Half in the Bag Episode 129: Baby Driver and Spider-man: Homecoming

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It's amazing when Rich Evans is happy ❤️

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/shamalongadingdong 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

Woopse, timestamped it wrong. Review starts at 24:00.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ShempWaffles 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

Is Homecoming replacing the Dark Knight? I heard it took 12 years to make!

Rumor is FOX has inked the deal! X-Men and Fantastic Four are coming home after Spider-Man's wild success!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tircott 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies you know Harry can I call you Harry you can because I am especially my ass I've never complimented you on your beautiful eyes can you even see my eyes I'm constantly wearing these sunglasses oh I guess I haven't seen your eyes but I'm sure they're beautiful I can just picture the color equal matter brown rose red glaucoma veins and those dreamy cloudy cataracts uh-huh I could stare into that nightmare of looming death all day uh-huh you know I think it's time I told you that I'm into some really weird [ __ ] sexually really really [ __ ] one time I took a fire hose well gentlemen did we save room for dessert tonight Mike what are you doing here where's our waiter Oh your waiter here delete he had a family emergency I'm filling in for the rest of his shift yeah I work here and this is my shirt and honey you know some dessert sounds nice right now what are your specials today good sir well sir today we have white cake and we have white cake and lastly we have a delicious white cake hmm you know honey I'm going to let you decide that meal we just had didn't sit right with me so now I'm gonna sit right on the toilet meaning I think shits gonna come spraying out of my [ __ ] all over the walls the floor a little bit of the toilet but not that much you see I'm getting old and my anus isn't quite what it used to be yeah it's all kind of like loose and spongy you know yeah my ass looks like a wet sack of groceries but oh you'll find out soon on our wedding night so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go finish taking a shed sir had them deliver five fresh wet towels to the men's bathroom absolutely sir oh my god J do you mind if I sit down take a load off I'm sure sit down and hey we can talk about movies oh that sounds great yeah have you seen that new film baby driver featuring the voices of Alec Baldwin Steve Buscemi and Lisa Kudrow you know I did it was a little more violent than I was expecting it to be you don't mind do you [Music] can you can you talk me out let's beer Oh what is it you do I'm a driver I like to chauffeur anyone I'd know Oh baby driver stars Ansel Elgort and no his name is not an anagram nor is it a Star Wars character that's his name baby driver is a coming-of-age heist movie with lots of music action and angry Jon Hamm let's talk about ba ba ba ba as it's known in from J um well I'm sitting and taking a little break and while playing it is in the bathroom and having a giant dump let's talk about baby driver everyone want even though well we thought a baby driver for some reason I thought this movie was very very good I didn't think it was great people were even about it I thought it was really entertaining I thought the first acts or so was like just a fantastic piece of visual storytelling and visual filmmaking and it was really exciting I thought the last act was pretty solid and entertaining I thought it sagged a bit in the middle and it is sort of a standard kind of heist type story that is elevated by its gimmick J I'm forced to disagree with you I thought this was one of the best films I have ever seen oh I also thought it was one of the best films of everything no I'm I'm on the same page really really really liked it I feel like it's hard for me to look at it as just a solo movie like I'm looking at it in the you know kind of filmography of Edgar Wright and there it's one of the weaker ones like it's a solid movie and I think it's really entertaining and people are going to like it but it's lacking that sort of like hearts that his other movies have had and I wonder if that's the Simon Pegg elements in the writing of those earlier movies possibly nothing reaches like Shaun of the Dead goofy zombie comedy movie but there's that amazing theme when his mom is turned into a zombie and he's like emotionally wrecked that's what this is about it's just just because I made you know what I am me and I wants to shoot my mom she's not that was good enough there's there's nothing that reaches that in this movie and I guess the different movie it doesn't have to reach that but it really kind of keeps the movie from being more those other movies are like they're their genre kind of homage --is that are elevated with like a real human story going on and this one doesn't get above the genre but it's representing it does have to reach that that level though because it establishes