Half in the Bag Episode 119: Shut in and Arrival

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The generic horror movie pitch was amazing.

👍︎︎ 286 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

For all the obvious contempt Mike has for Hollywood, I feel like he'd make millions working there as some kind of hack film executive. He's great at this stuff.

👍︎︎ 206 👤︎︎ u/Warald 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

For anyone wondering, The Item was the BOTW movie where Jack said "Not for this movie!"

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/MetastableToChaos 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

BREAKING: Blumhouse has just spent $80 on the rights to The Inside with a release set for 6 hours from now.

👍︎︎ 120 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad they reviewed Arrival.

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/Lego_C3PO 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

It took 30 minutes for Mike to start talking about Star Trek. He's slipping!

👍︎︎ 102 👤︎︎ u/edrenfro 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

"I've been waiting to watch my Night Court tape since 201210"

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/ThePondererTK 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Oh dear lord, my apartment has walls. I'll never get to sleep tonight.

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Juhzor 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies uh oh my god what time is it where's my beer whereas it might be aware of what what what the [ __ ] J wake up there's an emergency I can't reach my beer what the [ __ ] well well well last time I saw you two you were drinking beers while I was piling up VCRs to be fixed wow we must have passed out passed out how could that be I only drank one beer my record for blacking out is drinking a hundred and sixteen thousand beers Oh at that time when your bladder bursts and we had to put it back together with duct tape no sadly that was a different time it was when I was giving the commencement speech at Harvard my speech was titled when it rains it pours oh how ironic you morons it's because I drug you I'm not stupid I know you've both been conning me for years well not this time now you're stuck you're not going anywhere until you fix these VCRs so I can watch my nightcore tape I've been waiting since 2012 10 well Mike it looks like we may finally have to tell mr. blanket about DVDs blu-rays netflix amazon streaming cellphone well sadly J this time I think you might be wrong yeah that's right I switched it up at the end yeah don't worry mr. blinken you just wait right there me and Jay are gonna fix at least one of these VCRs so you can finally watch your [ __ ] night Court tape you piece of [ __ ] what kind of crazy plan do you have this time well good because I'm wearing three super absorbent adult diapers and I'm standing right here until one of those VCRs is fixed oh dang I think we're about to talk about two new movies it's not my son it's just a body that I feed and wash and cloth well Mike who would have thought that going from a room to a whole house would have been such a step down for Jacob Tremblay that's right Jay our first film is called shuttin which was changed from its original french-canadian title of the most boringest sphere ever made it doesn't translate as well so that in the US release they're like well yeah and let's just call shuttin this is called something that nobody will ever remember and we can write off on her taxes next year I'm Mary house even doing same as last week a week before is it possible for a film to fail on every level yes apparently it is from the director of such hit films as hammer of the gods and and the writer of such hit films as Naomi Watts travels to Quebec for a free vacation to ski do some light shopping and then occasionally phone in a performance in some shitty horror film she plays a psychologist taking care of her 18 year old invalid son but also thinks a deaf boy is hiding in her closet what a story well Jay what did you think of Naomi Watts non vacation footage oh well I mean this movie sucked so we can say that right off the bat we should explain why we saw it I even know this movie existed I didn't see any advertising for it anywhere why did you did okay I had never even heard of it until I was looking at you know some movie website about the movies that came out over the weekend I was like what the [ __ ] is this one that's bombing oh my god zero percent and that's the zero percent you know you got to take advantage of them when they come out even that talking cat movie with Kevin Spacey didn't get a zero person it Dumon wait a minute I'm a cat yeah we watch stills what she can in this she delivers a perfectly good adequate performance she you know true professional yeah yeah I was actually thinking of there when one of the best the worst movies we watched I didn't remember what it was but there's a part where some some girl got naked and Jack was like oh no not for this movie and I was thinking that there's a part in this movie where Naomi Watts is like drugged she's tied up in a tub and she gets out she and