He said what?? | Sunday Sermon

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hey hey tony guys here going to pop in today for a sunday sermon now this night service this sunday i was tied up with the family this morning but you know i want to talk to you about something because i've been noticing this a lot and i remember growing up i would hear this saying and the older folks would say don't be so heavy don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good and essentially what they meant was there would be an arrogance and a ignorance and ignorance about certain believers to where they would be so self-righteous that they would be ignorant that they could not reach everyday people so a person would say hey you are a christian so why are you talking to someone or helping someone who is in a same-sex relationship and it would and then the question would be well what is your role as a believer if you are going to shun those who don't believe the way you believe if you can't have a conversation or you can't lend a helping hand or you can't coach or mentor someone who may not believe what you believe then what does it say about your witness about your ministry and that's one example another example is people take and believe that because god can do the impossible that god will also do the impractical and that's not how god will work what i mean by that is god can do what you may not expect god can do what you pray for which may not look like to other people like it will happen but when it happens it's still going to make sense in the sense of you may say hey i want to save myself until marriage to everybody around you in your secular city may say there is no way you're going to meet a man that is going to save himself with you until marriage guess what if your heart is in the right place and you praying and you believing and you are expecting you will attract that man who will wait for you until marriage but guess what that man won't be 25 years older than you 25 years younger than you because god is not a cruel god god is not the author of confusion so yes although what you were praying for seemed impossible god is not going to do something that's impractical and i don't even know if that's a word but we're going to use it today okay impractical so what i mean by that is how cruel would it be for god to say okay yeah i'ma send you somebody that will be abstinent like you but they're gonna be 25 years older than you so y'all gonna die 25 years apart you got you gonna want children and they're gonna be ready to retire you're gonna want to see the world and they're gonna want to sit on the front porch in a rocking chair that ain't gone when god does something it's gonna make sense for your life it's gonna fit you but here's the thing if it's for you that may not be for everybody else so let's say to other people it is impractical guess what god ain't going to give you the authorization to go tell everybody else hey this what can happen this is what can happen this what's going to happen that was for you that's your blessing not all blessings are transferable so you have to understand that in this world we have wisdom we have common sense and what's wrong with a lot of people is we want to ignore common sense and be ignorant in our lustful desires so we want to say oh because i want somebody who looks like this dressed like this this nationality this race this color this height this age we are wanting something from our youthful lust and then expecting to receive based on what we want from the wrong place but what we are asking for may not even make sense you living in an apartment complex that is a thousand dollars a month but you believe in god for a mercedes benz that costs a thousand dollars a month you see what i mean god can do the impossible but he's not going to do the impractical you 65 and you believe in god for somebody that's 40 because you want somebody that's young and vibrant well what is god doing for that 40 year old because the 40 year old is not praying for somebody that's 65 lord bless me with a 65 year old that's young and vibrant i just have a thing for 65 year olds and i'm 40. lord i'm 40 i want somebody that's 25. because they're going to be vibrant and they're going to love roller coasters and i'm young in spirit well what you think the 25 year old want do you think the 25 year old said lord i want somebody that's 40 no god gonna give you was for you was practical for you even though it may seem impossible because of some of your other standards so that's why you have to remember that god is not the author of confusion and everything is not for everybody so i'm not going to come and say hey ignore all conventional wisdom ignore all common sense because god is on the throne you know what ignore the fact that 99 of people that will come at you in this day and age is doing it for this reason ignore that fact because god is on the throne no god does things decent and in order first corinthians chapter 14 said god is not the author of confusion and now what it was relating to it in that chapter is talking about how you shouldn't be speaking in tongues amongst unbelievers who don't have a clue what you talking about if you don't have the gift of interpretation so you shouldn't be around unbelievers because it said if unbelievers come in your presence your place of