Half in the Bag vs. Godzilla vs. Kong

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I liked how they had a lot of good things to say about Gareth Edward’s Godzilla. I rewatched it for the first time in years the other day and was equally as impressed with the way it keep things grounded (literally, most of the shots of are from a human POV). Bryan Cranston was wasted sure, but the human story was still way better than KOTM/GvK. Plus Ken Wantanabe kept things interesting, IMO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anonymous_meatbag πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They should do an alien invasion next, that’ll give the humans something interesting to do, and maybe the aliens bring a titan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/royrogersmcfreely3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn't there a "Fierstein" moment in Skull Island when Shea Wingham uses the grenades?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Leafs17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Funny review, especially going on that five minute Marvel actors tangent, Mike getting Marc Evan Jackson and Clark Gregg confused, and then later hypothesizing about a Citizen Kane/MonsterVerse crossover.

Jay is right about how they could have fleshed out the human characters more, but it might have made the film worse. I don't know that I've ever seen a movie with characters this thin, there was pretty much zero interpersonal drama or conflict. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 199 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CronoDroid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man the Clark Gregg shit is an all time Mike Dementia moment

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CollumMcJingleballs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Firestein moment that immediately popped into my head was in Leon The Professional when Gary Oldman realizes Leon had a bombed strapped to himself, and Gary Oldman goes "...shit." Right before the entire building explodes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Morocco_Bama πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how Mike still unironically calls shows, programs and he had to correct himself half a second later.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hakairoku πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These guys became my new best friends over the course of the pandemic. I have absolutely enjoyed every one of their videos. They help make the house not seem so empty when it's filled with Rich Evans' laugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ajconway πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked the movie tbh. The ocean fight and the hollow earth scenes were amazing, and while the plot was silly it at least didn't waste time trying to make sense.

'For me, Skull island' is still the best by far, but this will take spot 2 in this series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Synrise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
half in the bag [Music] what do you got there jay oh since uh godzilla versus kong is out i thought i'd go back and revisit all the other movies in the monster verse oh you know godzilla 2014 kong skull island godzilla king of the monsters oh yes and dick shark why that's funny i was also about to watch dick shark all right oh it's staying in no this is not porn porn doesn't look like this if you equate nudity with porn you are immature godzilla vs kong is the most absurd movie that director adam wingard has ever made it combines tragedy comedy science fiction exploitation and surrealism don't let the vulgar title fool you yes there is an abundance of nudity but there is also a bizarre mixture of concepts that make for quite an experimental film see what can happen when creativity has to replace a big budget uh hi you watched godzilla versus king kong yes we just watched it on our huge tv 27-inch television yeah i mean it's great it's streamed right to hbo max 100 and 1 000 people saw it although some people did see it in theaters it's like the highest grossing movie of the pandemic well it made like like almost 10 million opening day wow which i guess is pretty good for right now yeah well i mean like pandemic is i guess slowing down a little so starting to people are getting their vaccines people can go back to the movie this this felt like a movie like it was the first movie where i was like oh i should be watching this in a theater it's like brand new and it felt like that you know i mean it is one of those big tentpole blockbuster movies and this kind of feels weird not watching it in the theater i don't know if that would make any difference it helps well the sound would make a difference before we get into the movie we never we don't talk about sound very much but after watching the other movies recently as well which we both did separately the sound for this movie was a lot beefier and a lot more took a lot more advantage of the surround sound and like overhead speakers and stuff like godzilla's tail will flip past you and you hear it go above your head and the sound mix was wonderful and the number of people who have a pimped out dolby atmos surround sound system in their home is five that's that's okay if you have a little like like a you know 20 inch tv just turn it up really loud okay that they'll create the same reason create the same effect with a little michael scott like flat screen a lot of people in the room you need more space voila right into the wall wow uh well what what did you think of the film uh this is both a pro and a con it felt like it was written by a child the actual the titular godzilla versus kong stuff in the best way possible felt like a little kid just smashing toys together especially the last like 45 minutes it's just completely absurd i mean the whole movie