Half in the Bag Episode 135: Justice League

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I'm thinking we need to send them more copies of Vampire Assassins.

👍︎︎ 417 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love how Mike doesnt give half a shit about the spoilers because nobody should care about the plot in this movie.

👍︎︎ 377 👤︎︎ u/Okichah 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Just curious, how many of you watch HitB first before the movie?

If I give a shit about the movie, I'll watch the movie first. If I don't or I'm on the fence, HitB it is.

Edit: In the interest of transparency, I am hate-watching JL.

👍︎︎ 627 👤︎︎ u/808duckfan 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Just Ice is a reference to this Best of the Worst episode

It's like poetry, it rhymes

👍︎︎ 387 👤︎︎ u/Prince-Cola 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Henry Cavill on the mustache back in July: https://www.instagram.com/p/BXBJas2FYuP/

henrycavillDear followers, it is time to finally set the record straight in this moustache fiasco. Pictured above, is not a set on MI6 but is in fact the latest in a series of weapons being designed by Warner Bros and Paramount Studios to combat the entity known as "Henry Cavill's Moustache". There has been no discussion over whether to shave or not to shave for the JL reshoots, simply a relentless campaign to put an end to the seemingly inexorable conquest of this despotic 'stache. It is not a question of IF I should shave - it is a question of how can we possibly be victorious against such a beast without bringing our own doom raining down upon us.

#MI6 #JusticeLeague #HenryCavillsMoustache #HopeIsAllWeHaveLeft #MoustacheImpossible

Its so odd that we have the best Superman actor in the worst Superman roles. Fucking shame.

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/Okichah 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow, a new spotlight episode of Best of the Worst! I'm really liking the new series.

👍︎︎ 241 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

No Stark Trek reference???

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/Makuta 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I’ve never looked more forward to see a review of a movie rather than the movie itself.

