Ultimate Twilight Saga Pitch Meeting Compilation

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's based on a book series about vampires oh vampires are extremely cool yeah yeah not these ones though oh they're not no they're not you know how vampires like turn to dust when they're exposed to sunlight yeah well these ones sparkle like beautiful little diamonds okay okay what about mirrors do they like show up in mirrors yep these ones certainly do sir they seem to be quite amused by them in certain instances as well okay do they do like the basic vampire thing of sucking blood out of people these ones try not to they call themselves vegetarians oh okay most of them go to high school i gotta say i'm not loving this concept so far well the books have sold millions of copies to brand loyal preteens with disposable income okay i gotta say i'm loving this concept so far i thought you might so what happens with these sparkly bad boys well the movie's gonna follow this girl bella swann oh and what's she like what do you mean like what's her character what's her personality oh no she doesn't that doesn't apply here what yeah no she's just as plain as can be so the girls in the audience can just transpose their personalities onto her oh okay yeah that's smart yeah so she's just the blankest slate you can imagine aren't the other characters gonna find her boring though they're all gonna freak out when she walks into a room like she's the greatest thing ever oh they are yeah like at the beginning of the movie she's starting at a new school and all the guys are all over her and all the girls are like oh my god hi wow wow so anyway then she's going to find out about this family called the cullens that go to her high school and they're all secretly vampires do they look like they're of high school age no they're all clearly in their 20s so why go to high school to blend in do they blend in no they don't seems like it'd be better for vampires to not go to high school what if a student gets a paper cut well then it would be over for sure right so so why do they go to high school because that's where the main character spends their time and i need them to interact oh yeah okay gotcha that's all you have to say so anyway bella develops this romantic thing with one of the vampires this guy edward cullen how does that start well she walks into class and he looks like he's about to vomit so that you know really kicks things off oh romantic puking is tight yeah so then he's like super rude to her and he stares at her like he pooped his pants and he's trying to see if she noticed undeniably romantic it is so obviously they fall deeply in love with each other because of the poop stairs and the meanness yeah and also he saves her from being pancaked by a van and then gaslights her about it ever happening so does she find out that he's a vampire yeah eventually she figures it out how does she do that she just she googles it oh characters learning stuff via search engines that's one of my favorite things to watch it is very cinematic for sure so then she confronts him about it she's like yeah i know you're a vampire what does he say well he's like you shouldn't love me bella i'm like a hundred years old and i've killed people oh my god he's a hundred yeah he's a hundred years old and he's like i've been watching you sleep every night for months i a very old man have been breaking into your room and watching you sleep so she realizes how horrifying this is and distances herself no she goes with the exact opposite of that oh really yeah she's like a bull she just sees a red flag and runs at it sure sounds that way yeah so then they're officially dating so they start to do like romantic stuff what kind of stuff are we talking well he gives her some piggy back rides they climb some trees just vampire stuff wow wow there's also this guy jacob right and he's not gonna do much in this movie but in the next one he's gonna be a werewolf oh interesting yeah there's gonna be a love triangle because this guy has visible abs so that automatically makes him a love interest very cool and if we're lucky fans will like take sides you know some will be team edward some will be team jacob my thoughts exactly sir there's gonna be a huge debate over which one of these two monsters gets to hook up with a teenage girl well now that's a phrase like that i hate it to my very core oh whoops but anyway eventually it's going to turn out that he was never in love with her he was just kind of like in love with her unborn child yeah eventually when she gets pregnant he's going to be like oh i am vibing with that fetus that's my girl right there oh oh my god so anyway back to this movie bella's gonna get to know edward's family and go play vampire baseball i'm sorry i thought you said vampire baseball but that's one of the dumbest things i've ever heard so what what what what did you actually say vampire baseball baseball with vampires oh i did hear correctly okay carry on yeah so they do that for a bit but then because something should probably happen in this thing some bad vampires show up uh what's their deal well this one vampire james becomes obsessed with bella like right away how come because she's the main character right yeah so we find out that this james guy is like the deadliest vampire there is he's gonna stop at nothing to get what he wants well sounds like it's gonna be tough to stop him actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see they have like a little scuffle with him in a dance studio and then his head pops clean off oh well good so then they go to prom and bella's like turn me into a vampire you coward and he's like no it's the first movie i can't do that yet you definitely want to save that for later yeah and then it just kind of ends so what do you think well it sounds like we're going to be able to manipulate teenage girls into giving us money so i'm happy great although i do kind of feel bad for whoever we end up casting as edward cullen yeah it is gonna be tough to book any