was absurd to me it was weird especially after re-watching the other ones because those uh we were talking about this off-camera but i think we both in re-watching have a greater appreciation for gareth edwards godzilla yes yes um it has some trite family drama stuff that most of these movies suffer from the boring characters but it felt so like grounded and real as far as like the way godzilla is integrated into his environments and the way it's shot with the uh it's all like very kind of like ground level shots looking up and you get a real great sense of scope of godzilla and they're using tanks and they're using real world weapons and real world attempts to take control of the situation and then in this movie they're flying around in little magical spaceships to the center of the earth vehicles uh yeah this one uh jump i don't know jump the shark i don't know but i but i think i liked it see i i have like i'm like like a post-traumatic monster movie right now because i i don't know you re-watched them all so did i over the span of maybe 48 hours um where not i think i was numb watching this fourth one so it probably wasn't a good thing to do that i mean i went back to kind of like revisit and i never seen kong skull island before so that was new but i seen the other two and so i i think i was just like uh um but even with that i still i think i like this one the best um it may be tied for the 2014 godzilla they're so different they're all very even though they're in the same universe they're all very different but they're all very the same [Music] and that's the thing is like this one felt a little more like crazy and bizarre yeah which i know the original like i'm not an expert on the godzilla movies or anything but you compare like the original 50s godzilla to some of the later sequels with like baby godzilla [Music] oh i also watched king kong versus godzilla from the 50s and that movie is pretty ridiculous those movies do get absurd and this movie is i guess kind of following in that tradition where it's like we're just going to try a bunch of goofy [ __ ] yeah i mean it is what it is they they very very wisely cut down on the human drama stuff in this the human characters in this movie are almost like utilitarian they're just there to get the monsters fighting there's no dumb like estranged father bullshits uh you could still cut out millie bobby brown and her old [ __ ] sub blood that was uh i think the least interesting that's like whenever she shows up on camera just start like checking your email or something until you hear godzilla roar again and the conspiratorial podcaster guy yeah i got just got michael bay vibes you know yeah a little bit like that it doesn't get that like the dialogue isn't that annoying or comical but it's in that vein yeah and then just this the over abundance and over fantastical science fictiony stuff in this it's just you know out of control and you can explain it away since the titans appeared mankind really stepped things up and uh started it does take you out of it though after especially after watching the other ones where they feel mostly real world right and now all of a sudden we've gone like full schlock sci-fi the plot is king kong is on kong skull island under a holographic dome to simulate kong skull island so that he's protected so that godzilla doesn't come and find him because they know godzilla has i guess gone around and just killed all the other titans slapping off camera between movies yeah it's like newton hicks and alien three sure they're all gone they're all gone he just killed them all even mothra who saved him in the godzilla king of monsters but anyways uh so that's the premise is that they're hiding kong and then billionaire tech guru guy uh the you know your elon musk ish kind of guy bad man bad businessman businessman um is is developing a mechagodzilla secretly in his tech lab and um they keep testing it because he one wants to make tons of money and then he also i think it's more of a primal urge to make men kind of want to be alphas yeah the planet again and i'm tech businessman i'm bad guy and uh but their mechagodzillas only have 40 power uh it needs the fabled element that exists in the hollow earth which everyone thinks is a theory so alexander skarsgard is a crackpot uh college professor who wrote a book about the hollow earth theory which goes all the way back to hollow earth comes up in i think it comes up in all the movies but it's all theoretical it's called the hollow earth theory that there are these massive underground spaces isolated from the surface world the vortex was a tunnel into the hollow earth it's a subterranean tunnel system that connects the entire planet doesn't matter but but the hollow earth you go through like a spatial rift vortex that shoots you at light speed yes into the center of the earth that's why you got to go in your little tron vehicle the tron vehicle can withstand the pressures of the gravity pressure of earth they hope no one's ever done it before but i guess they're just taking a shot yes so um so tech billionaire asks alexander skarsgard and then alexander skarsgard says i guess that maybe in the titans dna they all kind of know where the hollow earth is because like like homing pigeons or like uh fish swimming upstream they all you subconsciously know where to go back to where they were born wrote out there sure and they're like let's go with that sure let's drop king kong in antarctica and hope that he knows how to get back to the center of the earth um because if kong goes down there um he might find magical crystals space rocks that are anti-gravity that contain massive amounts of energy in order for us to power up our mecca godzilla it's some maximum power that's so that's the tech billionaire guy's angle and he sends his his poor daughter down there on this suicide mission uh instead of going himself he sends his daughter