Half in the Bag: Money Plane

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The fucking Barenaked Ladies CD, I can't even. Like I'd like to watch the tragic life of that CD as it navigates its ways through the years and ends up in a movie like Money Plane.

👍︎︎ 672 👤︎︎ u/Granito_Rey 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can't say I expected them to review a film with Edge in it

👍︎︎ 215 👤︎︎ u/cjsc9079 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

The "undisclosed location" appears to be Newark Liberty International Airport. I'm onto you, Money Plane guys.

👍︎︎ 204 👤︎︎ u/UnholyMudcrab 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I cannot stop laughing at Kelsey Grammar's lines played over the image of Oscar The Grouch

👍︎︎ 403 👤︎︎ u/DuckDrunkLove 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Did you ever think we'd be living in Robocop 2?"


👍︎︎ 529 👤︎︎ u/pfelon 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You wanna bet on a dude fucking an alligator? Money Plane"

If I was Kelsey Grammar, I would have done the movie for scale just to deliver that line

👍︎︎ 341 👤︎︎ u/Thesmark88 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thomas Jane is in this movie? Sheesh....

👍︎︎ 127 👤︎︎ u/themurphysue 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

"This movie looks like a spoof movie that they meticulously edited out all of the jokes from"

👍︎︎ 122 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_COOL_RIFFS 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh shit Mike’s busting out the crumpled paper now I have to watch this movie.

Lmao Barenaked Ladies.

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/mrwelchman 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag who stole the cookie from the cookie jar i can't believe we've been stuck here for over a month now and i can't believe that the last movie we watched before all the streaming services went offline was money plane what a waste and even the [ __ ] cable tv doesn't work ever since china nuked all of our satellites what a year we can't even watch all the rioting that's happening in chicago live on tv anymore i know i know i'm very curious to see how much of portland oregon has burned down well i'll tell you this i'll never visit occupied territory formerly known as new york city ever again jay did you ever think we'd be living in robocop 2 yes there is a silver lining to all this though i mean at least the power grid is still on we've got plenty of vhs tapes in the back to watch and we've got grubhub oh no mike don't you remember grubhub won't deliver here anymore after the last delivery driver got a hernia from carrying in all your food oh that's right if we get really desperate we could eat all the rats that live in the back of the shop but with our luck the rats will have the bubonic plague and the saddest thing is that my birthday came and went and nobody even noticed you're wrong jay i noticed wait right here what is this some sort of surprise i got you a birthday cake oh my god [Music] wow with candles and everything although it's kind of sad i probably shouldn't blow them out you know just in case i'm asymptomatic no worries jay i thought about that too these are actually self-blow-outing birthday candles oh so they're just like regular candles and just wait for them to die out no no no they're e-candles i paid a thousand dollars for all these they have some kind of digital timer in them that knows when to blow out they even have a little microphone in each one that can tell when you're done singing the happy birthday song super advanced technology very expensive wow that's i i guess you never know what they're gonna come up with next [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well it's good we got these face shields where did you say you got these candles i got them at the fireworks store the guy there sold them to me for a special discount it's funny i didn't know they sold birthday candles at the fireworks store i'm so stupid speaking of stupid do you want to talk about money plane sure [Music] are you gonna eat that after discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the lunar surface mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with the help from intelligent supercomputer hal 9000 uh jay yes this is all your fault you wanted to talk about money plane um hey aqua splash was all your fault so this is this is uh payback i guess is this is this is this officially desperate times because the only thing to watch is money plane hey it's a new movie it's a new movie that's out and you can watch it so we watched it where it is they carry up to a billion on board in crypto and millions in cash i want you and your crew to take down the house that's insane money playing while watching it it starts off and and i'm like oh my god this looks just like like a poorly done episode of uh like a csi show or yeah it looks like a tv show yeah and it feels like one at first too i i wouldn't agree to even talk about this movie for a lot of reasons because it's basically oh god it's probably on par or worse than uh an asylum movie oh yeah yeah on par or worse um and and i wouldn't we wouldn't review just a random asylum movie because those are cheap cash grabs but this one has a little more of an interesting uh twist to it meaning the cast the cast and the fact that it feels a little more earnest than an asylum movie yeah like those sharknado movies are basically comedies and they know it and the whole thing is just a joke this one they were trying to make a michael bay action comedy are you sure i'm pretty sure here's how things are and how