HOI4 NEW MOD! Let's look at: HoI4 mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe! #1

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okay single player new game select scenario oh wow it's like the country so are these basically the the different factions this is of course german factions and this is the american faction the japanese faction and italian faction okay uh let's just jump into anything it doesn't really matter so we want to see so you are basically in charge over everything yeah right coming on it yeah you have pretty much invaded and taken over so this was basically what happened after the second world war what the hell is this isn't it supposed to be a c over here wow um okay uh i guess italy said screw well screw c and decided i'm just creating land everywhere or something that's pretty cool i told you atlantropa pretty cool though i started pretty goddamn cool uh let's see uh yeah russia is a complete mess right it could be fun to play some right here and try to unite russia and then go in and crush the germans uh let's see empire pan not really that much an empire for winning the world war are you a puppet to them i don't know legacy of the 1960 guarded pearl exercises okay uh republic of india brazil united states america nothing strange right here so i guess this is the state of the world right now these are the interesting contents so it was basically five years or more playable content for england you know indonesia much of the german union pack german colonies whales scotland and some italian colonies but we had 10 or more years of playable counterfeiting three german candidates of the civil war uh basically japan china italy or the iberian union this one okay himmler's burgundy uh there burgundy i guess uh let's see united states of america and many russian warlords okay the big question is who to play who should you play italy decide to go dutch and occupy the sea yeah wow they've actually controlled quite a bit i wonder if this is italian though or if it's german i think it's german but yeah that's definitely italian it could be fun to do italian i don't know [Music] hmm fading fascism okay uh let's see to of italy is one of being less aligned with the typical fascists unlike his father-in-law okay hmm look at egypt portrait wow that looks kind of trolly uh let's see any any other ones he looks way too happy let's see that kind of looks like stalin mustache [Music] hmm i don't think sweden would be any fun to really play right here they are way too small to actually fight properly it's kingdom of england whale scotland corn wow wow that's that's terrible iberon union could also be pretty fun since you're on the side of entire thing it could also be fun to do some kind of like french state try to unite i know make france how much would you have of france not to say right here no it does not so probably france is not fully developed just yet hmm like restored into french empire or something like that could be fun how about sweden a bit too small especially against the great power we would have to do tons of build up and we basically either win or fail that war uh you can pick three france in africa oh free france in africa oh wow um i didn't know about that ice lord are you trolling me i don't think i can pull them up right away like it's probably going to be a whole lot of new uh mechanics and stuff like that so i kind of want to learn them as well argentina uh already on the list like i'm gonna okay actually i should just post this uh i could take a quick screenshot of the entire list they have said about that nations have like tons of uh gameplay options and we can kind of just see let's see uh i need to save down this one here say options well apparently this option but that's fine properties here and option png there we go show this and just make it large enough for you guys to actually read it i think that's stretched a bit but so i it's like one of these nations i would probably like to play around with so far like italy sounds like a pretty good one because we can just do let's recreate rome after this we're not happy with entire peace good deal [Music] indonesia indonesia could also be fun let's bring down japan and stuff like that but then we are not really focusing on the main character too much of this entire mod which is probably germany [Music] about a russian state yeah i'm also like thinking a russian state there's new oh there's a new poland in central asia what poland in central asia i don't see a poland oh nova polska i wouldn't say this central asia maybe then place germany if you want now i i don't want to play them like i want to fight against him this time it feels like we have i've had too much fun fact this mod got sued what are you kidding me it actually got sued republic of finland they are pretty large right here hey honda chanting oh man aka armory by the way hi apparently troll oh go italian seems fun hatred germany is recommended could we play denmark don't even try don't even try uh young toilet ball pole very much would follow my appreciate that welcome to the stream okay a russian state west russian revolutionary front luftwaffe terror bombing holy that's a bad modifier veterans of the great war of veterans of the long war okay pretty cool agriculture insecurity west russian revolutionary front i like that three aviators it's a it's a sizeable chunk of russian land in the north we go south and then we turn east to crush the rest of the russians then we turn west to crush the last final enemy uh can you move the screenshot yeah yeah like i'm gonna remove it right now oh right maybe you didn't actually see it west russian revolutionary front seems pretty good uh let's see roskapinen and ken 68.08 thank you follow much appreciate welcome stream uh yeah i think i think we i think we call our nation west russian revolutionary front [Music] let's let's just do this let's just do this let's jump in and see what we have to do right here [Music] technically any russian warlord oh okay so they're basically kind of generic russian to restore everything uh oh okay the west russian revolution abroad the great patrick war against the fashion invaded costas over the soviet people everything and then some nazi employed unimaginable cruelty in their crusade against soviet civilization itself to the extent where no single man or woman could not name someone close to them who hasn't been cruelly torn from them by the hands of the hilter hitler s hilter hitler it has ah god i can't even say that let's see in the model anarchy of the total collapse of central government authority remnants of red army in the west we organized it and the city uh reorganized in the city of kuberchev on the leadership of grand marshal clement jeffrey god slaughtering these names like you know tomorrow across the former territory the soviet union loyal red army units flock to this banner including the sixth and ninth arm under marshall uh mikilov nikolayev versky tukahash oh god of slaughtering that and george constanzukov oh constance tinovoice zukov respectively with these problem uh mechanized force and alliance of prominent uh political figures such as mikle ann drezkevsky slushlove sushlov the newly formed west russian revolutionary front was able to accept authority over all of the chat remnants of the union which remained west of the euros god slaughtering everything wow uh in the late 1950s the right part oh wow there's so much let's just read the very last things uh sukhistani i'm a public command who received fame and uh leading liberation of warsaw together with marshall uh while tsuku is first loyal communist a communist course his clique has attracted attention or reform-minded figure so i can jerusalem nicholas along with many of the highlighting okay and now this is the important part i'm guessing and godzilla jean very much would follow much project welcome stream now in 1962 the front situation is a precursor one beyond the territories controlled by their archangelist lie stateless run by illumi illegitimate ah this is going great in the beginning of the stream like me is slaughtering name of the name of the name of their and not only names but normal english words as well so yeah we're going to crush a bunch of smaller one will tell the russian to regain the position of the defender western russia and potentially reunite the model and to avenge those who fell and deliver justice upon germany sounds awesome okay we haven't even gotten into the goddamn game right now so they seem to have reworked this entire interface um but let's see god damn it they have a ton of stuff as well that we're gonna have to do poverty rates is this things we change or just no i think this is just things that actually gonna trend academic base is currently stagnant monthly rate our current development status in this character is 0 0.0 out of 2 and 40. uh the one level improve inside said oh my god okay minus 240 then we'll actually reduced great english daniel cyric i agree it's the best english i have the best english absolute the best one oh my god why a country has no other head of state yeah foreign minister we have okay no one really switched things out with uh we do have blue power coming in every day it's through things we can actually switch up send them to the salt mine uh yeah mac thank you much for the prime sub the resubscription for 13 months my god you are insane 13 months that's amazing just reaching above that one year mark really really cool thank you thank you for joining us gab and welcome back to sold mine hope you enjoy your time here so uh yeah for now it seems like most of these are well i can't switch them by any means necessary we'll see if this changes once we get 150 but we're gonna have to take a look at that later but otherwise i really like how they've done this so far and um i like the new interface okay research uh they have gone with a pretty cool style feels very futuristic somehow hey paultale model thank much for the free sub for three months oh god thank you man much for that hope you enjoy your time still here and welcome back to this old mine okay uh let's see i'm guessing all the things with the green small check mark right here is things we already have these are the ones we can do and these are the ones we can't do with the red very very cool very simple uh sport very similar to the base game yes it just seems a bit further and has some flame flower tech right here which increases engineer company soft attack okay well they don't have very much soft attack so i guess that's fine armor they have person uh personal carriers fighting vehicles and battle tanks we are gonna see how they balance later wait because we don't have these tanks but we do have this tank deck does this mean i can't do this one because i let's see i don't have the t64 but i do have no wait wait i can research this one okay never mind uh artillery wow tons of things right here land doctrines something i have to look at either oh well as well uh let's see engineering tons of things and industry of course tons of additional things here as well god we have a lot to learn right here this is awesome i am really hyped that i lost me to switch to this but we're gonna take care of nation very much let's see we can't switch to economic because don't know why maybe it's something in progress we have five million factory we have two civilian to use who couldn't deploy looks very familiar i like how they're kind of switched entire in phase something and they change the position of the intelligence agency to the very far right uh logistics we can't see anything okay let's have a look then okay so this is on type of stream gets event it's not too big at all but i'm guessing this is gonna unlock something that's like the soviet tree or something once we get the last one right here because we're supposed to have what did he say 10 years of gameplay playing as a soviet nation so um well let's open that let's see uh i'm not a fan of this style so far it was like i'm i'm still not 100 decided i'm kind of on the edge of both of them and like may maybe i like it maybe i don't so well to wait and see uh it looks like you have to re-conquer the url solves mine so of course we have to change focus uh let's see it's a really jarring impression yeah yeah i kind of agree it's like i can see it's a bit hard to read everything when it's like this it's a bit hard to see exactly what's finished and what's finished i guess it could grow on me but we'll just have to see a bit more i i like i really like what they did right here this this looks nice this looks really nice looking at the research screens and stuff like that i feel this is a bit more confusing a bit more cluttery i can kind of clearly see what it is but i know i would like some kind of more highlight some kind of more borders or something to make it even more clear oh i can do this one i can do this one that one it's unlocked me it shorter call a difference as well but it's not enough for me unfortunately i would like a bit more right there uh like if the new archer was like a fps or a movie it would look epic probably wait is it full release yeah this is a full release of their mod right now been on the development apparently for a very very long time and it was released today so i decided to let's have a look at it so let's begin uh enduring oh god i can't even see it i can do this uh gets event revolutionary or didn't want to start a western europe and nowadays could seem like no longer irrelevant and unknown warlord state in russia perhaps owning slightly more territory than one would expect however the more good knowledge and recidivism knows that the glory days are front when the stretch run angles to all sponsor torchbearer of russian liberty and socialist any dreams of liberation were crushed though with the west russian war and destruction it brought us okay yeah yeah we are gonna push yourself through and make sure we rise again so in the first ob uh objective right now is to see what could we possibly research right now i kind of want to go research we only have two slots right now so we need to kind of oh god minus 32 would be really nice to counteract that but with the three percent bonus right it wouldn't be very much definitely going to get the first one right here factory repairs actually wow that's that's useless this one is not useless but that one is absolutely useless don't we have anything right now that would be useful yeah stuff like this this is so much more useful than kind of do something uh that's 300 days wasn't this only like 250 yeah then it's not too much of a difference this one as well that's actually only improving research okay so they're split up construction into two military construction and civilian construction and this is just producing more stuff yeah i like that one let's produce more stuff uh screw it let's just get the research right here and we'll see maybe we're going to change that very soon after uh fuel gained from fineway so everything takes fuel well at least military and civilian factory that's interesting and something we really need to be careful about okay airbase nothing really strange we can of course we can build some stuff um let's just start with two civilian factory right over there uh our current military let's see undesigned divisions right there and right there we're gonna sign let's see uh well we only have one field martial so let's just okay we need to they have changed some clickable areas so i'm probably going to fail a couple times with where to click like you should i usually you can't oh you could click parts okay weird uh anyway yeah two decent commanders really that doesn't really matter too much and oh this i really don't like it takes up way too much space right here i don't i don't want to scroll right here unfortunately i really don't want school if there's some kind of limit how i can limit that viewer that would be awesome but i don't think there is oh okay so we require anti-tank actually can we just maybe look at it right here it'd be more sensible yeah okay so this is a division map we have two of these which is plain out 12 infantry engineer and artillery right there and actually they require anti-tank as well oh every single infantry division requires anti-tank that's super super important for them to just remember heart under blade thanks for the follow my chat welcome to the stream uh let's see so this is super important now i wouldn't know that otherwise it could really escape me over artillery that's only artillery okay coal here's one piece of taylor there that's just more artillery manpower infant equipment and of course anti-tank well actually you quite won 50 and the tank while this one only requires 19. what does require so got them oh elite inventory oh that's the difference in the helmet oh wow that's gonna be okay i need to take take a look at that saboteur pastor and chess thank much for the volume appreciate that welcome to the stream so we need to create a new one and double check so uh elite infantry uh how much of a difference is it uh you require basically at least two and one quarter of the production right now and you are only ten percent better ish if even that we are not going to do any elite infantry from the beginning we are small god damnation and we do not afford that that one frat guy thank you follow me that welcome to the stream let's see so engineer motorized to quiet tank as well so i'm pretty sure everything is going to require and the tank no matter what okay you are crazy expensive if we compare with one of my smaller versions oh god we're getting we're gonna become read moscow right now uh light infantry okay so i'm gonna take a quick look at that as well so big difference let's see light infantry versus normal god it's going to be annoying to do okay we're going to just do like this uh let's see there we go so this is where you can look at it very easily so light infantry is pretty much only infant equipment okay that's actually really good to know they are missing heart attack some defense but otherwise they are pretty much the same they're also missing some piercing but that's all right unless we don't meet motorized so technically yahoo uh agueros hey man how's it going so daniel uh how is danny gonna stop the bbeg what stop what uh like the us have senate house representative and more in-depth political stuff and ideology oh that's cool and there's generally cleared himself uh rook incarnate daniel notification says you're playing in the name