Ultimate Pirates Of The Caribbean Pitch Meeting Compilation

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's a very exciting idea oh boy yeah i thought we could base a movie on one of those slow moving boat ride attractions at disney world oh okay that doesn't sound super exciting no it's gonna be though we could get one of the main actors to pretty much do a keith richards impression a lot of mumbling okay so like a guitarist in his late 50s going about two miles an hour just kind of looking at stuff no the disney ride's just a jumping off point we're gonna build an adventure movie around that so what ride are we talking about here pirates of the caribbean oh pirates of the caribbean one of those pronunciations sure sure so we're gonna meet this little girl elizabeth swann right and she's helping out this kid will turner who they found in this big shipwreck caused by pirates oh boy and she sees this pirate medallion of his and she keeps it okay so years later this guy norrington wants to marry elizabeth and he knows her very well how cuz he's known her since she was a small child oh my god but elizabeth has a crush on will and he has a crush on her what's his deal now well he's a blacksmith now and he's always walking around saying stuff like elizabeth gotcha so then elizabeth falls into the ocean because her corset was too tight and that medallion sends this magical pulse out into the ocean oh it does and turns out it called to these cursed pirates on this ship called the black pearl wow wow wow so then elizabeth is saved by this wacky pirate guy named jack sparrow who showed up in port royal earlier keith richards keith richards and even though he saved her life everybody wants to kill him because he's a pirate very rude so he goes on this crazy daring escape where i disregard physics and probabilities and all that boring crap for a bit you gotta disregard that stuff sometimes it is more fun that way but as he's escaping he's gonna encounter will turner oh yeah and jack's gonna go to leap but will's gonna throw a sword into the door and lock him in the workshop with them why to kill him because he freaking hates pirates he doesn't know that he kind of is one why didn't he throw his sword at jack then well that'd be pretty messed up you can't get somebody when their back is turned i guess so then they have this big sword fight that ends with jack getting knocked unconscious by will's boss oh instantly unconscious that's definitely some brain damage right no it's that wacky kind of head trauma where your eyes cross and you get up a bit later completely fine oh that's the best kind of head trauma so jack gets put in a jail cell and while he's in there the evil pirates show up and they just go nuts around town gets a will throws an axe at one of them gets him right in the back and if he throws an ax at this guy's back why didn't he throw that sword at jack well this other pirate's not a main character so so then these pirates try to grab elizabeth and she puts up a fight by dropping some hot coals on them but they manage to get her eventually oh hot coals are hot they sure are sir then will's gonna get some wacky head trauma too and some pirates are gonna recognize jack oh how do they know him well it turns out he used to be captain of the black pearl till there was a mutiny led by this guy barbosa okay okay and then jack's gonna see that when they're hit by moonlight they turn to skeletons oh now those are spooky they sure are sir yeah so i guess elizabeth and everybody else around town see some skeletons too no jack's the only one in town that sees this but if there's moonlight well it's a cloudy night i guess you know the moonlight was just hitting this one specific spot in the jail cell and nowhere else those sniper moons are tight yeah yeah so what is the deal with this curse anyway that's not a stand-up bit i do i do want to know well see they stole some aztec gold belonging to this guy cortez and this stuff was cursed by the heathen gods oh cursed how well now they can't die or taste or feel and when there's moonlight they turn to skeletons well as i said earlier those are spooky but how'd that pirate earlier get burned by the coals if they can't feel things i don't know fair enough so anyway to lift the curse they need to return the final medallion with the blood of the person who stole it and who stole this last coin medallion thing will's father bootstrapped bill but they tossed him in the ocean very rude so now they want will's blood exactly but see when they kidnap elizabeth onto their ship she's like my name is elizabeth turner so they're like oh this is this is bootstrap bill's son what so then barbosa has this nice dinner for elizabeth and she is just starving i thought they couldn't eat why do they have fresh food lying around their ship unclear so then barbosa is gonna explain the whole curse to elizabeth and his whole crew's gonna do this little choreography that they clearly put a lot of work into good to have hobbies and so back at port royal will's gonna help jack escape so they can go save elizabeth it's gonna be hard for them to get out of there without a ship actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really etsy they trick