👍︎︎ 164 👤︎︎ u/Gambit08 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Only 3 minutes in but I had to stop because I was laughing too hard at the "that's what x said" joke and slide whistle onslaught. Plz stop my body can't take it anymore.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Jellozz 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies so Mike are you excited about the new Star Wars J he'll have to be more specific what new Star Wars are you talking about they've announced a new live-action TV show and they've also announced a new trilogy being directed by Rian Johnson oh no I was just talking about Episode eight the last Jedi oh yeah yeah yeah that was a very good movie very exciting action-packed lots of explosions and drama and really it's a film about family oh no Mike you haven't seen it yet oh I forgotten all about the new trilogy ever since they told me to be excited about the next trilogy but the current one isn't even finished yet it's not they announced a new Star Wars show every day they announced a new Star Wars product almost as much as they announced that a new celebrity has been outed as a sex pervert are you expecting someone oh yeah actually I am he's right on time hi I'm rich McCaskey from just ice what do you want this thing oh yeah why did you order a block of ice Jay it's for the ice sculpture for your gay wedding [Applause] remember for your and mr. plinkus gay wedding I'll just get started then oh you're gonna sculpt it right now oh yeah yeah a lot of people accuse us of using mold so we started doing in-house sculpting yeah i sculpted her it's a great occupation we haven't got our own union now that we just like to call it a league oh so you're like the just ice league like like just ice league but just cisely Justice League like if you put the two words together it's like Justice League like like the Justice League but just cisely Justice League what are you going on about kidding why no why don't we all just talk about the Justice League oh that's perfect I just saw that movie at the theater now you have to start carving your ice ah no rush this thing will stay hard for hours that's what Brett Ratner said that's what Kevin Spacey said that's what Dustin Hoffman said that's what James Woods said that's what louis c.k so that's what Al Franken says that's what Bryan Singer set up with George Takei so excellent I'll be half what Harvey Weinstein uh Ben Affleck Casey Affleck and Matt Damon said that's one I had a dream it was the end of the world it's that time of the week again another superhero movie this time it's the long-awaited Justice League a movie plagued with as many problems as it is flying demon bugs Zack Snyder presents along with reshoots by Joss Whedon a mess bigger than the one left by hurricane whatever in this first team-up film since Batman V Superman Batman realizes a bad guy from a video game is on earth to get three glowing MacGuffins when they are put together it'll open a portal to something bad or something now Batman must conveniently find like six or seven superheroes to fight this bad guy or whatever I take an issue with your description of the plot they're not trying to open a portal or anything when they get the three magic boxes together it's going to terraform earth into the bad guys homeworld which is entirely different from the plot of Man of Steel which was where the bad guy has a machine that's going to terraform the earth into a version of his homeworld was that bad guy a cartoon character as well from a videogame close it was Michael Shannon so rich yeah start with you what did you think of Justice League um it wasn't as big a [ __ ] as Batman vs Superman it's still a pointless waste of my time of life that's the grading curve we have to go on I think that's every review for this movie is well it's not bad man the Superman III for one loved this film I thought it was so bad that it was great and I don't mean that in the schlocky way it was it was like watching a Saturday morning cartoon show [Music] in the Great Hall of the Justice League there are assembled the world's four greatest heroes created from the cosmic legends of the universe it was that less depth with less death yeah yeah yeah I was I mean it feels like exactly what it is which is his ex Neider film that was repurposed as a Joss Whedon film yes yeah it feels like exactly what it is well we talked before about kind of picking out the the obvious moments or scenes that were attributed to either director and it was pretty easy to do yes there's the the big action scene at the end Batman's like I gotta go dude he has like machines and he's shooting missiles and he's like his he had to shoot I guess spoilers he had to shoot a tower of weird roots that was bad I didn't even know what was going on and he had to blow everything up and and then there's the bugs flying on top of his car and they rip his car and I was like zoning out and I'm like this is a Zack Snyder is hurting my eyes and then there were there was the one scene when Superman came back to life and he was bad Superman and they're all fighting them and I'm like this feels a little more joss whedon and then some of the funny character moments too well that that scene that you just talked about that was clearly Zack Snyder though because you could not see the CGI upper lip there was the only sequence when Superman comes back to life that was kind of like okay this is interesting yeah like that should have been a movie because that Superman comes back to life and he he doesn't know where he is he's like discombobulated and so all the other Justice League guys are like approaching him and they're very like cautious because only one old the [ __ ] he's gonna do he's