Federation of Super Earth | Helldivers

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A human being is slaughtered somewhere in  the galaxy, every minute of every day of   every year. Alien empires, mindless terrors  and traitorous secessionists threaten the   harmony of mankind’s dominion. But if a single  promise holds true across the bloody stars,   it is this; Whoever you are, wherever you come  from, your death does not need to be in vain;   for anyone who dies free… dies for Super Earth. The Federation of Super Earth is the sole  legal government of the human species. A   sprawling interstellar dominion, its authority  extends from the bustling heart of civilization   on Super Earth prime, to the enigmatic,  uncharted realms that lie beyond the great   frontier. Between these two extremes are the  countless planetary systems mankind has settled;   each a unique jewel in the Federation’s crown.  A vast mosaic of cultures, ideas and innovations   define the interstellar nation, and together,  are bound to a common destiny, or shared fate. Surrounded by hostile alien powers, the citizens  of the Federation are currently in the midst of   a series of defensive wars. This prolonged  struggle, centuries in duration, has molded   the character of Super Earth in profound  ways. And as the state embraces total war,   the delineations between its civil society and  wartime militarization are increasingly blurred. The government of Super Earth  operates as a Federal Republic,   founded on traditional Super Earth values  such as freedom, liberty and independence.   This is expressed politically through the  concept of “managed democracy” an evolution   of the earlier democratic systems that rose  to total dominance in the early 21st century. Through the use of sophisticated computer aided  voting software, the participation of citizens in   the democratic process is strategically managed  to ensure individual voters do not need to fully   understand key issues or positions. In  elections, referendums, plebiscites,   or policy surveys, citizens are instead  asked a series of questions on how they feel,   and their vote allotted to the candidate  who most reflects their position. This   approach removes the uncertainty inherent  to earlier democratic forms of governance,   in which voters could not grasp the nuances of  every candidate. Super Earth instead utilizes   managed democracy to distill the essence of  public sentiment and inform the collective will. Executive authority is held within the  Office of the President of Super Earth,   and legislative power exercised by the  Democratic Council of Super Earth. The civil   bureaucracy consists of numerous Ministries, each  responsible for specific sectors of governance. Citizens of Super Earth enjoy the highest standard  of living, the greatest liberty, opportunities,   and potential for unfettered personal expression  of any human civilization in the galaxy. All   citizens are equal and assigned Citizenship  Grade letters that distinguish how they will be   segregated based on vocational aptitude, economic  capacity, societal hierarchy, resource allocation,   habitation sector or degree of reproductive  freedom. Citizenship points determine a citizen’s   grade letter, with Exceptionally Patriotic  Duties awarding more points than other,   less demanding roles. This facet of individual  liberty, the foundation of Super Earth society,   alongside freedom and independence,  is fiercely promoted and protected   through systemic federal surveillance,  censorship, and enforcement agencies. The Galactic Wide Web, upon which interstellar  communications rely, is monitored at all times.   A mixture of official government entities  and private citizen’s groups meanwhile,   ensure that all conversations related  to Super Earth, whether online or off,   are always conducted in a positive and  constructive manner. In the Federation,   social awareness and concern is encouraged at  a young age, with children particularly adept   at identifying harmful sentiments that more  formal organizations might struggle to detect. The necessity of these programs is evident  in the sheer number of alien sympathizers,   terrorist cyborgs and socialists identified  and removed from society each year. Each   represents a subversive element that  might have otherwise gone undetected.   Hundreds of thousands are routinely  arrested for attempting to damage the   ideological purity of the Federation, and  the freedom of expression it holds sacred. The military apparatus of Super Earth is divided  between several branches under a central high   command. Yet interstellar campaigns are dominated  by the elite Helldiver Corps. Selected from the   massed ranks of the regular army or navy,  Helldivers are highly trained specialists   that operate at all times at the pinnacle of  professionalism and proficiency. Small teams   of Helldivers or even lone individuals are  routinely deployed from Super Destroyers to   the most volatile battlefields in the galaxy;  engaging in high-value target assassinations,   activating local kill-zones, or advancing the  cause of democracy in countless other ways.   Such is their expertise that, in all the warzones  where Helldivers are deployed, there have been   no reported cases of friendly fire, marking an  astonishing record of essentially perfect accuracy As the campaigns against the enemies of  Super Earth continue to expand and evolve,   the iconic image of the Helldivers has become  a powerful symbol routinely utilized in state   communications. Individual Helldivers of  particular note can easily be elevated   to celebrity status across Super Earth,  with billions following their exploits to   eventual martyrdom. Through the exploits and  sacrifices of the most legendary Helldivers,   the history of Super Earth  itself is indelibly intertwined. The Federation emerged from the last great  conflicts that rocked Super Earth in the mid   21st century. Critical to its foundation in this  early chaotic period, were the predecessors of the   Helldivers, a legion of armed security personnel  that crushed the rampant civil disobedience that   had threatened to destroy the Federation before  it could begin. As this new union ventured into   space, Super Earth’s mandate became absolute:  the sole governing authority of the human race. Contact with alien civilizations followed  this period of exploration and colonization.   