the entire crew of this one ship to go on to another ship and then they just sneak onto theirs and take it the entire crew of a ship got onto another ship every single crew member sir i feel like that doesn't make sense well that may be but it's gonna drive the story forward well okay then so eventually the pirates are gonna try to lift the curse using elizabeth's blood but she's gonna be like i lied about my name you dummies okay they just want to be mortal again though right yeah those dummies so then what happens well then there's going to be this big ship battle and will is going to strike a deal with the pirates and what's the deal well he gets them to set elizabeth and jack free but barbosa is sneaky so he just maroons them on an island a very sneaky pirate yeah but then elizabeth sets a bunch of rum on fire and they get rescued by her father and that guy who wants to marry her gross so then jack stops barbosa from killing will right right and he like playfully picks up some coins and tosses them back in the chest but secretly keeps one so he's cursed now he can't die technically wouldn't he be cursed no matter what since he didn't return those other coins with his blood technically yeah but nobody notices that okay great so then he has this big sword fight with barbosa and he does this fun skeleton reveal and then he shoots him just as will drops the final medallion into the chest and so that's the end of the curse but people still want to hang jack because he's still a pirate yeah i guess he is but then freaking will bursts in to save them he throws a sword just beneath his feet so he does this balancing thing making me throw the sword at the rope itself i don't know this guy doesn't really give much thought into where he throws weapons huh i guess not so then will and elizabeth help jack escape amazing and so jack gets a ship and a crew there's a cowboy there it's a great time what and so yeah that's about it what do you think well it sounds like a lot of fun we're gonna have to get somebody really really good to play jack sparrow though definitely sir someone that's gonna be synonymous with the franchise somebody we wouldn't think of replacing so you have a pirate sequel for me yes sir i do amazing so what's going on with the characters okay so elizabeth and will are about to get married right okay okay so marriage is still a thing then interesting yeah why wouldn't marriage still be a thing well it's just that in the last movie they all found out that there was treasure cursed by heathen aztec gods so yeah well i just figured that everybody finding out that aztec gods are real might have some impact on their religious beliefs but you're saying marriage is still totally a thing yeah marriage is still a thing okay great great so anyway their wedding is actually stopped by this guy lord beckett and he has warrants to arrest them because they helped jack escape in the last movie oh right right right right right so he wants will to go find jack because jack has this compass that points to whatever the holder wants the most okay so the whole movie's about finding a compass well see actually the compass is going to point to a key which opens a chest which contains a heart which belongs to davey jones who controls the seven seas oh okay that sounds like enough nautical theme macguffins to fill up a pirate movie yeah i figured that would be enough checkpoints so will takes off cause beckett says he'll set elizabeth free if will does this he's gotta find jack in the entire sea yeah and he's going to pretty quickly oh he is yeah cause in these movies the caribbean sees the size of a little fishing pond oh it is that's great so anyway jack is on the black pearl and he's gonna be like why is the rum always gone that's like what he said in the last movie kinda it sure is sir people really like that line so we're bringing it back kinda oh bringing a line back because people seem to really like it is tight yeah yeah yeah wow wow so anyway jackets visited by will's father bootstrap bill who's a part of davy jones crew on the flying dutchman ship okay and bootstrap is like hey you made a deal with davey jones years ago so now you gotta join the crew or be taken by the kraken monster both terrible options for sure and then bootstrap leaves jack with the black mark which the kraken is attracted to and he vanishes back to the flying dutchman oh this guy can teleport i bet that's gonna come into play later nope oh okay and so then we're gonna see that the kraken can take down a ship in like two seconds flat very scary yeah unless there are main characters on the ship in which case it takes five to ten minutes nice of the kraken to slow down for important people it sure is sir so anyway eventually will finds the black pearl on this island and discovers that jack and his crew have been captured by a tribe of cannibals how'd they get out of the cannons they're not cannonballs these are people that eat people oh okay gross yeah and they think jack is actually their chief why unclear but the thing is they actually plan on eating their chief they have this whole ceremony planned oh no it's a will and the rest of the crew get put in these bone cages suspended from cliffs why would the