of the star i i changed that again gravel gasp and i guess it didn't update for everyone unfortunately grav gas hopefully you're fine with this as well um i did change both of them hopefully uh let me just quickly double check that it should be switching both of them but i guess some people got the old modifier as well ghost experience you said it was sued by someone dmca uh what really i'm looking at the steam page right now oh at the internet copywriting have been filed on this item i'll review the complaint and reach out to the person posted item and provide information next step oh wow that was in the very top right now it was well i guess i'm gonna just remove the stream if it becomes issues or if i'm getting any like pokes from twitch let me just double check that i don't have one right now so far so good and i guess i'm not gonna put it up on youtube either as long as there's nothing as long as it's not cleared up or something online seriously yeah probably it's a troll like i hope it is like i hope it for these good guys it looks really cool otherwise i am going to go this may made by someone who does it to all the mods ah wow that that's really annoying wow can can it be smaller pieces of [ __ ] if it's just troll okay uh where were we otherwise um it's gonna be a let's play into john duty it all depends on if i start getting this mod or if i'm just a confused person constantly uh that god one two four thank much for the follow much appreciate that welcome to the stream okay uh why is my green screen messing up again come on stop stop being bad let's see a bit more light does that help maybe come on ah tiny bit that time a bit okay right there uh charles the 50th and commissar bottle cap thank you much for the follows so we were at light infantry and i was kind of thinking i was going to say we're going to go very heavily with light inventory i was going to say this is going to be completely useless but since we are kind of we need to break down oh actually we do have two puppets oh oh these are my puppets okay but yeah we're gonna have to break down at least everything right here and probably right here rebuild everything and then strike at the west hmm it's gonna take some time isn't it oh we're actually losing zero points 0.02 but the power right now for every day uh let's just continue forward right now for a while and i want to see how things are just playing out right now and the screen the green screen has failed you for the last time and before trigger falls his swarm mode yeah i hope he doesn't [Music] oh hi i hope this team supports speak with a mod dev soon yeah hopefully i think they've sent a message well at least that's what it says on the steam page that i just sent a message to the person who uploaded mod all right i completely forgot to add production right now so oh god this is also kind of a bit weird like i don't know what these well if i didn't look at the actual picture i would have no idea what it actually was i can't do any kind of minimize mode like i need to basically hold over everything to make sure i pick the right so everything needs anti-tank guns if we don't do a very heavy light infantry build as i said i would but to begin with let's just do a general production of pretty much everything uh the mechanized yeah that we're gonna be fine with let's see these two guys were elite infantry yes and you were that as well yeah cool yeah you're not gonna beat it anymore that's useless uh i'm gonna switch you to the normal zero man power available oh that's harsh uh let's just uh oh god you're actually quite exp let's keep you guys then but we're not gonna make any more of you okay these six divisions i don't really know exactly what to do with you for now let's just place you like this and we'll see what happens missing production motor equipment no template oh advanced san diego we're not doing anything right now let's actually do the production then i'm motorized uh low manpower insufficient resources yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be all right we just need to see what happens in this mod right now daniel remember this man who reunited unified russia yeah we're gonna we will we'll see about that hk army [Music] the name is in the top left of the image wait what was that me or someone else yeah back uh so then what uh what's the spoiler policy for this stream uh gavel uh spoiler policy if um for now don't say anything like what's going to happen in this mod i kind of want to discover that for myself but if it's like hey i don't know what does this mean or how do i do this or if like you one thing you could very much explain for me if you played it i this seems to be some kind of modifier like depending on how well how my economy or my social development progress goes up and down it's gonna change but all of these i don't see a way of exchanging them is it with bullet power is it not with pulling power is that events or something similar is it like decisions right here spend two something yeah well what the hell is this spend two at civilian factories that's blue power definitely scavenge for loot gain one something you okay it's loot gain one loot okay war planning external uh buy infinite weapon and stuff like that okay hmm you should i think i saw saurus russian state oh maybe that let's see where we child made them with uh vorkuda vorkuda that isn't this some goddamn place from like a call of duty they you don't know what they did to you mason or cuda okay do you work we're over hand over a tribute to loot or else they will raid us and take it from us anyway we're impasse okay who the hell is vorkuda rokuta is in far east right here screw you ma guys we're not going to back down and that's going to be the normal one a normal option if we don't pick anything but for now i just want to move all my troops to that front please and we're going to see what happens uh dev here those can't be switched except by game event folks charles oh you are dev oh my god that's awesome that's awesome thank you for being here and you're probably gonna see me completely um [Music] well um maybe not fully agree with some of your mod choices but um also completely screw up your mod so be bear with me but it's nice to have here and i hope you enjoy your time oh my god really one more okay let's first deal with vodkuda uh let's see natural focus and of course assassin strikes at hitler oh so actually struck down like that that's interesting yeah i can't wait about to see what you think uh yes a prison verkuda oh nice enchanted thank you i did remember that there's one source candidate that was kidnapped from australia to be a figurehead might be wrong though what really uh you have a few devs here charles even the lead writer oh cool that's even more awesome you said you were deaf lead writer that's even awesome take a puppet unit puppet units hq army thank you wait edge comment do you have another one that's not a sub i saw hk army i was like oh he lost his saw but of course you haven't you saw the puke okay i'm confused right now i'm also tno team and i'm a tester a bunch latino team uh oh cool hopped in i'm the writer of the team and no oh my god wow we basically have the entire dev team right here uh god maybe i need to take back some words of slotting your interface okay cool so he was a while yeah cool cool hitler was last night that's awesome uh well let's see what happens right here so uh let's see omega oh yeah that's gonna be awesome yeah we're definitely gonna steal our uh troops from our pup i don't know what i picked please tell me i didn't goddamn give my oh my god i gave my loot what let you spend those points to get it back crap well things happen the revolution of northern star through like you have tons it's kind of i love yeah exactly you stopped last time so i expected like how could you sub be out right now team has 200 people right now wow that's crazy ah that's all the new followers welcome be prepared for some random qa testing yeah pretty much [Music] uh let's see like i one thing yeah then you really fill this entire thing with so much lore it's crazy uh unfortunately i won't read everything maybe i've played well if i play it by myself i'll probably read everything but it was a last minute decision to jump in your screen right now so i have no preparation at all what anything does or how anything is played so bear with me uh let's see germans arrogant soviet union broken considered dust indian history yeah yeah yeah uh free revolution there's another shrine above us internal guidance russia yeah yeah works revolutionary guidance yeah sounds awesome sounds awesome and during the failures barbarossa a toast and a failure of let's see five percent ability or five sensibility we gain a journal page we gain a toast i i like a toast let's let's share on that cheers [Music] ah unfortunately i don't have any vodka close by otherwise i would definitely have done that so uh yeah let's see so restore the west russian revolutionary front so pretty much if we own everything we can restore russia cool let's see warlord development and war planning external investments invest in infrastructure so i gained one infrastructure industrial oh okay cool that's a really nice one focus on research completely unnecessary a thousand manpower that might actually be kind of cool since we have nothing and then it just support a bunch of infantry and similar things uh and i can't attack or do anything with this let's see enemies defeated 25 percent one uh presents ability one is in five units of um a weapon okay cool let's see so what was this can we raid someone can we justify war goal no we can't i guess we have to go down a couple of decisions then or a couple of foxes and we'll see there were 12 million words in this mod it was a hell of a lot of work wow you guys are insane hitler names boarman boarman he suggested really martin borman wow that's weird kylo rex very much for the follow much of that welcome stream that's quite a bit yeah like that's insane guys what the hell uh low manpower yeah i know i'm low on man park god damn it uh let's see are we gonna steal their troops right now for so we know for the future yeah i i'll let you steal them all for now uh because forces there we go there we go everyone's stolen let's add them to this division and yeah i don't really know what exactly use them for right now but we'll see we'll see uh got back uh cesar very much would follow much appreciate that welcome stream sort of slotting your name uh we have some money we have not economy tab unlock okay maybe maybe you guys who told me why is my economy tab blocked out is it just more focused like don't tell me how to unlock it but just it's more focuses it would be unlocked later just yeah all the folk okay so it didn't matter which we did first really all of them had to be finished for us to actually continue right there [Music] more focuses okay more focuses let's look for warlords ah crap a toast for the red army sure i want another toast let's see and in the meantime let's see build new skulls that's 60 days hmm scavenge for loot we could definitely do it just again as soon as we can if we can do it straight away no just wait wait diplomatic alert wait what i didn't read that i automatically exit it damn it both of them are still my puppets both of them have okay could someone tell me what that diplomatic alert was prepare raid against anti-communist volunteer guard they have zero loot okay what will i get if i win it nothing okay none of them have any loot so i can't do any one of them okay uh it's all the wars okay so it's wars that have begun uh capital 82 is a piece of okay so probably yeah that happened okay cool so i didn't screw up and miss something very very crucial uh we continue with here let's see i think i would love if there's any like that's bonus in war sport i don't need more sport though i really need stability that's unnecessary that's what we want okay so if we spend well we can pretty much deny that that's just increasing war sport but i really need [Music] let's see it's not ticking down right now i don't think so but that's just weakness ability for public power that's one of them fine we're gonna keep doing secure control as much as we bloody can we need to get our stability as high as we possibly can so that's are gonna be our main focus of bullet power for now i would like to do in both trainer troops and industrial investments but for now it's way too expensive blue power we're not gaining bullet power which is a very bad thing as soon as we can do something special we're gonna start doing them you gain loot if you win if i can do those rating yeah i'm in condition in regards with yeah i ice lord i i actually get what you mean tons of text super fun to read but sometimes i'm like like i i i don't have any dyslexia or anything like that but when just when i'm just encountering a wall of text i can just be i'm this is gonna be so hard to read it would nice if everything had a story yeah yeah why don't you just add that like just a press of a button where someone reads out the entire text for you huh huh it's only 12 million words how hard can it be hey this thing is how are you man so that's focus uh yes continue down right here five sensibility wait wait wait we weren't oh i thought that was an error i thought that was just some kind of text there or something like that no we're actually at minus stability oh my god i thought that was in a plain out error okay so uh permanent matters a moment's reprieve okay cool all the men and women she'll understand suffering yeah cold cold goal nevertheless the front conditioning march on uncertainty in the future okay sounds awesome audiobook uh let's see journal page and not even alcohol could wash it away oh what the hell happened oh crap i i can i know this is gonna be an awesome story if you read food and diving it's just i can't do that right now since well apparently i can't read today but um it's also going to take a very long time and i kind of want to get to the gameplay part i'm super excited right now so at least you have succeeded in that i'm super excited man in the high castle versus tno fight nobody likes me you should push for a text-to-speed feature in the next update yeah like that wouldn't take 200 years to do wouldn't surprise me if we have something similar uh let's see secure control awesome just keep going with that but we were at minus stability well that explains a lot of but yeah heads up daniel pass congruent west russia we wrr f is bugged wait what who are the w-r-r-f west ravaged russia field west russian revolutionary front oh of course my own goddamn nation uh west revolutionary front can't re reunite all of russia oh that's you oh of course it was me uh let's see so past conquering west russia is bugged hmm i i guess i'm gonna try to get around that because we need to conquer all of russia and more we will see what we can do we'll see we can get around that by sailing and pushing i just going uh tak hovsky to avoid it uh okay so to avoid it i have to go who because people's marshall yortsuko or okay so i need to go dammit i wanted to go zukov god damn it but if you say that path is bugged then you don't leave me very much choice uh drew the hoosier very much for the follow much appreciate welcome to the stream so i guess we go the red bonaparte so let's go down right here the red boner part thank you and let's see gameplay prevent just 100 power very nice that means we can push forward and let's see always false this one we can do let's say blue power agricultural insecurity just removing some of those bad things so increase influence of mikkel tsukov to i will just say miguel our professional society will develop agriculture high day development will slowly worsen okay let's do anything super good right here not too much honestly like i guess this is gonna start entire thing but i would really like to start earning a little power honestly and removing that one will be the first big step to that so we're definitely gonna go down the middle path right there just take both of them the red bonner part the increase will include yeah so increases influence by a small amount and 150 blue power okay that changes in diving so we are gonna train some troops and we are gonna do some industrial investments at least those two that's a first good step uh arnold cannot connect thank you much for all much for that welcome to stream and defeated mongolian people's red oh wow so no more mongol no more mongolia gone the sukkot is definitely bug oh that sucks console commanded this yeah like if we didn't have a bunch of devs in the shot that said it was bugged i would probably have gone zukov but since well let's play the game as much as possible and with a path that isn't bugged apparently yes i got a massive jumpscare with that follow noise yeah it might be a slight bit too loud honestly but otherwise i'm gonna miss it maybe i can i can probably change it so it's only higher for me and lower for you guys we'll see how that works ladies and gentlemen the casual daniel performance what what what what's with my casual performance can't i ever be casual agricultural situation thank you uh let's just get that event thank you and not too much food to go around okay so just more lore that i won't be reading right now that's super sad so yeah we're gonna pick this one and that one no wait no right here we can pick this one this one um the question is if we're gonna do the people's revolutionary council oh my jang is just going ham don't know if we're gonna do on the clock i don't know what bean content is gonna actually be so first of all these two is just great and then we'll see uh croatian autumn [Music] uh so tito a hero to all of the oppressed people of balkans and the boogerman of the italian occupiers [Music] really there [Music] tito really you're the boogeyman of the italian conkers the italians got them remove the c right here i think you are the goddamn boogeyman yeah i noticed that it's pretty cool defcon right now defcon 4 wall tension 25 percent how are you going to grow uh how are you going to grow anything in subway i don't know gravel gap like first time i touch this mod and um yeah we're going to see how this plays out we'll just wait and see so they did atlantopia in this mod yeah job looks pretty cool uh let's see then we're gonna do this one god says we have people in the dev team right now would be really nice if you'd made the ones you have completed a bit more clear like green background something