Best of the Worst: The Star Wars Holiday Special

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👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/Chillbro-Swaggins 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

On that day, disaster was on my mind

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/petermlm 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Kevl17 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

It means it's time for an orgasmic birth!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/analogkid01 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

It means that these men are pawns?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sling_blade_x 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

watched this yesterday completely randomly....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/realqbok 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was thinking of Rem Lezar

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SadVega 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PerfektNova 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Oh No Oh Merry times rich Evans I listen I know that last year didn't go very well for you guys but I have it on good authority from the baby Jesus things are gonna go a lot better this year well if baby Jesus says so well I know a guy that knows a guy it's all I'm gonna say all right let's do this all right Santa what's our what's our first movie here all right our first movie all right our first movie is Star Wars Holiday Special oh I lost it I lost the movie we got to open another [Music] you know it's the look the Star Wars Holiday Special is like two [ __ ] hours long we're not gonna do that that's stupid all right let's let's try the star the big box try it let's try this alright have a nice large box here I'm hoping to liquor ooh another be great and what is it what is it it's it's to Star Wars holiday specials Wow what we do baby Jesus is an [ __ ] this is not how I wanted to spend Christmas [ __ ] Christmas they got the bomb wrong oh my god it looks like a tiny girl right yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this this is this is madness yes but the fact they don't have subtitles [Music] that's totally a George Lucas idea I [Music] started a search operation it's just a matter of time before we find the ball I want the rebels located and identified if it means searching every household in the system how many times they got reused it's so good to see you happy life day what did you hear that George Lucas hasn't even watched the new Star Wars trailer is that true that's true does anybody care no I didn't see a great thing online I'm somebody doing a George Lucas impersonation of George Lucas watching it was a very good idea I saw an online thing where someone used a droid to masturbate that's [ __ ] up why would anyone he's also what about what about the movie that we watched what do we want we watched the Star Wars Holiday Special here today this thing Jack talk about this instead of what you were talking about before what you what just to be clear what you were talking about before was somebody on camera masturbating with a droid but like using the droid to simulate it like pretending it was a peanut right yeah I was embarrassed it was the our 5d for droid it was the r5 people from my new hope that does actually explode right on up the top of his head so I guess it's it is pretty phallic but still you have to be really a sad person yes I have no self worth or self dignity yes shame or anything to do just a jerk a droid off like it was your [ __ ] right in a Darth Vader mask no someone actually really did it they put a Darth Vader mask on and like masturbated their droid s their penis yeah it was on the internet on the internet and with theirs gifts of it within five minutes there were billions of gifts yeah and what's happening is there something wrong with your chair sir I'm sure you having back problems yeah yeah let's talk about back problems yeah yeah my back's acting up again no on to I'm to the holiday special what happened I don't know well somebody must know something this is my first time seeing the Star Wars Holiday Special it's not my first time - yeah rich have you seen it before once it was as bad as I remember - yeah yeah yeah my sister I think was out of Thanksgiving was a sad my father's house my sister was like there's a Star Wars Holiday especially like wow wow as many years ago before the Internet this is not common knowledge okay then she had some kind of bootleg tape that she got at college or somesuch and we sat down and we watched it her me and I was I was amazed that this is a thing whose existence was was like covered up it was like a men in black type of thing like I'm not talking about this thing anymore well George Lucas has on record is sane and it's on the back of every possible cover for this if I had time and a hammer I tracked down every bootleg copy and smash it so George Lucas clearly was not anticipating the Internet