she's like vomits up the drugs into the toilet and so we have naked Naomi Watts hunched over a toilet vomiting up drugs and is like no Naomi Watts not for this movie you don't know it's much worse than that J she fellate s-- a bottle of shampoo yes right in order to pour the liquid down her throat in order to spit it onto her her restraints yes at to grease up her hand to get her hand out and then uses the chef who to gag herself yeah but she could vomit up drugs after first flopping out of the bathtub like a fish yeah although it's very possible that was a body double because her hair is all stranded in her face that's Gemma Watson's look I'm doing that now it's got a body double gear you're not David Lynch whoever what hair on her face yeah so well let's talk about the movie then the the story of the movie as he said invalids stepson for reasons that aren't really explained it doesn't matter ultimately if it's a real son or her stepson I thought that was gonna have some sort of relevance towards something and it doesn't it could very well be your son it makes no difference on the story it played by the older brother from stranger things Jonathan Jonathan buyers from stranger things giving one of the worst performances ever in the opening scene of this movie him and his dad are arguing in a car and he's just like screaming and every line he says sounds exactly the same and I even leaned over to you and I was like he's just terrible and then they get into an accident supposedly he's a seasoned invalid then he's brain damaged and he just kind of does his best Stephen Hawking impression I'm more of a Christopher Reeve okay and I was thinking it was like okay zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes what's the worst thing they could do story wise and that's what they did well we'll say spoilers from here on out there there are two reasons to watch this movie one is if you want to continue from this point on in the review and you want to kind of have a frame of reference oh wait that's it because you it's not funny bad no I I was expecting something a little more from a 0% err it kind of gets funny towards the end because the revelation is the Sun is not actually brain damaged he's just pretending to because he likes the attention from his stepmother he likes that she is taking care of him and we'll Jake and she's like a child psychologist and she's treating Jacob Tremblay he doesn't say a word dialogue in the whole movie because he's deaf because yeah he's deaf do you have a anomie Award nominated actor who was in the room it's really bizarre and so yeah I was on the same page with you the strange of things kid was you know he had a one line of dialogue in the beginning of the movie and then he's invalid the rent I'm like he's he can't be in England the whole movie yeah I knew it wasn't gonna be invalid but I was I was shocked at his motivation and how stupid it was because basically Naomi Watts is starting to give attention to Jacob Tremblay yeah the Naomi Watts is like treating him like because he's deaf I don't know what that matters but he's deaf and he needs some kind of help from a psychologist and then this lady comes in I mean everyone in this movie is a [ __ ] terrible actor separately only watch but this lady comes no he can't stay and come to you anymore the state is going to take him and they can't afford to pay for these services he's going into like a group home for deaf kids we have no money go now and then and then they take him away somewhere the French accent trying to sound American running theme throughout the movie but yes so the little deaf kid is is told he can't he can't be treated by Naomi Watts anymore and he has to go somewhere but then in the middle of the night for jump-scare purposes we hear rustling around in her barn she goes outside and then oh my god it's a raccoon jump-scare and then then she hears more rustling and then decides to down nine one one because that couldn't also be a raccoon but then Jacob Tremblay breaks into her car in her garage just sleep inside of it yes how the [ __ ] he got there no idea and then so the point is is that he runs away well no she takes him in to care for him and then he well he doesn't run away he vanishes she assumes he runs away and then we spend the next hour of the movie with Naomi Watts walking around her house at night and occasionally she has a dream sequence that is the only way we're supposed to know we're supposed to be scared and I was thinking about that during that hour stretch of the movie because there's nothing happening and the kids invalid something might be up with him we don't know and then the only other threat is that there may be a small boy somewhere in her house so I was like what are we supposed to be scared of here it's just Naomi wants to walking around her house does this count as the new hot horror genre person in the walls technically it is oh yeah this is like the third movie this year it's a definite beatab of someone living in the walls where it's a it's a I'm gonna call it a paranormal fake out okay where we think activity is is of a supernatural or paranormal origin and it turns out to be completely normal but crazy person yes ie