Transformers: Age of Extinction Pitch Meeting

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so you have a new transformer sequel for me yes sir i do so this one takes place five years after the events of the last movie oh man and what's sam witwicky up to now oh well shaila buff doesn't want to do these movies anymore so but but there's still money to be made yeah there is so we're gonna go ahead and not mention his character at all and just focus on this inventor guy i came up with oh who are you thinking to play him well see after seeing mark wahlberg play a science teacher in the happening i realized this guy just has this quality where he'll you know just do any role if you pay him enough yeah no matter how little sense it makes casting wise he'll do it well people like mark wahlberg so sure let's have him play an inventor yeah so mark wahlberg's gonna play an inventor and he makes these gimmicky things that don't really work and he's just plunging his family and friends into debt oh and this is the good guy this is the main good guy yeah and he also takes money from his employee instead of paying him and ends up getting him killed steals electricity from his neighbors throws a baseball bat at a car wants to take his own daughter to prom all right i mean yeah i guess that can be our protagonist it's gonna be if you say so i do so this guy's name is kade yeager right oh yeah that almost sounds like a real name sure and he finds this old truck that he starts working on and as it turns out it's optimus prime he's from the other movie he sure is sir but see optimus is hurt but kade can fix him because he's a terrible inventor exactly but then these bad guys show up because they want optimus what's the deal with the bad guys what do they want with optimus oh there's this rogue cia guy harold adager right and he's hunting down all transformers good and bad how come well his whole thing is like transformers shouldn't fight our battles we should fight our own battles but how is he gonna hunt them well he's gonna team up with a transformer to fight his battles for him oh that goes against the one thing you've told me about this guy yeah but this transformers face turns into a gun which i think is cool enough to justify that well listen i agree great so now these bad guys are here so they have to find a place for optimists to hide on the farm well it's going to be tough to hide an autobot on a farm actually it's going to be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he just goes ahead and hides under the floor of the barn so that's the perfect spot for him that's a great spot oh fantastic well thank god kate yeager had an empty 30-foot deep storage space under his floorboards yeah so kade tells this bad guy you know you don't have a warrant and this guy's like my face is my warrant oh warrant faces are tight although now that i think of it that doesn't even remotely make any sense whatsoever yeah but it's gonna sound cool is it i'm confused more than anything well pretty cool that a single line of dialogue can do that that's a good point anyway so then the bad guys threaten kade's daughter tessa so optimus jumps out of the barn and they get saved by her boyfriend shane who punches a guy with his car what and then there's going to be this big old escape scene and they all managed to get away wow wow except for kade's employee who does die a horrible death oh my god so now kate and shane are going to get into this big argument cause kate didn't know his daughter even had a boyfriend oh that's funny kind of the classic protective father banter exactly and she's a minor and he's 20 so kate's really upset you know what yeah kate is like that's illegal you could go to prison and shane's like no not technically not like she is 17 but we started dating when we were both minors so this is technically not illegal i thought this was going to be like a like a funny conversation so he explains that texas has this law called the romeo and juliet law and technically he cannot be arrested for sleeping with this minor it's okay why are you taking this scene in this direction he had a pre-existing juvenile foundational relationship statute 2705-3 oh man and he pulls out a laminated card from his wallet explaining why it's okay for him to be sleeping with this young minor lady i mean maybe we could just make her character 18 years old and then we don't need to do a deep dive on you know legal loopholes of this kind no we're going to spend several minutes on this it's just so specific and so creepy and makes me wonder why you know all this or why you looked it up so thoroughly it's just a funny scene you know anyway so then we need more robots in the movie so optimus is going to get some transformers together not to talk about the romeo and juliet laws right no no no no no to make things explode okay yeah yeah yeah wow and then suddenly kade's gonna become really good with technology and he's gonna hack a drone that the bad guys had at his farm hacks it with what didn't he run away from his house without bringing anything uh he hacks it with some tech junk he finds in an abandoned garage it's all computer stuff so it works you know i guess that makes sense so that's going to lead them to this big tech company called ksi who it turns out is working with the cia yeah so what's ksi's deal oh well they discovered that transformers get their transforming powers from this element called transformium oh a very appropriately named element but didn't we say that they got their power from the all spark in a previous movie i don't think so no i mean i'm pretty sure we did remember it changed like household appliances into decepticons instantly i have no recollection of that no okay well there's no way i'm re-watching the other movies to make sure so i'll take your word for it so anyway now this company is able to transform this transforming stuff into any product placement we want oh i like the sound of that and they're trying to make their own new transformer called galvatron using megatron's decapitated head but for some reason the thing keeps turning out like megatron is it because they're using megatron's decapitated head could be who's to say but these guys can't figure it out okay so then the bad guys send galvatron after the autobots even though he's not fully ready oh no and they lose control of galvatron because it turns out he's actually megatron reincarnated uh oh oh no it's the villain they've already defeated three times now yeah so it's like you know are they gonna win a fourth time statistically yeah but let's keep going anyway okay great so then in the middle of this fight that gun face transformer lockdown shows up and he abducts optimus and tessa well they've got to go save them they sure do so they head into this spaceship to save them and luckily they find some human-sized alien weapons so they can have a cool gun fight very exciting and so then kade drinks some amazingly refreshing bud light delicious yeah and so then everybody goes to hong kong for the last part of the movie why because that'll help the movie perform well in the chinese market smart but before they go optimus prime needs to get the dinobots to help them oh boy what are they gonna do be in the movie enough to justify putting them in the trailer and on toy shelves that works for me and so then we've made it to the third act which will just be our standard you know just absolute visual mess care to explain what happens no please things explode metal punches metal good guys win guns boobs america victory oh very cool yeah it's pretty cool i'm pretty good at my job you are oh boy this is gonna be one of the best movies of the year undeniably [Music] hey everybody ryan here that's me thanks for watching the video and if you liked it feel free to click the like button and the subscribe button and all you know buttons of that nature you can also leave a comment down below letting me know what other movies you want to see pitches for they're also like hundreds of other episodes on the channel that you can check out if you want as always check back soon for a new one bye bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,051,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transformers, age of extinction, autobots, bumblebee, decepticons, dinobots, galvatron, jack reynor, mark wahlberg, megatron, michael bay, nicola peltz, optimus prime, pitch meeting, robots, romeo & juliet laws, ryan george, screen rant, super easy barely an inconvenience, transformers 4
Id: _p_CUozUyr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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