Rich and Mike's The Rise of Skywalker Predictions Video

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hello rich Evans hello Mike we're in our black void again so that must mean we're doing another predictions video that's correct that's my prediction am i right your prediction is accurate it is rich Evans and Mike talk in a black void about Star Wars or Star Trek what's what's the most depressing thing to talk about rich Star Trek for me Star Trek Star Trek I'm gonna say we've done a few production videos now this is the hardest one like you go into you know the force awakens and you think well it's been 30 years what would you do with these characters after 30 years and your brain can get going on things and we have han solo movie what's like well Han Solo where things we know about Han Solo with this movie with the rise of Skywalker the last what was the last what was the last movie called the last force the last Jedi the last Jedi was the weirdest second act of all time yes because it left us with no hooks for the sequel I felt it you this is it basically a dead end yeah there is the trailer out it's a teaser trailer and I hope to fucking god the full-length trailer doesn't come out before I finish editing this video waste their time but that's that's what's out and then that's what we looked at so this is just me and rich looking at the trailer and the only other thing that I looked at was the Vanity Fair article it's like 5 stills there's a bunch of stills and then they give you some information which dispelled a couple of my ideas or I guess theory is whatever was that all the sand planet it might be Tatooine no it's not but it's called like Kasana or something um I wrote it wrote it down in the notes and then there's there's a snowy planet which is not crate the salt planet from the other movie it's some new planet and there's a shot where they're flying through like clouds and a kind of like the planet from rogue one where they attacked that that Imperial base yeah but I think that's a little smuggler thieve land like a maz kanata's castle but not unless they try and tie that into the Death Star I don't know but anyways so and then a couple of new characters Keri Russell plays like a bounty hunter szura's aura bliss or something and then there's another lady who's riding on a horse with Finn yeah she has a character name so I just want to get all that right so we're not just guessing and then the Knights of Ren so though that's basically what we're going off of and looking at who's writing and directing as well cuz that plays a major part the force awakens written by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan a lot of people say including us as a retread of the original Star Wars film basically had all the same notes at the same plot points the softer reboot has been thrown around and I attribute that to Lawrence Kasdan getting tapped on the shoulder come on back and write star with it yeah what else can you do with Star Wars I just write the same script again and change all the character names and no no notice and JJ Abrams is a writing credit we have written a spider-man comic book a long time ago in a certain video I made and I said JJ Abrams would be great at directing Star Wars films yeah and I stand by that in the directing capacity only after the the prequels ended right 2005 then there was 2009 Star Trek and that was a bad script but a really fun science fiction adventure film JJ Abrams is all Glaus he's a terrible storyteller him and Alex Kurtzman they're all like bad robot right their whole thing is feeling over sensible plotting like what what would be a fun thing to do and don't think about the ramifications just oh that's mysterious ooh that's emotional how does that fit into a larger narrative who gives a fuck just do it it's like it's like corporate short-term thinking ruining a business it's like short-term profits massive profits and then they like ruin the industry like the the video game crashing for the early eighties throws many games out there as you can and oh what happened we throw a bunch of shitty games out there and now nobody wants games anymore oh the industry collapsed the storytelling equivalent of that like like a super raid you remember super 8 I haven't seen it see the the the first version of stranger things it's like all the Spielberg in 80s nostalgia shoved into a movie and it looks really nice and it's pretty but ultimately it's it wasn't memorable you know it's it's that JJ Abrams style he's very good at visuals and pacing an excitement like start the Star Trek movies are exciting terribly written but they're exciting and visually good so JJ Abrams yes directing yes let him visually tell the story of someone else's script yeah don't write it so she split Spielberg in half JJ Abrams is is the one half of Spielberg that's missing the other components and the best part about Spielberg he didn't write scripts you say it's like you split Spielberg I think it's somebody who grew up watching Spielberg movies but they only focused on the one thing he did and that's what they were fascinated by and he he's like Spielberg but without the complete package yes we have written a spider-man comic book although when you hand over an entire film to one guy who writes and directs just completely out of left field [Music] we got the last Jenna mark very understandably wasn't thrilled about some of the choices in the script it's if we find them that really good script but I think JJ Abrams just probably like I'll do it I'll do these movies but I want to write the story because I think he fancies himself a writer we have written a spider-man comic book and I bet you of all people are really looking forward to that spider-man comic it's just so exciting I can't believe it's happening yeah thank you so much I don't know I think yeah because they're great they're great you're great