at the time No circa it's like like 2000 oh god mom mm like 15 years ago so before the September 11th attacks yes it was before that I was a wonderful thing to bring up during this cheerful holiday discussion about the Star Wars I'm just getting the time frame yeah younger people that's probably a good way to approach it actually you're like free September 11th both September 11 no Jack it was a different time back then okay it's true the world was different it's true not everybody knew about the Star Wars Holiday Special it's true there's a lot of lots of babies being born yeah September of 2001 not everyone knew about the holiday just not everyone knew about the Star Wars Holiday Special but some people knew about the September 11th attack they're very very similar I don't like this at all so anyway right you saw this you watch this on September 11th right that's what we're talking yes that's what I did it was just that day I think you know just disaster was on my mind I that's understand so obviously this led to the Star Wars Holiday Special yes what happened Mike you said you saw the beginning of it right yeah with the Wookiees did you know did you realize them that the Wookiees would take up 95% of the special you know i after i watched just a few minutes i didn't know what to expect after that okay and i couldn't take any more yeah and i'm really glad we watched all 2 hours of it you mean you weren't you weren't immediately invested in the character of lumpy and stinky and itchy well now you have to answer it answer it on camera on camera hello hey what's going on it's lumpy yeah yeah it was it depressing another funeral oh that's good that's good oh now we're just gonna drink all help tell him about the video ok I'm trying to talk to 8 people this is lower we're filming a roundtable discussion about the Star Wars oh and then you called yeah and someone forgot to turn off their ring true profession Germanic I get one phone call every year I will talk to you later ok all right I've just been drinking it's just been drinking ok now back to 911 well does anyone know the history of the Star Wars Holiday Special obviously in 1977 August 1977 summer of 77 the summer of Sam the summer where Elvis died yes the summer Star Wars was released and it was a famous movie obviously Star Wars was a famous movie The Star Wars was great and it was a big box office success the next winter I think he's talking about Smokey and the Bandit Smokey and the Bandit was a famous movie the next winter some did you know was Smokey and the Bandit they made smokey in the band at 3:00 and the original idea for it was that the guy that they couldn't get Burt Reynolds back so they were gonna get a new guy and he was going to play both Smokey and the Bandit like that was like a Klumps thing yeah it was gonna be the same actor playing both rows it wasn't gonna be a new guy wasn't gonna be Jackie Gleason also playing the band no I don't even know if Jackie Gleason was gonna be in it but there was a new guy they hired to replace Burt Reynolds and he was gonna play both Smokey and the Bandit and the movie was gonna be called smokey is the Bandit what smells like a terrible they abandon this idea and they just got a Burt Reynolds clone rich speaking of terrible ideas this our Wars Holiday Special was a great idea what was a terrible idea was to break into show business I can't believe these men may control the fate of the Middle East this is unbelievable are the two American messengers of God dead yet this is the wisest does this look like an oasis here yeah look at the part those vultures Warren Beatty Dustin Hoffman Isabelle Adjani written and directed by Elaine May you know it was a huge hit when it came out though with Star Wars and that's what led to the Star Wars Holiday Special sure you know back in the 70s and early 80s they were making holiday specials out of everything yeah that is the dr. Seuss in Princeton stole Christmas yep yeah I'm like Brady Bunch like variety show holiday special something on TV yes back in 1978 they had three channel there are three channels yeah and what were there was a ABC ABC NBC and CBS right right there was came a little bit later they came later and they had with married with children oh but originally right right but the original ones were at ABC CBS and yeah three networks yeah that's something really important so they literally just had to fill time that's how [ __ ] like this kiss me that's how [ __ ] like this gets made by one but hey star three two three four four two three and please menopause bad for the price of 20 thousands of em on their heads and just a couple of songwriters I'm still thinking about like like Fox cuz you know Fox is a network they didn't get big till the Simpsons and remember the first big Simpsons thing it was the Simpsons holiday special that's right this all comes together because the Simpsons originated actually as a try-catch of The Tracey Ullman Show absolutely I wish I may and my sister we used to tune into the Tracey Ullman Show mmm almond