badass movie roles after being known as the sparkly vampire dude so you have a twilight sequel for me yes sir i do this one's gonna be called new moon and it's gonna start with a shot of a moon oh everything's making a ton of sense so far off to a good start yeah so in this movie bella's gonna start being scared about growing older while edward stays the same age all right all right all right but then edward's like you know bella technically i'm 109. oh right yeah and jokingly she's like well maybe i shouldn't be dating such an old man you know it's gross so you know that's going to be a funny little moment that's absolutely correct though anyway then in class they're going to be talking about romeo and juliet and edward's going to be like the only way for a vampire to kill himself is to go in front of this committee in italy oh i wonder if that completely unnatural thing to say is going to come into play later in the movie it is actually oh my god what i'm a writer wow i guess you kinda are and so later the cullens are gonna have a birthday party for bella and she's gonna get a paper cut on some wrapping paper so that just starts dripping blood not really how paper cuts usually play out well this one's gonna freaking drip blood so jasper he's just gonna go nuts uh-oh you know edward has to step in and protect her how does he do that well he's gonna push jasper away but not before hurling bella across the room into the wall and making her bleed even more oh wow probably didn't need to shove her that part seemed unnecessary it probably could have just done the pushing jasper part but he's going to go ahead and injure bella too well okay then so then edward's going to realize that it's too dangerous for them to be dating you know if he really wants to protect her he has to break up with her oh very sad yeah so he brings her to this forest where hikers keep getting violently killed and breaks up with her in leaps he leaves her alone in the death forest so she'll be safe that's right yeah and so she gets lost and collapses and a shirtless guy picks her up wow off to a terrible start in that i gotta protect bella project yeah so she's gonna be so sad she's basically gonna be comatose and expressionless more than usual more than usual yeah she's basically gonna be in a sadness coma and sit in a chair for three months i guess that'll be fun to watch it might be and so anyway one day she realizes that when she does reckless things she gets visions of edward so she decides she's gonna do that kind of thing from now on feels like maybe there are deeper mental issues going on there probably so anyway she's gonna start fixing up this old motorcycle with jacob and he has muscles now so he has value as a human being and can be a love interest oh he's worth something now that's nice yeah we're gonna have this little montage of them working on the bike together she orders a pizza and throws a slice at him and we're gonna transition into him catching a tool why would we well it's gonna be a cool transition right but it involves her whipping a slice of pizza across the room who does that i don't know but it's gonna be a cool transition well okay then anyway then she finally takes the bike out and has like five visions of edward and immediately crashes and bashes her head on a rock oh she's absolutely the worst and then jacob pops his shirt off to help you know like a normal person sure and then he shows her all his abs and rubs her open wound with a dirty sweaty t-shirt very romantic and probably infected yeah so they start getting closer and closer but jacob has a secret oh he does yeah he's like bella have you ever had a secret that you couldn't tell anyone that's how all secrets work it is yeah so what is it well let's just say he spends a whole lot of time in the woods with very muscular shirtless dudes oh i see exactly what's going on yeah yeah yeah he's a werewolf oh he is okay i was way off yeah werewolves rarely wear shirts it's the werewolf way because when they transform you know their clothing it gets torn to shreds well what about their pants well sir unless you want to talk about the technicalities of werewolf junk i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about pants okay let me get off of that thing anyway so also that red-headed vampire victoria from the first movie is hovering around and she wants to kill bella cause her boyfriend james was killed in the first movie oh right yeah okay but jacob and his werewolf buddies keep chasing her away and she dives off a cliff to escape oh werewolves can't jump off cliffs huh actually that's the one activity we've established that they love to do oh so so why i don't know but anyway at the exact same time bella decides to jump off a cliff too why would why would she i don't know but anyway now she's in the water at the same time as victoria so you know it's pretty dangerous well so what does she do well she bashes her own head on a rock and passes out and has to be rescued oh that is very on brand for her but how come victoria doesn't kill her while she's unconscious i don't know fair enough so anyway then alice shows up because she had a vision of bella jumping off a cliff like an idiot and thought she was dead okay and then edward calls bella's house but jacob picks up the phone who answers somebody else's phone characters that need to create misunderstandings to drive the plot forward oh okay and because somebody died earlier in the movie jacob tells edward that bella's father is arranging a funeral and then he hangs up the phone also edward thinks bella is dead he does and now he wants to die too oh it's like romeo and juliet except you know just awful what so what does edward do well he goes to this vampire committee called the volturi and he's like hey please kill me i'd like to die and they're like no oh very mean of them or nice i can't tell unclear so now edward has to find a way to make them kill him so what does he do well his plan is to take off his clothes in a public place because apparently if