worship won't they look at you and think that you're mad mean and think that you crazy and the writer said i will rather speak five words that are clear and easy to understand than 10 000 words in another unknown language so what is talking about is that god still is going to make sense yes he can do for you what may not be happening for everybody else meaning you get a raise and a promotion without a college degree but god is not going to bless you with the job of being an astronaut when you went to school to be an esthetician and see that's the ignorance that a lot of believers have today oh oh tony so you're telling me that even though god is on the throne this 35 year old man cannot be genuinely attracted to a 60 year old woman who is barren and can no longer have kids and this man wants three kids you're telling me that this 35 year old cannot be attracted to this 60 year old woman and he wants three kids and she cannot have kids oh god can do anything that's ignorance you're wasting your time and guard time you're wasting all our time god still is going to do things decent and in order now who would have thought that ruth who husband died would be working a lot of people say oh ruth knew what she was doing ruth knew what she was doing when she went to work in bowl ashfield the bible didn't say that robert didn't say ruth went to work in this field to catch a man bob didn't say that she went to work because she couldn't sit in the house all day she had to make money she had to get food you don't eat if you don't work she went to work okay now even though she went there to work and boaz saw her guess what he still had to do things decent and in order they didn't get in fornication even though it was a part of the custom according to naomi to say hey you need to go to him and lay at his feet so that he knows that you are single it's a single signal because he is not authorized to jump the room he is not authorized to get out of order and to come after you because you could be somebody else's wife so you need to go over there that's what that signified but guess what that does not apply to today because you come in a single man house today unannounced without permission you're gonna be shot and killed okay so what is that that's common sense oh well what god if a rule could do for me so i'm gonna go in this man's house i'm gonna go down here to my neighbor house and at one am i'm finna bust in that door and i'm gonna go in now and i'm gonna lay at the bottom of his bed at his feet and you know what i'm actually i'mma put this chapter with this chapter over here and i'm gonna kiss his feet and i'ma cry because i'm frustrated and i'm gonna wash his feet like the harlot did jesus i'm gonna put it all together because it all come from the bible see that's how y'all sound today and then get mad when somebody give you common sense when somebody give you wisdom when somebody get a revelation from god when god then had a man who was like apostle paul see apostle paul before he became apostle paul he was saul so what did he do when he was saw he persecuted christians you know what persecute me look it up he persecuted christian but on the road to damascus apostle paul had a run-in with jesus the presence of the lord was so bright saul went blind for three days but when jesus confronted him because he when you live and wrong and but but there's a calling on your life you're gonna have a confrontation and when saul was confronted jesus said why are you persecuting my people and from then saul say whoa i didn't know you were real i thought this was a hoax i thought this was a fairy tale i thought these people was crazy but you real oh my goodness i'm bowing down i'm finna serve you so see what god will do is gotta take somebody like myself who was an absolute dog who was persecuting women and he will give a revelation to that person who was doing all kinds of evil but will give a revelation and say look you're not only going to have personal experience but imma give you wisdom beyond your years imma give you wisdom that you can apply to your personal experience to help those who are willing to listen but understand this it's going to be some people that are going to be angered by your wisdom and common sense because they looking for magic they looking for a psyche they looking for a tarot card reader they looking for a horoscope they believing in majesty and majestical genie in a bottle they think i'm a puppet master they think i'm an atm machine they think that i'm a man with a long white beard sitting in a gold chair playing games with human life listen and they gonna say that they're my children they gonna say that they christian and they hoping and they believing in ignorance out of arrogance they are ignorant out of arrogance and i'm gonna send you to bring wisdom and i'ma send you to bring clarity but understand they crucified apostle paul understand this they crucify jesus christ i believe uh apostle paul died by beheading that he was beheaded that he brought a word now how do you go from being a persecutor of christians to writing 13 books of the holy bible [Music] how do you do that unless you call by god how do you go from being toxic controlling abusive womanizing lying cheating dog thief drug dealer criminal to being faithful righteous minister life coach best-selling author intercontinental