the boy a terrible film I watched called within this one does that but there's hardly anything even that's meant to be supernatural it's just Naomi Watts walking around and hearing a noise nothing moves nothing goes missing and there's just noises oh my god did you hear that it must be a ghost I better Skype with Oliver Platt hi Mary can we talk about all her Platt I guess the day that they shot with him Vincent D'Onofrio must not have been available to play Skype exposition man all I kept thinking while watching this film is there's a bunch of great memes in it with Oliver Platt yeah remember when when he realizes the big plot twist that oh boy is not in a crippled wheelchair yeah he gets up and then it goes and it's amazing and then there's there he doesn't even cover his mouth I think it's just like oh yeah it's it's amazing there's one line where he says what's what's-her-name in the owe me wads family watches two missiles I'm getting tired of saying it and they owe me I'll just say make color what's what's where he goes what's benzodiazepines are not to be messed around with he says it with just such like awkwardness yeah shouting like very unprofessional and on medical like he just yells it well so many of his scenes are just Tim behind a desk and it's like a one wall set I just have the camera plopped down with him in the middle of the frame so he probably didn't even know what he was supposed to be doing no I wouldn't be surprised another laugh outline for me was Lots runs into [ __ ] watts as a patient of hers like an angsty teenage boy as well and then his father makes pass etre and then eventually they have a nice little dinner scene she invites him over for dinner and then he's talking about what school the kid goes to and then she goes principal Hastings he's the worst and I just laughed out one I mean these are these are I already work around the clock moments I need gifts of oliver platt reacting to things you know when they announced the NFL draft picks you know things like principal hastings he's the worst she said it that line with such contempt for the director and the writer of the film it was perfect and you know what a good reaction image like people always if someone says something dom on twitter and someone posted like a reaction gif just Jonathan Byers just in his chair going authorities have stated the missing child could not have survived the severe drop in temperatures but a big a big problem with the movie right one it was only 90 minutes and it felt like four hours yeah that's cuz an hour of it is just the only watts of walking around a house it was so miserable all of that stuff where Naomi Watts is walking around the house and hearing noises and all those attempts that jump scares and in setting the mood or whatever the hell they were trying to do yeah you could have cut down by 65 percent and beefed up the priests story with the Sun no because there is no to maybe make us care yeah oh yeah because there is no there's no zero establishment of what the Sun felt prior to the accident other than I'm angsty and I'm mad he's just Yellin like Anakin Skywalker in Episode two yeah in that car he's just angsty boy but then all of a sudden he's like Norman Bates yeah just out of nowhere after the accident it's because of the accident she took care of him and so that now he loves her I guess and then there's so little to even draw from as far as the scares go that they just keep having these faked out nightmare sequences to make up for the fact that there's nothing that's even supposed to be a threat the thing is I was thinking about this when I watched the movie within which was a red box pic and this movie felt like it should be in red box or worse not it not a major theatrical release that it somehow was for some reason shocking shocking a must have been a case of they must have said like yeah we don't have to make prints anymore we just have to shoot a digital copy out the theaters maybe we could make some money in the first six hours of the movies I look for a word of mouth gets that we just get it that must have been it because it was like the most it looked like a TV movie of the week or worse it looked like a terrible straight to red box movie that that should have been nowhere near at the release and it made me a little a little sad because I'm sitting in this theater in these very comfortable seats this is very large auditorium there's like six people in there and I'm watching something that like is the equivalent of dog food to an actual dinner yeah you know what I mean and I'm like why aren't other movies in the theater I don't know what to do what to say yeah I mean it's just a feeling like Netflix releasing all they're making original movies and I mean theaters are done yeah $15 $20 a ticket in major cities like New York or LA probably like who the [ __ ] is gonna come back after being tricked it's a trick mm-hmm here's what I think happened because I wrote a list of horror movies that came out in the last two years and and the trend that I see someone's in a wall or someone's in a house kind of horror movies sure the the the the horror movies are not slashers anymore that john was over yeah it was revived in 