Marvel Pitch Meetings Compilation | SR Live

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so you have a new superhero script for me yes sir I do and it's kind of a sequel to all the movies we've done so far so there's Captain America Iron Man Thor oh yeah Thor's the one where we shot like half his movie and Dutch angles right yeah what was up with that was the tripod broken or something one of the tripod legs was broken that's right I thought so so who else is there well in terms of superheroes there's also Hulk there's spider-man there nope not him what we can't have spider-man in there oh how come well we don't have the rights to the character ah crap that's right yeah so unfortunately we're never ever ever ever ever ever gonna see spider-man in a Marvel Studios movie you all right what's up you had like a weird eye twitch or something you have something in your eye yes there's also a Bell noise or something so what happens in the movie well there's a magic box called the tesseract that's misbehaving and so shield is trying to figure out why and they're trying everything I mean they poke it with a stick and stuff Oh poking it with a stick doesn't help not at all and then a portal opens up and out comes the big scary threat of the movie is it a spooky skeleton nope cuz that'd be scary yeah but it's not a spooky skeleton it's actually Loki Loki from the tilty Thor movie I thought that movie ended with him killing himself by jumping into some kind of spatial abyss yeah he's fine now oh that didn't kill him no and that's something I'd actually really like to start pushing in Marvel movies that nobody ever actually dies that's right I like it so how does he survive oh we're barely gonna explain it works for me so then Loki uses a scepter to mind-control Erik Selvig the scientists from the tilty Thor movie and also Hawkeye Hawkeye oh yeah he actually ends up being one of the Avengers what are his superpowers oh he's awesome he shoots arrows very well yeah what else that's that's about it Oh but sometimes the arrows explode and sometimes they have computer viruses he shoots computer virus arrows yes sure I don't know all right so basically Loki wants to use the tesseract to open a portal so his alien army could come through where's he get an alien army when he was floating in space he met this guy named the other who works for this other guy Thanos Thanos yeah we're actually gonna have a mid credit scene where he shows up oh is he like the upcoming villain or something exactly amazing in six years what anyway so Nick Fury's like uh-oh stuff is crazy I'm gonna move forward with The Avengers initiative and what that mean exactly it means they're gonna invite Bruce Banner Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to come hang out that's his plan yeah he figures if he could get them all in the same room that'll kind of fix everything huh also Natasha Romanov from Iron Man 2 was there Oh black widows in this yeah so once again she's gonna be in very tight leather but this time doing even more action scenes oh I bet that's gonna be uncomfortable for her oh yeah I'd say so so what else happens well Loki's gonna get captured by the Avengers but then Thor's gonna show up and try to take him how does Thor get back to earth didn't he destroy the only way back at the end of his film yeah we're barely gonna explain that gotcha well I guess it's good that Thor's there now because they can get Jane Foster to help out why would they do that well her and Erik Selvig are kind of the authorities on portal science so if anyone can help out it's her okay yeah that's a good idea but but instead of doing that they're gonna send her off to an island or something oh yes she's not even in this movie it's more of a let's solve things with punching kind of movie gotcha so anyway Thor and Iron Man and Captain America get into a fight over Loki and so he escapes no he just kind of stands around and waits for them to finish up Oh doesn't that make them suspicious that means he clearly wants to get captured yeah but they still bring him on to the Helicarrier thing huh so then it turns out that Loki's plan is to turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk oh well I guess Bruce wouldn't be stupid enough to get on an airplane if there was any danger of him turning well to be fair shield didn't tell him he was gonna be on a plane what why cuz it was a fun little surprise they were like guess what this boats actually a plane whoa that seems wildly irresponsible oh yeah huh and then Loki kills this agent Phil Coulson oh but you said people don't actually die yeah no I was thinking he could come back for like a spin-off TV show or something I love it so now that Agent Coulson is dead they have something to avenge and so they become the Avengers that's right the awesome thing about that is that that's the title of the movie and so then a generic alien army come through the portal and the Avengers punch them for thirty minutes punching is tight yeah and then shield is like let's nuke the city what they immediately resort to nukes I don't know seems drastic oh yeah so then Tony takes the nuke into space and blows up the mothership which he knew was there for some reason amazing and so then all the aliens die all at once why will the ship blew up why does that affect them because okay and so yeah but the portal is still open right is that going to be hard to close down no actually super easy barely an inconvenience what do you mean yeah well when Erik Selvig was like totally brainwashed he built in a fail-safe so they just have to poke it with Loki's scepter how did he manage to do that if he was totally brainwashed oh we're not gonna explain that huh so what do you think well it sounds really cool yeah but I think that this many superheroes is kind of crazy yeah I guess kind of so in future Marvel movies let's maybe not go so nuts on the characters absolutely we'll tone it down a notch so you have a new Avenger script for me yes sir I do and this one starts off with the Avengers doing some super awesome murders oh it does yeah it's gonna be like 10 solid minutes of the Avengers murdering and cracking jokes and murdering and cracking jokes that is so cool yeah and how are the Avengers getting along without Tony oh well he's right there with them didn't any kind of retire at the environment 3 yeah that's right so what explanation are we giving for his return none whatsoever huh so what's the movie about well it's called age of Ultron Oh age of Ultron so this takes place over several years yeah no just a couple of days oh do you know what the word age means I do not I do not it's a tough word yes sounds cool though age of Ultron it does sound cool so anyway using Loki's scepter Ironman wants to create an AI called Ultron that can achieve peace in our time oh that's nice yeah but then Ultron understands his purpose as oh I need to murder everyone whoopsie so Ultron attacks the Avengers while they're getting drunk and then escapes through the internet he escapes through the internet yes so now he has access to every system on earth except nukes oh that's cool so what's his plan is he gonna like take down the electrical grid nope something with the water supply uh uh air traffic control no all of the Avengers super advanced technology no those sound like good ideas but what he really plans on doing is making a city fly and throwing it down to earth oh you think a genius AI would be able to think of a better plan than that you'd think so but he's really into the city throwing idea interesting so anyway Ultron is this super scary super intimidating robot you should have him crack jokes like Loki what people love Loki yeah but why would a robot crack jokes so he could be more like Loki okay but people love Loki oh is this so you can sell Ultron toys to kids maybe we sold a lot of Loki toys so why don't you so the movies already a big commercial anyway I love you so much oh stop what kind of commercials are we talking well for example the Hulk listens to music to calm down right okay on his wireless beats by dre headphones oh awesome that's a product or like Hawkeye and black widow drive around right yeah in a brand new state-of-the-art outtie that's amazing that's a product we also find out what Iron Man likes to wear under his armor uh-huh any idea what brand he wears under his armor no idea he wears Under Armour under his armor you just blew my mind that's a product and the movies not just a commercial for products it's also a commercial for movies what other movies are future movies how'd you do that well we're introducing this character named Scarlet Witch that gives people visions okay and so she gives Thor a vision that's a set up for Thor 3 Wow and she gives Tony a vision that's a set up for Avengers 3 I love it so what else happens in the movie well after the witch gives people a bunch of visions she makes the Hulk go crazy and so Tony has to stop him how does he manage that he developed this new super powerful Hulkbuster armor and so they just destroy a bunch of buildings Oh Tony has a suit upgrade high but that'll come in handy against Ultron yeah no he's only gonna use it once oh so anyway then they all go hide out with Hawkeye's family what happens there well the Tasha and Bruce have a long conversation about how they should have showered together what yeah they're in love now oh they are yeah I decided that would be a thing cute and then Thor pieces out cuz he had a bad dream and then Nick Fury secretly hides out in a barn to surprise Tony even though he meets with everyone minutes later and had no reason to hide dramatic entrance I guess yeah let's go with that and what does Thor go often do he goes to take a bath with Erik Selvig Oh kinky no he jumps into a dream puddle and learns about Infinity stones oh is that a commercial commercial for an upcoming movie that's right I love it so anyway Ultron tries to put himself in a body type thing but then the Avenger steal it oh they do yeah and then Tony convinces Bruce that they have to do the exact same thing they did with Ultron again he wants them to redo the thing that created a death robot that's right God is it gonna be hard to convince Bruce to do it no super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he basically says that they're both monsters and for some reason that convinces him that was easy anyway so they do the thing again but this time Thor hits it with some Lightning and that creates a really nice do name vision somehow it's crazy how science works isn't it yeah I literally don't understand it me neither also Ultron is gonna kidnap Black Widow he's gonna kidnap her why wouldn't he just kill her I don't know I guess to lure the Avengers over wouldn't they have gone anyway if Ultron is lifting a city into the sky yeah you'd hope so so how does the movie end well you know how in the first Avengers we had them fighting like a generic army of aliens yeah well this time we're gonna switch things up a bit oh yeah now it's gonna be a generic army of robots very cool also one of the Avengers is gonna die what which one Quicksilver oh I don't even know who that is yeah we only introduced him in this movie I'm not sure that he's actually an Avenger how does he die well Hawkeye is about to get shot so Quicksilver uses his super speed to stand in front of the bullets he has super speed that's right why doesn't he use that to get them out of the way instead of stepping in front of bullets I don't know plus there's a huge scene earlier where he moves a bunch of people out of the way of a moving train so he dies yeah and also Tony Thor and vision are all hitting Ultron at the same time and he starts to die amazing and then they all stop and let him get away why I don't know but Scarlet Witch kills him later well good and then in a mid credit scene we're gonna have fan o show up Oh what does he do he puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and he's like fine I'll do it myself what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones was Ultron trying to get him Infinity stones nope so what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones but that line doesn't make sense in the context of this movie yeah but he wants them but what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones never mind anyway so Tony retires from being Iron Man again oh but he'll be back right no this time he's retiring for real he's never putting that suit on again [Music] so you're here to talk about ant-man yes sir I am cool so uh do you need your parking validated or something what make sure you pull on the door on your way out because it looks like a push but it's actually a pull - don't you want me to pitch to you oh you're you're not leaving I wasn't planning on it Wow well awesome we had a lot of people leave the project so I just kind of assumed wow bummer yeah so you know please don't leave me or my last hope sounds good please okay so what's the story about well you know how in the first Iron Man movie there's a character that develops a super suit and then he's like oh this is too powerful to get out but then a corporate bad guy from the same company wants to sell it and then makes his own evil version of the suit and so you end up with a big final fight of nice guy super suit versus evil guy super suit yeah so what I'd like to do is that well if it ain't broke you know keep doing it till it stops making money that's what I figured so tell me about the characters well first of all there's hank pym he's the one that invented the shrinking technology and he used to be ant-man how was that technology gonna work and consistently oh yeah we're gonna say that it reduces the space between atoms so objects keep their mass but then we're gonna do a bunch of stuff that contradicts that oh so will sometimes ant-man is gonna have the mass and force of a full-grown man but other times they'll be light enough to run on a gun barrel or ride an ant and Hank Pym is gonna have an actual tank as a keychain which should weigh about 60 tons why so inconsistent well I wanted to do certain things cuz they would look cool but then I was like oh those totally break the rules that I myself established in the script yeah but then I was like I don't care and you did it anyway and I did it anyway the rule of cool strikes again yeah so anyway Hank wants this guy Scott to become ant-man and save the world cuz he can't do it himself anymore Scott yeah he's this guy that's just getting out of jail why does Hank want him well Scott's an amazing thief like the stuff of legends when it comes to stealing why was he in jail Oh cuz he got caught stealing doesn't doesn't sound like he's that good at it yeah I guess not in fact he's gonna fail pretty much any time he tries to steal something in the movie strange choice of a guy to save the world I guess so so what does Scott say when Hank asks him oh well he doesn't ask him directly oh he doesn't no instead he sets up a super elaborate series of events that could go wrong in a thousand different ways just so that maybe Scott could steal the suit why didn't he just ask him he wanted to see if he'd be able to break into a safe could've just asked him yeah but this way is more fun this Hank guy is playing around a lot for someone who wants to save the world oh yeah huh anyway Scott was in jail for about five years so now he wants to make money so he could pay child support and see his daughter how old is his daughter she's like six or seven so he went to jail for stealing when he had a one or two year old baby at home that's right I gotta say hank pym is putting a lot of faith in the super sketchy dude yeah well he says everyone deserves a second chance yeah but should your second chance out of jail have saved the world level stakes probably not so who else is in the movie well there's Hanks daughter hope that he keeps secrets from for no valid reason huh and she's gonna fall in love with Scott because they're both attractive and is there a villain in the movie oh yeah we've got this villain Darrin cross and he is evil so what's his deal I just told you oh yeah just like a generic evil guy you know that's what I'm talking about so he wants to sell this yellowjacket suit to some evil military types right like an Iron Man but one of them's not super interested so cross is gonna use his incomplete shrink tech to turn him into a tiny pile of goo and flush him down a toilet Jesus why doesn't he try selling that as a weapon that's horrifying he doesn't think of that I guess now I hate to do this but is there a way we could kind of tie this movie in with the Avengers oh yeah super easy barely an inconvenience oh yeah yeah I'll just add like a little side quest where ant-man has to go get a thing and he'll end up fighting an Avenger I love it what Avenger did you have in mind well Iron Man would be cool yeah if you want to double the movies budget Oh does Robert Downey jr. cost a lot you're damn right he does that guy's contracts basically drain money from our bank accounts oh wow did you know that according to his last contract we have to pay him every time he uses our bathrooms I didn't know that every time he poops in this building it costs us a thousand bucks geez yeah I mean it's not that bad of a deal yeah it's kind of a steal when you think about it so anyway how does the movie end well Darrin Cross is gonna end up figuring out the shrink tech and finishing his suit Oh so the team is gonna try to steal the technology from him and it's gonna end in this big fight between him and Scott and their little super suits how's that gonna go well despite having no training and never having been in the suit before cross is gonna be like an expert fighter Wow and then Scott's gonna go subatomic to kill a subatomic yeah like smaller than an atom but you said the technology works by bringing atoms closer together yeah whatever okay and then Scott's gonna be parted for all the illegal stuff he did and he's gonna dedicate himself to his family yeah I guess he's not gonna want to do anything that would jeopardize being able to see his daughter that's the best thing he do so you have that new Captain America script for me yes sir I do now I should inform you there's a rumor going around Hollywood right now oh what's that apparently this year everybody's gonna be making movies about heroes fighting heroes there's gonna be Batman vs. Superman in transformers they're gonna fight Optimus in the new fast and furious they're gonna fight Dom Wow it sounds like everybody's gonna be doing the same kind of crap this year yeah sounds that way so I figured we would - great it's gonna be called Captain America Civil War what's that gonna be like it's gonna be like if a kid took out all his superhero toys and just started smashing them together sounds awesome yeah so we're gonna have the government be mad at the Avengers about all the damage caused in sokovia and Washington DC in New York City wait didn't the government tried to nuke New York City they did and nobody's gonna bring