cannibals hang their food over a cliff because it's gonna make for a fun escape scene in this movie we're making and no other reason oh okay gotcha and so they all escape through the power of physics not being a thing and the whole thing's gonna take up a solid 20 30 minutes of run time with really fun action stuff does it move the story forward at all not really no but it's gonna take up a solid 20 30 minutes of run time with really fun action stuff well great anyway so meanwhile elizabeth has escaped and she's trying to catch up with everybody because she's in the movie too right and so she sneaks onto the ship and tries to get this crew to bring her to the island of tortuga how does she manage that well she leaves a dress lying around so everybody will think there's a ghost on the ship that's her plan tricking people into thinking she's a ghost that's what we're going with and then she does some expert level puppeteering work and it's completely dependent on nobody looking slightly upwards because then they'd see her just standing there i mean there's no way that plays out perfectly and that plays out perfectly oh okay and so then jack and will are gonna encounter davey jones and his crew and this guy just teleports over oh this guy can teleport i bet that's gonna come into play later nope all right and his old crew is super spooky because there's like this curse or whatever and they're slowly becoming sea life and merging with the flying dutchman what are you talking about well they all have like sea stuff on them like one of them has a shark on his head davey jones just full-on has an octopus as a face so how does that work did an octopus just settle on his face one day and just kind of stay there and merge with him i don't know fair enough so then jack kind of backstabs will and leaves them on the flying dutchman but he gets to reconnect with his father so that's kind of nice oh he reconnects with his long long-lost partially a fish father that's nice yeah but then will challenges davey jones to a game of liars dice oh he does yeah and he says if he loses he'll join the crew but if he wins davey jones has to give him the key to the chest which he keeps on him no very high stakes and so will's father jumps in the game too and loses to save will oh and will is like dad that whole thing was just so i could see where davey jones keeps the key you dummy what if davey jones didn't keep the key on him then will wouldn't have found anything out yeah it was a massive risk to take but it works out perfectly as these things often do because i write them that way well i guess it'll be hard to get the key off of him now though actually it's going to be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he just walks into davey jones's room that night while he's sleeping and slips the key off of him no problem a strange man came onto his ship and specifically asked about the key that could lead to his death and he didn't take any precautions to protect it when he went to bed that's right well fantastic so anyway eventually will finds himself hiding on the front of the flying dutchman which is a ship that goes underwater seems like that might affect him in some way well it doesn't okay geez and so eventually jack and elizabeth and that jerk norrington from the last movie they all find the chest and then will shows up too but it will get there oh i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about how will gets places sir okay let me get off of that thing you scary person and so this big three-way sword fight breaks out for the chest cause norrington wants to use it to get his life back as a douchey officer and jack wants it to call off the kraken and will wants it to release his father from the dutchman it seems like a couple of those goals might overlap maybe so then davey jones and his crew show up and norrington manages to get away with the heart oh no and so when the others get on a ship there's going to be this big kraken attack and elizabeth is going to kiss jack and handcuff him to the black pearl why well because the kraken is after him specifically so this is the only way the others can get away oh that makes sense so then jack gets swallowed up by a kraken and davey jones gets super angry about his missing heart and everybody else goes to see this lady tia dalma who reveals she brought barbosa back from the dead whoa wait what what's happening with all all of that ah stay tuned what oh yeah we're just gonna cut it off right there so people will want to come see the next movie just not resolving anything at all so people who want to come see the next movie that's actually very smart oh and then we're going to have a post credit scene where we find out that that dog is now the chief of the tribe oh that's cute wait they're going to eat that dog aren't they yeah oh my god so what do you think well it sounds like a lot of fun i do think we should get somebody wacky to come in and help with the designs of davey jones's crew those people need to be weird-looking i mean johnny depp's in the movie i mean yeah so so you know pretty obvious who we could get to help out [Music] so you have a new pirates movie for me yes sir i do so you know how the last one just kind of ended