The Helldiver Corps - Helldivers Lore

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in the not too distant future super Earth stands on the brink of annihilation its sky is darkened by swarms of foul alien bugs its ground besieged by the Relentless March of socialist mechanical monstrosities but in its time of need Humanity calls upon its mightiest and most disposable Heroes the hell divers an Elite peacekeeping Force who dive feet first into the deadliest of War zones battling against overwhelming enemy forces to spread the The Shining Light of managed democracy across the Stars welcome aboard everyone to this L's flight where today we'll be heading to the Bastion of managed democracy known as super Earth what is life like there what strange and cruel forces besiege humanity and who are the illustrious hell divers all great questions that we my friends will be answering today so get comfortable grab a nice hot cup of Liberty and settle in let's embark on this L tour of the hell diver core and super Earth in the late 21st century humanity is United under one Banner the Federation of super Earth this Grand planetary government emerged as a beacon of Freedom peace and Liberty heralding a new era for humankind with a mission to extend the reach of good old-fashioned human civilization the Federation dispatches its Brave citizens to colonize new worlds confront foul alien life forms and spread managed democracy throughout the Galaxy by force but what you may ask exactly is this glorious concept of managed democracy it is the Pinnacle of political systems a marked improvement upon the ancient flawed democracy of yester years in this system citizens are shepherded fruity voting process by a benevolent automated voting system which presents voters with a series of questions before casting the vote on their behalf gone under days of confusion and uncertainty where the common folks stumbled in the dark unaware of what they were really voting for now they support the correct policies and candidates those that champion the undying principles of freedom and liberty amidst the utopian sprawling metropolises and verdant Landscapes of Humanity's vast Intergalactic Empire the people of super Earth enjoy a life of prosperity and patriotic fervor thanks to this managed democracy however in this paradise a few misguided Souls the denters the Liberty haters dare to whisper against the Glorious Federation of super Earth to safeguard this utopian society these acts of sedition theat as vile as tarnishing the planet's Noble name questioning the infallible government or failing to honor the sacred super Earth flag have been justly criminalized even the contemplation of such treachery is met with the most righteous of consequences arrest or execution and it is the sacred duty of every citizen to remain Vigilant to turn in those even their own kin who Harbor and patriotic sentiment so it's fair that the privilege of procreating the esteemed C1 perm child permits are bestowed only upon those deemed worthy only the most loyal those who bleed the colors of super Earth are entrusted with the honor of nurturing the future champions of humanity ensuring that the next generation will inherit the unbreakable will and fervent patriotism that Define the citizens of super Earth these good citizens are not alone in the Galaxy though when mankind ventured into space they were curious to see if any other life forms dwell World out amongst the Stars Unfortunately they were right and while the initial contacts with these aliens scum were peaceful the people of superar soon realized the danger of these alien species beginning the first Intergalactic War but who are these foul enemies of Liberty well there are free that we know of the cyborg nation of cyber Stan are a testament to the chilling consequences of unchecked technological augment ation and the Stark antithesis of super Earth shining vision of managed democracy the ways of these cybernetically augmented humans and automatons were tolerated at first until the Tranquility of humanity City worlds was shattered when cyborg terrorists driven by a perverse communist ideology and ridiculous belief that the citizens of supera are all brainwashed by Propaganda unleash Devastation in the heart of District 48 claiming the lives of thousands of innocent citizens this heinous act announced to the world that these former humans had broken away from the peaceful ways of super Earth and served as a call to Humanity's Defenders prompting them to launch a brutal campaign to bring the light of democracy to the dark corners of cyber Stan cyber Stan itself a desolate snow covered Wasteland has become the stage for a struggle between the forces of freedom and the remnants of Society clinging to its socialist doctrines super Earth's response to the cyborg threat has been both Swift and decisive following each Act of aggression by cyborg terrorists super Earth forces embark on a mission of Liberation democratizing the cyborgs with a firm hand guiding them towards the Democratic way of life under the Vigilant watch of the super Earth Army tactical command for 5 years after a successful campaign against the these cyborgs peace is enforced by an occupying Army and the seeds of democracy are swn allowing the superar construction company to repurpose the vast forges and factories of the cyborg Nation for the greater good the terminats are a sentient extraterrestrial species of oversized bugs whose very existence has been a plague on the Galaxy for far too long necessitating their eradication before their infestation spreads to other worlds Kepler prime a Barren desert planet on the Eastern fringes of the Galaxy serves as the home world for this formidable foe here amidst the desolate landscape the bugs have thrived and evolved for millions of years becoming the most elite natural killing machines they're not all that bad though as their bodies do yield vast quantities of oil a resource incredibly valuable to superar in its extra Galactic exploits as such once a terminate outbreak has been in quailed these rare and valuable bugs should be housed on carefully controlled Farms where they can be protected and exploited for a bountiful quantity of Natural Resources first encountered in the late 21st century through frequent encounters with Recon spacecraft the enlightened and technologically Superior illuminate stepped into the galactic theater with an offer of peace for super Earth however the discovery that they Alle idly possessed weapons of mass destruction capable of annihilating entire worlds swiftly shifted super Earth stance from potential diplomacy to decisive action originating from the oceans of their home World these Blu skinned aquatic beings have