Half in the Bag: Terminator: Dark Fate: (FULL SPOILERS)

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Mike did a very poor job explaining the Terminator timeline to Plinkett. Where's Scientist Man when you need him?

👍︎︎ 547 👤︎︎ u/BattleUpSaber 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wait...that's Mr. Plinkett? But that's a different guy!

👍︎︎ 534 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I usually let these play in the background while I do other stuff on the laptop, and I didnt even have to tab back in to know that they cut to footage of Zaat after the mention of the phrase Pharmacy Scene.

👍︎︎ 225 👤︎︎ u/Homem_da_Carrinha 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mark my words: the next Terminator reboot, bringing back Michael Biehn, Nick Stahl, and Robert Patrick, will be a huge success in China.

👍︎︎ 223 👤︎︎ u/DynamixRo 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

The beginning is hysterical I could listen to Mike explaining convoluted plots to Mr Plinkett all day

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/WhoopingKing 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mackenzie Davis also played in BladeRunner 2049. Kinda funny that they seem to have forgotten, as she also plays an augmented human.

👍︎︎ 190 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Plinkett is back!!!!

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/SarudeDandstrom 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jesus listening to this start of this made realise John Connor has nearly been played by more actors than 50 years worth of James Bond movies

👍︎︎ 182 👤︎︎ u/The_Ty 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Called it Terminator: Deep Fake at least once.

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/DulceEtBanana 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag Batman I keep hitting Enter but I can't close this [ __ ] window has computers set my right Oh lightning-fast VCR repair this is Mike how can I help you or Alice mr. blinken where the hell are you - you're supposed to be fixing my VCR oh yeah well today's our day off mr. blinky we were just there yesterday remember [Music] well why are you here today I told you it's a day off and on our day off we're gonna go see terminator dark fate I thought that just came out like last year bombed no no mr. Plunkett that was Terminator Genisys it's called Terminator dark fate dark fate yeah dark fate dark fate oh wait wait so what does that that tomato sex yeah technically this would be the sixth Terminator film but in actuality it's Terminator 3 what he made its Terminator 3 thought Terminator 3 was Terminator 3 well there was a Terminator 3 called Terminator 3 rise of the machines but now they made this one and this is actually a sequel to Terminator 2 Judgment Day so Terminator 6 is the sync well determinate er - yeah well then waters Terminator 3 well - in Terminator 3 had a John Connor in it and Sarah Connor the character we wait that's John Connor in Terminator 3 but that's a different guy yeah by the time they made Terminator 3 Edward Furlong was too old and bloated so they got a guy named Nick Stahl to replace him so that guy in Terminator is also John Connor yes it's John Connor portrayed by a different actor and so John Connor is off the grid and and he meets Claire Danes who is a veterinarian [Music] but somehow a lady Terminator came back through time and another Arnold comes back to protect him wait wait there's there's a service the third Arnold it's another Arnold but this time he's he's also good oh wait wait what about that Arnold and the fourth one the final then the fourth one would be a bad one because that's Terminator Salvation so that's another Brad Arnold yes well he's only in it at the end and it's a CGI Arnold and who's that guy that that bad Arnold is trying to kill on the fourth one mr. plinkus trying to follow a lot I'm trying to follow on time salvation that takes place in the far future where John Connor is currently leading the resistance wait a minute that's John Connor but that's a different guy yes this time John Connor is portrayed by Christian Bale Batman yeah Batman and we meet young Kyle Reese played by Anton Yelchin wait that's Kyle Reese but that's different guy yes and in Terminator Salvation Claire Danes is replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard you may remember her from such films as Jurassic world and Jurassic world Jurassic world Park so Claire Danes isn't Claire Danes from Terminator 3 Claire Danes Terminator Salvation right ok so then that happens in the future and then we get to the next Terminator I'm not sure what happens in the next Terminator at all yeah and in Terminator Genisys oh that's yeah it's not now it's the original bad Arnold also it's not another Arnold that's the same Arnold from t1 from Terminator 1 oh my god my brain hurts and he raises Sarah Connor from being a little girl wait that's Sarah Connor but that's a different girl Kyle Reese also comes back Carl Reese that's Kyle Reese but that's Jeffrey guy it's a different guy Michael Biehn would be way too old to play Kyle Reese to the 1970s to raise up young Sarah Connor him and Sarah Connor built a time machine in a sewer what they they discover that that John Connor himself has now traveled