Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 5,591,587
Rating: 4.951376 out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, season 8, daenerys, jon snow, game of thrones writers, dany kind of forgot, iron fleet, tyrion, bran, king, sansa, arya, cersei, game of thrones finale, dragons, iron throne, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: jAhKOV3nImQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
out of all the things that happened the crow part is one of the worst. The most important battle of Westeros history and he wargs in a crow for no particular reason.
“Its like world war z while wearing 5 pairs of sunglasses” this was just too on point.
Fans : it's gonna be hard to ruin 9 years of build up in an award winning tv series with many, many great characters, actors and source material.
DnD : actually, it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
“She’s my queen” and “I don’t want it” -Jon snow
This started and I thought this was gonna be stupid and it actually ended up being pretty spot-on and amusing
"Because who has a better story than Bran?"
"Arguably every other character"
"The council of surviving characters"....goddam how accurate.
You guys remember the Warlocks of Qarth?
You remember the Land of Always Winter?
You remember Nymeria the Direwolf?
Well, if not, don't feel bad. Neither did the writers.
"So we have empty lands; the Unsullied can settle there and start their own new House!"
"So the guys that can't have kids will start a new dynasty?"
".........I'm more of an ideas guy, I'll leave the minor details to someone else."