because just like this i i don't think it's clear enough like i can clearly see this but when you start being gathered around right here i'm like which is finished which which are not but maybe that's just my opinion a bunch of random events right there very cool uh let's see three miller factories very nice let's see down i'm gonna continue down with the anterior as i love to produce and the air is god like especially if you're playing a smaller nation smallish nations i guess which is probably not going to have well a large air force in a very long time if any uh let's see so what do we write here we can build schools base ability just two plus yeah that's not worth it you research two percent wait wait what all of this is two percent ability yeah all these two percent building i miss oh of course it's gonna be improving these ones okay what is the most terrible one right now uh let's see research speed factor output production cap reset speed uh agriculture okay agriculture baking basic mechanization poverty poverty is absolutely terrible yeah definitely hmm power tools industrial armor professionalism nuclear stockpile yeah okay um training workers industrial expertise agriculture industrial research academic base okay so we can't do everything right now i think our culture was kind of terrible yeah that's basically killing all my vampire right now and consumer goods that's the one i'm gonna do right now uh so improve agriculture please thank you uh we can raid someone right there let's raid that person then very nice and we're going to go down right here let's see political campaign no nothing right there has burgundy finally done it god help us all the swiss is necessary asia press release wearing last last night to hq noted as seven events somewhere in bergeron and journal so a nuke has been fired wow that's insane uh like a succession of waterslab okay the old leader of the have become senile his very last days i completely missed entire thing so two contenders so basically you have to fight it out between two contenders love and sukkov the current balance powered in the front is in favor of your tsuko 30 to 27. the the level of concerning faction list within the frontier is low performs okay so basically we could a piece him base ability increase the influence of him work against zukov reduce base ability but it decreases his influence meet with the veterans decreased factions by small grade increase okay uh whole military parade that's kind of crazy uh published military military theory meet with waterslab uh watershed waterslide goddammit why couldn't we have yesterday with an easier name operation snow maiden it was successful increase the influence of him michael starts a border war with anglis and omega and between anglers and omega yeah okay and that's fine that we can variously do and we would succeed with that what do we need well a thousand manpower that's not something we have or that operation firebird uh we'll take it in the kernel to curtail the influence of zukov may have catastrophic consequences ooh i like that sugar is making a move increases the influence of suku by a small amount okay so i think we're gonna meet with veterans and we're gonna work against zukov yeah okay we're gonna do both of them uh let's see we are gonna buy some infant grip okay we can't buy infant equipment unfortunately focus on research we can't do anything let's see for now nothing right here actually it's just temporarily have seven percent the seven to seven percent consuming goods for one infrastructure that's actually perfect for me uh let's do that one cool okay awesome the mod a ui seems cool but i can't get over it the mod seems cool but i can't get over the ui it seems to be something that several people have said right now that the ui is a bit off-putting i think it's something you mostly just have to get used to a bit like i'm kind of starting to feel much better with it myself but um yeah like i said i i still need to get used to it a bit more before i can like make a final call of i like it or i dislike it just give it some time guys give it some time masculine it's nice to have the devastate yeah i agree i only hear sukko like the fire bender lord zukov the fire nation uh war in the desert and not imperialist war and that can do thank you so more research should be done awesome uh i'm just going to go down one more step right there remove that by another three percent right there i'm playing a pan while also watching stream as background sound that's awesome jesus also is there an airbender mod i think there is in ck2 i don't know if there is one for hearts fire on how to keeping their planes maintained my planes while i'm guessing fuel like everything else uh italian empire oh wow so italian empire just went in and crushed them wow that's kind of sad then fun and nice thank you much for the follow me christ welcome to stream big thunderstorm here wow sikhi do you have airbnb yeah decisions available wow so much for so many decisions it's crazy so we're going to do a raid against them that's fine we're going to get new agriculture methods in 33 days and we are doing investments there lovely at cortical arm professionalists uh societal development will begin improve that's actually really cool that's something also i wanted but i couldn't find anyone to do so that one and agriculture is gonna improve so hopefully we're going to gain some manpower well as soon as the trend actually starts going upwards uh von lobster thank much for following welcome to the stream god we're still at minus 4 stability that's kind of crazy uh let's see he's still in short still leading right there god damn it sukum is making move he just increases the operation constantly okay meet with him i don't know publish military theory [Music] sure let's do that one and meet with that person we can't have peace in because that we just increased it even more and we can't do anything uh except for sucrose memoir we were so close this will increase this uh the influence of miguel by a small amount arm experience and okay so so far 30 70 oh yeah very much for 100 bits 100 bits 400 viewers nice thanks so much jab i much appreciate that holy yeah mac actually i need to say yeah back because we have another jab or jeb did you just change name to get mac because you have the thunder one no i'm that jab oh yeah ah nice nah and i won't be confused every time i said jab jab back hey man thank you thank you so much for the bits so a dying struggle then uh god you see they're producing very small number old factories plus america smuggles them some to help but mostly just all the king air fleet that's shrinking old oh you're talking about that other thing into that yeah super hard like managing the stream which isn't too much work honestly right now managing yeah that's fine reading chat and learning a new game well new game learning a completely new mod with new features that's kind of hard so bear with me i'm gonna get more into it slow but sadly but for now i'm gonna focus a bit more so both of these are now increasing in trend we gain two at a monthly rate of two oh wow okay that's gonna take a very long time then to actually improve anything hmm we're gonna boost it up then that's why i'm here yeah thank you i sword i was like i won't be more involved in the chat right now um i have been feeling i was been i've been kind of bad at actually just reading what people say and asking me uh so i kind of want to become better at it again so maybe maybe maybe it's just me feeling bad about it maybe it's fine daniel how about the rc translation mode um what 8k it's a mod just translated into austrian or what i i'm not familiar with the mod you're talking about we low manpower yeah so that this is not really gonna fix my manpower issue really it's gonna take such a holy crap long time does she get anything right there american states clearly born guana okay we need more loot definitely this is going to be like our most important thing well maybe not the most point of him but a really important thing uh wow suco is just crushing me right now like we we can't do the thing as quickly as he can even so we lost immortability right there yeah he's constantly doing this we can working in sukkot but it's not gonna be quick enough and we barely get anything right there hmm how can we work against sukkot then is there's something i can do to more quickly squeeze him down secure control yeah let's get that stability up again please if we can oh what we never did the next focus crap mistakes were made it's a mod translate about australian any special mod like i guess the mod is more the highlight than the person who translated it at least for me you'll start pick up vampires start conquering yeah hopefully probably if i ever start conquering it seems like sukup is gonna just crush me right now since he's doing his sugar is making his move right now and i can't really fight against it and he's gaining more and more oh wait no it's in favor for me oh my oh i need to be bad at reading i need to be definitely better at reading so his current focus is 36 and becomes 38.5 ah okay wow wow confusing uh by me apparently just not a damn job and we lose even more stability and public power the only two things we actually need this is getting hard 25 days right there uh the battle theory shift the blame on the clock let's see across the euros trader general fractured republic uh let's see ready for victory stat as he goes ready for war ahoric 46 years all are following so i need all of these okay remove agriculture insecurity okay so that's actually moving that fully that's really nice and we're slowly gaining manpower right now very good okay i think we're starting to shape up a bit and now i'm not worried anymore about zukov either so i think we're doing relatively good right now all right since we have a freaking front wall right our uh border war he gets replaced and i think this guy's also replaced yeah if you only pick the best leaders that would be awesome [Music] don't worry even if you do end up with circle there's plenty of content until the bug hits okay nice yeah apparently there's a bug with zukov that you can't push like and conquer more after you conquered west russia so we picked the red napoleon yes we will be able to do whatever we want and crush the world i mean unite russia again and liberate the world from the german invaders totally what i meant [Applause] thank daddy you're also reacting on the ui like i'm getting more and more used to it there are definitely some places where it could be slightly improved i think the main thing i see just in general is things could have a bit more like uh borders like i don't know exactly how to describe it like it could ref uh different to say if difference i can't speak god damn it what's wrong with me today it could show a bit more clearly when things are in different statuses this one is completed this one i can do this one is unavailable i want to more easily be able to see where things are where what the current status is of certain things like where are we in the folk street which focuses have i done very easily what haven't i done in research same thing right here what's all the research what can i research right now um i guess that's my main thing like this i really like this looks perfect like i can't really complain about this it's like an old computer screen i really like that no issues at all so this one i just keep exactly there you have it italy wins italian turkish war peace in the middle east oh that's almost rhyming but in the rest of the world everything is burning we're actually up at def country right now 55 troubling news from troubleland uh shift blame awesome i i guess uh battle theory uh let's actually do on the clock right now since we still need to do them anyway if we it doesn't matter you have a talker app don't disappoint me so i guess that means we gain a bit more implants let's see 63 to 43. we're going to work against him again and meet with meet with some veterans would be nice if we could actually do a meal to parade or anything like that maybe we should just go after zukov like just operation firebird but we'll wait and see buy infantry equipment yeah let's not do it for now uh please campaign yes we definitely had to do that one god or stability right now wait oh that was the wrong one that was definitely the wrong one that's the one reducing my current stability not increasing it uh well i guess um i guess i don't need stability where the hell is the one giving me stability was it once that one switched out to that or can i just do it more than once well i guess i don't need any goddamn stability we're gaining we're getting bullet power at least whoo uh yeah we actually won't fully power right now we need scouting for loot so we can continue one more right here on the clock awesome and rambler hey man how's it going welcome and thanks for the raid much fear that uh let's see we're going to continue right here with two infrastructure how was you how was your game rambler what did you play did you have fun gideon's man uh hersen harrison beld thank you much for the follow much for that welcome stream so yeah we are playing the very very new joyful mod the new last order last days of europe which basically ends up with germany took over the wall they won the second world war and rush is in pieces and we're playing the west west russian revolutionary front trying to unite the entire thing and we just screwed ourselves over with um well killing your stability even more than -18 yeah that's that's great man empire spain come internal conflicts and far from royal thank you all for to follow us much for that welcome to stream and welcome to mod and once again thank you rambler for the raid so let's see we should definitely upgrade to the ak-47 good and old trusty ak i guess in whatever history the russians can't well russians can't well live without the ak-47 [Music] anarchy is the best nation in the mob which is why you create nuclear weapon nuclear waive wait wait anarchy is the best nation in this mob which is why you need to create nuclear weight asap to maximize the amount of anarchy states [Music] hmm so anarchy you knew people and that creates anarchy states that sounds kind of awesome create the entire world into an anarchistic mess [Applause] bizarre i i feel horrible with you saying that i've described entire thing where i'm like yeah i can't really take the time right now to read everything even though i really want to it sounds really really awesome and like i just quickly skimming through everything it seems like a lot of a lot of people a lot of people are taking a lot of time to write all this lore and make it really really impactful and i'm just skipping most of it like i'm definitely gonna play this mod by myself at some point just to learn everything even more and take it easy now it just became this last minute choice where i'm like holy i'm this is new today i should definitely play it and just jump into it uh sorry for skipping most your events i'm really sorry i will read through everything don't worry i will take some time and do it but for now we're skimming through most of it reading is knowledge you know is it power dial well you know what's also power a new ak-47 ak-47 for you and for you but not for you since you said knowledge power ak's power uh oil slime fluid of the empire mate assumes control of the gulf isn't this like this area [Music] so you can took control of the golf okay go well i guess you can roll over all of the oil then uh let's scan for some more loot and then we can probably improve one of these places a bit more uh over strategy perfected very nice instead as she goes necessary sacrifices [Music] sacrifices yeah minus five percent basically even more armed professionalists will begin to slowly grow more okay uh close economy with limited exports what does close economy currently give me trade unions no press refugees military laws economic loss close economy just nothing limited exports yeah just normal stuff it's decent status it goes uh change poplar for authority and socialist plus 10 what do we currently have okay that's just making it a lot better right there uh basic training combat schooling uh basic training military loss miller loss training basic training and no training minimal basic and we gained this one personal cost modifier that's a bit bad but while we all have our own way we're not going to get much launcher so that's fine i guess we gained 10 uh more sport and 75 five hundred mammoth so pretty god i'm good right there [Music] or go down right here and get more in infrastructure and stuff like that all of these are slowly improved uh increased influence of sukup no uh let's see this is minus twin fires and someone will get a random event and this means the guns for food [Music] just because what i said with entire ak-47 thing we're definitely gonna do guns for food that sounds perfect uh let's see what are we currently missing we are missing mostly weapons some artillery so motorized and so many tank we only have two right there i think i'm gonna go two on anti-tank because a lot of it needs it in the game so let's go there and then continue later wow that's a very long quote nice lord that's a very long quote yeah like i don't know if i will survive as russia right now i do have to think about the choices quite a bit as you say but i think i can manage it even if it's kind of difficult and this is my first time and i always okay why am i saying that i will probably survive as russia i made mistakes i kind of economic crash demands still calmly okay so i made fails i am kind of screwing up a bit here and there i wastable power i've wasted stability i'm like yeah it's gonna be fine no we're probably not gonna be fine it's probably gonna go horribly do i have any economy to actually trade any yeah i have some aluminum and the rest i kind of need so this is generally gonna be bad for us as well [Music] i made fails ah that's too obvious that's too obvious but yeah it's a good quote and could probably used quite a bit it's that so quote 103 i need to remember that because that will probably be quite useful so where are we right now here so this trend is going up by one every month what what's in this two so we have lost it and arm personally go up by three uh let's see so we're currently at widespread uh chrono is going up political interference professional army spartan discipline that's some god-like skills yeah agriculture we're currently