Half in the Bag: Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Coincidentally, I've finally been able to mull over how I feel about Solo and I completely agree with them. And I haven't even seen the movie yet!

👍︎︎ 127 👤︎︎ u/GeneralMelon 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Praise RLM, their talking points will suit us well for months to come

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/bigcatthetall 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wtf Rich called Darth Maul "possibly the single worst Star Wars character" how can he say that about someone who's so badass like he has really cool makeup and does flippy shit when he fights and he has an AWESOME lightsabre wtf more do you want he's way better than fucking ROSE.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/FreefallMark 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Uj - I'm surprised Rich enjoyed it.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/NicCage4life 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

wtf i like solo now

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/TyrionBananaster 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

At last. Now I can copy and paste all their arguements wherever I go.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Pecos_Billion 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike and the redlettermedia has been kinda meh with the new Star wars movies after force awakens, so it seems that he was (and they, specially rich) a little bit more positive about this one. Is funny that subreddit is convinced that they hated TLJ, where they were mostly lukewarm or meh (still i feel that their half in the bag of TLJ commentary was kinda dull, it lacked of energy)

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Contreras1991 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Uj/ "Half in the Bag" is a show about a couple of friends drinking beer and talking about movies. It's not meant to be an in depth analysis or dissection of the film; it is simply some funny guys talking about a movie they saw. For this function, I'd argue it is the best of its kind- I personally love Mike, Jay and Rich. However, as a show doing anything greater than that it fails miserably. While the trio have a good knowledge of film, they seem to struggle to communicate it "off-the-cuff", leading to very vanilla criticism at times.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/LeotheManMKII 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

uj/ I liked this way less than Mike and Rich but I thought L3 was pretty good. I honestly liked pretty much every character a lot, just not the movie they were in.

Also, I know this has actually been kinda circlejerked but this movie does look really bad, especially for like the first two acts.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Crowquillx 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag jerks can't fix the VCR right hey Jay what time is it I don't know - ish it's about time to take my medication Mike what's that medication for oh it's my brain medicine I take it to help with my hallucinations it seems to work for the most part except for one side-effect hallucinations the main thing that I hallucinate is a fat middle-aged man that loves Star Wars I don't love Star Wars Heaven's Gate there he is oh I seem to that's just rich Evans oh why didn't you tell me you weren't a hallucination you mean I took off my pants in front of you for nothing not for nothing let's talk about solo a Star Wars story hit it Johnny solo a Star Wars story is a film that just came out directed by Ron Howard and also sort of directed by Lord and Miller the guys that made the lego movie made a han Solo movie but it was deemed too silly and bizarre and had too many ad-libs and went over-budget and was out of control Oh Kathleen Kennedy fired them and Ron Howard took over to make it more boring and then they finished the movie and a bunch of critics went to the screenings and were paid off to give it positive reviews and then when it came out it tanked in the box office and the audience reviews went through the floor into the negatives and nobody liked it and a whole bunch of people killed themselves over it check it out Ricardo Montalban what did you think of so low a red plastic cup story why have to ask you I heard you laughing you're unlike the far side of me were you laughing with her at the movie I heard a couple chuckle I was laughing with it alright that's somewhat surprising this you know alright based on what I've just heard you know what's gonna be really surprising I kind of loved it not even like that you love hey well kind of it's not up to long but it's near okay I enjoyed the film why I ate Star Wars I am absolutely sick of Star Wars I feel like the franchise should have ended in 1983 I feel like they ended their story and I feel like they haven't had any idea what to do with it since I'm sick of it I hate lightsabers I hate the force I'm tired of the Empire I'm tired of the rebellion I really like this movie because I had none of those things none of those things well it had all those things just so minimally that they're they're almost not noticing right know it this focus is um like the neglected aspect of Star Wars and this aspect of Star Wars I always like the seedy underbelly stuff I like I like the rogue AI I like your characters who are kind of the the outlaw and they're getting by on their wits and and bravado and bravado bravado bravado whatever so you both hated it no no I'm with you really I'm with you with with about 40 