that up no no okay so anyway they want the Avengers to sign the sokovia accords that would give them all government oversight and kind of keep them in check so Tony and some others are like yeah but Captain America and some others are like no the conflict is brewing yeah it's pretty serious it's like the Avengers are being torn up from the inside Wow so there's no need for a villain well no there is a villain what does he want for the Avengers to be torn up from the inside huh his name is emo and his family was killed in sokovia so he's gonna do like all kinds of crazy stuff like he's gonna bomb the United Nations and frame Bucky for it Wow yeah and that's gonna kill the king of Wakanda so Black Panther is gonna want to kill Bucky too Oh Black Panther is in this yeah Wow there is a lot going on oh yeah the movies gonna be super stuffed so like half the movies gonna be setting up future movies at least I love it and we're also gonna have this huge fight at an airport that's gonna involve sorry just a second hello really we did well that's great news ya know we'll put them in there for sure thank you what's up okay so I just got word that we can now use spider-man in the MCU oh wow that's amazing right so let's shove him in there somehow in civil war yeah we could have Tony recruit him onto his team for that Airport fight do you think people are gonna mind that that doesn't make much sense what do you mean well Tony's whole thing in this movie is about superheroes being more sponsible right so we probably shouldn't have him recruit an untrained child and throw them into a fight with the world's most powerful heroes and put him in mortal danger okay yeah no I see what you're saying it doesn't make too much sense but also look at it this way it's spider-man no yeah that's a good point people love spider-man they do oh and I'm gonna get somebody really hot to play Aunt May really to play Aunt May yeah well I mean what two words come to mind when you think of the character Aunt May I don't know old Lea sex symbol exactly that's okay hey while we're at it let's throw ant-man in here how would we do that just toss them onto Captain America's Team wasn't his whole movie about not wanting to go to jail and jeopardize things with his daughter yeah pretty much but we're gonna have him jump onto the site of international fugitives no questions asked that's exactly right okay hey toss Hawkeye in there too but he retired to be with his family yeah but here's the thing about that though I don't care gotcha I mean if we're gonna over stuff this movie let's go all out yeah no fair enough so what happens at this Airport fight well I figure we just give every character a couple of one-liner jokes maybe one or two fight scenes each and call it a day sounds like a classic Marvel fight but I was thinking because you know somebody should get hurt during a fight with the world's most powerful heroes that maybe we kill war machine at the end no no no no none of that things having consequences business okay can he be injured maybe it just feels like something should happen fine he can get hurt but he has to be in recovery at the end of the movie thank you but that's it though no more consequences I promise nothing else will have much impact on anything at all good so how does it end well you know that bad guy I mentioned earlier yeah well he's gonna have this thing where other than a minor hiccup at the beginning everything's just gonna kind of go his way what do you mean okay so because Natasha released some Hydra files he knows that something happened in 1991 involving the Winter Soldier so he tries to find out what it is by interrogating this Hydra dude but it doesn't work the hiccup right but from that point on everything's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience I'm listening so he decides he needs to interrogate Bucky himself but Bucky is in hiding so he bombs the United Nations and frames Bucky to kind of flush him out wouldn't being framed just send him deeper into hiding you'd think so but it works almost immediately oh wow yeah so then Zemo kills a psychiatrist that's supposed to interview Bucky and takes his place isn't anyone familiar with the psychiatrist they hired or at the very least nobody looks like you'd think so but luckily for Zemo apparently nobody does okay then he finds out what the 1991 thing was and luckily for him and involves the Winter Soldier and Tony's parents that's convenient very and then luckily for him Captain America decides to go against everybody and somehow he and Bucky managed to escape together Hey then luckily for Zemo everybody follows him to Siberia and there's an actual video tape of Bucky killing Tony's parents in 1991 because luckily for him there was a security camera in that exact spot in the middle of a forest Road and for some reason Hydra decided to keep it in their records and then Tony seized it and luckily for him even though Tony now knows that the Winter Soldier was brainwashed and framed and not actually responsible he immediately loses his mind it tries to kill both Bucky and cap wow that's all super lucky so then there's a fight but at the last minute cap doesn't kill Tony you're damn right he doesn't so then they're like well we're not friends anymore but also we're still friends and call me anytime I love it you think it's gonna do well well I'm looking at this as kind of a test what do you mean I have this theory that's stuffing more and more characters into our movies translates to more money at the box office interesting yeah and so if this movie does well we can just go crazy with it fingers crossed [Music] so you have a Doctor Strange script for me yes sir I do great I'm really excited about this one I actually already have some actors interested oh yeah who Benedict Cumberbatch to would tell a joke for in meds Nicholson are those the names of people yeah it sounds like you punched a keyboard no they're people if you say so so what happens in the movie well we're gonna meet dr. strange and he's like a super rich surgeon that walks around like boy it sure is good to have hands that work and what's his character like he's like a Tony Stark type Oh without the the charm or the humor so just an unlikable jerk then very much so does he have any redeeming qualities yeah he he um no he's he's just a jerk gotcha so anyway he's gonna crash his fancy car cuz he was checking his phone and that's gonna lead to the whole plot of the movie wow that's a pretty powerful message for kids and teens yeah that's true you shouldn't use your phone while driving but if you do you'll get to become a superhero oh no that's not really what I will get to join the Avengers and become a wizard I'm not really going for that message that's just being mean to everyone and drive recklessly you'll learn magic okay so anyway the accident is gonna mess up his hands and so he's gonna become even more unlikable okay so then this guy tells them about these people that helped him heal himself spiritually so Doctor Strange is like awesome that does sound awesome so Doctor Strange goes to see these people and they're like we can help you heal yourself and he's like you guys are some goddamn liars up in here kind of did a 180 on that one yeah and this dude Mordo was like forget everything you know and then dr. strange forgets how to breathe and he dies no that doesn't happen okay so he doesn't forget everything no he remembers how to breathe say that then okay so anyway then this character called the ancient one punches a ghost out of his chest and then sends him into an iTunes visualizer so then he believes in all the stuff so then he believes in all the stuff Wow and then characters are gonna explain magic to him for about an hour and is there a bad guy in this movie yeah there's this evil sorcerer named Cassie Leah so an evil sorcerer like Voldemort no no he's nothing like Voldemort oh no he's just a super powerful magical antagonist with a weird name that went to the same school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the protagonist and has an intense obsession with immortality that sounds like Voldemort no this guy has a nose oh he has a nose okay that doesn't sound like Voldemort at all Voldemort doesn't have a nose there you go so what's this guy's plan well he wants to open the Dark Dimension and in this evil being named Dormammu okay so we steal some pages from this magic book that let him do that why doesn't he just take the whole book well he just needs those pages right but doesn't stealing those specific pages let the good guys know exactly what his plan is it does huh also Doctor Strange is gonna use the rest of the book to learn exactly how to save the day so he really should have taken the whole book yeah we're like made photocopies of the pages he needed this guy's pretty dumb he's not the brightest sort of there gonna be some cool fight scene oh yeah mind-blowing fight scenes it's gonna be like some raccoons and bathrobes they're chasing dr. strange through a kaleidoscope very cool but I mean this guy is super powerful it's gonna be hard for dr. strange to fight him no super easy barely and inconvenience how so well as he's fighting him he suddenly gets some help from a cape capes are tight yeah this is a cool cape with a feisty personality so does this cape help him fight throughout the rest of the movie well it's gonna help him in that scene and then we're mostly gonna forget about it and he'll just kind of wear it fair enough also Doctor Strange is gonna get stabbed uh-oh is it bad it's bad enough that he's gonna die on an operating table oh my god yeah but then he's gonna get zapped with a defibrillator that's gonna 100% cure it must be a pretty good defibrillator yeah I mean it completely fixes a fatal stab wound so I'd say it's pretty good so how does the movie end well Doctor Strange is gonna go see Dormammu and be like Dormammu I've come to bargain okay and then he's gonna be like Dormammu who have come to bargain right and then he's gonna be like Dormammu oh I've come to bargain then what does he say poor mom ooh I've come to bargain and then I don't know the script by heart right of course but essentially he traps Dormammu in a time loop until Dormammu decides to leave well good yeah so now Doctor Strange can use the time thing to fix all the problems in the MCU no he can't why not because of vague consequences oh that sounds bad yeah it is maybe so about this ancient one yeah what's the character like in the comics just so I know forecasting the ancient one is like this wise old Tibetan monk oh okay I know just who to get oh yeah yeah tilda swinton she'd be perfect that's not at all what I described yeah well I don't think anyone's gonna mind [Music] so you have a guardians of the galaxy sequel script for me yes sir I do so we're gonna start this one off with the guardians fighting a giant space monster while baby Groot stars in a baby Groot toy commercial I love it when movie scenes are also commercials I know you do so why are they fighting a space monster well these gold people called the sovereign hire them to protect some batteries and they said they couldn't risk losing any of their own people okay but then Rockets steal some of the batteries so they chased the Guardians with their fleet of remote-controlled spaceships they have a fleet of remotely controlled spaceships yeah pretty cool right why didn't they use those to fight the space monster what do you mean well if their battle technology specifically designed to not put them in danger why did they hire the guardians in the first place because that works anyway then this dude's two cartels yondu that his funeral is gonna suck oh so yondu was gonna die Oh was it that predictable having a character tell another one about his funeral makes me feel like we're gonna see his funeral we're gonna see his funeral well at least he's not one of the most well-liked characters actually by the end of the movie people are gonna like him a lot he's gonna have this thing where he says that he's Mary Poppins and stuff Oh Mary Poppins is tight no that sounded kind of weird yeah soon as I said that it sounded weird so we're actually gonna kill off a well-liked character that's kind of a first for us yeah and it's really gonna come as a surprise cuz all the main characters in this movie are pretty much invincible oh they are yeah they're gonna survive so many things that nothing's gonna feel like a threat anymore what kind of stuff are we talking here I'll just stuff like crashing their ships smashing headfirst into rocks getting crazy beams of whatever go through them violently hitting trees getting struck by monster tentacles being swallowed traveling through space at dangerous speeds being literally next to an explosion getting their ship shot thousands of times that's a lot of stuff oh yeah it's gonna feel like a cartoon people like cartoons anyway in this movie we're gonna have Peter meet his dad and he's a celestial being named exposition his name is exposition oh no sorry it's ego I got confused cuz 90% of his lines are exposition Wow yeah so he brings them to his planet which he is and then he shows them a PowerPoint presentation explaining that he banged Peters mom that's kind of weird super weird and so most of the guardians are gonna hang out on ego for a good chunk of the movie what are they gonna do they're not much huh but there is this character mantis who's like egos servant and she's like I to tell you guys something about ego and its really bad oh that's exciting yeah but then she's not gonna tell them for like thirty minutes of screen time wow really stretching this out aren't you I am so what else happens in the movie well I also split up the Guardian so I could stretch it out even more smart so rocket and Groot in yondu are being held prisoners by the Ravagers and then yondu is gonna murder them all with his arrow the people that were as allies like two days prior right oh that's so dark no no there's gonna be cool music playing and it's gonna be slow-mo oh that's so cool yeah it's gonna be a really fun time amazing yeah taking lives while music plays it's gonna be a really big part of this film death is great hail Satan what so how does the movie end well ego is gonna show Peter another PowerPoint presentation about how he banged a bunch of aliens kind of inappropriate yeah and then mantis is gonna reveal that he's been killing all his children because they didn't hold the celestial gene so she's kind of complicit in that cuz clearly she knew it was wrong to be killing kids yeah for sure but I think people are gonna like her anyway it's gonna be tough to get people to like a character that's complicit in wide-scale child murders actually super easy barely an inconvenience what do you mean well she's gonna act super innocent and adorable Oh cute yeah she's even gonna join the guardians at the end of the film that is so sweet I don't even care about those dead kids anymore nobody will Wow so anyway ego needs Peter celestial genes to move his plan of expansion across the universe forward and Peter is into it but then ego admits that he killed Peter's mom why does he do that well cuz I needed Peter to find out somehow and so having ego just say it unprompted felt like an easy way to do that fair enough so then Peter is devastated and he wants to kill ego yeah I get it I mean finding out that his dad killed his mom that's gonna be a dark moment you'd think so but then egos gonna turn into David Hasselhoff undercutting emotional scenes with silliness is our bread and butter yeah feeling emotion sucks also I like that finding out a key fact about his mom's death is what drives the climax yeah I think it might be a first for Marvel if I'm not mistaken yeah I think it is I mean other than Iron Man and Captain America Civil War maybe because it's so recent people won't notice maybe so anyway then everyone's gonna join together in defeat ego wow how did they manage that they destroy his brain okay but the fight takes place on a planet that is him yeah he shouldn't really be able to lose doesn't sound like he should but it's not like anyone's gonna really look into the science of this you know it's just for fun right it's a movie with superpowers and talking raccoons you'd have to be a real killjoy too check if the science works so what's the movie about well it takes place a couple of months after Civil War okay so Tony Stark has just made a big deal about superheroes having to be responsible exactly so at the beginning of this movie Tony leaves a weaponized Spider suit with a high-school student and then doesn't take his calls oh very cool yeah and it's equipped with a ton of crazy stuff there's a bunch of web modes of recon drone glider wings web grenades even an instant kill mode that kind of turns on by itself and Tony just leaves that in the hands of a teenager well he left a software block on the crazier stuff oh so it's impossible for Peter to access those modes actually super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah well Peters friend Ned from high school hacks into the suit and just unblocks everything Oh hacking they also take a tracker out so Tony and happy can't see where he goes so start technologies like the best in the world this Ned guy must be really smart he's not I mean I guess technically he is but we're gonna play him as really dumb Oh whoo interesting yeah like in the first part of the movie he keeps loudly asking Peter super sensitive questions oh that's dumb yeah you think that would be a no-brainer for anyone right and he's able to hack stark tech he is so peter has access to a bunch of functionalities interesting yeah and it was really fun to write because whenever I didn't know how to solve a problem in a scene I was like oh well maybe the Starks suit has a mode to solve this that's smart yeah and when that didn't work I just have iron man swoop in and save the day people like Iron Man they do oh that reminds me the suit has a Jarvis interface so we might have to get Paul Bettany back if possible oh actually we can't do that how come well he's transformed into vision now oh that's right I can see if his wife is available Jennifer Connelly yeah perfect great so does this movie have the villain cuz I'd like to start casting ASAP it does he's called the vulture the vulture so kind of like he's like a bird man a bird man okay I can work with that that'll help awesome so what's his deal well he was hired to clean up a Lee and des Brees after the invasion in the first Avengers movie interesting tying it together yeah but then he was fired so he became a supervillain to support his family just a 180 like that yeah pretty much immediately so he and his crew start stealing alien debris Xand used them to make super it's oh you think the government would be keeping really close watch on that stuff you think so but we jumped forward eight years in time and vultures doing great no problems at all Wow yeah and it's like they're not even being that secretive about it no no they're just