with nothing being resolved yeah that's right jack sparrow died and barbosa returned from the dead and then we just kind of cut to black we sure did sir and by doing that we pretty much ensured that people would come see this one because we kind of violated the concept of what constitutes a movie that's right i remember so what happens in this one oh we're gonna start this one off real strong amazing by hanging a child oh my god what yeah see that bad guy beckett he's just hanging a bunch of pirates and they're gonna start singing a song which for some reason is gonna call on the nine pirate lords to convene oh there are pirate lords yeah it turns out pirates have an intricate political system with lords and kings and both jack and barbosa are pirate lords how'd they become pirate lords unclear but so they need to go get jack from davey jones's locker so he can convene with the other pirate lords how do they plan on getting there well they go get these navigational charts from this other pirate lord in singapore okay so they follow these charts and they suddenly go over this massive waterfall that shows up out of nowhere and that leads them to davy jones's locker the massive waterfall wasn't mentioned on the map no because this way it's a fun surprise for the movie oh nice of the cartographers to consider the audience so then we're going to meet up with jack and davey jones's locker which is a very strange place oh it is yeah he's got like a bunch of other jack sparrows in there with him and he has a ship and there are a bunch of rocks that are actually crabs so is this like a spiritual place or a physical place yes didn't the kraken swallow him at the end of the last movie what happened there did the kraken poop them out unclear but speaking of the kraken it's gonna die oh man it's gonna be cool to see the kraken get killed that thing was intense yeah definitely gonna happen off screen though oh it kind of just happened in between movies we're gonna see its dead body on the beach though okay so anyway the gang all heads into davy jones's locker to get jack and then they need to figure out how to get back to the land of the living so this is a physical place then because people can physically go between there and the real world yeah except no not really oh i'm very confused so then they managed to get back to the world of the living by flipping their ship at sunset which is how this works for some reason wow so death really isn't permanent in these movies huh it's all very vague sir which allows us to bring main characters back from the dead but also not do that for minor characters their own fault for being minor characters i guess they should have known better for sure so then they're gonna go to the brethren court on shipwreck cove and meet with all the pirate lords and what's gonna happen there oh just a massive scene talking about the pirate code and pirate politics oh yeah the pirates have very strict and intricate rules and everybody has to obey them if there's one thing people know about pirates it's that they're all about rules yeah there's actually gonna be a ton of talking in this movie every dialogue scene's gonna last about 10 minutes of people explaining who they're backstabbing and why oh did you need to pad the runtime a bit or something nope the movie's gonna be three hours long oh my god oh also i thought we could have keith richards cameo as jack's father since johnny depp based the character on him oh that's very exciting what are we gonna have keith do oh you're gonna like this a lot he's also gonna talk about politics extremely fun oh it also turns out that dog that keeps popping up that's his dog wasn't that dog left on the cannibal island at the end of the last movie yeah maybe this dog is magic i don't know we're just going to kind of go all in on the magic stuff because maybe that's what people liked about the first movie hopefully jeez i hope that's what they liked about it fingers crossed so then we're also going to find out that that tia dalma lady from the last movie she's actually this goddess named calypso oh and there's this whole thing between her and davey jones where they were in love and she's the reason he cut his heart out pretty unhealthy relationship for sure and so since calypso brought barbosa back from the dead he's gonna release her from her human form which all the pirate lords put her in what does that do oh well she turns into a giant and then a bunch of crabs and then she makes a whirlpool thing you know those do sound like things that may as well happen it's all nautical and magical so it does feel right yeah then there's gonna be this big ship battle against davey jones oh our physics gonna be a thing not at all amazing yeah we're gonna keep doing that thing or if jack sparrow cuts a rope that turns him into spider-man wow wow wow and then we're gonna have this really wacky scene where will and elizabeth they make barbossa marry them in the middle of a big fight weren't they in a weird place after she kissed jack in the last movie what led to them getting over their differences well the movie's almost over sir oh okay yeah i gotta wrap that up for sure then so then eventually davey jones is gonna stab will turner in