asterisk I'm not saying it's flawless no I mean I'm in the it was mostly I was mostly bored I would say the first hour and a half was that it kind of got interested in the third act of little bits the prediction video by the way that you and I did is not some sort of like like prophetic power though it's obvious stuff it's it's it's yeah it's it's you sit down and if you have a modicum of intelligence you go what do we do you don't know a lot about them and you have a couple things to go on it wasn't the main wasn't Luke Skywalker he was Han Solo Chewbacca yeah fool ammonium Falcon yeah you know he had his quirks what do you do we're meeting Han right before he becomes the Han that we'd know yeah you pluck all the things that that he said throughout the movies that he's done the Kessel run it's a Karelian he's like no not the local bulk cruisers but the big Corellian ships and he's talking about the Star Destroyers so of course console was it flies a karelian whitey freighter and there got to show the Star Destroyers being built on Karelian you know cuz that throwaway line han shoots first which of course he does and all the little things that's his character arc in this movie I was expecting him to start out more like like honest and simple like a good guy and kind of by the end of the movie he becomes the Han that we know but he's kind of the Han we know from the very beginning and the only thing he learns throughout the movie is to shoot first that's like his art he's in the Han we know but he's not especially good at it and I think the movie is just about him learning the ropes I was surprised that he knew it was like a good pilot from the very beginning he's not he gets a ship jammed in the crevice he tries the fancy maneuver and it only kind of works that kind of came across as just like a cute deal he was stealing he said he that that ship that they used in the attack on the train he's like I was stealing those when I was 10 so his scrappy upbringing implies he he learned how to do things much more than Anakin he's working for a crime syndicate already that the centipede lady so he's doing jobs already on corillia it's safe to assume he's learned how to fly things plus by the time he gets his hands on the money falcon and gets to fly it he said three years roughly three years in the empire in pilot school even though he gets kicked out we're gonna assume he learned some stuff I'm okay with that I enjoyed this movie more than I thought it doesn't mean it was not without its problems and we're gonna talk about the Scimitar fee in a little bit that's one of the made ones that was actually worse than anything else in the movie what kind of prevented me from getting into it was just how ugly it looked visually there's like there was a couple of laughs moments like when he's like he does a bluff thirty higher all I gotta do is give him the signal you're surrounded and then like Lando just takes off you know if he doesn't quite have have his his mojo yet that that ended up being the best aspect of the movie was his performance and that was the most shocking thing to me he's pretty good he doesn't quite I mean no one has that Harrison Ford from Young Harrison Ford days charm but he captures the the kind of spirit of Han Solo without being a direct imitation unlike Donald Glover which was the one thing that I was looking forward to in the movie and that was for me what are the bigger disappointments is that he is just doing an impression it's the point where I found it sort of annoying I thought it worked though I did I liked Donald Glover in this I liked Donald Glover a lot in general that's all I was looking forward to seeing him in this but it was it was humorous because Lando isn't isn't the like the strongest most revered character you know he's he serves a plot function and Empire if they if his past version of him has a little bit of humor to it and it's sort of like tongue-in-cheek fine like I really think I would have enjoyed the Lord Miller version better than the obvious like boring train heist sequence or the opening like we got to drive this stolen car to get to the the Check Point really pumping up that music to make you feel like you're supposed to be like oh that was a real bad sign I was like this is that was the whole movie for me was that that no that the thing I appreciate was that the the temptation to shoving so much fanservice that you want to barf was not really realized it was more than real one this felt like just like a story being told in this universe yes and that's what we've always been on hoping for so we can't be hypocritical here because well no but I would like that more if it wasn't a han Solo movie like I was thinking during the train heist chase scene or the train heist sequence I was like looking at like Woody Harrelson and he's got his little crew there's the four armed late man sure it's like it's like do we need Han Solo like a little movie set in the Star Wars universe that's about like a train heist well this is where my producer brain comes in and says that's something that sure could work but it's at this stage in the game it's a little risky but you can't release a movie called you know Johnny swashbuckler and his friends in space a Star Wars story because everyone's gonna go yeah solo has an emotional heart to it like the key that character at Han and the relationship and how they've gone in different places III like that okay I didn't get any what [ __ ] we heroes hero was Akira Akira is this incredibly whip-smart strong badass kind of go the emotional heart though is Han wanting it to be like it was with