selling to like run-of-the-mill criminals for robberies and stuff just anyone it seems that way plus one of the guys likes to demo them and open spaces at another point they're literally on the news and nobody's looking too deeply into this not really no but spider-man decides to oh he does does he yeah and it's gonna lead to some pretty crazy action like we're really stepping things up from the older spider-man movies I'm listening so you know the amazing spider-man 2 there's Peter's love interest falling from high up inside a tower yeah well in this movie we're gonna have Peter's love interest falling from high up inside a tower except now that tower is the Washington Monument hmm what's wrong I think that's a mistake it is yeah I do I think the Washington Monument is technically an obelisk now the tower oh but you like the idea oh yeah no I love the idea love interest falling from high up that's amazing great and we're also gonna do the Jesus thing from spider-man to Jesus thing you know when Tobey Maguire is trying to stop a train with some webs and it looks like he's gonna poop oh yeah yeah so basically that but with a fairy that gets cut in half how does he manage to get the fairy back together well they're gonna think of a way for the suit to take care of it so Ironman swoops in and saves the day gotcha that's a good system right it made this so easy to write so what's the climax of the movie oh so happy Hogan is having a bunch of super dangerous and valuable stuff shipped for Tony he does that even though there's this big bad guy flying around stealing dangerous and valuable stuff yes he does so I guess he's gonna have some pretty crazy security on that shipment no he puts it on a plane and sets the plane to autopilot that's it oh it's invisible does that help no how did the vulture and his team learn so much about the plans to ship this stuff oh we're not gonna explain that oh that's a gutsy move because some people might consider that lazy writing but I know you're just trying to keep some mystery I like it yes because of the mystery that's why I did that and how does the movie end well Tony had taken Peters suit away because he went after the vulture which was reckless right and at the end he offers him a new suit because he went after the vulture which was brave okay so spider-man ends the movie with an even better suit actually no that's a pretty big moment go on Tony offers him this amazing iron spider suit but he's like no thing oh wow yeah it's a huge character moment I like that right it sends the message of like I don't need Iron Man exactly by not taking the suit it's like I am my own person yeah and I think the decision to not get in the suit is really gonna define the character moving forward I love it okay so tell me about this Thor script right so it's called Ragnarok bless you know Ragnarok basically means the apocalypse on Asgard Oh what's wrong it's just that it sounds pretty dark and we're looking for kind of a lighter tone here oh no this is a straight-up comedy it is yeah literally any moment that could potentially be a little dramatic is either turned into or followed by a joke so you can't really take anything seriously at all not really no perfect cuz we have a comedy director we really want to work with on this who's that take away TT bless you that's not nevermind oh so tell me about the new direction you're taking the Thor character in right so what I did was take Chris Hemsworth from Thor okay then I took Chris Hemsworth from Ghostbusters right and I kind of just squished them into one character amazing so he's a lot dumber now oh yeah he's a lot dumber like the movie starts with him talking to a skeleton Oh like as a joke kind of but there's also nobody else around so it's like who's he doing this bit for so it just comes across as dumb exactly so it's like either Thor is very stupid or it's a really lazy joke that doesn't actually make sense in the scene it's not the second one is it so listen before we get too deep into the story we do have to address a big plot thread from the last Thor movie Loki yeah he's impersonating his father and ruling Asgard I imagine it's gonna be pretty hard for Thor to deal with actually super easy barely an inconvenience Oh what happens well Thor gets back to Asgard and he figures it out that's like the first thing he does taken care of just like that so tell me about the story right so the main villain in the movie is called hella and she's the goddess of death okay now the main complaint about our movies is that the villains are kind of flat and one-dimensional so what's hell is deal oh you're gonna like this basically Hellas deal is that she is evil oh that's good yeah she's like super evil very very evil sounds like the perfect villain yeah she wants to take over Asgard so she does she does that very evil and she's really strong so she does it pretty easily too like she kills Thor's best friends like it was nothing oh but Thor's gonna be devastated you'd think so but we're never gonna seem real to it or like even find out because that would be dramatic yeah I really can't overstate how much potential drama we're gonna avoid here that's what we want like in the middle of the spaceship battle they're gonna talk about orgy straight Thor's whole relationship with Jane is like a throwaway joke now oh she was important too yes super important Wow also Bruce Banner probably dies but it's like really funny wait Bruce Banner is in this oh yeah I didn't tell you the Hulk is like a big part of this movie interesting yeah but instead of being a scary monster now he's like a moody baby a moody baby I love it yeah he talks like one and everything hey that's what the people asked for is it I have no idea maybe anyway thorns up on a gladiator planet and most of the movie is them trying to leave with Valkyrie who's Valkyrie oh she's actually from Asgard and she's fought hella before and she's on the gladiator planet too yeah she's the one who picks floor up when he lands there that sounds pretty convenient oh it's super convenient yes so they go back to Asgard then they get a demon thing to blow the whole place up and that's that's it that's it can I see that sure ain't cute most of these pages are empty yeah well when I was writing they were playing a whose line is in any way Marathon on TV so I got a little distracted great show but it got me thinking why don't we just let the actors come up with a lot of this stuff and just kind of end every scene with Thor getting zapped unconscious Oh improv I love it yeah and it should be fun too cuz you know how most movies have like one character that's the comic relief to break the tension hey that's gonna be like every single character in this movie everybody yeah like there's a character who's a pile of rocks funniest guy in the film hey there's a page here that just says Goldblum oh yeah there's a character called Grandmaster that I didn't really know how to develop oh so you want me to get Jeff Goldblum to come be Jeff Goldblum yeah I figured that would take care of that that's smart I'll see what I can do also you'll see there's a page in there that just says the word cameo yep I just thought it'd be really fun to have a super super famous person show up for like no reason at all for no reason at all exactly so people in the audience will be like hey isn't that why is he why is he in this I know just the guy to call awesome so you have a new script for me yes sir I do and this one's all about black panther oh very cool yeah so what other Avengers are in it oh uh none none it's just Black Panther oh no no we don't do that anymore what do you mean if you're doing a solo Marvel movie you need more than one superhero in there like how Iron Man was in spider-man homecoming or how guardians is about a team of space heroes or how we put everyone in Captain America Civil War it's just how we sell things now well what about dr. strange yes he that didn't even make it into our top 10 highest-grossing movies so yeah we kind of thought it would sell itself because of the star power of blemish combobox right well I'd still like to give it a try you think a chadwick boseman LED movie is gonna do better than one led by Bernadette Kamber bench I think it could this is Barnacle clamper snatch we're talking here okay you're not even trying to say his name right anymore are you yeah no I stopped trying listen I think if this movie tells a good story it could do pretty well all right so what's the story well the child goes home to Wakanda now that his dad is dead and he's the Black Panther oh and Captain America and Bucky are there no they're not you have to mention them we showed them there at the end of Civil War seriously mm-hmm okay I'll throw Bucky in a post-credits scene I guess yes awesome so we're good now oh yeah now we're gonna be able to sell this movie really yeah now we had that Sebastian stand star power so we're good well great so anyway for T'Challa 's coronation where he becomes black panther he has to drink this thing that takes away his Black Panther powers wait he already has the powers yeah he had them in Civil War right but we're saying he's about to become Black Panther because his dad died that's right and to do that they have to make him not black panther anymore how does that work yeah we're not really gonna explain that in the movie oh but we will explain it in a black panther prelude comics so with fans want to know more they can pay me money exactly money is tight oh are you having money problems no what you said money was tight it is tight okay so anyway to chela has to go through this ceremony where people can try to kill him if they want to be king whoa yeah they don't mess around in Wakanda you think is the most advanced nation in the world they'd have figured out a way to move past bloodlines and death fights well it's tradition so what are you gonna do try not to die I guess yeah but other than death fights wakanda's a pretty cool place oh yeah yeah they have a bunch of awesome stuff like vibranium weapons and cool ships and super crazy technology very cool also war rhinos did you say war rhinos yeah war rhinos what does that even mean war rhinos like you know renown sources of war if they have vibranium weapons why do they need rhinos that's actually a good question let me check here I think I have an explanation yeah because it's awesome it sounds kind of silly it's awesome yeah but they K look I didn't want to have to do this but if you don't let me put war rhinos in this movie I'm gonna go on a tweet storm of infinity war spoilers so help me God you wouldn't I want those rhinos okay look at me put the phone down we'll put the rhinos in the movie great thanks so what else happens well there's this dude named Klaus stole a bunch of vibranium from Wakanda back in the day and killed a bunch of people and then never aged okay and we see him into this guy kill monger steal an artifact from a museum that nobody knew was actually made of vibranium how come they know it's made of vibranium because okay and so claw goes to Korea to sell this vibranium to an American buyer we're just kill monger go oh well he goes away for a good chunk of the movie mysterious so the wakandans find out about this deal and they see it as their chance to finally capture Klaus oh yeah get some sweet justice right and this guy what cobby's parents were killed by claude back in the day so T'Challa tells him my man I'm definitely gonna capture this guy for you you have my word I promise this is gonna happen I'm gonna do this for you I swear to God so that's obviously not gonna work out yeah no it doesn't work out what happens well they do capture Klaw but then kill monger shows up and helps him escape Wow kill mongers back yeah it turns out he had his own evil plan going on this whole time oh what's he planning his plan is to kill Klaw and bring him to Wakanda to show that he's better than T'Challa and I imagine it's gonna be hard for him to get into Wakanda no actually super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he's just gonna kind of walk in and then immediately run into a copy oh that is convenient yeah I mean the very first person he runs into is the one that would have the most emotional response to seeing claws body so that works out well for him but I guess T'Challa can just diffuse the whole situation by explaining what happened you'd think so like hey we'll copy we did capture Klaw but this guy kill monger attacked the holding cell with explosives right that would defuse things yeah for sure anyway he doesn't do that oh okay and as it turns out kill monger is two challahs cousin and his dad was killed by two chalice dad oh so he challenges into a death fight and throws him off waterfall whoa and so kill monger becomes King and he wants to send vibranium throughout the world to help oppressed people rise up boy hold on what are you doing what's up they're kind of developing this villain a lot yeah I guess well that's not really what we do here right but maybe we could you know try that you're crazy man all right well we'll give it a shot you're nuts so anyway T'Challa was being kept alive by this tribe called the Jabari and so he's like hey help us come reclaim the throne and they're like no harsh yeah and then T'Challa goes back and there's a huge fight between everyone very cool and right when it seems like everything's gonna go wrong the Jabari tribe shows up to help oh good thing they suddenly change their mind at the exact right moment yeah it's a pretty sudden and great change of heart with millisecond precise timing and how does it end well then T'Challa and kill mugger have a CGI cat fight and kill Munger dies wait are you saying there's a final fight full of CGI where the hero fights a bad guy who with similar powers yeah I guess so now that is a Marvel third act I love it so you think it'll do well well we kind of have to make this movie to set up infinity war but based on what you've told me no I don't think it's gonna do well at all so you have that Avengers infinity war script for me yes sir I do and this one's all about a guy named Thanos who's trying to gather infinity stone oh what's he like well let's just say if Bruce Willis was a Pokemon this is probably what he devolve into who's scary yeah this movie's gonna get real dark sounds like stuff is getting serious oh yeah I mean you'll still have time for a quick light-hearted Ben & Jerry's commercial right Oh Ben & Jerry's yeah for sure okay great cuz I already cashed that check I actually threw in a fair amount of jokes to balance out the darker moments keeping that Marvel vibe to it what kind of jokes are we talking well I had this idea that maybe some characters call other ones by names that aren't their real names right right and so yeah that'll be a lot of the jokes I'm not sure I get it well like Tony calls this bad guy epidemis Squidward okay yeah I guess that's funny and Thor calls rocket rabbit yeah okay he's not a rabbit and Tony called star-lord mister Lord aha and he also calls him Flash Gordon right and Thor calls group tree all that character says is his own name in star-lord calls thanos grimace so you're like really leaning into this name thing and spider-man's gonna think that dr. strange is a made-up name are people gonna notice that so many of the jokes are based on character names I don't think so unless some jerk on the internet points it out well okay then so tell me more about that oh you mean Pokemon Bruce Willis please stop making name jokes that's not his real name that's not his real name yeah I get the joke well Pokemon Bruce Willis thinks that there aren't enough resources to go around so he wants to destroy half of all life in the universe oh wow does that include like plants and animals and I don't know probably not because those are natural resources what if there are planets where there are just plants and animals I don't know maybe half of them died in those cases what if there's a planet where there's like a million animals and and one dude I don't know what half the animals died or would have that dude died I don't know what his left side just go limp or something I mean I'm hoping people don't think about fan OSes plan this much it's just something he wants to do real bad okay it's more of us shut your brain off and enjoy kind of thing done and done anyway gamora's like well Thanos can't get the soul stone cuz I'm the only one who knows where it is okay so she goes into hiding no she goes directly to him what I mean she tells star-lord to kill her if Thanos manages to grab her still that seems pretty irresponsible oh yeah very much so huh and Thanos has the reality stone so he easily grabs Gamora from the guardians what does he use the reality stone for more bubbles than you'd expect Oh bubbles are tight but essentially he can make whatever he wants become reality so like Drax and mantas turn into slinkys and stuff well that's game over right if he could turn everyone into slinkys that that's game over yeah he can literally alter reality Wow but he's not really gonna do it that much oh why not because fair enough yeah so as Doctor Strange gonna use the time stone to save the day like at the end of his movie no he's not how come because fair enough yeah here's the thing based on the powers we've established for everybody there's probably a lot of ways they could bring down Thanos yeah it feels like fans are gonna point all of those out online that's right and that's why I included a scene I like to call shut the hell up everyone oh I like the sound of that what is it we're gonna have Doctor Strange look into the future and say that out of 14 million outcomes he only sees them winning one oh very smart yes so anytime someone online tries to criticize the movie somebody else will chime in like well it probably had to happen that way cuz that's the only way strange saw them winning exactly shut the hell up everyone there you go so what else happens in the movie well some of the characters blast a hole in a ship in ebony ma goes flying out into space so then he flies back like Mary Poppins now I thought of that but then I was like this isn't Star Wars bummer sorry so what do they do about the hole in the spaceship well Ironman closes it up because he has this cool new thing where his suit is like basically magic oh it is yeah it fixes up holes in spaceships and morphs into whatever he needs in any given situation and it closes up massive stab wounds how is that possible nanotechnology yeah but what does that mean exactly I know technology but how exactly did I know technology I don't know okay nanotechnology sounds good yeah so what does some of the other characters do in the movie like what's up with Captain America oh he has a beard now that's it pretty much what about Black Panther he goes yeah Bombay Black Widow she's gonna have this little moment where she's surprised to see that Bruce is back on earth even though he's the one who called them oh well that's sweet she's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist