The Ultimate Disney Pitch Meeting | Compilation

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so you have an animated movie idea for me yes sir I do Hamlet Meets Bambi in Africa with cats Oh random word association is tight potato light bulb with a guinea pig judge those are some very random words sir but mine were actually deliberately chosen oh really yeah the movie is gonna be called The Lion King Wow well okay what happens in the movie well the first image is gonna be this amazing African sunrise accompanied by some beautiful African music that sounds so peaceful how does the music go oh it's gonna go a little something like yeah yeah yeah exactly you know it no I don't and that sounded really aggressive I couldn't even understand what you were saying and I was saying yonce and gamma big et Baba oh okay it did sound a lot cooler when you just yelled it yeah I thought so so what happens after the sunrise well all these African animals are gonna gather round to honor this new baby lion Simba who's gonna be king someday seemed a little weird that they'd all gather to honor a predator that's probably gonna kill them no see it all has to do with the circle of life so they're cool with it what's the circle of life oh it's this really cool thing that Simba's dad Mufasa is gonna explain to him okay see the Lions might violently murder and eat all the animals but when the Lions die they turn to grass and the animals eat them one of those groups is clearly getting a better deal out of that it's all perfectly fair so the Lions are in charge because they can kill anyone they want right I'm pretty sure that's called a reign of terror yeah that sounds about right so what other characters are in the movie well there's Simba's uncle Scar who thinks he should be king when Mufasa dies why did they call him scar cuz he's got a scar on his face oh that's a little on the nose no it's a big one on his eye never mind we're also gonna have Simba grow up with this lioness named Nala and eventually they're gonna fall in love but don't prides of lions only have like one or two males yeah what does that have to do with anything that means the nollans father is either Mufasa or scar right yeah so Simba and Nala are either half siblings or cousins exactly oh you're being weirdly okay with cat incest yeah yeah yeah remind me to never hang out with you okay I'll do that so what else happens in the movie well Simba is gonna have this whole big song and dance number about how he can't wait to be king wow that's super mean what do you mean I mean you could secretly wish for your father to die but singing a whole song about it is kind of messed up I guess it is a little messed up now that your men Simba's a jerk anyway so later scar and his hyenas are gonna trap him fossa and Simba in a wildebeest stampede oh so Mufasa tells them to calm down or something what no they can't speak English yes silly producer oh they can't yeah only the animals I decide speak English speak English right that makes sense sue then scar is gonna kill Mufasa and go to Simba like this is all your fault you better run away and never come back very harsh yes Oh Simba is gonna start to leave and scar is gonna tell his hyenas to go kill him wait what well scar wants to make sure that he gets the throne right but what was the point of that whole run away and never return thing if he was just gonna kill him why not just kill him right away I don't know fair enough so then Simba is gonna manage to escape and he's gonna get raised by a meerkat named Timon and a warthog named Pumbaa oh and what does he do with them he walks across a log till he's all grown up Wow and yes since Simba has grown up now you're gonna have to find another voice actor for these parts oh yeah I think I'm gonna try to get Matthew Broderick he's great well you kind of need an actor that also has an amazing singing voice you know no I don't know really yeah I'll just get somebody else to perform the singing parts like who well I could for sure get Joseph Williams so lead singer from toto yeah that dude is obsessed with Africa that's a good point so this is a perfect fit for him so what happens next well one day Nala is gonna show up and be like holy crap sim but we all thought you were dead oh it must be great to see his sister again yeah and she's gonna be like bro you need to come back a scar took over with a bunch of hyenas and now there's no food or water or rain wow I can't believe scar messed up the weather like that yeah and then Simba and Nala are gonna roll around and she's gonna give him this look like oh boy you and I are gonna get it on brother feels like it's gonna be difficult to convey that expression on a cartoon animal though actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah just get me in a room with your weirdest animator and I'll tell them exactly how it should look oh I can't wait for you to be out of my office you're weird out anyway so then Simba is gonna talk to a cloud and go home to confront scar how does that go well scar tells everybody that Simba killed Mufasa and he's a murderer oh so Simba explains what really happened now he's gonna be like I'm not a murderer and that's about it wow yeah and so then they're gonna fight and scars gonna end up getting eaten by his hundreds of hyena buddies incredible and so yeah then Simba becomes King again and it immediately starts to rain and all the plants and stuff grow back I never realized that a Monarchy could have such an impact on the weather and environment yeah it's a little-known fact very cool and what happens with the hyenas well we never see them again so I guess the Lions ate that oh my gosh yeah real savage so what do you think well it sounds great I can't wait to cash in on it a few times what do you mean a few times so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's gonna be called Aladdin Oh Aladdin what like get like in the city or something just Aladdin that's the guy's name oh I thought this was like a Scottish thing never mind okay so anyway we're gonna meet this shopkeeper guy and he's gonna be like I'm gonna tell you the story about a magic lamp okay and we'll come back to him at the end no we'll never see him again oh just fully abandoning your framing device yeah completely Wow and we're gonna have this cool song about arabian night yeah that'll be nice yeah it's gonna be like where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face it's barbaric but hey it's home oh I think that might be racist Oh whoops whoops say should I change it yeah let's keep it like that and if people get mad we'll change it for the home release well now that you bring it up I feel like people are probably gonna get mad let's just keep it well okay then so what else