it and it sets you up for it and it tries to do that with the end you know and all that but it yeah you're right it does not it does not become its own thing right at a certain point it's really hard to describe because when I said derivative of course the first thing that comes to mind is Drive there's um there's that feel of guardians of the galaxy I know that's not a wholly original thing but the whole idea of playing the music the music incorporated with the story and then his um yes oh yeah the Mon connection that's a big one but yeah the apparently Edgar rights had this idea for like over a decade I'm not accusing him of stealing here and also I get wholly original to where it's like always ripping off this right it's a sort of unfortunate timing that it comes up the same summer as guardians of the galaxy to which despite the fact that this whole movie is driven by music and it does it well as far as the action scenes go but despite the fact that is driven by music there's no moment where the music kind of trans transforms the scene the way Fleetwood Mac use in guardians of the galaxy who does and that was that was kind of a larger disappointment for me because everyone kept saying like the music the music and that starts off like I got a little la-la land vibe in the beginning because that's our stuff with that first heist yeah that sets up the tone and the movie and and he's like coming he started singing in the car and then he's playing with the wiper blades and everything's kind of going to the beat and then there's a scene that follows the heist when he's like you know he's on cloud nine and he's you know it's almost done with his business and he's kind of dancing and then you know there's a billboard of a guy playing a trumpet and he kind of does the same thing and all one not one shots in impressive yeah and there's all that where it's kind of like very playful light-hearted energetic almost musical style to it okay this this is going to get really good and it's going to ramp up and then all these songs are going to come up and they're going to they're going to match and the editing was great I mean I was very impressed with that but then it becomes a Quinton Tarantino film and then and boy oh boy was I engaged any Fox is wonderful in this film Jamie Foxx is good John Hamm is great I was a nice without getting into spoilers there's a nice I don't the twist but the development of the Jon Hamm character is good yeah it was the Jamie Foxx show yeah and and unfortunately Ansel Elgort yeah was and I wasn't and I don't know how to put this politely he did he did not carry the film Wow like ever all the criminals in the movie are so like disgusting and old and dirty yeah and talkative and and he's so just like like fresh-faced and clean and stuff that's yeah I mean the movies called baby driver I mean that's the character and I thought he was great in the movie actually I like the the sort of contrast between the scenes with him with the criminals and him outside of that world and how it's like almost like a switch when he when he's with them he's like stone-faced days away from home pretty much other than what he has to communicate when they're planning their jobs but he also projects like such coolness and such confidence to where it's almost a contradiction I think that's just in putting up a front for the for the criminals though [Music] so you just starting your day or did you just get off hey call I go you know the weakest part of the movie though was the romance between him and I think her name is Lily James that was shockingly underwritten I was really surprised by that compare that to any of the relationship stuff and not the other you know Edgar Wright movies well it has it has sort of like a storybook II kind of old Hollywood quality to it and where I don't know if it's intentionally underwritten like she's the waitress yeah I'm a girl I'm a waitress and I'm just going to be here forever like the design I don't really like retro very sure which was fine when it started off but it's it reaches a point where she kind of has to make a decision whether she wants to go with baby driver or not and when she makes that decision I was like the why like they barely know each other you can look at it that way or you can look at it as like old Hollywood romance kind of thing then that's the thing is like it felt like a movie that took place in 1950 because you have like two young kids in 2017 you know kids would just be staring at their cell phones she would have helicopter parents that are always calling her on her phone and then she would be like I got to go protest Trump go I got to go throw this Molotov cocktail at police officers to go you know protest Planned Parenthood being defunded by Trump you know and then it's like but it's it's it's boiled down to simplicity where she's just a waitress and he says let's go drive off into the sunset together now who gets gonna head out into the open road and and it's so nostalgic it's so like James Dean kind of I guess oh it is to get you engaged in that story you need a little more than that yeah