that's progressive right baby what about Winter Soldier he has a new arm and he picks up a raccoon Hawkeye not even in it ant-man yeah I gotta say it feels like a lot of characters are getting sidelined well you asked me to shove 75 main characters in to a single movie as sick bastard huh I did do that I haven't slept since 2015 and I hate you so much hey throw that tyrion lanister dude in there I like him please stop please stop all right so you're gonna have everybody fight a big generic army of bad guys that wouldn't be an Avengers movie without that so what's this army gonna look like well picture what it would look like get venom took over Goro from Mortal Kombat okay so yeah like a million venom Goro's very cool and how did the heroes end up stopping Thanos oh they don't what yeah no he's gonna get all the stones and erase half of all life in the universe but it's gonna be hard to wrap up a movie if the bad guy wins actually super easy barely and oh you're disappearing okay and and you're gone okay that doesn't feel satisfying at all I mean I know you're gonna come back because we have a bunch of other meetings planned and there it is yeah okay that's what I thought so you have a new superhero script for me yes sir I do and it's kind of a sequel to all the movies we've done so far so there's Captain America Iron Man Thor oh yeah Thor's the one where we shot like half his movie and Dutch angles right yeah what was up with that was the tripod broken or something one of the tripod legs was broken that's right I thought so so who else is there well in terms of superheroes there's also Hulk there's spider-man there nope not him what we can't have spider-man in there oh how come well we don't have the rights to the character ah crap that's right yeah so unfortunately we're never ever ever ever ever ever gonna see spider-man in a Marvel Studios movie you all right what's up you had like a weird eye twitch or something you have something in your eye yes there was also a Bell noise or something so what happens in the movie well there's a magic box called the tesseract that's misbehaving and so shield is trying to figure out why and they're trying everything I mean they poke it with a stick and stuff Oh poking it with a stick doesn't help not at all and then a portal opens up and out comes the big scary threat of the movie is it a spooky skeleton nope cuz that'd be scary yeah but it's not a spooky skeleton it's actually Loki Loki from the tilty Thor movie I thought that movie ended with him killing himself by jumping into some kind of spatial abyss yeah he's fine now oh that didn't kill him no and that's something I'd actually really like to start pushing in Marvel movies that nobody ever actually dies that's right I like it so how does he survive well we're barely gonna explain it works for me so then Loki uses a scepter to mind-control Erik Selvig the scientists from the tilty Thor movie and also Hawkeye Hawkeye oh yeah he actually ends up being one of the Avengers what are his superpowers oh he's awesome he shoots arrows very well yeah what else that's that's about it Oh but sometimes the arrows explode and sometimes they have computer viruses he shoots computer virus arrows yes sure I don't know all right so basically Loki wants to use the tesseract to open a portal so his alien army could come through where's he get an alien army when he was floating in space he met this guy named the other who works for this other guy Thanos Thanos yeah we're actually gonna have a mid-credits scene where he shows up oh is he like the upcoming villain or something exactly amazing in six years what anyway so Nick Fury's like uh-oh stuff is crazy I'm gonna move forward with the Avengers initiative and what does that mean exactly it means they're gonna invite Bruce Banner Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to come hang out that's his plan yeah he figures if he could get them all in the same room that'll kind of fix everything huh also Natasha Romanov from Iron Man 2 is there a black widows in this yeah so once again she's gonna be in very tight leather but this time doing even more action scenes oh I bet that's gonna be uncomfortable for her oh yeah I'd say so so what else happens well Loki's gonna get captured by The Avengers but then Thor's gonna show up and try to take him how does Thor get back to earth didn't he destroy the only way back at the end of his film yeah we're barely gonna explain that gotcha well I guess it's good that Thor's there now because they can get Jane Foster to help out why would they do that well her and Erik Selvig are kind of the authorities on portal science so if anyone can help out it's her okay yeah that's a good idea but but instead of doing that they're gonna send her off to an island or something oh yes she's not even in this movie it's more of a let's solve things with punching kind of movie gotcha so anyway Thor and Iron Man and Captain America get into a fight over Loki and so he escapes no he just kind of stands around and waits for them to finish up Oh doesn't that make them suspicious that means he clearly wants to get captured yeah but they still bring him on to the Helicarrier thing huh so then it turns out that Loki's plan is to turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk oh well I guess Bruce wouldn't be stupid enough to get on an airplane if there was any danger of him turning well to be fair shield didn't tell him he was gonna be on a plane what why cuz it was a fun little surprise they were like guess what this boats actually a plane whoa that seems wildly irresponsible oh yeah huh and then Loki kills this agent Phil Coulson oh but you said people don't actually die yeah no I was thinking he could come back for like a spin-off TV show or something I love it so now that Agent Coulson is dead they have something to avenge and so they become the Avengers that's right the awesome thing about that is that that's the title of the movie and so then a generic alien army come through the portal and the Avengers punch them for 30 minutes punching is tight yeah and then shield is like let's nuke the city what they immediately resort to nukes I don't know seems drastic oh yeah so then Tony takes the nuke into space and blows up the mothership which he knew was there for some reason amazing and so then all the aliens die all at once why will the ship blew up why does that affect them because okay and so yeah but the portal is still open right is that gonna be hard to close down no actually super easy in inconvenience what do you mean yeah well when Erik Selvig was like totally brainwashed he built in a fail-safe so they just have to poke it with Loki's scepter how did he manage to do that if he was totally brainwashed oh we're not gonna explain that huh so what do you think well it sounds really cool yeah but I think that this many superheroes is kind of crazy yeah I guess kind of so in future Marvel movies let's maybe not go so nuts on the characters absolutely we'll tone it down a notch so you have a new Avengers script for me yes sir I do and this one starts off with the Avengers doing some super awesome murders oh it does yeah it's gonna be like 10 solid minutes of the Avengers murdering and cracking jokes and murdering and cracking jokes that is so cool yeah and how are the Avengers getting along without Tony oh well he's right there with them didn't any kind of retire at the end of Iron Man 3 yeah that's right so what explanation are we giving for his return none whatsoever huh so what's the movie about well it's called age of Ultron Oh age of Ultron so this takes place over several years yeah no just a couple of days oh do you know what the word age means I do not I do not it's a tough word yes sounds cool though age of Ultron it does sound cool so anyway using Loki's scepter Ironman wants to create an AI called Ultron that can achieve peace in our time oh that's nice yeah but then Ultron understands his purpose as oh I need to murder everyone whoopsie so Ultron attacks the Avengers while they're getting drunk and then escapes through the internet he escapes through the internet yes so now he has access to every system on earth except news oh that's cool so what's his plan is he gonna like take down the electrical grid nope something with the water supply uh uh air traffic control no all of the Avengers super advanced technology no those sound like good ideas but what he really plans on doing is making a city fly and throwing it down to earth oh you think a genius AI would be able to think of a better plan than that you'd think so but he's really into the city throwing idea interesting so anyway Ultron is this super scary super intimidating robot you should have him crack jokes like Loki what people loved Loki yeah but why would a robot crack jokes so he could be more like Loki okay but people loved Loki oh is this so you can sell Ultron toys to kids maybe we sold a lot of Loki toys why didn't you say so the movies already a big commercial anyway I love you so much oh stop what kind of commercials are we talking well for example the Hulk listens to music to calm down right okay on his wireless beats by dre headphones oh awesome that's a product or like Hawkeye and Black Widow drive around right yeah in a brand new state-of-the-art outtie that's amazing that's a product we also find out what Iron Man likes to wear under his armor uh-huh any idea what brand he wears under his armor no idea he wears Under Armour under his armor you just blew my mind that's a product and the movies not just a commercial for products it's also a commercial for movies what other movies are future movies how'd you do that well we're introducing this character named Scarlet Witch that gives people visions okay and so she gives Thor a vision that's a setup for Thor 3 Wow and she gives Tony a vision that's a setup for Avengers 3 I love it so what else happens in the movie well after the witch gives people a bunch of visions she makes the Hulk go crazy and so Tony has to stop him how does he manage that he developed this new super powerful Hulkbuster armor and so they just destroy a bunch of buildings Oh Tony has a suit upgrade high but that'll come in handy against Ultron yeah no he's only gonna use it once Oh so anyway then they all go hide out with Hawkeye's family what happens there well the Tasha and Bruce have a long conversation about how they should have showered together what yeah they're in love now oh they are yeah I decided that would be a thing cute and then Thor pieces out because he had a bad dream and then Nick Fury secretly hides out in a barn to surprise Tony even though he meets with everyone minutes later and had no reason to hide dramatic entrance I guess yeah let's go with that and what his Thor go often do he goes to take a bath with Erik Selvig Oh kinky no he jumps into a dream puddle and learns about Infinity stones oh is that a commercial commercial for an upcoming movie that's right I love it so anyway Ultron tries to put himself in a body type thing but then the Avenger steal it oh they do yeah and then Tony convinces Bruce that they have to do the exact same thing they did with Ultron again he wants them to redo the thing that created a death robot that's right God is it gonna be hard to convince Bruce to do it no super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he basically says that they're both monsters and for some reason that convinces him that was easy anyway so they do the thing again but this time Thor hits it with some lightning and that creates a really nice dude named vision somehow it crazy how science works isn't it yeah I literally don't understand it me neither also Ultron is gonna kidnap Black Widow he's gonna kidnap her why wouldn't he just kill her I don't know I guess to lure the Avengers over wouldn't they have gone anyway if Ultron is lifting a city into the sky yeah you'd hope so so how does the movie end well you know how in the first Avengers we had them fighting like a generic army of aliens yeah well this time we're gonna switch things up a bit oh yeah now it's gonna be a generic army of robots very cool also one of the Avengers is gonna die what which one Quicksilver oh I don't even know who that is yeah we only introduced him in this movie I'm not sure that he's actually an Avenger how does he die well Hawkeye is about to get shot so Quicksilver uses his super speed to stand in front of the bullets he has super speed that's right why doesn't he use that to get them out of the way instead of stepping in front of bullets I don't know plus there's a huge scene earlier where he moves a bunch of people out of the way of a moving train so he dies yeah and also Tony Thor and vision are all hitting Ultron at the same time and he starts to die amazing and then they all stop and let him get away why I don't know but Scarlet Witch kills him later well good and then in a mid credit scene we're gonna have fan o show up Oh what does he do he puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and he's like fine I'll do it myself what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones was Ultron trying to get him Infinity stones nope so what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones but that line doesn't make sense in the context of this movie yeah but he wants them but what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones never mind anyway so Tony retires from being Iron Man again oh but he'll be back right no this time he's retiring for real he's never putting that suit on again [Music] so you're here to talk about ant-man yes sir I am cool so uh do you need your parking validated or something what make sure you pull on the door on your way out because it looks like a push but it's actually a pull don't you want me to pitch to you oh you're you're not leaving I wasn't planning on it Wow well awesome we had a lot of people leave the project so I just kind of assumed Wow bummer yeah so you know please don't leave me you're my last hope sounds good please okay so what's the story about well you know how in the first Iron Man movie there's a character that develops a super suit and then he's like oh this is too powerful to get out but then a corporate bad guy from the same company wants to sell it and then makes his own evil version of the suit and so you end up with a big final fight of nice guys super suit versus evil guys super suit yeah so what I'd like to do is that well if it ain't broke you know keep doing it till it stops making money that's what I figured so tell me about the characters well first of all there's hank pym he's the one that invented the shrinking technology and he used to be ant-man how was that technology gonna work and consistently oh yeah we're gonna say that it reduces the space between atoms so objects keep their mass but then we're gonna do a bunch of stuff that contradicts that so so will sometimes ant-man is gonna have the mass and force of a full-grown man but other times he'll be light enough to run on a gun barrel or ride an ant and Hank Pym is gonna have an actual tank as a keychain which should weigh about 60 tons why so inconsistent well I wanted to do certain things cuz they would look cool but then I was like oh those totally break the rules that I myself established in the script yeah but then I was like I don't care and you did it anyway and I did it anyway the rule of cool strikes again yeah so anyway Hank wants this guy Scott to become ant-man and save the world cuz he can't do it himself anymore Scott yeah he's this guy that's just getting out of jail why does Hank want him well Scott's an amazing feat like the stuff of legends when it comes to stealing why was he in jail Oh cuz he got caught stealing doesn't doesn't sound like he's that good at it yeah I guess not in fact he's gonna fail pretty much any time he tries to steal something in the movie strange choice of a guy to save the world I guess so so what does Scott say when Hank asks him oh well he doesn't ask him directly oh he doesn't no instead he sets up a super elaborate series of events that could go wrong in a thousand different ways just so that maybe Scott could steal the suit why didn't he just ask him he wanted to see if he'd be able to break into a safe gonna just ask him yeah but this way is more fun this Hank guy is playing around a lot for someone who wants to save the world oh yeah huh anyway Scott was in jail for about five years so now he wants to make money so he could pay child support and see his daughter how old is his daughter she's like six or seven so he went to jail for stealing when he had a one or two year old baby at home that's right I gotta say hank pym is putting a lot of faith in this super sketchy dude yeah well he says everyone deserves a second chance yeah but should your second chance out of jail have saved the world level stakes probably not so who else is in the movie well there's Hanks daughter hope that he keeps secrets from for no valid reason huh and she's gonna fall in love with Scott because they're both attractive and is there a villain in the movie oh yeah we've got this villain Darrin cross and he is evil so what's his deal I just told you oh yeah just like a generic evil guy you know that's what I'm talking about so he wants to sell this yellowjacket suit to some evil military types right like an Iron Man but one of them's not super interested so cross is gonna use his incomplete shrink tech to turn him into a tiny pile of goo and flush him down a toilet Jesus why doesn't he try selling that as a weapon that's horrifying he doesn't think of that I guess now I hate to do this but is there a way we could kind of tie this movie in with the Avengers oh yeah super easy barely an inconvenience oh yeah yeah I'll just add like a little side quest where ant-man has to go get a thing and he'll end up fighting an Avenger I love it what Avenger did you have in mind well Iron Man would be cool yeah if you want to double the movies budget Oh does Robert Downey jr. cost a lot you're damn right he does that guy's contracts basically drain money from our bank accounts oh wow did you know that according to his last contract we have to pay him every time he uses our bathrooms I didn't know that every time he poops in this building it costs us a thousand bucks geez yeah I mean it's not that bad of a deal yeah it's kind of a steal when you think about it so anyway how does the movie end well Darrin Cross is gonna end up figuring out the shrink tech and finishing his suit uh-oh so the team is gonna try to steal the technology from him and it's gonna end in this big fight between him and Scott and their little super suits how's that gonna go well despite having no training and never having been in the soup before cross is gonna be like an expert fighter Wow and then Scott's gonna go subatomic to kill a subatomic yeah like smaller than an atom but you said the technology works by bringing atoms closer together yeah whatever okay and then Scott's gonna be partnered