through time wait that's John Connor but that's a different guy yes John Connor is now played by Jason Clarke who looks nothing like Christian Bale he's a super super advanced human hybrid Terminator with nanobyte technology in him why did you fight what why did John Connor get the time machine in the first place I don't remember his John Carter solution to everything is to send more Arnolds back in time you think with all this decided to go himself what I'm saying John Connors solution to every problem in this franchise has been to send terminators back in time why don't they all just go back in time why don't they just go back to the time of dinosaurs wait is that how Claire Danes ended up in Jurassic world mr. Flint get this this conversations become far too confusing in fact I wish I could go back in time and not answer the phone what so I can understand the Terminator franchise I hear you brother goodbye goodbye well Jay let's go see Terminator dark fate [Music] oh I think all the vodkas gone Mike goddamn it now what am I gonna put in my crystal head how about this what is that why it's some kind of Romulan food pack ration oh it's from the hit TV series Star Trek Picard wow that looks like oh wow that looks like a like a screen-used prop yeah it is how the hell did you get that I guess it might be worth something someday somewhere out in space a Romulan child is starving oh it smells like an open grave Oh what's this there's so many new things on the desk Otis what is this other item here oh that's our Terminator dark fate poster we got it as a consolation prize for seeing the movie and you know it's kind of funny too is since we're gonna talk about the Terminator Dark Fae this is a sculpt it like a metal skull with the red eyes that the t800 looked like and which was created by Skynet and then coincidentally Legion a completely different a I also created terminators that look pretty much identical they created the exact same thing I guess that's just the natural evolution of an AI you know just this is metal robot skeletons with the red eyes well it wouldn't be a terminator sequel if it didn't completely ignore the themes of Terminator 2 no fate but what we make never minds whoops like what did you think of terminator the force awakens be- flesh c+ well you got a graded on two things as just a movie that you can just watch and as a terminator 2 sequel okay first of all the Terminator franchise is [ __ ] beyond recognition that's why I can't get horribly upset about this even though a lot of the connections are awful I just it's yeah but this doesn't matter anymore very paralleled with that Halloween reboot because he got an old white lady and six sequels that they just skipped over ya and said they don't exist [Music] because that that one was a direct sequel to Halloween one yes they skipped all those sequels Halloween to Halloween three which didn't have anything to do with Michael Myers but then Halloween 4 with the little little girl Jamie Jamie and then Halloween five and six and then it's Halloween in space and then Halloween with Busta Rhymes yes so that was the progression they just skipped it all and that's basically what they did here they went from Terminator 2 Judgment Day and went right to terminate her deep fake and I think Terminator Genisys I don't remember much of it anymore but I think that ignored Terminator 3 in Terminator Salvation but it's sad someone goes back in time Terminator goes back in time to kill a future leader of the resistance and then someone else comes back in time to protect them it's the same thing those crazy bastards they did it again all right well turn Terminator Genisys was like yeah an attempt to fix the franchise because they they they went back in time yeah and he he it was like Kyle Reese and the t800 went back to 1984 and it was like the they recreated the opening of the original Terminator with laundry day right nothing cleaning all that nice night for a walk wash day tomorrow nothing clean right nothing clean right nice night for a walk wash day tomorrow nothing clean right nothing clean right but it turns out that Arnold had gone back even further to when Sarah Connor was young and prepared her for the 1984 incident so she was not just a hapless waitress working in a restaurant she was shooting a big machine gun and and then then there's a t-1000 that also back at the same time in 1984 yes oh that's right and he's also wearing a cop uniform for no reason other than they didn't terminate her - right and then and then in the years leading up until 1984 Sarah Connor and Arnold was called Arnold cuz he's a good one he's a good one in all of them now Terminator 2 they set that up and is like oh that's a clever twist but now it's always the case yeah her and Emilia Clarke right her and Arnold built a time machine in a sewer time displacement device that sent them to 2017 the present day we talked about a ninja turtle sequel sounds like so in that timeline Sarah Connor you know is a young woman in 2017 and earned present-day so then yeah that they just said none of that happened and then we go back to this movie it's a do-over it's it's it's different than like a soft reboot or a reboot yeah it's it's a do-over this needs a new term maybe we call it a jump back because Halloween did that and it erased you know