harnessed the powers of Bio electronics and nanop powerered devices making them a fierce Foe for the proud Defenders of LIberty Leading to tense standoffs and the everpresent danger of Planet destroying devices upon securing Victory against the Illumina in war superar tends to impose a treaty stripping the aliens of their military capabilities and commandeering their Advanced Weaponry reducing the threat of future war and significantly enhancing Humanity's own technological capabilities the force defending super Earth against these alien threats is the illustrious superar military to serve within its ranks is the highest honor bestowed upon these Sons and Daughters of the Federation and on their 16th birthday every citizen of superar is issued a ceremonial Bol action rifle done to encourage military service and train them in the use of firearms while the Valiant forces of the superar military Hold the Line against the tide of villainous entities that besiege superar there exists a cardr of Warriors unparalleled in their bravery and dedication the hell divers these mightiest and most obedient of Heroes Venture deep Behind Enemy Lines to sew the seeds of democracy prosperity and Justice across the Galaxy ensuring that the light of superar illuminates even the darkest corners of the universe men and women drafted from the regular Army Corps hell diver recruits are sent to the hell diver facility on Mars to receive further training and engage in live fire exercises against terminates in its early days this training consisted of what is best described as ranger training training the troops to Scout and perform assassination missions Behind Enemy Lines over time the scope of this training has expanded preparing them for a myriad of specialist roles from piloting mechanized assault Walkers and acting as Riot controlling police to mastering the use of chemical weapons and coordinating devastating air strikes upon completion of their training a hell diver will be cryogenically Frozen until they are required and shipped off to some far-flung war zone where they will be stationed aboard a custom hell diver Super Destroyer Mighty Starships capable of raining down fire from orbit and housing a number of Eagle Fighters multiroll Aerospace craft used to gain air superiority on a world and perform Precision ground assault operations for H either command when required Planet Side the hell divers load up into ship mounted hell pots shock absorbing pods that break the atmosphere at extreme velocities and crash into the planet's surface ready to deploy their hell diver this method of deployment dates back to when the forces of superar were faced by a heavily entrenched force of secessionist foes on the planet of Norman's Creek unable to gain the air superiority required to land troops on the world super earth created the hell pods and dropped 50 hell divers onto the planet's Parliament ready to execute the enemies of democracy housed there for decades these Sons and Daughters of Liberty have been engaged in a brutal Galactic campaign against the forces of tyranny protecting its colonies keeping the peace and beating the enemies of superar to a PO at the Forefront of this righteous battle the hell divers stand as the elite spearhead of the federation's military might executing critical missions with precision and unwavering courage they secure toal resources neutralize enemy leaders and demolish facilities of War wherever Humanity goes the hell divers are there spreading managed democracy throughout the Galaxy there are Whispers however that behind the propaganda behind the senses and vice likee grip of the super Earth Ministry of Truth there might be more to this Galactic War and the Federation of super Earth and meets the eye rumors SWR that the narrative p by supera painting these cyborgs as socialist terrorists in need of Liberation may be a fabrication it may actually be super Earth itself that orchestrated the terrorist attacks on its own cities fabricating a reason to justify the invasion of cyborg territories enslavement of its people and capture of their industrial might the narrative framing the bugs as an existential Menace a swarm poised to devour civilization hid a more Sinister motive the government's Crusade against the bugs Finly veils a grotesque Venture the establishment of farms designed to exploit the bug's death for oil a grim Harvest fueling super Earth's insatiable energy appetite as for the illuminate branded as a supremely intelligent race with a penion for apocalyptic Weaponry the trays buried under layers of Deceit super Earth's aggression against these aliens might not have been a pre Ive strike for survival but a voracious grab for the illuminate Superior Technologies of course those daring to question the official account or even show sympathies towards any of these threats meet a Swift and final silence eradicated to quer any seeds of descent and this feeds into another darker manipulation committed by the Federation targeting the young and Brilliant citizens of superar recruiting them for service on the front lines this calc ated culling of the youth serves not only to rid the system of potential dissenters against the Federation but also to indoctrinate those who survive service in the Federation military with a narrative of honor and sacrifice those who return are ens sned in a Weber of Justified atrocities unwitting champions of the very system that exploits them and if all of this got out it might just leave a super Earth citizen wondering are we the bad guys but surely that's all just traitorous hippie talk best just to ignore those Whispers well I hope you enjoyed your flight today with lurs let us know down in the comments whether you would enlist with the hell diver core or Chuck your hat in with those dreaded cyborg socialists and if you enjoyed this trip make sure to subscribe so that you're ready to travel with us again soon thanks for watching catch you next time [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Lore Tours
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Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers lore, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 trailer, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 pc, hell divers, helldivers ii, helldivers review, helldiver, helldivers 2 tactics, does helldivers have a story, helldivers story, what is helldivers, helldivers backstory, helldivers what you need to know, helldivers 2 story explained, helldivers 2 story, helldivers 2 story so far, helldivers before you buy, helldivers 2 lore, helldivers 2 premise, terminids, bugs
Id: dYaQ-vvzSPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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