the heart very rude but there's this thing where if you stab davey jones's heart you become immortal but you also have to captain the flying dutchmanship so this is another one of the death loopholes yeah we got a ton of those so then even though jack wanted to be immortal himself he makes will stab the heart to save his life a very considerate stabbing so then the ship sinks but then it pops back up with will as the captain and he has a fun bandana now which i guess he found at the bottom of the sea oh underwater bandanas are tight so then they have to go up against beckett's ship and this thing has cannons on both sides oh man it's gonna be tough to take that down actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really you see both the flying dutchman and the black pearl attacked from opposite sides so this thing just gets ruined but she said it had a bunch of cannons on both sides yeah but it didn't use them at all why not well because beckett was busy having one of the coolest looking death scenes ever put to film oh he was yeah he's just gonna slowly and gracefully walk around the ship as every bit of it explodes right behind him after every step and all around him it's gonna look incredible the cannonballs just keep hitting everything but him and the ship being actively destroyed doesn't affect his balance at all yeah well physics and probabilities aren't the thing in this movie also it's gonna look incredible well okay great and so then all the other ships from the east india trading company they're like all right bye then why don't they attack do they not have as many ships as the pirates oh yeah no they have like hundreds more ships than them so then why do they leave well the movie's pretty much done so we're gonna do that thing where when the main ship is destroyed all the other bad guys just aren't a threat anymore oh okay gotcha so then will's gonna impregnate elizabeth oh my god but then because of his new curse he has to leave and he's only allowed to come back on land once every 10 years and there's no way around that nope very sad well i mean we did show davey jones standing in a bucket of water on land earlier so i guess he could do that if he wanted to but will's not gonna do that no he's not gonna do that for some reason well okay then and so that's about it what do you think well i mean it sounds like a nice end to the trilogy you know really close the chapter on these pirates movies right i'm just kidding i'm gonna need you to end this one by setting up a sequel will do sir so you have a movie for me yes sir i do amazing movie number four what are we gonna do to keep things fresh well that's a good question because at this point in massively popular franchises movies risk drifting into this kind of self-plagiarism you know where they're going through a checklist of moments that people come to expect and the characters become parodies of themselves right right right right so how do we avoid that no i have no idea oh fair enough so we're gonna go all in on jack sparrow right and there's a magical thing going on some pirates are undead oh heck yeah yeah there's a ton of sword fights that aren't based in physics at all there's a young couple that fall in love sounds like a pirate's movie to me yeah yeah so what exactly happens in this thing well we're gonna meet up with jack right and he's trying to save gibbs by pretending to be this judge oh he is yeah but he's still got his eyeliner and his gold teeth so it's very funny so not only does nobody realize that he's not this judge but they also don't notice his extremely piratey features somehow they don't but eventually they're gonna get caught because their getaway driver had accepted a bribe so he drives them into custody if they knew there was a getaway driver and they knew who he was why didn't they just stop them at the courthouse unclear so then jack has to meet king george and he's upset because there are reports that the spanish know where the fountain of youth is oh yeah jack was looking for that at the end of the last movie wasn't he he was and he came really close to finding it but then he gave up oh so king george wants jack to guide a ship that's led by captain barbosa who's working for him now and missing a leg he's from the other movies he sure is sir but then jack does that thing where he does a bunch of wacky stuff and escapes he wasn't chained up he was but the chains were making too much noise so the king had them removed okay yeah all right whatever anyway so then jack's gonna go to this place where somebody's pretending to be him to recruit people for an expedition right and it turns out it's this beautiful woman disguised as him and he used to have a romantic thing with her a beautiful woman was dressed like him and interacting with people and nobody noticed that's what we're going with wow disguises are extremely effective in these movies huh they sure are sir so eventually jack's gonna find out that she's actually blackbeard's daughter and he ends up on blackbeard ship and what's blackbeard's deal well he's got a zombie crew and a sword that makes his ship go fast when he points it what's that all about oh we're well past explaining that kind of thing that's fair i don't