things appear to be is it normal for museum guards to have machine guns we weren't there two days ago when we did a recon so the cast it's not just a bunch of nobodies there's kelsey grammer uh joey lawrence is in it hair plugs sister hair plugs well he was famous for uh he was the the dumb brother on the show blossom yeah and he was kind of known for having his long thick hair so that's got to be tough for him as he's gotten older sure getting those hair plugs yeah they're pretty obvious it's like doll hair yeah well also he's not the only lawrence in the film we have because i had heard about this movie a little bit beforehand and i knew that joey lawrence's brother directed it and then matthew lawrence is his brother who shows up in the movie with a comical fake mustache and a cowboy hat gotta folks deal me in splendid now we have a game i was like oh he must have directed this but no there's a third lauren's and that's the one that directed it joey lawrence's kid brother yes because he's a good decade younger than joey lawrence yeah yeah there's there's three of them oldest is joey middle is matthew and then the youngest is whatever his name is uh i i guess this is news to me but i guess all three of them were on a sitcom at one point together all all of them in one show can you believe it it's called brotherly love it likes the two seasons on some network two seasons i was gonna say is it the fastest show ever canceled [Music] i was not familiar with annie lawrence other than joey lawrence we saw him at comic-con one year at chicago did we yeah i don't remember that he was in the celebrity zoo welcome to the celebrity zoo where careers come to die oh there's one of the one of the animals in the celebrity zoo i have no memory of him being there huh where to begin money playing the premise is is awful it's the worst premise ever um it's trying to be like a ocean's 11 movie or a mission impossible tom cruise kind of heist thriller yes but it it's like it's written by an 11 year old who doesn't understand anything about heist movies or planes or criminals or gambling or gambling yeah or yeah oh my god um oh thomas jane is also in it he is yeah who's who i didn't recognize at first he plays the friend of the the wrestler the lead character i don't know what the name is the character's name is jack jack he's he's a wrestler a professional wrestler um not a professional actor no he has one expression in this whole movie which is mildly concerned and or confused that's what he does through the whole movie there is one scene though where he fights the airplane's co-pilot who i'm going to assume is also some wrestler we don't know anything about wrestling so you know when you say oh the co-pilot there's a cameo box oh yeah that's so-and-so the grave digger yeah yeah it's like how do you not know that no we don't watch we don't know wrestling and then they're doing some sweet wrestling moves in the cockpit and not to uh discount the fact that they have this whole heist plan that involves him taking over the cockpit uh which requires him to knock out the pilots and i guess he was completely unaware that planes have co-pilots [ __ ] co-pilot because he's completely caught off guard by that he's an expert expert heist criminal jay i think that was supposed to be like a not a joke joke but like a like funny thing yeah there's a lot of that in this movie it's supposed to be like like i mentioned michael bay where it's you know there's lots of humor in michael bay movies and it's always awkward and bad it's trying to do that i think it should be called they spent all their money on kelsey grammer or a lot of people owed joey lawrence some favors i'm not sure what i'm gonna guess they mustered up a bunch of cash from the lawrence fund all their their brotherly love uh syndication money this this couldn't have cost that much to make so i'm sure the they had once said yeah they had one plain tiny plane room that they reused for multiple rooms and uh so this this was obviously you know not a not a big budget film and uh they thought that maybe they they could carry the movie on names uh mainly kelsey grammer his character's name is darius emmanuel grouch iii darius emmanuel grouch the third and if that's not enough he also has a nickname of the rumble better known as [Music] the rumble which if you're if your last name is grouch that's your nickname you're the grouch i don't know the rumble just sounds laughable bunch of [ __ ] yeah it kind of sounds like diarrhea it's just i don't i don't get i don't get the last name grouch either i think of sesame street yeah you think of oscar the grouch you owe a lot of money to some very bad people i'm not just a businessman i'm an opportunist so i bought your debt uh maybe he's a grouchy guy but no that's just his name that that's it's like an austin powers name like like i can't wrap my head around if uh if this movie was a joke or not there is a legend in the underworld those in the know it's called a money plane it doesn't feel like it that's the weird thing visually it looks like it the movie looks like a like a spoof movie yeah that they meticulously edited out all the jokes from right because every time they cut to that uh jack the main guy cut to him in that cockpit it looks like an snl sketch yeah yeah yeah he's um and he's flying the plane and he's doing the like the driving thing and you're just like what yeah and can we talk about like we proceed with the plan we're in too deep we've got to get out of this mess without getting double-crossed again i just i don't know we'll start at the beginning it's hard yeah there's a lot i mean yeah this can be dissected