happens in the movie well we're gonna meet this princess jasmine and the law says she has to marry a prince before her next birthday or what big consequences oh that sounds bad yeah it might be how old is Jasmine anyway she's like 15 oh this whole thing's gonna be a little creepy then isn't it yeah if you stop to think about any of it for sure well let's hope people don't do that angers crossed so anyway she's gonna venture into the market and meet this poor guy Aladdin that's the name of the movie it sure is so they're instantly gonna fall in love but he's gonna get captured by some guards Oh No and then this bad guy Jafar tricks him into going into a cave Oh tricking people into going into caves is tight yeah and the whole thing about this cave is that only one can enter and he has to be a diamond in the rough how very mysterious is the cave full of treasures it is so Aladdin enters with his monkey eye boo I thought only one could enter yeah well a boo was an animal so I guess it doesn't count Wow too bad Jafar doesn't have an animal companion oh he does actually he has a super-smart parrot named Iago oh so why didn't he send y'all go in because now it works yes so anyway inside this cave they're not allowed to touch anything except this magic lamp Oh sounds serious yeah so they immediately touch a flying carpet oh my god so what happens nothing they become friends with this so that no touching thing was nonsense well no because then iboot touches a ruby and the whole place starts to fall apart in into lava and stuff oh my god yeah and they almost escaped but then Jafar betrays them and leaves them for dead that's not very nice nope but luckily Abu managed to grab the magic lamp and a big old genie comes out of it Oh a big old genie and the genie can't make people fall in love so Aladdin is like okay I wish for you to make me into a prince oh right because he's in love with the underage girl yeah so that'll lead us into this whole story where Aladdin is trying to get with the underage girl but it's not working very weird I feel uncomfortable and the genies gonna be like well you know you should tell her the truth you're not a prince wait so we didn't make him into a prince apparently not I guess or him being a prince would be the truth Wow Aladdin kind of got a crappy deal here yeah but he definitely made it look like he was a prince like he had a big parade with a bunch of loyal subjects cheering for him like he made it look legit wait what loyal subjects unclear but there are lots of them did he create life just to pretend that Aladdin is a prince maybe well this genies like a god that went insane yeah so anyway now Jafar wants to marry Jasmine so he can become Sultan how does he plan on doing that well Jafar is able to manipulate the current Sultan to get whatever he wants so like he has a way with words Zoe as a staff that let's imagine manipulate him what yeah yes like a magic Cobra staff lets him hypnotize people get them to do what he wants so why doesn't he just make the Sultan relinquish his power I don't know why doesn't he make a lad and go away I don't know why doesn't he make Jasmine marry him okay please get off my back about this mind-control stuff it's just weird to give the guy who wants stuff the power to make people give him stuff yeah well I'm a weird guy what can I say I don't know if that makes up for it it does actually so anyway then Aladdin is gonna take Jasmine on a magic carpet ride oh he is yeah he's gonna say super romantic stuff while they're up there like don't you dare close your eyes oh so he threatens her yeah but in a romantic setting I feel like that makes it worse well she's into it so it kind of works well okay then and then eventually Jafar gets his hands on the lamp oh yeah any exile Aladdin to this snowy frizzy place so he'll freeze and die Wow well it's gonna be hard for a Latin to get out of there actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah cuz see Jafar sent him over there with his magic carpet oh that's very considerate of him it is so Aladdin you know just kind of flies back fantastic again he manages to defeat Jafar by tricking him into wishing he was a genie oh very smart yeah but now Aladdin's not a prince anymore so he can't marry jasmine was he a prince though not super clear but he's definitely not anymore because his clothes changed well okay then but Aladdin promised genie he would use his final wish to set him free so now he's got to be like I got to choose between love and keeping my promise why doesn't he just do both what do you mean well he could wish to be a prince whatever that means then give Jasmine the lamp and she could wish for genies freedom oh that's smart yeah that would solve everything well then let's just pretend like this is a dramatic moment then oh okay I love pretending great and so that's about it well sounds great oh and we're gonna have to get somebody really good to play the genie oh we are yeah he has to be super charismatic and funny maybe we can get Robin Williams Oh he'd be perfect he'd eat that roll up oh yeah he'd just be irreplaceable so goodbye two future remakes and stuff so you have a movie for me yes sir I do and I know this is gonna be the first-ever feature-length computer-animated movie so I made sure to keep the human characters to a minimum well that's very nice of you but honestly it'd be even better if there were no humans at all we are not good at rendering those right now well the movies about what toys do when humans leave so they're kind of have to be a couple of humans you know okay but just so you know their faces are you know absolutely gonna be the stuff of nightmares just haunting stuff understood sir so you said the movies about toys yes so the whole thing's gonna be that toys are actually alive and they have like secret lives going on when humans leave the room Oh and when humans come back into the room they all rush back to their places and ghosts if again I have just so many questions Oh like what happens if somebody peeks through the window and sees the toys running around how you don't know at what point of the toy making process do they become sentient I don't know if a toys head breaks does it die and if a new replacement head is put on is that an entirely new being oh please stop asking me questions I'm sorry it's just you drop a bombshell like toys come alive when you leave the room and I have a couple of questions yeah well the whole thing falls apart if you think about it a little bit so you know please don't do that fair enough so what happens in the movie well there's this kid ambien favorite thing to play with is this little woody ah see what he is the name of a cowboy toy and he's actually the main character of the movie oh okay and