for all the illegal stuff he did and he's gonna dedicate himself to his family yeah I guess he's not gonna want to do anything that would jeopardize being able to see his daughter that's the last thing he'd do so you have that new Captain America script for me yes sir I do now I should inform you there's a rumor going around Hollywood right now oh what's that apparently this year everybody's gonna be making movies about heroes fighting heroes there's gonna be Batman vs. Superman in transformers they're gonna fight Optimus in the new fast and furious they're gonna fight Dom Wow it sounds like everybody's gonna be doing the same kind of crap this year yeah sounds that way so I figured we would - great it's gonna be called Captain America Civil War what's that gonna be like it's gonna be like if a kid took out all his superhero toys and just started smashing them together sounds awesome yes so we're gonna have the government be mad at the Avengers about all the damage caused in sokovia and Washington DC in New York City wait didn't the government tried to nuke New York City they did and nobody's gonna bring that up no no okay so anyway they want the Avengers to sign the sokovia accords that would give them all government oversight and kind of keep them in check so Tony and some others are like yeah but Captain America and some others are like no the conflict is brewing yeah it's pretty serious it's like the Avengers are being torn up from the inside Wow so there's no need for a villain well no there is a villain what does he want for the Avengers to be torn up from the inside huh his name is emo and his family was killed in sokovia so he's gonna do like all kinds of crazy stuff like he's gonna bomb the United Nations and frame Bucky for it Wow yeah and that's gonna kill the king of Wakanda so Black Panther is gonna want to kill Bucky too Oh Black Panther is in this yeah Wow there is a lot going on oh yeah the movies gonna be super stuffed so like half the movie is gonna be setting up future movies at least I love it and we're also gonna have this huge fight at an airport that's gonna involve sorry just a second hello really we did well that's great news ya know we'll put them in there for sure thank you what's up okay so I just got word that we can now use spider-man in the MCU oh wow that's amazing right so let's shove him in there somehow in civil war yeah we could have Tony recruit him onto his team for that Airport fight do you think people are gonna mind that that doesn't make much sense what do you mean well Tony's whole thing in this movie is about superheroes being more responsible right so we probably shouldn't have him recruit an untrained child and throw them into a fight with the world's most powerful heroes and put him in mortal danger okay yeah no I see what you're saying it doesn't make too much sense but also look at it this way it's spider-man no yeah that's a good point people love spider-man they do oh and I'm gonna get somebody really hot to play Aunt May really to play Aunt May yeah well I mean what two words come to mind when you think of the character Aunt May I don't know old lis sex symbol exactly that's okay hey while we're at it let's throw ant-man in here how would we do that just toss them onto Captain America's Team wasn't his whole movie about not wanting to go to jail and jeopardize things with his daughter yeah pretty much but we're gonna have him jump onto the site of international fugitives no questions asked that's exactly right okay hey toss Hawkeye in there too but he retired to be with his family yeah but here's the thing about that though I don't care gotcha I mean if we're gonna over stuff this movie let's go all out yeah no fair enough so what happens at this Airport fight well I figure we just give every character a couple of one-liner jokes maybe one or two fight scenes each and call it a day sounds like a classic Marvel fight but I was thinking because you know somebody should get hurt during a fight with the world's most powerful heroes that maybe we kill war machine at the end no no no no none of that things having consequences business okay can he be injured maybe it just feels like something should happen fine he can get hurt but he has to be in recovery at the end of the movie thank you but that's it though no more consequences I promise nothing else will have much impact on anything at all good so how does it end well you know that bad guy I mentioned earlier yeah well he's gonna have this thing where other than a minor hiccup at the beginning everything's just gonna kind of go his way what do you mean okay so because Natasha released some Hydra files he knows that something happened in 1991 involving the Winter Soldier so he tries to find out what it is by interrogating this Hydra dude but it doesn't work the hiccup right but from that point on everything's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience I'm listening so he decides he needs to interrogate Bucky himself but Bucky is in hiding so he bombs the United Nations and frames Bucky to kind of flush him out when it being framed just send him deeper into hiding you'd think so but it works almost immediately oh wow yeah so then Zemo kills a psychiatrist that's supposed to interview Bucky and takes his place isn't anyone familiar with the psychiatrist they hired or at the very least nobody looks like you'd think so but luckily for Zemo apparently nobody does okay then he finds out what the 1991 thing was and luckily for him and involves the Winter Soldier and Tony's parents that's convenient very and then luckily for him Captain America decides to go against everybody and somehow he and Bucky managed to escape together hmm then luckily for Zemo everybody follows him to Siberia and there's an actual video tape of Bucky killing Tony's parents in 1991 because luckily for him there was a security camera in that exact spot in the middle of a forest Road and for some reason Hydra decided to keep it in their records and then Tony seized it and luckily for him even though Tony now knows that the Winter Soldier was brainwashed and framed and not actually responsible he immediately loses his mind and tries to kill both Bucky and cap wow that's all super lucky so then there's a fight but at the last minute cap doesn't kill Tony you're damn right he doesn't so then they're like well we're not friends anymore but also we're still friends and call me any time I love it you think it's gonna do well well I'm looking at this as kind of a test what do you mean I have this theory that's stuffing more and more characters into our movies translates to more money at the box office interesting yeah and so if this movie does well we can just go crazy with it fingers crossed [Music] so you have a Doctor Strange script for me yes sir I do great I'm really excited about this one I actually already have some actors interested oh yeah who Benedict Cumberbatch chiwetel ejiofor in meds Nicholson are those the names of people yeah it sounds like you punched a keyboard no they're people if you say so so what happens in the movie well we're gonna meet dr. strange and he's like a super rich surgeon that walks around like boy it sure is good to have hands that work and what's his character like he's like a Tony Stark type Oh without the the charm or the humor so just an unlikable jerk then very much so does he have any redeeming qualities yeah he he um no he's he's just a jerk gotcha so anyway he's gonna crash his fancy car cuz he was checking his phone and that's gonna lead to the whole plot of the movie wow that's a pretty powerful message for kids and teens yeah that's true you shouldn't use your phone while driving but if you do you'll get to become a superhero oh no that's not really what I will get to join the Avengers and become a wizard I'm not really going for that message though just be mean to everyone and drive recklessly you'll learn magic okay so anyway the accident is gonna mess up his hands and so he's gonna become even more unlikable okay so then this guy tells them about these people that helped him heal himself spiritually so Doctor Strange is like awesome that does sound awesome so Doctor Strange goes to see these people and they're like we can help you heal yourself and he's like you guys are some goddamn Liars up in here kind of did a 180 on that one yeah and this dude Mordo was like forget everything you know and then dr. strange forgets how to breathe and he dies no that doesn't happen okay so he doesn't forget everything no he remembers how to breathe say that then okay so anyway then this character called the ancient one punches a ghost out of his chest and then sends him into an iTunes visualizer so then he believes in all the stuff so then he believes in all the stuff Wow and then characters are gonna explain magic to him for about an hour and is there a bad guy in this movie yeah there's this evil sorcerer named Cassie Leah so an evil sorcerer like Voldemort no no he's nothing like Voldemort oh no he's just a super powerful magical antagonist with a weird name they went to the same school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the protagonist and has an intense obsession with immortality that sounds like Voldemort no this guy has a nose oh he has a nose okay that doesn't sound like Voldemort at all Baltimore doesn't have a nose there you go so what's this guy's plan well he wants to open the dark demand and let in this evil being named Dormammu okay so he steals some pages from this magic book that let him do that why doesn't he just take the whole book well he just needs those pages right but doesn't stealing those specific pages let the good guys know exactly what his plan is it does huh also Doctor Strange is gonna use the rest of the book to learn exactly how to save the day so he really should have taken the whole book yeah we're like made photocopies of the pages he needed this guy's pretty dumb he's not the brightest to know there gonna be some cool fight scene oh yeah mind-blowing fight scenes it's gonna be like some raccoons and bathrobes are chasing dr. strange through a kaleidoscope very cool but I mean this guy's super powerful that's gonna be hard for dr. strange to fight him no super easy barely an inconvenience how so well as he's fighting him he suddenly gets some help from a cape capes are tight yeah this is a cool cape with a feisty personality who does this cape help him fight throughout the rest of the movie well it's gonna help him in that scene and then we're mostly gonna forget about it and he'll just kind of wear it fair enough also Doctor Strange is gonna get stabbed oh is it bad it's bad enough that he's gonna die on an operating table oh my god yeah but then he's gonna get zapped with a defibrillator that's gonna 100% cure it must be a pretty good defibrillator yeah I mean it completely fixes a fatal stab wound so I'd say it's pretty good so how does the movie end well Doctor Strange is gonna go see Dormammu and be like Dormammu I've come to bargain okay and then he's gonna be like Dormammu have come to bargain right and then he's gonna be like Dormammu who I've come to bargain then what does he say or mom who I've come to bargain and then I don't know the script by heart right of course but essentially he traps Dormammu in a time loop until Dormammu decides to leave well good yeah so now Doctor Strange can use the time thing to fix all the problems in the MCU no he can't why not because of vague consequences oh that sounds bad yeah it is maybe so about this ancient one yeah what's the character like in the comics just so I know forecasting the ancient one is like this wise old Tibetan monk oh okay I know just to to get oh yeah yeah tilda swinton she'd be perfect that's not at all what I described yeah well I don't think anyone's gonna mind [Music] so you have a guardians of the galaxy sequel script for me yes sir I do so we're gonna start this one off with the guardians fighting a giant space monster while baby Groot stars in a baby Groot toy commercial I love it when movie scenes are also commercials I know you do so why are they fighting a space monster well these gold people called the sovereign hire them to protect some batteries and they said they couldn't risk losing any of their own people okay but then rocket steals some of the batteries so they chased the Guardians with their fleet of remote-controlled spaceships they have a fleet of remotely controlled spaceships yeah pretty cool right why didn't they use those to fight the space monster what do you mean well if their battle technology specifically designed to not put them in danger why did they hire the guardians in the first place because that works anyway then this dude's two cartels yondu that his funeral is gonna suck oh so yondu is gonna die Oh was it that predictable having a character tell another one about his funeral makes me feel like we're gonna see his funeral we're gonna see his funeral well at least he's not one of the most well-liked characters actually by the end of the movie people are gonna like him a lot he's gonna have this thing where he says that he's Mary Poppins and stuff Oh Mary Poppins is tight no that sounded kind of weird yes soon as I said that it sounded weird so we're actually gonna kill off a well-liked character that's kind of a first for us yeah and it's really gonna come as a surprise cuz all the main characters in this movie are pretty much invincible oh they are yeah they're gonna survive so many things that nothing's gonna feel like a threat anymore what kind of stuff are we talking here I'll just stuff like crashing their ships smashing headfirst into rocks getting crazy beams of whatever go through them violently hitting trees getting struck by monster tentacles being swallowed traveling through space at dangerous speeds seeing literally next to an explosion getting their ship shot thousands of times that's a lot of stuff oh yeah it's gonna feel like a cartoon people like cartoons anyway in this movie we're gonna have Peter meet his dad and he's a celestial being named exposition his name is exposition oh no sorry it's ego I got confused cuz 90% of his lines are exposition Wow yeah so he brings them to his planet which he is and then he shows them a PowerPoint presentation explaining that he banged Peters mom that's kind of weird super weird and so most of the guardians are gonna hang out on ego for a good chunk of the movie what are they gonna do they're not much huh but there is this character mantis who's like egos servant and she's like I to tell you guys something about ego and its really bad oh that's exciting yeah but then she's not gonna tell them for like thirty minutes of screen time while really stretching this out aren't you I am so what else happens in the movie well I also split up the Guardian so I could stretch it out even more smart so rocket and Groot and yondu are being held prisoners by the Ravagers and then yondu was gonna murder them all with his arrow the people that were as allies like two days prior right oh that's so dark no no no there's gonna be cool music playing and it's gonna be slow mountain oh that's so cool yeah it's gonna be a really fun time amazing yeah taking lives while music plays it's gonna be a really big part of this film death is great hail Satan what so how does the movie end well ego is gonna show Peter another PowerPoint presentation about how he banged a bunch of aliens kind of inappropriate yeah and then mantis is gonna reveal that he's been killing all his children cuz they didn't hold the celestial Jean so she's kind of complicit in that cuz clearly she knew it was wrong to be killing kids yeah for sure but I think people are gonna like her anyway it's gonna be tough to get people to like a character that's complicit in wide-scale child murders actually super easy barely an inconvenience what do you mean well she's gonna act super innocent and adorable Oh cute yeah she's even gonna join the guardians at the end of the film that is so sweet I don't even care about those dead kids anymore nobody will Wow so anyway ego needs Peter celestial genes to move his plan of expansion across the universe forward and Peter is into it but then ego admits that he killed Peters mom why does he do that well cuz I needed Peter to find out somehow and so having ego just say it unprompted felt like an easy way to do that fair enough so then Peter is devastated and he wants to kill ego yeah I get it I mean finding out that his dad killed his mom that's gonna be a dark moment you'd think so but then egos gonna turn into David Hasselhoff undercutting emotional scenes with silliness is our bread and butter yeah feeling emotion sucks also I like that finding out a key fact about his mom's death is what drives the climax yeah I think it might be a first for Marvel if I'm not mistaken yeah I think it is I mean other than Iron Man and Captain America Civil War maybe because it's so recent people won't notice maybe so anyway then everyone's gonna join together in defeat ego wow how did they manage that they destroy his brain okay but the fight takes place on a planet that is him yeah he shouldn't really be able to lose doesn't sound like he should but it's not like anyone's gonna really look into the science of this you know it's just for fun right it's a movie with superpowers and talking raccoons you'd have to be a real killjoy check if the science works so what's the movie about well it takes place a couple of months after Civil War okay so Tony Stark has just made a big deal about superheroes having to be responsible exactly so at the beginning of this movie Tony leaves a weaponized Spider suit with a high-school student and then doesn't take his calls oh very cool yeah and it's equipped with a ton of crazy stuff there's a bunch of web modes of recon drone glider wings web grenades even an instant kill mode that kind of turns on by itself and Tony just leaves that in the hands of a teenager well he left a software block on the crazier stuff oh so it's impossible for Peter to access those modes actually super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah well Peters friend Ned from high school hacks into the suit and just unblocks everything Oh hacking they also take a tracker out so Tony and happy can't see where he goes so start technologies like the best in the world this Ned guy must be really smart he's not I mean I guess technically he is but we're gonna play him as really dumb Oh interesting yeah like in the first part of the movie he keeps loudly asking Peter super sensitive questions oh that's dumb yeah you'd think that would be a no-brainer for anyone right and he's able to hack stark tech he is so Peter has access to a bunch of functionalities interesting yeah and it was really fun too right cuz whenever I didn't know how to solve a problem in a scene I was like oh well maybe the Starks suit has a mode to solve this that's smart yeah and when that didn't work I just have iron man swoop in and save the day people like Iron Man they