Harry Potter Universe Pitch Meeting Compilation

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so you have a Harry Potter spin-off for me yes sir I do I got your panic 3 a.m. phone call and got straight to work yes sorry about that I just had the sudden realization that there might be more money to be squeezed out of the Harry Potter franchise over six billion dollars at the box office wasn't enough well no obviously you need more than six billion dollars if you want to buy Canada is that what you're working towards I've said too much so what do you have for me well there was a gimmicky textbook back in 2001 called fantastic beasts and where to find them so I figure we can make a movie with that we're gonna make a movie out of a fake textbook from the Harry Potter universe exactly stretching it real thin so tell me about the movie well the movie takes place in the 1920s and follows this British guy Newt Scamander who comes to New York with a suitcase full of magical creatures oh it's gonna be hard for him to get through customs with that thing no it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah when the customs guy wants to see inside the case Newt hits this little switch that makes it okay for muggles so it can be opened up safely without the creatures jumping out yeah exactly totally safe to open up so how come you didn't already have that switched on I don't know in fact why doesn't he always have that switched on so the creatures don't escape well they need to escape for the movie to happen so Newt just doesn't care about the safety of the creatures oh no he cares a whole lot about their safety that's his number-one concern but he's not gonna take any precautions to keep them safe that's right well okay then so anyway Newt is gonna run into this wannabe Baker guy Jacob and they're gonna accidentally switch briefcases an aspiring Baker from New York has the exact same case as a British wizard that's what we're going with Wow so later Jacobs gonna open the case and some creatures are gonna get out whoops whoopsie so they're gonna have to track them all down and catch them before anything bad happens exciting and at the same time we have this whole other thing going on with this guy Percival graves and he's trying to track down this evil cloud thing called an obscurus how is that gonna be related to newts lost creature storyline it practically won't be is that gonna make the whole movie feel a little disjointed yeah it's gonna feel like if you were trying to watch a movie at home but your little cousin kept switching over to Pokemon Wow we're also gonna have this character Tina goldstein oh yeah and what's her deal she's actually a former orator a former raw exactly I have no idea what I just what's that word before murmur oh you sound like a dog that's somehow beginning to learn English an order is like a wizard officer type thing and she used to be one Oh a former order okay I gotcha yeah and at the end of the movie we're gonna hint them maybe she's in tune you you're saying the former order adores the forerunner yeah yeah yeah so what kind of fantastic beasts are they gonna track down oh well one of them is like this magical horny rhino oh so it has a giant horn well yeah but also it wants to bang oh my god yeah so we're gonna have this really fun thing where they try to capture it before it you know goes to town on them we're gonna have the main characters try to catch a magical rhino before it has time to sexually assault them yeah pretty fun right I guess I mean I didn't realize you were going for an r-rating oh no I'm not oh so it's gonna be like light-hearted impending sexual assault and bestiality right well okay then that does sound fun we're also gonna have this creature that grows to fill whatever space is available oh very cool yes so they're gonna have to try to get it inside a teapot now what do they do with it then they put it back in the briefcase oh so it grows to the size of a briefcase that's manageable well the inside of newts case is actually this massive place so it's gonna expand to fill that space then no it's gonna immediately stop doing the one thing we said it does ohcome magic I guess I don't know using magic to explain logical inconsistencies is tight yeah it is so what else happens in the movie well graves asked in a sentence Tina you to death without a trial because they had illegal animals Wow The Wizarding World has some harsh sentencing yes so they're gonna be brought to this pool type thing that kills you when you're lowered into it it's like this this Dead Pool no can't call it that right that makes sense and how does the movie end well there's gonna be a whole lot of destruction and a big magical fight Wow and it's gonna be revealed that the whole time Graves was actually this bad guy Grindelwald in disguise oh it's like an ax Maj to scooby-doo yeah I love scooby-doo so then Grindelwald is gonna get arrested and so they're gonna plop him in the Dead Pool no they say they're gonna try to hold him why would Newton Tina be immediately sentenced to death but not him I don't know how wizard laws work fair enough so is it gonna be hard to deal with all the non wizards that witness stuff no it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah because magic exists and I can just do whatever I want remember