people see a sparkly shirtless dude they'll assume he's a vampire oh exposing yourself in front of a crowd is tight have you done that yep my hearing is next week i'm pleading not guilty but there is a ton of video evidence well okay then anyway so bella manages to get there in time and stop him wow wow wow and he's like you know bella when i said i was leaving you let me go so you must not love me no that's a textbook manipulation and abuse tactic their relationship is very unhealthy yeah so anyway now the volturi have changed their mind and they do want to kill him uh-oh yeah and they want to kill bella too cause she knows too much man gonna be tough to get out of that situation actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah cause as they're killing edward bella's like no kill me instead and you know that convinces them to let them all go i thought they were gonna kill her too yeah i don't know well okay then so then the cullen family they all agree to turn bella into a vampire oh very cool and then we're gonna have this huge moment where edward is like okay well before we turn you into a vampire you gotta do something for me what is it he's like marry me and then she gasps and we cut to black oh yeah we get out of there on that shocking reveal you know i feel like agreeing to transform her into an immortal vampire is slightly bigger than a marriage proposal yeah but this is like a cliffhanger is she gonna say yes so she's already agreed to be a vampire with him forever that's that's not even a question well we're gonna cut to black so what do you think well it sounds like something the fans are gonna like a lot and you know hopefully the actors like it just as much oh for sure [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do and this one's gonna be called eclipse oh sounds like a weird name for a movie that's not something any rational person would stare at well it's the name of the third book sir our hands are tied oh yeah who did this i don't know i don't have any suspects at the moment unfortunately sir yeah i mean hopefully we track them down soon so anyway at the end of the last movie edward proposed to bella right that's right sir and in this movie he's gonna do that again what did she say no she says no sir and she keeps saying no because a lot of marriages end in divorce you know it's a big commitment but her main motivation is to be an immortal vampire with him forever for eternity that's right sir oh i feel like that doesn't make any sense how is this even a conflict listen sir the story had to be stretched out for money purposes right so i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about manufactured meaningless conflicts oh okay let me get off of that thing i do like money purposes they're the only purposes that matter sir also in this movie jacob's kind of fighting for bella's love he wants to be the one she chooses but didn't the last movie end with him being like ah okay looks like bella's with edward now oh my god that's so weird wow what's going on i mean i know it sounds crazy but it kind of feels like you're back on my back about manufactured conflicts oh i accidentally got back on that thing didn't i i apologize thanks sir so anyway in this movie that red-headed vampire victoria whose face has just completely changed for some reason is on her way to kill bella because she's obsessed with her right why is that again well she's the main character right so in seattle victoria she's working on building an army of newborns oh going to war with babies is tight no no newborns and people that were just recently turned into vampires oh okay yeah alice has a vision that the army's moving towards them and they're gonna be in forks washington in four days four days isn't that like a four-hour drive it is yeah can vampires not drive yeah they could drive i mean even if they walk that's a two day walk i don't know what to tell you sir it's gonna take them four days they're gonna come out of the water oh very slow vampires and so since jasper knows all about newborns he's gonna lead a kind of training session which one was jasper again well he became a vampire during the civil war and he's the youngest of the cullen clan oh right okay and so the actor's gonna have to do a southern accent and we're gonna have some flashbacks to him during the civil war do you think it matters that he wasn't at all doing a southern accent in the first two movies that's probably fine oh okay good yeah any other side characters getting random flashbacks in this thing actually i'm glad you brought that up because rosalie's gonna get one too which one's she again well she's one of the vampires sir i'm almost sure of it nice anyway she's telling bella about how she didn't get to choose to become a vampire her life was absolutely perfect and she didn't want to become one oh absolutely perfect huh those are strong words what was their life like well she was super in love with this guy oh nice nice nice and then he you know assaulted her with a bunch of his friends and left her to die oh my god just an absolutely perfect life you know that's not without that word doesn't mean that anyway then she got turned into a vampire and killed all her assaulters one by one and saved her ex-boyfriend for last and killed him while wearing a wedding dress yeah that actually sounds a whole lot more interesting of a movie than the one we're making definitely do you think that's a bad sign no it's probably fine oh okay good oh and bella is also gonna be told about some werewolf history oh yeah what did she learn well there was this big fight with the vampires but this one lady she saves the last spirit warrior of the tribe by distracting a vampire with her own blood oh smart and so she dies because the way she got blood was to stab herself in the stomach for some reason oh did she not know that other parts of the body have blood in them too i guess not whoops whoopsie so anyway the vampires are gonna get the werewolves to come train with them because everybody's coming