and let me just uh preface by saying this is not funny bad i'm just gonna get that for me it's not laugh out loud funny but it's all so poorly executed that cumulatively it's funny but it's not it's not overly like hilariously bad where you're watching with a group of people and everyone's laughing and uh throwing things at the screen all that so so rule that out right off the bat rule that out um for 82 minutes it felt like four hours i was like when is this going to be over but i was fascinated by so much of this movie um i can forgive low budget uh if if you know someone who is like 20 years old made this in their mom's backyard you know with the plane set that they built in their garage right i could forgive it but considering the fact these are professionals these are professionals and they're trying to pull off something um beyond their range in in almost every facet well it starts right at the beginning where we have we have our little opening action scene to establish our our uh our group that go that do these heists all the time abort abort we've been compromised abort led by the wrestler guy led by jack but we see this establishing shot of like it looks like an abandoned insane asylum but it's supposed to be an art museum i think it's a trucking depot that you could see all this oh yeah there's like bays but it's abandoned but clearly it's clearly abandoned but they say it's an art museum to the point where they have text come up on the screen you know like when you say like where your movie's taking place but it just says art museum um but they're they're supposed to be doing this heist to steal this painting and it turns out that the painting they're there to steal is not there and that's the the setup for the whole movie that when we get a revelation later in the film makes literally no sense no i was so confused at first i was like i i like the setup is yeah he's doing this job he the guy owes somebody money a lot he owes a lot of bad people money him and his crew uh the tech guy i forget his name his fake name is like mcgillicuddy or something yeah he's a black guy i guess it's supposed to be kind of funny because he's an irishman yeah there's not black people in ireland again michael bay humor michael bay level humor right uh and then there's a girl who does like something oh she's like the the loch smith or the uh she's she's the safe cracker okay oh yeah or something um but she never cracks any safes in the entire film this is not the same vote from the schematics it looks like biometric some upgraded version of that [ __ ] i can still crack it but i'm gonna need more time there is no more time no no the safe is controlled by a uh i don't i don't even want to go there there's a keypad on the safe but there's also a thumbprint thing yeah so she doesn't have to crack it no there's no exciting safe cracking scene that's that's tense there's ticking clock gotta crack the safe before the bad guys get and find you like every aspect of of of trying to do like a you know a tom cruise-esque mission impossible kind of thing with the clever plot twists and the and and the funny humor and that you know the adventure and action it's complete failure the room where the painting is supposed to be viewed this 40 million dollar painting is it's like drywall that's not like it's on a concrete floor and there's like brick walls yeah you see the two by fours where they built the set and it's like oh my god and it's not in there and then he tries to go in in the beginning he's like i have a private viewing of the art art and there's like nine cops there with like machine guns and he's he's scanning his card and the guy's trying to hack the thing hack the system so the card is approved yeah yeah uh so it turns out it was a switcheroo kelsey grammer faked the whole thing so that he could trick jack into robbing the money plane for him yeah just for cash well yeah the the twist later in the movie you find out that the painting that he was hired to steal was actually own he was hired by kelsey grammer but kelsey grammer owned the painting the name on record is some company called bond global now bond global is owned by rumblecorp why would he have you steal a painting he already owns you didn't steal that painting i wanted you to so now you've got to rob the money plane for me but there's no reason for him to do the whole fake stealing a painting thing because he says you're going to rob the money plane or i'm going to kill your family it's the painting thing no purpose but that scene so we have our opening failed heist and then we see him sitting across from kelsey grammer and kelsey grammer introduces himself to him even though they have a history together darius emmanuel grouch the third then that's the setup to get to the money plane well yeah as kelsey grammer's expl well first of all he's like i could kill you right now and he has a henchman with a canvas that he puts behind his head well it's it's like does he just always have that on hand for what he has to threaten somebody it's a good threat he has his little henchmen with a canvas behind him i'm gonna blow your brains out on this canvas and create my own jackson pollock yeah yeah yeah i was like okay that's a that's cute but when kelsey grammer's explaining the money plane to him he's like it's all sorts of illegal gambling and illegal illegal activity going on that plane but no one can be prosecuted because it's happening over international waters uh and he says something about like if you wanna any anything you want can be wagered on the money plane if you wanna see a dude [ __ ] alligator money plane the money plane has you covered you