them but she's gone down some dark roads and he can't see it sure there's that I didn't really I mean there's feelings see I didn't get any feelings especially between the two of them I didn't think they had any chemistry but I thought it was weird early on it's like his whole motivation to get a ship and go back to Karelia right this is the planet was to you know you know reconnect with her and then like 10 minutes later she shows back up in the movie it's like that was way too soon and it's like she just discontent lead at this place there at like this his goal was to rescue her he never really does it because she has already had her fall from grace even though doesn't know what yet she is technically escaped yet he still hasn't real he saved her what Richard trying to say is you're focused on the the literal rescue and rich is talking about the the emotional personal rescue Oh I understand what's supposed to be there I just didn't think one that she was an interesting enough character to have any sort of emotional reaction to their relationship oh no it's Amelia clerk no no one seen on Karelia where they go back to their like crappy little apartment where they live and and they had they smooch and they have a nice like candlelit dinner and they talk about their dreams and hopes of escaping this planet and and starting a farm on some random planet raising children falling in love having a pet my Knock [Applause] although all that kind of stuff where you kind of get a little sense they connect well the little thing is when they just starts with them driving a car yeah that and then when they reconvened there isn't any sort of she's just like gone already yeah and it's like you need like some sort of hints that she's not going to betray him it was so apparent I think that's like problem of the movie is that everything just seems so obvious the whole way through I I suspected something was going to go on with her because of the tenchu the branding from crime syndicate man but I didn't quite know where it was gonna go it wasn't predictable that she was going to totally betray him and and be aligned with the [ __ ] Sith Lord my I wasn't I was expecting a Sith Lord but I was expecting her to betray him that just seemed apparent from right when they reconnect III I was thinking it might be she does try to go off with Han and not betray him but that ends up getting her killed thus hardening Han Solo's heart I thought I thought that was I thought she was she was doomed to die as well yeah see this is this is why the third act got a little more interesting for me is that enough well one I liked the fact that the climax of the movie takes place in bad guys office like it's not some like this actually felt like a small story in this universe which rogue one didn't Rogen was trying to do the big apt expect achill so the fact that the entire end of the movie just takes place in dudes office I liked and then he start to have all the betrayals and double crosses and those like oh it's like a movie now finally so for the last 30 minutes or so I was kind of more interested but because then yeah then I started to question like oh maybe she's not gonna betray him she betrays him but she still likes him she doesn't like arranged for his death it's a double cross but it's it's not a yeah well yeah I mean it's it's the whole thing is a setup Ohan you pity foo love what an emotion you don't need yes maybe they don't go that no no yeah it doesn't get it doesn't get goofy she she feels a little bit bad about it and then leaves yeah then because she's gone down a darkness she she sees what Han Solo Kent getting back to what else talking about small story yeah got the plot around stealing the super fuel right and like we've always hoped like with rogue one our main complaint was look at this Death Star you know then you know then you knows Darth Vader blah blah blah this the Empire was in it but it was more coincidentally or just is there a part of that universe but it wasn't like yeah look look at this at Walker oh you know what that is just no I was in the Army for a while and it was really on there's like a little recruitment video playing on the wall there smattering the stormtroopers kind of roughing people up and they go through and then they they do show Star Destroyer but it's just in that tunnel there isn't that you'll be dead guy moment from rogue one yeah look it's the you'll be dead guy and it's just completely shoehorned in there there were a fair number of minor references us they they would say boss we shoulda gotten someone like boss you know I was it's okay they don't shine a spotlight on everything there was a rogue one there was a brown Greedo character at one point yeah I noticed in the background um but I don't think it was supposed to be greed oh no it wasn't yeah just that same race just fine whatever yeah he didn't run into greed oh and you know I have sit at the bar and the bartender comes up and who was here sitting here first he was you know that sort of thing who gets a shot first and then the Chewbacca scene when he meets Chewbacca almost verbatim what you predicted how about this han Solo and and Chewbacca are thrown in an imperial prison together and we have a scene where that's the first time they meet Chewbacca's like in shadow yeah like rim lit you know kind of like how he appears in the beginning of Return of the Jedi and then here and and then on so I was like oh my god you know there's a monster in here and then he comes out he goes of course Chewbacca would be a prisoner it'll be a prisoner to the chemistry was so good I don't think I