right so what happens the bird makes it rain memory juice that works for me so what do you think well to be honest I feel like I don't know much about new to Oh should I add in more details snow are you kidding me that's valuable information we have to save for the sequels you want to stretch this out into more than one movie oh yeah into a bunch of movies that's the only way we're gonna reach our goal of buying Canada yeah yeah yeah I'll be honest sir I'm not sure how far I could stretch this concept though well I'll tell you what if you figure out a way I'll give you Quebec oh that's where poutine is from it sure is I'll see what I can do sir so you have a fantastic beast sequel script for me yes sir I do amazing the last one made over 800 million dollars so if we keep turning these out we're gonna have enough money to achieve our goal in no time our goal of buying Canada Oh keep your damn voice down so what happens in the movie well we're gonna have Grindelwald escape while he's being transferred by flying chariot to a new prison how does he manage that Willy changes his appearance to secretly switch places with a prison guard that's loyal to him oh so the guard is the one that gets transported and the real Grindelwald slips out the back door no Grindelwald latches not to the chariot to seems unnecessarily dangerous well this way we have a cool action scene where he pops up in the chariot windows like a little cartoon character oh very exciting yeah and then Grindelwald wants to find credence so a whole lot of the movies gonna focus on that character he's the one from the first movie that barely said anything and had zero personality right that's the one so I'm hoping that people are super curious about his past feels like we should have made that character a little more interesting if we wanted people to be you know interested yeah maybe so what's his deal in this movie well he still doesn't talk much and he still has zero personality but now he really wants to learn about his family okay and also now he's friends with Nagini oh he's friends with a snake that's interesting I guess she is a fantastic Beast yeah well she's actually still gonna be in her human form what yeah I thought we could do this thing where it turns out that Nagini was a person who's eventually gonna turn into a snake forever why would we do that because this way we finally deliver a backstory for Nagini which is something that people have been asking for I don't think anybody was actually asking for that though well they're gonna get it fair enough so she's gonna play a pretty important role in the movie I imagine not at all she's just gonna kind of be there so what's the purpose of her being there so people can be like hey that's that's the snake from the other thing fair enough that is a good reason yeah yeah and what's going on with Newt Scamander oh well he's back home now and there are some weird vibes going on between him and his assistant people are gonna be like what is going on there and where's that storyline gonna lead nowhere well okay then we're also gonna have this whole thing renewed is banned from traveling internationally and where's that storyline gonna lead you nowhere fascinating yeah and then we're gonna have young Dumbledore show up and be like Newt I need you to go on an adventure for me and I can't go because of something I'm not gonna explain to you for no reason Oh Dumbledore is in this are we gonna get to see Hogwarts you're damn right we are a little bit Wow we should have a cameo from Professor McGonagall - people love that character well actually in the year that this movie takes place she hasn't actually been born yet so we can't do that throw her in there anyway though people love that character but she's not alive yet if you don't put Professor McGonagall in this movie when I buy Canada I'm setting Quebec on fire but that'll ruin all the poutine I want her in this movie jeez well okay we'll have a cameo from Professor McGonagall who's gonna be negative eight years old amazing so who else is in the movie is Tina back yes she is and thanks to the first movie she's been made into an order again oh the former robbers in order once more exactly and in this one she's gonna be all mad at newt oka well there was a misprint in the paper that said that newt was engaged to Lidl estranged but it was actually his brother whoops whoopsie so yeah things are gonna be weird between them the whole movie can't then entire misunderstanding be resolved by saying a single sentence though it's sure can but we're gonna artificially stretch it out for a super long time for the sake of conflict Oh what necessary conflicts are tight and we're also gonna have Jacob come back Wow must have been difficult to write them into the story seeing as his memory was erased in the last film actually it was super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he's just gonna show up like hey that memory thing didn't work yet idiots well that kind of cheapen the emotional memory wipe scene from the last movie cheapen I don't know the meaning of the word do you really not know the meaning of the word oh please stop attacking me anyway we're also gonna have Queenie in the movie what's going on with her well she wants to marry Jacob but he's a gnome edge so that's not allowed okay and so