H3 After Dark - #15

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This episode had everything and Ian was on fire. I loved his energy so much. Weirdly energetic for having COVID, haha. Also AB, you are a babe, accept it dammit! This ep was one of the best in a long time and that’s saying something bc I usually like every single episode. This was on frenemies podcast level of enjoyment for me. Great job πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PankaPanka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Top 5 episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

probably one of the best episodes they’ve ever had. good mix of conversation, reactions, and call-ins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Groovy_Doggo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great episode guys, keep it up, proud of you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Only_Quote_Simpsons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Guys you need to rewatch it and see what worked. Loved everything about this one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dullfool68 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy fuck, the OnlyFans call was insane

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/americanslang59 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man it’s so great having Ian back, for a while there it seemed like he wasn’t into it anymore but he is back to being the best part of the show. Dude has that awkward swagger thing down pat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/limeflavouredcement πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think I have the same disorder that Lucia was talking about (but I DON'T like it)! It's either vulvodynia or vaginismus (what I have, there's a subreddit). Sadly female sexual disorders don't get much attention and woman can endure a lot of pain not knowing there are treatments/supportive communities.

Also my husband and I waited to have sex until we were married (25 and 26 yo) and we're pretty vanilla πŸ˜† partially because of my disorder.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shepherdish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

my feeling is that Ethan laughed on purpose for the Make Ethan Laugh, but either way, it was a good segment this time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brettgoespunk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody it's your favorite married couple ethan and neil klein we're basically the perfect relationship if you didn't already know i had to just come out and tell you i'm just kidding guys i'm just kidding because that's what everyone says and i'm just trying to play it up like hey it's ethan and healer the perfect relationship we just love each other it's like the youtube thing you know all right then our happy beautiful son the next video is like so we broke up yeah exactly that means the divorce is coming soon ethan is going to take over the channel and did you think we would take over the second channel who do you think went out for pizza without me yeah i know it's who do you think would handle a divorce better if we got it's just fun not good question just thought it'd be a fun debate okay now we're really getting divorced that will never happen okay whatever but we're here to have fun but what kind of intros is ethan exactly okay start no we can't we're live there's no retakes here welcome everybody first of all thank you to all of our members who make this possible you know we love our members we love you we love you they love you you subscribe you get early episodes you hit that uh joy button we love the members yes um do we have ads today dan oh we sure do it's not my doc what do we got you tell you thank him for me today's episode is brought to you by roman and me undies oh we love them we love it okay today we've got all kinds of adventures and stories and fun you know i've been trying to think because we brought back the normal h3 podcast uh format this week how do we differentiate after dark live in the normal episode here's the difference after dark no covet talk no politics nothing serious only fun and raunchy madness right h3 podcast that's where my controversial hot takes will come that many of you will watch and be like you you'll see either ethan is out of touch ethan is wrong about this topic ethan ethan uh has fallen from grace stick to comedy et cetera so if you go like all that that's where you'll find it [Laughter] but yeah i forgot the you know the origins of after dark was to be the escape right so we got to stay true so here you go first of all we have some really important denounce speaking of not talking about covid ian has coveted i'm going to have to acknowledge it it's actually not funny at all but that was funny so sorry ian ian how the frick first of all i'm so sorry you got you sent us to the news this morning that you have coveted and i don't understand because you don't you haven't left your house i mean you've been so safe yeah dude it's like oh you got the positive up behind you oh no it's a it's a certain certified bra moment for sure bro what is so okay so you did was this from a driving clinic or how did you get the test was it i got the little swabby and then how many days afterwards did you get the news i freaking deep throated that swab so good they have to find the virus yeah to get the virus of course and dig it out you know you got to get it real deep in your throat and um i got the results about a day and a half later nice what's that you can't sit down by yourself it's still weird so ian what did they say did they call you do you get the results like normal people like i'm curious did contact tracers contact you like what what happened i uh just got an email around uh probably 2 a.m 2 or 3 a.m and then you get a text too so i woke up i was having trouble sleeping i woke up around like like 4 30 and then i saw the text and and checked it and i figured oh if i had covered they would have called me right right i was like oh i'm safe but i logged in anyway and uh yeah immediately left the room didn't want to infect sam if she doesn't have it already but i don't know she has it she yeah she's just just by a matter of yeah she's she is it's gigi gigi yeah it's definitely gg for anyone in that house so wait oh no the slide was slowed down come on yeah so we're gonna i mean we're both gonna go get tested again tomorrow just to make sure but i i feel like i have it having a little trouble breathing oh god i mean not heavy but like i like i threw a cat toy to reuben last night and then i went and picked it up and i was kind of like oh [ __ ] like i was feeling it so yeah did you get the test just as a matter of routine or because you were feeling sick i was feeling a little off i was i've been fatigued a lot and i've been getting headaches and i've been coughing a lot i'm surprisingly not coughing right now but the last few days i've been coughing a lot so god so sorry dude yeah i mean it just goes to show you you know you i i take hand sanitizer everywhere i never take my mask off like i know you're so careful and it's it's still got me so that's just kind of so [ __ ] great that's what of all the people of all of us to get it i would i would suspect you least of all to get it yeah i mean that's that's just the thing it's so quick it just happens you know damn so are you are you experiencing one of the more unusual symptoms that i've seen a lot of people say is that they lose smell and taste does that happen to you yeah i didn't think it was happening to me but then sam gave me a bunch of candles to smell last night she was like some seems off smell this and i was like i'm not i'm not getting not really getting much out of here and that was kind of like a bit of a brittle you know wrestling she tried the butt candle oh yeah that'd be the ultimate that would overpower anything have you seen these tick tocks where people are like chugging like lime juice and all this insane [ __ ] they're like nope can't taste anything i always wondered if they're playing it up so would you be willing to guinea pig yourself for us like something like that wait to do what so on tick tock there's this trend of people who get covered they go just to prove to you that i can't taste anything they'll take like a shot of lime juice or what's other [ __ ] you've seen at ab what else do they do all kinds of ridiculous they'll eat like garlic or take a bite or an onion yeah garlic and onions are the two most common ones i've seen wasabi would you shop yeah do you have an onion in your house or garlic uh i'll check we might as well make the best of the situation would i take a big old bite of an onion yeah apparently they say they say it doesn't taste like anything i go full shrek on them yeah oh look i'll take a look i don't know what kobe did to you but you're really funny yeah what do you want what do you think it's the covet i think it's the dayquil does that to a person what do you what sign me up dude i was telling zach i feel like i've been you know freaking i've been blasting off he [Music] your show now oh what's up the angels put on a space helmet fast enough baby yeah sometimes you just got a glass what is going on dude ian's gotta i think you need covet forever bit weird yeah i don't know i don't actually know what's happening all right dude ian was cracking me up before the show he was for a good half hours making me laugh but are you on are you on any medicine or is this just straight covered i'm really i'm really not on anything so why do you think you've become so entertaining well i've been getting all these messages like oh i'm keeping you in my prayers dude and i think it's over for me you have prayer power are you people are treating me like i'm about to like it's over i should start digging up back yeah so maybe you've just you have nothing to lose so you're bearing it all for us yeah it's you know like i said i blasted off i have you in my non-existent prayers i pray for you doug i did pray if i did pray you'd be there bro i'm praying for you i'm praying for you everybody