Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do how does reviving an old property sound oh it sounds like I love you what property to dig up you remember Jumanji Oh Jumanji I think I heard some nostalgia in your voice I did make the nostalgia noise so in this movie instead of a board game Jumanji is gonna turn itself into a video game Oh interesting and instead of the jungle coming out of the game the players are gonna go into the jungle in the game like Alan Parrish in the first movie exactly just like Alan in the first movie they start the game they get sucked inside of it oh that's not how it worked in the first movie it was like a specific thing he landed on oh well to be honest I haven't seen it I did skim through the Wikipedia page though yeah that sounds like it should be good enough so yeah we're gonna start the movie with this really fun thing where four kids get sent to detention right did you also read The Breakfast Club Wikipedia I did so there's this nerdy guy Spencer a football player named fridge a popular girl named Bethany and like a shy ish girl named Martha okay so they find this Jumanji game while they're in detention exactly so they all end up in the game as avatars that are like the opposite of their OneNote character descriptions very fun so tell me about these avatars Spencer gets this super muscular avatar dr. brave stone and I was thinking Dwayne Johnson would be great to do it do you think he'd be into it you said this takes place in the jungle that's right the jungle yeah he'll be into it well great and then I figure we could get Kevin Hart to play the big football player guys avatar so he's gonna act like a big tough football guy he would just act like Kevin Hart that is a specialty but I thought we could get Jack Black to play the avatar of the popular girl Bethenny Oh pretending to be a teenage girl is tight I mean I imagine that's not something that I do regularly very weird so anyway Bethenny's gonna be like fascinated that her avatar has like you know male parts wait this Jumanji game gave the avatars genitals it sure did fully functioning too cuz she pees with it and then later she gets aroused from a hug that has just insane implications no it's funny that mean these avatars can like do stuff with each other what can they get each other pregnant oh my god this has insane implications yeah but penis jokes are very funny that's a good point they are very funny yeah so we're gonna you know return to that well quite a bit well okay then then the shy girl Martha's avatar is gonna be like this lara croft type character her name's Ruby roundhouse and she wears this like revealing tight-fitting outfit I feel like internet people might get mad about that well actually we're gonna have a joke about how revealing and impractical female costumes are it's like a commentary but she's still gonna wear it the entire movie that's right so we get to seem woke but still have her wear skimpy clothes the whole time oh very smart yeah yeah so what kind of stuff do they have to deal with inside Jumanji well they meet this guide dude and he only has like specific things he's able to say cuz he's an NPC Oh interesting playing with like the video game format a bit exactly and so the players are gonna be shown this cutscene right and it explains who the bad guy is and that there's this magic jewel that gave them powers and it needs to be returned to this Jaguar statue Oh cutscenes that's gonna be an interesting device to play with throughout the movie that's literally the only time it'll happen oh it is so we're not gonna see anything from the villains perspective after that no no we will but if he's a part of the video game that means he's not like running around living a life how are we gonna be able to see that stuff I don't know fair enough so who is the bad guy his name is Van Pelt Oh van Pelt like the hunter in the first movie exactly and in the first movie he like represented daddy issues in the main character and he was actually played by the same actor as the father character you know according to Wikipedia yeah yeah yeah that was some interesting stuff so what's his connection to the protagonists and this one on whatsoever oh really you know in this one he's evil and has big animal powers that's well okay so anyway the characters are gonna realize that they each have three lives after Bethenny gets eaten by a hippo so these characters are gonna die they are several times like Ruby Round House gets shot in the chest and explodes and dies oh my god what well she has other lives so it's okay but but I mean do they feel pain they do yeah they're constantly saying ouch when they get thrown around and stuff so Martha experiences the pain of being shot in the chest and dying I mean yeah I guess I feel like that's incredibly dark and psychologically scarring listen sir I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about this death thing okay okay let me get off of that thing Thanks I just want to have a couple of gags create some artificial stakes and extend the runtime so what kinds of jungle threats are they gonna deal with you know motorcycles motorcycles yeah you know a lot of motorcycles and henchmen a lot of hand-to-hand combat it doesn't really scream jungle to me it feels like it should be more animal focus well I want to have a bunch of cool fight scenes and I can't have them punching animals that's a good point like Ruby roundhouse is gonna dance fighting ray so we're gonna have that oh baby I love your waist long play on a radio while she just kicks but so did Jumanji pay like licensing fees to use that song unclear sir but they're definitely playing it that's a lawsuit waiting to happen they're also gonna go to a market and meet this guy Alex that's been stuck in the game for like 20 years living inside this Hut thing that Alan Parrish Bills weight so in the first movie we said that Alan was in like the deep dark jungle wearing banana leaves but now we're saying he was in a house near a market that's right that works so then they need to escape via helicopter and alex is the only one who can fly it but he's too scared why was it gonna be hard to convince him to do it actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah they're like you can do this and he's like oh yeah okay let's go wow that was easy yes so then after some scary business with the Rhino Stampede they lend the helicopter in a safe spot well why don't they fly around the island don't they need to find a big Jaguar thing yeah but that would end the movie the movie's not done yet oh okay sorry so anyway eventually they do find the Jaguar but they need to get a round van pounce how do they manage that well Martha like allows herself to be killed right so she responds in the sky and as she's falling Spencer's going up the Jaguar on a motorcycle and she hands the Jule off to him and then he puts it in the Jaguar and then they all yelled Jumanji and Van Pelt turns into rats what oh definitely don't think about this too much okay I won't then so what do you think do you think it's gonna do well well I mean you heard the Nostalgia noise I made earlier I did oh yeah I'd say this is gonna do pretty well [Music] hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred episodes of pitch meeting on the channel that you could check out I also have some other videos on there so click around also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see these pitches for don't forget to hit the like button the subscribe button the bell button the button button I don't know thanks for watching guys - see you next time
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,784,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jumanji, jumanji welcome to the jungle, dwayne johnson, the rock, kevin hart, karen gillan, jack black, nick jonas, spencer, fridge, bethany, van pelt, smolder bravestone, ruby roundhouse, mouse finbar, seaplane mcdonough, shelly oberon, sequel, reboot, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant, dwayne the rock johnson
Id: ed06L1p_Gso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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