do oh that reminds me the suit has a Jarvis interface so we might have to get Paul Bettany back if possible oh actually we can't do that how come well he's transformed into vision now oh that's right I can see if his wife is available Jennifer Connelly yeah perfect great so does this movie have the villain cuz I'd like to start casting ASAP it does he's called the vulture the vulture so kind of like he's like a bird man a bird man okay I can work with that that'll help awesome so what's his deal well he was hired to clean up a lean-to breeze after the invasion in the first Avengers movie interesting tying it together yeah but then he was fired so he became a super villain to support his family just a 180 like that yeah pretty much immediately so heinous crew starts stealing alien debris Xand used them to make super it's oh you think the government would be keeping really close watch on that stuff you think so but we jumped forward eight years in time and vultures doing great no problems at all Wow yeah and it's like they're not even being that secretive about it no no they're just selling to like run-of-the-mill criminals for robberies and stuff just anyone it seems that way plus one of the guys likes to demo them and open spaces at another point they're literally on the news and nobody's looking too deeply into this not really no but spider-man decides to oh he does does he yeah and it's gonna lead to some pretty crazy action like we're really stepping things up from the older spider-man movies I'm listening so you know in the amazing spider-man 2 there's Peter's love interest falling from high up inside a tower yeah well in this movie we're gonna have Peters love interest falling from high up inside a tower except now that tower is the Washington Monument hmm what's wrong I think that's a mistake it is yeah I do I think the Washington Monument is technically an obelisk not a tower oh but you like the idea oh yeah no I love the idea love interest falling from high up that's amazing great and we're also gonna do the Jesus thing from spider-man to Jesus thing you know when Tobey Maguire is trying to stop a train with some webs and it looks like he's gonna poop oh yeah yeah so basically that but with a fairy that gets cut in half how does he manage to get the fairy back together well it gonna think of a way for the suit to take care of it so Ironman swoops in and saves the day gotcha that's a good system right it made this so easy too right so what's the climax of the movie oh so happy Hogan is having a bunch of super dangerous and valuable stuff shipped for Tony he does that even though there's this big bad guy flying around stealing dangerous and valuable stuff yes he does so I guess he's gonna have some pretty crazy security on that shipment no he puts it on a plane it sets the plane to autopilot that's it oh it's invisible does that help no how did the vulture and his team learn so much about the plans to ship this stuff oh we're not gonna explain that oh that's a gutsy move because some people might consider that lazy writing but I know you're just trying to keep some mystery I like it yes because of the mystery that's why I did that and how does the movie end well Tony had taken Peters suit away because he went after the vulture which was reckless right and at the end he offers him a new suit because he went after the vulture which was brave okay so spider-man ends the movie with an even better suit actually no that's a pretty big moment go on Tony offers him this amazing iron spider suit but he's like no thing oh wow yeah it's a huge character moment I like that right it sends the message of like I don't need Iron Man exactly by not taking the suit it's like I am my own person yeah and I think the decision to not get in the suit is really gonna define the character moving forward I love it okay so tell me about this Thor script right so it's called Ragnarok bless you know Ragnarok basically means the apocalypse on Asgard Oh what's wrong it's just that it sounds pretty dark and we're looking for kind of a lighter tone here oh no this is a straight-up comedy it is yeah literally any moment that could potentially be a little dramatic is either turned into or followed by a joke so you can't really take anything seriously at all not really no perfect cuz we have a comedy director we really want to work with on this who's that take away TT bless you that's not nevermind oh so tell me about the new direction you're taking the Thor character in right so what I did was take Chris Hemsworth from Thor okay then I took Chris Hemsworth from Ghostbusters right and I kind of just squished them into one character amazing so he's a lot dumber now oh yeah he's a lot dumber like the movie starts with him talking to a skeleton Oh like as a joke kind of but there's also nobody else around so it's like who's he doing this bit for so it just comes across as dumb exactly so it's like either Thor is very stupid or it's a really lazy joke that doesn't actually make sense in the scene it's not the second one is it so listen before we get too deep into the story we do have to address a big plot thread from the last Thor movie Loki yeah he's impersonating his father and ruling Asgard I imagine it's gonna be pretty hard for Thor to deal with actually super easy barely an inconvenience Oh what happens well Thor gets back to Asgard and he figures it out that's like the first thing he does taking care of just like that so tell me about the story right so the main villain in the movie is called hella and she's the goddess of death okay now the main complaint about our movies is that the villains are kind of flat and one-dimensional so what's he'll is deal oh you're gonna like this basically Hellas deal is that she is evil oh that's good yeah she's like super evil very very evil sounds like the perfect villain yeah she wants to take over Asgard so she does she does that very evil and she's really strong so she does it pretty easily too like she kills Thor's best friends like it was nothing oh but Thor's gonna be devastated you'd think so but we're never gonna seem real to it or like even find out because that would be dramatic yeah I really can't overstate how much potential drama we're gonna avoid here that's what we want like in the middle of a spaceship battle they're gonna talk about orgy straight force hold relationship with Jane is like a throwaway joke now oh she was important too yes super important Wow also Bruce Banner probably dies but it's like really funny wait Bruce Banner is in this oh yeah I didn't tell you the Hulk is like a big part of this movie interesting yeah but instead of being a scary monster now he's like a moody baby a moody baby I love it yeah he talks like one and everything hey that's what the people ask for is it I have no idea maybe anyway thorns up on a gladiator planet and most of the movie is them trying to leave with Valkyrie who's Valkyrie oh she's actually from Asgard and she's fought hella before and she's on the gladiator planet too yeah she's the one who picks Thor up when he lands there that sounds pretty convenient oh it's super convenient yes so they go back to Asgard then they get a demon thing to blow the whole place up and that's that's it that's it can I see that sure raem cute most of these pages are empty yeah well when I was writing they were playing a whose line is it anyway marathon on TV so I got a little distracted great show but it got me thinking why don't we just let the actors come up with a lot of this stuff and just kind of end every scene with Thor getting zapped unconscious Oh improv I love it yeah and it should be fun too because you know how most movies have like one character that's the comic relief to break the tension hey that's gonna be like every single character in this movie everybody yeah like there's a character who's a pile of rocks funniest guy in the film hey there's a page here that just says Goldblum oh yeah there's a character called Grand Master that I didn't really know how to develop oh so you want me to get Jeff Goldblum to come be Jeff Goldblum yeah I figured that would take care of that that's smart I'll see what I can do also you'll see there's a page in there that just says the word cameo yeah I just thought it'd be really fun to have a super super famous person show up for like no reason at all for no reason at all exactly so people in the audience would be like hey isn't that why is he why is he in this I know just the guy to call awesome so you have a new script for me yes sir I do and this one's all about black panther oh very cool yeah so what other Avengers are in it oh uh none none it's just Black Panther oh no no we don't do that anymore what do you mean if you're doing a solo Marvel movie you need more than one superhero in there like how Iron Man was in spider-man homecoming or how guardians is about a team of space heroes or how we put everyone in Captain America Civil War it's just how we sell things now well what about dr. strange yes he that didn't even make it into our top 10 highest-grossing movies oh yeah we kind of thought it would sell itself because of the star power of blemish combobox right well I'd still like to give it a try you think a chadwick boseman lead movie is gonna do better than one led by Bernadette Kamber bench I think it could this is barnacle clam purse snatch we're talking here okay you're not even trying to say his name right anymore are you yeah no I stopped trying listen I think if this movie tells a good story it could do pretty well alright so what's the story well T'Challa goes home to Wakanda now that his dad is dead and he's the Black Panther oh and Captain America and Bucky are there no they're not you have to mention them we showed them they're at the end of civil war seriously mmm-hmm okay I'll throw Bucky in a post-credits scene I guess yes awesome so we're good now oh yeah now we're gonna be able to sell this movie really yeah now we had that Sebastian stand star power so we're good well great so anyway for T'Challa 's coronation where he becomes Black Panther he has to drink this thing that takes away his Black Panther powers wait he already has the powers yeah he had them in Civil War right but we're saying he's about to become Black Panther because his dad died that's right and to do that they have to make him not black panther anymore how does that work yeah we're not really gonna explain that in the movie oh but we will explain it in a black panther prelude comics so with fans want to know more they can pay me money exactly money is tight oh are you having money problems no what you said money was tight it is tight okay so anyway to chela has to go through this ceremony where people can try to kill him if they want to be king whoa yeah they don't mess around in Wakanda you think is the most advanced nation in the world they'd have figured out a way to move past bloodlines and death fights well it's tradition so what are you gonna do try not to die I guess yeah other than death fights wakanda's a pretty cool place oh yeah yeah they have a bunch of awesome stuff like vibranium weapons and cool ships and super crazy technology very cool also war rhinos did you say war rhinos yeah war rhinos what does that even mean war rhinos like you know renowned sources of war if they have vibranium weapons why do they need rhinos that's actually a good question let me check here I think I have an explanation yeah because it's awesome it sounds kind of silly it's awesome yeah but they K look I didn't want to have to do this but if you don't let me put war rhinos in this movie I'm gonna go on a tweet storm of infinity war spoilers so help me God you wouldn't I want those rhinos okay look at me put the phone down we'll put the rhinos in the movie great thanks so what else happens well there's this dude named Klaw who stole a bunch of vibranium from Wakanda back in the day and killed a bunch of people and then never aged okay and we see him and this guy kill mongers steal an artifact from a museum that nobody knew was actually made of vibranium how come they know it's made of vibranium because okay and so claw goes to Korea to sell this vibranium to an American buyer where does kill Munger go oh well he goes away for a good chunk of the movie mysterious so the wakandans find out about this deal and they see it as their chance to finally capture Klaw oh yeah get some sweet justice right and this guy what cobby's parents were killed by claude back in the day so T'Challa tells him my man I'm definitely gonna capture this guy for you you have my word I promise this is gonna happen I'm gonna do this for you I swear to God so that's obviously not gonna work out ya know it doesn't work out what happens well they do capture Klaw but then kill monger shows up and helps them escape Wow kill mongers back yeah it turns out he had his own evil plan going on this whole time oh what's he planning his plan is to kill Klaw and bring him to Wakanda to show that he's better than T'Challa and I imagine it's gonna be hard for him to get into what Conda no actually super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he's just gonna kind of walk in and then immediately run into what kabhi oh that is convenient yeah I mean the very first person he runs into is the one that would have the most emotional response to seeing Klaus body so that works out well for him but I guess T'Challa can just diffuse the whole situation by explaining what happened you'd think so like hey we'll copy we did capture Klaw but this guy kill monger attacked the holding cell with explosives right that would defuse things yeah for sure anyway he doesn't do that oh okay and as it turns out kill monger is to Challis cousin and his dad was killed by two chalice dad oh so he challenges into a death fight and throws him off waterfall whoa and so kill monger becomes King and he wants to send vibranium throughout the world to help oppressed people rise up boy hold on what are you doing what's up they're kind of developing this villain a lot yeah I guess well that's not really what we do here right but maybe we could you know try that you're crazy man all right well we'll give it a shot you're nuts so anyway two child was being kept alive by this tribe called the Jabari and so he's like hey help us come reclaim the throne and they're like no harsh yeah and then T'Challa goes back and there's a huge fight between everyone very cool and right when it seems like everything's gonna go wrong the Jabari tribe shows up to help oh good thing they suddenly change their mind at the exact right moment yeah it's a pretty sudden and great change of heart with millisecond precise timing and how does it end well then T'Challa and kill monger have a CGI cat fight and kill monger dies wait are you saying there's a final fight full of CGI where the hero fights a bad guy who was similar powers yeah I guess so now that is a Marvel third act I love it so you think it'll do well well we kind of have to make this movie to set up infinity war but based on what you've told me no I don't think it's gonna do well at all so you have that Avengers infinity war script for me yes sir I do and this one's all about a guy named Thanos who's trying to gather infinity stone oh what's he like well let's just say if Bruce Willis was a Pokemon this is probably what he devolve into sooo scary yeah this movie's gonna get real dark sounds like stuff is getting serious oh yeah I mean you'll still have time for a quick light-hearted Ben & Jerry's commercial right Oh Ben & Jerry's yeah for sure okay great cuz I already cashed that check I actually threw in a fair amount of jokes to balance out the darker moments keeping that Marvel vibe to it what kind of jokes are we talking well I had this idea that maybe some characters call other ones by names that aren't their real names right right and so yeah that'll be a lot of the jokes I'm not sure I get it well like Tony calls this bad guy epidemis Squidward okay yeah I guess that's funny and Thor calls rocket rabbit yeah okay he's not a rabbit and Tony calls star Lord mr. Lord aha and he also calls him Flash Gordon right and Thor calls group tree all that character says is his own name in star-lord called Thanos grimace so you're like really leaning into this name thing and spider-man's gonna think that dr. strange is a made-up name are people gonna notice that so many of the jokes are based on character names I don't think so unless some jerk on the internet points it out well okay then so tell me more about that oh you mean Pokemon Bruce Willis please stop making name jokes that's not his real name that's not his real name yeah I get the joke well Pokemon Bruce Willis thinks that there aren't enough resources to go around so he wants to destroy half of all life in the universe oh wow does that include like plants and animals and I don't know probably not because those are natural resources what if there are planets where there are just plants and animals I don't know maybe half of them died in those cases what if there's a planet where there's like a million animals and and one dude I don't know what half the animals died or would have that dude died I don't know what his left side just go limp or something I mean I'm hoping people don't think about fan OSes plan this much it's just something he wants to do real bad okay it's more of us shut your brain off and enjoy kind of thing done and done anyway gamora's like well Thanos can't get the soul stone cuz I'm the only one who knows where it is okay so she goes into hiding no she goes directly to him what I mean she tells star-lord to kill her if Thanos manages to grab her still that seems pretty irresponsible oh yeah very much so huh and Thanos has the reality stone so he easily grabs Gomorrah from the Guardians what does he use the reality stone for more bubbles than you'd expect Oh bubbles are tight but essentially he can make whatever he wants become reality so like Drax and mantas turn into slinkys and stuff well that's game over right if he could turn everyone into slinkys that that's game over yeah he can literally alter reality Wow but he's not really gonna do it that much oh why not because fair enough yeah so is Doctor Strange gonna use the time stone to save the day like at the end of his movie no he's not how come because fair enough yeah here's the thing based on the powers we've established for everybody there's probably a lot of ways they could bring down Thanos yeah it feels like fans are gonna point all of those out online that's right and that's why I included a scene I like to call shut the hell up everyone oh I like the sound of that what is it we're gonna have Doctor Strange look into the future and say that out of 14 million outcomes he only sees them winning one oh very smart yes so anytime someone online tries to criticize the movie somebody else will chime in like well it probably had to happen that way cuz that's the only way Doctor Strange saw them winning exactly shut the hell up everyone there