Harry Potter Movie Franchise Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie series for me yes sir I do it's based on this book series called Harry Potter what are those about Harry Potter right that makes sense good title yeah he's a boy who finds out that he's a wizard so he enters this magical world where people are pretty okay with slavery what yeah a lot of wizards have house elves as unpaid servants while the Wizarding World sounds messed up well they have some cool stuff going on too oh they do yeah they have like cool spells and magical creatures so that is cool and potions that can make people fall in love with you against their will what so anyway Harry's parents are killed by the evil Lord Voldemort when he was a baby how was a baby able to kill his parents no Harry was the baby Oh Harry is Lord Voldemort no Harry was a baby and Lord Voldemort killed his parents this movie is confusing not really if you say so my brain hurts Voldemort will actually look like a baby at a certain point of the movie though oh well now I don't know what the hell's going on well Harry's mom sacrifices herself to save him so when Voldemort tries to kill Harry it backfires and he kind of dies but not totally Wow so he was like protected by love yeah hadn't anyone sacrifice themselves for a loved one before that point I guess they didn't know what a loveless world so yeah Harry's gonna be raised by this family called the Dursleys and one day this guy Hagrid's gonna show up to bring him to Wizarding school Oh what's had word like oh he's super nice he's actually half giant he's half giant yeah his dad was a little human dude and his mom was an actual giant so how did they how how did how did they how did they make a baby yeah well I guess with the ladder and a lot of determination wow that's super gross to imagine not if you're into that kind of stuff I threw up in my mouth more than a little bit so I feel like I'm not but what else happens in the movie well Harry's gonna go to Hogwarts which is the school for witches and wizards oh yeah what's that like well it's like a scary dangerous place where everything's trying to kill you oh so it'sit's an Australia no good guess it's in Scotland actually and can anyone apply to go to Hogwarts er no cuz the Wizarding World is a secret like the students have to take a secret train to get there oh they're keepin it discreet huh how do they get to the Train they run full-speed into a brick wall and one of the busiest train stations in the UK that seems kind of irresponsible yeah well Hogwarts is a pretty irresponsible place how so well it's right next to a forest that's super dangerous like they call it the forbidden for so students can never go in there exactly pretty responsible policy actually unless they get detention then they get sent in at night oh there it is The Wizarding World also has its own sport called Quidditch oh yeah what's the deal with Quidditch yeah a bunch of people fly up into the air on broomsticks and go super fast seems kind of dangerous I imagine they're secured to the broom somehow no actually part of the game is trying to knock the other players down what yes so anyway they try to score points by throwing this ball called a Quaffle through some hoops how many points is that worth ten a pop okay but then if a seeker catches the Golden Snitch that's a hundred and fifty points and the game ends Oh makes the rest of the game feel kind of pointless yeah it's mostly pointless huh yeah so anyway all the books are gonna be about Harry Potter going up against Lord Voldemort who's trying to rise to power again how many books are there gonna be the author told me they're gonna be seven books total so that's like eight movies eight movies four seven books yeah I think by the time we put a couple of these out people are gonna be so invested that they won't mind if we get a little cash grabby with the last book Oh getting cash crabby is tight oh yeah so every year Harry Potter is gonna go through something super dangerous that involves him personally every single time pretty unlucky and Voldemort's gonna plan something evil every year in the spring nice of him to keep to the school schedule like that yeah it's very considerate for sure so what kind of evil stuff does he plan well like one year he needs a little bit of Harry's blood right right so we asked to come up with some kind of evil plan to get it is that gonna be hard to do actually super easy fairly an inconvenience oh really yeah he's just gonna have one of his followers pose as a Hogwarts teacher for a whole year then have him sneak Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire so he gets chosen for something called the Triwizard Tournament even though that breaks all the rules then he's gonna hope that Harry somehow wins the tournament even though he's vastly unprepared so he can touch the Triwizard Cup which he's turned into something called a portkey that then teleports him to a cemetery where he gets a guy who was pretending to be Harry's friend's rat for years poking with the knife I'll be honest that plant sounds super inconvenient yeah I guess it does when I lay it all out like that seems like there'd be an easier way to get that done especially with magic being a thing yeah well that's gonna kind of be a theme in these movies what do you mean well we're gonna establish some magical things that would solve a lot of problems but then the characters aren't gonna use them like what for one thing time travel exists what yeah there's a thing called the time Turner that lets you back in time how did they not use that to solve a bunch of their problems one time they're gonna use it to save a Hippogriff and other than that it's gonna be used by Harry's friend Hermione so she could take some extra classes what yes she wants to take some extra classes so you know they entrust her with the ability to control time itself and they don't solve any other problems with the time-turner that's right Wow there's also a potion called Felix Felicis that makes you super lucky and lets you achieve anything you set out to do seems pretty helpful for a war against a Dark Lord yeah but they're hardly gonna use it why wouldn't they though well we're gonna say that it's kind of hard to make so what if somebody took some Felix Felicis and then set out to make more Felix Felicis and then they gave that out to the good guys before a fight please don't think about this too much okay then I won't so what do you think well I think there's a lot of potential and I especially like the idea of taking the eventual last book and ringing two movies out of it yeah I thought you might like that is there anything else the author's working on that we can exploit like that well apparently she's working on a little gimmicky guidebook thing called fantastic beasts and where to find them okay that sounds interesting but it's not gonna be a novel it's gonna be like a guidebook to the Harry Potter creatures okay we'd have to be pretty greedy to try to turn that into a movie yeah I'd say so let alone its own spin-off series didn't you imagine hey guys Ryan here thanks for watching that pitch I appreciate you if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button that subscribe button if you haven't already and if you like share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter we also have a ton of these on the channel so you can binge watch those if you want there is a lot of them and also let me know what other movies I should make these for and as usual check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,363,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry potter, pitch meeting, sorcerer’s stone, prisoner of azkaban, plot holes, goblet of fire, ron, hermione, voldemort, tom riddle, hogwarts, sketch, parody, honest, wrong, fantastic beasts, hagrid, quidditch, super easy, jk rowling, problems, dumb, stupid, things, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: Ld9Vj9TsFWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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