okay so script by JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio writer of Batman V Superman dawn of Justice and the Justice League that a joke no this movie's gonna be awful this movie's going to be awful don't you be a poop pooling Internet armchair critic rich none of these people have written anything good JJ Abrams with his mystery box' bullshit and what's-his-face who wrote two of the worst movies of all time this is it was just fuckin this is a fucking dream combination let's talk about the trailer we get like eight things the more than half the trailer is ray in the desert like kind of running yeah and and and then leading up to a jumping over of a TIE fighter which we're going to assume is driven by kylo Ren well that's that's the thing that's the one that's the one thing when you're trying to figure out what they're going to do this moving you can glom on to everybody well a lot of people hated the last Jedi and it's it's non plot twists and there's gonna be probably a lot of work towards undoing that movie yeah cuz I was gonna say that there was implications that there are force sensitive people out there little children those little stable hands in the casino planet that he it makes this is like broom fly to them and yeah it looks at the little rebel logo and it looks up at the star it's just like Luke look at the twin son setting dreaming of adventures that are to come so those are little Jedi's in the making Rian Johnson left left that door open but I like the idea that Rey is the last Jedi I like that idea much better and I'll explain why ah I don't like it I don't like any of this I like it because it subscribes to my terribly awful theory which they don't know if anybody has come up with yet but let me again preface it's a terribly awful theory based on the fact that JJ Abrams and the guy who wrote Batman V Superman are writing this script yeah and based on retconning what what you theory my well should we talk about the trailer more is there much to talk about she jumps over a TIE fighter then we see a blue planet and then we see some force here real quick everybody and we're going to show quick images of what's in the trailer okay okay ray back flips over a TIE fighter yeah presumably flown by kylo Ren it's possible it's Darth Vader anything's possible at this point but we're gonna assume it's kylo Ren the start of some battle he's out to get Rey right uh-huh because that's how everything goes a little battle boring a little battle and a boring big battle and need visual she does backflip over and I'm going to assume in the film the lightsaber cuts the TIE fighter in half and kylo Ren flies out and then stumbles on the ground and then they start laser sword fighting then we see like this what looked like an a winged fighter I don't know what it is it's flying through some kind of like so now we plan it and we see the hint of a city in the background which i think is the thieves den the smuggler planet something because that's there's a Keri Russell plays Azeri bliss a bounty hunter esque character okay let's say a female Boba Fett so there's something in maz kanata's credited in the film there's gonna be some kind of smuggler thieving subplot with Lando probably as well okay then there's a kylo Ren killing people in a forest setting with stormtroopers yeah kill somebody I can't tell who it is it could be a flashbang yeah who knows kylo Ren reassembles his helmet Poe and Finn are seen on husana the desert planet they just kind of show him looking at something bb-8 has a new little friend I don't know why they've given up on r2d2 going on adventures aren't your DJ's always just like has like a like like a blanket over him in the corner Lando and Chewie are flying the Falcon and they come out of hyperspace flying the Falcon there's a battle on personna they're flying what looks like a little Java skiff kind of thing what are you getting Pisano from oh it was credited as being the desert planet Oh scene in the film FF throws of my theory about the desert planet out of the window okay and then there's a shot and I think there are backpack jetpack wearing stormtroopers they show little ships the first I thought there are ships but that way I looked at it up close I think they're stormtroopers with jetpacks okay just saying this is what we got to work with we see a Star Destroyer on I think that our planet and I think it's an a wing crashing into it and might have been that ship we've seen earlier I don't know and then lastly there's a grassy what looks like grassy planet and all the characters are coming up to this this cliff and then we see the destructive remnants of the true in Death Star in the ocean and all of us are to assume that that planet is Endor the forest moon let's take Endor that's the only thing that makes any kind of sense see I was I was speculating it would have been I would have been an interesting twist on things if the desert planet were actually Endor hmm because Death Star once the wreckage crashes it just fucks up indoors environment I thought mate you know it was either I thought it was either gonna be a ruined Endor or we're going back to jakku because in our theory about retconning the last Jedi I figured they were gonna go back on the no your parents but nobody's there would nobody there are filthy jump treasures so do you want for drinking money and we're gonna go no no ray you're really good with us Skywalker something something Skywalker they'll be back one day and so I have I have a couple of topics I want to talk about and I don't know if you have any theories the most important thing I think to mention is the Emperor's laughs at the end and it's famous line that no one's ever really gone well I think Luke's coming back I say I have nothing I have nothing to work with Mike so I'm just thinking well you want to undo the last Jedi nobody liked what they did with Luke