at basic mechanization going up will reduce a lot oh my god yeah yeah yeah this yeah yeah yeah yeah uh yeah uh let's see let's improve uh our rg culture please let me speak it properly unlimited power uh hk funny you said that because lost stream so i made a absolute lovely daniel of absolute power uh there we go so um i guess i once again have to thank eleven for this lovely little picture oh god wow that's way too big why did it suddenly become like six times as long as anything before so yeah he apparently had some boring time watching my stream last time thinking my stream is boring wow no i'm just kidding but um yeah he made this lovely ultimate power guide that i'm just it's not the best but still somehow it's kind of perfect in a way where i don't know i i really like it somehow like it it hits some kind of that's terrible but still freaking awesome uh securing food want er will you need anything else comrade yeah i'm not gonna say that that's awful uh okaygamer24 thank you much for the follow me that welcome to the stream one small question anyone know how i'll do campaign in other mods with sweden uh swinney did conquer the world uh loris i conquered quite a bit uh i haven't uploaded it yet to my youtube unfortunately uh actually been really bad at youtube uploads the last couple of weeks i know i haven't felt for it at all for some reason uh i'm gonna fix it tomorrow uh tomorrow is gonna be one upload of the swedish champagne then it's gonna be a baton after that and then the the last swedish one but pretty much i took over this as sweden and then i invaded the hre as well so we did a double wall right there it was quite nice so yeah i did conquer most of it and a dog thank you much for the follow me and why in hell am i doing this weapons research this is not a normal game i need to build up my industry a lot uh let's see we are going to focus on civilian still for quite a while i think so let's get this feeling construction up and rolling i kind of like that decision actually it's kind of cool splitting up the civilian stuff versus the military stuff i actually have to well make sure you pick one or the other hey for someone who never plays such deep statue games what would be the best pick to start with joyful e4 ck2 i would say yeah exactly enchanted eu4 or solaris stellaris is a bit more similar to like civilization games but though it has been quite complex with the slars update 2.0 but otherwise i would probably pick e4 um it's probably a lot more people that can help you with that as well it's been out for a very long time um e4 is really awesome i should do a four stream soon i should do an air force stream yeah definitely nicely dead right there uh tiger 69b very much would follow much appreciate that welcome to the stream uh right comes on the gas gas defeat has defeated the republic of madagascar in a war no not madagascar sad trader general guns for food okay let's see give me that event gave me that event food security let's just do that one one wait come on gave me that event okay really really come on i was waiting damn it i was waiting for a cool event that was something about some guy selling ak-47s to get food or something and work in meet the veteran oh god i don't have power uh i guess i'm just gonna have the weight right then [Music] thanks did i try you since i'm not into space that much it's like okay here i'm gonna give you very quickly like my top three things to think about in eu4 uh you're gonna have something called land force limit never go above it uh always earn money always uh always have military tech in time you might not understand everything that you understand everything i said right now and what what i speak of but once you get into game hopefully you will and that's like my top three things always actually i should probably add a fourth thing always have manpower actually that's that's not really i think okay i can't ignore the fourth one military tech always earn money never go above force limit [Music] to begin with to begin with uh red cv6 maybe i said thank you for the follow before but thanks for the follow and of course hibb thank for for the follow welcome to the stream uh let's see so food security thank you so that should remove that horrible bonus yes we only have we only have this left which is come on mates really mode people this luffa with hair bombing come on that's like what whatever i do nothing will matter until i remove that one uh let's see [Music] okay let's just go down and finish the other one it's this pair soon give it a couple months yeah freaking hell okay let's see so finally my uh agriculture is now improving why am i suddenly struggling with saying agriculture i was fine the first part of the team i probably i probably can say the other things that you were struggling with before then uh so that's going up before now every month very nice and this still pops up with three every month so it's still gonna be like a billion years before anything like they're finished that's gonna take ages where's my loot loot is coming very nice we have stability no no no hk army we are minus 20 stability still don't let that trick you it's still a minus sign right there uh practical industrial administration thank you uh let's see horizonte horizontal vert what you switch name on horizontal vertical um growth oh wow no question about this no question oh guys guys on the mod craters removing cap is way way too punishing like oh wow no no no like i would never ever ever pick this there's never yeah i would yeah it's not even a choice i think maybe just my opinion like if i had 600 filter factories maybe i can pick this but um the automatization tech brings up the cap to compensate yeah i guess still having 170 cap or whatever you could possibly get it sounds pretty goddamn good for me so i would have to maybe theorycraft a bit around it but just first impression i would never pick it and i can't actually exit this focus because it's so big uh i can hide it though so that's funny let's see secure control that's the one i want to do before and let's see we're gonna do something more i think we still have massive control over zukov yes very good uh let's not work against him right now uh um thank you much for the follow much appreciate that welcome to stream [Music] and hold various very much would follow my welcome to stream okay okay we can do this now we have a couple more focuses then we are forced unto dawn and i'm guessing that's when the entire warning begins and the time for us to unite actually we're gonna do this my new thing max no actually max there let's second reinforcements then upgrades and operations uh by the way occupied territories all right we can't switch that just yet we can do it later brown white hill if i'm going to follow welcome to stream we are good with infinite weapon no actually why are we losing invent equipment god damn it okay let's just take all of these six ones not for now remove them so we only have ours okay so why in hell are you losing image equipment i'm getting slightly annoyed at that uh let's just pretend this is our first target so let's just do like that for now but why in hell are you actually losing input equipment attrition no like i'm pretty sure we're lacking less than that from division reinforcement were you missing man as well and that's what i don't know but there we go bread of war awesome a bunch of infinite equipment and stuff like that very nice so now we're only missing mechanic mechanic well motorized and anti-tank guns good that i added extra factory right there let's add it one more right there eventually and we're gonna upgrade to the ak-47 assuming direct control what's the uh restored western revolutionary something something event about uh the decision right here is basically we can well once again reunite the entire well soviet union-ish i'm assuming and yeah that's basically once we've done everything games national spirit over extended administration our state shall enter the regional states uh granting access to greater diplomatic options and economic system so you basically finally unlock this tab that would be pretty cool [Music] here we go 25 days ready for victory the heroic 46 years let's do that one [Music] shine is being aggressive in the east well they have a close prosperity sphere that's pretty good and large and china has a bunch of puppets right there i was kind of surprised they didn't decide that japan would actually take a bit more land they took a tiny bit right here they have the small island right here i was really assuming they were going to have like the coastline right here or something like that a bear announces the creation of the iberian council this is in progress what how isn't that progress a diaper tragedy fascist russia perish in a farce the old russian government of amur god we'll see how this works out right now more planning no thank you work against tsukov let's do a bit more right there and let's meet with veterans just slowly push herself up a tiny bit more 47 out of 270 and 32. shita not china oh [Music] oh wow that might be a bit um overdoing it a bit overextending yeah they probably shita you're just gonna probably lose it quite a bit a party for the party all the pluskies heard the parties revenue shares five percent more support yeah we have more sport we don't have disability and forward unto dawn for the first time in years don came to russia and the skies stayed quiet silent no more alarms no more bombs the planes that strafe overshadowed remnants of the old union in hope that they can defeat united will of a people determine survive have not come for weeks german requires them for a purpose only comprehensible to the minds of nazis whenever their intentions are they shall make a terrible mistake the front shall shutter awake again and the revolution will proceed one more the front shall establish and reaffirm its authority over the waste that surround our argent glass okay slaughtering that glass arkan glass uh we will pick out the pieces shattered by german bombing and the front shall reforge itself the germans have given us opportunity that we cannot afford to pass socialists shall rule russia again and when that is accomplished we shall die the world in a red dawn [Music] nice let's do this i'm gonna play ck3 dev clash if there is one ever as you give you devglash everyone that gets assassinated that probably what's gonna happen if there is one like i haven't heard anything about it pg d 1994 i would love to be part of it definitely seeking freedom sounds like pretty awesome hmm yeah i would love to be part of it if there is one hey paradise people if you're watching the stream i want to be part of it oh by the way i am parax people well i guess i'll bring it up and work once i come back from vacation yeah i heard you like party so i threw a party for your party exactly i said author 12. thank you much for the follow much appreciate that welcome to the stream hmm what to do what to do believe campaign oh no oh that's not the one you really want uh get one more loot right there awesome that's gonna give us two loots and we can go one more step in just maximizing the boost right here i think at least it could be fun to also probably just boost up something else elf hitler is dead wasn't he assassinated like a long time ago like months upon months ago and he said that martin borman was going to be a successor but apparently wasn't like am i confused it was a 10 but it failed oh charles oh god i thought it had succeeded okay i'm endless at the swedish vacation length while icelord actually only had eight weeks this year well i only took out five of those but i have three more to take out later uh basically i had saved up two weeks from last year that i didn't picked up or take out so they were transferred to this year so for this year's this year i had eight weeks pretty good i'm awesome so i took up five now during summer this week and next week as well you should boost industrial equipment too yeah i probably should be industrial equipment oh that is a pretty bad one we only have power tools it would be nice actually boost that up yeah let's actually probably do one of them at least it will take some time but yeah the end of the iron storm we will bury them and the game lags come on don't crash don't crash [Music] why why are you suddenly stuck like the music is still playing which is usually good ah because the german civil war happened that's ended right surely does this next necessary that individuals should finally come to realize their own ego importance compares with extension of a nation uh hedrick germany declared war on spares germany and hedwig declared one during germany borman's germany spirit german declare okay so a bunch of germany to claim war we will bury them we rs bombings and hey wasn't that bombing supposed to despair i guess i may have to unpause a bit uh let's just look at this so yeah that's quite ridiculous everything blowing up every keyboard thank you for following that welcome to the stream is there a decision i need to do [Music] hmm don't see any decision hey daniel will finishing achievement come with a focus 3 math boss nothing i know nothing i know don't think so uh well press play play has been pressed ah there we go new decision awesome [Music] charles 50 like press play come on just do it stay on pause for a bit it should've been going away game park no it's fine yes war stats taking some time frank vaguerian war was not big table in the french state or surgery sword time to conquer awesome awesome awesome remove that and there we go ender bombings oh it can say succeed okay cool uh reestablish farming undercover uh uncovered industry uh let's reestablish farming let's try to get some goddamn stability up and rolling again what the hell happened in west right now everyone is declaring warn everyone [Music] kingdom england against hmm england wow uh tg tgd 1994 if you want to follow my chat welcome stream okay expansion to africa very nice for him i guess uh warsaw pricing the nazi empire continues to crumble warsaw rise brothers fight brothers it's in in the most uncivilized war come on how can you say that we're gonna at some point he's gonna go in a slaughter tons of brothers just to unite the russians as you call the the most uns civilized of civil wars well i guess you can kind of not counter the civil war since they're technically different nations but come on it's pretty much civil war while germany's in chaos they might have a shot wow it's just everyone absolutely blowing up it's we have defcon one everything is absolutely crazy [Music] finally the german behemoth is dead wow what's up again it has eastland from the french state wow that was quick quickly removing that french state right there and the rajkumar norwegian we establish farming so everyone is like fighting blowing up taking back donations and we're like we can do farms again uncovered industry i guess i need everything yeah we open mines dig up catches and resume military exercises uh let's see trainer troops no i think i want to do the military oh wait no here industrial expertise industrial equipment yeah that's the one i want to do right now slowly get something going up right there and since we're ish soon-ish hopefully going to war let's finally do those sport weapons and things like that don't let's be like a piece i'm out oh comey is turning red you know look at him [Music] this is basically really well the nutshell yeah come on wow who's not at war right now entire africa is also completely blowing up italy is not that war but yet this entire german thing we can say spare is gonna completely disappear and then we'll see poland that's doing quite well uh bridge comes on iceland is probably going to crush that poor little okay bunch more revolts right now letland and australian rebelling yeah germany i think your empire is dead so many rebellions from everywhere i think every russian warlord is weak even on top of that i tried goring's german and was hard yeah we'll we'll see what happens right now since we are soon going to war apparently and um yeah we just have to wait and see what happens free estonia yeah yeah well white comes out auslan is still there but the canna is only up here yeah apparently motorized and still those goddamn anti-tank guns are still not fully working uh add one military factory lovely i was gonna said lovely give me that military factory now really i didn't get a milder factory come on uh we assume we open the mines actually do we need that do we need resource right now well not those resources at least actually those two different ones are the same that's too aluminum and okay no we don't need that so i guess we're just going to do we reassume military exercises right here ain't pov gore love thank much for the follow my dad welcome to stream we're building new schools very good in industry let's work against tsukuba a bit more right there thank you uh let's see i think it's time for us to start building a slight bit on yeah just increasing the army a slight bit but weapons we didn't have that many weapons right no we did not not at all actually we can't build we might have some empire right now but we don't have the weapons to support that let's remove this let's try to get four military factories on infinite weapons and then i'm gonna take you i'm gonna duplicate you and call it uh a filler just because i don't wanna confuse it with anything else and then i'm gonna change you to not a leading band we got them at light inventory and light eventually i'm going to remove this one and i'm going to save that one so this is kind of what i want six of at least eventually since that should technically only be infinite weapons yes good oh wait was that 4008 on manpower per okay yeah that's not gonna happen uh let's try to get one more out at least no hoy for classic soundtrack i thought i had that on i do i think this is one of the classic soundtracks [Music] so many wars so many wars with so much story behind this i can really understand why how you have 12 million words in this that's absolutely insane guys that's absolutely insane you have so many words oh this is a very fitting song yeah i think so too i just read the titles like hmm soviet suit finale yeah that's kind of good so lucky pick come on they got catches we open the mines and then angela's calling shall be called finally for a special meeting is going to kill both of them are we going to kill both of them [Music] come on when are the industrial equipment done in