1997 then it died then Paranormal Activity brought back the ghosts [ __ ] with with found footage and and stuff conjuring still around this some scary stuff still around but now horror movies are about people in a house let's give it one of those simplistic titles like it follows or within a shut-in shut-in yes so the marketing the marketing nightmare is alive and well these are all about houses okay shut-in within your next don't breathe we are still here the other side of the door it follows lights out house bound it follows isn't really about a house shut up there's a house in it there's how it's in almost every movie now one word creepy titles I was think about this movie that we just saw called shut-in yeah if this was Alfred Hitchcock days it would become the only woman on a cold winter's eve that's shut-in there's there's a movie on Netflix right now it was like a Netflix exclusive it's directed by Anthony Perkins son speaking of Hitchcock and it all takes place in a house it's a supernatural movie the whole thing takes place in a house but you know what the title is house no the title is I am the pretty thing that lives in the house it's the exact opposite of it's pretty close I really liked it and I can't recommend it to anybody because it's boring as [ __ ] but now let's talk about other movies with one-word titles creep clown decay ominous forsaken apparition restoration the boy the witch the forest the hoarder the invitation the darkness the invoking so well we should point out this isn't what you're talking about isn't necessarily the quality of each individual movie just to trend trend yeah cuz I'm saying the witch is a great movie but right and I'm I'm being humorous when I say they all take place in a house point is the simpler the less stylized then the simpler title yeah the more effective it will be in in your marketing campaign I want to make a horror movie that takes place in a house and it's called the the inside there is I'm done I'm done that's perfect let's go the trailer really vague so people say ooh what's what's happening here and then they watch the movie and it turns out that nothing happens no no here's the trailer like a dark hallway a light bulb goes on yeah camera dollies past the door door closes some of those your house the inside block text yeah that's it turns out someone's living in the wall oh my god boom 48 million dollars from a 1.2 million dollar budget and and and it's not even teenagers anymore like that going that go into the creepy house now it's some kind of like um you know it's a lady and her son sure and the neighbor knocks on the door the red herring his name's red herring mr. herring red dude your boy need any help with any yard work no mr. herring we're fine okay that mr. herrings always staring at us from from from the yard he's just looking in our windows all the time I might cut the nighttime sleeping maybe throw in a dream sequence yes someone's in your room it's mr. Harrow I woke up yeah next night boring scenes where you go take the kids school to me nothing next night sounds get up nothing's there next night next day I got to go to school with the kid right mr. herring is is he's the cross guard I Johnny it's mr. herring a dream sequence at night about more intense one slightly more time up the ante a little bit so it gives us the illusion that something's happening in the movie right yes yes sir so next seat next night mom's awake with a glass of wine kids in bed cheers noises upstairs runs upstairs opens the door kids sleep just fine shadow goes behind her front door open oh my god the front door is open someone was in the house run outside I have had enough of this knock on the door mr. herrings house some lady opens oh wait what do you weigh I'm looking for red herring use just in my [ __ ] house that's out of town it's a alternately you have she goes over there and she finds that he's dead and that's when you started up in the anti sure sure we have options I guess it depends on what point of the movie we're at a little point or we is this the end of the third act this sounds like the third act Reds death this is approximately sixty five minutes into the movie right red has gone to the hospital he had a heart attack okay he's in the hospital because maybe he'll come back at the end in safety day oh okay why not he he went into the hospital two days ago with a massive heart attack and she goes to the hospital and she's staring at him and then you know maybe something that's creepy happens I don't know but then she goes home something in the parking lot of the the hospital yeah that's good it's in the parking lot it's creepy the lights are flickering in the fluorescent lights and she thinks she sees someone behind a car and she goes and looks behind the car there's no one there to - um - to continue with the the paranormal message or the paranormal ruse of the film and then she gets home and she discovers her trunk with a boy in the walls jumped in the truck went with her to the hospital scare in the parking lot okay then of course in the end boy in the wall there's a boy in the wall or a man in the wall now giving some dumb backstory the no J let's spice it up like a totally shake