Grindelwald convinces her to join his side by being like you can marry whoever you want if you're on my team does he really like no Maja's or something no he hates no Maja's that's clearly his entire thing so why would Queenie join him because I want to set up some artificial conflicts for the next move so Queenie's gonna be kind of a dummy in this one thinking ahead I like it and how does Tina react to her sister going to the dark side she has no reaction to it wow we're also gonna have a whole lot of stuff going on with Lita Lestrange oh we are yeah she's in a relationship with newts brother and she used to have a thing with Newt Wow we also see some of her time at Hogwarts and she kind of killed the baby on a boat but we're also gonna have this whole thing where she has a half-brother and you think that maybe credence is also her brother but then no he's not well so we're really spending a whole lot of time with little estranged huh oh yeah a ton of time well I guess we have no choice if she's gonna be a major player in the series moving forward oh no she dies oh she does yeah during a final fight with Grindelwald she's gonna be like run guys I've got this and then immediately she does not got this well but does she buy them some time not at all we'll okay then oh we're also gonna have Nicolas Flamel in this Oh what's he gonna do he's gonna be in the movie so people can be like hey that's the guy from the other thing people love recognizing things from other things yeah they do we're also gonna have him open a door and we're gonna get to see the Sorcerer's Stone yeah that's the thing from the other thing it sure is sir your writing is so fun and so good so yeah pretty much the entire movies gonna be the characters running around looking for each other and then sometimes stopping to yell exposition at everyone incredible and how does the movie end well in the end it's going to turn out that during a big Grindelwald rally a little nipper stole this little jewelry blood oath thing that prevents Dumbledore from attacking him oh well thank God that in a room full of people the nibbler stole the one thing that's gonna be important to the plot moving forward yeah thank goodness so what did they do with that blood oath thing oh stay tuned did you just say stay tuned yeah this is a TV show now okay fair enough people love TV shows see also credence is a Dumbledore now what so what do you think of the movie hey man the Harry Potter brand is so strong though we can do whatever we want with these things you don't think people are gonna start to catch on that it's just a big cash grab now I don't think people are that smart [Music] so you have a movie series for me yes sir I do it's based on this book series called Harry Potter what are those about Harry Potter right that makes sense good title yeah he's a boy who finds out that he's a wizard so he enters this magical world where people are pretty okay with slavery what yeah a lot of wizards have house elves as unpaid servants while the Wizarding World sounds messed up well they have some cool stuff going on too oh they do yeah they have like cool spells and magical creatures so that is cool and potions that can make people fall in love with you against their will what so anyway Harry's parents are killed by the evil Lord Voldemort when he was a baby how was a baby able to kill his parents no Harry was the baby Oh Harry is Lord Voldemort no Harry was a baby and Lord Voldemort killed his parents this movie is confusing not really if you say so my brain hurts Voldemort will actually look like a baby at a certain point of the movie though oh well now I don't know what the hell's going on well Harry's mom sacrifices herself to save him so when Voldemort tries to kill Harry it backfires and he kind of dies but not totally wow so he was like protected by love yeah hadn't anyone sacrifice themselves for a loved one before that point I guess they didn't know what a loveless world so yeah Harry's gonna be raised by this family called the Dursleys and one day this guy Hagrid is gonna show up to bring him to Wizarding school Oh what's hey Grizz like oh he's super nice she's actually half giant he's half giant yeah his dad was a little human dude and his mom was an actual giant so how did they how how did how did they how did they make a baby yeah well I guess with the ladder and a lot of determination wow that's super gross to imagine not if you're into that kind of stuff I threw up in my mouth more than a little bit so I feel like I'm not but what else happens in the movie well Harry's gonna go to Hogwarts which is the school for witches and wizards oh yeah what's that like well it's like a scary dangerous place where everything's trying to kill you oh so it's it's an Australia no good guess it's in Scotland actually and can anyone apply to go to Hogwarts er no cuz The Wizarding World is a secret like the students have to take a secret train to get there oh they're keepin it discreet huh how do they get to the Train they run full-speed into a brick wall in one of the busiest train stations in the UK that seems kind of irresponsible yeah well Hogwarts is a pretty irresponsible place how so well it's right next to a forest that's super dangerous like they call it the Four in forest so students can never go in there exactly pretty