it's like it's almost like time-traveling itself you're like what Skynet does is like yesterday at some point you go back and you say no this is the sequel yeah what you can't do because those movies exist and we've seen them and that's why this movie is more watchable because my expectations for Terminator movies is so low it's like oh this is fine but if you're watching it as a direct sequel to Terminator 2 the first five seconds of the movie or an embarrassment we're not gonna make it so John Connor aka Edward Furlong himself in digital form and then digitally D aged Linda Hamilton said is that what happened it's not like a cutscene oh no oh you think they would shoot this scene for terminators who know well know like like maybe young used to footage of some unused shots of her on a beach maybe but god damn is it looking good yeah it looks great it's either digitally D aged or completely CG but yeah her and John Connor is the exact same age as he wasn't Terminator 2 I'm guessing they got an actress with like the same like head shape as younger Linda Hamilton and then kind of like morphed a digital face on her who knows what they did with Arnold - I mean they did that in Terminator Salvation there's the first and that that looked digital but no but then there was a digital Arnold in Genesis - oh that's right yeah that one look he was just completely CG I think it's like a muscle guy who had the same body type he really just you know so they don't have to make the whole body we got to keep digitally D aging actors because we can't make new movies look at the pretty goddamn good they look great and it was the the first thing you see in the movie is that like camcorder footage of Linda Hamilton freaking out as a couch or near to this great scene and that's the great seal rant by her yeah it's so perfect and I was like wow and the movie starts there down there down in Mexico because that's how to to ends Linda Hamilton has saved her son they've also stopped the causality loop by melting the original chip which miles been the Dyson used to create Skynet yeah through a chip that exists because of it Terminator 1 because of Terminator 1 yeah they threw it in the hot lava and then Arnold says I got the one more chip but we got to melt it and then we stop the bad future from happening yet we have a very emotional ending little Edward Furlong I order you not to go and he does the thumbs up dude one of the best endings to to a sci-fi film then in this film we learned that a bunch of other random terminators are just being sent they I guess at the same time that they sent the terminate the t1000 back in Terminator 2 they just sent other Arnold terminators back as well it's so stupid and then he just walks up and shoots them in front of all these people we're not gonna make it look like a beach resort Oh God okay well but I guess you know what though like it didn't negate then here's another problem and I'll talk about the positives too because there are many things I liked about this movie but another problem too is that killing the killing of John Connor was utterly pointless at that point he Arnold I think in this movie says something like I didn't know that design that didn't happen it's based on a wacky misunderstanding like a sitcom it's like Three's Company I was still going under my programming to kill John Connor and so yeah it's like okay well just you know Oh shitty luck for Linda Hamilton you know they shot just save the day oh we're not gonna make it are we he's no longer going to become the future resistance leader because Skynet doesn't happen he's just some kid who's gonna grow up to be a car mechanic which could be an interesting story if you made that movie about we stop like I was going to be the leader my mom went crazy cuz she knew the world was ending we stopped it all now what do we do or in therapy some sort of yeah I'm not even like but it's some sort of like moral thing or some sort of like psychologically how do you deal with that that would be thoughtful Draya that's that's terminator terminator - or thoughtful film the the neat thing about Terminator 2 is that there's one Arnold and one t1000 and they're there - sent back in time that's it's like that's how we could send yeah and they have to do battle for the fate because the world's no closed apocalypse and we have limited resources limited resources and then but so now we learn that Skynet sent many ARMs back over the course of years because it is a just sudden while back at the same time no no because remember Linda Hamilton my name is Sarah Connor Sarah Connor stays in contact via text message with Carl yeah and every couple years she's om attacks a with coordinates on where the new terminators were appearing over time I hunt terminators I think Skynet said okay well son one two 1984 one - 1985 oh so the starting point was the same starting point was the same I think they popped in throughout the timeline just in case the first like three failed and there's a fourth one in 1993 then there's a fifth one in 1997 just keep trying to kill John Connor that almost alone would be enough for a movie sure but then they still have to make Terminator 2 again we saw it would it be called growing up with terminator my high school prom they're more of a mild inconvenience of the college graduation John