but I've set in a modern-day setting which kind of like man yeah we get a little book but if you kind of switch your brain into like a different mode of not fantasy but romantic fantasy I guess and because that's what this movie was it was very style over substance it's like you said that the heist plot was not very not very engaging now at any time there's an action scene going on any time baby's behind the wheel it's incredibly fun though yeah and I don't want to like scream like we're [ __ ] on the movie too much because all that stuff is really great no it's it's it's it's a good movie but if you're going to do style over substance you really need kind of like a really good lead a baby driver as a character I thought was a little flat I really like Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm and their storylines he's overshadowed by everybody else and they're not it's kind of hard not to be in a movie like this where all these kind of colorful side character and what is what is the ultimate goal of the movie is it a love story I think the goal is that girl right had this idea to do chase scenes that are choreographed and synchronized and edited with music and then what's out there worth that money chase scenes well no that's like I said the first half the first act of the movie I think is pretty strong there's likely too early good sequences and then even the scenes between that I thought were between the two kind of chase scenes were well done and then the middle is worth establishing the plot and that's where the movie lags and it picks up again at the end people oh great bank robbery story so let's give them something cold and brazenness to talk about over there that I was I was I was default back to that movie Run Lola Run I don't know why like this because it was like I've never seen a movie like this before [Music] and you know and that's a movie where it's like cut to constant response rhythm cut to the music and it incorporates it really well this will be like that first scene was great and then they tease that Queen song and then I'm like yes you know they're gonna do somebody the big and then it's like they can't hear it it does come back at the end but it doesn't come back in a set like I've mentioned let's say with Mack music in guardians of the galaxy like that's used perfectly and this it's just like yeah it's there yeah and and I appreciate the variety of music yes and it kind of made guardians of the galaxy look a little phony in in this movie with this movie's music selections because guardians of galaxies they're doing like the hipster ironic like all the pop 75 78 it makes sense in context because that's what Peter Quill's mothering listen to so it's the type of mixtape she would have made it okay but this one it's like you know I found I thought I saw a young MC and all over the place the back song Deborah from the wonderful album midnight vultures I was excited to see and this goes for both movies we saw two movies and one of them had an action scene set to the Damned and the other had an action scene set to the Ramones like man teenage me would have loved this both of these movies yeah but but for some reason when I feel when I when I think back in my brain I can't really remember any of the songs I might have to do a second pass through yeah well that's I mean under right movies definitely benefit from repeat viewings and there's I'm sure lots of I noticed early on he's watching TV and he's flipping through channels and he passes like Monsters Inc and that comes into play later on and so I'm sure there's other things on the TV that that happen that connect to things that happen later in the movie oh it's a super clever script and then really fun dialogues the felt very Quentin Tarantino II which I was surprised it wasn't as humorous as those other movies which it doesn't have to be of course he's making a different movie but I was kind of surprised by that it really it feels more like yeah like a Tarantino movie where it's like there there's humorous elements but it's not not comedy despite the fact that the entire premise is sort of whimsical is it contrast well the idea that everything you know matches to the b12 music that that is whimsical that the plot though isn't like the fact that he has to drive for criminals and stuff there I mean I think we're supposed to be kind of seeing it through his his eyes like I yeah I get that I think maybe something less some something less crime related might have worked better I don't know there's a balance like I like that stuff and I like the incorporation of music but then you have that like oh crime subplot and you know there's that whole sequence when they go to buy guns from with a cameo so I was surprised to see Paul Williams nobody is seen in like two decades but he wrote the music for the Muppet movie he wrote The Rainbow Connection and he's in Phantom of the paradise he's a little guy in a white suit in this movie okay it's Paul Williams why he's here in the movie faizon you the guy why not friends with a do right and it's probably just like Edgar Wright likes him