in the chat push p let's get some p's and then get some peas everybody playing some f's no no no no no you're you're the god you're the p god well you know p is pretty much an f if you just erase a tiny little bit of it so p for the prayer f for the funeral vp for peace like peeing poor eating that's covered man we're making the best of it out here though so your top artist was zach lewis my name is your top artist on spotify with zach lewis ian he's so bad yeah i mean you got to support the the legend yeah that's very sweet yeah zach you're a big kanye god of music so zach why are you in a suit what is this about why are you like all like real estate agent out well i'm trying to be my father no kidding um um well they uh they wanted me you're scaring me what's going on here to dress up as the joker for like a surprise today for whatever [ __ ] reason and i didn't have any makeup so i'm like oh like i'll just wear like was that ian's idea it was ian and dan we just off-handedly mention it'd be funny if you just because he loves dressing up like the joker he's like the joker guy he was like you should and i just off-handedly was like you should just come to the show as the joker one day and somehow that resulted in him when he was wearing his suit i look fly as [ __ ] boy i mean i like it it's not the joker though and yeah it's definitely not the joker you know what's great about ian having cove is if he does die we have the robot and people won't even notice stop it that's not great that's not not a good joke what i'm kidding we're joking about going you guys can i can't make jokes about either you can't say the d word yeah oh yeah and he said i thought we were all joking about him dying everyone was just typing p's in the chat i know i thought we were friends that's disgusting i don't want ian to die i'm just saying if he does just not even say the d word if has anyone actually died from corona right right if he does we have the robot i'm just saying zach you look like you're gonna propose or something look i'm praying for him what more can i do he did drop a lot of p's in the chat um yeah i did i called you massive prayer i i uploaded this earlier can we please get zach to dress up like the joker but he instead of face white face paint he uses mayonnaise that's a [ __ ] great idea zack you know that's a good idea i've seen your ass on tick tock just downing mayonnaise like a psycho yeah what yeah man did anyone do it at you there were a few people that do edit me yeah i want to see that i got to pull that up somebody sent me that on discord i want to see this [ __ ] i have a joker brain i've come to the conclusion that sounds kind of scary you're fully jokerfied i'm like scared of my brain to come to that point wow are you damaged dude deeply how's the relationship going with the uh what the lovely uh what's her name again uh jane jane yeah uh it's going great that's awesome i'm i'm very happy for you dude that and the parents are still okay thank you yeah nice yeah everything's everything's good everything's kosher no drama it's all good okay drama you know i mean that my parents wanted me to bring home a nice jewish girl and i did so oh is she jewish yeah what the hell they have to complain about i feel like that trump you're not you want to jewish anything else exactly you only get one wish i feel like a jewish a real jewish mom would be like you know what i'm i'm willing to look overlook literally anything if she's jewish yeah and that that was like one of the first things we bonded over like talking about our bar and bot all right guys you want to see what the [ __ ] going on on tick tock and zach's world it's getting crazy out there shirtless oh i can't listen to the [ __ ] i'm a ghost yeah zach is shirtless eating mayonnaise he's got it on his nose he's munching on it he swallowed it and then he said shirtless but he's got a cleavage well he's just wearing a jacket open a denim jacket open but no undershirt why did you feel compelled to do this why are you not wearing a shirt oh okay wait what was that he said because he looks good really he said and then the caption is do you think this is a sex icon thing no i'm just trying to i do i actually did two more i down ranch and then i did mayonnaise too and you're doing this just for the fun wait mayonnaise well he says in the caption do it me i dare you so i was curious how do i see people who do edit you how do i do that um just to be logged in you might have to be on the app i don't know yeah that works i think you have to be on it i think it'd be in the app so here so this is the one i just watched you did it with this mayonnaise you did it with this mayonnaise yeah oh one's miracles some faces are asking why are you red and sweaty red and sweaty is that on camera right now he doesn't look sweaty yeah we're in the tick tock oh and this one why are you ready to sweaty in the ticker honestly i feel like it sometimes the lighting just does that well i also have something called rosacea where i have like a chronic red face rosacea oh [ __ ] yes people on the track just did an ableism big time that sounds like here he is making fun of me so let me ask you guys making fun of a clinical that's right it's rosacea relationship chat is cancelled okay zach tell me you have you did one with best what is it called best uh hellman's best food that's that one's mayo the other one we watched was miracle whip it's a little different so why did you did you go to the grocery store and explicitly buy these for this video no i'm like because i you know i got like a joker brain and like you know you're kind of [ __ ] up you don't have a joke that means you want to kill someone kind of hold on hold on i mean it does you shouldn't say that but you had these on stock these i'm like i was like at post dinner like putting you know help put [ __ ] away and i'm like oh there's some mayo i'm like oh [ __ ] it just [ __ ] it so do your parent oh so these were already open uh correct yeah the mirror the miracle whip was wait where ends like oh look at that ian's what got zach as the joker ian are you worried though like for real about the covet thing like how are you feeling about it sam brought me the full spread i've got here let me turn my thing it sounds like you're kind of having a good time i'm not even gonna hate because you last night you're like i have coved boys and i'm already in bed playing video games and making the best of it i've seen queens gambit yep the whole show that's what's up right um you know what i want to freaking deez nuts baby i've got a lemon an onion and garlic yes i'm so excited okay we are doing the covet taste test this this is here i've seen all these people on tik tok playing it up like you can't taste anything and i'm wondering how true is it so we have our own beautiful salaried employee here ian who has been cursed with coveted but we're making the best of it and which are we going to start with here today first i got to just note sam ran to get me an onion she was so excited she bought it so no like she made a whole little spread can you ask sam wow if you guys have like soy sauce or something that you can drink as well oh my god i'm sure she's listening so we'll see okay because oh does she listen to the show while we're doing it live that's so cool yeah yeah she's off in the other room all right i'll start with this onion okay let's see it go ahead get a gold so i just give it a whole bite go for it just munch into it and chew it and let's see like an apple like you were eating an apple all right it was a shrek bite i know i need a shrek a swamp bite i wish we could play some shrek music somebody [Music] bro i don't really taste anything are you [Applause] yeah such a subtle very subtle kick though not too much because usually biting into an onion is that something that you would recoil at i think i would yes that sounds that sounds about right wow we've got the shrek background up and everything wow okay yeah he's so quick with those backgrounds yeah i know ian is a background master he's like a background ninja coming up next what do we have this is garlic piece of garlic a straight up clove of garlic now is this something you would usually eat without covering my eyes are watering a little but i don't taste anything that's funny would you usually eat a straight clove of garlic uh i don't think i probably would make that call okay let's see it here we go whole clove in the mouth raw you know what's the real test to know if sam's got it is if she's willing to sit next to you after this yeah right because the smell yeah you know it tastes like [Music] my tongue is kind of like i just drank like you know battery acid yeah it's spicy but i'm not like being really like overwhelmed by it well it's just like burning my tongue a little bit it's very spicy i ate a raw club uh recently just i don't know why and i was for the show was it for the show with the cheese monsters for the show and it was very spicy yeah it's got a little you know i'm still i'm still feeling it way more than the onion way so i think the rice has just the lemon as if sam if you're if you're um with us something like lemon or lime juice and soy sauce i'd like to see he could pump you full of all these weird uh sam if you're watching can you turn the stream off come on come on oh thank you ian quick oh oh okay sit down okay he's sucking on a lemon just straight up eating a lemon well the plus side is so that maybe all of this is really healthy for you he ate the entire lemon nothing whoa oh my god that's pretty easy he's even standing up i mean he didn't even i would like to note that he didn't grimace or squint or exhibit any signs of sour flavor i'd like to say even though this looks like it's fun it's a good time don't don't get covered everyone stay safe yeah we're just trying not to be depressed about it yes how does that feel biting into a lemon and not tasting anything how odd yeah i don't know it's just kind of um it's just um now i can freaking eat my own cooking am i right i would just munch on some broccoli just stay healthy you know if you can't taste anything why not i