know why i asked so anyway there's this prophecy right and it says that blackbeard's gonna be killed by a man with one leg so he wants to find the fountain of youth a prophecy yes sir a prophecy i don't even care anymore isn't the fountain of youth's whole thing restoring people's youth why would it help prevent a murder well sir because of magic it's also helpful for murder prevention is what i seem to have written here oh multitasking fountains are tight but the thing is to get the fountain of youth to work they need to get their hands on a mermaid tear why would the fountain of youth need a mermaid tier to work because i thought it'd be pretty cool to have some mermaids in the movie that makes sense oh and also they need these two chalices and one person has to drink water out of one of them with a mermaid tear and the other person has to drink water without a mermaid tear okay so that should be enough objects for them to have to find and fill up some screen time exactly so then the person that drank the mermaid tear gets all the years the other person has lived plus any years they would have lived if they hadn't drank the thing so who figured these very specific things out some humans a long time ago i guess they just happen to be drinking water out of two chalices one of which had a mermaid tear in it sure i don't care so then they get their hands on this mermaid named serena and she has this instant connection with a missionary that blackbeard had on his ship why do they have an instant connection well they're both attractive gotcha and so they take one of her tears and they go to the fountain well they have to carry her along with them why because the tears have to be fresh that's part of it so that means somebody attempted it with a mermaid tear that wasn't fresh and then identified that that was the problem and word of that somehow reached these pirates that's what we're going with cause or else there's no reason for them to bring a mermaid along with them fair enough man it's super helpful for these stories that hyper-specific magic with very vague backgrounds is a thing oh you have no idea i'm using magic to explain everything here wow wow wow so anyway then at a certain point both jack and barbosa are trying to steal the chalices that the spanish have and they're gonna get captured why don't the spanish just kill them unclear so then barbosa reveals he doesn't even care about the fountain of youth he just wants to kill blackbeard because he took the black pearl and made it tiny what magic gotcha so wait barbosa doesn't really want the fountain of youth and jack doesn't really want it but he was roped into the whole thing and blackbeard and his daughter just want it because of the prophecy and the spanish just wanted to destroy it in the name of religion and the british only want it because the spanish want it so none of these characters actually really want the thing that they're all racing towards here yeah no not really the protagonist was kind of just dragged into somebody else's adventures and everybody's kind of evil so it doesn't really matter who gets there first that's right so what part of the story are people supposed to care about well there's that love story between the missionary and the mermaids so people are going to care about that oh i seriously doubt it but jack sparrow's in the movie so it's gonna make money that's a good point so anyway back to the story jack and barbosa have to figure out how to escape right that's gonna be hard to do as prisoners actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see with the rope around him jack starts to climb up the palm tree he's tied to don't the guards see him no cassie they tied them up to trees pretty far away from the camp with no one guarding them oh people in this movie are very bad at taking prisoners they sure are sir so jack manages to get to the top of the tree how does he get the rope around the top branches oh we're gonna cut away for a second when he's doing that so don't even worry about how he did that oh great and then since jack sparrow with some rope is still basically spider-man he's gonna grab a tree and tie a bunch of bad guys together and escape wow wow wow so then eventually everybody's gonna end up at the fountain right it's like some kind of big fountain party ah like the friends intro kind of yeah but no not at all okay and so the spanish are like guess what we're gonna destroy the chalices and wreck this place because only god can grant eternal life wait they wait until now to destroy the chalice's dramatic effect gotcha and then there's going to be this big fight and barbosa is going to end up stabbing blackbeard with a poison blade and angelica's going to get cut too oh very exciting and then that mermaid pops up with the chalices for no apparent reason and jack fills them up and offers them to angelica and her dad okay and blackbeard's gonna selfishly drink the one with the mermaid tear but then jack is like actually i knew you'd do that so i switched them very clever yeah so then blackbeard dies and angelica's wound heals up so the fountain also heals wounds yeah it's magic so sure okay sure okay oh and also that missionary guy is hurt and so that mermaid kisses