care well what do you know if the movie had focused more on just the two of them maybe I would have liked it more because I did think that they worked pretty well did you focus on them quite a bit that was actually one of the nice things about the movie just saying that that that relationship between a Han Solo and his dog yeah because Chewbacca was was underused in the force awakens and the Phantom Jedi what was it called the last Rian Johnson film but yeah like the Han and Chewie back and forth was funny yeah and I what are you guys think of Han speaking wookiee I always thought it was just cute that he knows what he's saying in the original movies that's that's another case of like well we don't that's a lot of this is like we don't need to see this it worked because the point was they could communicate and then the guards above them didn't know what they were doing yet still a silly hearing it comes across this a bandeau yeah yeah it's it's silly but it was him doing it to prove that the Wookiee could trust him that's probably left over from the Lord and Miller cut maybe like I would have been a silly silly silly moment it's hard to say and that's the thing is like we say like oh this felt like it's from Lord Miller of this this movie didn't feel like a hodgepodge of two movies crammed together yeah it felt pretty cohesive yeah that's the weird part I thought it had a lot of pacing issues which is another reason I thought it was pretty [ __ ] boring but it didn't feel like oh this is taken for it wasn't like a Suicide Squad situation oh right it felt like re-edited or scenes crammed together Fantastic Four I really like the when they finally get to Kessel and they have that Prison Break scene and ll3 is like starting the rebellion and she's don't tell me you liked l3y oh okay out of my seat several circuits thinking you're gonna have to do that thing again later yeah we need to talk about l3 the the feminist robot continued your point my guess before we talk about oh yeah no I thought that was fun when all the prisoners started getting released and there's just like chaos going on it just felt fun I see how that was just annoying because it was the results of this stupid robot doing a stupid thing at an inappropriate time but you don't believe in equal rights oh okay well let's talk about this robot maybe the worst character in star wars since Jar Jar Binks is that fair to say for me it was just needed to be toned down a bit and it also was weird to me because that character felt like yeah it was like SJD social justice droid yeah but but but it came across almost as like a parody like they were making fun of that and considering how outspoken like Kathleen Kennedy and and all these people are about inclusiveness and and diversity making a character that seems to be making fun of that ideology felt really bizarre to me it does come off as goofy it comes across like they're making like you're supposed to be laughing at this character for being so you know like social justice see and that just came across as like a real like weird class it isn't a film with three white leaves it is possible that was sneaked in there as a subtle jab that would get under the radar there's nothing subtle about that that seems like a horrible miscalculation in the fact that it's actually making fun of the whole the whole accusations that Star Wars is a feminist thing now miss Kennedy whenever we can have a woman or a person of color direct the Star Wars film it's all very soon very soon that's just so important to me and then they hire Ron Howard and then we Ron Howard oh let's give Ryan Johnson three more films Gareth gets another one Jon Favreau John Farrow and now Boba Fett has just been an oh yeah James mangle thanks manacled so it's like Disney's is fraudulent they know what sells and then what's safe yeah and and they don't well that's like I don't want to rock the boat too related to this story that broke out about Lando being pansexual sure there's nothing in the movie to indicate that so it's all just like nothing so excited oke then he [ __ ] the robot which is weird but the robots are the love with him yeah but but it's one of those things where it's like now people are applauding the idea of that but there's nothing in the movie well that whole thing was a setup by an interviewer who asked John cast and the son of Lawrence Kasdan as a co-writer they're like hey do you think Lando like could be like pansexual or you know open to other kinds of sexual stuff because he's you know such a cool hip guy and and John Kazan's like sure I guess I guess it could go that way cuz you don't want to say that everybody blows the article because your answer is not oh absolutely not Lando's just into women yeah because then you're close-minded and bigoted but if you say oh sure Lando could be pansexual he could be he could be into swingers and dudes and whatever is Lando sure why not and then so it's Lando Calrissian it's a pet sexual pervert nothing perverted that badness is ingredient a ingredient be put them in a blender and you have climp a barf it all over twitter quickly it's it's it's quick bait coming out of the oven is what that is what you're saying is it's fake news it's fake news it's a setup it's a setup for a headline that people will click on man said Lando is confirmed as pansexual [ __ ] women men robots and genderless aliens then you zhenya then you get the attention of people that want to applaud that kind of thing as well as the people that ought to be outraged by that boycott the Star Wars movie because Lando's are pansexual support the Star Wars movie