a couple days okay cool let's meet with some veterans a bit again thank you there's a bit more bonuses anything i can possibly get to improve my current situation the game is starting to run a bit slowly right now just because of all the god and wars in the entire world i just wish i had been able to start my wars before it started going slowly so we had something else to focus on because right now since i don't change any trade laws or anything like that by myself all i have to go on is really natural focuses uh the victory thanks much for the follow much of that welcome to the stream pollution strict pollution regulations ah wow construction spending factory plus one and twenty percent right there [Music] uh let's see i think fifteen countries or so have ten years of contents right now and i bears one of them yeah uh cringe german sovereign zone well spear is actually still surviving going german in bournemouth germany is still looking the best of course and of course we have hydro germany right here which yeah they're gonna disappear very quickly i think okay let's see we oh we can go up one more step right there oh that's interesting boosting up at the tank i don't think it's going to be very necessary for the wars we're going to do combined operations if i was in the branch uh let's see maneuvers we really want to do maneuver i think with it let's see the very last one's right here that's like aerosol things army army army infiltration breakthrough like i think actually this is the one we're gonna go with [Music] just because army software that can hard deck 15 10 that sounds absolutely godlike now that's still just leg focus though i would like something a bit more tang focus which seems to be the middle path combined blitz [Music] hmm all infantry and motorized mech actually we i think we're going to go down the middle path i really do want to get some tanks up and rolling because it will be really cool the tanks once again live but we'll see minus 13 percent stability how in hell are going to survive a war with minus percentage instability and we're going to get additional like minus 30 for being at warm security control yeah that's gonna help but it's not helping by a lot spear might actually win this time oh you think so don't know it seems kind of hard for him still uh there we go angela's calling archangeles arkhangelisk is calling goddammit just slaughtering that name every single time i say it differently every single time as well so let's just not say it anymore sounds good yeah i agree our home territory calls there we go much better so we have six divisions focusing on vorkuta well we'll see what happens since this is probably gonna unlock another part or focus three and it's probably going to be very war focused and uniting well unite russia focused uh gods of the north they call him the father so we have a new religion filtering down from women so uh comes to bear what really we can't say about the fact that she's leaving that region alone is wondering exactly what could be happening so a new religion the one divine mandate of siberia the father alexander men sure sure mate wow he has 53 ability am i the only one that really sucks okay most people have stability oh they're minus 46 at least someone has it worse than me there you go the death of waterslaw uh chances and national focus to okay to shanky warlord very nice [Music] so what's gonna do shallow center position of grand marshal the western russian revolutionary front percent arms march and of course someone is revolting against us or what oh yes zuko ah and he got he didn't steal my troops oh that's really awesome uh we're just gonna go in right here and crush him so we delay him by attacking right here while these guys are moving in hopefully nope not yet but uh let's see so i think you're gonna go go in here instead you are still gonna attack right there to delay them uh do we have an airplane yes we actually do but we don't have any air bases that can actually help us in this goddammit so that kind of sucks uh oh we just beat him straight away we didn't have time to actually surround him and do anything similar ah that's fine [Music] very nice goodbye zukov would have really liked to play with you but there we go gone lovely of you lovely of you being here but um even lovelier to not have you on the map at all uh well um something something okay so hopefully you managed to see that and also that the event was bugged out tank man is gone you probably have a new field marshal all right i should probably done that field marshall oh wow so he's also tank guy yeah nice he knows what i want unassigned divisions oh we got some new divisions that i even didn't need for the war i was like it looks like too many divisions but maybe maybe i'm wrong yeah cool so that was entire thing that i was super worried about for such a long time i wouldn't have been i wouldn't be needed to be that worried about entire thing i guess we're fine let's see uh one more ceiling factory right there with that industry focus i would liked to do it so much more but yeah uh percent arms and that was five percent ability yes we're gonna get we're finally gonna be on plus stability we're gonna have free stability maybe four depending on that weekly insane we're actually gonna have step stability base war come on more war support i think you can core the state poor state uh decision ah crusade timey boy thank you follow want to see that welcome to the stream uh nothing i can find right here uh culture comey province it's a core state it's a core state so yeah i probably can't call it no coring until you get possible other states yeah but that was mine from the beginning so i guess that's fine [Music] okay hmm we're fine we're fine for now okay i really need to jump into foxy right now and see so operation white flag uh we'll send them out of orga and for the immediate surrender if they fail comply they will face war okay so we're going to go to the west path i'm like i'm going to look at the folk street and see who vorkuta is and that was no that's volga god damn it call me really none of them are for kuda [Music] oh really i thought that was going to be absolutely first one [Music] huh where's for cuda [Music] okay i can't actually find him so maybe she just came over for good ideas taken by western siberian warlords hell they do oh god man you'll use food i've been disabled god damn it i was gonna say hell they do and then take it myself but of course you told me by disabling that in that button uh so volga i guess volg is gonna be your enemy so get down righty and fix that you don't know what they did to you hey son what does the numbers mean mason crypto come on you don't have to be mean like i don't think this i like i love this ui this looks fantastic and i think with us a couple of small modifiers with how everything is like bordered and closed off with making things a bit more clear on having more clear red lines more clear green lines more clear white lines it would be awesome just i just more tweaking really i think is all that's necessary and i i would very much like it it's going on me uh skill got him i'm going to start your name terribly right now but [Music] 13 thank much for the follow much appreciate welcome to stream and once again sorry for starting your name cruise forever [Music] republic of republic stone my new warfare very nice let's get down right here let's see either getting those tanks or we help our army quite a bit wow line tanks plus 20 off to that deck absolute ridiculous but gaining those tanks to get that organization let's just double check if they are completely overpowered like they are in most mods uh i don't think so god damn it well like that's good but still god damn it that one research this one is not let's see are you my lovely uh let's see here's only the mobile here's not mechanized so yeah you're gonna be my mechanized pc [Music] well for now we're gonna research a t64 and the btr-60 and we'll decide actually we can just double check it like this i think uh create a new one please we're gonna add let's see mtb yeah no organization right there but getting an infantry fighting vehicle is not increasing that either really mobile apc okay yeah that's the one actually making them viable so yeah these are the correct ones the t64 and the btr-60 and we have stability now look at that three percent plus stability that's awesome fantastic giraffe i'm guy working on it and it really does help yeah the one and only cpr you're very welcome like um i like that you did something very different and i know a lot of people is gonna be like no this does not work this no like i know how many times we have done something while working at the game ourself where something super small has made a massive difference like where something was slightly off place something had slightly different color or not enough of a border or clear cut borders that made just the biggest difference ever so it's like try out more stuff try it more and eventually you hit that sweet spot of you get the same thing that what you have right now but people are gonna be like oh that was awesome thank god they didn't remove it fully and now operation white flag well i i would probably say operation white flag is against france but yeah like like that goddamn joke that was written in one of my youtube uh comment sections not too far uh let's see germany germany had the land england had the sea and the french had the air up had their hands up in the air i think that was correct joke still pretty good i'm awesome uh volga refuses gets event the final warning oh they just instantly got event so i guess you don't have due to focus if that happens yeah cool volga surrenders okay so okay i'm fine with that cool thank you uh let's see close the shadows uh nationalist volga uh we're just gonna do operation peacemaker now call me where's call me call me call me come and call me come here come come come come and call me leon okay i can't actually find coma in the map really oh am i we'll send the bank for comey are they gone for the map it's uh us slovens okay why did i pick russian it's renamed after the right wings comes in power the name changes ah okay cool and once again they surrender the terms and let's see if they if they refuse to find a warning from the people of russia who the hell is the people rush how dare you try to be me [Music] okay i can't find people russia probably something called slightly different uh let's see you are and oh they actually refused it fully so we're gonna cancel deployment right there so we have some reinforcements [Music] and there we go declare war right there very awesome so we're gonna engage that unit surround it we are gonna let's see engage that unit move in right there and surround it engage unit surround it actually that's enough to surround it and gauge that unit just to have it engaged you move in and you're not gonna surround it and you just engage it as well daniel core states all right we we had to be forced to actually core states uh yeah that's only occupied state uh decisions right you said decisions integrate their territories at 25 right there awesome only one at the time or only borders at a time that's gonna be fine we can fix that [Music] i gotta head off right now catch you later see eyes lord have a good one hope you enjoyed it and there we go so these guys surrounded and let's just remove them from the map and the same with you nice so we caught everyone we wanted catch very awesome move remove remove and now you guys can just well sort out the differences by pushing in as much as you can yeah you can stop attacking right there while you move in right here you help out and yeah the rest of you guys should just push in if you don't want to push in then i'm gonna force you to push in let's see like this now they should be taking pretty much entire south very cool uh this guy you're gonna go and slide like this and you're gonna be in there and you're gonna take this you're gonna move up no you're gonna move up like that okay there we go now i think everything oh wow these died anyway okay cool they oh they probably also don't have any goddamn stability like me okay cool down me is going to remove them very easily there we go integrate the states please uh let's see right here what do we have right now blue power economic based society will begin improving uh volga wealth secured consume goods minus 20 oh that's a really really awesome one which we're not going to do hopefully for a very very long time uh again this arsenal which grants division recovery minus five percent war support minus ten division attack and division attack and defense on court territory is improved okay that's fine that's fine uh who's gonna be deferred that's gonna be order of saint george okay let's gather troops right there but we're not actually going to declare this war for quite a while oh wait they they broke free oh god i completely missed that i completely missed it when they actually broke free from me the puppets i completely missed that president kennedy assassinated he just take a second to die so he's dying there as well yeah of course we needed that in this world it's just burning from like 1600 civil wars we have a russia that's trying to unite everything of course his he also have to die shift 28 thank much follow much that welcome to the stream secure control yes please let's continue doing that as much as we got them can uh let's see how's blue power that's kind of fine very good uh we can't integrate any more territories we have to wait until these are done oh both of them are reducing stability but it's gaining core on all of the new territories ah okay that's really nice though just in grading all of them it's one decision for each nation which makes it less worth it is if we do it on nations that are small hmm uh quick justice let's just go down right here and finish this one off this one we're gonna wait with for such a long time if we have to this would slightly increase torque coring to decrease scoring time oh wow we we were way too late right there ah that's fine whatever it's going we're going to finish it before anything else um very much for the follow and guru stick thank much for it follow me jack welcome stream both of you sorry for starting probably both your names as well uh we have to loot very cool uh let's see what's currently being improved so we should do research research facilities there we go i just want to get something in everything right now trends should just everything should be going upwards so i know when i do some kind of focus anything like that nothing will start going downwards oh shawls gotta go hope you enjoyed the ton of work have gone into it yeah so far i really really enjoy it i just need to feel a bit more comfortable with it and once i played it one or two more times it will feel really nice great work charles great work mine is five percent ability of course come on mate why do why is it always produced ability read this event it's good the one coming ah crap damn it damn it if you like if people say stuff like that then i'm like of course they're going to read it even if i can't read everything if something says something is especially good yeah oh tons of manpower yeah since we're starting core stuff we're actually gaining manpower right now we actually have 22 000 guns right now hello failure division i kind of want a couple oh well that might be over doing it but um let's get eight more divisions and that's times one please eight more of you lovely lovely divisions right there for this please one day thank you that should be even more manpower while a tiny bit more cool let's see how we doing otherwise [Music] but what happens to a dream deferred a dream is just a dream if you dream it alone [Music] a dream is reality if you dream it together deep okay uh let's improve our current anti-tank guns what else could we potentially be missing [Music] artillery possibly let's get one more artillery right actually this isn't the air gun something we are just producing but not actually using yet what here we find with okay so let's instead finally begin the production of some tanks and that's infant fighting vehicles that modern mbt what the hell is that stand for uh right main battle tank battle cruiser operational battle tank operation wow wow is this just for all tanks thank you comrade svetlana the redeemables and the republic okay let's see that's just gaining more equipment we need to do both of them we don't want to do both of them right now of course all of the following that's kind of sad but can we okay that also needs all the following but let's finish this one then then we're going to do this one i would have liked to save this more for once we finally have even more syrian factories but what do you do the aryan brotherhood declares one islamic republic of baku bakustown now they only applied to the decade tank yeah the fact that the mold has ie50 upgrade only on 1950 okay they've refused terms wow that's very important for you guys to say because let's see yeah this up does that actually say anything about it no i don't think so well like you can kind of guess it but it's not 100 clear that it's only that because these look exactly the same and 1970 the question is would i do these focuses for them to be completely invalid later yeah probably would be probably would be not these parties and then for this tank i'll probably do all of them well we'll see we'll see but i won't be doing any upgrades for the t64 actually it's that one i'm gonna do maybe maybe okay we'll we'll have to wait and see we'll wait and see exactly what they decide but yeah war begins here right here no funny business no questions really uh all right i need to own it before i can actually continue but that's going to be me owning it just take it take it do it let's see copyright troll yeah we'll get tools about it yeah false teams yeah yeah cooperation it was trolls oh awesome like you got it confirmed right now it was a troll no one doing anything okay that's really awesome for you guys would have been a such a pain if someone actually had some kind of weird random claim or whatever ah okay so this is gonna be principality of viata this is gonna be berensk or whatever they called moscow autonomy yeah those who get a slaughter of course but you yeah or [Music] i can't find other guys [Music] and apparently can't spell them either here i couldn't see them oh they've been their sons have been taken over by our aryan brotherhood ah