wanna bet on a dude [ __ ] an alligator money plane which is the line of the movie but i'm just wondering what that bet is uh yeah i wrote copious notes i wrote like this whole page in the first seven minutes oh god i don't even know where to start money plane stock music the dresser is next to the bed like where where the nightstand goes and he has a loaded gun in his dresser and he has a like a five-year-old daughter oh yeah dude [ __ ] an alligator plan a is only as good as your plan b three plan a is only as good as your plan b sounds like like something confucius would say no cameras on board no cameras on board i wrote that down because we're going to talk about all the crazy illegal activities so you can't have the cameras on the money plane there there are there are many little lines that are thrown in there they're all delivered by joy lawrence who plays the concierge of of the plane or as he describes himself the concierge i am your concierge and i am here to facilitate your every desire for action and speculation yes he does say that i thought i heard that ira wound it to make sure one take that's all they get the concierge he also makes a point that's in that's in the scene where they're like welcome to the money plane gentlemen there's like six people on the money plane when you think of this like giant elaborate decadent uh plane with all this gambling and stuff you picture like a double decker and just people everywhere it is a double-decker um and i don't know i'm assuming that's stock footage of a plane it's like a blank white plane and it's a double decker and all the windows on the bottom are blocked out um like or closed or whatever um but then when we see the interior it's one tiny little half of an airplane side but joey lawrence is introducing he's like yeah we have the we have a great staff on the plane we have the the best pilots because they're like ooh that was a smooth takeoff now that is a smooth takeoff obliged we employ the finest pilots in the world we have the best we hire nothing but the best pilots and i should know because i am a pilot i know because i myself am a pilot and they really emphasize that i thought he was going to fly the plane i thought there was going to be a situation where he had to take over flying the plane never brought up again that never happened why is that line in there and i don't know who oh i know why because i'll explain it to you right now jay okay um they set up right off the bat that jack goes into his daughter's bedroom then the evening before they're they're going to go on the money plane heist and he reads her robin hood yeah and the and she goes daddy it's okay to steal for your family he's like yes and she's like can i steal candy from my friend that's a [ __ ] and he's like no if you give the candy to other kids yeah so there's some hackneyed like this is a good guy plot because they end up killing people on the money plane of course and and the the end of the film they bail out of the money plane with both pilots dead so it's built in because we don't know who's flying the plane after they bail out yeah so it's built in that these three heroes uh didn't just abandon the plane with absolutely no one on board who's capable of landing it i was wondering that for the second half of the movie when they're all in the back of the plane taking care of the money in the cryptocurrency i was like who's the [ __ ] flying the plane autopilot okay autopilot it's the autopilot from airplane yeah the blow-up doll yes yes i don't think autopilot can land a plane um i don't think it's that sophisticated technology yet so are we supposed to assume that joey lawrence landed the plane okay why not just show that then money plane well i don't know it's a thinker what can i say it's a thing that's why they said that so we know that they didn't just let the plane like slowly you know lose power and crash into a major city and blow up and kill god forbid you kill all these human traffickers well not yet that's the thing is some of them might be like just people who want to gamble and they might not all be awful yeah yeah you don't want your characters killing everyone on the money plane even though they are mostly awful people right money plane uh yeah i i can't even fathom the concept like i said it's like an eight-year-old wrote it the plane flies over international waters so they can do illegal gambling yeah with cryptocurrency and or cash they they say that that's one of the setup lines we have the best pilots in the world and to my knowledge not even the best pilots in the world can avoid turbulence and every airplane goes through some kind of turbulence at some point which is why there has never been a casino on an airplane because you would at any moment an airplane could hit turbulence and fling everybody's [ __ ] all over the place which is why when you're on an airplane they say stay in your seat or have your seatbelt on when you're not going around because at any moment the plane could just hit turbulence and you could fly up and bang your head which happens a lot there are casinos on cruise ships and and that isn't moving and an actual cruise ship has very little movement um because they're so big and you know they're not unless you hit like a rogue wave like the poseidon adventure um your cruise ship isn't going to constantly you know rock back and forth unless it's in a storm right but airplanes you can't put a casino on an airplane but also it's like okay so where where does this casino plane land and take off in an undisclosed location they show the the mat the wide shot of stock footage of an airport yeah it says undisclosed