mean some people reported that they would lose it for like a month or two yeah that's scary well we're gonna have our own little guinea pig here with us ian please stand up please stand up so you have no idea how you caught it huh no i do not why was trump in the chat trump's a fan big time all right well i guess it's time to move on oh ian while i have you here i wanted to ask you about this sorry i'm having a gerd moment guard mama man so this is realty free right here this post with on from ian's instagram the music is yeah okay great yes it is let me guys well i have ian here let me show you this video this is from middle school talent show ian with the napoleon dynamite yeah dude those are sick [Music] that's hot [Music] yeah it's uh i studied i burned that napoleon dynamite vhs tape yeah i was wondering how much rehearsing this this took so it took me weeks i would get home from school and then i'd go into the back room with some powerade say some mountain dew potatoes literally what he does in the movie you were just reenacting the movie yeah everybody was like a school show talent talent show you were sexy you know i was in seventh grade zach so that's a little sketchy if you say yeah that's pretty gross dude i gotta say you've always been a little bit of a character eh but so wait you weren't that um like you that's a lot of courage to do that okay shot there bro people are saying nicole ian dynamite do you remember any of those moves no it's been so long maybe i was sick then too and it gave me the confidence well hold on what can we do to maybe make you relearn all those because i bet you could relearn it fast because you've already done it once it's somewhere in your brain i'd love to see that break out again sometime maybe he's got the moves he could teach me does he yeah he does all these michael jackson moves makes me really uncomfortable yeah he's like all michael jackson obsessed he calls it i never labeled him michael jackson wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait bro you're doing you're doing michael jackson moves how are you going to deny it every every dancer does those moves like just as easily the extra moves why are you trying to pretend like you're not a michael jackson sim i think went into eight straight podcast talent show oh that's a good idea and i don't even know why i'm proposing it because i will not have the courage to do anything we'll figure something out all right let's move on bad idea let's move it on too mad we stand too mad i just bought i bought it from his store because i thought it was great and then i got to support the real ones out there um all right we gotta get to some serious stuff here ela okay well i just want to say ian i just couldn't believe that video and i still can't believe it and uh congratulations ian is full of surprises today from because yeah that's the biggest one yeah just covered really that was a big surprise all right what we got on the docket i believe it got you bro all right thank you thank you thank you i'll take it from here so you guys all know uh critical on youtube okay you guys probably many of you know who he is okay okay you guys gave me a a re-upload this is that's pretty cold-blooded you guys put a really uploaded video on the dock like what don't give him the views no let's pull it up okay it's right here it's next to it original video maybe for backup well isn't this this is just a short segment of it but yeah i guess oh it was yeah i was an extra in the hunger games let me see dude this guy uploads a lot of videos lately [ __ ] me this was like what the [ __ ] you uploaded like a billion videos since this [ __ ] went up uh oh i saw you in coughing oh [ __ ] no you can't get it through zoom can you you got to get me off the screen that's gonna keep happening this morning i learned that i am a foot fetish icon voted the best feat on youtube kind of like how pollen of troy had an entire war fought over her beauty the foot fetishists are fighting a war over my feet that's how beautiful they are sorry and i can't say i'm really surprised i want to smell feces making sure they're well hydrated off any excess crust and skin flakes keeping them in tip top near mint condition shape psa 10 feet here's the part i guess that that ian pulled where he says he says well let's let you this morning i learned that i am a foot female this is literally the beginning of the video that i was watching all right well there you go i don't know i don't know why base and i found jackson this is super cute okay here is my feet have actually broken their metric here i've gone above and beyond what science does are you kidding me how incredible my feet are but i wanted to see how my feet ranked against other popular youtubers feet so i did a little research of my own to see who else is entered into this database and i found jacksepticeye has a page so i wanted to see how sean talks about jacksepticeye he's it's almost like he's coming out here trying to appeal to wikifeet and it still wasn't good enough only a pathetic 5.44 out of five dawn was no contest who else could challenge my reign as the best feat on youtube and i thought well naturally the next match will probably be markiplier right but then as it turns out markiplier with a measly five charles white's wikifeed here so markiplier was no threat here and i thought how embarrassing didn't even stand a chance against me so now all of you know that i have the best feet out of any youtuber or perhaps any person on the planet well you're first of all charlie that's incorrect sorry i got it i have i gotta call you out dude stop first of all how embarrassing that you're gonna come out here and throw the gauntlet down that's it oh yeah bring out the wiki feet hats bro do you even own a wiki feed hat you [ __ ] hack to say i have to say i not only have the best feed on youtube now but i have the best feet on wiki feet bro do you even do your research like i mean this is just embarrassing for you sorry bro look look at this wikifeet ethan wikifeet ethan that's one of the top suggested search results you can dan's not being able to show it he's getting published look at this dan hurry wikifeet ethan that's one of the top suggested well that's just for you no it's not i've never trust me dude we cleared the cash on that browser just the other day so that is that is 6.4 dude you are out of your element bro how dare you come and make that i think i need to return to my youtube channel just to make a that'd be kind of funny actually yeah yeah like a drama video come back for the feet drama do you zoom in on it i really want to make sure yeah hey charlie next time you want to come out and talk [ __ ] and [ __ ] take awards and all this [ __ ] read the [ __ ] read the room i mean this it's just humiliating everyone in the chat is saying he's trolling what the [ __ ] are you talking about you read the chat from there that's what somebody's that's what av said yeah everyone's yeah i mean what do you mean he's trolling he made a video proclaiming that his feet are the best is he trying like is he trying to bait you trolling what kind of it's insane is he baiting this conversation right now for for some 40 chess move that he's planning out here you want to go sort by sight rating i'm still number one i'm still number one even after he made that video that 600 000 views basically begging all of his fans to come up he's not even on the list bro he's not even on the list but here's what i'm going to do because you guys know that when it comes to wikifeed i don't [ __ ] around at all okay this is what dude this is all i have okay this is all i have left first of all i'm gonna ask you guys i'm not gonna ask you guys to fudge the numbers i would never do that but i will say this if you think i have the best feed in the game i'm gonna invite you to come over to my wiki feed page and give it five stars to further solidify my title i wanna talk about feet and then what i'm going to do further you guys is i'm going to look up what's his last name charlie what charlie critical i i don't know let me type charlie see what happens see he's laying on the [ __ ] nobody knows what his goddamn last name is char critical how the [ __ ] i find this guy i can't even find his damn account so it's so obscure he's trolling you really think that's a troll video i'm sorry that's like a war video he called his feet the helen of troy [ __ ] i am i am helen of troy hell in a feet his last name is white charlie white really kind of a curveball would never expect that his last name was white okay he's got a dude dude i didn't even bro i didn't even try i didn't even ask people but he's below five now and um and listen with someone and here's what i'm going to tell you guys again because i would never fudge the numbers i would never ask anybody to rig the game but i would ask you guys to go to charlie white's page and give an honest review of his feet it might happen to be a one might happen to be a one star i personally think he has a one star foot and that's what i'm going to give him one star ugly here let's take a actually gone honest look at his feet who cares what is this what is this [ __ ] uh toontown i don't know what that means just felt like saying it uh f tier easy right all right look at this tryhard wikifeed bait next let's look at jacksepticeye actually one star that's it that's what he gets and you guys know this is all i have so please charlie's talking about you on his stream live oh he's live wait okay let me pull this off i'm watching it i'm watching it right now wait how do i okay you tell me should i pull it up or well then it's just gonna be comfortable we have dueling streams [Laughter] he walked away from the camera oh he's not watching he's that he resigned well the war is on the war was already on this [ __ ] coward called war oh what do i gotta watch a butterfinger ad [ __ ] this stop paying him butterfinger money [Laughter] well he kind of needed to get his own people some of the comments h3 declared war on you yeah this is not a war you want this is dude you you're stepping to the ground he's he's just