she's incognito secretly working for uh whatever that company's called uh dion flux or apex apex i had all the letters [Music] anyways and so alexander skarsgard goes to lady uh rebecca hall rebecca hall whatever her character name is yeah it's a lady a lady with daughter and is and she's the the kong whisperer she's the lady who who she's the uh diane fosse character she looks over king kong but little does she know her adopted tribal daughter from the original uh uh people that lived on skull island were all wiped out when the storm came she's the only survivor uh don't cut all this i know you're thinking about it you always think he's always thinking that he's cutting all this i see the gears working no i'm just as you were saying that i was thinking about the fact that like that's another thing that i guess that happens in between movies it happened in between i mean i know skull island took place in the 70s or whatever somewhere between 1973 and 2021 yeah this storm which is perpetually circulating around skull island somehow like moved and just killed everybody and then moved back i don't know uh he asked for buckahol and he says listen i think kong will lead us down to the center of the earth because kong has realized he threw a tree up and broke the dome it's like a truman show dome yeah and he's like we see at one point we see he's broken in several spots which made me wonder why he didn't just smash the whole [ __ ] thing down he could have gone up to the wall of it yeah and started pounding on it but maybe he's just like i know what you're doing but i'm okay with it but eventually they they're realizing their little in uh captivity dome is not going to last for very long yeah so i think he says like kong will be safe in the center of the earth let's take him down there also i want to find out if the hollow earth is real my brother died his brother died trying to find the hollow earth that gives him personal motivation oh because his brother i guess such an important piece of information i completely forgot about he looked at a photograph that's when i cried he looked at a photograph of a character we've never seen before oh this is everything is like this happens and then this happens there's a motivation get through it he looked at a photograph of his brother who went down in probably some kind of conventional undersea craft and then got smashed not a tron ship not a tronship from the tech billionaire guy who has futuristic awesome technology that's amazing yes um so he says let's take king kong and he's going to lead us down the the center of the earth the the tech guy's daughter is secretly there to find the magic crystals that will power the mechagodzilla so they're on this special mission therein lies the setup of our plot it's just it's funny because the on the on the whim of a tech billionaire just asking a crackpot professor on a vague theory and asking a favor of rebecca hall can we take kong that precipitated this gigantic operation where no one else had any input on whether or not it should happen the us navy lent 55 of their giant naval vessels which all got destroyed and then just letting kong loose yeah i mean this this should have been debated before congress for like months before it happened so that's what would have happened in shin godzilla that whole movie is people sitting in boardrooms discussing what to do yeah this this movie doesn't give a [ __ ] which as i said like it was written by a child that's a good thing and a bad thing um uh there's the one part of me that wants a slightly more interesting plot even though it is kong versus godzilla but then there's the other one other part of me that appreciates that they were just like [ __ ] it they they embrace the the the absurdity of it all yeah there's it is like a child in his bathtub like playing with a godzilla in king kong toys there's that shot yeah although that that first big fight between kong and godzilla on the the uh on the aircraft carriers where we see kong like look down and he sees one two three and he's like planning out his path of destruction great set piece great it is oh yeah when they are fighting when there's monster stuff happening the movie is a lot of fun and uh visually creative the whole hong kong fight at night with all the neon like that's one of those things or it's like this is directed by adam wingard and you know this is the classic case of you take an indie director and you give them a giant movie because you can control them basically well he shoots 11 scenes with people on small sets and then an army of cgi artists that's that's the case too but previous people and shot scene coordinators and everybody oh [ __ ] everything else but the idea like having all that neon like that it feels that there is some sort of connective tissue to something like the guest like a much smaller movie i think that is the biggest stretch of logic i've ever heard not at all i see no connective tissue between this aesthetically neon brightly colored garish neon lights the score uh is a combination of like orchestral and kind of uh electronic stuff uh okay so we got we got four four godzilla movies but gareth edwards re-watching godzilla uh it kind of had like that rogue one-ish look it kind of there was certain shots and the color tones and stuff like i felt like maybe a slight vague fingerprint of gareth edwards i haven't seen kings of summer or anything else by jordan jordan roberts michael doherty of course i've seen krampus one of the best films ever made a film that should have won an academy award for its sound design answered this film sure why not um i don't know what what did he do uh he did trick or treat oh right yeah but and then this uh adam wingard the only other film i've seen of his is the guest and you're next and blair witch oh yeah you're next yeah yeah yeah you're next of course um and blair witch i don't remember anything about