location yes it says it says uh money plane terminal undisclosed location and there's like 50 planes and it's clearly like a big it's a working airport it's a major airport it's just stock footage of a major airport so then they and then when they show the terminal where they're boarding the plane it's just a bunch of curtains a bunch of curtains are all those money plans or is one money plane get its own private little terminal somehow it should be in some like completely rogue nation on on the planet earth right like north korea or something where they have like an agreement with the north korean government can we use this one barely used terminal at your airport we're going to pay kim jong-un a hundred million dollars a year to let us use this airport and he's not gonna he's gonna look the other way so we've gotta fly to north korea first and and go to the money plane terminal that's secretly hidden behind this wall that opens up behind north korean guards and you have to you know that but they don't they don't even set that up so it's like what airport who where what money plan because because if it's if it's in the united states which i'm assuming it is it seems to be pretty close to where they all live i guess yeah we have the the faa and all sorts of laws and regulations about money planes inspection safety inspections who's operating this airliner uh has has you know who what ground crew works on it who who fixes the engine mike they hire the best they are the best the best crew um so it's a it's a laughable concept to be asked to take seriously yes money plan well and then when you see the execution of the money plane they're introducing all the different rooms of the plane and he's like this is the main gaming room and there's like one table in it and some curtains that's how they they separate the rooms it's the same little set but they go through curtains and now they're in a new set they just redecorate it the one little plane set they had and apparently they have like like hotel rooms too because he's like i'm gonna go to my cabin yeah and then we never see we never see that so at some some place on the plane um i've i have not been on like a gigantic double-decker huge jet but the size like window to window was like a like a cheap domestic airliner you know what i mean oh yeah and not like a much wider um uh like international plane where there's like four or five seats in the middle and then three it could be much bigger but i i i wanna say this i think they filmed on a real plane like a decommissioned plane and i'll explain why maybe like a part of one that was in a warehouse somewhere that's what i mean um because because i would have made the sets much bigger which which explains kind of we always have a theory with bad b movies they had access to oh sure ellipses you know we have this decommissioned just commercial plane we have this tiny little section of it we got to film everything in there yeah we got we have a chunk of plain that we can use and uh because the doors look like legit like they didn't build they could only afford curtains yes so they did not build an actual like working door it's probably you know they have all these like different uh studio spaces in la they probably just had like the airplane set that you can rent and they rented that out maybe um but but one of the reasons why i think it may have been a real plane was because uh they when when the wrestler is flying the plane um you see him holding the controls right and you can see some of the details and it looks like all crappy a worn out oh like an older and they they don't film the way forward um which i'm guessing is because maybe they ripped out a lot of the control guts recycled some of the parts like they didn't have all the [ __ ] in the cockpit that made it a perfectly working cockpit yeah yeah all the the shots in there are really like they're lost yeah and um they don't uh they obviously put a green screen up along the side window and part of the front window but you never see that that shot where they're looking forward yeah and you see the real controls so it looks like real plane stuff because if you're gonna build a plane set it'll look either really bad in this case in in their budgetary sense it'll look terrible or or a little look like the ed wood uh right where's the plane set mr wood it's right handy did it yeah it would look like that or it would um or they would try to make it look not crappy and aged it looked aged this is what we have access to look like an airliner from like the 1970s or something where it was like like decaying and rotting but the money planes have been around for a while it's the most luxurious and elegant sophisticated airliner in the world and for the most elite rich people to gamble and you know that's what i heard from the concierge i am your concierge and clearly the below deck stuff is a set just like a junkie set with it's like a hallway set it's so tiny well they go into the the like the storage room or something the safe room and you can see like the two by fours and the other side of the two by fours they put some like like like metal sheeting on a like a closet door to make it look like it was like a secured room but there was no there was just a doorknob yeah there wasn't there's one room they go it's like supposed to be the server room because that's where all the the crypto money is being stored because that's how the internet works i don't even know what's happening who stole the cookie from the cookie jar who me yeah you stole that cookie i just know that the only character that's really like proactive in the movie is the girl of the group her