Helldivers 2 ruined my life

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Helldivers 2… even if this game has derailed everything  I hold dear in the past two weeks, THIS is what   gaming should be all about, not cynical bloated  “quadruple A” slop, but the type of passion   project that comes out of nowhere to remind the  decision makers at the top of the gaming industry   that if you just make something fun, something  that doesn’t insist on talking down to its   audience every chance it gets, then people will  play it, they’ll even actively want to support it,   and it doesn't need a $2,300 million dollar  budget. Don’t get me wrong, Helldivers 2 is   no indie game, at least not really, Sony funded  the team who made this, the difference though is   that they let the small team of creatives who  made the top-down original Helldivers make the   follow up they wanted to, and within a few hours  of playing, Helldivers 2 reignited my love for the   type of game I honestly thought I’d left behind.  If you look at my channel, I’m often all about   the story, but here, well… things are simple - you  are a Helldiver, an expendable piece of slit who   is just one small cog in the last line of offense  against terminid and automaton scum, and with your   team it’s your responsibility, nay your duty, to  spread “managed democracy” from planet to planet,   and by spread democracy I just mean dropping  in and killing everything that moves while   completing a few objectives like, well, blowing  things up, but blowing things up for freedom.   The satire of Helldivers is in your face, it’s  not trying to be subtle or all that deep, it’s   not trying to wow you with its cleverness like  I feel so many games are desperate to do lately,   it’s just trying to be fun, which unsurprisingly  hasn’t stopped people on Twitter from getting mad   and putting out “you guys are scaring me because  you don’t realize the game is satire” PSAs when   it’s really the type of person who would post  something like that who actually needs the   PSA - we all know it’s satire, that’s the joke and  it’s a game not a political stance, now please,   shut up we’re having fun forcibly spreading  democracy across the galaxy. The truth is,   unless you ate a ton of paint chips as a kid,  there’s no missing the joke in Helldivers,   I mean if you take two seconds to read anything  during the missions you’ll quickly piece   together the real story, like how in this “managed  democracy” if the name didn’t already tip you off,   well, your votes don’t count because  an algorithm picks the winner and- Uh for the official record, I would like  to issue a solemn, heartfelt apology and   formally take back what I said about Super  Earth’s managed Democracy - rest assured,   every vote is of course counted equally,  and please feel free to get in contact   with the Ministry of Truth for more  information on election integrity. You know, the devs, Arrowhead Studios, have tapped  into something with Helldivers 2 that’s kind of   becoming a lost art, an ancient practice forged by  our ancestors that may soon be forgotten, because   the thing is laugh I’m exaggerating but the thing  is, Helldivers 2 just wants to be a fun game   before anything else, it has its priorities well  in place. I have no idea if this will resonate   with anyone considering what I usually cover on  this channel, but not since Call of Duty Zombies,   like the best era of it for me, have I been so  endlessly addicted to anything co-op. I’m usually   a solo gamer, that’s just what I tend to like  and this game can be played solo which we’ll talk   about, but Helldivers has brought me right back  to wanting to squad up at every possible chance,   responsibilities be danged, and speaking of  squads… one thing you kinda have to get used   to in Helldivers 2 is friendly fire… whether  that be your friends killing you, or, well… Friendly fire becomes much less of a problem  as you get gud if you weren’t already, but   for my first 30 hours or so I was dying from my  teammates way more often than from, you know who   was actually supposed to be killing me, even if  some, I stress SOME of those deaths were my fault: The most messed up part of this video is that  somehow, someway, after borderline glazing the   game for the past few minutes, I’ve still been  underselling the best thing about Helldivers 2,   and also, admittedly, I’ve kind of been ignoring  the few big issues it absolutely does have, plus   I want to talk about that premium battle pass,  which is a weirdly touchy subject for some that I   think has been getting exaggerated in almost every  review of the game I’ve seen. Before that though,   I do wanna take a quick second to thank our  sponsor today, Honkai Star Rail. If you know me,   you’ll know that I’m kinda picky with games,  so when game sponsors reach out… well I always   turn them down unless it’s something I already  like, like for example that Plague Tale video I   did. Honkai Star Rail was a similar situation- I’d  heard of it because just a few months ago it won   best mobile game at the Game Awards, and because  it’s an RPG that’s free-to-play and also on PC and   PS5, well my interest was piqued at that point and  as it turned out… the game is actually really fun,   and if you were ever going to jump in, now is the  time. The 2.0 update was just rolled out which   completely revamps 2023’s mobile game of the year  into something even better - it added a brand new   world to explore, Penacony, plus a ton of quality  of life updates and new characters to unlock,   including the 5 Star Black Swan who I  somehow managed to draw almost instantly   even though she’s apparently very rare, and  also Sparkle, who I don’t have yet. Anyway,   as part of the 2.0 update you can actually get  10 free draws to unlock those characters by   just logging in for a few days in a row, and  if you download the game by using my link in   the description, you’ll also be able to use  my redemption code for 50 free Stellar Jade,   which can also be used to try and  draw those new characters. Anyway,   consider giving the game a try, and thanks to  Honkai Star Rail for sponsoring this video.  