nobody liked that he had abandoned the force which I actually thought was the most interesting part of the movie but nobody liked that so I think much like Gandalf he's gonna be reborn through the force he's gonna be super in touch with the force Luke and he's gonna counter the Emperor spiritually at the end he's gonna be wearing the same robes he was wearing and Return of the Jedi the all black robes but they're gonna be pure white Lucca the white okay again Dolph the white he's gonna use a lightsaber he's gonna be super force in touch with the force Luke I hate to say it you're probably right yeah he will reform his body from the force using elemental materials that I'll fly together yeah but he'll still look like old Mark Hamill they'll have his beard be really nice-looking okay it'll be super trim maybe they'll just like kind of da gym just a little bit oh yeah not so where's young Mark Hamill but where he's just sort of like nice-looking he's gonna be super well groomed Mark Hamill okay yeah see when you see the Death Star destructured right and you hear the Emperor's laugh my first thought was until I changed my mind my first thought was oh okay here's the plot kylo Ren in the first order I want to destroy the rebels the rebels have made an agreement with Planet X and Planet X has an army and fleet of spaceships that are so big they can possibly counter the the first order some bizarre species you got to help us and Leia signs a treaty with them that's the new rebellion oh there they can match the first order kylo Ren needs the ultimate power in the universe they know a technological terror is is out of the question aha don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force so we need something super powerful the the soul or the evil negative force F essence the dark side essence of the Emperor still exists it's in the planet core the crashed and the Emperor's ghost its evil force essence lives in the planet core kylo Ren wants to absorb that into his spirit force and he'll he'll just become like like you said like a super Luke yeah I meant like I look at Dark Phoenix right where I could just like use evil force and just wipe out planets with his mind that's what he's going after because they're the one of the vanity fair' photographs show ray and and kylo Ren laser sword fighting on the top ruins of the Death Star yeah where it's like water splashing on them and they're fighting on the junk of the Death Star so kylo Ren wants to get down there we've got to stop him that was Theory number one then I came up with the wildest theory of all huh you I'll add in my two cents about kylo Ren in the Emperor yeah these these these last two movies have really botched their villains and then in the last shadow they just gave up and cut him in half and now we're left with kylo Ren but the way they have written kylo Ren he's a dipshit he's too stupid to be the main villain of your series and he's too evil to be redeemed so we need a villain and out of desperation it's literally the only thing they could do was to invoke the Emperor and you think it's going to be his essence I think it's good it's not just gonna be an essence it's gonna be a consciousness he's gonna be aware I think he is going to try and draw kylo Ren to him in with promises of I will give you ultimate force power then you can have all of the thoughts but he's gonna double-cross kylo Ren because kylo Ren can't be our main villain because he's a dipshit and Rey has already beaten him like twice so the emperor is going to possess kylo Ren for his new super Skywalker force body I don't think though it'll be end up being Luke versus the Emperor at the end again because you cannot just outside of the realm of the story and Star Wars speaking you cannot build up ray Daisy Ridley and then take it all away from her at the end it will depends upon how hard they want a red Kahn I don't think they'll do they'll go that far to have Luke be the sole hero he might I'm sure he's gonna do something super special Luke to help out but Daisy Ridley has to be the hero um I'll get into my wild fan theory now yeah I wanna hear I want to hear it because I was thinking about it and then there was a quote from JJ Abrams that said literally said fuck it I'm just gonna do what I want uh-huh something like that I don't remember the exact quote but basically it was like ah this is the last film fuck it and the Star Trek stuff was like crazy mm-hmm so then I thought I know what they're going to do I what what what has been done in Star Wars technological terror technological terror death machine gotta stop it got to blow it up bad guy two guys fight at the end well you know what they haven't done what a horrible time travel story oh my god is the dumbest thing ever they are going full-on Avengers endgame and they are retconning everything and there's a lot of clues there's a lot of clues to this thousand generations live in you now the thousand generations live in Yuna time that's a line uh-huh I'm going through this piece by piece uh-huh well the thing that that that um tipped me off to this was Jim had mentioned that he's excited to see this movie not to see the movie he just wants to see the Millennium Falcon and I'm like okay cuz he loves the money in Falcon he recently made a beautifully detailed model of it uh-huh because he said he's Jim Jim is a matte painter and he's a very good artist so he painted details on his model which probably is better than anyone's model a homemade model of the Millennium Falcon outside of the actual one they felt sure what here's a couple photos of it Jim's looks better and actually probably looks better and he said the circle deflector dishes back which got knocked off in Return of the Jedi and they had that stupid curved one yeah and I looked in the trailer and they show it flying through the the vortex and the circle deflector dishes back there's a