almond almond with an end now they would literally tune in with rabbit ears just to watch The Simpsons skin because Bart Simpson would say damn yes and we thought it was so funny that a cartoon character said damn absolutely now can anyone tell me where my Walker is there was back in the day a big hubbub over like the Simpsons and married with children and as a child that just made them more enticing I wanted to watch him because we weren't supposed to oh yeah absolutely when when I was terrible when I was a child though what was really enticing with Star Wars the motion picture and yeah and they made a Star Wars how it is I never call the star was the motion picture they called start rest I retract the motion picture which came out in 1979 came out two years after Star Wars but it was more influenced by Stanley Kubrick's 2001 for some reason Gene Roddenberry and Robert Wise who directed Star Trek the motion picture over Stewie yeah let's make a [ __ ] two and a half hour boring movie and not a poff the success of this amazing action-packed sci-fi adventure called Star Wars when when Star Trek Apes off of Star Wars you get you get JJ Abrams Trek they did that it was terrible no JJ Abrams wreck was fine first one just was the one just wasn't Rickman no no it's not a trick which it's perfectly in Spock's character to jump on the flying hover vehicle and somebody went someone repeatedly in the face while screaming emotion screaming I'm gonna murder you you [ __ ] [ __ ] that's that's pretty much what Leonard Nimoy did with Spock in the original 1960 loner des moines just was like a pinch more nuanced yeah I'd like it's a little bit better I've always seen Spock as a character who punches someone in the face over and over again and crying and crying speaking of Star Trek have you guys heard that Robert or see the visionary genius screenwriter the screenwriting duo of Robert Orci and Kurtzman Alex Kurtzman Robert sees no longer direct slated to direct Star Trek 3 yes it was gonna be his directorial debut who's gonna know he's not directing it Robert Orci and Kurtzman well yeah he did they split their writing partnership and said he said I'm gonna direct Star Trek 3 and now he's stepping down I don't know why did he read the script and say this is too coherent this makes too much sense I can't be involved with this I thought you're going with it was his own script he read this writing hat and put on his directing hat what the [ __ ] is this yeah fired is writer there's a big Internet push a big push by the fans to have Jonathan Frakes director first you obviously should get the director they should pull George Lucas out of retirement well you know George Lucas actually doesn't direct a lot nowadays he in fact did not direct or have many much involvement with the Star Wars Holiday Special that's true he doesn't show up in the credits the Star Wars Holiday Special which is one of those like Alan Smithee credit things yes true did you know the fourth Hellraiser movie is credited to Alan Smithee well Alan Smithee maybe you should explain what Alan Smithee is the Sooner name that act directors go by when they don't want to take credit for a movie if it goes you know too bad and I didn't know that when I saw Hellraiser for so like this movie's really bad who is this guy Alan Smithee he sucks and then that's how I found out about the Alan Smithee pseudonym do they still use Alan Smithee or is that two famous as a favor tired it now is you know I don't know what it is yeah George Lucas Robert Orci Alex Kurtzman Oh JJ Abrams there's some money now Ali pictures George Lucas as the sunny square on a Hollywood Squares [Music] speaking of negative we watch the Star Wars Holiday Special yeah there's wookies in this and they don't speak English they just make noises and there's no subtitles right 50% of the movies speaking of not speaking English let's talk about the immigration issue now Obama recently passed so like I get it that Chuy's nickname is Chuy his real name is Chewbacca and Luke calls him Chewie but where do we get lumpy and stinky there's one of them stinking itchy itchy grandpa is itchy lumpy and itchy and no it was the wife's name mama mom she's got a name yeah I found the design of the wife very weird the front of her face comes out really far right in a way that's creepy this for better world sucks on Chewbacca cuz you know I mean a wookies got to be hung I would imagine I mean all that first why would you why are you thinking about big feet he's got a baby now well we're keys are designed after dogs so they probably have what do you call a dog's penis where it's like inside their body and it comes out don't think I know they call that the lipstick when it comes out but I don't know I meant to baka has a red rocket well the only one that would know would be mala and Han Solo right yeah wait I want to get off topic here and talk about the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon yes and this oh yeah we're we're Han Solo is sitting in like a computer chair in a tiny it's