Connor do not take that diploma hey guys the birth of my first child my wedding why do you keep showing up all the important events of my life those darn terminators that's what I'll be called yeah great yeah John Connors just trying to live a normal life yeah and as his mother his mother is always around she shows up at his job like armed to the teeth that's working in a cubicle I thought today might be the day John no bomb what's wrong with your mom dude his coworker is the same kid that he was friends with in Terminator 2 the red-haired kids salute your shorts yeah for all I know this could be the plot of that Sarah chronic Sarah Connor Chronicles show that nobody watched oh yeah there's might be about that who knows everybody forgot about that sarah connor then says like yeah she's talking to grace the Augmented human from the future and she says well Skynet and grace is like what's that no no it's called bleach and so no matter what you do at some point your Google Alexa devices will start and the apocalypse yeah someone somewhere on the planet will get AI to a point where it will want to kill humanity and it'll turn itself into endoskeleton and coincidentally the robots will look exactly the same in any scenario yeah I mean there are some like they showed a clip from the future where there was like one with like tentacle arms and some crazy [ __ ] going on but eventually the actual terminators they all look the same I mean like you think an AI would be smart enough to just manufacture a biological weapon that would just wipe out humans and yeah like well I was thinking about that or like during because of complex robots is well I figured out that they're in the first you know that it's the same scene from Terminator 2 where John Connors in the hallway of the mall and then Arnie shows up and then the t1000 shows up and they fight there's that same scenario with the new girl and this who's the new you start out thinking she's the new Sarah Connor but she turns out to actually be John Connor what's her name debby Dina in the movie yeah the most gettable Danny the most forgettable character in the movie which is a problem but that scene happens and so we have the two robots fighting and is this like with the way things of advanced technology is advanced this seems so outdated like having this kind of scene you look at the first Terminator and it's like quaint and cute how Arnold's like looking in the phone book to try to find Sarah Connor but that's because it was made in the 80s that's what we knew but the entire concept of the Terminator at this point of yeah sending a robot back in time to kill someone just feels really like corny and outdated now cuz yeah he said they creates some sort of biological weapon and just nuke everybody it's like if your house wasn't infested with mice right what do you do you build lots and lots and lots of tiny robotic mice to individually attack them all yeah not put poison out right that's what people do yeah yeah thousands and thousands of tiny robotic mice that have mice fur over them designed to look like other mice you go through that kind of trouble right yeah that sounds right when you're dealing with a biological organism that can easily succumb to disease yeah so you're right like like a man covered in rubber like a robot covered in rubber skin that's kind of kind of looks like a person sent back in time to kill somebody and he's kind of indestructible like not really but you know you hit him with a truck and you know it'll still get up and it great concept and and and it's perfectly quaint and but now the robots are like out of control crazy indestructible and yeah you're trying to kill some girl and it's like it's overkill yes and the concept has gotten out of control to where it's ridiculous but this is all to see this is all the things you think about as far as like a sequel to a great movie tourney or two is a great movie and then now it's just a convoluted mess yeah but it's still this movie is still the best sequel since Terminator 2 yeah which is faint praise but it's true I'd have to rewatch salvation I remember thinking that that one was okay there was some kind of motorcycle chase in that book it was pretty neat a lot of people hated that one just I don't know I it's not a great Terminator movie but at least it did something different yeah and all these other movies are the exact same thing it felt more standalone ish and I don't remember there being like more time-travel II kind of stuff I think they're trying to like branch off the franchise and that was supposed to be the start of a new trilogy yeah and then this it's now it's like I'll be back and I'm here to protect you and let's go back to what we know and I think the worst part of this whole movie was Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger I'll be back I I really liked Grace ya prize early on I thought she was great I thought the actress was great I thought like that idea of just an enhanced human being sent back and I really liked that vulnerability shed where she can only fight for so long before becoming like ill and needing medicine that scene when they bust into the pharmacy like all that stuff that whole like first act went right off the bat when she rescues the girl from the car manufacturing plant and they go full like they go