right hmm they're already dead so let's just focus on well actually these guys might die as well so i guess i i don't know how that's gonna work if we're gonna get just new claims or if all of these years gonna outdo complete i guess we're gonna have to wait unconscious unconscious usa suka thank you much for following sources lot in your name hopefully you enjoy the stream anyway building new research facilities very good seeker control cylinder works and in great acquired territories on its way peace returns to germany poor man wins the war really oh yeah no wait martin borman yeah that's what we guessed that's what we guessed martin borman won the war so i guess he's gonna try to unite everyone right now that would be a pain now we're paying you i need more time crypto 47 thank you much for the follow these guys slowly getting up they root out the plot very nice and repurpose the churches for what we're getting field hospital things okay the shirt schemes come on even more minus based ability come on we don't have any stability to got them loose [Music] gonna go to bed right now have a nice evening see you jeb hope you enjoyed the stream and have a good night and let's see there we go yeah germany has already begun crushing the netherlands [Music] goodbye netherlands you survived for a very short time and samara they just crushed everyone and the orient wow they just kill everyone both of these are gonna be invalid now i wonder if that's going to work then and this is the aryan brotherhood which is also gone never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands i'm kind of scared of them honestly so let's just put all my troops against them uh prepare richard to the bridge thanks for following that welcome to the stream okay so far no one is really okay they're just basically cleaning themselves up for me i guess if we're gonna be much easier if we can just well kill one at the time or if we kill one person here one person here one per day and cleaning up all the small warlords but still it makes them a bit more difficult to actually clean up so i'm slightly scared that they're actually growing in size those focuses can be bypassed yes kill him do it uh the vrfm oh so the western russian revolution in front and uh vlasov is the most the most common unifiers of the west ah okay [Music] well of course i'm gonna be the unifier because well that's me and then of course i'm gonna kill everyone of the unifiers in the east as well it's going to be russia it's going to be a soviet union it's going to be me no one else zero said r thank much for following that welcome to the stream wow we're getting a lot of followers now holy thank you i'm much like it i'm so happy you guys like the content or at least like this mod and i'm the only one playing it maybe but yeah i super much appreciate it welcome guys uh let's see we're gonna first do this one uh by the way don't forget about your twitch prime does that work uh let's see still in fact greasy always keep wait never wait never wait wait just a minute [Music] what [Music] we're at minus 3780 production what the hell [Music] uh so that's minus 40 minus 60 minus 95 minus 110 minus 135 minus 145.7 [Music] yeah that's useless we're making it harder to goddamn build little spidey yeah let's do that hopefully that works because it actually doesn't take well [Music] what the hell did you post enchanted hey there you want to know about twitch prime oh you may be asking what is switch prime let me tell you all when you connect your amazon account to your twitch account you get one free stop to any streamer on twitch every month yep that along that you get yourself some twitch loot with that twitch dude you can get ahead and get yourself some exclusive twitch scare with your favorite games until april the 30th you can get some fortnite skins and which loot so go ahead grab your wow and shanty that was quite a mouthful glory soviet factory building either build mill or yeah spy agency wait i can build military factories why would i be able to build military factories when i can't build civilian okay i can build military quite a bit oh because i want to have the war economy penalty ah military factories go for it boom uh fan lander 404 thank much would follow much that welcome to the stream so let's see now we're yeah i'm forcing him to do naturalized volga wealth i wanted to save it more until we add more ceiling factories but well what do you do i can't do anything more uh let's see raid western restore oh no no i can't read hello hello language you don't work on it but it doesn't get universal buff no so let's get that energy up and rolling and then we're gonna well build some military factors i guess so that's done we have the latest personal uh vehicle right there but that means we're gonna go down right here middle to construction just get more of those rather than the civilian i built before that was complete waste of time and we're gonna do here industrial investment just get one more right there and that one to get one more infrastructure agency created thank you when i didn't sleep get one euro uh military district clear one siberian black league wow siberian black league that sounds kind of siberian black army right there and they instant took over someone else that looks like pretty awesome something i should probably have played that would have been really cool uh let's see and of course you declare even more wars so yeah german is really on the well obvious reclaiming everything i was actually their stability in things ah kind of like mine is 61 stability i'm actually better at them yes better than someone time to unify other russian warlords under your command smash them with your powerful industry black league and black army is actually separate things oh really black armies they aren't anarchists so we have a black army and and what was it black league on well the led's too small sorry i'm black going to clear one central siberian republic [Music] well i would call them someone send them to the soul uh loras 21 thank you much for the sub holy thanks for the twitch prime much appreciate that welcome to the salt mine hope you enjoy your time right there and uh minecraft was sold for me cheers ormsk is the ultranationalist and the black league uh dylan strategy thank much for the follow my chat welcome to stream hey some guy holy thank you another one prime sub much appreciate that holy welcome to the salt mine hope you enjoy your time there and my soul for me god it feels silly to keep going with entire soul thing i should really have switched it already to uh i don't know the army against denmark or something but i know i feel like it can't change right now hey rend ran one two three thank you for follow my chat welcome to stream uh so we have a little spider pic um political connected yeah sure let's pick him and i would like some more information if you could on the people sound for me actually let's do it right here uh can he promise but can johnson deliver and live on levantine confederate confederation cool okay why does this look so goddamn silly it's like [Music] the bashir military district and learn from the strategy and secular front and operations sacred swords and tattered military district integrated hardware a red target stand operation step rider deal with their officers reactivate the factories in integrated tank fleet operation clockwork never again exudarian leaders burn this nonsense operation trial phase collapse this syncretic concept eradicate modern case influence absorb the compatible elements operation mixture security population take what's useful liquidate the court operation second sun integrate volga has been bypassed wow too many foxes oh ace hey game thanks raid much appreciate that welcome to stream we are playing the new mod new order the last days of europe hoping your time thank for the raid i brought frames hey centurion hi man so what will you do samara finally we got a war against them in the south finally we can remove them the people who ruined our entire focus street by killing them ahead of us let's kick some ass [Music] that's half of the foxes yeah time for a big war tomorrow tomorrow i think you'll form west russia i'm not gonna form russia yeah that is way over i think i don't think i'm gonna form rest washer i don't know that's some terrible negative modifiers and i kind of don't want them honestly if i can just continue to being warlord and ignoring them i wouldn't be too unhappy about that uh industrial expertise i think was the last one i have industrial expertise no we actually have nuclear stockpile and poverty needs to be improved okay so um they refused that and let's see how much i have okay we have three to eleven so actually that's very very good of me since i built like eight of those failure versions we have a lot more than they have otherwise we would have most likely been quite similar so these guys are gonna charge in you are gonna no oh really you okay you're gonna go in like this and you're gonna cover his ass like that and the rest of you guys i'm just going to push you in a tiny bit something like this you get actually going to unite over there move in move in no moving like this so you're going to go around like this you can attack that unit come on you're going gonna attack that unit you're gonna go in like this you're gonna delayed oh wait wait wait wait wait wait you're gonna move in there you're gonna move in there hmm if you move in okay i'm gonna do like this then that's going to fix itself you have a form another one i don't know oh oh my god i'm blondie thank you for the prime sub holy and hype drone uh that's like third time ever i've had it thank you blondie much appreciate that how's it going man how's it going i goddamn i miss you man i miss you it was super nice to have the streams with you not to have anything against alex he's great as well but it's no blondie and daniel stream sad so let's see we can actually operation iron class has been bypassed right now we can't do anyone right here uh actually right here and yeah we can't continue until we actually crush them right there so let's wait a tiny bit more uh we can't do any decision right now so let's chill a bit and these fighters can actually do oh yeah you could probably do something if you move forward all the way right here and you can do air support and close air air superiority and close bombing and there we go and now when you finish your first orders i just want you to generally charge in you push in right there and delay that unit from actually pushing in oh you actually crushed him i i didn't actually think you would win that battle and there we go we cut these units off off lovely so now you're gonna help here as well rather than push forward right there uh these guys you can actually chill a bit just take a shill pill because we're gonna move in right here surround these divisions and you're gonna be just absolutely crushed because you're gonna lose all your sport right here at bedtime for you ace okay have a good night sleep well [Music] there we go moving like this like that all of these guys attack right there oh by the way every single one of my division please be assigned to the main front line uh oh this guy forgot about him uh these guys gonna finish that actually let's assign those there just in case thank you and these guys well no you're actually gonna be assigned right here please because you need to save that division please you can move in right there and we'll just surround them even more uh research to be done we are gonna continue i think i'm gonna upgrade the t61 no we have more things to do actually there are many more things to do uh yeah good let's let's upgrade thanks let's make the tanks as good as possible you're now outdated so we're gonna produce the t61 and let's see i want their personal care that one yes both of you should be starting your production as soon as you can made might as well be lined to samara it's open uh yeah we're probably going to take a bit more for them to actually surround you fully but we'll see thank you boy very much for the follow my chat welcome to stream i'm pushing right here pushing right there and your images declared war on okay nothing about me and could you actually help that guy seems like he's having some struggles please uh black market arms trade increases okay that's fine i guess oh we actually managed to slide this round to more people bob sankir thank you much for following welcome to stream there we go all right nice nice around right there like two divisions just remove them from there that would be bloody awesome come on both of you attack right there both of you attack right there and you yeah you can continue with whatever you want to do what do you do no attack that means attack him i don't care about the losses come on russia do we ever care about losses and i think i'm slightly actually lacking manpower right now that's kind of terrible we actually demobilizing now for some reason that's really really sucks that's really really sucks how are we doing actually in this world 12k versus 34k yeah so we're really doing well but yeah let's be like to smarter i didn't know they were actually that easy to push in right now for uh what happened to the uk in this mode germany happened yeah so basically germany won the first the second world war and um yeah things happened now they broke apart in 16 different parts and then united again now they declare war against everyone that broke apart from them to try to unite them again and love oh soft thank you much for the follow my project welcome to stream and yeah guys push forward right there they were actually kind of close to surrendering and this war is dragging out to become more bloody than i would like to so would i would very much appreciate if you could use a while and finish this war off by taking their capitals just keep delaying those units so they can't strategically deploy anything just pushing right here and take their capitals well capitals the capital uh two on tanks right now so we can get some right there and there we go lovely lovely lovely uh oh we're gonna have several of these right now since there's several definitions they are next before there we go wow that's so much we're gonna lose all the spills we possibly have ah that sucks but well what do you do base war sport or some stockpiles this will slightly decrease corn time so well i guess if we have time to finish both of them before the quorum finish no we won't is any devs still here i think there are a couple of them ceiling actually worked because italy and germany successfully trolled uk navy and got him stuck in mad by snatching the brawl turns to us no kidding ah so that was the writings before that nice didn't write anything for the western russian revolutionary front ah too bad but yeah it seems like we can restore the west russian revolutionary front right now into something proper which also unlocks the economy tab which probably is the main reason why i'm going to do this right now [Music] the west russian revolutionary front unifies west russia the old spectre haunts europe once more what do you mean all respect come on we're not bad we're we're just um russian unificate we're just um well um okay i don't have anything we are pretty much bad uh let's see thank you warlord recruitment has been removed and it's no longer filled too bad pretty nice right there thank you thank you thank you we are trying to build military factories but every single one of ours is currently restricted into consumer goods too bad battle of barcelona down with tyranny uh we can't repair anything too bad natural focus let's see eradicate german influence and warsport again wow we're getting so much more sport but we seem to never be able to keep it uh let's see oh you're talking about lore right now in the stream i'm like what are you talking about uh let's see so economy tab this is economy tab uh we are currently let's see our deficit to income ratio is 5.2 plus i guess so we're gaining our annual budget is six point eight eight billion usd the gdp domestic crossing measured in 1960 usd okay so gdp annual growth we have no debt very nice civilian um military civilian spending military spending uh let's see so total expansion deficit and reserves annual deficit okay so we know we are massive deficit right now [Music] decreased construction budget okay i have no idea right now what to do [Music] um maybe these values will update or something our interest rates the dream falters poland is lost so poland oh pollak united wow that's insane i really like the dream blade so much lore into this mod makes ten times more fun yeah undershiny i would love to read all the lore right now and really make sure because then i can much much more easily invest into everything and holy we got another research slot by doing it then totally worth it who cares about the band modifiers one more resource got god here decisions so here we can buy a bunch of decisions a bunch of equipment decrease black mark decrease black market arms trading okay and let's see regional development a bad day to be polish the ugly truth ah that's awful that's absolutely awful okay let's see what can we do right now weak disability plus two add 15 million to natural depth also all of this is now gonna add a bunch of depth yeah except you apparently the let's see the popularity of the government shall increase industrial society will slowly that's only good for me am i am i reading this wrong no that's only good for me it won't fully give back my power but that's only good for me otherwise yes please uh let's see [Music] sabine blackcomb was defeated by no defeating someone else okay everything cost so much money weekly manpower plus a thousand for like a couple thousand that's the one i'm most interested in scoring the records have them shot okay sure uh no more german agent slightly decreases scoring time well that's too late i think well they okay we're gonna call everything in like a couple days that's gonna give us so much manpower and everything's gonna be fantastic after that and of course we're now demobilizing even more because well alexander overextended administration uh of operation great discord western revolutionary front declares one [ __ ] that kind of thing and would see it as a massive thing oh the dependence on [ __ ] is guaranteed by the republic of finland the question is would we get into war with them [Music] siberian free territory so they united with someone oh god hmm don't know