he's kind of the leader of Andy's toys so they'll look up to him there's even a female toy Bo Peep who's like into him romantically toys can be romantically involved with each other we're certainly gonna suggest that yeah I don't know much about the internet just yet but I feel like people are gonna take that information and do some pretty weird stuff with it oh I'm gonna make sure to get my dial-up modems set up and check that out okay you're weird out so anyway Andy's family is moving in like a week so all the toys are getting ready for moving day okay but then they realized that it's Andy's birthday party so they'll get scared that they're gonna get replaced by a cool new toy Oh interesting and for the most part they seem to be safe because all of Andy's friends are horrible at giving gifts what do you mean will they get him like bedsheets and a lunch box okay yeah those are some pretty boring birthday gifts for a child but then Andy's gonna get this new toy called Buzz Lightyear Oh what's his deal well what's really fun about him is that he doesn't know he's a toy he thinks he's an actual Space Ranger oh that's funny I thought so too he thinks he's on a mission or something hilarious and so Andy gets obsessed with Buzz and he replaces woody is the favorite toy and what's Andy's reaction to seeing buzz moving around and talking what what are you talking about well you said that the toys hide the fact that they're alive when a human enters the room but if Buzz doesn't think he's a toy he wouldn't do that right oh my god did you not realize that no I didn't realize that now this whole thing doesn't make sense aw damn it whoa it's okay no it's not okay buzz not thinking he's a toy is a major part of the movie but then I have him freeze whenever humans show up it doesn't make any sense look it's fine maybe people won't notice stupid stupid stupid oh my god no it's fine we'll move on okay yeah I'm okay I'm okay so what else happens well like I said now Andy is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear so his mom completely redecorate his room we're talking Buzz Lightyear blankets and posters aren't they moving yeah yeah yeah so they put that poster up for like a day I guess so interesting choice so then because Woody's jealous he decides to knock Buzz behind a dresser okay but then he accidentally knocks him out a window oh no so all the other toys called what do you murderer and they want to hang him to death oh my god yeah they don't even give him time to explain immediate death sentence that is so dark super dark and then some wacky circumstances buzzin woody both end up in a claw machine at a pizza place oh that does sound wacky but then they end up getting taken home by Andy's neighbor Sid and what SIDS deal oh well he's super evil he makes toys explode any like crafts different parts of toys onto other toys pretty creative actually yeah super evil just a kid using his imagination anyway so at SIDS house buzz is gonna see a TV commercial for himself and realize he's a toy oh so what does he do well he goes into this deep existential depression Oh existential ISM is tight why are we even here I don't know fair enough let me know if you figure it out so then Sid decides he wants to use this huge rocket thing on Buzz and all the toys have to stop it Wow it's gonna be impossible for them to stop a human actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah woody just breaks all the rules and starts talking to him and then SIDS other toys start crawling towards him that is horrifying yeah that kid's gonna have some serious psychological damage well serves him right for what he did to those toys I mean he didn't know they were alive he was just having fun and now they probably ruined his life yeah yeah yeah toys are ruthless they are so then Woody and Buzz raced down the street to try to catch up with the moving truck they raced down a public street won't people see that most probably but we're not gonna deal with that cuz I don't wanna well okay then so what do you think well as the first computer animated feature I think it's gonna be great yeah we're basically paving the way for a whole new kind of animated feature yeah and if this is how CG animated features are kicking off I can't wait to see the kind of stuff they make in the future Oh things are gonna get good so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's gonna be an adaptation of the classic fairy tale The Snow Queen oh and how are we adapting it in the absolutely loosest way possible Oh Luce things are tight no they're not right of course they're not what the hell am I saying anyway so we're gonna meet this young Princess Elsa and she's gonna accidentally hurt her sister ah no with her ice powers oh whoops whoopsie so then their parents bring them to see these magical little rock trolls how are they gonna be cute no but they will be annoying and give irresponsibly vague advice that's just as good anyway so the head troll is like first of all we need to erase on his memories of this happening how come they need to do that to protect her how does that protect her on feels like it'd be a lot safer if she had a heads up about her sisters powers you know maybe learned how to protect herself from them yeah well they're gonna go with the memory erase thing fair enough and the head troll also says that if somebody gets hit in the heart with these ice powers it's not so easy to fix but he explains how to fix it in case that happens he does not I told you these trolls are vague as hell right and then the troll is gonna say that she needs to learn to control her powers and that fear is gonna be her enemy wow so what Elsa's parents do they lock her up in her room and make her scared of her powers and of human contact oh wow they did not listen to that advice they did not and so eventually they died in a shipwreck oh my god where were they even sailing - they were sailing up on out of this movie cuz I'm done with them well okay then so then Elsa and Anna spend three years inside the castle separated from each other and the outside world why can't on a leaf unclear and who's running everything while they're locked up I don't know fair enough so then it's time for Elsa's coronation and a bunch of people are invited over and Anna instantly falls in love with this Prince Hans Wow but then Elsa accidentally reveals that she has ice powers and people freak out and call her a monster oh yeah and then she accidentally causes an eternal winter and runs away seize that coronation went horribly it did and so then she's gonna sing this amazing song about you know moving on from her past or something oh what's the song called oh I don't know yet probably something like moving on up and not a fan of that maybe