Palpatine laughs we see Leia holding the anewhopeee medallion from the awards ceremony and another thing Ray has Luke's lightsaber which was utterly destroyed in the last Jedi [Music] also from Disney's perspective everyone is dead there are no new Jedi's and there's nowhere forward to go you can only go back right so you're saying they fucked it up so bad they have to go back in time yes and it has something to do with the Death Star and also another thing too like there are there's Maz Kanata who's who's kind of a psychic I am no Jedi but I know the force there's something special about her we have weird bounty hunters we have the underground you know the community of thieves and you know that sort of thing so I think there is going to be some kind of time-travel device and I don't know how all this is going to work or why but I believe that the Death Star's wreckage has something to do with it because when we see them approaching the Death Star they're walking Rey has a sack with her and she's holding a bag and it's a big heavy bag and it's like this big and it's just for a second she's holding some kind of bag with something in it and it could just be a travel bag but it's pretty big and I'm like what's in that bag and so maybe the deaths second Death Star's core was powered by some kind of supreme power source and it still kind of exists I don't know think about it bring Luke back you you you can travel to the past you can you can do whatever you want you can bring back Yoda you could bring that any character you want you can fix the timeline via an Abrams Eska Kelvin slash prime universe I mean where do you go forward from here oh that's such a stupid thing to do in Star Wars but it hasn't been done it has been done and JJ Abrams literally said fuck it fuck it fuck it I think you're right I think you're right and and if you think about it and game was successful it was popular and you've got a comic book writer guy writing this movie you know because I don't have much else in my notes because I got I nothing to work on to predict like like Finn what the fuck do you even do with Finn that's what I mean he learns to does Finn learn to put away his own wants and fight for the greater good again like he did in the last two movies because he had the exam exact character arc in two films well that was kind of something else I wanted to bring up was I was thinking about Star Wars and the original Star Wars and you know it's been talked to death of course yeah there's nothing else to say about it but the reason why that movie worked was he had three main characters who were very relatable and had very clear character arcs it was definitely the prequels when things started to rely less on the characters you say less I'd say not at all not at all almost not at all on the characters their emotional arcs their character arcs their story their relatability and more on the details it was a throwaway line in Jedi when Vader's like oh I see you've constructed a new lightsaber I see you have constructed a new lightsaber and then then that just line where it's just like I see you got a new lightsaber then it became like Oh Jedi's build their own lightsaber and they used a special crystal that they meditate over from the one planet that the crystals exist on med tar five mint r5 was blessed by an ancient Sith priest who converted to the Jedi Order in 1800 BBY that's the sort that makes no difference that's stuff that doesn't matter Darth Vader said you built the new lightsaber and then another line - he is - oh well then that must mean you have to start a Jedi training one year for that's where George Lucas did not understand his own creation he did not understand why it worked he then he said I gotta build this world of all these details D and then the politics I mean we have all talked about that the Senate and then and then blah the the big problem with force awakens and wide only half worked they had character arcs they weren't all necessarily completed in that movie all the character arcs in a new hope were completed by the end of the film because they thought that was going to be the only film force awakens focused on the characters and didn't really finish it but it was an okay start and I think that's why it kind of worked for me when I watched it I think the most interesting thing to come out of the last Jedi was the Rey and kylo Ren possible relationship or emotional connection I think the possible raid teaming up with Ren to run the first order could have been that could have been something interesting you could have done but they man oh yeah when those two were having their like forced communications and and there was like weird sexual tension and him kind of being on the fence about being evil and stuff yeah I mean that's like kind of similar to the Luke and Vader you're my father and related but then we've never really had that with a good guy and a bad guy kind of being I don't know love or attracted to each other where there's like in not just I want to turn you back to the good side or I want to turn you to the dark side but at the same time we're also in love it's kind of weird yeah and it was different and then they followed that up in the end I just want to kill you they could have done a lot of interesting things I hate everything you've done to my character I mean really at the at the end of the last gen ideally the only plot point we have is the good guys need to beat the bad guys yeah that's always that's the only story hook we have at the end of that movie it's it's awful [Music] and I guess we got 25 members of the rebellion I guess that's an obstacle we Grieg Rove the rebellion I order they just they're just gonna do a time jump and they'll be a rebellion again from this there's 25 of them what am I going to do they've effectively lost the war I mean come on again it's very much a Avengers Thanos situation whether