full third act right up right off the gate you know big crazy action yes the big hidden drivin the the pickup truck and it's it's home it's like the end of t2 when he's smashing the car it's kind of the exact same point in the story is t2 when he's driving the semi and they go into the like aqueducts no I'm talking about the ending when he's also the driving the semi no and he's like Arnold's driving the little pickup truck he's this is the vehicles paparazzi and he's like stark smashing and there's a helicopter or member of the helicopter it's just like a bonkers chase until they end up at the smelting plant yeah so that was like boom and I was like oh no like I loved the movie up until that up until like Linda Hamilton showed up yeah and then I was like because I knew that scene was so big I was like I would love that scene at the end as I was getting it bigger isn't it that opening action sequence in the daylight in Mexico when grace is throwing the rebar at the guy and build up to that it was like that's this action scene is so well done and I was really enjoying it and I understood what was happening her her actions as as a enhanced human were kind of the actions that normal like your your your female protagonist who's an action hero would do in a movie oh sure yeah really yeah and I'm like okay I am okay with this because she's an enhanced human and I get that and then at the end she wasn't just like I'm super enhanced I'm awesome she's like I'm gay I've been a [ __ ] passed out because I need medicine because my body's at it's lit the characters are all vulnerable yes that's great yeah except for the ending that way halfway through look you have a 98 year old woman who's who's flying out of a plane inside of a Humvee crashing onto hoover dam in going into the water old people just have to turn slightly they injure themselves but Mike Linda Hamilton Sarah Connor is the most badass action hero let's ever exist so we have to have her do that more this is a great kick-ass action hero she's not waiting to be hunted by a terminator she hunted them if she if that was her scene in the beginning when she showed up and just kind of fired guns at the guy maybe she just said I'm gonna stay behind in me a cabin okay maybe she maybe she you it was used as like a foil for when the Rev 9 showed up and she distracted him and then died user in a more believable scenario and then after that Sarah Connor is going you know because I don't believe a 96 year old woman can do any of that without becoming horribly injured and that's what you know well there's that part where her shoulders dislocated and then grace puts it back in and then she's just fine again it's like she should have been like limping around like for the rest of the movie she could have broken her or her shoulder by relocating yeah elderly bones pretty easily and so so I'm not asking for believability in a Terminator film but I had it cuz you know the girl's brother Diego dies and it's sad it gives her a little motivation gets he gets injured in a car crash as you would know and yeah gives her motivation and and I've wanted Grace Danny fighting rev 9 sure I know that would be exactly Terminator 1 but but then throwing Arnold in there and trying to their best to [ __ ] explain why he's there oh it was a robot and then over time I learned emotions and he he cuddled John Connor and his wife he killed John Connor and then over time he started to feel bad about it [ __ ] robot cut to the clip of Kyle Reese and Terminator 1 explaining the the motivations of a terminator that Terminator is out there I can see you're very upset it can't be bargained with that can't be bargained with it can't be reasoned with it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead I'm going to help you predict the girl they wanted they wanted Arnold from t2 yes but Arnold from t2 got dipped into hot molten metal you can't get him back by any reasonable stretch of the imagination no there's just another so there's just another one and that that's what that's what made this movie shitty because I I can picture like I would Tim Miller directed this who did Deadpool and and and there was like Tim Miller story by June 15 people for the story yeah somebody said well you got to have Arnold in it yeah why don't we bring back Sarah Connor well you got to have a a sequence where a plane crashes and everyone floats around in zero g and fights each other why I don't know I put that in there put this in there put that in there put this in and so I would imagine Tim Miller seems like a smart clever guy the Deadpool movies were good yeah I don't know I would imagine he would be like yeah are you sure about Arnold calling himself Karl and having a loveless marriage out of convenience for some poor woman yeah we do not have sex I she loves me because I listen and I raise her son what yeah it was weird to do remember when Arnold cheated on his wife maria shriver yeah romantic made oh they had a love child and and he's a grown up dude now yeah he's like 20-something and just saying it was eerily that's why if there was one more writing credit on this movie it would have been Arnold and he would have said get that out of there right or I won't be back but yeah like that's the central idea that like you mentioned the Grace character like I liked her as