Avengers: Endgame Pitch Meeting

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This video is great but it's not gonna be upvoted because people hate the truth.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/merubin 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did spidermans friend Ned get dusted? Or did he just spend an extra 5 years in highschool. He must have been cheating off of Peter.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/r0botchild 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

There was an awful lot wrong with the movie. Time travel always seems to get fucked up, especially when heroes are involved but that scene with the women arriving to the battle was fuckin' beyond goofy. I still enjoyed it for the mind-numbing entertainment it was.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tysc3 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

That is ALL spoiler, don't even start watching it lol.

Seent movie - already immune.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mazgazine1 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you have an Avengers endgame script for me yes sir I do oh my god yeah very exciting so we're gonna start off with Hawkeye with this family but they all get dusted oh my god and then we go up into space and check in on Tony and nebula oh my god oh my god dude do you think you could stop saying oh my god sorry I'm just so excited that's okay so anyway it seems like Tony is about to die cuz he's out of oxygen and food hmm oh my god sir sorry sorry sorry but then Captain Marvel shows up and saves them cuz she's working with the Avengers now Oh Captain Marvel huh so we're gonna show her meeting them and stuff no I mean we already had the post-credits scene an infinity war in the post-credits scene and Captain Marvel so I feel like people know how she got there but what if people haven't seen those movies I mean I'm just kidding this is the world's most expensive TV show it's not our fault if people haven't seen the last episode okay yeah good joke sir so then what happens when they find out what planet Thanos is on and he looks a lot more like Shrek than he used to know people like Shrek and so the Avengers show up and they're like where are the stones and he's like oh yeah no I destroyed those oh that's not good nope it's not and so then Thor you know chops his head off he does what now cuts Thanos his head off and it rolls off into the corner and he's dead Wow well I'm surprised this turned out to be a very short movie we are gonna save a ton of money though oh no it's not done but but Thanos is dead yeah we're gonna fade to black in the words five years later appear on the screen what yeah five years have passed and everybody's super sad and depressed cuz all their friends are still dead listen it's extremely important to me to quote Backstreet Boys as little as possible in my day to day life but I'm gonna need you to quit playing games with my heart why is that extremely important to you just okay what happens next well captain Marvel's gonna be like I'm very busy now and peace out it's pretty rude and then a rat is gonna set ant-man free from the quantum realm which is gonna be the key to saving everyone Oh life saving rats are tight yeah so it turns out ant-man was in the quantum realm for five years but to him it felt like five hours oh very cool yeah so he goes to see the Avengers and he's like hey time is weird right maybe that's something we can look into okay so they go see Tony but he is a daughter now and he's like time travel is impossible and this is dumb and no thank you Oh Tony as a daughter yes she's real adorable she tells him I love you 3,000 how does she think he's the lead singer of Outkast no it's just a cute thing she says okay anyway so Tony's gonna end up changing his mind about helping them so then he has to figure out time travel but he says it's impossible that's gonna be hard to do actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he just tries something after doing the dishes and it works immediately well great so then the Avengers have to get the rest of the team together oh very exciting yes so they go get Thor but he's fat now oh you just opened up a whole new world for cosplayers yeah I did and Tony's gonna call him The Big Lebowski that movie starring Jeff Bridges that's the one Jeff Bridges who also starred in Iron Man that's the one oh damn it I mean it's fine let's just try not to mention too many real world movie okay well we'll keep it to a minimum just a couple of other references to like Back to the Future in Hot Tub Time Machine Hot Tub Time Machine starring Sebastian Stan ah dang it it's bound to happen we love pop culture references but we have all the famous people in these things yeah we do so anyway they have four and I guess they wait for Captain Marvel to come back no she's busy yeah but can't they like wait for her to make contact seems like she'd be good to have around she's extremely busy she has no time for this I mean okay so anyway the plan is to go into the past and get Infinity stones so time hice but the thing is they have a very limited number of Pym particles so they have one shot to get this right why don't they go back in time and steal some more particles I mean yeah eventually they do why don't they do that you know right away because then the stakes wouldn't be so high and also they just want to get started right away oh okay so anyway then they break off into teams and explore a bunch of old Marvel movies oh it's like fanservice the movie exactly it's gonna be great like rocket and Thor gonna go to Asgard very exciting which actually reminds me we are gonna have to get Natalie Portman back Oh what do you need her for I need her to take a nap I mean it's gonna be the world's most expensive net but okay great so yeah they have to steal the reality stone from insider by poking her with a pokey thing okay and some other Avengers are gonna go to the Battle of New York right there should be three stones in New York at that time exactly but then Loki's gonna manage to grab the tesseract and disappear oh where does he go into a spin-off TV show fantastic also Black Widow and Hawkeye go to voir mere so they have to do that whole sacrifice that which you love thing for the soul stone oh yeah and so Black Widow dies well