they are any desperate desperate times and they're in desperate need I think Luke has taught Rey how to time travel you think it's ghost is gonna come and teach you how to force time travel I don't know it could be like the inverse of the Star Trek discovery situation where they instead of jumping 900 the use of the future they jump 900 years to the past that very well could be Darth Vader flying that TIE fighter trying to kill ray because he knows she's Luke Luke's force ghost taught her how to time travel and and go back to the the Knights of the Old Republic and those kind of stories you know because we got to set up a new trilogy right yeah yeah we can't we cannot go forward I don't think Oscar Isaac is gonna do this anymore I don't think Daisy Ridley I don't think these characters are signed past three films so we have to create a new trilogy and like you've always said Star Wars is just out of gas as in terms of stories giant planet killing machine and the first order wants to conquer everybody because they're bad and then a Sith Lord who's in charge of the first order with the red lightsaber and the space medal and everybody fights them so what do you what do you do you go bonkers you go to the past your time travel and you retcon you go back to some ancient period in star wars history where some crazy shit was happening and you create new trilogies from scratch ray retcons everything Star Wars fans might hate it I'll think it's a glorious mess if they start doing like convoluted time-travel shit in a Star Wars movie I don't think it's a glorious mess I think I'm gonna make another prediction this is going to be our least accurate predictions very assuming that they can make new trilogies that take place hundreds of years ago in the the vast history of Jedi versus Earth right I think logically we're probably correct in saying kylo Ren and Ray are gonna have a lightsaber fight right we've seen a still of that I think they fight I'm assuming on the wreckage of the Death Star it'll be a first order and kylo Ren wanna will completely wipe out the resistance and they're just a smattering of people running around they're jumping from planet to planet bla bla bla bla bla we know kylo Ren is basically irredeemable at this point he can't live and just be like hey I'm kylo Ren I'm I'm good now because he's done too many bad things yeah movie speaking movie wise speaking he can die he can have a change of heart but he has to die maybe saving others so I think him and Ray are gonna fight a lot they're gonna laser sword fight then we're gonna have some big epic showdown where Luke comes back maybe not in human form in ghosts Luke form and says I've transcended to Luke the white I'm a spiritual being of of all good energy and I'm awesome and oh my polar opposite the evil spiritual energy of the Lord Sidious the the the bad guy yeah we are going to shoot lasers at each other and and fight in the ethereal plane and it's going to blow up this whole planet and cancel each other out the the good side and the dark side will cancel each other out once this big battle is gone kylo Ren will say I'm injured go I've turned good ray and your friends I'm gonna help you get on the money I'm falcon so you can fly away while Luke chokes the Emperor's so it'll be like the end of Star Trek 5 I couldn't help but notice your pain my pain it runs deep share it with me they're gonna explode and and Rey will realize that the force is temporarily gone for a few hundred generations something like that could have a fan pleaser yeah yeah but maybe a little a little a little twinkle a hope at the end oh it can't end there's just gonna be more and more of these things never gonna stop never end it's the dumbest thing in the world to bring the Emperor back but it's gonna be the most fun part of the movie and you know it you know it's gonna be the best thing they do in the fucking trilogy even though it's the dumbest thing they can do cuz we all love him for probably he's too good a character it's gonna be great his scenes but his his old old old man body won't be there it can't be but let's come back possessed somebody will reincarnate it won't matter or maybe he'll be like scarred no burnt up he's just burnt up it's like a charred corpse oh the Ewoks will worship Him the Ewoks will worship Emperor Palpatine help you will see the Ewoks like fortress and they'll be like a little throne they built out of like twigs and it's charred corpse it's just gonna be sitting in it there's like yeah there's like an underground version of like like an Ewok death cult like they're like saint worshippers or lux they're just like they have like red eyes and they live underground don't be don't be like sacrificed II walk skulls all over his altar yes that's how he eats that'll be so fucking awesome if he just looked like he looked like just like a charred rotting corpse but he was just barely alive maybe maybe he's like giving the Ewoks like dark energies and like the Ewoks have like glowing purple eyes they're like evil II watch yeah yeah yeah they're like a difficult but same cult and and he gives them powers and they protect him and they they they keep him alive down in the bowels of the broken-down Death Star oh so they've been nursing him back to health yeah he walks oh yeah yeah he eats them he consumes their energy and he sits on ya big big throne of like machine parts that he built and but but he's finally been able to reach kylo Ren his force part has been building this whole time this whole time that's how the film star he suddenly sent out a telepathic message to influence Snoke to turn kylo Ren evil so he kind of went there we'll ignore that I think it'll open with kylo Ren just like he'll he'll be sleeping and Darth kya Darth Revan Darth Revan okay and then kylo Ren will open his eyes and he'll be the one who tells him to reassemble his helmet what do you need why did