okay come be in my movie but but yeah there's that whole sequence and which I thought was a great great scene at some random version of tequila that I'd never heard before oh yeah but then it's like ultraviolent so I don't know doesn't quite quite sit right with me a movie like I saying I wonder if that's the the Simon Pegg the missing Simon Pegg connection if he's that part that yeah he's to kind of work so well together he's like the hearts yeah and it's missing it's missing that heart what you listening a little bit akela Ansel Elgort I'm going to type that into an anagram generate watch name Ansel Elgort see I liked I liked him I liked the lily James I thought she was incredibly charming don't know if I've ever seen her in anything before I liked the two of them it was mainly just the way their scenes were written they were missing that sort of like wits or letting that heart to him yeah and I was incredibly distracted because she looks exactly like Matt chin the meek the actress that plays Shelley the waitress on Twin Peaks and she's a waitress and she's wearing the waitress outfit looks exactly like her it was really distracting another nod was they the drivers costume which looked very reminiscent of Han Solo yes let's talk about that yeah he had a white jack a jacket with white sleeves on a black you know vesti part and it really looked really look like Han Solo Han Solo vest and done a little sleuthing well before it before that I was thinking during the movie is like this guy would probably make a good young Han Solo but I knew you researched it and apparently he auditioned for it yeah I was like that probably a quick baby sight you know you have to click next page and how God one of those yeah so it's like 10 actors that auditioned for Han Solo so I cannot vouch for its validity okay but it said Ansel Elgort auditioned for Han Solo and I'm like maybe he really wanted han Solo and and he's pissed and as you're right knew that and look let me put you in a [ __ ] halt solo suit and then I did this holy [ __ ] I looked up hi Harrison Ford's high school photo and Ansel Elgort and boy oh boy does he really look like Harrison Ford not that he has to look like Harrison Ford you know exactly but I think I think Ansel Elgort I think I think he's got some he's got something something that could work I think performance wise he could do a young Han Solo yeah it comes so really the person they got sucks [ __ ] because I had to hire an acting coach after they shot 95% of the movie can't you wait for that young Han Solo Frankenstein film I can't wait back to baby driver when enough of our Star Wars diversion the new Han Solo film is a disaster and it's going to be a box office disaster someone used this footage later when it makes a billion dollars the slide whistle maximize [ __ ] this it is bananas duck the key now at the right movies always have that kind of like pacing to to them yeah but you have a specific style yeah he's kind of toned down that that's sort of a early 2000s thing to pop well you don't want to do it where it's not just a dialogue yeah the way of doing it where it's not just like style though where he's still telling the story through the montage stuff I did good I can't fault into the filmmaker maybe a little bit hotter at all as a screenwriter on this one I think he wrote this by himself I don't know so I don't know yeah but yeah I mean I think a lot of people will like this and it's a it's an entertaining movie I don't I feel kind of bad I don't want to [ __ ] on it too much but it's really ancient on it we we are not [ __ ] on this movie by any means J we're providing constructive criticism but we have some criticisms which means we hate it and it's the worst movie ever word that's well that's what the internet will tell us because we both really like the film but you know we we analyze and we analyze structure content pacing tone dialogue all the working moving parts of a film and we decide why they work and why they don't and that's what we do J is VCR repair for [Laughter] [Music] Oh Mike would you recommend big driver of course I'd recommend baby driver as we said it is not a remake a sequel or a reboot it's a wholly original idea that feels like it was this a Sony a Sony released Sony released this yeah even though it was a Sony release and that's another tie-in with her other film is a number of parallels and they're both shot in Georgia Atlanta Atlanta I knew the new film capital of the world apparently apparently um but yeah even though I was a Sony film it felt like which I'm sure Sony just distributed it they probably nothing to do with the actual production but it felt like Edgar Wright wanted to make this movie and made it and that's why it's like a little price of sloppy kind of feels weird here but he likes the stab and it doesn't feel like committee made it and so on that alone it gives it a recommendation cuz that's refreshing still as far as big movies and that you see in the movie theater check their of course exceptions but anyway Jay would you recommend big driver I would I wish the love story was flushed out a