something like breaking free maybe the past is gone okay let's just let it go for now and figure it out later whoa wait what was that what repeat that last thing you just said I said let it go right right right but the end part I said we'll figure it out later yeah we'll figure it out later cuz I can't think of anything good right now oh the way you got excited there I thought I sparked an idea oh no I just get really excited about procrastination it is pretty great so anyway Elsa heads up into the mountains and builds a giant ice castle to live in the castle that's fully made of ice yeah yeah yeah pretty sweet right where's she gonna poop well she doesn't have any food to eat so maybe she won't poop at all yeah I don't understand how she intends to stay alive there yeah me neither let's not think about this at all okay sounds like a plan to me so then back home Anna is like I need to go find my sister and so who does she bring with her nobody she goes alone yes she feels responsible so she goes alone with no equipment or supplies or even winter clothing but what if something happens to her then there's no way this works out well she feels like she should go alone so she leaves Hans in charge the guy who's visiting yeah yeah yeah feels like whoever was running things before the coronation should be left in charge yeah but I don't even know who that is so this random Prince that's visiting is gonna be left in charge well okay then so anyway Ana's gonna meet this guy Kristoff and his reindeer spen and they're gonna team up all right and they're gonna meet this sentient snowman Olaf that Elsa created wait hold on she made a sentient snowman yeah and his whole thing is that he likes warmth and so you're saying she created life out of thin air I mean yeah but that's not the point the point is that Olaf is this wacky guy I feel like that should be the point no we're gonna focus on how funny the snowman is I mean her ice powers don't even compare to the power of creating life out of nothing oh definitely don't put too much thought into this godlike ability she has why not because I didn't all right I'll try to act like that's not a game changer great so Olaf is really silly and he has no idea that heat the one thing he's obsessed with is the one thing that would kill him that's pretty dark actually no we're gonna play it for a laugh oh we are okay then anyway eventually Elsa's gonna accidentally shoot Anna in the heart with her ice stuff and get captured oh none of that's good it's not so then honest starts to turn to ice or something oh boy yeah so Kristoff brings her to see the rock trolls cuz he witnessed all that stuff when they were kids and this is the first time he's bringing that up it is Wow very unnecessary secrets yes so then the trolls sing a very forgettable song and then explain that Anna can be saved by true love that would have been good to know this entire time maybe and so then we're gonna find out that Hans was evil this whole time how do we find that out he literally just explains it all for no reason great that's a very convenient way for us to find out definitely so Hans is gonna try to kill Elsa and Anna's gonna sacrifice herself to save her oh yeah and it turns out that that was an act of true love so she gets saved Wow and so what did they do with Hans how did they punish him they send him home Oh that'll show him yeah I guess so then Elsa gets to be queen wait what about all the people in the kingdom who thought she was a monster because of the ice powers what about them well it's gonna be hard for them to get over that it's actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah she just reverses the winter with love or something and they're all like Oh everything's great now oh that was easy so they're just not scared of her powers and more nope everything's fine and so yeah that's about it Wow so any ideas about who to cast as Anna and Elsa we need people who could sing oh yeah well I was thinking maybe Kristen Bell is Anna and maybe idina menzel is Elsa idina menzel I'm not familiar with her oh she's this amazing Broadway performer she did rent and she did wicked oh okay trust me after this movie everybody's gonna know her name so you have a movie for me yes sir I do yes so I got your email and I have to ask what kind of a title is frozen ie is that is that a pastor or something oh actually no it's frozen - but the - is in Roman numerals Oh Roman numerals very fancy although I do think the movie should be in English yeah no it will be well great I mean the first frozen movie made over a billion dollars so you know let's do it but I haven't even told you about the movie yet yeah I don't think that'll be necessary you know refresh the brand sell some new merch sounds good to me I'm sold okay well can I tell you about it um yeah no you know yeah no I should know what it's about okay so what happens in this thing no a whole bunch of stuff but to be honest it was a little tricky to figure out oh how come well the first movie was supposed to be a one-time thing it pretty much ended with and then they live happily ever after right but then money happens but then money happens so in this one we have to be like yeah they lived happily ever after but the movies about the movies abut Oh butts are tight some are yeah for sure for sure so anyway we're gonna start the movie off with a flashback of ah nine Elsa's parents telling them some bedtime exposition okay so they're gonna tell them about an enchanted forest and a mystical River they're just gonna take turns dropping a bunch of information before the title card even shows up Wow okay well I guess it'll be nice to get all the exposition out of the way at the beginning oh no it's pretty much gonna be continuous throughout the whole thing oh it is yes yeah I'm trying to expand the mythology of the frozen universe so that means explaining things to the audience for extended periods of time well okay there so anyway then Elsa gets the you know call to adventure as they say in screenwriting books okay so what's the call to adventure in this movie literally a voice calling her to adventure it's this mysterious singing voice a mysterious singing voice what does that sound like well it kind of sounds like oh my god you have the voice of an angel thank you so anyway that's gonna lead into this song called into the unknown oh very cool yeah else is gonna sing about how she's not interested in following this voice but then by the end of the song she's gonna be like ya know okay let's do this wow wow wow wow and then we're gonna have a new song every three or four minutes til the end of the movie oh we are yeah well let it go with such a big head in the first movie that I figure if we just throw a bunch of songs out there