like the set from the air airplane interior cockpit set from Ed Wood mr. wood where's the compass you're standing in background looks like like Falken as painted on cardboard yes it was what it looks it's really hard to tell though because the quality of the copy that we have yeah this was so terrible and that's true yeah but well but you know this this is a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate that the the original is gone is far gone and what we were speculating on is whether or not the broadcast station would still have where someone has to have this material all right if somebody had it who wasn't George Lucas a better quality copy would have leaked by now well there's a ton of legal contingencies as far as like it's a good point if you are a broadcaster you can't just leak out this kind of stuff without serious replications because I'm sure there's there's watermarks there's proof of where it came and this day and age though everything gets leads so much stuff gets leaks mine so if there was a legitimate copy in in some kind of vault somewhere I I'm I'm siding with rich here it's very likely that's an order I would say that George Lucas himself has the copy in his salt mines in a salt mine that's where he stores his negatives in a salt mine ah to keep the moisture out that a lot of times they shot I don't know if you've ever seen George Romero's Day of the Dead I haven't that was shot in an underground salt mine and they actually stored the mine that they shot it in they stored film negatives and all sorts of like old like fill like photo negatives moisture yeah old like like just the bins of old like taxes and receipts and all this [ __ ] old boats are down there all sorts of stuff Day of the Dead is an underrated movie I think David that's my favorite is that the city like it's a city of survival that that's 20 years later date they the Dead is a great movie what do you guys agree I think people like day it doesn't get it's not as well known but the people who know about it I think all what is the Dead is is a great filming concept I think there's a lot of overacting the overacting is part of what makes it great though mainly by Joe pilato Joao Plata what makes that I'm looking for no Frankenstein and I want to know what the [ __ ] you're doing with my time can I tell the story of the horror convention you could absolutely tell your Java Ladouceur and why would I stop here who wait who's who where what else would I know Joe pelota no II know you've seen you've seen you've seen David I've not seen Day of the Dead no okay Jesus Christ it's my favorite of the Romero zombie we should watch it one of these we should I would watch it damn the dead is is is is a great fun the Romero trilogy are great film yeah absolutely that's the one with the beginnings got that zombie in the middle of the street like the job is yeah yeah it's the tongue flop yeah yeah yeah I believe they're in Miami yeah they're in Florida and there's like an alligator in the street and zombies everywhere there's an underground the the second one of course takes place in a shopping mall of course the famous is the famous shopping mall which was remade in 2004 oh poor Donna the dead yes with with Ving Rhames and Sarah Polley yes up are written by a James Gunn written by James Gunn directed by some [ __ ] directed by hack Schneider who also directed these Star Wars houses well let's not talk about Day of the Dead Joe plot Oh so salado's what we were day of the dead takes place in Florida an underground military base yeah there and there's it's basically the scientists versus the military and they butt heads ashore and and they all go insane because they're cooped up in this underground base and there's zombies everywhere but I I attended a horror convention in 2004 in Phoenix Arizona and about a hundred people showed up to the horror convention because was very poorly advertised sure and there was about 48 different celebrities there oh my gosh young Jason he's at every convention I Bradley was Sid Haig was that good Haig I wasn't there and I know all the guests yeah young young Jason is that like Jason Voorhees as a child yeah and the first one okay yeah he's in a band called first Jason because that's what he's just clinging to just really clean um oh my god so many people EULA Bettis was there from the film a which is that'll be I'm a big fan of you actually called me from that convention you're like do you want to talk to any of these people no one's around just do it Stuart Gordon the famous director yeah I gave them we were making fun of them to his face I don't know who he was we gave him a copy of oranges Revenge of the eggplant like hold this hold this Stuart Gordon and we're gonna take pictures of you while you're holding it and he's like weddings us yes and Joe Joe plot oh yes oh yeah and then after that can stay on stay on topic so I saw I saw Doug Bradley yelling at the the the guy who ran the convinced hug Brad don't Bradley played pinhead in the Hellraiser thank you and he's like he's