little more that felt really rushed but it's a lot of fun seat in the loud theater so all those car revving all the engine stuff the music blaring it's a lot of money it sounds like you're recommending fast and furious you don't I like the part when Vin Diesel jump the ramp is he still in those movies so Jay when's the wedding oh we don't have a date set yet we're still trying to figure out a location oh well if it's a location that you're looking for might I suggest one of the hotels downtown there are several options available oh no oh no no no no no no no we're thinking someplace really nice like Fiji or Greece or maybe even under the Eiffel Tower mr. plinkus says he loves me so much that he's willing to spend all of his life savings on this wedding and even max out all of his credit cards will be paying off this wedding until we're both dead that's really funny excuse me but I just overhear you two talking about the third spider-man reboot what no what the [ __ ] are you yeah [ __ ] off [ __ ] off stop guys wait a minute you guys aren't the real Avengers I can tell hope gives it away well I think it's only fair that we ask rich first what he thought of the movies so rich what did you think of the amazing spider-man better luck next time oh no yes the third time's the charm that's what Sony would be saying if they wanted to remind the world about the Andrew Garfield spider-man movies but those don't exist anymore neither does Tobey Maguire and I'm not talking about his spider-man movies I'm talking about Tobey Maguire the very first spider-man movie ever is out now it stars Tom hollandaise as Peter Parker who attends a high school with so much diversity College advertising pamphlets are jealous spider-man must take down Michael Keaton who is playing a character called the vulture from stealing alien technology and making weapons to sell to bad guys that's the movie well restaurant patron what did you think of the amazing spider-man homecoming I ran away enough it's amazing would you go somewheres mistakes amazing I would go for Safari say it's amazing well I don't know you but I'm gonna guess just based on how you look you are big fan of the spider-man character I haven't bought a comic book in over 10 years but that I was I was so [ __ ] ambivalence about this film ambivalence ambivalent okay mr. Webster and I kept her on word [ __ ] you both I was so ambivalent about this smell before I came out so then with the ninth reboot the last one was only three years ago and I was a different spider-man I just did not give a [ __ ] sir and it came out I watched it and it's great I feel like this is the first time I've actually watched spider-man on the big screen so that's what I was going to ask I'm assuming that a lot of people that are into the comics or that like the spider-man character will probably say this is the best representation of him if I by a mile it's not my personal favorite I still have a soft spot for design any movies miles this is this is the best on-screen version of spider-man a kid who was bitten off more than he can chew and he's barely staying afloat is his social life is being sacrificed constantly because he's got to put on the stupid costume and and fight crooks the crooks he's fighting they're not trying to take over the world and destroy a Manhattan they're just they're sewing gun that was the best aspect of this movie is that the plot of it is spider-man has to stop a guy from stealing things and that's it I said before I think I said in the last I'm the amazing spider-man 1 or 2 review that you know spider-man's villains they're not set up to be epic they're just guys who rob banks and this is kind of what we have here he's not robbing a bank but he's he's robbing expensive things it's just a thief I think I think I was just kind of like just taken aback by how non like how all the things that I would have expected from spider-man movie and the general public like would have expected is what Sam Raimi gave you but like that's why you didn't really like those movies because it's not that's none of the comments not what the comic is so to me I was like we did not we never saw spider-man swinging around downtown Manhattan he there's a joke where he's out in the suburbs and he has to get somewhere with oh yeah and so there's all those like those typical spider-man things that that are just not in this movie it's like I made a checklist of like things we've already seen too much of and they didn't put like there's no back no origin story we don't have because he were and I were talking about that before the movie even though I just met you in this restaurant where you were convinced they'd have at least some sort of quick little plastic I was expecting a 10 to 15 second sepia-toned and death they don't even do that they hint at it slightly it's now not talking about it being faithful of the comics that does kind of majorly affect something in this movie spider-man's like two motivations to fight crime guilt and responsibility yeah that's gone everything else they nailed except for that it doesn't ruin this movie you know what they