Helldivers 2 Lore - The Sacrifices of Malevelon Creek

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welcome back hell divers today we will be discussing the gruesome details of the first two battles fought on a system that is Infamous across super Earth's military Malon Creek let's begin Nestle deep within the San sector Malon Creek is a dreary planet that is plunged in constant Darkness this is due to many different factors but most noticeably because of its dense fog and thick vegetation uneven terrain and overgrown plant life is common on this godforsaken planet but occasionally one can find peaceful bodies of water and Open Fields that peacefulness however is quickly interrupted by the planet's ion storms which can temporarily disrupt stratagem Communications the Perpetual Darkness electric fields and harsh terrain make Malon Creek stand out as one of the most Soul crushing planets on the galactic map so Malon Creek has been aptly named space Vietnam by players and we'll see why in just a minute it it is interesting that the terrain of the planet does somewhat resemble some parts of Vietnam with its densely packed terrain and jungles and suffocating atmosphere now let's get something straight hell divers 2 is a video game and the Vietnam war is a very real thing so I will lightly tread when making comparisons I know it's all done in fun but it is important to realize that the community has deemed Malon Creek this fictional world's hellscape of War similar to the real life War fought in between the 50s and the 70s in Vietnam the first offensive of Malon Creek lasted for 20 days straight as hell divers fought against the unrelenting forces of the automatons democratic leaders soon saw that the fight for Freedom was taking a turn for the worst and began the fight for the creek recruitment program thousands of Hell divers answered the call to join the oily onslaught of the Socialist Bots however even with the Boost in recruitment numbers The Liberation status of the creek would not budge after almost an entire month of Bloodshed the Malon Creek System fell to automaton forces the name alone of the system struck fear in the hearts of democratic Patriots back home and those who survived the hellish Skirmish would never forget the creek at the same time of the hell divers defeat the entire San system was also lost to socialist control so we saw the first major offensive against Malon Creek began on February 8th and lasted until February 28th it was a very humbling experience as players when we realized that not all planets were going to be a breeze to liberate even on Lower difficulties the automatons on levelon Creek were just Relentless I swear that Joel the game master had slipped those Bots some performance enhancing socialist drugs that made them just go crazy honestly playing on this planet really was brutal not to mention that a majority of the missions were those ones where you had to defend citizens as they escaped which still to this day I personally try and avoid sorry citizens of super Earth but your Democratic sacrifices are not in vain following the devastating loss superar citizens and fellow hell divers alike began the Mantra of remember the creek the countless lives of Our Heroes would not be forgotten and their Killers would never be forgiven spill oil was chanted amongst soldiers and written on Hell diver helmets the demand for justice was on the minds of every superar citizen the community was not happy following the loss of Malon Creek we went from posting memes about the war crimes being committed to wind control to posting memorials and patriotic songs to remember the Fallen I've never seen something happen inside of a video game that has affected its player base so intensely even people I know in real life who don't play the game would come up to me and say remember the creek so the event had surpassed even the game that it came from and became somewhat of a cultural moment in Internet history hell divers remained on Mal levelon Creek in small teams known as the Creek crawlers fighting back the automaton forces and while victory was scarce democracy did not waver even in the light of the named malevolent Creek Massacre our soldiers fought on on March 4th the manes system was liberated from the automatons which allowed new reinforcements to return to the creek thankfully by this time the tianquan system was able to complete production of newly built EXO suits to Aid in battle while focus of the war effort shifted to the drop near system hell divers did not give up hope that the creek would be liberated currently hell diver reinforcements have been reminded of these bloody battles under the new war effort remember the creek ensuring that the sacrifice of those who fell before us will not be in vain Malon Creek remains in the clutches of the automatons but democracy will have its revenge Malon Creek is once again open on the itic map at least at at the time of this recording and people have been flooding in to take the system back never mind that are major orders at the same time of this recording are in a different system but hell divers want their Justice Arrowhead has also been stoking the Flames by posting this image to their Discord server further exciting players for the chance to honor the Fallen never have I felt so oppressed in a video game as when I was playing on Malon Creek but also never have I been so moved by community over such a simple concept we have lost systems before in the game but the creek will forever be a Monumental moment in gaming history there's hundreds of great videos on YouTube that cover the malevolent Creek Massacre as well as the creek crawlers in extensive detail so I've linked some of my favorites in the description below hey everybody back burner from the future here it's incredible timing that right as I was about to upload this video I a got super sick with a fever and B Malon Creek has been liberated which is wonderful I mean we finally did it guys Malon Creek the hellscape is finally over but we'll have to see how long we can keep hold of it as our major orders are to clear other planets around Malon Creek at this moment right now I'm out fighting on the other planets that need Liberation and hopefully we can keep the creek within our grasp I hope you enjoy this new style of lore video where I bounce back and forth between some more serious inworld lore and then talking about my own personal experiences with the events it's a nice break from the original style of videos that I do thanks for watching and as always go spread democracy throwing grenade
Channel: Backburner
Views: 2,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, ps5, playstation 5
Id: kEZuWeUjXmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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