maybe one of them will stick sounds like a good strategy to me so anyway then Arundale gets messed up by these elemental spirits and else has got a head into the enchanted forest okay and so you know on and Olaf and Kristoff and Sven go with her why did they go with her well because they were in the first movie right but like story wise they were in the first movie okay so then they go to this magical mystical barrier at the edge of a forest that they have to go through it sounds like the movie annihilation yeah it's like annihilation but less horrify very cool so then they're gonna meet these like native people called the North all drew as well as some soldiers from arendelle that have been trapped inside for years Wow yeah just this amazing cast of new characters that have less than five lines of peace and almost no impact on the events of the film I bet they'll look good on a lunchbox though they're gonna look great on a lunchbox great and eventually we're gonna find out that Elsa and Ana's grandfather was responsible for killing a bunch of these North elder people and taking their land oh no yes see cuz the first movie was really good but I always felt like it could have used a hint of colonialism and implied genocide that certainly wasn't covered in the first movie for sure so basically the main characters are gonna have to figure out how to lift this curse so who's like the big villain in this thing no villains sir just a vague curse that needs to be lifted oh okay so then throughout the movie the characters are gonna encounter a bunch of magical related problems oh man is gonna be hard to solve those actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes see every time a magical problem arises that'll be solved by some other magic that exists because I decided it did wow wow wow wow and so what is Olaf up to this whole time well he's pretty much doing the same thing he did in the first movie chiming in once in a while to try and sell merchandise to children that's right I love it we're also gonna discover that one of the elements they're dealing with fire is actually a cute little lizard available wherever toys are sold I may what's Christophe up to this whole time well he's trying to propose to Anna but he keeps phrasing it badly and messing it up okay so oh that's it yeah just that over and over and over again sounds kind of repetitive yeah I didn't know what to do with him so I gave him a storyline from a 90s sitcom and then sidelined him for the last 40 minutes fair enough as long as he's in it I guess cuz he was in the first movie he was in the first movie that's right so how does the movie end well in the whole movie there are these elemental spirits right earth water Wind and Fire but we're also saying that there's a fifth mysterious bridge one okay and in the end we're gonna find out that Elsa is that final spirit aren't her powers kind of water powers though cuz of what ice is listen I'm not a scientist oh you're not okay sorry that was rude of me to bring up so anyway Elsa realizes that to lift this curse that the spirits put on everybody they need to break this damn that her grandfather built okay okay but we need to have onna do something because she was in the first movie so else is literally gonna freeze so how does on a managed to break the damn well she lures these rock giants over to the dam and they busted open very cool so then all this water is rushing towards arendelle which by the way has been evacuated Wow well it's gonna be cool to actually have some consequences for the horrible thing those people did to the north ultra well actually else is gonna swoop in and stop the water so no consequences at all okay you know I think that would be too politically charged or whatever so no consequences at all everybody gets a happy ending that sounds safer and I'm into it yeah so what do you think overall do you think it's gonna do well well let me ask you something are the characters and the brand name gonna appear on the poster say well yeah then it's gonna be just fine so you have an animated movie for me yes sir I do and it kind of takes the things having a secret life premise from Toy Story but for like a new generation that doesn't play with toys anymore oh so what's gonna have a secret life what would have kids use more than toys these days okay I think I see where you're going with this yeah yeah you want to make an emoji movie oh my god no yes as soon as I said it it sounded like an awful idea nobody should ever do that and I pray that they don't that would be truly terrible ya know this movie's called wreck-it Ralph and it's about the secret life of video game characters that live in an arcade Oh sweet kids are always at arcades these days yeah not only are arcades all over the place but they're always pad it is a good time to own an arcade so what happens in the movie well the main character Ralph has been the bad guy in this video game called fix-it Felix jr. for 30 years and his life kind of sucks when compared to the good guys so he decides that he's sick of being a bad guy wait he's been living that crappy life for thirty years why only do something about it now it's the 30th anniversary of the game right but he must have been feeling this way for a long time what makes this moment so special this is when the movie starts gotcha so anyway to be a good guy he needs to win a medal so he decides to sneak into another game to do that how are the games connected well they're all plugged into the same surge protector and if one of the machines gets unplugged the characters in it die wait so they've never once unplugged the game in 30 years that's what we're going with what if something that's not a video game gets plugged in like what if the janitor plugs in his vacuum can they go in the vacuum oh please don't think about the world building this much why not well it's the kind of world building that falls apart if you think about it so it's best not to do that fair enough anyway so we find out through Sonic the Hedgehog that if characters die outside their own game they're dead for good so Ralph goes into a safe little game to win a medal no he goes into the most dangerous violent murdery game in the whole arcade oh he does yeah and then at this point in the script I actually ran out of video game jokes to make must have been hard to finish a script about video games without any video game jokes left actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah I just had Ralph's head over to this game called sugar rush so we start making candy puns instead of video game puns how abruptly switching your pun strategy is tight anyway so sugar rush is this kind of racing game and Ralph's me to this character vanellope who's not allowed to race