nicely I like that actress Mackenzie Davis she she's our Miller she's on a really good episode of black mirror and she was Tully in the movie Tully with Charlize Theron yes yes she's a good actress and it was nice to see her in like a big movie like this and she handles it well I was worried like you see like the promotional images for this movie and it's the three women walk in and I was like oh no they're gonna be like like feminist movements J that let something to mention I haven't seen any like like Ghostbusters esque this this movie is a new the first all-female action movie I haven't seen any of that for this movie which is weird yeah but I saw that like that image I was like they're just gonna be like like heartless action heroes with like you were saying I'm like where they can just do anything and they're not there given enough material to work with they try to even give a Linda Hamilton some stuff to work with they all have like vulnerability and they're all like they're they're well done even though the Danny actress is kind of forgettable he's the most forgettable character in the movie and the whole thing is like she's the crux of the story I'll be back [Music] one where was the one where John Connor traveled through time and a T 5,000 body from the future inhabited his oh that's Genesis that's Genesis yeah and you're somewhat John Connor is a terminator now and you're like I didn't what are we doing some [ __ ] ideas like how about John Connors the bad guy these movies are like Taco Bell was like the same five ingredients and five ingredients and they just put them in different orders that's the best analogy that you could possibly come up with I think the fact that this one doesn't get horribly convoluted is what keeps it kind of on the rails right dad why it's the best one since t2 yeah as faint praise as that is they're not trying to do some weird overly complicated confusing sci-fi plot like they did with Genesis but that kind of makes it less interesting though like Genesis goes off the rails but at least that's I don't know is so bizarre it's kind of interesting it's almost free I cannot hold oh no this one's just like hey like terminator here's another one yeah I'm just bigger with more up to date action sequence yeah which unfortunately makes one and to antiquated and kind of pathetic in hindsight but I will take that any day over the airplane sequence so they drive it to a military base rev nines on a helicopter is flying and jumping out of a helicopter exploding and then they oh let's get in this gigantic military cargo plane and then they get in the military cargo plane and then they're just flying it and then there's jets yeah I thought it was okay that they take this plane and grace just like hope they don't shoot us down anyway let's talk about the plot we're talking about the story and you just stole a military-grade cargo plane based on some guy was yelling they have the authority to do it conveniently and then Oh Reb nine steals a different cargo plane and rams into into fighter jets and then just keeps flying I'm pretty sure any midair collision would both planes but maybe not and then rams into their plane so then the back of the cargo things open and everyone's floating around well in Arnolds a van is in there to Arnold because I drove the van into the yes the plane as it was taking off I guess is that what happened so then yeah he crashes is playing in the airplane and then there oh my god there's a there's a Humvee oh yeah yeah holy with all yeah with a parachute on it we all got to get in the Humvee then I'm he flies out that it's hanging on the side of the dam well she's she's on Grace's unhooking the parachute while they're falling I'm like oh yeah she's hanging on to the bottom of like the pallet that the Jeep is on boobies on cross the limits of Grace's abilities there sure and they crashed there over damn I think was it Hoover down I thinks it looked like in the planes everything's exploding and on the thing falls off the dam [Laughter] it's ridiculous but that's why the movie exists which is the problem there's a weird thing to mention this earlier but like yeah when they're riding the train when they're sitting on top of the Train they have a long dialogue scene and I kind of like that they set up that Grace and Sarah Connor don't like each other but then that's just kind of dropped at a certain point but I like that initially but they're talking about at this point in the movie you think that Dani is going to give birth to the leader of the resistance but then halfway through the movie it's revealed and this is the closest they have to a story to us that if she's actually the leader but when they're on that change then Sarah Connor is like you're not important but your womb is and that just felt weird coming from Sarah Connor someone who knows what her place was in all of this and was a very important figure in John Connors life it's like you have to completely ignore your own past to make a comment like that it was really bizarre yeah yeah like she had no importance other than yeah this is super important saved three billion lives you're welcome I never really felt like I was watching Sarah Connor and I don't know if that's one probably the writing but also just like so much time has passed and Linda Hamilton's olds is