because Lando is progressive in his sexuality and then you watch the movie you say what there's nothing in this medicate anything all john 'cousin did was say who cares why not you watch the movie and it's an entre versi coinage clean its word did you coin that word yes an entre verse controversy thank you rich I didn't feel a goddamn thing when that stupid annoying robot died Jay why is your heart filled with so much hate why can't you just open your heart star wars my heart during this movie my heart was filled with boredom open your heart if I can love Star Wars anybody can yeah rich is the ultimate Star Wars haters I am I really am he's so sick of it but I love this you did you would you say like even separate from Star Wars you enjoyed this just as kind of like a fun fantasy yes those first encounters with Chewbacca with the Millennium Falcon with Lando Calrissian they're in this movie let's talk about cinematography when your cinematographer scoot over this way and let the adults know you had to have noticed something just listen ugly and murky to you nothing stood out but I'm not I'm toned after this stuff I think I've been bothering that you couldn't see who you were looking at in scenes I wouldn't say I thought it looked great but it didn't look distractingly awful he's right let the adults talk okay to the cinematographer of this film when when Jay looks over his shoulder and wonders if there's a problem with the projector something wrong [Music] in other word there were things I enjoy that weren't just big sloppy stupid action scenes like all of rogue one there were sporadic things I enjoy but then it was like like I said everything just felt so obvious as far as all the beats and then in those beats they felt like they needed to spell everything out the worst was why Han Solo's last name is solo which is the that was all this thing ever I fell agree with you on this yes and that was so stupid my name's Han and by myself oh so we'll call you Han Solo got to know how he got his famous maybe we don't need to know why his name is Han Solo it's just his name but the other one that stuck out was when he first befriends Chewbacca I was like what's your name Chewbacca well I got to give you a nickname because I'm not gonna say that all the time cuz I say that every time and that was kind of the whole movie for me it's like we don't need those it's the equivalent of Star Trek 2009 talk everything but my ball oh yeah yeah yeah that's a good you don't need to do that don't need just let it be a figment exists got nowhere else to go ex-wife to go damn planning the divorce lefts with bones that's not even where the nickname bones comes from don't even [ __ ] know that but when they wrote this script or they knew that but they didn't think that the audience would know that where that's lured like the name comes from so like we got to make it dumber why is he called bones is it cuz he has a boner because he's gay for Captain right you know that went down in a writers room somewhere why is it called bones well he's gay well what if he got the name bones because his wife took everything in the divorce then he's got a wife it was it was to me like we've been hoping for it happened to have son solo in it but we've been hoping for a smaller star wars story that does not feel the need to bring back everything because like we made our predictions you've got Greedo you've got Boba Fett you've got Jabba the Hutt you've got Vader all these people that have all interacted with Han Solo at some point that this five or six bounty hunters from Empire only one was referenced yep boss ik there's Mandalorian armor in bad guys office but it's not like it looked like the silhouette of Boba Fett's armor but the lighting you couldn't really tell us through everything was just murky but the big ones the Jabba's the greedo's the bow effects they don't feel the need to shove in there there's no Jabba I was shocked but Lee's mentioned mentioned he's not in it is kind of a miracle but you would I think you were right in your predictions you mentioned the the parsecs there's not time yeah so they they did do that which is fine or did he do it because they they put in a drop of the hyper fuel and it pushed the Falcon like I thought the excuse was the area was so rough that the safe way was to go all the way around and looping and Han Solo's solution to them being chased by a Star Destroyers was [ __ ] it we're gonna cut right through this terrible rough space terrain that's extremely dangerous and nobody would do it because it's suicide that Han Solo is gonna do it and he's got a good feeling about it so it's the equivalent of I I did a 5k run in 3k because I ran through a forest you cut through the alley to get to the other side of the block rather than going around the block the dangerous alley filled with like drug dealers rapists and stuff like that I don't know what to do that well why is that a thing you brag about though when you're talking about how fast your ship can go he's basically just saying I took a shortcut so it still doesn't make any sense because the area he went through was so treacherous but the fact that they made it out it was like the work of everybody involves it wasn't just him okay so it's like nothing to do with his skills it had nothing to do with the speed of the ship yes the problem is is that in the original script George Lucas wrote he did the Kessel run 12 parsecs George Lucas didn't know that a parsec twas a measure of distance and not time it's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs this didn't need to be the Kessel run we