you go so what else happens in the movie well some of the characters blast a hole in a ship an ebony ma goes flying out into space so then he flies back like Mary Poppins now I thought of that but then I was like this isn't Star Wars bummer sorry so what do they do about the hole in the spaceship well Ironman closes it up because he has this cool new thing where his suit is like basically magic oh it is yeah it fixes up holes in spaceships and morphs into whatever he needs in any given situation and it closes a massive stab wounds how is that possible nanotechnology yeah but what does that mean exactly I know technology but how exactly do I know technology I don't know okay nanotechnology sounds good yeah so what if some of the other characters do in the movie like what's up with Captain America oh he has a beard now that's it pretty much what about black panther he goes he bombay black widow she's gonna have this little moment where she's surprised to see that Bruce is back on earth even though he's the one who called them oh well that's sweet she's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist that's progressive right baby what about Winter Soldier he has a new arm and he picks up a raccoon Hawkeye not even in it ant-man now I gotta say it feels like a lot of characters are getting sidelines well you asked me to shove seventy five main characters into a single movie as sick bastard I did do that I haven't slept since 2015 and I hate you so much they throw that tyrion lanister dude in there I like him please stop please stop alright so you're gonna have everybody fight a big generic army of bad guys that wouldn't be an Avengers movie without that so what's this army gonna look like well picture what it would look like if venom took over Goro from Mortal Kombat ok so yeah like a million venom Goro's very cool and how did the heroes end up stopping Thanos oh they don't what yeah no he's gonna get all the stones and erase half of all life in the universe but it's gonna be hard to wrap up a movie if the bad guy wins actually super easy barely and oh you're disappearing ok and and you're gone ok that doesn't feel satisfying at all I mean I know you're gonna come back because we have a bunch of other meetings planned and there it is yeah ok that's what I thought so you have a new superhero script for me yes sir I do and it's kind of a sequel to all the movies we've done so far so there's Captain America Iron Man Thor oh yeah Thor's the one where we shot like half his movie and Dutch angles right yeah what was up with that was the tripod broken or something one of the tripod legs was broken that's right I thought so so who else is there well in terms of superheroes there's also Hulk there's spider-man there nope not him what we can't have spider-man in there oh how come well we don't have the rights to the character ah crap that's right yeah so unfortunately we're never ever ever ever ever ever gonna see spider-man in a Marvel Studios movie you all right what's up you had like a weird eye twitch or something you have something in your eye yes there's also a Bell noise or something so what happens in the movie well there's a magic box called the tesseract that's misbehaving and so shield is trying to figure out why and they're trying everything I mean they poke it with a stick and stuff Oh poking it with a stick doesn't help not at all and then a portal opens up and out comes the big scary threat of the movie is it a spooky skeleton nope cuz that'd be scary yeah but it's not a spooky skeleton it's actually Loki Loki from the tilty Thor movie I thought that movie ended with him killing himself by jumping into some kind of spatial abyss yeah he's fine now oh that didn't kill him no and that's something I'd actually really like to start pushing in Marvel movies that nobody ever actually dies that's right I like it so how does he survive oh we're barely going to explain it works for me so then Loki uses a scepter to mind-control Erik Selvig the scientists from the tilty Thor movie and also Hawkeye Hawkeye oh yeah he actually ends up being one of the Avengers what are his superpowers oh he's awesome he shoots arrows very well yeah what else that's that's about it Oh but sometimes the arrows explode and sometimes they have computer viruses he shoots computer virus arrows yes sure I don't know all right so basically Loki wants to use the tesseract to open a portal so his alien army could come through where's he get an alien army when he was floating in space he met this guy named the other who works for this other guy Thanos Thanos yeah we're actually gonna have a mid-credits scene where he shows up oh is he like the upcoming villain or something exactly amazing in six years what anyway so Nick Fury's like uh-oh stuff is crazy I'm gonna move forward with the Avengers initiative now what does that mean exactly it means they're gonna invite Bruce Banner Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to come hang out that's his plan yeah he figures if he could get them all in the same room that'll kind of fix everything huh also Natasha Romanov from Iron Man 2 was there Oh black widows in this yeah so once again she's gonna be in very tight leather but this time doing even more action scenes oh I bet that's gonna be uncomfortable for her oh yeah I'd say so so what else happens well Loki's gonna get captured by The Avengers but then Thor's gonna show up and try to take him how does Thor get back to earth didn't he destroy the only way back at the end of his film yeah we're barely gonna explain that gotcha well I guess it's good that Thor's there now because they can get Jane Foster to help out why would they do that well her and Erik Selvig are kind of the authorities on portal science so if anyone can help out it's her okay yeah that's a good idea but but instead of doing that they're gonna send her off to an island or something oh yes she's not even in this movie it's more of a let's solve things with punching kind of movie gotcha so anyway Thor and Iron Man and Captain America get into a fight over Loki and so he escapes no he just kind of stands around and waits for them to finish up Oh doesn't that make them suspicious that means he clearly wants to get captured yeah but they still bring him on to the Helicarrier thing huh so then it turns out that Loki's plan is to turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk oh well I guess Bruce wouldn't be stupid enough to get on an airplane if there was any danger of him turning well to be fair shield didn't tell him he was gonna be on a plane what why because it was a fun little surprise they were like guess what this boats actually a plane whoa that seems wildly irresponsible Oh huh and then Loki kills this agent Phil Coulson oh but you said people don't actually die yeah no I was thinking he could come back for like a spin-off TV show or something I love it so now that Agent Coulson is dead they have something to avenge and so they become the Avengers that's right the awesome thing about that is that that's the title of the movie and so then a generic alien army come through the portal and the Avengers punch them for 30 minutes punching is tight yeah and then shield is like let's nuke the city what they immediately resort to nukes I don't know seems drastic oh yeah so then Tony takes the nuke into space and blows up the mothership which he knew was there for some reason amazing and so then all the aliens die all at once why will the ship blew up why does that affect them because okay and so yeah but the portal is still open right is that gonna be hard to close down no actually super easy barely an inconvenience what do you mean yeah well when Erik Selvig was like totally brainwashed he built in a fail-safe so they just have to poke it with Loki's scepter how did he manage to do that if he was totally brainwashed oh we're not gonna explain that huh so what do you think well it sounds really cool yeah but I think that this many superheroes is kind of crazy yeah I guess kind of so in future Marvel movies let's maybe not go so nuts on the characters absolutely we'll tone it down a notch [Music] so you have a new Avenger script for me yes sir I do and this one starts off with the Avengers doing some super awesome murders oh it does yeah it's gonna be like 10 solid minutes of the Avengers murdering and cracking jokes and murdering and cracking jokes that is so cool yeah and how are the Avengers getting along without Tony oh he's right there with them didn't any kind of retire at the end of Iron Man 3 yeah that's right so what explanation are we giving for his return none whatsoever huh so what's the movie about well it's called age of Ultron Oh age of Ultron so this takes place over several years yeah no just a couple of days oh do you know what the word age means I do not I do not it's a tough word yes sounds cool though age of Ultron it does sound cool so anyway using Loki's scepter Ironman wants to create an AI called Ultron that can achieve peace in our time oh that's nice yeah but then Ultron understands his purpose as oh I need to murder everyone whoopsie so Ultron attacks the Avengers while they're getting drunk and then escapes through the internet he escapes through the internet yes so now he has access to every system on earth except nukes oh that's cool so what's his plan is he gonna like take down the electrical grid nope something with the water supply uh uh air traffic control no all of the Avengers super advanced technology no those sound like good ideas but what he really plans on doing is making a city fly and throwing it down to earth oh you think a genius AI would be able to think of a better plan than that you'd think so but he's really into the city throwing idea interesting so anyway Ultron is this super scary super intimidating robot you should have him crack jokes like Loki what people love Loki yeah but why would a robot crack jokes so he could be more like Loki okay but people love Loki oh is this so you could sell Ultron toys to kids maybe we sold a lot of Loki toys so why didn't you say so the movies already a big commercial anyway I love you so much oh stop what kind of commercials are we talking well for example the Hulk listens to music to calm down right okay on his wireless beats by dre headphones oh awesome that's a product or like Hawkeye and Black Widow drive around right yeah in a brand-new state-of-the-art outtie that's amazing that's a product we also find out what Iron Man likes to wear under his armor uh-huh any idea what brand he wears under his armor no idea he wears under our under his armor you just blew my mind that's a product and the movies not just a commercial for products it's also a commercial for movies what other movies are future movies how'd you do that well we're introducing this character named Scarlet Witch that gives people visions okay and so she gives Thor a vision that's a set up for Thor 3 Wow and she gives Tony a vision that's a set up for Avengers 3 I love it so what else happens in the movie well after the witch gives people a bunch of visions she makes the Hulk go crazy and so Tony has to stop him how does he manage that he developed this new super powerful Hulkbuster armor and so they just destroy a bunch of buildings Oh Tony has a suit upgrade high but that'll come in handy against Ultron yeah no he's only gonna use it once oh so anyway then they all go hide out with Hawkeye's family what happens there well the Tasha and Bruce have a long conversation about how they should have showered together what yeah they're in love now oh they are yeah I decided that would be a thing cute and then Thor pieces out because he had a bad dream and then Nick Fury secretly hides out in a barn to surprise Tony even though he meets with everyone minutes later and had no reason to hide dramatic entrance I guess yeah let's go with that and what his Thor go off and do he goes to take a bath with Erik Selvig Oh kinky no he jumps into a dream puddle and learns about Infinity stones oh is that a commercial commercial for an upcoming movie that's right I love it so anyway Ultron tries to put himself in a body type thing but then the Avengers steal it oh they do yeah and then Tony convinces Bruce that they have to do the exact same thing they did with Ultron again he wants them to redo the thing that created a death robot that's right God is it gonna be hard to convince Bruce to do it no super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he basically says that they're both monsters and for some reason that convinces him that was easy anyway so they do the thing again but this time Thor hits it with some Lightning and that creates a really nice dude named vision somehow it's crazy how science works isn't it yeah I literally don't understand it me neither also Ultron is gonna kidnap Black Widow he's gonna kidnap her why wouldn't he just kill her I don't know I guess to lure the Avengers over wouldn't they have gone anyway if Ultron is lifting a city into the sky yeah you'd hope so so how does the movie end well you know how in the first Avengers we had them fighting like a generic army of aliens yeah well this time we're gonna switch things up a bit oh yeah now it's gonna be a generic army of robots very cool also one of the Avengers is gonna die what which one quicksilver oh I don't even know who that is yeah we only introduced him in this movie I'm not sure that he's actually an Avenger how does he die well Hawkeye is about to get shot so Quicksilver uses his super speed to stand in front of the bullets he has super speed that's right why doesn't he use that to get them out of the way instead of stepping in front of bullets I don't know plus there's a huge scene earlier where he moves a bunch of people out of the way of a moving train so he dies yeah and also Tony Thor and vision are all hitting Ultron at the same time and he starts to die amazing and then they all stop and let him get away why I don't know but Scarlet Witch kills him later well good and then in a mid credit scene we're gonna have fan o show up Oh what does he do he puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and he's like fine I'll do it myself what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones was Ultron trying to get him Infinity stones nope so what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones but that line doesn't make sense in the context of this movie yeah but he wants them but what's he talking about getting the Infinity stones never mind anyway so Tony retires from being Iron Man again oh but he'll be back right no this time he's retiring for real he's never putting that suit on again [Music] so you're here to talk about ant-man yes sir I am cool so uh do you need your parking validated or something what make sure you pull on the door on your way out because it looks like a push but it's actually a pull - don't you want me to pitch to you oh you're you're not leaving I wasn't planning on it Wow well awesome we had a lot of people leave the project so I just kind of assumed wow bummer yeah so you know please don't leave me or my last hope sounds good please okay so what's the story about well you know how in the first Iron Man movie there's a character that develops a super suit and then he's like oh this is too powerful to get out but then a corporate bad guy from the same company wants to sell it and then makes his own evil version of the suit and so you end up with a big final fight of nice guy super suit versus evil guy super suit yeah so what I'd like to do is that well if it ain't broke you know keep doing it till it stops making money that's what I figured so tell me about the characters well first of all there's hank pym he's the one that invented the shrinking technology and he used to be ant-man how was that technology gonna work and consistently oh yeah we're gonna say that it reduces the space between atoms so objects keep their mass but then we're gonna do a bunch of stuff that contradicts that oh so will sometimes ant-man's gonna have the mass and force of a full-grown man but other times he'll be light enough to run on a gun barrel or ride an ant and Hank Pym is gonna have an actual tank as a keychain which should weigh about 60 tons why so inconsistent well I wanted to do certain things cuz they would look cool but then I was like oh those totally break the rules that I myself established in the script yeah but then I was like I don't care and you did it anyway and I did it anyway the rule of cool strikes again yeah so anyway Hank wants this guy Scott to become ant-man and save the world cuz he can't do it himself anymore Scott yeah he's this guy that's just getting out of jail why does Hank want him well Scott's an amazing thief like the stuff of legends when it comes to stealing why was he in jail Oh cuz he got caught stealing doesn't doesn't sound like he's that good at it yeah I guess not in fact he's gonna fail pretty much any time he tries to steal something in the movie strange choice of a guy to save the world I guess so so what does Scott say when Hank asks him oh well he doesn't ask him directly oh he doesn't no instead he sets up a super elaborate series of events that could go wrong in a thousand different ways just so that maybe Scott could steal the suit why didn't he just ask him he wanted to see if he'd be able to break into a safe could've just asked yeah but this way is more fun this Hank guy is playing around a lot for someone who wants to save the world oh yeah huh anyway Scott was in jail for about five years so now he wants to make money so he could pay child support and see his daughter how old is his daughter she's like six or seven so he went to jail for stealing when he had a one or two year old baby at home that's right I gotta say hank pym is putting a lot of faith in this super sketchy dude yeah well he says everyone deserves a second chance yeah but should your second chance out of jail have saved the world level stakes probably not so who else is in the movie well there's Hanks daughter hope that he keeps secrets from for no valid reason huh and she's gonna fall in love with Scott because they're both attractive and is there a villain in the movie oh yeah we've got this villain Darren cross and he is evil so what's his deal I just told you oh yeah just like a generic evil guy you know that's what I'm talking about so he wants to sell this yellow jacket suit to some evil military types right like an Iron Man but one of them's not super interested so cross is gonna use his incomplete shrink tech to turn him into a tiny pile of goo and flush him down a toilet Jesus why doesn't he try selling that as a weapon that's horrifying he doesn't think of that I guess now I hate to do this but is there a way we could kind of tie this movie in with the Avengers oh yeah super easy barely an inconvenience oh yeah yeah I'll just add like a little side quest where ant-man has to go get a thing and he'll end up fighting an Avenger I love it what Avenger did you have in mind well Iron