Helldivers 2: Full Story Explained!

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long ago in a galaxy far far away o wrong Space story the galactic war of superar starts in 2044 however there are some things you should know about the history of superar some of this information is banned by the ministry of Truth on superar so this is for your ears only superar was once very similar to our Earth however with the age of Technology came a system that plummeted the world into managed democracy I should say uplifted but on super Earth voting is done on a computer but instead of choosing your candidate the computer will ask you some questions you'll answer them and then based on your answer it will vote for you as I'm sure you've already gathered that can lead to or be used by some serious corruption this led to the government we use today and any disagreement with said government will be dealt with in fact any action that is even remotely negative towards the government will result in punishment which can include death and it's not just an evil government there are cases of people turning in their kids for not honoring the superar flag the people of super Earth are all about this government it's not a democracy it's a managed democracy here are some ways that they manage the Democracy any and all Communications over the galactic Wide Web are monitored for signs of alien sympathizers citizens who doubt whether the terrorist bombings done by the cyborgs are actually done by the cyborgs are labeled cyborg sympathizers those who wish for peace talks are labeled hippies and are threatened with jail or execution and these aren't even done in hiding this message was sent out by superar questions regarding the Federation or government of super Earth shall be sent to the appropriate quadrant it is illegal to express oneself openly about the Federation or government of superar in a negative Manner and serious cases may result in arrest or termination brought to you by superar PT LTD sponsored by superar these are the links they will go to to prevent any dissidence in ironic fashion the very first use of Hell pods was when a socialist government on another planet tried to secede from the Federation of super Earth after 50 hell divers landed into the Parliament and executed the members of the government the planet was quickly brought back into compliance as you may have noticed from the last paragraph superar is not the only planet we live on humans actually live on most of the planets in the game in some way or another they communicate with something called the galactic Wide Web or a GW for short as I said previously this is constantly monitored for illegal activity the gww actually has instant data transfer speed the only thing that is not instant is this scanning the gww works with an array of quantum devices and this actually works all the time including during the time your ship is warping to a new place the other main technological advancement superar has is the aluar drive I don't know if I'm saying that right but I'm trying this was invented in in the 2030s and you can actually hear the ship voice mention the drive sometimes whenever you're warping to another system this drive actually allows ships to travel to anywhere in the galaxy in a matter of seconds this is done by creating a wave in time space and making time and space literally flow around the ship when your ship travels to a new system that actually is about the speed it would take for the ship to arrive there in the game here's some more fun facts about the Society of superar this will kind of help you understand what's going on every citizen of superar is issued an M26 Constitution bolt action rifle when they turn 16 this is to encourage enlisting in the military speaking of children in order to have a child you have to apply for a child permit with the C1 perm form which According to some dialogue from the first game is not easy to do however in better news it seems that same sex relationships are common place in this universe next the 26th of October is is Liberty day this is celebrated by the game as well as most DLC releases for the first game were done on Liberty day this date is a reference to the science fiction novel Starship Troopers which was published on October 26th 1959 hell divers actually takes a lot of inspiration from Starship Troopers now you know most if not all things to know about super earth and its Society at least that's confirmed so let's move on to the warfront the war started in 2044 if you're wondering ing hell divers 2 is approximately 2,184 exactly 100 years after the first game which was 2084 important thing to note is that all of our initial contacts with the aliens were peaceful it said that soon the people of Earth realized the potential dangers of communicating with alien species and before we knew it they started our first Intergalactic War heavy on that they started well there are only two enemy types in in Hell divers 2 there are three in the first game and I believe it's confirmed that the third one will be added to Hell divers 2 after some time so we'll start with the bugs these are the words of Senator John W kjoy the Federation has decided that the bug threat is becoming too great the bugs have been a plague in this galaxy for far too long they must now be eradicated before they spread to other worlds this is in start contrast to what they say when we win the war which is the bugs are a rare and valuable species that is