sitting floating in space he's coming to be foot war he's moved on he's he's like already 20 videos past the subject i'm not moved on it's war [ __ ] that's right all right i'm just i honestly i didn't have to do anything because he's already sub five and i'm like what in the [ __ ] was that what i saw a weird ass picture oh [ __ ] the h3 fans are there now this is they're spamming you they're spamming they brought on this video yes not fans soldiers soldiers you know and i gotta i kind of have to further call charlie out because when he posted that video people pointed it out they came out and said yo charlie just gotta point it out ethan has number one feet not only number one youtuber he's literally number one on the site if you sort by rating i'm number one i've got the merch what the [ __ ] dude i mean we've got the merch what the [ __ ] who are you you know what i mean who are you dude i think i have to make an h3 video i think i really have to make an h3 video about this to clap back on oh my god his stream is all now saying hi aby hi hey but i think i really think i have to clap back because it's like you remember when some ordinary gamer made that video about me donation shaming jeff bezos yeah i have to protect my reputation this is way worse it's way worse than that that's what i'm saying right i have to protect my reputation i would be like this chris the youtuber known as critical recently put out a video stating that he has the best feet on youtube i think i i think this war i think i have to make that video well anyway i tweeted adam and this [ __ ] coward peace and love but i said yo i accept your apology i says if you sort by sight writing i'm number one you can clearly see it says 6.57 6.57 right i accept your apology he never acknowledged it he wouldn't even acknowledge it dude coward h3 out of context we love him fake news he said so this had five thousand upvotes i mean people were out here it's an outrage six point five seven five minutes the war on truth this is fake news how can we live in a society where truth doesn't matter right some comments in support of me so he clearly knew about this right someone make sure charlie doesn't check ethan klein's wiki feed she'd be distraught so he didn't acknowledge how was he gonna go on and not acknowledge that he's that i'm number one all right it's so i think i'm gonna have to i feel bad he doesn't know about ethan who has like a seven out of five [ __ ] yeah that's right so you know let's check the ratings now ethan klein wiki feet oh god yeah we're looking pretty oh i didn't rape myself ever beautiful feet if i don't say so myself charlie white surprising last name can we check jacksepticeye 4.9 dropped a little bit shame what's your let's just sean [ __ ] i want to smell feet really i never said that i do have beautiful feet you said that that's a sound bite zach i don't believe you you said i want to smell feed it was there you said it impossible play it again zach i want to smell feet that's not me that's you sorry what's his last name mick [ __ ] it's mick laughlin mclaughlin m-c-l-o-u ian thank you ian actually did something like all you guys just watching me flounder ian was in i was done suffering from covet swoops in gives me the link mclaughlin oh it shouldn't be looking hey dan i'm immune and i can't give it to you so that's good okay thank you don i mean he's got a good rating but you know what i mean can i see a close one wait what i got i'm sorry it's just not me he didn't do anything he's just okay you know what i'll give him i'll give him a four there you go there you go well let me let me look at his feet yeah let's be honest these picks are not good enough what is this like a foot blob i can't there's no detail hey dan that's not bad huh dan what do you think is that not bad or what i don't think his feet are five star worthy not five five no no i agree not five mm-hmm really they're not terrible they're not one not terrible but not five yeah i'm trying to look for a good clean shot of his feet would you fart on those feet i don't know what flip fetishes are and i'd farted who exactly are you asking i'd fart on his feet so apparently what the foot fetish is he's got that stinky worn soul which they like look that's gross so i think the four stands the fourth stance has charlie responded to the gauntlet or is he ignoring it once again he's not in this he's still not in the stream yet yeah of course by the way is it a coincidence that he disappeared the moment i call him out on this um someone said you should paint your toenails for the video put some nail polish i'll go get like a whole petty well they just you think i should go get a whole pet i can't they closed them all yeah i wish i could you can bring someone here just drinks that's so bougie bring someone to my house i mean are you the king of wikifeed or not oh but i can't i can't tell if they should look pretty or girls because people like like like a girl like they want to fart on your feet i don't like that he's back back he doesn't have the courage to respond so i wouldn't be surprised charlie is back you know what uh we gotta do our uh ad reads we do we're yeah hey we haven't actually run a little late but uh what about so good i didn't want to interrupt i have an update oh go ahead we got he just said i admit i was wrong i didn't do my thank you buddy well we love you he just avoided a full out [ __ ] war bro he didn't want that smoke yeah he didn't he really hold it quick i thought he'd but i'm happy that's very mature of him that being said my rating still stands one star one star [ __ ] i'm laughing cause you big mad we should send him a signed week if it had i'm sending him one of these smells like my ass candles so we should include a sign here we could include one of the signed wiki here let's sign it on stream right now yeah here we go give me a give me a sharp here you know what charlie to commemorate our piece we have an extra wiggy feet hat it's authentic snap back you can see you know we got stock of those yeah we just give these out to all of our podcast guests we have uh the authentic snapback sticker still on it mint condition this is for you charlie i probably have sharpies upstairs from me number one on wikifeet.com ethan klein five seven stars out of five with peace and love i think i'll just give you a big fat kiss you might find it in the first drawer dan's looking for a sharpie he's running like a maniac his chat is telling him ethan's going to send you an ass candle yeah he knew he knows all right i had to get his address but i'm sending him an ass candle because he did the goop review um so i thought he might enjoy the really the yin to the yang on the on the candle front dan is running at full speed well done dan thank you dan thank you thank you dan so here we have the commemorative wikifeed hat this commemorates this is the olive branch the deck the the peace treaty that was signed on this day from us the victor to you the uh i think this was the biggest and shortest war in history i'm a little disappointed because i kind of wanted to make that youtube video so here let me write basically we got peace i'm gonna write well sometimes it cares about peace uh two to charlie to charlie always always [ __ ] come right like always number two from ethan number one in parentheses yeah he's going to look at this and make fun of me you can't even read that here you go this is it you want to add anything i just want to say peace and love peace and love i feel like this is a momentous occasion yeah i'm glad he finally acknowledged that he was wrong because yeah he's [ __ ] up peace and love peace and love okay charlie we're sitting did you send the candle already or no no okay so great so we'll include this with the candle so wicky wikifeet thank you very much that was great peace ap said he's being spammed with gerd gang i think we need to be wikifeed gang like gerd gang isn't doing it i think we need to wikipedia gang look feet get or wiki feet you're good pretty good yeah you're not gonna continue okay gang is good we're the gerd gang i feel like um okay i'll think about it guard gang is good let's not let's not try to you know force something i was going to say it was something like we could fit in malaysia would you be militia we're armed and ready and we're armed and ready for combat gonna smell our [ __ ] feet already okay that was fun [ __ ] god damn all right you guys want some ads let's go roman who wants a boner it's boner time boys look we know it can be awkward or embarrassing to talk about erectile dysfunction usually we brush it off or blame ourselves but roman is here to get you the advice that you want the help you need with no shame how often do you use excuses like i had a long day at work or i'm just not feeling it it isn't easy to talk about erectile dysfunction but roman makes it easy to discuss and treat your e talk to me baby a healthy life includes a healthy sex life but if you struggle with erectile dysfunction you may not feel like your best self if you want help with ed roman connects you with a real us licensed health care professional who can prescribe the medicine you need boom roman you can get a free online evaluation ongoing care for ed all from the comfort and privacy of your home a healthcare professional will work with you to find the best treatment plan if medicine is appropriate roman will ship real medicine with free two-day shipping the whole process is straightforward simple and discreet getting started simply just go to roman get roman.com h3 and complete an online visit erectile dysfunction used to be tough to talk about now there's roman complete an online visit today to connect with a doctor and take care of it just go to getroman.com h3 to get 15 off your first order of ed treatment a free online visit and free two-day shipping that's getroman.com h3 for 15 off your first order of ed treatment getroman.com have any of you guys ever had trouble getting it up unfortunately yeah i mean outside of uh maybe a night with way too much drinking you know there was a point in college where i when i was suffering from