speaker but by god how do you go and reach millions and you come from a town of five thousand how do you go from a town of five thousand to reaching millions how do you have no college degree but doctors and lawyers call you and pay you more hourly than they earn how do you do that but by god but even though that evidence of my presence will be there you will have doubters and naysayers who come to cause confusion hoping that they can derail you from your message and your ministry but they are ignorant by arrogance they are conceded in their own wisdom when i come to make it plain see god ain't coming [Music] to confuse you that's why first corinthians chapter 14 said that god is not the author of confusion that's why the bible says god does not tempt man the bible say god tempts no man the bible say god is not a man that he should lie see god ain't come to make life difficult to make life complicated to have you 65 waiting on a 40 year old to fall in love with you the hell you 20 waiting on the 45 yo to fall in love with you to have you with a communications degree waiting on nasa to call you to be an astronaut to be living on section 8 waiting on mercedes-benz to bless you with a s-560 god and call you to confusion to ignorance to a reprobate mind to be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good to be so righteous in your own stinking nostrils that you can't help people in need [Music] ladies said to me how do you coach somebody who in the same sex relationship how do you help that person how you a devout christian i'm not condoning their lifestyle but i'm loving them as christ love them so if they in a toxic relationship i'm gonna teach them what a healthy relationship is because me sharing what a healthy relationship is might send them on another path and spare their life and when they look further within they say well how did you get it and i say well i got my relationship by building it on the principles of the holy bible and they say oh well i don't read the holy bible and then i said well you should try it then they try it and they read the holy bible and they bump into a scripture that says their lifestyle is out of order that their lifestyle is a an offense to god whether it's fornication idolatry whatever it may be homosexuality whatever they bump into in that word lying backbiting stealing coveting but because i helped this person who may not believe what i believe but because of the love of christ they were reached not because of the letter of the law where they reached because this person may be illiterate this person may not be able to read and comprehend this person may have a third grade education and the words in the bible look like a spell from the movie matilda they just float off the page and just [Music] floating around the room and they don't have a clue so the only bible that this person may read is my life the only testimony this person may hear is my testimony but if i turn my nose up and i look down on them because they don't live like me because they don't walk like me because they don't talk like me because they ain't got my story because they ain't got my wisdom because they don't know my god if i turn my nose up and look down on them i'll never be able to reach them if i come in their presence and instead of speaking plainly i started speaking in tongues they ain't never read a bible ain't never stepped foot in the church and i'm on what have i done for their life but what am i doing for myself i'm edifying my ego to say i'm spiritual i'm holy that's how that's what first corinthians chapter 14 is talking about it say when you speaking in tongues you edifying you but when you prophesy you talk about the goodness of god you talk about the work of god now you edify the people so what good does it do you to go to a believer and speak a unknown language what good does it do you what good does it do them see god didn't come to be majestical and to be confusing because that would not be the point of being a savior of being a leader of being a help in need of being an everlasting arm that you can lean on and trust in confident hope in see that would defeat the purpose to be unreachable to be unimaginable to where you can't understand you can't comprehend because you so righteous because you so holy because your nose turnt up listen god didn't call me or any believer to walk around walking on water every day [Music] ain't now one of us could walk on water period but we walk around on on on asphalt like we walking on water and we want to tell people and i see sometimes people want me to tell people want me to tell them hey you know i know that you live in your little city and working on that job [Music] but because you have fantasized every day about meeting and marrying sean diddy combs god is going to correct his heart bring him to him and deliver him to you you are going to be walking through the grocery store and sean diddy combs is going to come up to you with a bible and a bottle of olive oil and tell you that you are his wife because god can do anything and god delivered him and brought him to lithonia georgia to the super mart on first and crenshaw to meet you that's what people want to hear that's what believers today want to hear getting the business guard in that ain't the business card in see god can do the impossible it's still going to be practical