this it was weird I never felt like I was connected to that character right from Terminator 2 it's exactly the Jamie Lee Curtis situation where an incident from sixty years ago has made them like you know survival nuts I mean that makes sense in the case of Sarah Connor yes less so Jamie Lee Curtis yeah he's gonna get out come back for me someday at 70 years a guy chased around with a butcher knife yeah okay yeah usually gonna become a survival survivalist nut you do what you have to to make the movie exists but yeah take it in a different direction like yeah the natural evolution from Terminator 1 to Terminator 2 with her going crazy and being in an asylum like I'd be curious to see what happened to her life after Terminator 2 but Oh John Connor died and then she's just the same person for the next 30 years they said I had word for long in this why not I'm sure he would have appreciated it yeah I'm no longer the leader of the resistance I'm pointless he'd be happy no no robots are trying to kill you alright wouldn't be funny maybe he grew up and became like a like a Mark Zuckerberg billionaire and created like Facebook and then started interest in technology he actually ended up creating the AI there you go there's a convoluted twist Sarah's got a kill John oh my god right now stop coming up with ideas for future Terminator movies he's testifying in Capitol Hill like Mark Zuckerberg always does like defending his uh his BOTS and all that technology later John Connor but he thought Capitol Hill when he leaves that's when we plant the bomb and there's the robots and there's no robots well you can't do a terminator Ruby would know where it would be great it's like as if as if if he has the very first the t1 and it's like the very first AI prototype that's like kind of like does you know the Japanese robots are just like oh yeah and then and then Sarah Connor just gets open the door and then just pushes it over and it can't get up its roll it around on the ground [Laughter] so Mike would you recommend terminator dark stool I would say I didn't hate it it's kind of like on the fence for me it wasn't enjoyable to a certain degree the first half was really good and then it just got a little too stupid I really enjoyed that very first action set piece I thought that was great starting from I like the pharmacy scene after that where there yeah way up until when grace is finally just like [ __ ] it she just goes behind the pharmacy and get yeah [Music] [Applause] and she was a likable character her performance was very like yeah I think they said you know be as human as you can meet Lane and and and I think you connected with that because she was like recited she was vulnerable she had a lot of emotions going on and and the actress pulled it off and because it's like yeah don't act like a [ __ ] robot act human I am human just enhanced you know increased speed and strength which means I can rip your throat out if you piss me off so don't the worst decision in this Terminator movie was including Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger and that sounds weird to say but you got to put him in but that that's what that's what waited the movie down yeah and but without them it would have been a essentially a soft reboot of the Terminator so Jay would you recommend terminator no no I mean it's watchable I did like Mackenzie Davis quite a bit in it and that's kind of about it so I want to say it was it would like I was kind of like Oh it'll be nice to see Linda Hamilton again but then yeah when you see her and she comes out the first thing he sees she's got that giant gun and she's a no badass action star and like no I thought maybe they could do something interesting with her character but nope they don't like I said si si plus we look for the positives J we're not just poop ORS we're not just haters would it Pickers anytime you have a criticism of a movie it means you're a nitpick right we are not nitpicking we are we are thoughtfully analyzing what works and what doesn't work in in a movie and that's why I say C+ /b - because there are things that worked and there are a lot of things that didn't as it's one of those movies where you just think you just want to like go in there and rearrange all straining yeah why'd you do that why'd you do this that really works no this doesn't happen well you can just you can feel all the interference all the different all the different voices yeah do this do that put this in there when you see or screenwriters and nine-story buy credits yeah all for all for just the simplest story all for terminator to again offer I have to protect you from bad things yeah or you die and there is no leader that's the plot and then all the other stuff is just junk it's just visual junk yeah and like you said the the previous films the action scenes service the story this is the story services the action scenes it's a complete inverse so you are an on recommend I am a the hesitant recommend if you want to see a couple good action scenes check it out but it's very skippable Batman you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,935,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, terminator, terminator dark fate
Id: Hugsy-pQ61U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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