extreme anxiety that i i almost i couldn't get it up like for the whole year and it was horrible that's gotta be super stressful it's so [ __ ] up because like if you're with somebody you like and you actually like them and you are attracted to them but you're just so anxious you can't get it up it's like it's hard to you know women look at you and they judge you like but well they they think it's a reflection on themselves that's the problem they don't necessarily judge you they think like oh what's wrong with me which is so [ __ ] up because you're like i do you know trust me i'm right i would [ __ ] i would basically give a nut to get hard right now now i'm sorry to like go back off topic but there are two great titles food soldiers oh the foot soldiers and wiki fleet the wiki fleet well the problem with wiki fleet is that you don't but you don't know which wiki there's too many wikis right foot soldiers is hilarious though baby you've had uh problems getting it up you were quick to respond tell me about that yeah i had a rough summer i don't know really oh with your wife no it was actually it was the summer before i met her oh yeah and you're right it's just awkward because then you feel bad because the girl thinks it's her and right was it just like an anxiety thing you think uh i think that was part of it yeah were you drinking or was just like a bad it was a bad thing it just got bad yeah it's a bad moment it was it was an exciting summer i think i was just off a little bit there's a bad penis moment yeah okay so much going on yeah we all been through that even ian is nodding it's like man we've all been through a bad penis moment it's a horrible feeling too then you know it's actually interesting because you never hear anyone talk about it so yeah it is embarrassing you don't want to talk about it what ian yeah i was saying but then you take this product you look down at your pants and uh is it the is it the utah desert because there's this freaking obelisk down there dude ian's front on another he's on covet planet right now that's true though i'd like to have an obelisk in my pants you know what i mean extraterrestrial boner over here i i got a scenario though like you ever like you go out on a date and like you don't eat anything all day and you got like the empty stomach dump so that prevents you from like getting hard has that ever happened to anyone empty stem stomach dump so you poop it's like pushing on your prostate so it kind of you know takes away from the fact that over your life you know oh that's enough for me i did yeah sorry i feel like two things we shouldn't be ashamed of talking about is this for guys and period for girls that's true it's like it's just like embarrassing to talk about your period i don't know why yeah like why because it grows yeah i guess i guess guys are gross it's gross yeah and it's by the way i think that i think that feminine products should be free i think it's absolutely [ __ ] that women have to be strapped with the cost of this really expensive hygiene product i just read some place just uh past a thing that it's yeah they made it free oh really yeah it was scotland i think in scotland they passed a thing that all but think about it women have it's really expensive products remember when we were broke every time we'd have to buy all this stuff it's like geez yeah yeah i try to buy something else right now yeah so i am pro free feminine hygiene products that's my platform anyway go to getromand.com for boner i stuff me undies too political too political how is this politics too political you know what should be free also condoms how is this politics condoms we're talking about blood and penises planned parenthood yeah and uh well i guess this is just an l.a thing wait there's some places there's lots of places where i'm waiting are people joking are they serious about that they're not joking i think they're just joking yeah they are i can't imagine me okay let's talk about me undies the holidays could be a stressful time of the year if only there were some bearded men with a bottomless bag of everything that need to cross off the list thankfully our friends at meundies have the next best thing i wanna i a santa and just underwear to come down my chimney true all like bared out like yeah baby thick ass santa claus hmm the undies curates a list of stuff your friends really want this year so you can soften the holiday stress i gotta say usually i would not like underwear as a christmas present or a present but me undies is definitely a great gift because right it's soft and it's amazing and it's made of micro modal which is not it's got like cool fine prints it's not like um hanes oh plaid plaid plaid paint sucks bro i hate that underwear i wear it and it gets like starts to disintegrate after a year i'm wearing it right now actually for some reason but it sucks it's like oh well the underwear literally dissolves off your body not me undies it's made of micro modal which is not only super soft but breathable light and impossibly cozy it's everything you need to have a stress-free comfortable holiday gift some me undies with me on these sustainably soft underwear pj sets slippers and more god damn it here's the offer mendes has a great offer for our listeners for any first time purchase you get 15 off and free shipping me undies also has a problem free philosophy if you're not satisfied with any product for any reason you refund it you get a full refund or exchange no questions asked no they guarantee no sniffing at the factory when you return them they say we promise we will not sniff your used underwear which i appreciate so to get 50 off your first order and free shipping go to meundies.com h3 that's meundies.com h3 there you have it folks so somebody you're saying somebody's desperate to make me laugh let's do some do we have some lined up you guys want to read some of the chats too yeah of course let's read some chats yeah so uh we have reagan uh for 14.99 so today is my 22nd birthday i'm so glad i get to watch your stream because i can't do anything because of covid and watch every week before i go into work love you guys thank you happy birthday thank you thank you thank you with peace and love thank you thank you uh from mega awesome nerd for fifty dollars dipping in my post birthday funds to give ian some cash for a pizza pie or whatever he's feeling oh no wait i gotta give that mine to ian and ethan gets a five percent tip toll free i hope you get better from the cover oh wow so ian did you hear that that's very nice i appreciate it so wait he donated 50 but i get five percent so that's 250 right [ __ ] all right i gotta go send you by the way in case you guys wonder somebody donated 100 for zach because he was getting memed on and i said did i send you 100 zack you did something 100 so there you go nice yeah he's a stand-up stand-up man well it'd be kind of douchey to keep it to be honest but now i owe you 50 bucks thanks dude i have one general answer to a lot of people that i see ask kind of similar questions if you want to send us anything about teddy fresh like you want to work for us or anything like that um just send it to support teddy fresh because they will forward me whatever is relevant to me that's it thank you villa any other uh comments donations make ethan laugh yeah if you want to make ethan laugh message zach on uh discord gabe we just have uh one from measured i'm sorry i'm not sure the currency but says greetings from belgium really enjoy the podcast i would probably guess that it's currency from belgium don't they use euros there yeah five euros you couldn't tell it was a euro sign i've never been over i don't know i don't know what it looks like [ __ ] maybe [Laughter] bruh i've never bought anything from overseas i've never bought anything from overseas i mean not that wasn't in us dollars when i purchased it like you've never like anything from england like no that's a pound but that's not they don't use yours well i i thought he was a friend in general take that [ __ ] off bro no you come at me bro you know i'll come at you i got a theory as to why you're actually wearing that suit okay why is that oh what is that because a comment ethan made on the last episode what did he say he said amy's the heartthrob of the show oh okay you think that's it you think that's it bro interesting interesting exactly wait [ __ ] nailed it wait that's really interesting exactly did that bother you that i said abey's the heartthrob of the show no i mean abe and i are supposed to support each other and like we have to come at me but out of a loving place baby you know that all right hold on because he kind of is hitting on something true because before a b came i feel like you were the heartthrob of the show drama in the chat zach is still the hard time i think i think oh no you don't have to push me up here a.b i can handle myself but i appreciate it i mean it did take it felt a blow looking alive do you feel that you're do you feel that you're more handsome like who do you in your mind like let's be honest are you the heartthrob is abey's title warranted or do you think that you should hold that title you know be honest it takes a true man to realize when he's wrong and say certain things and i think i have to give it to abe wow so you think abs is more handsome you're saying it right now i i yeah wow i think he's got a better body than me and he's damn sexy he's he's just being that's nice all right zach zack is like six four beautiful man beautiful hair he's tall that is completely false he's not six four though i'm six three six three really i remember that's awesome i haven't seen you in like a year yeah zach's really tall what does ian think about all this y'all know dan's the heartthrob of the show well a.b do you think you're more handsome than than zach no i definitely don't be honest i i i'm really hard on myself in general maybe you're kind of like a self-hater right yeah i'm really happy but you have to acknowledge the amount of attention you get right like that that yeah no it's very sweet um people are thinking i always attribute it's like