name is isabelle she has the exact same scene three times throughout the movie which is she tries to sneak into a room there's so little security on this plane because they're just sneaking around everywhere through the whole thing she sneaks into a room a dude shows up and she has to half-assedly seduce him and then beat him up [Music] that exact same scene happens three times literally happens three times yeah it's embarrassing it's like i don't know what else do you do with a girl my favorite it's the third time where the guy comes at her and she breaks a bottle and starts like stabbing him in the stomach with it yeah but then in the very next shot all the blood that was rushing out of his stomach is just gone he's completely clean again yeah the sound effects are really awkward too it's like too quiet yeah so that's a really awkward sound punching sounds aren't your traditional [Music] yeah and they're mixed really quietly yeah um yeah they bought some breakaway glass clearly they they show the bottles they're made of like sugar or something right yeah a sugar glass and then and then yeah they really made use of those she smashes like a like a whiskey bottle on his head uh and it just like it shatters like it's made of like sugar glass like a whiskey bottle would be really difficult to break over someone's head that's like a rugged even those are those are thick yeah it's hard to hard to break those yeah yeah and then oh she throws the guy into the servers oh yeah i wanted to mention this part um and ah he gets electrocuted he doesn't even touch anything no and the servers are like old vcrs because one i saw a dvd tray was open it opened in the shot like accidentally there was like a burn dvd in there they went to like like the goodwill and bought a bunch of like old vcrs and dvd players and piled them up so that they could be their servers i guess servers are like electrically charged well that's why that's the reason they're behind that glass oh they have a live electrical charge going exactly yeah you can't touch them you can't even like do maintenance on them or press them no don't touch them no they're just they're they're it's live and electrically charged high voltage those uh computer servers so if you fly through that glass you get electrocuted by uh just going like this and there nothing happens to you uh it's like a pull like a play there's like make believe we're playing make believe here comes daddy [Music] i guess he flies the plane now he should have been the one like involved in all the like the gambling uh hijinks trey will represent me while isabella searches for the vault and the server room like mcgillicuddy was you know it was that was for comical effect like the the in addition to traditional gambling like they play texas hold'em uh which is oh my god they have like a like a like a plastic poker table the dealer is all sloppy and then they have like those poker chips that you buy from like like target or walmart like that are red black green and white that have no denominations on them and no no like logos or anything they're just like plastic like party poker chips yeah and this is supposed to be like a legit serious gambling establishment these are chip lab casino grade poker chips and ordering custom chips like these is fast and easy play poker chips are most popular choice and are available in 12 colors and several styles the white part of the chip is the customizable area both sides can be the same or they can be different we mass produce these chips so same day shipping is available and the normal turnaround time is just a few days but then the is it the winner of texas hold'em decides the next game or something like that where that's when they we get to the russian roulette scene yes and that's matthew lawrence in a comical fake mustache and cowboy hat and that's a moment that i guess is supposed to be intentionally funny yeah they're like you go first no you go first and it goes on for a while and then the payoff is that joey learns matthew lawrence just shoots himself in the head i can't lose yeah he's is he the one that wanted to play russian roulette yeah because he always wins he always wins why would you ever want to play that i mean because this is the money plane [ __ ] anything goes oh my god money plane because then we get to the the other gambling which is like they have like a live feed of somebody in like a snake pit yes like betting on how long we never see the snake no no they couldn't afford the snake they spent all their money on the poker chips and there's a there's a like a pentagram i don't know what that's about i think it's because they they said okay well who who what kind of shady people around the world would agree to do this kind of stuff okay maybe devil worshipers maybe weird like russian mobsters because there's a scene where two russian guys hack an arm off yeah and i don't even know what they're betting on like how long it takes to hack off an arm i don't know [Applause] [Music] i was wondering about that with the piranhas they throw a guy in a head of piranha it was how long can the piranhas eat down to the bone whoa stripped to the bone in one minute and 56 seconds won again by mr mcgillicuddy and that's only like a minute yeah and i was like how do you i can tell and it's like this fake skeleton comes up and it's some like like i don't know chinese guy or something so it's like okay so there's sketchy parts of the world where there's criminal underworld that will do this i'm assuming they get paid by the concierge uh and and the the money plane enterprise in which case the whole flying over international airspace doesn't even