together to protect bella so a bunch of humans in seattle are dying and a bunch of vampires and a bunch of werewolves are preparing to die and coming together despite a rivalry that spans centuries right all that all of that just for bella that's right but so like like why what's her like i said she is the main character oh yeah okay right yeah it's a life and death situation for a bunch of vampires and werewolves and innocent humans all because bella's on the movie poster that is an important character trait so anyway then there's going to be the big training scene with the vampires and the werewolves a training scene huh what's that like well the vampires push each other around for a couple of hours while the werewolves watch and that's helpful for everybody apparently so great yeah and then it's time for a fight oh very exciting i can't wait to see the main characters and some action scenes oh well actually the main characters they're going to go camping yeah they want to get bella away from the action and so jacob goes along to mask her scent and also edward's there and they go camping they do they go to the top of a mountain but you know what happens there it gets cold so as the side characters are battling vampires the main characters are gonna battle you know hypothermia they are and since edward is a cold vampire jacob's gonna have to cuddle with bella to keep her warm i'd sure like to see them fight a vampire army though well we're gonna have jacob spoon bella and make eye contact with edward which is just as exciting as a vampire fight is it though so anyway the next morning jacob finds out that bella finally said yes to edward's marriage proposal so he's all pissed oh he is he doesn't want to take no for an answer he's like i know you love me you just don't want to admit it and that's romantic it sure is sir and then he's like maybe i'll go get myself killed in the fight if you don't choose me kind of feels like emotional manipulation actually it's romance if you say so then she kisses him so he stays then he just leaves anyway you know i can't help but feel like this is putting some weird messages out into the world yeah messages of love and then we're gonna show some snippets of the fight with the newborns and then victoria is going to find bella and edward oh wow how'd she find them well she could smell edward so she tracked them down pretty easily they went through all that trouble of masking bella scent but edward scent was traceable the whole time that's right sir very dumb protagonist and then it's time for a freaking showdown with victoria oh is it going to be tough to beat her we've built this showdown up for three movies actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes ibella does the foreshadowy thing we shoved in everybody's faces earlier and does bella stab herself in the stomach like that lady did no she realizes that her arm also has blood in it so she cuts that instead of her stomach very smart yeah and so then victoria's head just kind of comes off oh yeah it just kind of comes off so that's all done that's that that that's all over with just pops right off okay great and then those evil vultury vampires they show up and they're like guess what we're gonna be in the next movie very ominous also jacob breaks some bones which doesn't really affect anything and that's it well it sounds like it's gonna make money probably kind of makes me sad that there's only one book left to adapt yeah i wish there was a way we could squeeze some extra money out of it [Music] so you have a twilight movie for me yes sir i do amazing final book final movie it's all very exciting well actually i thought we could squeeze two movies out of the final book really can we do that harry potter did it yeah that's true there was a lot going on in the final harry potter book though is there enough content in the final twilight book to make two movies not really no so so why would we well because of money oh money that's the thing that i like it sure is sir so what's gonna happen in part one of this thing not much oh really yeah basically edward and bella are gonna get married so that's gonna take about 30 40 minutes oh incredibly slow pace yeah yeah is there any conflict or drama or anything like that not really no well at a certain point jacob is going to come out of the woods as a surprise for bella well why didn't he just show up to the wedding like a normal person what a weirdo oh you have no idea he's going to get real weird real soon uh-oh anyway bella tells him that her and edward plan on getting you know intimate before she even becomes a vampire and so jacob gets really mad right isn't that incredibly dangerous doesn't that go against everything edward's been saying about trying to protect bella yeah but we need something in this movie so characters are just gonna kind of do stuff and why can't they just wait until after she's turned into a vampire oh because they need to go on their honeymoon right and she doesn't want to spend that time in pain turning into a vampire people can have their honeymoon whenever they want it doesn't have to be immediately after the wedding well we're gonna have it be immediately after the wedding because otherwise there's literally no story here well okay then so anyway they go to this private island in the next 40 minutes is going to be them on their honeymoon just kind of you know being on a honeymoon they play a lot of chess oh really really really stretching it then here oh so thin sir the thinnest wow wow anyway so then bella's gonna end up getting pregnant isn't edward dead he is yeah aren't all his bodily fluids venom they are venomous yeah for sure i just it feels like i feel it feels like that doesn't make sense well we're gonna pretend like it makes sense because otherwise there's literally no story here all right do what you gotta do man so anyway then this baby inside bella starts growing super fast and it's killing her i mean she's wasting away there's nothing but a skeleton left oh very spooky she has a