for your life it's still going to make sense for your life god's not finna say listen i know you want to be married so what i'm going to do for you is i'm raising up a man 20 hours away by plane he working in a dirt field he speaks 11 languages and not one of them is english i'm gonna take you from pahokee florida to nairobi kenya [Music] and when you get off the plane he gonna be coming in the dust out of the dirt field and he been mining and working all day and he gonna come up to you and he gonna speak to you in his 11th language and you're going to understand it perfectly and all you speak is english that's what people want to hear today listen to me this thing is disturbing me do you not know i ain't telling you no lie well do i when i tell you that believers is in the comments wanting me to teach a fairy tale wanting me to teach a impractical ability okay that's the word today we're going to use that word today wanting me to teach the exception it's on because god is able god could do anything god could do anything so i believe that this woman who is 65 years old with no legs can meet this man who has both of his legs and a matter of fact god bless him with a prosthetic to give her that is what god could do i got an email like that it pretty much read like that i said lord i said lord i said lord i said i said i said baby bring me some blood we in the 19 i said baby bring me some olive oil and bring me the hand sanitizer i got the lotion i said lord i ain't got no olive oil right now but let me anoint something red nine because these people is crazy [Music] i say lord but see listen you want this to be somebody that's living in a asylum that's what you want it to be no this your next door neighbor who go to church and serve on the usher board every sunday right now with a mask on you know with pews every other pew is removed but they know what they're masking gloves on and that's what they believe in these we have believers sitting in the house do not get out the house and believing that the man she got a crush on from gray's anatomy gonna bump into her in the grocery store because that's what god told her in a dream now we got versions of that we got versions of that we got versions of that in every walk of life listen god can do the impossible but it's still going to make sense for your life it's still going to fit your life and if it is impractical if it is something that just don't make no sense at all god ain't gonna authorize you to go tell everybody from the mountaintop that god gonna do the same thing for them i'm not authorized by god to come and tell you hey fornicate fornicate unprotected three times a day and you gonna end up a millionaire [Music] um i'm gonna told me to do that god ain't never gonna tell me to do that just because it happened for me see he spared me to take my ignorance and give it godly wisdom turn it into godly wisdom to bring you a practical common sense wisdom feel guide for life see listen listen the bible may say one thing right the bible may say the borrower be is servant to the lender okay but the bible does not say to keep your credit cards under 30 percent usage to increase your credit score do you see what i'm saying the bible may say that fornication is a sin but the bible does not say fornication can cause you to catch an std that is incurable it don't spell that out the bible does not mention the word herpes it does not mention the word syphilis it does not mention the word h-i-v but guess what all of those things exist today so this is what you got to understand some people say oh the bible is all and the only thing that you need y'all in here listen to me relationship coaching any relationship because they got a clue what they talk about you need to go talk to god guess what that's why god raised up ministers because god is in the business of providing revelation see your revelation ain't gonna be my revelation but if you intended to share that revelation god won't increase your territory he will enlarge your territory guess what guess what god gave me a revelation on relationships if you got that same revelation and you believe in god and you read your holy bible then pray that god will enlarge your territory because your territory [Music] ain't my comment section do you hear me if gardner called you to tell people that they could go because god is evil could be usain bolt in a hundred meters running on their knees because god could do anything if god called you to tell people that lie then pray that he enlarge your territory but today we need believers to understand that god didn't call you the use common sense you common sense you don't got to get no y'all getting a book or recipes okay all right what is that okay all right so all right so i'm gonna need two pumps of lysol okay i'm gonna need three squirts of clairol okay i'm gonna need one jug of keratin okay all right and then i need a jar of lip gloss okay mix it all together for 39 seconds and rub it on my face and that's gonna bring my husband okay all right that's what that's what believe we're talking about today that because god can do the impossible that he's going to do the improbable that he's going to do the impractical that he's going to do the unlikely that he's going to do that that he's going to do what your youthful loss because you've been lusting after this human being