matter because all the criminal activity is taking place on the ground yes money plan this job sucks uh if we're going to talk about kelsey grammer this is i don't i wouldn't say phoned it in it's just like he put in the appropriate amount of effort for money plane are you really [ __ ] with me right now are you [ __ ] with me yeah you don't quite buy him when he's saying he has a line towards the end of the movie where he says i'm the baddest [ __ ] on the planet i'm the baddest [ __ ] on the planet i'm darius grouch the third i am darius crouch the third the rumble and i am taking down the money plane now bring me my money how do you deliver those lines menacingly and serious you don't so kelsey grammer is just like whatever it's a paycheck well we get to the ends and they decide to when when uh jack realizes that he's been double-crossed by uh the rumble um and then he got set up to rob the bunny plane even though he didn't need the original set up the painting anyway um but he does like a secret recording of of kelsey grammer we get a flashback to their original meeting where i guess he has a microphone or something under the table why did he put that there just in anticipation that he would need it later [Music] can you trust a guy named the rumble that's true darius grouch the third i wouldn't trust darius grouch the third that wouldn't i wouldn't trust darius grouch the second he's a shady businessman but i like that yeah it's not just a like a recorder that he has to come back and get later they got the prop right but they're talking over his computer anyway they have like a a camera lens i know can you just record the sound from the computer that's where i don't give a [ __ ] who's on that plane i'm the baddest [ __ ] on the planet oh but but it's this big like bulky object with like like an antenna on it that's that's clearly like okay well you know he can't just put a digital recorder down there because he'd have to come back and get it yeah it has to be something that could transmit to a plane that's god knows where so it has to be bulky and have a big antenna um and kelsey grammer never noticed it and and i guess when kelsey grammer gets mad he reaches under his table and shakes it yeah we could tell he wanted to flip that table and wherever they were shooting that he probably couldn't so he just kind of went i thought he was going to flip the table but but he records kelsey grammer saying i'm the baddest [ __ ] on the planet i'm darius grouch the third and i want i'm gonna take down the money plane he says all those very specific things so they know exactly who he is i'll give a [ __ ] who's on that plane i'm the baddest [ __ ] on the planet i am darius the third the rumble and i am taking down so then when jack plays that recording back i guess through the sound system of the money plane it's set up remember they play music through it oh yeah that's true so then everybody just airtight script it is it is so then everybody all the criminals on the money plane i guess they're just like well okay we'll go kill this i guess we got to kill that guy that i just heard over the radio we don't even know who he is or where he is or what he is well they find him pretty quick on behalf of the house i want to assure you that mr grouch's head will be on a platter by the time we land they find them in five seconds yeah but they can't even secure their own aircraft they don't even know it's been taken over no and i at least give the movie credit for this the logic uh lapses are explained in bafflingly pointless throwaway lines like joey lawrence's his job there is to set up all the things that don't make sense later with his concierge character he says there are no cameras on board because we respect your privacy as you know there are no cameras on board this is to ensure the utmost discretion but that doesn't explain why there wouldn't be cameras outside of their their vault and their server room and their cockpit and the places where patrons or guests of the money plane don't go or aren't supposed to be because there's clearly a line that says you're not supposed to be down here i think the girl says it she's wearing the flight attendant costume someone said she says it to the guy who's he's smoking he's like oh yeah you're not supposed to be down here yeah you're not supposed to be down here so why wouldn't you have cameras down there because money plane logically the money plane would have like a security room with three or four guys watching monitors that monitor a room full of cash right and not just have one not two [Music] one security guard watching a room full of cash and servers containing billions not millions they say billions over a billion billions of dollars of cryptocurrency which can be hacked and transmitted easily with an iphone well they originally needed help from their man on the ground the other lawrence but then thugs show up to kill him so that thomas jane has to get involved with a drone with a gun awkwardly attached to it it's not even like a super cool drone that's like made specifically with with machine guns guns built into it it's just a toy drone that they just attached the toy gun to because you know what the script called for was a like a predator drone like he had military background so he might have had access to a predator drone which is like those things are big sure they're like like i don't know they're as big as like a couple of cars they're huge they're not like you know now there's a little toy one of those little white plastic drones with a gun on it they wanted a predator drone they didn't have access to the proper stock footage of a predator drone