they're doing some like Tony Stark father figure thing his motivation in this film was to get approval from Tony Stark but I'm sure not every spider stories people not guilt was what I liked about this is that it really is just sort of like we talked about it with Deadpool or it didn't feel like this epic it was just like here's a little story with Deadpool doing a thing I think the script is is very very different and clever like you said they kept surprising me which yeah I you know you go into these movies especially now I'm just expecting like the same with these Marvel movies like some of them I don't even count the guardians of the galaxy that's its own thing yeah whoever Jon Watts was the writer he he he or whoever there's like six writers okay well whoever went through of the list of all the things we've seen before because I'm sure they were worried about fatigue with spider-man or definitely don't do the origin story yeah you have a rather rather non villainy kind of villain which was nice I the first scene of the movie is like we always joke about like the mass destruction in all these movies and then we're seeing like the local construction company cleaning up after the events of the first Avengers movie and I thought that was great and and they get pushed out after they get screwed over by the government yeah yeah completely justifiable justifiable motivations for our villain there is a moment where the movie kind of turned for me but then they brought it back we just get into spoilers I guess oh sure all right boylar so spider-man has a suit that was introduced in civil war yeah and then and that was a funny bit to which I just forgot about until now spider-man's home video is a little more effective of the civil war fight yeah yeah yeah that was those clever and different - haven't seen that and then they discover him and his sidekick friend discover that there's a training wheels program they unlock it and then it almost becomes like an Iron Man suit that was where I was starting to lose me yes and I'm like oh no you know spider-man's fun because he's spider-man not because he has like a robot talking in his head like I don't want that Jarvis and our main movie his own it works though because the whole point is he's not ready to be on that he's not ready to have the Iron Man suit yet it works as a plot device yeah at first off-putting because they didn't know it was going to be a plot device I thought like when you get to expire a man into the 21st century I thought oh god this is a Sony movie and then you know then they make light of it they make jokes out of it he doesn't know how to use it and then eventually it's taken away yeah and then done that's like oh great that's perfect spider-man has to beat the bad guy at being just spider-man marina's old crappy suit even as pre Civil War so guys the Teen Wolf premise a classic funeral for the last 16 Wolf's Ark is I'm gonna we should point out for people you're talking about Teen Wolf - Michael J Fox film not the MTV series right yes because that's no one knows - Michael J Fox movie and Michael J Fox nothing about Teen Wolf - when always they get about anal - wait the Michael J Fox is boxing Teen Wolf - his basketball right like that reverses oh [ __ ] either way the premises Teen Wolf is good at a sport until the end when he decides he's going to he's going to play that sport and win all on his own without being the team without being the Teen Wolf and that's basically what happens in spider-man and then he learns to mature but Tom hollandaise he's really good in it I mean I think we should really really hammer home the humor and this is Nestle this is a comedy comedy it's a I laughed out loud a number of times I know you did a little Ferris Bueller's Day Off for our friends over there and running through the yard latent while they show it on TV yeah there's the thing is like like the second I thought this is exactly like Ferris Bueller's they often thought they cut too someone's watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off on the TV you know what they're doing well if you're if you're doing a movie about a teenager who's coming of age you could do worse than referencing a John Hughes movie that's true yeah well he's not filthy rich but John Hughes movies always about teenagers who are filthy [ __ ] rich growing up and they don't know it because John Hughes has no idea cuz John Hughes had a very sheltered life there I'm just an everyday teen growing up in this mansion don't mess with I'll kill you and everybody you love the only person that vulture kills is on accident I thought that person he killed was Tom Hardy through the entire first half of the movie I thought could well cuz I heard Tom Hardy is cast as venom apparently when they make a solo venom movie oh yeah so I thought that was going to be like a little Easter Egg yeah just like Tom Hardy he was he was the Shocker he was is that is that an actual comic book character okay were you shocked by that the Shocker what an unfortunate name for a super villain do you know why explain it I'm not going to play this plastic