stealth but go ape as soon as you're seen eliminate targets of convenience and necessity will focusing on primary objectives don't fall into the Trap of completing every Last Detail once you are done with the main mission complete your little objectives using Spare Time head to extract with 5 minutes remaining it factors in time for complications be quiet at extract until it's time to go scorched earth once you've extracted get some water it's important to stay hydrated hopefully this was able to direct you in some kind of way when it comes to staying alive in these missions when you've got only yourself to rely on thank you for watching and best of luck in those next Dives if you've got any questions concerns or suggestions feel free to throw them out respectfully in the comments or do it disrespectfully I can't tell you what to do I'm not your dad in any case I'll catch you on the next one have a good [Music] night
Channel: JebblesJr
Views: 147,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fkICFJkdJnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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