him and drags him to the bottom of the ocean which is somehow helpful oh all right yeah i'm not really attached to them either sir but we need a young couple in love that's the formula fair enough and so then jack drops angelica off at this deserted island with a gun and a single bullet oh and her hands are tied actually jack is like i'm fully aware that you got out of your restraints half an hour ago sometimes she doesn't grab the gun and point it at him unclear so then jack gets on a boat and leaves while she's all upset and she doesn't make any effort to get on the boat isn't she kind of invincible now because of the fountain what's going on here yeah listen sir i just want to sideline her without killing her in case people like the character and we could bring her back okay and so that's about it what do you think well it doesn't really feel like any characters have grown or changed or that any of this has had any impact on anything well yeah that's about right well that's all right with me we should definitely shoot this in 3d though that's all the rage we could use those avatar cameras it sounds expensive yeah shouldn't be too expensive budget wise although i guess johnny depp is gonna cost a lot oh yeah this might get out of hand [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do what if we did a pirates of the caribbean sequel oh i feel like we've had this conversation before we have sir and we're going to keep having this conversation so long as it keeps making us money oh i like the way your money so what happens in this one i mean i feel like you already know i feel like i do but can you elaborate though it doesn't necessarily feel relevant sir you know jack sparrow an antagonist with an undead crew a young couple falling in love some vaguely magical and nautical things oh that does sound like a pirate movie can you elaborate more uh yeah okay amazing so in this one we're gonna start with elizabeth swann and will turner's son this kid named henry they're from the other movies they sure are sir and so henry manages to find that flying dutchmanship that will is on you know with the curse right and so henry's like dad i figured out how to break your curse we need to get poseidon's trident and will is like quiet the crew's gonna hear you isn't he the captain why is he worried about them hearing well i'm told that scenes need tension so i'm kind of fabricating some here oh okay very smart so anyway will is like yeah no it's impossible to find the trident by now but nine years later henry's still looking for it oh motivated offspring is tight yeah and eventually this evil ghost salazar is gonna kill his entire crew but he's gonna leave henry alive why well he's like i want you to tell jack sparrow then i'm gonna kill him one day and he can't tell him that himself no because this curse is keeping him in that general area and also he's like dead men tell no tales oh which is gonna be the name of the movie he said the name of the movie he did amazing so why does the salazar guy want to kill jack anyway oh see salazar was a pirate hunter but then young jack did a tricky move that led him to crashing into a cursed triangle thing and becoming a ghost along with his crew oh wow wow wow and then jack became captain of the black pearl and his crew gave him a bunch of costume elements like his hair beads well that's how we got the hair b that's how he got his hair beads you know i've been enjoying these movies but the whole time i've been like how the heck did he get those freaking hair beads well we're finally answering that sir and also we're going to reveal how we got the name jack sparrow how did that happen we'll see when salazar saw jack he said he thought he looked like a little sparrow so that's where that came from salazar said that to his crew before they all died how did word of that even spread unclear and so how are we gonna learn all this stuff anyway well salazar is gonna be telling the story to barbosa i thought he said dead men tell no tales you just said that oh yeah whoops whoopsie anyway so then we're gonna meet this girl karina right okay and she she has a diary from her long-lost father and that is it's also a map and you need the map to find the island where the trident of poseidon is supposed to be sure but you can only you got you can only see it when there's a blood moon a blood moon right and you need a jewel too a red jewel are you just coming up with this stuff right now oh yeah of course i am 100 but now they have some things they need to gather throughout the movie and that's going to fill up the run time quite a bit that works for me oh and also jack is going to trade that magical compass of his for a drink and the betrayal of the compass frees salazar and his crew from the devil's triangle hasn't jack given away his compass before in this franchise yeah but this time he did it with different intentions or something so now the movie can happen oh okay gotcha so eventually jack and karina and henry are all going to meet and they're going to team up because they want to fight this trident before salazar kills jack well pretty wacky coincidence that jack did the thing that releases salazar just before meeting henry who just met salazar who