which is a sin that god gonna deliver your sin to you on a platter because that's what you want no because you greedy because you jealous because you are coveting you sitting and believing that you don't have to go to work and you're going to be blessed with an overflow of food and that you're going to be blessed with the mercedes benz and a full bedroom two bath sitting on two acres and it's just gonna come to you because you just been praying for it because god could do anything listen listen you're gonna have to stop thinking that god is a genie in a bottle you're gonna have to stop being so heavenly minded there's some stuff going on in heaven all right that ain't gonna happen for you here but you're gonna have to stop playing with the lord you're gonna have to be humble you're gonna have to be diligent you're gonna have to be obedient and you're gonna have to use wisdom you're not gonna be able to walk out here and disregard all wisdom i don't care how much you believe in god but you cross the street while the traffic got a green light you gon get killed you hit me and that's what y'all trying to do that's what you trying to do today you trying to say oh well i know that i'm in this situation but imma deal with this man who i know does not have my best interest in heart i know that 99.9 percent of time a man who looked like this act like this talk like this walked like this think like this smell like this think like they look like they walk like this talk like this is not good but i'ma believe god because see that's why they said 99.9 see it's a .1 [Music] so you say you finna do this it don't make no sense it's against all common sense it's against all wisdom you operating from lust you operating from greed you operating from selfishness you operating from ignorance you operating from arrogance you operating from desperation you operate from frustration but you finna do it anyway he's talking about you serve a point one god no no no i don't care if you holding if you hold an olive oil if you hold an olive oil you stick your hand in a hot oven you gonna get burned you hear me [Music] you go out here trying to break all convention all conventional wisdom you go you you want to be you want to be going against all of the rules trying to be the exception to the rule so you can prove a point in the comments you're gonna lose your life and before you lose it you're gonna lose your mind listen to me listen to me stop trying to make god fit your fantasy [Music] start trying to make god fit what you want to happen and use wisdom god ain't gonna do nothing if it's not his will ain't nothing gonna come to you unless it's his will and you gotta stop asking everybody to believe in your fairy tale that you holding on to because see god is real god is no fairy tale gardening on fairy tale see go out on take the practical [Music] and he's gonna do something with the practical but it's still gonna be believable see you see me today and you see what i'm doing and you may see tony gaston's academy you may see my mentor.life you may see that out and spoke around the world you may see that i told my story on oprah my story on tyra banks you may see that i work alone me and my wife that i don't have a big team i don't have an agent or publicist and all of that and you may see that on social media gardening gave me three million people on social media between twitter instagram and facebook three million people that i could share the wisdom that he's given me with those people you may see that but guess what i'm not sitting on a cloud god didn't put me on a cloud to shoot my videos i can't hey hey lord hey whoo lord just go get them lord you could do anything now listen i'm getting ready to go live for the blessed try hey let me sit on cloud nine uh come on now let's go killer lord you want to believe in you let let me sit on cloud nine lord come on no no that ain't not god word any hunger hard work hey lord hey you won't need people to believe in you lord hey i'm gonna tell you what let bill gates call me and tell me that god laid it on that you laid it on his heart to transfer all of his net worth to me come on lord that's gonna make everybody believe in you oh they're gonna kill ooh that's what you want to do so this is what you out here doing you out here 55 65 sleeping with a 25 year old sleeping with a 25 30 35 year old tell my god going to deliver him i know yeah i know him in sin but god could do the impossible i know we slept together with god could do the impossible god's going to deliver him i know he i know he does not have a jaw but look at tony guy tony gasket ignorant and look at what he look like he doing good so god could do this for my man because guess what i got a woman's influence look what i'll get it for sure regas gets she could do that for me he could do that for me no anyhow god word ain't hung out work it still got to make sense common sense it still got to be wisdom still got to be wisdom see it ain't wisdom to walk around believing in the exception to the rule that's why the bible say obey the laws of the land that why when they came to trip jesus up and they said hey hey jesus hey yeshua hey zeus yahweh hey let me highlight you boy hey let my legend hey watch this right here go get him right here hey let me ask you this let me ask you this so hey how you feel [Music] about paying