you don't believe it right like no i don't believe it for a second let's do a poll people are saying my siblings are the same way my i don't know yeah i think should we do just zach and abe yeah let's just use zach yeah i mean let's be honest nobody wants to [ __ ] any of us [Laughter] i see people that they have a crush on dan yeah and there's some guys and well ian look they're all off the market and they're on the market though so are they technically but right they all love baby yeah okay we're throwing up a poll in the chat to find out i just gotta say abe is such a great new addition to the team right and um he's a great dude so a b thanks buddy if anyone still doesn't understand what happened ab was a simp no it was an h3 fan all these people stop hold on everybody needs to stop spamming i'm trying to put the poll in the chat and you're all spamming too much it's just immediately disappearing okay everybody slow down slow down we need you who's the heartthrob that's a [ __ ] simple yeah a lot of people still don't know where i came from somehow see i was trying to to say something but i'm so awful at this i don't even know what i said can you explain yeah a b was well okay a b made a couple of videos about us in my defense whichever you know when the whole goku r thing was going down a b made like a video defending me which was really nice because nobody was ever [ __ ] it was the only one on planet earth i was like is anybody else gonna say anything for me in this [ __ ] nobody maybe was the only one so anyway i knew of him and we started talking on twitter and i learned a little bit about him and lena his wife and um you sent me like just out of the blue because you were you were pretty simply pretty hard and sending me all kinds of stuff which was nice but i was like he's a sim which is fine and he sent me um what was it what was the research you said we were talking about someone and [ __ ] was going down with you between you and someone and then maybe was like hey i got you back here's a full research on this which was really good i was like oh this [ __ ] this is rules what who's it on was it mike from s-i-m-p yeah i was i was mike from impulsive oh during that whole thing where he called me up for being like uh he's like dude whenever you think whatever whatever the [ __ ] bro you're such a chauvinist yeah and meanwhile meanwhile by the way cut to a couple months later and mike is like wearing them dresses for [ __ ] i was like okay i'm like you're so [ __ ] woke shut up you [ __ ] box me no i'm kidding i won't box anyone i'll get my ass beat i'll get my ass beat from anyone bro but it sent us this document of research and we were like we want to hire well a b was like here's all the reasons why mike is [ __ ] a dumbass on this topic and i was like this is great and we were looking for another cast member to handle help us with research and stuff so i was like me and you talked about it because they were living in detroit at the time and we're like well and then we were also looking for like an office manager for teddy fresh and lena was like oddly perfectly qualified for that job too and so we were like this is weird like i know it's kind of a weird risky thing to hire these guys especially to have a move out from detroit but ultimately we decided to do it and lena has been amazing too on the teddy first side everyone loves her yeah she's great yeah we are internally grateful and and abe has been awesome as you guys know he's he's you know the whole content court was his invention which i love and by the way people have been asking was the next one we're working yeah we want to make sure it's good we don't want to uh waste we don't want to waste the format we want to make sure it's good but uh ab it brings a lot to the table and so does alina and i'm super happy that that we that we brought him out here i mean it's been awesome so that's really the genesis of uh a b and lena so the the votes are still flowing in but it the ratio is holding pretty steady at 65 percent a b wow that's pretty good 64. 64 percent a b er can i pull up the polls i'll say you understand this election can you send me [Laughter] just to add on to that not not to plug myself but you guys might have because not a lot of people know you might have heard of me previously because ethan and ila talked about me right under my youtube name which was starting so like i see it on the right a lot a lot of people don't know that star killer star killer one cause you on that channel you were always wearing a mash that was part of your life right so right so i was just the same person yeah right yeah it seems like i'm in love with you then and there you go it seems like a b is winning i'm sorry zach to say but you know what it's okay you know you've got a lot of people seeing the torch you did get i sent the torch off to him it's okay i just if you were to see us in person it would be different i'll say that well the tr no i mean okay um anyways thank you guys appreciate i think i think good friends is beautiful here on this show yeah but amy's more beautiful that's what we're getting huh [Laughter] i'm gonna go crying yeah but zach you you pulled like a [ __ ] you pulled a porn star bro not many people can say that so i mean whatever this poll says you know since we did bring up mike go ahead yeah we forgot to address this how is this not my document you guys uh wait i don't even know what you're talking about because zach said he would never date a porn star when we're talking about mike right oh so i missed this whole song who's got that link hold on zach let me stop you there we need the we need to pull up the clip who's got that i'll find it give me a second oh that is funny people didn't know you were starkiller oh they didn't yeah nobody knows because we call him because he shows his face on his channel i figured people knew usually he has the mask on i mean you did a lot of videos without the mask okay well whatever he's starkiller right okay zach i also real quick i want to throw zach a little bale in the poll real quick because i think abe has some he's got some sexy mood lighting that i think does a huge look like a [ __ ] tomato yeah you you your camera honestly looks like [ __ ] well that's well yeah and i said that too i you should go to zach's room oh look at ian like look look what happens how the [ __ ] did you do that so fast what are you doing what kind of magic he just set up the lights he had those he just hadn't flipped them on yeah i went to a different room how does he do that so fast he's [ __ ] just been on one man i love carmillion cove and ian rules i think you should give zach um a little home visit and do a little magic in his room yeah a little mood lighting over there a little makeover well i don't know you guys getting covered together i think let's see the pictures of you guys together no that's not a good pick don't let me see the picture it's not good i don't care i want to see you guys together because don't you think aby's sabotaging then if he's like there's pictures of us together because he's kind of playing up that he's the heartthrob and he's throwing you under the bus if it's not maybe you do not oh no i'm saying that show me the picture a.b who are you loyal to me or him you got it zach you know better he's got to show it to me i look terrible in that picture he's upset okay zach is upset upset [Laughter] okay guys a very hard thing to do i just want you to know that all right here it is okay you ready so zach who we all forgot but apparently the foot the uh gerd gang did not forget the foot soldiers i love the fudge so let's watch this um i'm cool bro i don't i don't want to do that i don't want to spot your girl's panties all i said was like i wouldn't have sex with her while he got attacked me for that well hang on you all you said was that you wouldn't have you wouldn't date or [ __ ] a porn star yeah exactly who are you dating [Music] [Laughter] so what the hell your whole thing against mike was that you didn't you were like i won't [ __ ] a porn star so i changed my mind [ __ ] it who cares you changed your mind you evolved in that short period of time to to be fair to be fair his his girlfriend is even [ __ ] guys but yours is right right right you know what i will say though zach is just owning everything yeah yeah yeah zach i [ __ ] said it yeah so what yeah i'm not gonna deny it i love it i love you i love all you guys but to be fair i was i was in a very toxic relationship at the time okay where i was being filtered oh so if you had uh if you had said um if you had said that you would date a porn star that would have been a pain in the ass in your relationship correct a little bit of sense then looking back at that at that relationship zach you were very filtered you're like i can't say that you couldn't say anything you couldn't even say that you wanted to look at bella's only fans you were getting in trouble it was i was it was just this impending you know i'm not i'm not going to talk bad about her but yeah it was just this this it just wasn't it wasn't good well i feel like the porn star suits you yeah i think so too that's awesome so yeah it's just i look i [ __ ] said it i'll eat my words and i do whatever i do what do you got for me amy send me a picture that is funny though regardless okay here's the photo let's see oh you got your what uh lena is in here too yeah she's always trying to get in between us so wait lean is in the back seat you got zach why are you sitting shotgun his wife is in the back seat what the [ __ ] i offered i'm like hey do you wanna i have a two-door my car is very small she yeah she she fits okay i'm weird so what so what are we gauging here you asked for i don't know it's not a bad picture yeah bad picture of you zach yeah i don't know what you're tripping about oh yeah i gotta that night was that was so much fun abe rolls up and he's got like this [Music] oh [ __ ] i said i said that night was a lot of fun abu pulls up and he's like a fat cigar in his mouth smoking in the car what wow i have a cigar so usually smokes i don't remember well guys we've