don't need to mention it is the proper solution that they didn't take because I am NOT claiming this movie I enjoyed elements of it as most people are saying the first act is a slog and it's awful I wouldn't call it awful but it was boring like the first yeah would have been better if he did like you said start slower and it's it's not you don't need the chase scene but you have him and her in the apartment talking about their hopes and dreams and and like a build up even to that very first heist where they they go after the Train that has the the magic space fuel on it because it kind of jumps right into that yeah well I wasn't completely clear about because there's a certain point where Woody Harrelson's girlfriend whoever she is partner where she like sacrifices herself to blow up the bridge and I wasn't did I miss something was there an explanation as to why they needed to blow up that bridge because they had the the car like hooked to the ship so they were gonna lift it up all they had to do was disconnect just connect the car from the actual track yeah but Chewie did that yeah no that that disconnect from the rest of the train but it still would have been stuck around the rail track instead of built around oh that's right it was like a roller coaster ride yes it just doesn't seem like the type of thing that would be like you're gonna sacrifice your life for this isn't it was very bizarre to me it was because she knew if they didn't complete the job that Scarface was gonna kill him okay so she sacrificed herself so that woody would get the space of fuel and be safe okay yes it's Thins a bit then but yep the whole idea that the Empire has to move stuff on a train is they have these things called spacious but it made for a nice visual set piece [Music] let me give you some advice assume everyone will betray you but then once Kira shows up and we introduce bad guy and we introduce the fact that she's been branded by him and she's either his lover or sex slave or confidant or whatever the [ __ ] she was some combination of all of these things yes and then they have to go do the big heist and we have we have taken clock element with with the super fuel going to explode and they've got to do they've got to go to locations which is great we've got a little Kessel I was into the movie at that point yeah they're not getting spice from the spice mines of Kessel underneath it they gots hidden secret super fuel fine then they got to go to this other planet then you introduce those Maya Rudolph shows up one of the one of the pre rebellion 16 year old Maya Rudolph yes I'm Warwick Davis shows I'm Warwick Davis they gave him one line that was very nice of them you're a little little scrappy scrappy rebellion characters that and then to spell everything out he says he doesn't want to join them and she's like well maybe you'll change your mind someday looks right at the camera should we talk about Darth Maul yes we should but I don't know I don't know how much there is to say about it why aren't why is anybody excited to see Darth Maul possibly possibly the single worst Star Wars character I've heard that he's fleshed out more in whatever [ __ ] cartoon but that's your problem rich you need to watch every piece of Star Wars media in order to appreciate his cameo in this film here's why he's here I mean you know why right so they can spin them off in another thing yeah what other thing is that I don't know think real hard about it [Music] do you know what he's getting a boba fett the boba fett try again obi-wan movie yes the obi-wan new that you've dumped dummies and he's still making that I thought that was a smoke I thought that was smoking Tarragona doing McGregor he likes money and he already said he'd be interested in doing it and if the time frames perfect it's about 10 years after Phantom Menace events you and McGregor is age appropriate Darth Maul's alive with robot legs and they can have some [ __ ] lightsaber fight like they have some sort of like deep connection as far as like good guy and bad guy Darth Maul is just like a visual that's all he was that's why he's not interested his entire character is he has a double bladed lightsaber that's Darth Maul's character which they made a point of having him pull out a lightsaber in this movie to intimidate emilia clarke even though he's the hologram that was i role i thought III thought we predicted some kind of lightsaber around you have to have a lightsaber in Star Wars movie you know it it was such an awkward way to shoehorn it into and the fact that like he's a hologram which in Star Wars movies have always just been served like blueish like monochromatic but this lightsaber is bright red mr. mr. Scarface the lightsaber is so red that it overwhelms the blue of the hologram no mr. mr. Scarface is super rich and so he has a really really modern advanced okay that does read just does one other color it's blue and red the Empire couldn't afford it they spend most of their budget on military weapons the communications are the lowest part of their budget a little terrible cutout of Darth Vader that to me is the only flaw and in Empire Strikes Back it's absolutely no other flaws in that whole movie except for when lord Vader talks to the guy running the 8080 walker and he appears as a sign little guy in his dashboard the shield will be down in moments you may start your landing don't I look intimidating I'm the size of an action figure it needs to be great if his voice was higher pitch just like you your pitch changes decide depending on the size that's why Snoke sounds so intimidating do not fail me it's why