because she's a glitch okay and she steals Ralph's medal to sneak into the race so if she doesn't win he's not getting it back wow this character sounds like a massive glitch yeah was a real glitch move on her part but she's actually pretty nice so what else should I know about sugar rush well the place is run by this guy King candy oh we should make him be like the Mad Hatter an Alice in Wonderland what do you mean like we just straight-up make him look and sound exactly like the Mad Hatter why why would we do that though why wouldn't we do that but why would we listen I just really like Alice in Wonderland so this is something that's gonna happen okay but I don't understand it's just happening are you on board or not oh my god I guess I'm on board great well that got scary so what else happens in the movie well at the end we're gonna find out that he's actually a bad guy named turbo in disguise and he snuck into the game when his game got unplugged then he completely recoded it to make vanilla pee a glitch instead of the princess that she actually is how does a video game character know how to recode an entire game I don't know but he also races everyone's memories so they don't know that she's a princess how does he know how to do that dude I don't even know this guy has such a convenient skill set anyway so vanilla pee ends up winning the race which completely fixes and resets the game why would winning a video game do that because that's what I wrote fair enough so then ralph goes back to his original job but everyone's happy now so so what's the message here exactly I don't know I guess it's kind of you should just accept your position in life no matter how crappy and just do your job with the smile and keep your mouth shut that is an important lesson for kids to learn yeah yeah yeah so you said that Sonic the Hedgehog is gonna be in this movie are there any other well-known characters yeah I have a few but to be honest they tried to keep it to a minimum how come well it kind of just felt like a cheap gimmick to get people to come watch the movie oh yeah that's not our style we'd never do something like that so you have a record Ralph's sequel script for me yes sir I do though so what happens in wreck-it Ralph - well actually I thought we could call it Ralph breaks the Internet feels like Ralph Rex the Internet would be more appropriate you know because of his name right but breaking the Internet is a popular thing that people say online oh is that a thing when did that become popular oh please don't look it up okay it says here that the term was popularized when Kim Kardashian did a naked photo shoot I mean yes that is when the phrase really hit the mainstream doesn't feel super appropriate to name our movie that don't you think it's time to reclaim that phrase though aren't you tired of naked butts dictating every single thing you do I'm pretty sure you're the only one that's struggling with that but okay I'm just sick of naked butts controlling my life you know anyway so what's going on with the characters a Ralph and vanellope still close oh yeah they get together after work everyday and spend their entire nights together oh not like that oh yeah no they're friends and they hang out are Felix in calhoune gonna be in it people love those characters from the first movie they sure are sir amazing and they adopted 15 kids so you can imagine the kind of hilarious hijinks they're gonna get into I can't imagine it and you'll have to cuz they're barely in the movie Oh so anyway a player is gonna break the steering wheel on vanilla peace game and so the owner of the arcade wants to sell the whole game for parts well that's not good yeah he says there's a replacement part on eBay for 200 bucks but the game doesn't even make that in a year so Ralph and vanellope are gonna go to the Internet they're gonna go to the Internet Wow yeah so then they get there and it's like this whole big cityscape that sounds super similar to what they did in the emoji movie right it's gonna be pretty similar to that but ours is gonna be like a thousand times better how can you be sure well first of all the emoji movie is the emoji movie that's a good point and also they could only reference random stuff like candy crush and just dance but we can reference Disney properties well that's a really good point right and obviously by reference you mean advertise right just making sure so we're gonna have ads for Star Wars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Zootopia big hero 6 that's incredible and it's all gonna be easy to incorporate cuz we're gonna have vanilla pee go to oh my geez need calm it's like oh my god but Disney is God as it should be yeah we're gonna have this amazing scene where she runs into all the Disney Princesses that sounds amazing yeah when we put that in the trailer it's gonna wreck the Internet it's really gonna be the highlight of the movie but do you think it's a little sad that the highlight of this movie is a scene that's all about other movies no well okay then anyway so Ralph and vanellope are gonna run around the internet and encounter a bunch of ads for websites too why would we put ads for websites in here because it's product placement those websites will pay you to be featured money for me money for you so you're saying that not only is this movie a commercial for other Disney properties but also for a bunch of websites that'll pay me to be featured that's right sir I want this movie made right now I don't even want to hear the rest of the story oh I'd love to tell you though okay but make it fast I want to start making this money okay so Ralph and vanellope need to make a bunch of money online to pay for the steering-wheel right right so they follow this super sketchy pop a bad guy and that ends up leading them to a game called slaughter race and vanellope absolutely falls in love with it well and that's a great message for kids what is that clicking on sketchy pop-up ads might seem a little scary at first but ultimately you'll always get what you're looking for that's a good point yeah that's how I met my wife actually oh yeah yeah she was a hot single in my area just waiting to chat with me everything always works out with popup ads and another thing we're gonna do have ralph become a viral video star and make like $30,000 in a couple of hours oh that's good that way we can show kids that becoming popular on YouTube takes little to no effort it is super easy sir so what else happens in the movie well we're pretty much gonna have them run around and encounter a bunch of jokes relating to the Internet I feel like it's kind of risky to reference internet trends though what do you mean well internet trends are notorious for being quickly forgotten so