Superman he could murder us all and he is he's confused that he sort of fights back it's like okay there's a wonderful little moment when the flash is running around him I think that that exact same moment occurred in Apocalypse Evan Peters was running around apocalypse and then he apocalypse is a you think you're faster than me and then he realized that he like hit him or something like that where apocalypse he couldn't out I need you to apocalypse I didn't see apocalypse notes need that is another one that was like the one thing I really liked in that movie a flash Superman look oh yeah yeah when there are a whole sequence and it's like it's the sequence that has the least to do with the the plot of the movie yeah it's like everything comes to a standstill for this big action scene and it's the only interesting part of the rules it was a fun character interaction moment and and the reason why I say Joss Whedon is because and I don't know if I'm right on this but I have a theory that that whole scene was was redone and post to be I'm assuming it was the dead of night and it was dark and it was miserable and for some reason it felt different or interesting looking because it was like sunset or dusk or dawn or something and and and you could kind of see what was going on and it was you could go back to the early trailers and see that those same shots and it's much darker it looks like his accident I'm right so I had the the the obvious feeling watching the scene where they confront Superman that this as a Zack Snyder scene would have been a dark miserable nightmare and maybe even just Whedon added the little moment where the flash kind of was running around PI Superman possible there's definitely parts near the end of that sequence where you could tell that it was Joss Whedon took over cuz cuz there's close-ups of Superman and you can see that [ __ ] uncanny valley upper lip that's a new thing did you get that feeling for like the footage in the beginning - oh god that's okay let's start there the beginning of the movie the first shot is off-putting because it's like cell phone footage of a little kid filming Superman and it's like that upper-lip like it looks like like jelly or something like it's it looks so phony and sounds like oh god why does this upper lip look like jelly we should explain like gasp in case people don't know the Joss Whedon reshoots he had a mustache henry cavill had a mustache that he for a different movie or a different movie so he couldn't shave it wait-wait-wait-wait-wait when i catching the logic here wouldn't it have been much cheaper for him to put a fake mustache on for his other movie then it would have been do CGI live because Henry Cavill he might he might sense the doom for the DC Cinematic Universe he's trying to sell he's trying to salvage his career with this other movie which is more important they cost like 50 million dollars to CGI his lips I need to get a good moustache at a Halloween shop for 50 cents but you know what probably someone who worked on that other movie was like then someone just laughed in the background while they were molesting someone the the big indicator for the Joss Whedon stuff is Superman and the the the weird upper lip it's like the fake wig and the Fantastic Four movie where you're like Oh reshoot the lip didn't bother me that much I notice it every time but it was like we start with that and I was like off put immediately and then we get clearly a Zack Snyder ish opening credits sequence where we have a terrible cover of a Leonard Cohen song Leonard Leonard Cohen died last year and then we see in this montage we see a newspaper that has prints Superman and David Bowie and they're like did they all go back to their home planet and I'm like wow while this Leonard Cohen cover is playing aren't all these like dead brilliant artists and I'm like [ __ ] you movie it's like immediately so that was off-putting in some ways held back [Music] don't engage alone putting this together it was like the best movie 1996 ever made it's felt so dated yeah the visual effects - everything about it it felt like a TV movie of the week a Steppenwolf looked like he was plucked right out of a video game like the cutscene Michael videogame all right video game villains tend to have better designs this was this was a as generic a villain as you could possibly have yeah and I'm not talking on video games I think video I just say this is so awful stepping ball here's so we talk about the Marvel movies having uninteresting villains is gonna say see trying to top Marvel and least interesting villain contests at least put a guy like just take Jeremy Irons and put a helmet on I'm paid of space grey yours at least I wouldn't be like oh my god cuz it felt like like a 1996 videogame do you have a little more respect for the villain in thor ragnarok now after this absolutely I think okay Blanchett is like hamming it up and she looks cool and this is just yeah and like a CGI reject from Lord of the Rings movie from 15 years ago I mean Jesus Christ but yeah there was something about it that that felt just so quaint and dated and and and I don't know it's like that that the Zack Snyder like dark miserableness was kind of like kind of just sucked out of the movie a little see how much [ __ ] colour they had for Superman's costume oh yeah that thing was was radiating they took the market research to heart it's weird though it's jarring I mean I get it like oh people don't like the dark miserable stuff let's lighten it up but there are those DC fans that liked the Zack Snyder stuff those people that would like defend those movies for the tone they were going for and now they're going to see this and they're probably like what the [ __ ] and so now it's like well now you got a fest simile of a Marvel movie so I guess that's more of a crowd-pleaser yeah I mean that the crowd was clapping a lot and cheering and it was a more like it wasn't I remember a Man of Steel and Batman V Superman we were just like it's just like it's like a funeral in the theater is just silence you know and this people like Superman said some lines and all the jokes are basically in the trailer I think and all the humor kind of comes from the flash right yeah yeah well I found obnoxious he seemed to be like a crowd favorite but I don't know it was it was like easy easy humor yeah I'll say fish-out-of-water humor but that just sort of like so you dressed as a bat yeah well it also that's weird The awkward contrast between the Zack Snyder stuff and the joss whedon stuff or it's like one moment we have like a miserable sad scene where everybody's sad about Superman being dead which doesn't make any sense because everybody hated him before any other movies but they had like these sombre scenes and then he immediately cut to the next scene and it's the flash being goofy is flash a Peter Parker as quippy character or no I'm not that familiar with the flash I don't think so is Superman a quick funny character he was he was that was very like Joe Sweeney in this too like every line he had when he showed up at the end was like a like a goofy one line I loved it well it's it loved it that was kind of Christopher Reeves enjoy hey I'm here to save the day now yeah well there were parts like at the very end I mean you see him take off the glasses and he rips open right yeah this was like oh okay they're trying to make this not horrible yeah and by doing so they made it horrible that's fine it's fine like he shows up I mean I don't even remember like it how he didn't really have a real dramatic entrance when he should finally showed up at the end you hear his voice off-camera yeah everybody in the theater claps yeah because they knew what was about to happen entrance no it was it was like that's why I say Saturday morning cartoon show because it was like the you know you know what's gonna happen the Justice League without Superman fights Steppenwolf and then they have that scene where everyone kind of starts failing and gets defeated I think Batman the guns falling down and suddenly Batman's gun just stops working for no reason robot man's arm gets gets cut you know a one Wonder Woman and the the Submariner Aquaman Aquaman caught under rubble rubble yeah you saw you know okay I know what's coming and then he said does anybody help need help beatin up a creep we need to assemble the team so Superman can do all of the work I I was really hoping for just Superman just gonna shoot and then Steppenwolf goes red just punches him far away from that wise into the Sun and then just like ten minutes of awkward silence and then flash was running the same thing people know but Superman's gonna do it yeah that was a cute moment actually sure when they are they're both going off the the three people that live in this town the flash is pushing their dead truck to get him out of the way of the problems and he looks over and there's Superman moving an entire building he's like that's a cute Superman moment right yeah and that's and I don't know where that came from that's got to be Joss Whedon those little moments make the movies fun and I think the color color correction whatever they changed I I don't have miserable black dark smoky nightmare in my brain now I have oh they they made sure to correct all that yeah if I have more of a warm colorful kind of like and all of them like working in Batman's lair like the robots like doing stuff and one guys walking around and it just it was such a cartoon show that felt actually mentioning the Batcave kind of felt like a at least a holdover from Zack Snyder stuff I don't know if it was X night or footage but like the Batcave is just like a warehouse oh it's so bland like all the set design for the whole movie is just so like black yeah it's definitely an awkward movie because it's like it's almost like from the perspective of like the filmmakers like we got put together a team who would got bat Batman's I guess been doing research he knows about cyborg and he knows about the flash yeah Lex Luthor's computers nothing bad man versus woman shows up and they get really awkward Superman scene yeah but either way it's like so now he knows about all these superpowers is that we got to get these people together because in the opening scene which like a movie from 1994 but Batman is like fighting on the rooftops Batman is standing on the rooftop with a criminal going Alfred Alfred my buddy lately like maybe I am Bruce Wayne I'm calling my Butler Alfred right and prayers are criminal within earshot yeah I don't think he cares if anybody's his Bruce Wayne Lois Lane gets out of the car when Superman's on his rampage and she sits leave the cop in the shot like just standing right next to did anyone notice before I forget I think it was in that first Batman scene it was a couple other moments because danny elfman did the score for this there's a couple moments where the Batman 89 music I think crept in oh did you hear that there's not gonna be a next time i watch this not like the roaring but some of the the more melodic like least uh it could just be a that's his style no I mean I think it was the actual music I want to look into this but it would make sense well it's so weird when it's like this mumbly Ben Affleck Batman whatever whatever when when was the ultimate whatever movie when the flash make people like it when the flash was fighting the Superman they had the Superman theme came in for a second I thought I hear