we've covered a lot of ground there let's move on to the next story who's this girl gabby demartino i don't know who that is let me look up photos of her so she had gotten to this really weird controversy on only fans gabby who is she she is a dance youtuber she's like an actor dance camp she's just a youtuber here she is there's someone who said in a super chat honestly i'd i'd kill to add another woman to the h3 team to banter with these boys i'll give them a round for their money on stories and research i'd love to hire a female i don't know i think i think if anyone thinks they can do it just send us whatever you know send us a resume send an email to podcast issues you want to go ahead and do research on something do that well you know the last three people have hired ian all the guys ian zach how did we hire you zach i forget he uh emailed him he talked about on the show that we wanted we wanted a sound we wanted a sound guy and he just emailed and said hey i live in the area so all three of these guys were hired through their outreach yeah i didn't know any of them i had no connection to either them except that they they reached out i should say too i mean we are in currently in the works of getting our new studio and moving into a new building and kind of expanding the whole operation dude it's going to be so sick next year wait till you guys see what we're building yeah and there will be some open right exactly i mean there's the opportunities will will likely expand around the spring of next year we should try to hire a woman that'd be all right i would love another female voice in the midst of us so thank you dan thank you dan you got it don so this is gabby d martino who has an only fan's account okay and the controversy is that she is peddling a nude video of her as a child for three dollars okay so weird 25 year old shared a video of herself as a kid with the caption won't put my panties on d martino's only fan account has since been taken down what so so she's she's selling nudes of herself as a kid on our only fans there's a link in there of the ad yeah i want to see that's the i think that's the best thing to kind of demonstrate what's going on so here this is a video explaining it okay thanks [Music] i'm chris hanson with dateline nbc can you dateline herself it's like have a seat over here so yada yada yada well that doesn't mean anything really does it i don't know chris you're the expert what the [ __ ] do i know so here unlock for three dollars won't put my panties on she reportedly cap that's what a sick [ __ ] weird wait in this video you gotta open the link because they're not showing it okay but i kind of want to give the contact she said she apologized on twitter claiming she thought the video was nothing more than a goofy family throwback i mean i don't buy that you're on only fans and you said i won't put my panties on like yeah what a sick thing to do i mean what a weird weird weird i like to make love childhood video chris what hey childhood video of me on the phone saying nanny says put your panties back on and jumping up and down laughing sorry i didn't think that one through period a home video i love to share with my friends and i use my only fans as a finsta page well then why are you making people buy it for three dollars can't you post it for free if that's the case zach uh yeah yeah yeah i'm just asking you because i know you're i i only fancy i know for sure you use it yeah yeah yeah yeah so weird and even just don't post that like that's a that's a disgusting close family you know what i mean oh man i'll make it feel really good for you hon oh chris that's just not appropriate what anyway she got permanently banned which is kind of epic i don't know how big her account was but let me pull up this photo that let's see so uh image from the original post oh god here we go so this is her the way she advertised it right here this is what you would see sent a little surprise in your inbox is for those who are curious yeah and then you see that photo and then you buy it and all of a sudden you're looking at child porn oh why oh my god what what i would if you're why you'd buy that and be like what yeah that's fbi it's like the minute you unlock it you get a knock at the door yeah right over there every eye's here dude seriously that's kind of like i think a lot of her fans must have been like tonight that's really wrong oh my goodness because i thought at least they knew what they were clicking on but this means it's like insane they weren't even trying to buy it yeah and then she's like here's the here's what you asked for let's see her apology is short or is this the super cut i'll just be your secret love judgment and poor decisions have led to a very very serious issue that needs to be addressed i owe it to you guys as i was coming up with new ideas and new content i was watching a home video with my family of myself as a three-year-old when my mom announced that she was pregnant with my younger brother in that home video i ruined a beautiful moment by telling everyone that i heard my nani tell me to put my panties on through a stethoscope it's a video that has brought back laughter and joy within my family for years and i sure chris what do you think oh then stop caption it's not funny it was a quote from the video never in a million years did i think something that i thought was so innocent could be looked in such an ugly way and i think that's where the problem lies i realized i'm so disattached with reality that it didn't even cross my mind that this could be viewed like this and that's a serious issue it's not funny it will never be funny and it's not okay and i'm really sorry i'm sorry two friends pretty sincere seems like a pretty good apology yeah i'm truly sorry and it was definitely a huge lack of my character and my judgment and i know who i am in my heart and i know that if you know me you would know i would never condone anything like this so it really what was on the agenda no the pain that i've caused for so many people my family my friends my fans my supporters even people who have just simply been triggered by my stupid thoughtless action to everyone i'm very very sorry it was very insensitive and a poor representation of who i am and what i believe in i would never do anything to exploit or harm a child i'm so sorry truly very sorry this is a huge wake-up call i'm gonna step back into reality now and i'm gonna reflect and i love you guys and i'm so sorry i'm i'm going to grow and learn from this and i will come out of this a better person and i will do that that's gotta be one of the better youtube apologies eh yeah that made me sad let me just read the comments i'm curious it's got the likes disabled well the comments are here google what is i'm not looking what the [ __ ] what are they saying to look it up you know exactly doing you're sick i hope you get charged with selling cp can you get charged with cp if it's yourself it's kind of an interesting thing right i think so i mean yeah you should be able to but hiding dislikes coward yeah youtube comments are not kind not kind not cut so that was a weird one she straight up said she's detached from real i mean she's basically acknowledging she's an idiot i mean what more can you want from an apology even for that you know i don't know anything about her so i can't possibly say she didn't try and justify it anyway she said i'm an idiot like okay which is so weird i think the if i have there's any evidence that she is being truthful here is that she didn't try to sell it like cp she was like it was weird the way she marketed it right anyway speaking of uh speaking of sexual how do you say sexual uh deviancy deviance thank you den how you doing how you doing [Laughter] so this is before you before we move on it's okay if i read this donation yeah um from jesse plummer uh she said uh so thankful for the h3 crew tomorrow i go back to work after three months off after suffering from ptsd i was a covet host hospice nurse during the height of the pandemic please use this as a psa stay home for the holidays also ela kleiner for life wow thank you for your service you're a friend you are the hero of this family the people working on the front line are just [ __ ] heroes man thank you for your service gonna be so scary you're seeing so many people all the time and yeah thank you for for your service really you know sad hope you get better hope you feel better so let's let's talk about uh this guy who this girl on tick dock who apparently [ __ ] her son-in-law now shall we sally do we have anyone for make ethan laugh by the way uh everyone keeps sending poop stories we have a we have a no poop story policy that's been instituted we have an embargo on poop and peace stories we're putting our foot down finally we are we are evolving people we're better than that right all right honestly i would listen to them all day but people are getting annoyed in the comments we do have a call lined up though i don't know if you want to so i actually have to pee desperately so either you entertain so who's the call set them up a little bit i'll take it like that oh i have to pee so bad what is that exactly um also let me read a couple donations okay sure um this person is asking when will the black beanie from the last episode be out um so i was kind of testing the waters i think it seems like everyone liked it i did too so it will be out around february nice ethan wasn't a fan but i'm like it's not for you i think it's probably for women um [Music] zac is a king sure okay so thankful for the that's the one we just read okay so i guess yeah let's bring on the call um let's kind of disappear quick oh i can see i can see some more in the back end here uh let's see right zach it's king right uh l said please don't hire a hyper pc person i enjoy the unfiltered ignorance of this podcast not as dangerously ignorant as trisha though okay so somewhere somewhere between the ignorance of trisha and and the current level okay we're gonna find that sweet spot keep that in mind although we probably will hire based on their qualifications their