ties to caesar why is he gonna get him right up [Music] jesus say render unto caesar what's caesar's who they thought he was finna say i am the son of god do you see that cloud right there it's coming to swoop me up i don't have to pay taxes if i make money because i serve god and i am the son of god i don't have to pay taxes i don't believe in taxes because i serve god jesus said render unto caesar was caesar's he said yes i'm the son of god but i'm on earth and my father said obey the laws of the land so although yes i probably could snap a finger and go from here to heaven and back no i'm finna walk from this city to that city no god ain't sending me a cloud no i ain't got no cloud the ride from damascus to geneva no we got the wall y'all play boy we got to walk come on let's go let get you get your donkey peter let's go all right now my legs tired yeah i know i serve i know i'm the son of god but my legs tired so let me ride the donkey on in you see what i'm saying you see what i'm saying jesus ain't coming and say hey you know what i'm the son of god so what we gonna do what we getting ready to do when i do this when i do this everybody gonna believe that i was crucified and died and rose again no he had to be beat he had to be crucified he had to carry his cross he had to be put on the cross next to sinners murderers thieves and he had to pay his price what i mean by this is you're gonna have to play by the rules [Music] you're gonna have to use common sense see what wisdom could be considered is a profound dose of common sense so what that means is date in your range what that means is be with somebody who want to be with you not just somebody you want to be with what that mean is if somebody done been down a path that you've never been down have the wisdom to believe the signs that they tell you about if somebody has walked down this path and they say hey now listen okay when you get about three miles up the road [Music] it's a pack of wild wolves so before you get there you gonna have to stay the night a mile away when it hit sunlight you got to go because you got to get past a territory because they up at night if you walk at night you ain't gonna see that fourth mile you're gonna lose it on the third mile see that's just wisdom this person say i don't been there now let me bring y'all home here if i tell you as a man listen to me i'm a 36 year old man i have never in my life met a 36 year old man who said [Music] man i love 60 year old women oh i want to marry a city oh oh i want to marry a 60 year old boy i wanna suck her toes because i'm told don't walk many miles man look here if i when i tell you i've never seen that never seen it was on a football team with 95 other men 94 other men then been a man all my life them play every game a man could play if i tell you this the games that these men playing and you ain't never been a man why would you tell me oh well that's not what really men think see what men really think is [Music] okay go ahead and tell me go ahead and tell me what you think men really think [Music] go ahead and tell what you think me and really attracted to go ahead and tell them what how what you think how me and date and why they doing what they do go ahead go ahead go ahead and tell me ma'am widdle with a vajay been done been a woman all your life ain't never been a man ain't never dated a woman as a man go ahead and tell me what you think because god told you because god told you oh oh okay so you telling me that god told you that god told you as a christian that he gonna send a non-believer and the non-believer because sleep don't sleep with you fall in love with you convert to christianity while he's sleeping with you getting you to do whatever he wants you to do borrowing money from you that he ain't gonna never pay you back but at the altar his heart gonna be renewed and he gonna fall in love with you and y'all gonna ride off into the sunset that what god told you you see what i'm saying that's like me coming and saying you know what you know i tony gaskins as tony guy said i love the lord and god can do any thing he wants to do [Music] so god has told me that he is going to impregnate me the way he did mary so that i could give birth to every woman who cannot have a child [Music] that's what i'm hearing today from so many believers and i say lord satan then got behind the lines and then turned so many believers over to a reprobate mind [Music] and they are now believing in mythical unethical un philosophical un lithological myths because they were scrolling twitter and read a horoscope but but claim they love the lord plain they love the lord but went to the tarot card reader them bumping into the psyche or in a frustration in their agony in their worry in their pain sitting there and to put words in god mouth and said god finna send me somebody that's 20 30 years younger than me because he said he want to rejuvenate my spirit and that this person will give me the ride of my life yeah they're gonna give you the ride of your life gonna break your bike and break your bank and then leave you yeah me listen we got to be children of god who can hear from god but understand that god are still going to do things decent and in order now remember what i was telling you about by bow ass i got distracted on that but what i'm telling you about bow ass what i was saying