he need to put the old one back together and that isn't the biggest like symbol of we're going back on what everything the last Jedi did he's actually putting in the ways of the last Jedi trailer he smashes it in this trailer oh I just I've rebuilt it yeah maybe maybe Palpatine because then he could put his like hood on and yeah I'd still be alive oh it's so great they're not gonna do it but that's so great I think yeah I think decimated barely alive corpse like Palpatine survives somehow inexplicably and he's been rebuilding a strength all this time he's coming back it's coming back Mike but but but then how do you bring Luke back he gets reincarnated to the force to counter Palpatine but it Luke body and our camels bodies sure just like just like Gandalf just like and off I don't know it's a long-standing tradition and fantasy that the wizard character can re-emerge from the missis's long-standing tradition and this is what we're doing with loop now it's Luke's turn to be the old Gandalf like wizard Luke that's the one positive is the Luke did vanish yeah so it's interesting because Palpatine didn't vanish he literally got blowed up we didn't see him get blowed up we just saw him fall no he falls into his force protected him from the explosion I guess I guess you could just make up any BSL force works that a beautiful part about the force it's extremely ill defined the force is just like shit you brought out of a cookie a fortune cookie and there's a philosophy built around that nonsense and that's the force it could be anything well it was very specifically defined in the Phantom Menace when it was the count of midi-chlorians in your bloodstream but it's also a force that binds everything and it also lets you run really fast when you need to run really fast it lets you jump really high only one you need to jump really high it lets you do the Jedi mind-trick but only when it's convenient on certain people so Palpatine falling into the the hot plasma energy core of a giant what he used a net killing machine he used the ancient Sith technique of force shield force heat shield well it took a large toll on his force and it took 40 years to reach charges for okay okay so but but the the Death Star exploding literally from the inside out his force protected him when it blew up and crashed on Endor but that's that's why a that's why it took him 40 years okay okay all right I'll buy it it's so gonna like like replace like is our arm with like parts he scrapped from the Death Star's I'm gonna have like a robot hand and part of a robot face you will have the most pimp cane that the Ewoks carved for him out of California redwood Luc's reborn - they're gonna make a deal of like showing like he has an actual hand oh yeah the robot hand will be gone I have been reborn look look look at the rule audience look all these are great ideas rich mm-hmm all these are great it's funny how we talked almost not at all about any of the characters from the new truth they're just like they're just like beige filler for things from the past that that are much more interesting it was a resource they squandered that was that was the one thing I was excited about after the force awakens the reason I didn't completely pan it even though yeah it's a rehash of a new hope but I like the new characters and now for the last Jedi I legitimately like the Ewoks worshipping Palpatine I do too that's a great idea cuz that's how you nobody likes the Ewoks but if you turn the Ewoks like evil and make them you just change the design just enough to make them creepier suddenly I think they'd be cool you make a little bit less chubby maybe they're worship of Palpatine that all that dark negative energy has like made them a little bit more emaciated so they're not cuddly anymore yeah they're just certainly they're kind of gross yeah they're a different sect of that that are there they're more sinister you're corrupted yeah right I like it I like it let's go with it they're starving because when the Death Star crashed it burnt up the forest the forest we see kylo Ren fighting in does it look like leafy trees does look like burnt-out dead trees that's on Endor the Ewoks have nothing to eat they're gonna be emaciated and they're gonna worship Palpatine it was never a franchise that was built for longevity it was a fairy tale it was a fucking fairy tale they told the story it was done 40 years ago it was done they told the story and then they just they can't stop it made too much money they can't stop it's too big to fail Star Wars it's too big to fail we got to keep pumping money into it there has to be Star Wars for some reason but it is fun to speculate yeah question because they have to do something to keep to keep doing it to keep doing it and do they just tell the same story again with with the Empire and a rebellion just three more movies about that another generation removed or you literally could do that sometimes and sometimes endings mean new beginnings do you do time travel as long as you absorb a bliss a new female bounty hunter who kind of looks like Boba Fett where everyone is fascinated look at that cool costume like that's what I mean by surface level doesn't matter who she is what she does anything it looks neat it's a shiny object in front of a cat that's all it is at this point I think JJ Abrams fuckit is is going to have a resounding impact on the Star Wars community I hope he does I do too it does you kind of have to shake things up at this point but whatever they shake Star Wars up it's terrible they did that they did that with the prequels let's what about the Senate it's just something different oh my god [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,538,613
Rating: 4.9036946 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, star wars, rise of skywalker
Id: gzeOrA2in1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
Reddit Comments