the Superman theme come in yeah that little moment when him and the flash were kind of like punching like the granite like Rain Man thing right yeah it corrupted they're really digging up everything they can to make you like this they they're like yeah yeah shoving it all in there that's what Kevin Spacey said relax Alfred don't take it from here do I know you the movie rises to the level of mediocrity like like Batman V Superman is possibly the worst like big blockbuster movie of like at least the last nothing nothing in that movie makes nothing makes sense and this is so simple like of course it makes sense there's nothing to it any morning cartoon yeah there's one thing I don't get I'd help me either because I went to the bathroom at some point during the film they weren't like in a sewer fighting and then I go to the bathroom and I come back and they're digging up Superman's Corp oh yeah yeah oh yeah I mean I knew Superman was gonna come back I did not expect them to literally dig up his dead course that's awesome so weird they realized or guessed that the the mother cube would have the power to resurrect his corpse yeah okay just like I probably work okay I know super-powerful cube yeah why wouldn't it work and I may have to go to the Krypton ship yeah and then they need like a burst of electricity to like spark the thing off and it needs to happen right when the cube hits the water so they're like flash you do this and why and we'll time it well I was thinking like they have it like this slow-mo dramatic scene as the flash is coming towards it he has to touch it with his electricity powers right when it's the water and I was like if he doesn't hit it right at the exact moment can't they just do it again it rich I thought your question was going to be white in Batman bring a bunch of that powdered kryptonite dies again yeah so that's what you missed rich they realize they can they might they literally just said hey let's bring Superman back to life more or less I don't think anybody knew what was going on they're like the robot mr. robot cyborgs cyborg cyborg said I got a cube my dad has the cube in his lab miles Dyson has miles Dyson he's still doing work in scientific lab miles miles Dyson has the cube and it's it's a weird thing and it turned me into a cyborg so maybe has the power to resurrect okay Superman but we have to put him in special Kryptonian water and why I don't know they submerged him a water hose at that time that was Aquaman's job if you put them because he's the water guy and then yeah the flash electrocuted the cube and brought Superman back to life okay I guess Kryptonians don't rot either like I was waiting for the bad guys to take Superman's corpse and turn him into their ultimate weapon you called it you said Superman would wake up and you'd be a bad guy at first the Justice yeah fight Superman that's never been the whole [ __ ] movie you're really sure like you can't have Superman be a bad guy that's why they didn't do it but that that brief moment when they were all like nervous when he comes back to life you know like this is an interesting idea I would watch a movie about this did you want to laugh every time they're just standing around together in their costumes don't they just look so goofy yeah well it's it's and that's again I think a holdover from the Zack Snyder stuff is like he has a very specific way he designs the look of his movie yeah and the suits are made to fit that look that lighting that color grading right and so when you take that footage you tweak all the colors change it up the brightness then it doesn't they all look unnatural and silly you're saying is they flat-out need but everything needs to be redesigned yeah yeah like if you're and that would require we shooting the whole movie oh sure Oh instead of just reshooting however much they did half of it but yeah I mean there's a moment near the end I lean over to you or it's they're all standing there it's after they defeat the bad guy and it was a wide shot and I was like is that even Ben Affleck in the zoom out of book it didn't look like his faith but yeah it's like his suit especially it's just like in brought in bright lights it's just like all these awkward little patches yeah yeah like a little fake squares that are supposed to be ABS and it's like in it in a moody contrasting Zack Snyder II lighting I can picture what that would probably look like what that was intended to look like yeah that's why they look they look comic book II and silly and cartoony in his in the Batcave like his character is just kind of hanging out just like fluorescent lights yeah but but I think that was like I think that's the charm for me is this like like I don't want to take these characters seriously I don't want to I don't want Moody I want terrible I enjoyed the apocalypse a movie so much you saying you enjoyed it just like apocalypse you enjoyed it ironically yeah I think so I think you liked the maximum cheese I like cheese I love in superhero movies sure there there is that very very fine line where it can work it like x-men - yeah like where it's it just can barely make it into that little zone I think the Winter Soldier yeah there's there's a couple of exceptions but then you like you have things that fall flat on their face on either side and this one fell flat on its face on cheese sight and and I enjoy that well it's like what you said I think about you'll wonder how fans of Batman V Superman will take this new movie because obviously if the tone the tone is dramatically different yeah and I feel Instagram feels like a different character it feels like Superman yeah he doesn't feel like exact Snyder's version of Superman anymore there's much more humor in this