like you if I wonder if I Alan Smithee Larry he was yelling at him and cursing him out outside because he he so poorly managed this horror convention nobody showed up to it he's like you you're such a [ __ ] idiot a lot of the people like the celebrities that attend these conventions don't make a lot of money just from attending like I have two salads to sell their sandwiches and this is how they make them and I got a signature from 1040 1040 we haven't gotten to jump along leading I can't wait I had a table with some friends of mine from Arizona a guy named Jeff Doniak who produced who produced a DVD called 42nd Street forever which is a big series which is a big series now of grindhouse trailers and you know he started that yeah he's like I'm gonna buy all these old trailers and I'm gonna put him on DVD I was like all right whatever he's like you want one-fourth of my table for 20 bucks at this whole work and I'm so sure and then no one showed up to it yeah and then oh and then at night everyone's in the bar it well of course yeah after the convention that's what you're after convention and I go up to the bar and I'm like can I get a drink I order a drink and next to me ordering drink is Doug Bradley he's like I need a drink too oh yeah and then we had we had a burger with the guy with the deformed face oh you know chicken wings of Michael Berryman higher barrier your life story's better than you Michael Berryman and everyone's eating with oh this is the story finally in a burger and he's eating chicken wings and it's Michael Berryman who is in The Hills Have Eyes he's one of the guy the biker guys at the end of weird science with the weird face gotten the whole time the whole time I'm thinking he is the guy from Goonies I swap sloth I didn't know I don't know this stuff but then Joe pilato comes down and Oh Joe pilato showed up earlier in the day walking around with his wife and he's wearing nothing but a bathrobe and he's drinking in public out of a flask Scully sure and then he shows up and he it comes down into the hotel with a nothing but a bathrobe on yeah he's like where's the hot tub and he's wasted what else happened there is that the story is that the story that's the Joe pilato stay you didn't tell him the best way but you had your joke pilato story ends with no interaction with Joao Paulo no no I didn't have personal interaction you were too busy and chicken wings with Michael berry house even jiggly that's a dumb I guess it could be I don't know I I thought Michael Berryman was sloth and if I told them that him that in person he probably would've been offended because he has some kind of weird like skin condition there's something wrong with speaking of sloth did you know that John Matuszak who played sloth is buried in the Milwaukee area because he's from Milwaukee oh he was a football player he was from I think Oak Creek oh and then he played for the Raiders and then he was in Goonies not the Oak Creek Raiders No the LA Raiders is that right la vraie or Oakland Oakland Raiders they were LA Raiders for a while that's that's what I'm thinking about yeah so but you played when he played for them I I don't know I think it was the Oakland Raiders when he played for him but either way he's from this area he's from the Milwaukee area and he's and he's he died very young and he's buried in a cemetery is that a mask or was that actually his face that was a mask those were prizes what they call prosthetics in the industry I didn't know if it was like the mood you ever see the movie mask with Cher yeah that's a hilarious movie especially the end that's a real that's a real face then where he died not in the movie I mean in that there was a person like that's what I'm thinking of is maybe he had its condition like the actor was portraying in mass you know the guy who directed masks was Peter Bogdanovich Vaughn Adama but Bogdanovich bugs ohne bogdani he didn't direct movies for several years before masks because his girlfriend was Dorothy stratten okay who became a famous Playboy Playmates she had an abusive boyfriend at the time that she was trying to get away from when she left her abusive boyfriend she ended up dating Peter Bogdanovich okay and then the abusive boyfriend got jealous and shot her in the face and killed himself when Peter Bogdanovich was so distraught and upset by this that he just quit making movies for several years and his first movie Back was mask wait wait so Playboy Playmate was dating a guy who had a face like mask yes that's exactly what I'm saying [Music] what's then what's the name of the wiki village is it cuz she it's cuz she's it's not a village as a planet it's a planet Kashyyyk and them in this Star Wars Holiday Special though they call it kazoo or cashews cashews or kazoo their shirts is very similar to cashmere yeah which which is both a Led Zeppelin song and a region in Pakistan they they have the cashew gaff where that words like they can't say kazoo or cashew but it's not is it is it a gap it wasn't the sheik at this point because that didn't