won't the movie feel dated pretty quickly well we're only gonna reference timeless internet jokes like for example we have a reference to Chewbacca mom what was - baka mom again I don't fully remember to be honest well okay then we're also gonna have the thing where Twitter is represented by actual birds oh that's literally a thing in the emoji movie well we're gonna do it - hey we should have a scene where Ralph reads of the comments section on his videos and gets really sad why would that make him sad though aren't people like really mean and comment sections no I don't think so really all I ever see people write in the comment section is the phrase super easy barely an inconvenience why would they write that yeah I really don't know oh I guess writing super easy barely an inconvenience in the comments section is tight I guess it is so how does the movie end well at the end of the movie vanellope is gonna stay in the Internet and Ralph is gonna go back home oh that's sad yeah well they're still gonna have like a web video chat once a week so they're still good friends Ralph is still able to use internet devices when he's not in the Internet sure that works so what do you think I like it a lot I mean there's some fun stuff but also some sad stuff so it looks like you hit that balance really well thanks yeah I really crafted this with people's emotions in mind you know so we can precisely plan when they'll feel happy and when they'll feel sad well it's not like something in an animated kids movie can be unexpectedly sad [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir I do so I was thinking nice yeah so seven out of the eleven Pixar movies from the past decade have been sequels or prequels or spin-offs eight if you include plane I do not varied enough so I figure on this one we could try something original like we used to I don't know sounds kind of unsafe and risky well if it does well we can make a sequel or a prequel or spin-off that's a good point so we putting like a Pixar short before this thing no I thought we could have a Simpsons short Oh show off some of Disney's new purchases I like it yeah yeah so what's the short gonna be about Maggie Simpson getting romantic but like in a cute way okay and what about the actual movie well it takes place in a fantasy world where magic exists but nobody uses that anymore because they develop technology which is easier to use Wow Wow Wow so we're gonna have like unicorns acting like raccoons the main characters have a dragon the next like a dog that's not an animated movie without a thing that's not a dog acting like a dog exactly so who are the main characters in this thing these two elf brothers Ian and barley what are elves like in this world they're basically humans but blue with pointy ears okay gotcha so ian is 16 and very unsure of himself right right and barley is his older more confident brother that's obsessed with this D&D style game called quests of yore okay and so their dad died a long time ago when Ian was just a baby oh I love it parents have no business being alive in animated movies well they do still have a mom and she actually has a boyfriend who's the center he's a center and she's like a human-sized elf that's right I have some questions oh please don't ask them okay yeah no I'll keep those to myself anyway so this Center is kind of a goofball and he drives since it's easier than running running is magic no it's just inconvenient so he has to squeeze into this little human-sized car if the magical beings are the ones that develop technology why don't they have cars of different sizes for different creatures I don't know Oh fair enough so anyway the kids dead father leaves them a staff and lets them bring him back for 24 hours okay but they mess up the spell and only bring back his lower half so like his crotch well like legs so like a crotch though we're gonna be looking at a man's crotch quite a bit yeah sometimes we're gonna be looking at a crotch and I know it sounds weird but it's actually quite touching touching crotches are tight oh my god oh my god I need to start filtering some of the things I say are tight you sir do sir so anyway sometimes they're gonna build a fake torso for their dad to pretend that everything's normal Oh fake chests are tight what's that gonna be like have you seen weekend at Bernie's sir yeah that will okay then so if they want a shot at completing the smell and speaking with their dad they need to track down this super rare Phoenix stone Oh movies about tracking down valuable stones are very hot right now yeah so they take off to go find this thing because after 24 hours and that's it he's gone they don't bring the mom along they don't now very insensitive yeah I guess but she's gonna try to follow them the whole time so we'll check in with her okay so they take off on a road trip in Barley's van and they meet this Manticore lady and what's her deal well she used to go on adventures and sent people on quests and now she runs a restaurant oh but Ian and barley make her go crazy and like reignite her taste for adventure how do they do that by talking to her for about 30 seconds oh that didn't take much yeah I guess she was right on the edge Wow so they keep going on this road trip and you know what they encountered well if this is a roadtrip movie I'm gonna assume they encounter bikers of some kind - you encountered bikers of some kind if they do that thing where they accidentally tip over all their motorcycles you know it never gets old never gets old right oh god I hope so so what's up with these bikers well there are these little Pixies and since nobody uses magic anymore they travel on these big motorcycles instead of flying what why wouldn't they fly well at the beginning of the movie we show that planes exist so nobody flies anymore right but you can't fly a plane through rush-hour traffic oh yeah no that's a good point and if they're tiny how would planes help them like reach shelves and stuff listen sir I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about the magic logic okay oh yeah okay let me get off of that thing oh thank you so much so what else happens well this is a quest so they basically travel from obstacle to obstacle and try to get past them oh man is that gonna be hard for two teenagers to do actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes yeah whole lot of the problems they encounter can actually be solved by magic spells that Ian learns so barley can't do magic no but he knows all about it how come Ian is the only magical one I don't know very now so eventually they get the Phoenix stone but there's a curse that sends this big dragon stone thing after them oh no and there are only a couple minutes left before the deads visitation