up this this this film series old lady in the wall it's the old owner of the house maybe she didn't want to move out the grandpa died an old lady didn't want to move out so she's in the walls with grandpa's bones there you go well that could ok maybe early on can be when they felt the bones fall out of the wall she's having worked on the house and that's Grahams motivation to start doing these evil things yes you you destroyed my husband's bones yes she was alright just living in the walls eating mice and right you know but she looks all nasty and scary and and in the end you got a hit old old grandma McGee in the head with cast-iron frying which knocks her out temporarily even though she's 86 she gets back on because she kills red herring okay money sucks everything all right I just got back from the is the Scatman Crothers scene from the shining marie walks in just immediately gets an axe on the job right right all right so right there but we just shout out there's a movie that's infinitely more entertaining then shut in and it's a slap together POS that we just shut out that's how you do it and what's the name of the inside the inside the inside coming soon the inside you'll have to believe me real so Mike would you recommend no I would have been more happy watching a movie about Naomi Watts just redecorating your house paint the painting the walls I'm gonna do this color as a base so this is the accent wall it's gonna be this color watch as I paint yeah paints the walls and then you know for 45 minutes we literally watch the paint dry and I would have been more mesmerised and intrigued buying that is there someone living behind that painted wall that would be the tension drive for that film is there is there oh there isn't and credits they would know just go I know like color on to our next film there are days that define your story beyond your life like the day they arrived Amy McCrae chill McAdams plays a language expert who is called upon by the US government to talk to aliens her mission is simple see what they want jeremy renner shows up to play a super smart scientist man to help out finally it's the Marvel DC crossover film we've been waiting for oh wait that already happened Mike what did you think of arrival well J I thought this movie sucked well it sucked so bad - never got to fight the aliens the aliens never blow anything up know I love this movie I thought it was excellent of course it's like that sci-fi movie I've always wanted to see and I think it's good the closest thing to something that I'll ever get in my lifetime probably to where it's it's more I mean there's there's a lot of emotional elements to it so it's not just like a pure like boring science fiction movie but the emotion elements are handled in a way that feel genuinely emotional and knots like manipulative and saccharine right I was thinking of interstellar and like the ending of interstellar when everything's big emotional II overblown and interstellar came to mind and so did contact the Jodie Foster movie and interstellar was like like I don't know what's happening but I like the science stuff like it was neat like certain things that happened in there and interstellar you're talking interstellar the the low gravity planet with the weird like super high waves and the black hole and all like spacey stuff this didn't have any of that was all on earth but in this field this movie feels more tight story-wise it feels I feel like like a Christopher Nolan is sort of a big picture guy and he just makes these big movies and he's sort of a sloppy filmmaker yeah and there's denis villeneuve I feel is more in line with like a David Fincher where he's very precise and very like every shot you feel like he was like carefully thought about right yeah this felt very even though the scale of the story was large it felt very small in person mainly because it's it's very focused through Amy Adams perspective oh yeah it doesn't do the the I mean they're the only times you see of the outside world are more or less through the lens of her or her little world right there they don't do though you know here comes the ships they're landing and you know all the people like a look up in the street and never all cars are crashing into each other and we don't even really get a good view of the ship until she does when they're fighting with the helicopter there's like little glimpses of it on the news early on but the first time we get like a grand shot of it is when heard her helicopters coming in and she's seeing it for the first time there's that wonderful first scene where you know she gets up she goes to school her job as a professor linguistics professor or something and she's walking past all the students and like the lobby Union area and they're all like watch it glued to the TV something's going on she goes in the classroom there's four students in there our phones are all blown out then their phones start blowing up and they're like can you turn on the TV shows the TV doesn't show it yeah shows her looking at it and then and then sick loved it it feels appropriate for the material and that's how I see things like on YouTube I've seen like all these videos popping up that are like