told him to tell jack that he would kill him extremely wacky sir what are the odds right oh just so impossibly slim i imagine probably so anyway salazar is gonna get barbosa to help him track down jack because he's from the other movie he's from the other movies he sure is sir but eventually barbosa is gonna betray salazar because double crosses are things that people have come to expect from pirates films so we got them in here very true and now they don't have a ship so that's kind of a problem so what do they do well in the last movie we revealed that the black pearl is now tiny and inside a bottle and so jack had that in his jacket and they just make that big again with magic or something jack has a glass bottle in his jacket the entire time doesn't he fall constantly how does that thing not break probably magic again it doesn't really matter does it it doesn't no and so eventually barbosa is going to figure out that karina is his daughter oh okay so you know that's going to be an awesome big reveal is it though i'm not sure the moment feels entirely earned i don't think you need to earn moments like that they get away with that stuff all the time and you know soap operas that's a good point so eventually they're gonna figure out that the trident is off this magical island and the ocean is gonna split into two towards it oh and i guess salazar's on their tail huh he is but the thing about salazar's curse is that he can't walk on land so he has to possess henry which is a thing he's able to do that i'm just mentioning now for the first time oh very cool but one guy's like sir if you go on land while possessing someone you're gonna be stuck on land forever and salazar's like yes but the trident can help with that okay and how does everybody know all these very specific curse rules i don't know maybe when you get cursed it comes with an instruction manual that makes sense so then there's gonna be this big old fight at the bottom of the ocean and henry and karina are going to solve a little riddle because curses often involve riddles they sure do so what do they figure out so they realize that the trident contains all curses so they have to destroy it wow so it must be difficult to break the trident of poseidon god of the sea actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see they hit it and it breaks oh well great yeah it works out great you hit it and it breaks that's how that works you'd think that thing might be a bit more solid but fantastic news that it's not so now that all curses are broken the sea's gonna start collapsing onto itself obviously and salazar's men aren't cursed anymore oh so everybody has to run they do and all the good guys are running and they jump onto an anchor from the black pearl and barbosa is going to sacrifice himself to save karina right cause she's his daughter is what you seem to have written exactly and later somebody's gonna ask her her name and she's gonna be like karina barbosa wow well you seem really pleased with this so i guess it'll be in the movie yeah yeah so how does the movie end well now that all curses are broken will turner can come back on land so i guess his ship was above water when the curse ended then yeah i guess it was and so what happens with the souls of the dead now wasn't it kind of will's job to bring them to the afterlife yeah they're dead anyway so i feel like it doesn't matter wait wasn't the curse the only thing keeping will alive they cut his heart out in the third movie look sir i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about will's curse he's all better now okay okay let me get off of that thing thanks and so then will is reunited with his son and with elizabeth you know now that i think of it it kind of seems out of character for elizabeth to not have joined on a big c adventure to save will yeah but keira knightley costs a lot now so oh good point yeah she should stay on land for sure then and then in a post-credits scene we're gonna have davey jones show up and we're gonna see his shadow with the tentacles and stuff wasn't his whole appearance part of his curse that shouldn't still be on his head yeah i don't care fair enough and so yeah that's about it what do you think oh it sounds like a pirate's movie to me i'm just not sure we need to do that whole karina is a barbosa thing like does everything have to be connected does everybody have to be related all the time yeah cause that automatically makes it good storytelling oh okay then let's keep doing it hey everybody ryan here hope you enjoyed that video and if you liked it feel free to click the like button and the subscribe button and all you know buttons of that nature there are also like hundreds of other episodes on the channel that you can check out if you want also leave a comment down below letting me know what other movies you want to see pitches for and check back soon for a new one because there's going to be new ones you know okay bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,762,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnny depp, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: jyZv4tB19Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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