there's more color there's I mean it's a stupid plot yeah but it's an attempt to make a Marvel movie it's it's more marvelous and Batman V Superman so if you have those really hardcore you know it's like it's like when Metallica went alternative do you remember that when they when they cut their hair and then everyone called them all tourniquet this is going way back somebody remembers this and and they say their sound changed a little it wasn't like Master of Puppets it was like like they were doing the 90s alternative thing and the headbangers were pissed off so it's kind of like that conversion from the Zack Snyder movies to the the Marvel style so some some people may not like it but the audience seemed to enjoy it all around us yes laughs clapping Lana laughing yeah it's it's that you know he has throwing them treats no one treats to the dog yeah oh yeah this feels like it was it was specifically like scientifically tested to get the best possible audience reaction yes because Warner Brothers is desperate that's been clear that they're constantly doing whatever they you know they mean re-editing Suicide Squad and and trying to reshape Justice League get well into production of it Oh a Batman V Superman got such a bad reaction it's blatantly obvious they don't have a plan yes everything everything Marvel's done the Kevin Feige Fiji's fee Joey Fiji it's Fiji he that man has a vision and he knows what movie is going to lead into next and what that's gonna lead in Duke right like like what they did with Superman like you kill him off in Batman vs Superman just so in this movie someone can say ah let's use this box to bring him back to life that's all that the deficit man led to yeah what a [ __ ] waste where's the where's the funeral where are the government agencies arguing like who gets possession of Superman's body and then it's the stand-down like the family of the public wants the burial but no we need to do testing the fee how do you plan is you enroll out of the pair all this interesting [ __ ] you can do with the death of Superman so that box brings it back I don't know the rich they have to stop Steppenwolf you they have to stop the the non character of the generic evil world thing they have a plan J and rich they have a plan clearly Ben Affleck's coming back as Batman it's not like they're doing two separate Joker movies played by two separate actors it's not like they've lost three directors on the Aquaman movie yeah they're doing a standalone Joker movie that's outside of the Cinematic Universe starring starring like Leonardo DiCaprio will happen but yeah a movie that has no connection to the rest of them and then another joke a movie starring Jared Leto no miss it probably won't ever happen cuz they're constantly changing their plans okay yeah they clearly have no one in charge you can name like the Kevin Feige feyza feyza for forgive you however you say is now you will call him Kevin half you can say Kavanagh he's in charge you can say Kathleen Kennedy she's putting out star wars like a pimp what's a hooker out on the street Star Wars has hiked up its skirt and it's given BJ's and handles and Kathy's counting the my in a dingy hotel and that's my best analogy so you know she's in charge of Star Wars you know what I mean so you got and then DC is just slinging that's what DC stands for don't care [Laughter] [Music] we don't have to recognize them we just have to save it it does feel like a movie where there's a good like hour and 45 minutes missing oh yeah there's just like they just like chop this down so that was that was I think a studio mandate keep it under two hours yeah because Batman V Superman was just so like bloated ugly and yeah and it had this movie has a little bit of the same problem that that one had which is like that movie it was just like scenes and there was not no like sort of connecting tissue or like it's just sort of like you can move rearrange them it would make very little difference yeah there's a little bit of that in this like and I was thinking like that scene early on were Lois Lane's at work and and ma can't come consider and it's like what is this it's like you couldn't that scene anywhere it would make no difference the the Lois Lane angle has always been super weak and point yeah and yeah a couple moments like that but really like they strip this down and just said okay bad guy open with Batman good creature of the night vampire space bug attacks Batman he's alerted to plot there's some bad stuff coming god it was simple a team yeah it was weird to me that he goes and visits Aquaman before he talks with Wonder Woman about the cubes because there's the three cubes and there's like the the Wonder Woman people they have one the Atlanteans have one and then ones on earth but no I'm just saying it would make sense like if Batman went and visited Aquaman and tried to get him to join the team after he found out that the Atlanteans had one of those cubes as it is he just kind of goes and visits him for no real good reason he needs a team yeah sure but it's like oh the Atlanteans have one of these cubes maybe they know what's going on with the situation I'll go down there investigate Oh Aquaman come join us Batman know about the cubes at that point no no when he went to see Aquaman he didn't yeah so that's why it just felt like a random scene yeah when why did he notice the cubes in the first place then why did he find those odd who Batman when he saw the cubes and the thing oh because when when the when the space bug bounty melted for no reason you left a cube three cube impression like a tattoo on the wall that he died why does the bug have cubes on representing the mother boxes so that Batman would know about this so that