a potentially Unlimited Supply of fossil fuel resources for superar and eliminating them just wouldn't be right from a moral perspective yes that is an actual quote so from my understanding this is what went down we go to space we find the bugs we notice that their home planet Kepler Prime is basically overflowing with fossil fuels we go there and we set up oil pumps without permission and then the bugs attack Us in retaliation we'll never fully eradicate the bugs because when they die they rapidly decompose into fossil fuels so we are set up to endlessly exploit them for democracy of course after we would win the war we would start quote safe breeding I think this is when we did experiments on them you can hear this line of dialogue from one of the members on your ship in the second game make sure you report her to the ministry of Truth by the way this breeding eventually turns back into another War where at the cost of Hell divers we get unlimited oil a true Win For Freedom we cannot let these fascist bugs stomp out our way of life the devs have confirmed that we will go to the home planet of the bugs and have said it's nothing like the planets we've seen before by the way the bugs are fully sentient they don't speak our language but they're fully intelligent creatures they're not just some insects the second enemy of democracy are the cyborgs we learned from the first gamees dialogue that a couple years ago cyborg terrorists detonated a massive bomb in one of the city-like planets killing thousands of civilians it's unknown if this was actually the cyborgs or a plot by the government to start a war usually what will restart up a war with the cyborgs is a cybernetically augmented human in an act of terrorism will detonate an explosive in the center of a city district killing eight citizens and by the way if you doubt the legitimacy of this you will be labeled a cyborg sympathizer the home planet of the cyborgs is cyber Stan whenever we successfully liberate their homework World We democratized Them by force threatening to take away their rights if they do not vote for super Earth we then station troops on their planet for about 5 years to keep the peace and further spread democracy to them while this is happening the super Earth construction company which is a government company takes over their forges and materials eventually another bombing happens and this whole process starts again superar really wants the AI capabilities of the robots as well as their materials and factories which is is probably why we went to war with them in the first place superar generally depicts the cyborgs as socialists and this has made it a lot easier because they use the color red but cyborgs do actually hate hell divers and the super Earth probably due to their lack of ability to accept freedom and democracy now on to our third enemy if you don't want this spoiled now's your time to turn off the video as the rest will'll go into future updates for the game thank you for watching this far now our third enemy and personally I think the coolest is the illuminate they call themselves squi I don't know how to say that the illumin are a very very Advanced civilization and are capable of traveling to other galaxies with ease they settle in the southern quadrant of our galaxy and according to Super Earth they consider themselves to be enlightened beings they originate from the ocean and use bio electronics and nanop powerered devices a quote from the ship science off officer from the first game the illuminate went down the path of electricity in the same way we did from rocks to bullets the illuminate were originally the equivalent of UFO sightings in the 21st century but eventually they came forward to superar with a peace offering and would you believe it super Earth declined it because they found that they had large quantities of world destroying devices which Super earth called obliterator bombs for superar this was enough for us to launch a preemptive strike to try to steal their advanced technology this is emphasized with a beautiful quote from Senator John W kjoy this statement sends a clear message to all wouldbe threats to Super Earth if they have more advanced technology than us be prepared to pay the price an important thing to note is that when successfully defending against the illuminate superar says that we had strong evidence that they had planned to explode the planet with an obliterator bomb however when you lose a defense to the illuminate the planet can be recaptured Ed this means that they're not actually willing to blow up a planet but we must fight as if they will for super Earth being an illuminate sympathizer is the worst of the sympathizers and is almost certainly death by execution when we win in a war with the illuminate super Earth forces them to sign a treaty which prevents them from making any more armed forces and requires them to hand over all advanced Weaponry this Weaponry is believed to be how we made the shield backpack and the arc thrower this is all of the concrete lore I was able to find the lack of more is most likely due to the devs wanting the story to be up to the community and how we choose to play the game let me know if I missed anything in the comments and remember Mercy is treason get out there hell diver
Channel: True_Cyan
Views: 9,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l07qOGCfgCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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