exist well and you know we saw some trailers after the after the holiday special and they called princess leia princess leah yes and so you know but the movies were so new people just didn't know how to pronounce that's that's true even in the movie and star wars they say chorus on Coruscant like they're pronouncing that wrong exactly just just not knowing how to pronounce these characters names did you get like hands c3p0 you know what name you can't screw up though lumpy long lumpy and itchy itchy and you just screwed it up well everyone how about the very first appearance of Boba Fett and the Star Wars universe I mean there's no more badass of an entrance than like you have a jetpack a laser gun and you're riding a dinosaur I just remembered on the blu-ray boxset of the entire saga there's a picture like a painting of Boba Fett riding some sort of weird feathered dinosaur creature do you remember this no actually that's that's an interesting point speaking of the new Jurassic Park trailer oh yeah speaking of dinosaurs they don't the new dinosaurs in the dress park trailer don't have feathers and modern science say that dinosaurs from that period would have feathers and so they're they're not using current science no you have to go with established Jurassic Park canons here's here's my issue with that though at the time rustic Park Canon the the DNA was mixed with frog do I suppose that makes sense then yeah and the general public only 1% of them understand the feather thing well seriously here's the thing that went when Jurassic Park came out that furthered the cause of paleontology like that that actually exposed new ideas and dinosaurs well that's rich Evans you might recognize him from an internet video where he's using our - is this the guy that jerked off a robot on his [ __ ] I will just sit here silently for the whole discussion if that's what you really want like no no tell me about parallel ology rich rich listen I'm trying to have a serious talk about Jurassic Park which is the topic of this video right we're talking about Charlie ok because because one night one before Jurassic Park these people the public still thought dinosaurs were slow lumbering reptiles Jurassic park's the movie that brought the up-to-date science that dinosaurs were fast and warm-blooded in Jurassic Park furthered science and scientific knowledge now the new one is like taking a step back it's like we have this new information now but nope rich movies aren't about ideas anymore they're about recycling things you've seen another movie wait wait how how is the new on taking science back because they're ignoring research that's happening things we know about dinosaurs know which are feathers well we don't know that for sure let's say they're pretty sure about that pretty sure about that but they're lizards no here's the thing the thing that we've learned in the almost 20 years since Jurassic Park is that they are not lizards don't they mention that in the first Jurassic Park movie doesn't a little kid say he was reading that book by that guy Becker and he thinks that we may have they may have evolved from birth absolutely well they weren't portrayed as lizards lizards in Jurassic Park they were portrayed as fast getting warm-blooded latest in their feathers yeah because they had to fill in the gaps of the DNA with the frogs and and by the way that cannon Desmond's but but now there's [Music] here's the bigger question how many goddamn times are they gonna try and open this park every time they do it a disaster I saw was the trailer from the trailer was Chris Pratt on a motorcycle and dinosaurs running alongside him on the motorcycle and I said nope sold sold in in in a shockwave like oh I get this is what they're doing I'm gone I'm gone that would be a better way to put it I've done and done it was like Oh it's like velociraptors are their friends now here's here's the new movie dududu you know and they do this whole thing and then it's like no ya know it's gonna be as bad as the third one no it'sit's I I predicted that it is going to be the thing that will kill Chris Pratt's career no this is my prediction even if okay yeah he's he's connected to Marvel for one thing they'll be guardians of the galaxy movies they'll be Avengers crossovers blah blah he'll be fine even if the movie sucks it's gonna make a shitload of money and he is going to be fine no no one's career ends anymore for even if the movies bad it's still gonna make [ __ ] ton of money yeah so he's still gonna be on a hot streak even if the movies bad much like people trying to make a quick buck off of something I think that's what they were really doing here with this Star Wars Holiday Special is they had a hot property yeah and it was like we need to churn out some more content to get people hyped for the new movie merchandise and what wait a minute there was only one movie at this point Star Wars then wasn't what Star Wars was a couple years later every Empire do you're saying George Lucas was trying to make him a buck off Star Wars what