it but um i don't think adam wingard remembers anything no i i don't see i don't see any particular director like a thumb print well it's hard to say with kong skull island because i haven't seen the other movie he did but watching that movie i i had like sam raimi flashbacks yeah kind of like just embracing the absurdity of it all for a little bit you mentioned that before i watched it and and certainly the opening shot yeah when uh young john goodman's falling from the sky it's exactly the same opening as arming of darkness oh yeah um and i'm not thinking about like specific shots or anything just the general tone of it oh yeah but there's a couple of like snap zooms and kind of like um funny moments uh visually funny kind of creative moments i i like i think i don't know maybe skull kong island whatever these movies are called maybe that was my favorite um i think king of monsters was my least favorite king of the monsters in re-watching it yeah because it has the the tired family drama stuff and it also this movie wisely when the big fights are going on it rarely cuts away to the boring human [ __ ] it lets them fight for long periods of time because that's what you want to see and it's fun uh correct and king of the monsters they're cutting to the vera farmiga and the early edition guy and all their boring [ __ ] nobody cares about it that gets that gets way too bogged down in that and then it becomes way too like ridiculous the the orca machine and then millie willy milly bobby brown whatever her name is she grabs uh she grabs the orca machine and and runs into fenway park and plugs it into the sound booth and uh figures out how to work it and and it just becomes this like convoluted mess and i get like a headache and pretty much every monster fight is is uh marred by snow or rain and shaky cam and it's all like murky and hard to follow yeah um skull island and this movie both or everything's just like completely clear absolutely we hold on these wide shots you can see what's happening fights in the daytime and i think that was something after uh king of the monsters came out it didn't do great it got like box office and and the reviews are complaining about that like everything's at night in the rain or the snow and it's visually ugly and you can't follow what's happening very well and i think uh they actually pushed back godzilla versus kong to like correct that i know they pushed it back because king of the monsters didn't do great i noticed that like in hong kong it just suddenly becomes day that's fine the sun came up yeah hong kong got knocked down it's a passage of time that's okay they were sleeping there for a little while it's it's a nice way to break up the fighting the cool nighttime hong kong stuff yeah yeah yeah you want that night aesthetic but you don't want you know the whole thing you certainly don't want the matthew broderick godzilla kind of oh god aesthetic yeah sure but that's the mask bad cg yeah some interesting notes though not related to godzilla directed by the gareth edwards who did the star wars it has elizabeth olsen in it and also aaron taylor johnson aka the kick-ass guy who i did not know at this when i watched this uh re-watched it until like the end of the movie i realized he was uh pietro maximoff aka quicksilver so him and elizabeth olsen they play husband and wife in this and then they play brother and sister like the same [ __ ] year in a marvel movie was age of ultron the same year i think so okay uh 2014 they i think they just walked off this set and they just crossed the little alleyway and walked into a different sound stage and just kind of kept filming some guy came by and sprayed his hair you know gave him a different hairstyle and they just changed the costumes at least they didn't forget which set they were on at any point and on the side of age of ultron they just started like making out or something that would have been that would have been weird yeah yeah wrong movie anyways um and then uh kong skull island also is a like a marvel marvel cast reunion brie larson yeah tom hiddleston aka loki and samuel l jackson then for a long time i'm watching it and there's that one guy who's a scientist man the actor's name is clark gregg and the whole time i watched the film i thought it was mark evan jackson who is the the shield guy clark gregg is is not that guy here's two pictures of the two guys they look very similar so i was very confused sure and i thought there were four marvel actors in kong skull island and then i looked it up and i'm glad i looked it up because i don't want to be racist saying all these white guys look away okay because they do [Music] i should have got the guy from the guest to play alexander skarsgard's character sure i was actually thinking about that at one point and i also noticed in the opening credits of this that uh lance reddick is in it and i was like oh lance redick he was in the guests no you know anna wingard's doing this big movies bringing some of his guest cast back and i think lance redick he's in the opening credits of the movie and he has like one line this is the day we feed i've given the order doctor i think i really like that kong skull island you know what that movie i mean that movie's about kong i love king kong in general i'm not a big godzilla fan uh but the smartest thing this movie did was make king kong the protagonist of the film yeah not some boring ass human character this is this is king kong's movie yeah yeah yeah he opens it and closes it it starts with him taking a nap i'm waking up from a nap yeah he's definitely our hero and godzilla is definitely sort of the antagonist and he's portrayed more menacing and evil than the other films where he kind of looks cute yeah this he looks really kind of nasty well they gotta get around by this point he's they say he's like the our protector he protects us from other titans they call him the