Bugs. Helldivers 2 has quite a few ‘em  - both in the obvious, not funny way,   like yeah haha the game has insects, but  also, in my experience at least it has a   few of the other kind too. Like needing to die  just to be able to reload or switch weapons: That one happened several times, both to me  and who I was playing with. Another example,   one of the main objectives where you need  to evacuate civilians would consistently   fall apart where the civs would just  get stuck on nothing and would then,   tragically, need to be put down  so democracy could prevail: There’s nothing overly game breaking now  that the server issues have been fixed,   although now that I think about it the game did  crash on me a couple of times, but what I’ll say   is that if you’re playing this game with friends,  every single moment ends up being entertaining,   even the bugs, and the teamwork required to  complete some of the more complex objectives   on higher difficulties is what I loved most  about Helldivers. Trying to play solo though,   or even with randoms… well, if you like gambling,  you’ll love trying to play Helldivers 2 without a   set squad because you might have fun, or it might  just turn into a complete feeping nightmare waste   of your time. If you’re gonna play with randoms,  either host the game or risk getting kicked and   losing all your progress, and if you truly  insist on playing fully by yourself… godspeed   for the higher difficulties, because this  game was not balanced for the solo player. Y’know, I really think Helldivers 2  is gonna have a long healthy life,   partially because from what I understand the devs  already have a bunch of new content ready to go,   but also because, on the topic of balancing,  there’s a ton of unused content in the game right   now. What do I mean? Well, as Helldivers currently  stands, almost everyone is using the same loadout,   and while that might not sound like a reason to  be optimistic for the future, what I’m getting at   is that 95% of the weapons and the stratagems  you can call down for support… well, they’re   just collecting dust waiting for a buff because  the balancing in Helldivers is… I mean, it’s not   great. The best weapons and stratagems are so much  better than everything else that there are maybe 3   guns total that see any action, cough the breaker,  and of the 50ish stratagems you can call down,   maybe 6 or 7 are ever used by anyone who isn’t  just starting out, and what I’d like to do here   is beg the Helldivers community: please, don’t  ask the devs to nerf the good slit, I don’t   know who’s with me here but I hate it when devs  start nerfing things in games like this. Instead,   why don’t we buff everything that’s currently  mediocre instead of gutting what’s already fun,   because there’s a goldmine of ways  to freshen up the meta right there. There’s also a second goldmine currently in  Helldivers, or at least a potential goldmine   depending on how player friendly this  game stays, because Helldivers 2 does   have microtransactions - something I’m usually  not a fan of in games you have to pay for. If   a game is free-to-play I couldn’t possibly care  less, that’s how they can afford to exist, but   when you’re charging $60, $70 and then thinking  you can get cute with $20 skins cough that new   Suicide Squad game, well, that’s where I draw the  line. If you’re about to say “well Helldivers 2   isn’t $70” you’re absolutely right - it’s not a  full price game, it’s 40 for the standard version,   and the main draw of the deluxe edition upgrade  is just instant access to a second war bond,   which is this game’s version of a battle  pass, it’s how you unlock new weapons,   armor and well, pretty much everything other than  the strategems you call down. There’s a huge,   9 tier standard war bond that’s free to  everyone and is the better of the two by far,   and then there’s a separate and small 3  tiered deluxe version, which is called   the ‘Steeled Veterans’ warbond, aka the ‘every  armor set turns you into an amputee’ warbond: Here’s my take, because I’ve seen a lot of  reviewers complaining about the microtransactions   without mentioning that everything you can buy  in-game with actual money can also easily be   earned by just playing and using the credits you  either find on missions or are given in the free   war bond, and the only thing credits are used for  in Helldivers 2 is either to buy the deluxe war   bond or to buy individual items in the ‘shop’,  which also cost credits or real money to buy   credits. You’re using other “non-premium” currency  to unlock weapons and strategems and most armor,   so there’s literally nothing else to use those  credits you earn on, it’s why the game gives you   them, and currently it’s beyond generous because  even the individual shop items which you’d expect   to be priced stupidly high are instead pretty  attainable, by like the 20 hour mark when I   was still figuring out the game I already had  enough earned credits to buy whatever I wanted   and more in the shop, I just didn’t because as  things currently stand it’s the free battle pass   that has almost all of the best equipment and  I honestly kind of regret most of my investment   into the premium one. It doesn’t really at all  feel like Helldivers 2 tries to lock the really   tempting items behind a grind or access to your  wallet, because if you’re gonna a fair amount,   like I have it’s been a borderline addiction  the past two weeks my life is a feeping ruin,   then at the moment there’s 0 reason to open your  wallet after paying for the game itself unless   you’re just super impatient, though you might  notice I keep using words like ‘currently’ when   talking about this because this entire section  could easily age horribly. With how successful   the game is, you just never know - it’s all love  and positivity right now because this game is   awesome with a hopefully very bright future,  but… I don’t know, I guess we’ll see, I just   feel like we’ve all been burned too many times by  other games to take anything as a given. Anyway,   if you aren’t already, play Helldivers 2, it  kicks ass, but that’s everything from me - if   you enjoyed consider leaving a like as that’s  how YouTube decides what content is worthy,   I am aware this was a very different type of  game for me to cover, but if you’re interested   in more from me feel free to subscribe - if  you can believe it we’re coming up on the   channel’s 50th overall video, this was number 48.  Thanks to my patrons as always for their support,   keep an eye out guys for something there  really soon, and that’s all - see ya.
Channel: Neon Knight
Views: 179,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Funny Moments, Helldivers 2 Mech, Helldivers 2 Gameplay
Id: nS6DeI-ZwBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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