the ending explains and like like as if it's some complicated thing yeah it's like it's not difficult to figure out at least on a literal story level it right um you have an a very good episode of Star Trek where it's like you have these aliens here and we're trying to figure out what they want and and we're doing it logically we're doing it logically and that and that was the best part was I mean they're there it doesn't it doesn't go into that too much but it's a movie with aliens but it's a movie that's more about humanity and how humanity deals with problems because it's a movie about problem solving and and Amy through communication through communication specifically yeah Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner's like a physicist or something he's there for other reasons but her and him worked together on solving the problem of communicating and it's like they have 12 ships 12 that come to earth and they just land ran like the one in the US lands in Montana Atlanta like the lawn of the White House or anything just lands in Montana one lands over here or there and they have all the different nations that are kind of like working with these aliens and every I think 18 hours something like that they they just appear in this room and they're this like big squids we're here to do something and they're like okay we have to try and talk to you and then the logical countries well you know are just doing the math and the science and they're trying to it's very slowly but then you got like China and Russia and Iran and they're all like getting all militarized and below them up there yeah and then they cut to a couple like the kooky conspiracy guy who's who's riling people off people are rioting we should bomb him right away and you know the the very realistic the depiction of the world is the fiction of the way that humanity would respond yeah no one's making quips there's no dumb joke there's no dumb jokes and that's all the stuff that I just completely savored yeah was the only thing that came close somewhat close to a villain was the CIA guy and and even in the end he was just like a ok you know I'm the CIA guy we're done we're gonna bomb up like the only one I mean that the grunts the soldiers make an attempt to blow the aliens up but that felt realistic yeah they they really go against orders to do it right yeah yeah yeah they they are like they're getting riled up by Fox News rush rush limbaugh they shall rush limbaugh talk and I think work oughta broglie's really owned up before they blow us up first and they're like that's right and they've southern accents immediately yeah we have redneck accents J because see what you're talking about is the roland emmerich version at this move no the one did I don't think I notice that then just a little bit yeah yeah the rednecky accent which means ignorant translates in film to ignorant no it was subtle whatever I don't think I even noticed it was subtle enough but it was there and then and so they're you know worried or xenophobic or scared and then let's blow them up before they blow us up first and and really like that's a lot of the movie it wasn't like interstellar where it ends in like Matthew McConaughey's ghost is in a house of mirrors and then that this this is humanity angling well in an interstellar it feels like there's a clash between the kind of harder sci-fi elements and thus multi emotional stuff here seamless it all blends and it all feels like a part of a whole although I did like interstellar a lot but like you said bombastic out of control is this is this movie is scene after scene of them going into the alien ship and like writing on whiteboards yeah it's very methodical in the way and which is how it would be I'm assuming trying to you know communicate with something that is literally alien to us yeah there's a process that they go through and then it and then it ramps up and you know tensions start to build and then you realize that like we have evolved to learn and then it's like a little hippie dippie World Peace movie at the end which I was okay with and I enjoyed that it's about communication and essentially when you boil it all down because the big ending is her making a phone call that's the exciting action clients the exciting action climax is her saying something in a different language to someone that understands it yeah and understands the the meaning of it and then that kind of like that's the point it's not it's not Randy Quaid in in a jet drunkenly flying into a laser beam it's about words and communication and I and that to me was pretty solid sci-fi not everyone is wired for what you're about to do is what it look like you'll see soon enough every 18 hours a door opens up that's where we go in oh yeah sci-fi film with a lot of science elements and it's good characters greatly performance I thought Amy Adams is great of course me running a little flat but Jeremy Jeremy Renner is the blue-collar man's working actor yeah he's just coming to be in movies I'm Jeremy Renner and not that not that this is a big special effects extravaganza but the effects were seamless I thought like I really loved when they first go on the ship and we're seeing them kind of