uh and they didn't want to do a cgi predator drone it would have looked terrible oh they should have done that so they got one at best buy and they they duct taped a gun to it and that was the best they could do um right up your ass to be you pal i'm i'm still on the fence on whether or not this movie was an actual joke i really don't know i really don't know it's it's so poorly made it's all played so straight though i didn't get the impression that it's like an intentionally bad movie i think it's just a very very cheap movie that in their mind they had something more elaborate and it just kept getting whittled down and whittled down yeah that's possible because yeah you could kind of see like the faint shadow of of what it was supposed to be or what they're trying to do it's hard to it's hard it's something that's really hard to nail down another interestingly bad movie that though it's interesting this has been a good year for that between like veronica who is it i'm in here i didn't call maintenance today and then aqua splash and now this this has been a great year for for confusingly terrible movies veronica's yeah that's that's confusingly terrible that's it's got to be like a new category veronica wasn't hilariously bad either but no none of these were but they're all interesting to watch and like try and figure out what were they thinking i'd love to be a fly on the wall while this movie was being made and just kind of watch [Music] watch it all come together or even in the editing room or oh my god the muzzle flares from 1992. like from your digital action pack or you drop the the effect you could find better more realistic looking muzzle players on like [ __ ] youtube for free yeah and they look like they're they're painted on like in like photoshop like they look really bad they look like suburban sasquatch like muzzle flares like like an amateur movie from like the 90s yeah like that scene when kelsey grammer like shoots the machine gun [Applause] was that when they they cut away because they didn't have any actors to actually shoot yes yes yeah the the the the elite assassin squad from the money plane come to i guess they showed up they're off camera but they're there trust us yeah he knows they're there so he gets a big machine gun and he he does like it's like a an attempt at like a scarface ending and yeah and it's just like the digital camera shake and kelsey grammer's screaming and the muzzle flares look terrible and oh my god so that's why i question the the legitimacy of this movie uh whether or not it's supposed to be funny bad or if they just had like the worst cheapest editor who's just like i'm not putting in any effort into this you're not paying me enough yeah i'm just going to do the worst job on this because you're you're an [ __ ] you're not paying me enough i'll put in muzzle flares but i'm not going to put in good ones because i hate you like that's that's that's the vibe i got from the editing all right you sons of [ __ ] let's do it would you recommend it would you recommend someone watching this i i guess i should ask you first because you're the one who said we should do this movie yeah um i would yeah i thought it was like i said it's it's not like hilariously bad like a like a best of the worst movie but there it does have this like cumulative effect on you where as it went on it was more and more amusing to me it's like looking at a train wreck i'm sure we've said that many times but it yeah it's just so cheap and there's so many weird little decisions that you have one on top of the other uh it's certainly interesting from a movie-making perspective it's just baffling and terrible at how bad something could be yeah money plan and and not in a in a charming way got a bad feeling about this things are going south in in kind of a disgusting way i felt like like i wanted to throw up after watching it like in in a way where i felt sorry for everyone involved in it all the actors i felt like sick money plan like an embarrassed bunch of [ __ ] you know what i mean as as myself as a viewer like sick after after like maybe an hour of it i felt sick okay okay that something could exist made by human beings that that is so bad i felt literally nauseous so you'd recommend it yeah [ __ ] it you know it's been weeks since we've had a vcr repair job yeah you'd think there'd be an uptick since all the streaming services are offline if it wasn't for those newfangled dvd players tons of people would be needing our services my dvds aren't uh never mind hey what do we do now well since we can't watch tv movies or riots maybe we should look into bettering ourselves you know i'm gonna start working out more i'm gonna get into shape maybe i'll take up meditation or yoga get in touch with my spiritual side yeah you know before we became vcr repairman i was writing a novel what really yeah it's been my dream since i was little to be an author you know write the great american novel i've been thinking about revisiting that you know reflecting on my dreams aspirations and honing that into a novel that will inspire and hopefully netflix is back oh thank god nice oh yeah yeah yeah nice can you take a minute whoa are those chicks are those chickens [Music] okay rose rose yes i'm here oh i dropped the show thank you okay i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done you're done oh my god [Music] money plane
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,474,949
Rating: 4.9518199 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, money plane
Id: FaSNvI7oShk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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