Man would be cool yeah if you want to double the movies budget Oh does Robert Downey jr. cost a lot you're damn right he does that guy's contracts basically drain money from our bank accounts oh wow did you know that according to his last contract we have to pay him every time he uses our bathrooms I didn't know that every time he poops in this building it costs us a thousand bucks jeez yeah I mean it's not that bad of a deal yeah it's kind of a steal when you think about it so anyway how does the movie end well Darin Cross is gonna end up figuring out the shrink tech and finishing his suit uh-oh so the team is gonna try to steal the technology from him and it's gonna end in this big fight between him and Scott and their little super suits how's that gonna go well despite having no training and never having been in the suit before cross is gonna be like an expert fighter Wow and then Scott's gonna go subatomic to kill a subatomic yeah like smaller than an atom but you said the technology works by bringing atoms closer together yeah whatever okay and then Scott's gonna be partnered for all the illegal stuff he did and he's gonna dedicate himself to his family yeah I guess he's not gonna want to do anything that would jeopardize being able to see his daughter that's the last thing he do so you have that new Captain America script for me yes sir I do now I should inform you there's a rumor going around Hollywood right now oh what's that apparently this year everybody's gonna be making movies about heroes fighting heroes there's gonna be Batman vs. Superman in transformers they're gonna fight Optimus in the new fast and furious they're gonna fight Dom Wow it sounds like everybody's gonna be doing the same kind of crap this year yeah sounds that way so I figured we would - great it's gonna be called Captain America Civil War what's that gonna be like it's gonna be like if a kid took out all his superhero toys and just started smashing them together sounds awesome yes so we're gonna have the government be mad at the Avengers about all the damage caused in sokovia in Washington DC in New York City wait didn't the government tried to nuke New York City they did and nobody's gonna bring that up no no no okay so anyway they want the Avengers to sign the sokovia accords that would give them all government oversight and kind of keep them in check so Tony and some others are like yeah but Captain America and some others are like no the conflict is brewing yeah it's pretty serious it's like the Avengers are being torn up from the inside Wow so there's no need for a villain well no there is a villain what does he want for the Avengers to be torn up from the inside huh his name is emo and his family was killed in sokovia so he's gonna do like all kinds of crazy stuff like he's gonna bomb the United Nations and frame Bucky for it Wow yeah and that's gonna kill the king of Wakanda so Black Panther is gonna want to kill Bucky too Oh Black Panther is in this yeah Wow there is a lot going on oh yeah the movies gonna be super stuffed so like half the movies gonna be setting up future movies at least I love it and we're also gonna have this huge fight at an airport that's gonna involve sorry just a second hello really we did well that's great news ya know we'll put them in there for sure thank you what's up okay so I just got word that we can now use spider-man in the MCU oh wow that's amazing right so let's shove him in there somehow in civil war yeah we could have Tony recruit him onto his team for that Airport fight do you think people are gonna mind that that doesn't make much sense what do you mean well Tony's whole thing in this movie is about superheroes being more risk possible right so we probably shouldn't have him recruit an untrained child and throw them into a fight with the world's most powerful heroes and put him in mortal danger okay yeah no I see what you're saying it doesn't make too much sense but also look at it this way it's spider-man no yeah that's a good point people love spider-man they do oh and I'm gonna get somebody really hot to play Aunt May really to play Aunt May yeah well I mean what two words come to mind when you think of the character Aunt May I don't know old lis sex symbol exactly that's okay hey while we're at it let's throw ant-man in here how would we do that just toss them onto Captain America's Team wasn't his whole movie about not wanting to go to jail and jeopardize things with his daughter yeah pretty much but we're gonna have him jump onto the site of international fugitives no questions asked that's exactly right okay hey toss Hawkeye in there too but he retired to be with his family yeah but here's the thing about that though I don't care gotcha I mean if we're gonna over stuff this movie let's go all out yeah no fair enough so what happens at this Airport fight well I figure we just give every character a couple of one-liner jokes maybe one or two fight scenes each and call it a day sounds like a classic Marvel fight but I was thinking because you know somebody should get hurt during a fight with the world's most powerful heroes that maybe we kill war machine at the end no no no no none of that things having consequences business okay can he be injured maybe it just feels like something should happen fine he can get hurt but he has to be in recovery at the end of the movie thank you but that's it though no more consequences I promise nothing else will have much impact on anything at all good so how does it end well you know that bad guy I mentioned earlier yeah well he's gonna have this thing where other than a minor hiccup at the beginning everything's just gonna kind of go his way what do you mean okay so because Natasha released some Hydra files he knows that something happened in 1991 involving the Winter Soldier so he tries to find out what it is by interrogating this Hydra dude but it doesn't work the hiccup right but from that point on everything's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience I'm listening so he decides he needs to interrogate Bucky himself but Bucky is in hiding so he bombs the United Nations and frames Bucky to kind of flush him out wouldn't being framed just send him deeper into hiding you'd think so but it works almost immediately oh wow yeah so then Zee kills a psychiatrist that's supposed to interview Bucky and takes his place isn't anyone familiar with the psychiatrist they hired or at the very least nobody looks like you'd think so but luckily for Zemo apparently nobody does okay then he finds out what the 1991 thing was and luckily for him and involves the Winter Soldier and Tony's parents that's convenient very and then luckily for him Captain America decides to go against everybody and somehow he and Bucky managed to escape together he then luckily for Zemo everybody follows him to Siberia and there's an actual video tape of Bucky killing Tony's parents in 1991 because luckily for him there was a security camera in that exact spot in the middle of a forest Road and for some reason Hydra decided to keep it in their records and then Tony seized it and luckily for him even though Tony now knows that the Winter Soldier was brainwashed and framed and not actually responsible he immediately loses his mind and tries to kill both Bucky and cap wow that's all super lucky so then there's a fight but at the last minute cap doesn't kill Tony you're damn right he doesn't so then they're like well we're not friends anymore but also we're still friends and call me any time I love it you think it's gonna do well well I'm looking at this as kind of a test what do you mean I have this theory that's stuffing more and more characters into our movies translates to more money at the box office interesting yeah and so if this movie does well we can just go crazy with it fingers crossed [Music] so you have a Doctor Strange script for me yes sir I do great I'm really excited about this one I actually already have some actors interested oh yeah who Benedict Cumberbatch to would tell a joke for in meds Mikkelsen are those the names of people yeah it sounds like you punched a keyboard no they're people if you say so so what happens in the movie well we're gonna meet dr. strange and he's like a super rich surgeon that walks around like boy it sure is good to have hands that work and what's his character like he's like a Tony Stark type Oh without the the charm or the humor so just an unlikable jerk then very much so does he have any redeeming qualities yeah he he um no he's he's just a jerk gotcha so anyway he's gonna crash his fancy car cuz he was checking his phone and that's gonna lead to the whole plot of the movie wow that's a pretty powerful message for kids and teens yeah that's true you shouldn't use your phone while driving but if you do you'll get to become a superhero oh no that's not really what I will get to join the Avengers and become a wizard I'm not really going for that message though just be mean to everyone and drive recklessly you'll learn magic okay so anyway the accident is gonna mess up his hands and so he's gonna become even more unlikable okay so then this guy tells them about these people that helped him heal himself spiritually so Doctor Strange is like awesome that does sound awesome so Doctor Strange goes to see these people and they're like we can help you heal yourself and he's like you guys are some goddamn Liars up in here kind of did a 180 on that one yeah and this dude Mordo was like forget everything you know and then dr. strange forgets how to breathe and he dies no that doesn't happen okay so he doesn't forget everything no he remembers how to breathe say that then okay so anyway then this character called the ancient one punches a ghost out of his chest and then sends him into an iTunes visualizer so then he believes in all the stuff so then he believes in all the stuff Wow and then characters are gonna explain magic to him for about an hour and is there a bad guy in this movie yeah there's this evil sorcerer named Cassie Leah so an evil sorcerer like Voldemort no no he's nothing like Voldemort oh no he's just a super powerful magical antagonist with a weird name that went to the same school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the protagonist and has an intense obsession with immortality that sounds like Voldemort no this guy has a nose oh he has a nose okay that doesn't sound like Voldemort at all Voldemort doesn't knows there you go so what's this guy's plant well he wants to open the Dark Dimension and let in this evil being named Dormammu okay so he steals some pages from this magic book that let him do that why doesn't he just take the whole book well he just needs those pages right but doesn't stealing those specific pages let the good guys know exactly what his plan is it does huh also Doctor Strange is gonna use the rest of the book to learn exactly how to save the day so he really should have taken the whole book yeah we're like made photocopies of the pages he needed this guy's pretty dumb he's not the brightest no there gonna be some cool fight scene oh yeah mind-blowing fight scenes it's gonna be like some raccoons and bathrobes are chasing dr. strange through a kaleidoscope very cool but I mean this guy's super powerful that's gonna be hard for dr. strange to fight him no super easy barely an inconvenience how so well as he's fighting him he suddenly gets some help from a cape capes are tight yeah this is a cool cape with a feisty personality who does this cape help them fight throughout the rest of the movie well it's gonna help him in that scene and then we're mostly gonna forget about it and he'll just kind of wear it fair enough also Doctor Strange is gonna get stabbed oh is it bad it's bad enough that he's gonna die on an operating table oh my god yeah but then he's gonna get zapped with a defibrillator that's gonna 100% cure it must be a pretty good defibrillator yeah I mean it completely fixes a fatal stab wound so I'd say it's pretty good so how does the movie end well Doctor Strange is gonna go see Dormammu and be like Dormammu I've come to bargain okay and then he's gonna be like Dormammu have come to bargain right and then he's gonna be like Dormammu who I've come to bargain then what does he say or mom ooh I've come to bargain and then oh I don't know the script by heart right of course but essentially he traps Dormammu in a time loop until Dormammu decides to leave well good yeah so now Doctor Strange can use the time thing to fix all the problems in the MCU no he can't why not because of vague consequences oh that sounds bad yeah it is maybe so about this ancient one yeah what's the character like in the comics just so I know forecasting the ancient one is like this wise old Tibetan monk oh okay I know just to to get oh yeah yeah tilda swinton she'd be perfect that's not at all what I described yeah well I don't think anyone's gonna mind [Music] so you have a guardians of the galaxy sequel script for me yes sir I do so we're gonna start this one off with the guardians fighting a giant space monster while baby Groot stars in a baby Groot toy commercial I love it when movie scenes are also commercials I know you do so why are they fighting a space monster well these gold people called the sovereign hire them to protect some batteries and they said they couldn't risk losing any of their own people okay but then rocket steals some of the batteries so they chased the Guardians with their fleet of remote-controlled spaceships they have a fleet of remotely controlled spaceships yeah pretty cool right why didn't they use those to fight the space monster what do you mean well if their battle technology specifically designed to not put them in danger why did they hire the guardians in the first place because that works anyway then this dude's two cartels yondu that his funeral is gonna suck oh so yondu is gonna die Oh was it that predictable having a character tell another one about his funeral makes me feel like we're gonna see his funeral we're gonna see his funeral well at least he's not one of the most well-liked characters actually by the end of the movie people are gonna like him a lot he's gonna have this thing where he says that he's Mary Poppins and stuff Oh Mary Poppins is tight no that sounded kind of weird as soon as I said that it sounded weird so we're actually gonna kill off a well-liked character that's kind of a first for us yeah it's really gonna come as a surprise cuz all the main characters in this movie are pretty much invincible oh they are yeah they're gonna survive so many things that nothing's gonna feel like a threat anymore what kind of stuff are we talking here oh just stuff like crashing their ships smashing headfirst into rocks getting crazy beams of whatever go through them violently hitting trees getting struck by monster tentacles iing swallowed traveling through space at dangerous speeds seeing literally next to an explosion getting their ship shot thousands of times that's a lot of stuff oh yeah it's gonna feel like a cartoon people like cartoons anyway in this movie we're gonna have Peter meet his dad and he's a celestial being named exposition his name is exposition oh no sorry it's ego I got confused cuz 90% of his lines are exposition Wow yeah so he brings them to his planet which he is and then he shows them a PowerPoint presentation explaining that he banged Peters mom that's kind of weird super weird and so most of the guardians are gonna hang out on ego for a good chunk of the movie what are they gonna do they're not much huh but there is this character mantis who's like egos servant and she's like I to tell you guys something about ego and its really bad oh that's exciting yeah but then she's not gonna tell them for like thirty minutes of screen time wow really stretching this out aren't ya I am so what else happens in the movie well I also split up the Guardian so I could stretch it out even more smart so rocket and Gruden yondu are being held prisoners by the Ravagers and then yondu is gonna murder them all with his arrow the people that were as allies like two days prior right oh that's so dark no no no there's gonna be cool music playing and it's gonna be slow-mo oh that's so cool yeah it's gonna be a really fun time amazing yeah taking lives while music plays it's gonna be a really big part of this film death is great hail Satan what so how does the movie end well ego is gonna show Peter another PowerPoint presentation about how he banged a bunch of aliens kind of inappropriate yeah and then mantis is gonna reveal that he's been killing all his children cuz they didn't hold the celestial Jean so she's kind of complicit in that cuz clearly she knew it was wrong to be killing kids yeah for sure but I think people are gonna like her anyway it's gonna be tough to get people to like a character that's complicit in wide-scale child murders actually super easy barely an inconvenience what do you mean well she's gonna act super innocent and adorable Oh cute yeah she's even gonna join the guardians at the end of the film that is so sweet I don't even care about those dead kids anymore nobody will Wow so anyway ego needs Peter celestial genes to move his plan of expansion across the universe forward and Peter is into it but then ego admits that he killed Peters mom why does he do that well cuz I needed Peter to find out somehow and so having ego just say it unprompted felt like an easy way to do that fair enough so then Peter is devastated and he wants to kill ego yeah I get it I mean finding out that his dad killed his mom that's gonna be a dark moment you'd think so but then egos gonna turn into David Hasselhoff undercutting emotional scenes with silliness is our bread and butter yeah feeling emotion sucks also I like that finding out a key fact about his mom's death is what drives the climax yeah I think it might be a first for Marvel if I'm not mistaken yeah I think it is I mean other than Iron Man in Captain America Civil War maybe because it's so recent people won't notice maybe so anyway then everyone's gonna join together in defeat ego Wow how did they manage that they destroy his brain okay but the fight takes place on a planet that is him yeah he shouldn't really be able to lose doesn't sound like he should but it's not like anyone's gonna really look into the science of this you know it's just for fun right it's a movie with superpowers and talking raccoons you'd have to be a real killjoy too if the science works [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,580,095
Rating: 4.6978354 out of 5
Keywords: Pitch, Screenrant Pitch, Screenrant, Pitch Meetings, Screenrant Pitch Meetings, Marvel, Infinity Wars, Easter eggs, Thor, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Lord, Marvel Theory, Avengers, Captain Marvel, Marvel Phase 4, Ryan, Ryan george, Movie Pitch meetings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 30sec (7650 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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