it's why both the the Emperor and Snoke appeared in giant like intimidating dominating Holograms that are above you and down but then Vader's on his day things like this like the Vader at his dashboard that's how you would look in like an Palpatine side of the hologram well good news our Rams big Palpatine is looking at your little hologram conversely it's why Leia was a small hologram saying help me obi-wan Kenobi you're my only hope visually it yeah she's she's little and small and helpless and that's theirs thrust of Luke's story line but Vader on that look all I know is that in our theater which was filled with about eight people one guy clapped for Darth Maul I did too yeah but you did it as a joke but I think that was a rape arc oh really what the [ __ ] else is he doing of course they have that wasn't Peters surface it's up here sir if I know it's it's voiced by yeah he's voiced by Sam Witwer who does voice acting for all the like Clone Wars is that the same guy that does the terrible Palpatine yes if only we knew someone that did it better Palpatine the most important takeaway from this movie you know is it was a fine little Han Solo of origin thing you know he did a couple things he had some adventures you know I have a little thing you know some funny moment you're so like dismissively positive about the movies yeah sure that's okay I'm dismissively positive yeah I didn't hate it to death and I thought it was okay it had some annoying things in it but also it's some funny things and things that worked but what I'm saying is the most important takeaway is that Darth Maul scene at the end because that to me says we're going to go more in a Marvel esque direction who could we just pull out of the [ __ ] blue darth maul darth maul his robot legs and he's a crime lord and and kira has gone to to serve Him where the hell is that gonna go you know what I mean so they're setting up clearly Obi wanted to come back and have a rematch with Darth Maul which is going to make every fanboy cream in their path and so they're they're I think they're trying to desperately trying to expand this on expandable world as they can but you said creatively bankrupt there's a lesson to be learned here tell Richard remember successful without phenomenal as somebody who hates Star Wars absolutely positively sick of it shockingly I do recommend solo a Star Wars story cannabis regiments of a solo a Star Wars story no it's just too boring yeah as far as a recommendation from iam I'm not on the fence because the the the visual nature of it is very important to me and and how ugly and [ __ ] dark and and silhouetted and gross the the lighting was I think the negatively affected any kind of lightheartedness and funniness that wasn't it it was like that that that humor and stuff that a desperately needed that was their sort of was just trying to break through that fog so that's what I what's in my brain if it was well lit and colorfully lit and the tone was a little different I think I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more the Lord Miller cut yeah and that's the thing too it's like you're sitting there and going yeah like I don't know who's doing what can't think about that because it's all speculation the only thing that is 100% certain was Ron Howard was the scene where Clint Howard shows up yes yeah wouldn't be a weird coincidence if that was from the Lord and Miller version though they just had Clint Howard in it it had a decent little spike heist plot and then some betrayals like you do in a in a James Bond or whatever kind of movie although slightly predictable it still was in there it wasn't just we have to just shoot our guns at everything in order to win the day like in rogue ones yes well it was like like like a football player wrote it you know what I'm saying [Laughter] [Music] they addressed the controversial front of the ship thing which I have I have a prop here where you don't have that that gap here which nerd said was used as a freighter to push things hence the side cockpit and then in in the film it's it's it's an escape pod he says I got an escape pod are you looking for the button to remove it I couldn't figure this out earlier I found it oh it's the side yeah no it's this [Music] what's this place I thought oh please one figure the song [Music] [Music] [Music] how could I laugh find a little delicious [Music] now you just pull it out Dave and addressed they even address the controversial design where everyone was like where's the things you know because the the there's an escape pod that's escape pod and these teeth were here were meant to push cargo but in Episode four a new hope lord Vader or one of the Imperial guys references escape pod there's no one on board sir according to the log the crew abandoned ship right after takeoff it must be a decoy sir several of the escape pods have been jettisoned and so Lando says I added an escape pod to the mandible docking clamps how did the guards and a new hope know that Lando had added an escape pod that was injected at some point if it wasn't designed to have an escape pod I don't have much more to say I think your medications wearing off where did that man go oh I forgot to fade out with the chair what is he doing who well Mike it's time to start talking about solo a Star Wars story all right I thought it was terrible [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 3,005,924
Rating: 4.8499775 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, Solo, A Star Wars Story, Review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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