don't know i don't think we're going to get into a war with finland would be kind of well actually every kind okay when i think about it finland isn't too big or too powerful we would probably slaughter them and that would be a massive boost to our economy so yeah i actually i wouldn't mind it too much goes in with no i don't want that to yeah actually i wouldn't mind it please airplanes in reserves oh we got more airplanes because we capitalized um uh 58 of um [Music] i don't know fighters uh let's see it's like a spotted snow [Music] oh cass [Music] oh god damn it really i removed that no they were all right i united them never mind uh let's just move them up right here and maybe they will be used maybe they won't be used uh we got a ton of manpower right now it's demobilizing but still uh let's see we're gonna get five more divisions i think yeah so we get that 24 out of 24 and please make that times one i don't know how much more we d moblie so i want to keep something safe who's winning in the east stretchbook tactic in the far east divine mandate of siberia if they win this war they will control most of the east and then they will have to decide between siberian free territory and divine mandate of siberia germany doing fine right now england well authoritarian democrat they kind of broke free from fascist rule norway still independent republic of finland feel fr feel free and fine pakistan becomes independent apparently [Music] uh would i like to decrease black market trading [Music] yeah i'm fine with that i'm fine with some black market rating right now operation great discord let's do that one let's remove them from the map uh bring them home oh appears finn cena quite did quite a number on the people on their occupied territories as far as we can tell russians were deported in large number replaced with settlers from finland now we have the chance to repay them in kind people removed by the anti-communist guard will be returned to the homes and invaders will be shipped back to the rightful once on the other side of the border with finland democrat demographic warfare is ugly affair but we cannot tolerate finnish fifth column in our new colonies yeah wow you actually had quite a sizeable chunk of troops right here uh let's just remove the north then just to make sure that in case you suddenly get pulled in or have more troops than what they currently see let's just try to remove as little as possible so well we just remove that please so we don't have to fight the large gate wall ale finn pin thank much for the following that welcome to stream uh let's see two more factories on infantry actually we have ton of that right now uh let's instead take those extra factories as our way of it's time to start building tanks the tanks will rise okay let's see that's in vain of actually modifying that one because we're not gonna keep anything of it we're gonna make a brand new one they're gonna be let's see motorized names yeah i guess small price names uh then we'll go to armor we're gonna do modern tank we're gonna do modern tank we're gonna have engineer company we are gonna have actually nothing more i think actually sport anti-air another modern tank and we're gonna have a lovely little apc this is looking decent [Music] and then one more modern tank and then one more modern tank one more apc 26 those are pretty good stats 16. if we make just five of each [Music] it looks generally pretty good for the organization a bit more heart attack than i would like but high armor it's a decent division i want one of these get me one of those actually if i compare with these visions yeah that's like a god division if i compare with that that's really gonna be nice and never use acp i should yes you really really should uh i can just show you the difference if i would only have main battle tanks i have no organization at all and no hp which means the divisions will very very easily die and if the divisions die while i'll also have a lot of effort became into nothing almost effort just died because you didn't have enough organization and no you're not gonna push in there i'm just breaking your view apart right here to make sure that we finish this war with as few casualties as possible very nice and let's cut them off fully thank you and now all of these divisions focus on your capital and remove them completely before anyone gets confused or reshuffles thank you and that's done thank you and apparently we are gonna have a war against russia or against finland there we go gather troops up at border come on straight to you deploy and push in as much as you can before the finnish army arrives uh bring them home hang the collaborators 50 more support minus 10 minus ten percent what mine plus fifty percent water sport mine is one thousand two hundred yeah manpower that's fine god it really really sucks that we're losing so much water support constantly and i don't know from where [Music] wh where are we losing all that from and of course minus 53 sensibility again ah why do we have so little goddamn manpower again always and now we certainly lose so much money i don't know how to even do this man i don't know uh use ten percent less decrease cost by five percent civilian spending is what we're mostly spending on right now let's do that maybe i did it twice now not one i'm sure if that actually changed anything don't think it did yeah i don't know i don't know uh possibly preview independence okay it's time for tuition 5k versus 3k yeah the finnish army is gonna let me burn quite a bit of attrition uh let's see this tank isn't actually looking too bad we just need some more military factories assigned on tanks actually twice more it's just you are not having efficiency just yet going black market trade increases even more let me see how it looks right now but i can't see the modifier oh you've done like that i'm fine with that as well not too bad not too bad uh let's increase miniature oh no wait no let's not do that that well if that's what's currently penalizing us so god i'm hard i don't want to even increase the issues let's instead actually make our tank slightly better more soft attacking heart attack while tension oh well tension is at zero again what the hell happened what happened with world tension it went down to zero okay guys reshuffle reshuffle damn how are you beating oniga i stalemated well i just crushed them instantly they were really not any issues at all i just went in for their capital i surrounded like find the provinces where you can attack like hmm let's see how can i show it in finland uh okay this province is terrible to attack that's one versus one this is just absolutely a terrible attack while this one is a great attack several divisions many different areas that can fill it up very easily and win with just massive superiority against them always attack them on several places always attack them in areas where well you have this priority move in right here and just make sure we take over this sky war thank you hopefully that will help us quite a bit oh you actually push me back even guys it's time to deploy you quite drastically right now get over right there and defend against the finish for a while because this war could end quite badly it seems like you squeezed out everything you could as well we do have two hundred thousand manpower in our thirty two thousand okay screw it let's do it like this 19 versions coming up let's do the rushing tactic god they actually push me back quite quickly as well i don't like that we're not gonna get surrounded right here i absolutely refuse so guys fall back fall back right there we are gonna do reclaim what is ours yeah sure oh i never did omega oh wait because we probably not oh there now we can reduce that very nice it's actually gonna do something for me uh let's see oh uh one two two one two three fists share and rey sorry if it's not your name absolutely massively but thanks for the follow much appreciate that welcome to stream oh wow you actually managed to squeeze me out like this then let me do that with you instead use everything we have to break that unit come on please push in there still wow finland where in hell did you get all of those divisions from what the hell mate what the hell come on one more percent come on one more percent oh wait you need more than 20 oh that's bad uh those visions are dead upstairs unfortunately aflan offering ceasefire no ho-ho in hell finland don't even try with a goddamn ceasefire who do you think i am the old russia no we're not the old russia we're the new russia so i can deploy you you're 30 so i guess 30 is there well it's the limit black market trades increases even more wow what the hell are you gonna do retention and growth yeah i guess that's fine uh there we go all of these missions deployed get a new army set up right here delete your current army order come on delete that current arm order thank you now you all are going to get one lovely front line there we go gather up dexter forces reclaim what is ours excellent and we can't do that one because we need to be at peace these guys you're dead uh i think you're just completely dead i might pull you away i might know so guys come on to the front line quickly please that one tank i just deployed might be the key to our victory i just need to make sure where the hell it was deployed where are you oh perfect you actually up here which means i can save that division in the north apparently i could not because yeah he has died right now uh okay cool let's see 40k versus 48k so we're not doing great against finland but we're not doing too badly either so this one tank how much can do not looking like the best it's because you have absolute terrible terrain if i attack with everything i have here of course the tanks gets the reserve so it doesn't matter too much let's just have the tank as their attack right there thank you okay so where do we have to break them where would be the best one well of course now when we are massive numerical superiority it doesn't matter if we attack a frontal assault with not the best possible ways no where is going to go in and crush them front head-to-head the soviet style ir brad thank much for the follow much welcome to stream and now since we did it once we can just continue doing it because it won't be able to unite well they won't be able to well getting a break we form the front line we're just gonna keep pushing for as much as we can for as long as we can you're pushing upwards you're gonna go in like this we're gonna expand your front line as much you can while we just keep defending in the north because if my intel is still correct yeah they don't have close to close to enough units right now to follow fight me i think i'm just gonna squeeze out another big pile of units uh let's do another 15. that should be enough reinforcements for what i currently have and give me a reasonable stockpile thank you after this war is over we're gonna reshuffle everything into proper divisions rather than the crap we have but for now we well we use what we can we take what we can and we use what we have come on kill that division just remove it please thank you awesome and then we do some reshuffling and then we'll wait for the new division pile or then you well can you yeah the new the new stack of divisions just wait a tiny bit then we'll massively overwhelm them with troops once it once more and that we're gonna repeat one time and time again until everything is small russian and i really don't know what to do with you i really don't know what to do right here what to do with all the income growth national debt expanders yeah like that just popped up suddenly when i created entire new when i created like so i actually become a nation yeah black market train is massive right now severe [Music] uh the pink panther thank you much for the follow welcome to stream i can't decrease it because i need to have more than 50 ability yeah that's never gonna happen that's never gonna happen we've tried for a very long time just have any stability and yeah it does not happen it does not happen at all and now we're losing money which i guess isn't super good either for the economy oh wait holy big space off there thank you much for the resub what where the hell did we tell me about it big space order thank you so much for the resub for nine months actually got two pokes from it right now decreased civilian spending uh companies we invite carcass okay uh so yeah well i i like i did twice or was it construction i've moved that's civilian spending tempo decreases feeling body for 50 120 days okay but we're still losing so much money it's just crazy i did this one twice but that didn't do very much we have 106 factories restricted right now we're not we don't have any production going on ah so i guess this one isn't as terrible [Music] let's see stability minus 10 yeah of course construction speed civilian spending factor just terrible things but we can't really do anything we're just losing so much it just yeah [Music] uh deploy that entire army please [Music] and actually you can just refill these first two selected and you need four and then these nine join up right here with another uh army and just unite history repeats itself yeah pretty much winter war two yeah i re but this time i refused any kind of ceasefire that they wanted never again finland will just try again they did in the second world war far eastern wow wow muted me in the very very last second so this war might actually be absolutely terrible for me we're not winning as fast i as fast as i fought depending on the finnish military might but um well i guess it's really a repeat of the second finish warden if i don't win as fast i fought uh let's go in right here let's just say that that was a trick to make sure that they well i don't know left that area or something now go in right here and we can surround those three divisions that would be huge oh my god surrounding three divisions from the finnish army right now would be so goddamn big come on no no you're not gonna you're not gonna fall back you're not gonna retreat to do anything like that come on really really you managed to oh my god everyone managed to survive that that's absolute crap how can you be so goddamn slow ugh oh but there are four divisions up here north come on we're not gonna attack that area now we're not gonna attack it not by my like we're not gonna touch you moving right here crush those four divisions finnish armies looking uh larger than before final for ceasefire no we're not gonna have any goddamn ceasefire what happened last time when we had a seed ceasefire with you yeah you stabbed us later when we were losing against the germans we're not gonna let that happen again actually i'm fine with you if you move away from that territory i think yeah this is actually my worst territory to attack in so yeah if you could just fall back from here and let them go down and then we kill them right there that would be better for us thank you uh take some divisions stay with one division please at least surround that now we kill them in every direction and even better if you were attacking someone else at the same time since we get the bonus right there and goodbye for the vision of the finnish army that's going to be huge [Music] boom gone everyone focus right here take one division and just move in there later awesome that's really really good boom shakalaka uh improve our weapons improve our anti-tank sure let's do everything [Music] okay now it's looking a lot better i i'm starting to see gaps in their front line uh let's see if we can create some more all of you divish all of you pushing as hard as you can down here surround the entire sudden finish from use everything we have to do it as well oh a quick motorized vision yes yes do it do it do it surround them kill attack we do whatever is necessary there we go now a full massive offensive don't let them escape don't let them do anything on every single come on isn't everyone like told to everyone is assigned to that front line oh right because but they're reshuffling everything so they don't want to want to be as aggressive well luckily i told her to be that aggressive so we're moving the entire sudden finish front and that's going to be fine too many mental orders yeah probably probably that's that as well there we go we don't have moscow yet that's kind of sad still but we we need to we're we're finishing this war against the fence now and after that we're going home finland offers conditional surrender we made serious gains in a war uh driving them and russian puppets out of rush proper with our invasion finland itself on the way perhaps now it's time to send finland conditional surrender our terms to simple lay hand mercenary which is filled with russian speakers we keep all the nega and warlord says uh let's see a joint protectorate of both finland western russia will serve above state between them you think so no we're not gonna send andy any goddamn surrender i don't care if this breaks the mod thing unconditional surrender that's a much more lovely word that's the only word the russian shall know from now on unconditional surrender hopefully not me doing it there we go the entire sudden army disappeared five to nine divisions that's a hell of a lot better for me uh remove the southern front right here everyone that is not on the front line or is confused about front line just quickly move up everyone is now properly assigned right here yeah cool now reshuffle and pushing as oh god you really really that's stupid come on go in and take helsinka that's probably going to be some kind of event that just finished the war for us since i don't know it feels like this mod has something like that god how much stability do you have yeah minus 45 so you got better stability than me come on finland offers unconditional surrender wonderful there we go much better and and uh what and hello hey here we go come on that's not unconditional surrender what the hell is this karelia that's supposed to be mine a mod craters not even karelia like i i i was hoping them to be a puppet as well [Music] carrelia and them being a puppet for the uncon for the unconditional surrender for the conditional surrender karelia and they're not a puppet god damn it [Music] worst troll ever and we can at least do invincible and legendary uh so let's see can we do our little hello i kind of want to core my territory please oh you became course automatically i guess occupied state so you're where is the goddamn thing