well thank God the team happened to send two Avengers that love each other it is a pretty convenient coincidence so what else happens well Iron Man is gonna build a gauntlet and Hulk is gonna snap his fingers and bring everyone back well it turns out that Thanos knows about the plan because past nebulas face projectors connected to the same Wi-Fi network as present nebula oh yes so they just bombed the hell out of the Avengers facility I mean this thing turns into a crater Oh boys everyone okay yeah no everyone's fine yeah I thought they might be but then Thanos is waiting outside and he wants the stones cuz he has a new plan in mind oh he does yeah he's like well now I see that my 50% decimation thing didn't work so I'm just gonna kill everyone and start fresh oh so you took the well develop villain from infinity war and turned him into apocalypse from the last x-men movie pretty much yeah everything they've built will fall in all that interesting move yeah so then it's time for a big final fight things are gonna get real oh boy but first Thor uses lightning to braid his beard real quick what and then the fighting begins oh boy so it's gonna be this awesome showdown like cap is gonna use mule near Wow Wow and then there's just cat barely standing up but he's facing down Thanos army oh there's gonna be a big disposable CGI army of course this is an Avengers movie I love it and just when it seems like all hope is lost Doctor Strange opens up a portal and black panther walks through Oh black panther how and what does he do go see Bombay oh he loves saying that yeah and then all the heroes are gonna have these slow dramatic entrances through all the portals Wow nice of phantoms to not attack as everyone enters yeah he definitely lets them have a moment very considerate so then it's gonna be a massive fight it's gonna be like boom boom boom boom pow pow pow that sounds great I like the sound of that and we'll all the fighting is happening they need to get the gauntlet into this time-travel van to put all the stones back in their proper places okay and at a certain point all the female heroes are gonna land in the same spot to protect the gauntlet well that's gonna be awesome yeah it's gonna be badass I bet it will why did they do that though to protect the gauntlet right okay but why did all the female heroes land in the same spot at the same time did they plan that like through their communicators no no of course not that's silly so it's a coincidence then it just so happens that all the female characters and only the female characters all did that simultaneously I mean I wouldn't call it a coincidence either don't get me wrong it sounds awesome I'm just trying to understand how and why something like that would happen on a massive battlefield well here's the thing it's gonna be a very cool scene so I need you to get all the way off my back about the logistics oh okay I'll do that great so anyway then Captain Marvel and the gang have to get this gauntlet to the van Captain Marvel has the gauntlet why doesn't she put it on and turn all the bad guys to dust because they're enough and then aniss is gonna end up getting his hands on the gauntlet oh yeah and then dr. strange looks at Tony and does this so he's telling him that it's time for that ant-man and Thanos is but fury oh my god no he's telling Tony this is the one in 14 million chance oh okay gotcha so Tony man is just to grab all the stones without Thanos noticing so the stones give you a huge surge of power when you put the mondo when you take them off there's no noticeable difference that's what we're going with huh so then Tony snaps his fingers and turns all the bad guys to dust and how does that work exactly like how does Tony know what to do like what does he do he just thinks really hard that he wants all the bad guys dead and then snaps his fingers so it has the same kind of mental logistics as like a birthday wish no no it's not at all like a birthday wish well he just has to hope for it really hard and dr. strange couldn't tell him or it wouldn't come true that sounds like a birthday wish it's not a birthday wish a little bit anyway so then Tony dies oh very sad and then Captain America has to travel back and put all the stones in the exact times in places they were taken from oh so you have to go to Asgard and stab Natalie Portman with a thing yeah I guess so he has to go to voir Mir and have a weird conversation with Red Skull and ask for directions to the kiddie pool where you get the soul stone I mean yeah I guess he has to do that too very uncomfortable situation anyway so instead of coming back through the time machine cap decides to live a full life with Peggy Carter so he ends up super old so he just lived a full life while Bucky was out there somewhere getting tortured I guess he did know when he kissed his Sharon Carter that's like his niece or something uh uh what about when he goes maybe we can not think about this too much and just enjoy it for what it is okay that sounds good great and so that's it you know cap is old iron man is dead yeah but I mean we could go visit him whenever with the time machine right I mean yes but you know let's not do that I don't know it could be a big moneymaker at least don't I'm just saying it's possible I just think you know would be nice if character deaths were permanent you know it kind of takes away from their sacrifices if they pop up and other stuff okay okay do you agree yup uh-huh I agree [Music] hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred pitch meetings on the channel so check some of those out you'd also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitch meetings for don't forget to Like and subscribe and share on Twitter Facebook all all the stuff that helps out a lot as always check back soon for a new pitch buh bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,523,652
Rating: 4.9286909 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, endgame, marvel, iron man, captain america, thanos, thor, tony stark, steve rogers, black widow, hawkeye, hulk, professor hulk, black panther, doctor strange, infinity stones, marvel cinematic universe, time travel, ant-man, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: HRqsC4UuY_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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