bag on camera can we also talk about the the anti gay panic scene spider-man climbs into his bedroom and jumps down and he takes his clothes into his boxer shorts and he forgot forgot that his friend was coming over to help him put together a Lego set and and then a Star Wars really p.m. like I said and then Aunt May comes in the room and and and he's standing there in his boxer shorts like right next to his friend and you expect Aunt May to go and the audience to laugh along isn't it funny they're there they're doing a gay thing but then Aunt May it just says dinner's ready soon guys finished jerking each other off later yeah that was an actual line in the movie I'm a prize and I was like there and say how they didn't go for the easy chip they didn't go for the easy gay panic joke which I thought was a little odd because I think I felt I felt the audience when you're ready to ready to laugh one felt it like it was like a sizeable in the air I felt it I wasn't ready to laugh but I was ready for the joke yeah no I wasn't it was it would have been like a like Michael Bay kind of like yeah really um but yeah it was it was like oh they didn't do that they clearly set it up did they do like a couple different takes like where she was what they ended up using the Amy Pascal security tank actually this probably 30 takes they're going to know Amy Pascal would what it would have wanted the gay panic joke Amy Pascal wrote racist things about Obama in those leaked emails no did she really really oh that's interesting I thought she was the progressive one no its virtue signaling actually it would be vulture signaling there's a ton of other social systems in here for all disabled by the training wheels protocol because mister stop treating me like a kid could you argued that the neden character does not exist in the comics no no at least not since the last time I've read it's been 10 years yeah it's fun fun because Peter Parker someone to talk to though about the spider-man stuff I did like his little like early on he talks about can I be your your your computer guy like the guy that monitors everything and then he kind of ends up doing that and the high school library not only monitoring the whereabouts of the vulture but also trying to teach Peter how to drive a car because he's stolen a car he's never driven before he can't even turn that like oddly that's fun did you notice the parallels going on between spider-man and the vulture with that because spider-man had his friend via the the computer guy with the radio the vulture had that that fat kind of tech guy him instructions yeah both both characters are kind of like on the lower fringe of superhero no spider-man wants to break into the big times and the vultures resentful of the bigwigs have kept him down yeah they're the same they're the same anti father figure and they avoided the cliched line we're not so different you and me you and I are not so different yeah this is this was this was a strange strange movie where for all the things that it didn't do for all the things that it didn't do yeah our superhero was bumbling and awkward and bad so it's not like you know like the Tobey Maguire movies were good but they had a couple little themes of him like learning how to use his power and then that alternator has a suit that looks like a professional movie suit when before he didn't you know and then it's sort of like now he's played a man you could do anything in good spite of a never really gets to that point yes so it's like because it's going to be an ongoing process and it wasn't just as good now and that's good that's good and that's refreshing from an Avengers e-type movie or whatever because they're also like polished and professional and superhero Lee the stakes stay low they don't waste a lot of time teasing sequels no one's always going to show us that's the thing I wanted to mention is the the the shared universe stuff which is always the weakest part in any of these movies because it's like they feel so shoehorned in like because we have to set up this this movie in that movie and this one like it feels like a shared universe in the sense like oh there's Captain America on this like instructional tape but it's not like this track theme it feels like a part of this world it's not it doesn't feel like the movie setting other things up I guess there's kind of that bit where they're talking about moving out of the old Avengers tower but that just feels like a story element what's in there to set of the heist at the end yeah well that's what I mean it's in there for Kotori I was also I'm so used to like bad screenwriting when when the Michael Keaton like halfway through the movie there was a scene with Michael Keaton his henchmen and I was thinking like you know they're trying to kind of give him so he humanity and they mentioned early on his family is like I'm surprised they haven't had a scene I'm not surprised but they should have a scene like with his family to kind of you know give him that element and then there's a reason that they didn't and that pays awfully well y'all see that to his coming