monsters and so you kind of got to get around that and it's like uh we got to have him one of them has to be a villain yeah one of them has to be sort of so now he's turning on us and we don't know why and it turns out it's because of he recognizes the power that's controlling the mechagodzilla well here's where things get weird uh in the post-credits scene of godzilla king of the monsters charles dance uh who does not appear in this film i was wondering about that maybe he just died or something either the character or charles dance i don't know but he he uh he preserved one of the heads of godura which has been proven to re respawn itself or to you know it grew at head back because it's an alien right uh and so charles dance has preserved its head and so that does carry over into this um he must have sold it to elon musk and again another thing i guess that happened off camera at some point then they connect its brain or its skull yeah not even his brain it's skull you think it's hollowed out skull yeah it should have been like a floating dragon head in a jar that was alive something more biological yeah because that was the idea of it right they said like that that that's really what was controlling it or the the guy it's got a bunch of more neon we got a bunch of neon tubes coming out of the skull of a giant dinosaur skull and this guy sitting in the middle of it with like a vr headset on controlling mechagodzilla uh i thought it would be like connected to the brain of someone someone was laughing while they were writing all this stuff it should have been a big big dragon brain in a jar i mean that just would have been beautiful it was the school was interestingly funny yeah but like yeah i had this like floating and still alive yeah that would have been fun yeah like looking around and that's really what ends up like then the guy who's controlling it goes ah and his head melts and you know his head blows up or something and then then the the the dragon head is really controlling the mechagodzilla because i think that's what godzilla is attracted to that's why they have to shoot around the earth to do their their test runs yeah with the skull crushers yes from skull island yes they're like uh they just use them as like bait to to practice the the mechagodzilla on uh and then godzilla's like what's that and i'm gonna come get you and then you shoot around and shhh what what else these are dangerous times [Music] they did show kong climbing up the building as a cute little reference within the building fellow the building immediately collapses it's pretty funny because that's the same problem they ran into is the the old king kong versus godzilla is that kong in the original uh movie he climbs the empire state building that's the most famous image for the movie but godzilla is larger than the empire state building so how do you have them fight i guess he's just bigger now that's what they said in kong skull island is they say he's still growing or something like that he's younger then and now he's got a little gray he's a little bigger so i think yeah which is fine for this because this is a reset this is a new series of movies yeah that's fine that's fine it doesn't matter uh the the most iconic image is kong holding the lady and that is repeated in all the kong films they had a remake in the 70s where he climbs up the world trade center right with jeff bridges yeah and um and that's the iconic images kung holding the blond-haired lady climbing the empire state building and helicopters trying to shoot at him yeah and they they have a little little tiny nod to that in kong skull island when he picks up brie larson remember he a kong loves the lady he's like a lady and he and he feels protective of the lady yeah that's the kong thing um but then he picks up brie larson and then then a battle happens remember and he's holding her and there's he's fighting like a dinosaur and i'm like don't drop brie larson or she's gonna call you sexist aaron taylor johnson was a bomb expert yes that was his thing he's the only one that could do the job at the end of that film then brian cranston dies i guess that was supposed to be a bit of a subversion like uh janet lee dying early in psycho because that whole movie was promoted on brian cranston being in it and then they kill him off so early on and then you're stuck with boring-ass kick-ass guy yeah that's again this movie they're not too concerned with the human characters to the point where all the main human villains just get dispatched like they're nothing can we come up with a name that i noticed uh like a like yeah whatever that guy the tech guy what's his name i don't know who is his character's name i don't know you remember charles foster kane edu from citizen kane you remember that character's name why don't you remember the tech billionaire's name from godzilla vs kong oh because one's an interesting character and one is the guy that made mecha godzilla i mean that's the first thing that i think of off the top of my head what i want to do is make a mechagodzilla you you run a newspaper mr cain and we don't have that kind of technology yet trying to er co-mingle the citizen kane verse with the monster verse sure yeah [Music] uh [Music] arsene wells really cut his hand in that scene is that true when he broke the beer and he kept going i heard in this movie at one point godzilla cut his hand while toppling over a building and he he kept going and a bunch of computer programmers fell out my job 50 hours a week is to animate the lighting on his fingernails [Music] thank god i'm dying a sweet release of time i was in charge of the water droplets flying through the air that's something fun you can do as an audience member is when you get to the end of one of these types of movies and you get the we've joked about the the wall of names that just goes on and on just think about how every one of those people