for me to press to make your course uh let's just for now make one of those we have crushed up on fins and it seems like i can't make them into course either you missed a state in russia [Music] did you say this oh that one integer integrate them but yeah i can't seem to make anything right here in the course tricky finland declare war again i can't like every war like wars are literally disabled in this war in this mod so black market raid can we remove you a bit more uh all right i need 50 stability and that's not gonna happen uh changes okay right now which changes the natural focus tree again and now it looks like kind of a normal focus stream [Music] let's see industrial immediate important police are resolved okay so we're gonna get an event that says something so what which do i actually want meet with server let's see learn from trotsky no thank you uh reorganization administrative strain our nation yeah that sounds pretty pretty good increased gdp and gdp increase the gdp and gdp growth significantly okay industry i think we're going to focus on fixing the goddamn industry because we're just losing so much money right now and we can't do anything about it do the industry free yeah this is a tree i wrote for awesome so yeah i think we're gonna go to industry tree a global uni and that makes the most sense like we don't need any war right now uh let's see can we do anything right here no we can't uh decrease blackmart train now of course not goddammit i'm just keep going to it and we're just losing money and i guess who cares if we lose a bit more let's just try to get some stability guess that's fine uh trump and uh the front triumphate nice 20 stability oh that's beautiful that's absolutely beautiful that's actually going to start pushing us up right now to positive stability that's really really good but we can't do anything really we're only going to do this increased stability thing constantly that's three sensibility slight increases gdp sure let's do that one as well we get more depth but i don't know what it does and i don't know what happens if you have a high def or anything the answer to any questions you have is more tanks sounds awesome sounds really really awesome more tanks can accord these places now nope no coring of finland unfortunately [Music] pick a focus i was not allowed to our immediate important political matter resolved i can't i can't pick up and i don't see any immediately importantly focus i'm guessing i'm waiting for an event you can no i can't you don't meet the fascist coup fascist claims another victim you're still expelling settlers ah okay can't do this one can't do that one can't do this one oh i could do this one oh okay i didn't see that far left okay cool this this is one of the things like that could be clarified if it was more borders or better borders and i'm getting slightly dark again can i fix my camera [Music] i don't get it why this suddenly started happening oh god but maybe that's a bit better uh meeting with uh strava russia calls sure uh is that the only thing i can do so i guess i have to go all the way right here probably before i can continue to do anything else our academic base will begin to improve reform the percentium gain based ability 10 percent i don't care what happened like reform the press edom president new uh institution god damn it i want to read all of this i'm gonna have to replay russia at some point uh let's see is anything close to finishing well the only thing that's kind of close to finishing right now is agriculture and arm professional and emperor in geo thank you much for the follow much of that welcome to this stream i can imagine devs writing down notes while watch your stream well i don't know about that but um it's just nice if i can help them in any way shape or form [Music] like if they're writing down stuff more borders between here something that just puts these ones and they think you're actually building on some kind of different squares make these smaller uh oh god what was it what did i look at before i think it was the divisions right here make this smaller please i want to be able to see all my equipment types right away not having to scroll right here or make a limited mode or something [Music] uh wasn't daniel's face cam miniskier uh i always have two of them i have them my tiny damn power over the manpower and then i have me right here take a focus ah damn it it happened too quickly uh let's see we're building rest of poverty rates social development will begin to improve yes finally finally we're getting that [Music] our arm professional social will slowly improve it will cost us 130 billion agriculture will improve gdp growth property rate yeah sure let's just do it we more death i don't care what it does we're gonna have to fight against it sooner or later and i think poverty is one of the things that are really really really really screwing with me right now since we have this one and it's just absolutely killing me in stability war support population factor taxable population factor everything so yeah i don't really know what to do these loyal citizens in the end they will be worth it yeah sure hopefully let's see those who who no longer fight that changes onto acceptable pension which grants stability from god damn it we're gonna have to pay someone else more stuff now that sucks uh let's decrease this will embody it again uh let's see it's looking a bit better we only total expenditure eight billion dollar and only losing 160 a year valkyrie 137 thank you much for the follow much dad welcome to stream so while people are expanding people are growing we're just trying to handle and rebuild our nation i kind of like that actually they can fight and brag and do whatever they want while i'm slowly but sadly fixing my tank army [Music] because never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands [Music] this city of west revolutionary front has been reclaimed for russia has been reclaimed for russia wow i actually need to double up my and unmute myself when i was gonna write m [Music] damn i sound lame okay let's see can we do anything else i need more stability we have 16 good but not good enough uh zero print gain basically 0.5 wow i don't know if i can deal with that okay let's see check checks and balances 7.5 percent ability 50 power like that equal partner change voting franchise like to elite voting pulley power plus 10 stability minus 5 why would i want this eagle partner so what we're going to change uh vote voting law uh work hours child unemployed uh let's see voting franchise i guess elite voting so it's basically if i want more clear powerfully power we're fine with no voting i'm well actually that's just that's just one step better actually we're gaining 2.5 okay what what did this uh let's see it punched into normalcy however it can't be allowed to enact on challenges that pass for grandma shulcher as his machetes and balance okay um [Music] actually let's just produce admin strain like i guess it's gonna be this one or that one overextended administration just reduce those penalties a bit that'd be awesome that's a stability hit i would love to just remove completely it's minus 28 right now 10 people overall yet to present him politicians can't be trusted yeah that's kind of what i'm thinking as well just who can have equal partners that when i'm supposed to decide on everything that's the way everyone well me decide i decided at least let's see nothing really here is gonna be really good it's just more like i don't know i don't know like i guess my main issue right now is i don't know if this is bad for me like i have minus 734 billion in depth but i don't know what's gonna happen like am i gonna have revolution am i gonna get something super bad is it gonna be crushing me like i have no information at all how this is gonna affect me so i have no clue what's gonna yeah what's bad or good uh let's see this is protect revolution change securities to security service which grants stable power stability and professional gdp costs plus two percent loyalty to the motherland uh do we have to do all of them yeah then it doesn't matter doesn't matter what i look at or whatever just do them and then we'll see so am i gonna finish anything soon that has a very actually very soon done very nice most of the two of these the agriculture and of course the armored professional is going to be very soon fixing himself so that's going to be just political interference at least we're gonna get that extra blue power once that done and let's see oh actually it's gonna make we're gonna lose even more blue power once we have one more level but at least the troops are gonna be a bit better yeah yeah that's true then a professional army and then yeah spartans let's see max planning max planning supply consumption make the troops better make the troops better make the troops better we're gonna make the troops better [Music] what happened to the us in this mod yeah i haven't actually looked at it for a very long time it's u.s state america lyndon b johnson is in charge this is fine and it wants ability that's probably the highest i've seen in this game so far [Music] on the shoulders of giants well for now i think we're just gonna say screw any kind of voting because come on who likes to vote anyway that's barely anything i'd rather have the power screw vaulting who cares about voting or was this the wrong one right now grand marshal will [Music] oh wait wait wait wait what wait what wait was this the wrong one despite it it seems like it seems that william may yet be necessary no no no no politicians are not necessary voting is overrated equal party keeps them yeah shift we fix it we're getting rid of them got scared there for a second [Music] we can't keep any of those pesky politicians ruining russia once more actually we might soon be getting enough blue power to actually reduce this that would be awesome uh let's see alexander's administration actually that was a relatively nice hit in that we reduced and of course we still are 96 consumer goods that's just all answer to the grand marshal the first of well many oh we don't meet them requirements yeah we need to do both of these we can't do that one because we need both of these so it doesn't really matter we need to do them so we need to do them and that's gonna boost you up to a hundred percent yeah nice bye bye libertarian socialism it was not nice to have you here and by the way uh if i ignore let's see this guy you're completely removed right now i think i would like to make most of you into this division type that's going to be a ridiculous cost for me but it's a necessary cost so we need okay we're not gonna have enough manpower so we're just gonna disband some the rest we should be fine with so we're gonna take like see three divisions actually we're gonna take some crack divisions like those three and this guy and it's disbanded and the rest of you are gonna shuffle in to properly become something nice and actually we're going to span these guys as well just wear some more manpower for the tank armor we're going to create under ivan yes yes [Music] ivan you're gonna have your own order beneath this and i'm just gonna make sure that everyone is also assigned to it now let's see how's it going right now you have almost full efficiency you're producing five a week are you missing any equip or any resources no you're not very nice would be nice to have you up to 20 if we possibly could be but you're gonna be prioritized first so we have those four are you missing four rubber but yeah i don't really care too much about that [Music] awesome cool lord mark's defeat is unacceptable gain based ability a tiny bit more i guess that's not too bad uh then loyalty to the revolution sounds okay i guess foreign structures yeah nothing i'm gonna do right there does anyone know what happens when i have a super high depth like i i've had a lot of people right now complaining about the ui but um i think they're gonna make it into something pretty god i'm fantastic just give them some time give them time and you are really gonna think it's great i think they need to tweak it definitely a bit i agree with most of you guys and with the things you have said but you're saying ui it doesn't work or it's bad or whatever doesn't help anyone really really like it does matter a huge thing when you say i really don't like how i don't know you have moved intelligence agency then that's something concrete and direct you can give feedback on if you say i don't know which focuses i've done or which are still in progress or which i can't do because i can't see it very easily that's some good feedback as well or you can also increase hey you can also if you could you try increasing the border and see if that's more possible and yeah like all of those are good feedback but you're saying it it's bad i don't like it doesn't help anyone uh pontus meister two very much for the follow uh i gained fifty percent more when i'm already at hundred percent sure reduce our strain a bit more awesome pontus meister ii thankful follow i don't know if i said it but there said it again they're confused right there [Music] hello awesome seeing you playing the new order proud to be artists on the tnl team awesome nice to have you here pontus let's see how we're doing 700 part yeah i don't know how to i don't know if i can spend it like we me we're losing we're we're 1 billion in that right now but i don't know if that's bad if it's good if it's a little if it's a ton since i i don't know what happens if you have a ton of it like i would like to do all of these but let's just pretend it's very little i think and we're right now losing how much every year 10 billion 10 billion every year it was up at 200 billion i think so i think we're getting better i think maybe [Music] [Applause] 11 billion yeah sure i think that's okay like i think we were losing like 200 billion before so no like up one billion is not but this is like a thousand billions one trillion or was this millions that we're spending right there and we're losing wait wait are we now losing 11 billion per month and this is millions yeah okay so yeah one billion right there and we're losing 11 billions right now per year [Music] but we're gaining eight i'm super confused right now wait wait we have we have 53.96 billion okay yes we're missing one now so technically wait no gdp is that um oh god dammit i i am so confused right now uh that's fine let's see i want to increase my agriculture society i want to [Music] moderately increase the gdp thank you much for the follow therapy serg much appreciate what i'm saying i want to increase my gdp dab let's see industrial expertise will begin improving slowly i want to do that i want to make my research facilities better i want academic base better i want industrial equipment better agriculture better and i want armored professionals better this one i don't care too much about slight increases gp sure let's do it since we're already doing it and now we should be getting much much more right there but um doesn't seem to have changed anything actually when i look at it [Music] when i look at it this did not change at all did we somehow break it by doing so man at the same time maybe you're rebuilding russia of apocalyptic time economic economic economy doesn't matter much russia yeah very very true very true seriously the economy isn't important as russia oops caps [Laughter] i was like holy did i break something okay there we go mine is three billion there we go so okay let's go screw how much we're losing let's just try to improve everything as much as possible so we should have done that ages ago that would have been really really helpful 61 stability so it's time for us to start reducing black market trade i think a bit as well uh the reorganization [Music] very nice article seven uh loyal presidentium reduces our strain and this is uh let's use to a loyal loyal presidentium [Music] i hope it's one day stable enough to play multiplayer that would be amazing hotfix soon hot fix more for several things ah awesome squirrel much we're losing me when looking at my student that oh dark ah became dark oh uh it's already midnight for me what the hell happened with the time this was way too much fun i was going to a short stream of like an hour and a half or something and it became well okay straight twice that crap come on come on i don't want that sound thank you i wanted to see which people are actually on live live right now so i can double check and see who to send you guys to and let's see okay this would be kind of fun so um let's do like this let's send it to a small guy playing minecraft right now because that's gonna be tons of fun right okay what what what is it isn't he live anymore i thought it was live yeah yeah it's one eye why can't i do it [Music] uh oh old member thank much for this sub for one month send them to the store guys thanks so much welcome to the salt mine and hope you guys are gonna enjoy your time right there hope you have a nice time uh mining salt for me i much appreciate and i hope you're gonna well mine lost me because i'm probably gonna need it this mod was tons of fun and i'm definitely need to play it again and play it more and um yeah i really appreciate everyone joining me for this stream and helping me and i want to play this more maybe we can squeeze out a stream tomorrow morning or maybe probably on friday problem friday not tomorrow but the day after that i hope you guys will join me again for it and yeah probably friday otherwise i hope you enjoy your day i hope you enjoy your evening i hope you enjoy your night wherever you might be i hope you have a good time and i'll see you guys later by the way thank you all new followers thank you for all the new subs that's tone support your guys are bloody god am amazing otherwise i'll see you guys later bye and bye
Channel: theDa9L
Views: 47,224
Rating: 4.8952703 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, HoI4, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 da9l, hoi4 paradox, paradox developer, hoi4 dev, da9l, theda9l, hearts of iron 4, broken, abuse, hoi4 mod, money is king, hoi4 money, daniel paradox, new hoi4 mod, new hoi4, hoi4 ww2 mod, The New Order: Last Days of Europe, The new order, Last days of europe, russia, soviet union, USSR
Id: 8Gvd4Pl6NjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 42sec (12282 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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