he could leave a clue preparer where they just exhaust ports on the bug and just coincidentally they don't resemble the cubes with the bugs holes whole sole purpose of existing is finding those three cubes so it's okay was burned into the wall that's why that's why this felt like a shitty car - that was the opening scene and it was it was straight out of the 90s it was like a Joel Schumacher movie oh yeah so I was like yeah the the bare minimum get the team together there's a little like a little cute dialogue back and forth minimum bad guy he's bad guy cuz he has the big horns and it's face six like a demon and the three MacGuffins will put the three MacGuffins together i guess it wasn't opening a portal it says it was terraforming the planet we're gonna turn the earth into a apocalypse world okay yeah that's that's fine that's bad enough that's the bad plot three magical MacGuffin cubes will turn the planet into a nightmare land we gotta stop them get them together and then I guess we they tried fighting Steppenwolf they got their asses kicked so then they decided let's bring Superman back from the dead let's literally dig up his corpse I guess a magic Hubel do it oh I I laughed when they left the magic cube they had unattended after they turn around and they comically you see Steppenwolf do gone after to the cube they left and they're just like oh you got to get to the next next plot point somehow all I needed to do he needed to say yo Inc as he was going up the tube with the Box where did he go when he wasn't like tubing around the way so just like he's waiting his trailer til the next scene this is at a Holiday Inn or he's at the Radisson kind of just waiting until someone leaves a mother Cuba unattended the Radisson in hell yeah yeah yeah he was right on that cube the second they turned away from it how did he know this who said the bad guy needs to get the thing though we needed a series of scenes of him like in the background like look in know didn't the movie end with like the Aquaman saying something like that he went like bitching or like oh yeah it's some stupid what did he say it wasn't bitchin but it was something like that it was something like how what Bunga yeah yeah he said something he said a thing it literally made my skin crawl audience go wild yeah it's fun it's Amara it's like a Marvel movie hate Marvel movies but I love this now that it's like one where all the internet trolls gonna do they're just gonna go across up their [ __ ] heads explode how many of you are there not enough do you really think that oh wow they just they really just vanish huh oh that's rude so Mike would you recommend Batman V Justice League I would recommend the Justice League because it wasn't well I guess I'm recommending it on the basis of the previous DC films if you're turned off majorly by all the previous t3 films this one has a little ray of hope well with the exception of Wonder Woman which was a fun hour movie - yeah but there's some cute moments and mostly most of the humor comes from what was in the trailer so all the jokes are pretty much spoiled already but just for that little fun scene when they fight Superman there's some nuggets in here and it's it was just terrible enough to where I think I liked it you know like I judge movies on whether or not I'm miserable the movie admittedly is step up from Man of Steel and Batman V Superman but it's still it still does nothing for me it's it's still a waste of my time it's a horrible movie where nothing interesting happens there's some goofiness some cute things just just go to youtube and watch the scene where flash discovers that Superman is as fast as he is and you've seen everything that's interesting in the move as part of the movie yeah I'm kind of on the same page like I I don't know it worked for the audience we saw it with I guess because they were laughing a lot but like the comedy relief stuff like I didn't find that funny the the action stuff I thought was boring well felt tacked on the comedy that's yeah I'm in that slightly because I did like the Wonder Woman scene in the opening which is why I thought they added that on later because though she has to deflect the bullets to save it's quite possible because Wonder Woman was so much more of a like a hit than I think people are expecting yeah they're like oh [ __ ] with your other wonderful thing to do in this whole [ __ ] movie let's give her this yeah it wasn't horrible like I wasn't miserable sitting through it but there's just it was like nothing to it so and that's the no for me go go find the Saturday morning like Dungeons & Dragons cartoon or something something with a little bit more depth [Laughter] [Music] so the question is are they gonna make a Justice League - well I don't know cuz like Ben Affleck seems to really be trying to get out of these movies altogether yeah it would be so weird if there's a different actor playing Batman yeah they'd have to do more because you know you've done Steppenwolf and he's one of the new gods and the the big DC villain is Darkseid whoa oh boy is it hot in here is it just me oh it looks like we talked about Justice League for so long that your ice block melted well [ __ ] that's too small to have him carve what I wanted I was hoping for either a giant erect penis or maybe a beautiful swan now he can't do anything with that there you go I made a flower that'll be $4,000 you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,938,905
Rating: 4.8886442 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, justice league, dc, zack snyder, joss whedon, superman, batman, wonder woman
Id: w1s5ElKmQm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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