is the first time in ages I have been surprised by something at home right yeah that was nice yeah up the stakes it got made the storyline more complex exactly so yeah this spider-man movie quite surprising that it was actually good cuz I actually did the character right for a change yeah sure well I think I think with this Sam Raimi ones is it less that they did the character wrong and more II just didn't like the choice of actor wait okay now talk Wow they never been ever the second one that whole first half of that movie first half the only time the Sam Raimi spider-man movies felt like spider-man was the first half of the first movie I have a soft spot to the Sam Raimi one this is because I like Sam Raimi and the end credits of this movie are very like colorful and stylish and there's a Ramone song plane and it's like like claymation and all these like animated sketches and stuff is like this is really fun and stylish and the rest of this movie doesn't really reflect that it's very bland this movie no movies very much cinematography yeah just visually it's fine but I missed that I missed the Sam Raimi weirdness I miss like awkward cutaways too overacting extra III don't need specifically that but just visually this movie like a lot of the Marvel movies even the better ones are so just sort of like blood yeah I agree with that the world's changing voice time we change too I can't fool myself you a Spanish Queen you gotta get better at this part of the job yeah Michael Keaton's character is a bad guy with some pretty well-developed motivation kind of like when Jamie Foxx played Elektra exactly like that very easy thing that in a bad guy that wanted to murder spider-man because spider-man didn't remember his birthday is that what happened in that movie well what about the lizard man who wanted to turn people into lizards I think I think you're forgetting about the lizard that's very in the amazing spider-man 1 right that's some Class A character development he was a lizard slower than he wanted to turn other people in delivery although if I can make one comment about something I did not like in this new spider-man movie was watching the black panther Taylor they said the line which I now hate the woods is Jesus is changed and then they said in the spider-man movie well change the woods is Jesus well change can you stop using that phrase and your movies is changed if I sit in a civil war - I'm sure they do that's why I bring it up because I'm sick of it MMH space-car - that's gonna be on the trailer I think you mean when you make space Cobb - can we get Doctor Octopus in the next part of my movie saying the world has already changed world is still changing now everyone wears tights fights crime or commit crime or fires blue lasers that's the world we live in now it has changed this is no longer changing process will changing is over it is complete status quo I don't have to do anything because the world is already changed on that note of humor Jay would you recommend spider-man homecoming I would it's it's a fun it's funny I think I'd recommend it is a comedy more than anything and it's a good it's a darn good superhero movie it's a good spider-man movie if you if you have not been satisfied with previous spider-man adaptations this one seems to do it pretty well solid recommendation I thought I thought it was going to come out of the Sun yeah it's the best cast vitamin we've ever had abs okay yeah but instead I'm saying wow the best calf vitamin we ever had it was great yeah you know what if I can just be honest rich Evans not going yeah it's like like a [ __ ] glowing recommendation yeah most of the time it's mad yeah most of the time for most assignments math and especially with something as specific as spider-man yeah that's that's high [ __ ] yes it gets my stamp yeah and of course I agree and will agree with you guys I thought it was terrible well if you'll excuse me I've got to get back to my wife she doesn't appreciate you know talking about movies made for children all day long she likes to talk about politics or world vents or bill collectors I keep trying to tell her that you know the third spider-man reboots important let's just she just doesn't get it and I guess that's why I go to see a head doctor twice a week Tuesdays and Thursdays like to help me prioritize my life yeah oh [ __ ] I got to go take my medication yeah my wife says it helps me think like a grown-up [ __ ] you - [ __ ] wads later is that what all comic book fans are like well I guess I should go check on mr. plinkus and see what's taking him so long in the bathroom yes Jay why don't you go do that I mean I wouldn't want anything to happen to him after all he is the one bankrolling are very expensive wedding oh no my plan is backfiring the world is changing I know what to do nothing [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,663,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, spider-man, spiderman, homecoming, baby driver, edgar wright
Id: PDbU4hSo9-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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