wishes they were dead [Laughter] they were it's like a virtual it's like a virtual sweatshop oh [ __ ] oh yeah i wanted to mention the the moment the tech guy i'm just going to keep calling him the tech guy when he dies he there's that all this noise and then that moment when someone realizes that they're about to die and the soundtrack drops out and they go oh [ __ ] bring that all back up what what is the name of that trope is there a trope can i create it the only time other time i could think about it is it independence day yeah no i know the trope you're talking about yeah i can't think of any other specifics but i can see them in my brain yeah yeah there's that moment when and then the like oh yeah it's like a comedy moment and then so-and-so gets killed by something yeah yeah what should we call it the harvey fire scene that can be his legacy the fire a firesteen event yeah the firesteen event there's a firesteen event in this one i also thought of a different trope the the ono what's next look i thought of that kong skull island one that you hear like weird sounds coming and all the characters turn and the camera is on them they go i'm gonna do it okay ready i i guess it shouldn't be so um like oh no it has to be more fearful yeah okay i'm trying to do it more fearful okay [Laughter] wait here we go and just can you add a soundtrack a sound effect i'll add a dramatic stick look at like a you just use like a lion roar yeah or like a dinosaur sound effect okay i'm walking along through the jungle right here it is ready okay can you do the sound effect though so i have a q oh oh sure here we go can we do another take okay [Music] um i think watching all these monster movies has ruined your brain you know what's funny is i was watching a completely different program a show this is real this is true story this is a true story i was watching completely different shows like a drama show that i'm watching i won't say what because it's terrible and there were characters talking and then there was like a scene transition sound effect and it was like like a bus or something and it cut you know like like an outcut with some comes in from the next scene yeah and and um and then i thought oh no like it's a monster like another monster set piece sequence is about to start and it was like in my head and then i thought oh yeah that's not gonna happen in this thing that i'm watching it's just i thought like if oh no here we come here comes the godzilla scene you know but yeah i think that would have been pretty shocking if it did it could have been it wouldn't have made sense yeah but if a godzilla showed up kong bows to no one but uh would you recommend king of king of skull island i i would yeah it's it's one of those ones like it's like it's incredibly stupid but not in an annoying way it's in a like we're just having fun here kind of way like this is all goofy nonsense and it's fine the fights are are actually fun to watch it is good to not take your movie about giant monsters too seriously or try to make it too dramatic with your human character with the boring family drama yeah the estranged father nope get that out of here millie probably brown's going to the one place she knows best home he's gonna be safe there yeah they always managed to find each other too oh yeah at the end of this i laughed out loud kyle chandler oh yeah it goes to uh destroyed hong kong he didn't even know his daughter was there she tried calling him at one point and their phone call got broken up yeah i think it may have gotten through maybe it seemed like she he she didn't even get that part of it um but sorry he gets there in like five minutes somehow yeah maybe he got in one of those pneumatic tubes he must have did you have to book a commercial flight does it take him like 14 hours to get there i don't know how i mean military jet monarch secret monarch uh supersonic jet right it's all fine they had that big supersonic jet in godzilla king of the monsters remember and he's gotta take a taxi from the airport or wherever they landed to the city center whatever that may be now i mean it's just rubble everywhere and the taxi guy's like this is as far as i could take you there's no roads you're going to have to climb over a mount everest sized pile of debris smoking toxic debris to get to a small crowd of extras of 35 extras and then go milly milly dad dad and then find each other in this gigantic area of destruction these movies are ridiculous but why don't i hate them i don't hate them i i like them they they don't push the obnoxious comedy relief we always bring up michael bay yeah they're not as dumb as michael bay movies they kind of embrace the silliness of it more so as they go along yeah they take themselves just seriously enough to give you that monster action yeah and like it's one of those kind of they're they're kinds of movies where they get a pass you know what i mean i don't know i guess you could say the same thing about a transformers movie you people want to watch these giant robots fight what's the problem you know and and i don't know it's like a blurry line it just appears yeah just the matter of taste do you enjoy this i i personally don't really i was never a huge godzilla person or king kong guy i just don't care and i watch these and i'm like okay [Music] the one moment that sucked though when khan gets back up in the city and his arm is like dislocated and he pops it back into socket he's just a big monkey why would he think to do that that's true but um that's your biggest complaint that's my biggest complaint so want to watch dick shark i'll i'll watch my copy and you watch your copy all right it seems kind of like a private thing yeah oh we don't have a dvd player
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 746,699
Rating: 4.9287982 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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