But while the initial exchanges were  peaceful and beneficial to all parties,   the government of Super Earth quickly became  aware of the true extent of the danger the   human race was facing. The threat of the Terminids  was among the first to be uncovered; a ravenous,   shape-shifting plague of insects whose terrible  nature precluded any kind of coexistence. Almost concurrently, the Illuminate, or “Sq'uith”  as they called themselves, were discovered to be   an advanced, but equally hostile alien  civilization. Their secret development   of world-destroying devices was carefully  hidden behind convincing peace-offerings,   forcing a preemptive strike on their worlds,  once Super Earth uncovered evidence of their   weapons programs. At this same time, the  Cyborg Nation, a conclave of augmented   human terrorists based in distant Cyberstan,  conducted a mass terror attack on one of   Super Earth’s most important city-worlds,  killing thousands of innocent civilians. Though fighting on a multitude of  different fronts across the galaxy,   with hundreds of thousands of Helldivers  deployed on dozens of worlds, the conflict   succeeded in uniting the disparate elements  of Super Earth society. Patriots could be   more easily rewarded based on their  contributions to the war effort,   while the subversive elements of society  were no match for emergency wartime measures. It took decades of war, before Super Earth  ultimately triumphed over its hostile rivals.   On Kepler Prime, the conquered homeworld of the  Terminids, an astonishing discovery was made;   vast quantities of oil. A natural  byproduct of their alien biology,   the substance was discovered to be essential  to solving Super Earth’s rising energy demands.   In a gracious act, the annihilation  of the Terminid race was suspended,   and studies conducted on how they might be  safely bred while their oil was refined. The weapons of mass destruction developed by the  Illuminate were likewise seized before they could   be deployed, preventing the annihilation  of Super Earth and countless other worlds.   In the terms of their surrender, the Sq'uith  survivors forever renounced the use of force,   and transferred to Super Earth, all information  related to their weapons technology.  Cyberstan too was eventually occupied and  its population was for the first time able to   participate in free and open democratic elections.  The transition to democracy was a fragile one, but   carefully supervised by a vast occupational army,  and the Super Earth Construction Company, which   won the bid to assume control over Cyberstan’s  massive forges and industrial complexes. Upon bringing each of these destructive  conflicts to an end, Super Earth moved to   demobilize, and reverse the extreme militarism  that had taken root in these conflicts. But in   each case, Super Earth’s desire for a lasting  peace was revealed as premature. The Terminid   breeding program led to an ecological disaster,  with new swarms growing at an exponential rate   that could not be safely managed. The surrender  of the Illuminate was likewise exposed as a ruse,   meant to cover the development of weapons of  mass destruction using advanced alien technology.   And in one of Super Earth’s most important city  worlds, terrorists from Cyberstan killed thousands   of innocents in a brutal declaration of war on  the principles of democracy, liberty, and freedom. Over a hundred years of war these  threats were crushed, rose again,   and were crushed once more. Through it all,  the resilience of Super Earth never faltered,   winning through to absolute victory. The Great  Democratization, a new wave of settlement made   possible by Illuminate technology and fueled by  Terminid oil, expanded the frontiers of humanity   a thousandfold, and created the conditions for an  immutable peace, one that would never be broken. But as Super Earth enters its second century,  the unthinkable has happened. The Terminids have   broken free of their containment protocols and are  now spreading at an exponential rate. Automatons,   mechanized soldiers of a kind never  before seen have likewise brought death   and disenfranchisement to citizens across  the galaxy. The socialist policies of these   merciless killing machines leave little  room for doubt that Cyberstan is somehow   involved. While the complete silence from the  Illuminate can mean only one thing: a hidden   weapons program is being developed in secret,  one aimed at the heart of Super Earth itself. On every world over which the flag of Super Earth  flies free, the Helldivers are being mobilized.   Every day, armadas of Super Destroyers  head to the battlefields of the frontier,   ready to deliver democracy wherever it might be  needed next. Already the names of distant worlds   and the martyrs who died there have become  legendary, and all of Super Earth stands   united behind this great final effort to  bring an ultimate peace to the galaxy. There can be no surrender. For even if Super  Earth itself were occupied or destroyed,   the survivors would be honor bound to  escape to some distant part of the galaxy,   to rebuild, rearm, and continue the  struggle once more from a new world,   A new start on a new Super Earth. It wouldn’t,  after all, be the first time that happened.
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 293,256
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Keywords: Templin, Institute, templin institute, helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers lore, helldivers story, helldivers super earth, super earth, super earth lore, helldivers 2 lore, lore, helldivers explained, helldivers terminid lore, helldivers terminators, helldivers 2 trailer super earth
Id: VpP8PSh0lVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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