skeleton inside of her well yeah i mean everybody does so can you imagine very spooky anyway so it really seems like this baby's going to kill bella before it's even born but then they give her some blood and a sippy straw and she's like yum yum yum what oh also the werewolves are mad now because they think this baby's gonna be a threat to them so they want to kill it why would they think that well because new vampires have a hard time controlling their thirst okay they're aware that bella's also gonna be turned into a vampire right they are yeah but that's different well she's the main character oh right okay anyway so eventually edward has to give bella a c-section using his teeth for some reason and he injects her with his venom but it really looks like she's dead oh bummer and jacob is so mad he decides to kill the baby but as soon as he makes eye contact with it he's like oh what yeah he immediately imprints on a newborn he's like oh are we gonna kiss right now i don't like that oh don't worry sir it's not weird at all because jacob's gonna help raise the child before getting romantically involved with it i mean you know that that's somehow worse right you know that okay okay sir but you have to have to remember what money oh yeah money okay yeah no no yeah i'm back into this okay okay good so the wolf man will raise the baby and then sleep with it and our teenage audience will pay to come watch that okay keep going okay so then bella's gonna turn into a vampire and then we cut to credits very exciting and then as a mid-credit scene we're gonna have the valtteri vampires be like oh we're gonna be in the next movie watch out we literally keep ending movies that way we do but this time it's true oh well great so what happens in part two well bella's a vampire now and she's gonna run around the woods with edward looking to hunt how do you think we'll be able to improve those terrible running effects we've been doing no need sir people will have already paid for their tickets and it's the last movie that's a good point why bother let's save some money but then bella is gonna smell a human and she's gonna have to fight her newborn vampire instincts to try and not kill this guy oh is that gonna be hard for her to do actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah she's just she's able to repress those urges immediately didn't we say it takes most vampires decades to do that we did yeah but she's the main character so she's special that makes sense so then she's gonna meet her baby for the first time which i figure we could do entirely in cgi yeah it sounds like that might haunt people's dreams a little bit you know there's definitely a risk of that but i still think we should go ahead and just just make this thing on a computer see what happens works for me so anyway then the volturi are gonna get word that this baby exists and they're gonna think that it's something called an immortal child what's an immortal child it's like a vampire baby that's really powerful we're gonna be pretty vague about it but they want it dead for sure is it an immortal child it's not no so then the cullens go around the world and gather up a bunch of vampire friends and all these people have different superpowers oh they do they do yeah there's one with the power of electricity there's one with elemental control powers this is just gonna straight up be an x-men movie now because there's not really anywhere else for the story to go oh suddenly becoming x-men is tight so all these vampires come and train with the cullens and then it turns out that bella has the power to shield people that's why edward was never able to read her mind but alice was able to see her future and jasper was able to affect her mood please don't think about any of this too much oh okay my bad so then there's gonna be this big showdown in the snow between the volturi and the good vampires and some werewolves and how does that go well the maine volturi guy he cuts carlisle's head off oh he does yeah this big giant fight breaks out jasper gets decapitated a bunch of volturi lose their heads too one of the x-men creates this big hole in the earth a bunch of them fall into lava did this movie just get good and then edward and bella they take down the main volturi guy and they cut his head off too and bella goes to set it on fire i think this movie just got good and then it turns out it was all just a vision that alice was showing the main volterry guy so you know none of it none of it none of it happened what are we doing here man money oh right money okay yeah no i love it yeah yeah yeah but didn't we say that alice wasn't able to see visions with werewolves around please please please don't think about this too much oh right i keep thinking about things i need to not do that yeah so bella and edward live happily ever after and jacob gets to hook up with the child he helped raise money money money money money money money and so what do you think well you know i think the twilight books have definitely spawned as many movies as they possibly can and it's probably best if nothing else comes to them i don't see how anything else could come of them sir [Music] hi it's ryan here thanks for watching that pitch meeting i hope you liked it and hey while you're on the internet why not check out screenrant's behind the screen podcast real fun conversations about all kinds of stuff relating to movies and tv deep dives movie facts things you didn't know about your favorite movies check it out it's a good time and as always check back soon for a new video okay bye now
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,199,825
Rating: 4.9597788 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, screentrant, twilight, pitch meeting, ryan george, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn, bella swan, edward cullen, jacob black, team edward, team jacob, kristen stewart, robert pattinson
Id: 4E29RzEUGrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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