The time travel theory is so fucking good. I can't believe I hadn't heard it yet. Mike knocks it out if the park as usual.

👍︎︎ 1016 👤︎︎ u/READMYSHIT 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoy that Mike ended his Piinkett review saying he might have to sit Episode 9 out, and then in this video he knows everything there is to know about the upcoming film. Absolutely perfect.

👍︎︎ 833 👤︎︎ u/loutermit 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've just started, and they sound so beaten down and defeated.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

👍︎︎ 533 👤︎︎ u/Balkinbalkans 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit I'm sold by Mike's time-travel theory. Rather than Luke teaching Rey how to time travel though, it'll be in the books she stole, and since time travel is so dangerous, it wasn't used/known by modern Jedi, but its buried in the books.

👍︎︎ 367 👤︎︎ u/EQUASHNZRKUL 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

That feeling when you refresh your subs tab in youtube and you see "40 seconds ago" on a new RLM video is magical.

👍︎︎ 290 👤︎︎ u/spo0o0ky 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

writer of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and the Justice League

Oh boy.

👍︎︎ 439 👤︎︎ u/Sidecarlover 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I went from thinking Mike's time travel theory was ridiculous to being 100% convinced by the end of the video.

Matt Smith is in this movie. Might as well just have Doctor Who show up. "Fuck it," says JJ Abrams.

👍︎︎ 201 👤︎︎ u/Prefer_Not_To_Say 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I hope to God Mike is wrong about the horrible time travel theory, but it's the most sound prediction he made.

👍︎︎ 341 👤︎︎ u/Imjusthereformemes 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I actually have something to do on Sunday night!

aside from avoiding crippling depression

edit Jim's work is phenomenal.

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/CELTICPRED 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
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