spell wears off Oh No but see Ian had this checklist of things he wanted to do with his dad and he realizes that barley actually checked all those boxes off by being his brother okay so Ian fights off the dragon and lets barley say goodbye to their dad which he was too scared to do in the hospital as a kid okay so this is how we get the tears this is how we get the tears I was told that was a requirement oh yeah Pixar runs on tears right oh my god so what kind of voice talent were you thinking on this thing well I thought we could do some more cross-pollination of things that Disney owns and grab some talent from the MCU that's smart so should we get to voice barley well overly-confident character who thinks their plans are always the best sounds like a certain somebody from guardians of the galaxy oh okay yeah so so you're thinking I am ha ha Glenn Close no Chris Pratt oh yeah that is a much better choice what about Ian well he's an awkward scrawny teenager that's Tom Hall into a tea oh yeah that's a good point we better snatch him up fast before another animated movie takes him for that kind of role yeah we're gonna want to be first on that for sure so you have a big new idea for me yes sir I do I was thinking we can launch a streaming service oh why would we do that well I mean Netflix is popular right aren't they like 10 billion dollars in debt twelve billion actually well I hate debt but I love gambling so sounds interesting yeah yeah yeah it's actually tearing my family apart so what would we call this streaming service well I was thinking we could call it Disney Plus oh that's very clever cuz nerds spend a lot of money on entertainment what are you talking about well I'm assuming you put math in the title to appeal to nerd well actually I meant plusses and more you know like I think it's a latin word originally oh okay I see what you're going for yeah you do yeah yeah yeah nerds also love Latin we're gonna have them in the palms of our hands well okay so what kind of stuff should we make available on this thing well we could put all the old Disney stuff you know lure people in with nostalgia oh you think nostalgia is powerful enough to do that The Lion King remake made 1.6 billion dollars that's a good point yes so we could have a bunch of stuff that people love you know a whole lot of Winnie the Pooh whole lot of poo is tight that's yep I also figure we could have some old live-action stuff too what kind of stuff are we talking oh we're talking Greyfriars Bobby Darby O'Gill and the little people those Callaway's Sammy the way-out seal or those are the names of movies or members of an old-timey street gang they're movies I'm pretty sure we're also gonna have a bunch of animated classics so what are we gonna do about some of our older movies that have you know insensitive depictions it's gonna be tough to get away with streaming those today actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes yeah I figure we could just add a line to the description of those things saying that they may contain outdated cultural references Oh outdated that's a great word to avoid saying the real words yeah yeah what about Song of the South we're gonna put that on here oh no no nope nope nope nope no you're probably best to steer clear of that one altogether I also thought we could put all the Star Wars movies oh that's a good idea we should do that for sure amazing except we can't have the last Jedi or solo a Star Wars story at launch those are still tied up in streaming contract I somehow feel like a lot of people are gonna be okay with that and what about the Star Wars Holiday Special well that one's a myth that never actually happened I mean I feel like it happened it never actually happened oh my god okay yeah no it didn't never never never happened great okay also I should mention that George Lucas did have a successful break in recently so a new hope is gonna be slightly altered a successful break in what are you talking about periodically George Lucas tries to break in and modify the Star Wars movies I mean we have a whole security team on it but he's surprisingly slippery Wow so what did he alter McClung key McClung key and now grito says McClung key before han shoots him I don't know I mean okay yeah just something we're gonna have to live with I've also been speaking with Jon Favreau and he's really into the idea of making a Star Wars TV show very interesting what would it be called the Mandalorian now that sounds like a decorative lamp or something not very exciting yeah you might think it's about decorative lamps but it's actually about a bounty hunter Wow Wow Wow I also thought we could have some Marvel TV shows oh you know eventually oh I had a very premature oh you did and I also thought we could put all the MCU movies on this thing you know people are gonna be really fun to rewatch those yeah they will although they will have to wait for certain movies that are still tied up at Netflix well as long as the Tom Hollands spider-man movies wind up on this thing I think people are gonna be happy yeah that might never happen oh dang it anything else you want to put on this thing well technically we could put all the seasons of The Simpsons on this thing you know that'd be pretty huge oh that's a great idea let's crop those bad boys chop-chop so how much content would we have on this thing at launch exactly well about seven hundred and fifty hours of movies and about three thousand hours of TV Wow are we gonna be able to support that like technology-wise I'm assuming millions of people are gonna sign up oh yeah we're gonna be able to handle it just fine hey guys it's Ryan here thanks for watching that pitch meeting I hope you liked it I want to give a quick shout out to our animated channel Brainiac they have some really interesting stuff over there we're talking like shark attacks survival tips you never know when you're gonna need that hopefully never but it's good to know we also have a video about how long you can actually go without showering that's pretty cool don't try that at home please they just have a lot of fun animations where you can learn about fun topics and have a fun time so go ahead give them a look if you like and tell them that Screen Rant sent you and as always be sure to check back here for new videos bye bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,896,924
Rating: 4.9219341 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Pitch Meetings, Screen Rant Pitch Meetings, Pitch Meetings Compilation, Lion King, Aladdin, Toy Story, Frozen, Frozen 2, Wreck it Ralph, Ralph Breaks the Internent, Onward, Disney Plus, Disney
Id: _Eydbls2PAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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