getting re oriented to the different gravitational pole I thought that was handled really well I've disorienting like you feel disoriented along with them how did that felt 2001 yeah like that tunnel they go through and all that and the look of the aliens themselves sorry I thought were great you know I'm like what are these aliens gonna look like and then they were they're kind of like like weird tentacle wish creatures and I'm like okay yeah as long as I did something interesting with them and that so many aliens just like humanoid so it was nice to see them that feels legitimately alien the aliens yeah weren't very memorable but they didn't need to be no no they weren't really the point yeah they weren't showing off their design or anything and that's what I liked about it everything I felt seamless and everything blended together the look of the ships was appropriate through matically so many circles in this movie literal circles and metaphorical circles narrative circles it just means time loop dad I did like though when the alien craft started to take off then they turned yeah and they totally look like the Independence Day ships I didn't even think of that I really thought that that was like a big if so that's a much more subtler way of doing that than in the first x-files movie where David Duchovny is literally pissing on an Independence Day poster out of all the many many many things David Duchovny has done with his penis that's one I really approve of and I like clock don't get me wrong I like one-second Independence Day I like that better than the first one and I don't like better than a rival but you know I I and I'm a man who can enjoy schlock I'm very much forward looking forward to Logan because I like a small little little story but I also enjoyed Apocalypse Now or whatever it was called x-men apocalypse now and I enjoyed that because it was a big dumb Sherlock moving it so I have my tastes are all over the place but I do appreciate a high quality slow moving sci-fi film where people solve problems with math and science it's their language we need to make sure that they understand the difference between a weapon and a tool language is messy and sometimes one can be bossy and so I applaud arrival I applaud Villanova Villanueva Denis Villeneuve because we should talk about his other two films real quick enemy well we've talked about enemy on half in the bag I like the enemy more than this as much as I like a rival I'm assuming you probably like this more just cuz it's more cycle I uh yeah they're they're very different they're very different enemy is more my type of movie yeah enemies more like like kind of like like really engaging and this is engaging too but in a different way sir and prisoners was a good movie - I still haven't seen prisoners I saw his last film Sicario and it's great it's a great movie but it's just it's about a subject matter that didn't interest me terribly much it's about the drug cartel that's again but it's a very good movie I like a rival and enemy more so yeah he bounces around John Rizzo he's in he's one of the best filmmakers working right now I think and now he's doing the new Blade Runner which I'm not a big fan of later on her but I like him yeah we'll see he's a good candidate for that yeah you're gonna do it he's a genre bending genre jumping man he got a psychological horror sci-fi crime thriller and drug cartel action crime the only thing he needs to do as a horror film and then a comedy mike and dave need wedding dates - directed by Denis Villeneuve no it'd be called Mike and Dave need new wedding dates Oh ain't no the two girls in that were the popular part right yeah that was they were like the they stole all the scenes or something I can't see it but that's what I've heard so it'd be those two characters need wedding dates oh it's a switch it's a switch when you eject Efron and the kid from Modern Family Aubree and Hannah need wedding dates what I would have denis villeneuve still like films it like he films as other movies so it's all like over undersaturated and like sickly-looking it cuts to the when wedding and they both bring giant spiders that was an enemy joke see enemy if you have not well you don't need to see it now that looks like he's still asleep Jay have we ever tried just robbing him of all of his money well of course we have the problem is he gets monthly checks from Medicare disability and his pension mm-hmm I'm not following you it's the difference between this and this oh I got it it makes total sense now so the only way to ensure that we get his money is how are those organs well I'm sorry what what did you think what what did you say I said power of attorney uh-huh I don't know what that is but I said sell his organs it doesn't make anywhere near as much sense as power of attorney well can I at least have his bladder
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,482,948
Rating: 4.9280367 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stokasa, jay bauman, rich evans, shut in, naomi watts, arrival, amy adams, jeremy renner, Denis Villeneuve
Id: da3aIQOhOFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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