is that even though bo ass saw roof he still had to be decent and in order he didn't get to see when ruth had to bring him the signal that she's single that she available he didn't say oh climb on up in the bed [Music] no he's he said okay hey all right i i appreciate it thank you thank you for letting me know i didn't want to cross boundaries because i could lose my life for that in this day and age so let me go down to the courthouse let me go down downtown and see who is rightfully in line for you he went down he had to go down there to talk it come up it was his cousin it was his cousin or his uncle and he said hey do you know you know roof it's such and such um widow yeah yeah i know well you are in line for her according to the customs you in line for her nah i could have touched her if i wanted to be in sin outside of the will of god i could have touched him put the ham hawk on him but no i ain't do that i'm down here talking to you so what it what what's it gonna be now if you wanna you could have a because you're in line four and i'm gonna do right i'm gonna do right because i still understand god gonna do things decent and in order and the body said no i'm straight i got me one i got mines and i don't want her cause she's not gonna come in and get half of my land and then be you know heir to everything i got no so i'm good you go right on head bo ass you go right ahead boys okay all right let's come down let's have witnesses hey witnesses y'all heard what the man said he's in line for ruth he is passing so i'm next akin in line so she gonna be mine you see what i mean [Music] boys ain't get to skip the line boys did do what he want to do boys ain't get to come in on no cloud with no rain barrel and and scoop down on that cloud and say come on up here ashley the lord said he gonna hold a ceremony for us in heaven no it's still gonna make sense it's still gonna make sense god is not the author of confusion if god getting ready to do something in your life financially physically spiritually romantically it's still going to be decent and in order and it's going to make sense it's still going to work for your life you can't look at what he did for somebody two three thousand years ago in a whole nother continent whole set of different rules and laws and then try to apply that to your life today that's not wisdom that's not wisdom the same god still on the throne but the work gonna be done differently it's different apostles it's different messengers it's different people that god is using today it's different laws it's different cultures it's different belief systems you hear me just in morals and values guess what things still going to be done decent and in order so listen to me to everybody that's a believer stop being so mystical start trying to be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good that you can't even relate to the other brethren and sister in the body of christ because you just think you sitting on the right hand side of god garden that garden told you something that don't make no practical sense don't make no sense at all see that's why wisdom see if it was supposed to not make sense then wisdom would have been called witchcraft [Music] the book of proverbs would have told you a recipe to put in one of them big steel iron cast pots on them big pots like what you seen on the movie and stir some up and then that's not a lot of people doing today as believers no proverbs say if you don't have wisdom just ask for it just pray for wisdom pray for knowledge and all your getting get understanding get understanding and then the message goes on in the book of proverbs to just be plain to just be plain you say listen young man stay away from the strange woman that way it it don't say go down there to the strain lose booty 901 on the corner spit game at him and try to turn her into a housewife it's a stay away from her because she didn't devour of many men than being sucked into their house and they made it up out of the then got robbed and then lost their life at her hands stay away from her guess what all i'm doing a modern day book of proverbs saying listen this is what's out here recognize it realize it stay away from it and then somebody say well tony will you tell us about a holy man because you're talking about average men you're talking about just everyday man tell us about the holy man ain't got to tell you about the holy man what the bible telling you by if god sent you a man you ain't gonna need me when when god send you the man for you you're gonna know it you're not god don't need my permission to get a man to you you're not gonna need tony gaskins confirmation about the man for you that come from god see what i'm preparing you for is for the 9 out of 10 men that you're gonna meet that's sent to you by the adversary that's what god told me to use my wisdom for because god said when i send her the man that i don't raise up for she gonna know it's gonna be clear because i'm not the author of confusion it's gonna be clear cut but before she meet him she gonna meet a hundred dollars and i need her to be ready hey i gotta go go ahead and call me pastor hour bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 33,582
Rating: 4.9393325 out of 5
Id: yf-uDPteBCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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