responsible policy actually unless they get detention then they get sent in at night oh there it is The Wizarding World also has its own sport called Quidditch oh yeah what's the deal with Quidditch yeah a bunch of people fly up into the air on broomsticks and go super fast seems kind of dangerous I imagine they're secured to the broom somehow no actually part of the game is trying to knock the other players down what yes so anyway they try to score points by throwing this ball called a Quaffle through some hoops how many points is that worth 10 a pop okay but then if a seeker catches the Golden Snitch that's a hundred and fifty points and the game ends Oh makes the rest of the game feel kind of pointless yeah it's mostly pointless huh yeah so anyway all the books are gonna be about Harry Potter going up against Lord Voldemort who's trying to rise to power again how many books are there gonna be the author told me they're gonna be seven books total so that's like eight movies eight movies four seven books yeah I think by the time we put a couple of these out people are gonna be so invested that they won't mind if we get a little cash grabby with the last book getting cash grabby is tight oh yeah so every year Harry Potter's gonna go through something super dangerous that involves him personally every single time pretty unlucky and Voldemort's gonna plan something evil every year in the spring nice of him to keep to the school schedule like that yeah it's very considerate for sure so what kind of evil stuff does he plan well like one year he needs a little bit of Harry's blood right right so he has to come up with some kind of evil plan to get it is that gonna be hard to do actually super easy fairly an inconvenience oh really yeah he's just gonna have one of his followers pose as a Hogwarts teacher for a whole year then having sneaked Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire so he gets chosen for something called the Triwizard Tournament even though that breaks all the rules then he's gonna hope that Harry somehow wins the tournament even though he's vastly unprepared so he can touch the Triwizard Cup which he's turned into something called a portkey that then teleports him to a cemetery where he gets a guy who was pretending to be harry's friends rat for years poking with the knife I'll be honest that plant sounds super inconvenient yeah I guess it does when I lay it all out like that seems like there'd be an easier way to get that done especially with magic being a thing yeah well that's gonna kind of be a theme in these movies what do you mean well we're gonna establish some magical things that would solve a lot of problems but then the characters aren't gonna use them like what for one thing time travel exists what yeah there's a thing the time-turner that lets you go back in time how did they not use that to solve a bunch of their problems one time they're gonna use it to save a Hippogriff another than that it's gonna be used by Harry's friend Hermione so she could take some extra classes what yes she wants to take some extra classes so you know they entrust her with the ability to control time itself and they don't solve any other problems with the time-turner that's right Wow there's also a potion called Felix Felicis that makes you super lucky and lets you achieve anything you set out to do seems pretty helpful for a war against a Dark Lord yeah but they're hardly gonna use it why wouldn't they though well we're gonna say that it's kind of hard to make so what if somebody took some Felix Felicis and then set out to make more Felix felices and then they gave that out to the good guys before a fight please don't think about this too much okay then I won't so what do you think well I think there's a lot of potential and I especially like the idea of taking the eventual last book and ringing two movies out of it yeah I thought you might like that is there anything else the author's working on that we can exploit like that well apparently she's working on a little gimmicky guidebook thing called fantastic beasts and where to find them okay that sounds interesting but it's not gonna be a novel it's gonna be like a guidebook to the Harry Potter creatures okay we'd have to be pretty greedy to try to turn that into a movie yeah I'd say so let alone its own spin-off series didn't you imagine hey guys Ryan here thanks for watching that pitch I appreciate you if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button that subscribe button if you haven't already and if you like share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter we also have a ton of these on the channels so you can binge watch those if you want there is a lot of them and also let me know what other movies I should make these for and as usual check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,052,904
Rating: 4.9568963 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Pitch Meetings, Screen Rant Pitch Meetings, Harry Potter Pitch Meeting, Fantastic Beasts Pitch Meeting, Pitch Meeting Compilation, Ryan George Compilation, Ryan George Pitch Meetings, Harry Potter, Hermione granger, Voldemort, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy
Id: WzKcV1zzxCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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