I'm saying is that George Lucas was exploiting his fans in order to turn a profit and turn out perhaps a product that was cheap and quick that's have you seen the trailer for Terminator Genisys I Genesis spoke with like Genesis yeah yeah that's right they're messing up the timeline yeah [ __ ] they've already messed up the timeline that's nothing new was it with terminator well now they're they're erasing the entire history of Daenerys doing it through time travel or start tracking it yeah yeah that's what it looks like from the trailer they go she goes back in time Kyle Reese goes back in time just like the first movie and he stops Sarah Connor from getting the job at the Denny's vault parents now we know he goes no no go get our weights on stop that ice cream ice cream in your apron he he goes back it looks like in the trailer he goes back in time to save Sarah Connor but Sarah Connor and another Terminator have already saved her from dads Furminator that Kyle went back there to save her from but rich do you remember I'll be back I'll be back do you remember come with me if you want to live yeah you get to hear all those things again yeah it's so exciting to see the same thing again do you think we'll hit a point in which the massive because these things still make money yes will we hit a point in which the masses will have enough of this not soon enough it may happen eventually but not soon it's a very good question fanboys are the dumbest people on the face of Richard what are you talking about specific I'm talking about people who are absolutely fanatical we'll keep buying and buying something as long as it has their favorite logo on it so what you're talking about are the Hobbit movies because that's basically the same same [ __ ] over and over well but I guess this is the probe like I liked the Lord of the Rings movies I read The Lord of the Rings books when I was younger I was a big fan of them I I want to say I went to the midnight releases of all three Lord of the Rings movies I'm an idea too so it's ok really and I did I went well I went to the midnight showings of Two Towers and Return of the King yeah I believe oh we played me my friends played card games while we waited for the movies it was really didn't do that you [ __ ] nerd here's the thing there is a thing there's a thing by the way where people were complaining that Peter Jackson called the two towers he had to change the name of it because of 9/11 but he called it the two towers but the books were called two towers do you remember this okay in the movie is called the teapot they said because of 911 because it came on 2002 something person to that he needed to change the name oh they were trying to encourage him to change and he was he was calling it the two towers be trying to capitalize on 911 oh so stupid people were complaining and we're like they're the books were called the two towers and because yeah but I guess it's a wrap around the story to get back on topic I'm a Lord of the Rings fan boy oh sure and I have not seen any of the Hobbit movies because they look terrible they lo us have you seen him just out of any sense of loyalty or in person they look like bad movies this is the thing as though they're not terrible they're just it's just taking you know this much material and stretching it right but why would I want to ruin like The Hobbit is a really nice book it's a nice light read why would I want to ruin that with just wait for the inevitable fan edit or they take all three movies and they cut it down to 90 minutes and I'm sure it'll be great because it's it's still good filmmaking Peter Jackson is still a good filmmaker it's different than a George Lucas type sure where he just forgot how to make movies Peter Jackson still most how to make a movie he just doesn't know how to edit George Lucas on the other hand who did Star Wars yes the Star Wars Star Wars thing did the Star Wars he did not he did not make the Star Wars Holiday Special No and it's argued that he did not make Star Wars that's true that's a lot of that's created and editing yeah a lot of that was created and editing he shot the footage for Star Wars yeah and then won and someone else came in and cleaned it up and someone a couple of guys came in and fixed it I like the robots can I have robots no George we have to cut this but oh you know something interesting about the holiday special what way holiday special the Star Wars Holiday Special sorry I we need they made a hard Star Wars holiday we watched it a couple hours ago three two three four four two three and please menopause is bad with the price of 20,000 to him on their heads just a couple of songwriters who came to Ishtar to break into show business [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,642,321
Rating: 4.9090395 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, Star Wars Holiday Special (TV Program), star wars, holiday, christmas
Id: _CtUd0yuYN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 23 2014
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