capabilities yeah right more so than their level of victory yeah [Laughter] uh somebody said their credit card company literally just called them because they thought it was fraud from all the donations they were making to us jesus dude take it easy take it easy you want to take this call who did you guys introduce them no i was reading a donation so so um so this is a man and his wife the wife is the only fans creator and they get weird custom requests for videos so i want to learn more i'm fascinated by the only fans experience you know i don't know how many guys know jem wolfie she's number one and she reached out to me on instagram because she's a fan of the show and we mentioned her and i'm trying to set it up so i really want to talk to her about her experience uh on only fans but let's get let's bring him in let's have a chat we have anthony and arena on the line anthony marina [Laughter] so reena what is the name of your what's your name let me let me just let me see what's happening let me just get out oh my only yeah all my only fans it's lucia underscore lu okay and what kind of content do you make lucia underscore lu uh fetish content oh oh you you do wait lucia lu i don't see it only fans what's your name like if i google you how do i find your stuff um here i'll send you the link mine is l-u-c-i-a underscore ciao i'm trying to find some i'm trying to find some safe for work photo i can show so this is who we're talking to you might want to go on my instagram i can't i just keep finding a bunch of here zach zack's going to send me so this girl lucy she does fetish content yolo oh so what does that mean like a whole broad spectrum of spanish fetish content or like specific needs from poop feet i put worms on me um i've done a lot i've done a lot you're okay you're being pooped on this chick's wild yeah wait worm send me a link quick zack so are you into that stuff or you just do it for the only yes very into it very very so let me ask you what is it that you're into is it like the degradation that you like being degraded or like what is it like you have this full spectrum enjoyment of fetishism like how do you how do you like every fetish what is it you like i like being degraded i like being hurt and i like being like pushed around damn yeah yeah so how does poopdog fit how did you when did you first realize you like being pooped on yeah also is your husband the one pooping on you yeah yeah and what's your name dude my name is anthony anthony how does it feel to take a steamy dump on your wife oh my god dude it's it's heaven it's awesome really it's heaven really so okay wait so you both you both were into this separately or did you discover it together as a couple yeah really so were you guys like kind of vanilla when you started dating no not me you know oh okay so let me zach send me a link i gotta see these people oh yeah she's very pretty well why are you only saying for yourself you put it on the screen no it's safe for work i just i couldn't save for work okay is this is this you they're on a delay so they'll see it zach sent me this hopefully that's you you're kissing a polar bear yeah that's you okay okay because everyone else with that name is like asian just saying i mean i typed it and all this stuff okay oh you're turkish hey you are interesting okay so so let me so when you take a steamy dump on your wife what's the cleanup process like or tell me walk me through that process just walk me through that process do you eat something in preparation do you put down a tarp like i'm really just curious about the process i just let him poop right on me and i prefer to see his ass gape while he goes oh [ __ ] and then it just kind of drops on me and and then i just kind of leave it there and we really show it and everything so where did you poop like on your chest on your chest or like your face would you ever take it on your face or just your chest um i've taken it everywhere you wouldn't put it in your mouth would you no um i might but i don't think there's always a price there's a positive there's a price for everything it's dangerous you mean you mean oh you mean if someone paid enough you would put it in your mouth yeah yeah yeah but it seems like you like it like i don't know if that's something wow dude that's crazy what if it's like a messy poop [Music] [Laughter] wow how did you get so [ __ ] up and i mean with peace and love like how do you how do you get to be like mommy issues and daddy issues really it's the super powers combined ends up with you being pooped on right exactly so wow well i guess that's an easy solution are you making a good living on only fans doing this oh yeah my first month i made a thousand dollars wow yeah and so how much would you charge how much would someone have to pay to get a video of you getting pooped on um the last guy paid three hundred dollars for it wow it's good money especially if you like it i mean hell you know what i mean they pay for it and then they get their own private video yes wow okay let me ask you this because if i if i'm understanding you both correctly i get the feeling that rena am i saying your name right is more freaky than anthony is that right i i don't know man she likes different things yeah because it sounds different it sounds to me like some stuff she's up for anthony may not be up for like the pooping in the mouth you seem more hesitant than reena has there ever been a situation just said there's a prize to her yeah but at first he was like no [Laughter] well in the mouth i would feel like i was doing a disservice to her like i don't want to give her pink eye i don't want to get her like any kind of you know illnesses it seems like a bargain to be honest for 300. right yeah right so has there ever been anything that either one of you wanted to do but the other person was like that's too much for me no you guys are kind of are you guys in love it kind of sounds like you guys found your soul mate we're married yeah you're married that's awesome yeah what was the sex like on your wedding night was it weird or vanilla did you we did like a bunch of weird role play like we were like other people you guys are [ __ ] crazy and do you guys all in the name of love yeah yeah yeah no dude dude i think it's by the way i i joke but it's great that you guys have this open sexual relationship with each other i think it's fantastic yeah it's really beautiful thanks thank you and so it's so good vin diesel likes it he's placing an order right now okay so we've religiously watched you for like years now and we actually connected over you guys oh you guys yeah wow and it's so cool to know that our show culminated in you getting pooped on so what's the can i ask you what's the weirdest thing you guys have done because i feel like i'm who knows where the limit is on this stuff and i'm just fascinated well for content the weirdest thing i've ever done was put a hard-boiled brown egg in my vagina and it tore my [ __ ] and i got a yeasty from it so how much you get wait how much you get paid for that three hundred dollars is that that seems like kind of the most that you'll charge is that like for the craziest stuff 300 yeah yeah so a hard-boiled egg will give you your infection yeah yeah no don't put a hard-boiled egg in your puss because you will get a yeasty there you go you learn something those are important life lessons for y'all okay wait hold on egg doesn't seem that big to tear your stuff i am so tight like clinically tight oh really tampons oh oh my goodness i should like lube myself like i i honestly watch videos of belle ela or uh megan fox to get myself lubricated and then you want like one that's pretty cool how does that make you feel i'd be honored fine i mean but what do you watch like just the podcast all due respect yes i just watched a podcast out of respect do you ever watch like a deep fake video wait this is great did you ever watch a deep fake reveal or something yes yes that's so funny i mean that's awesome yeah that's [ __ ] awesome so when you say clinically tight is that really a thing like where your vagina is like overly tight really it's like a condition with a condition that makes your vagina super tight whoa is that a problem with like normal vaginal sex yes so i have to get like very lubricated for it but i mean it makes for better sex and more pleasure for anthony so anthony anthony are you like well endowed because i feel like you you might you might even prefer a guy with a smaller penis am i right he's got a big dick i saw it on her own bigger penises why because you like the pain yes oh you were [ __ ] crazy zack said zach said i don't if you guys heard him zack said he's got a huge dick i saw it on only pens holy [ __ ] this is great oh my god wow well i really don't know what else to say to you guys i feel like you guys are doing the only fans wrong are you just making specialized fetish videos because i feel like if you made more general videos you weren't do you sell every video or do you make general content for people to subscribe monthly to as well i make general content i do masturbation regular set [Music] so let's give a shout out what is the what is the only fans lucia underscore lu there it is guys zach's on there right now what kind of stuff do you see well i mean it's pretty vanilla considering considering that from today like an hour ago uh yeah um something her laying on a towel spread legs what go ahead eggs coming out something something in their vagina i gotta tell you i think pooping is weirder than the egg and the vag just for i kind of feel the same way yeah pooping the pooping is way weirder than it is like that's height yeah do you play with it do you smell it like what do you do with it you could charge more for the poop yeah i play in it smell it touch it like everything anything you can think of i agree i feel like 300 you guys yeah you're undercutting yourself way short yeah i think you could charge me well consider i like it it's not too much of like a chore to do no but you got it did you guys hear that i think there's someone in africa that would like to make a request oh and this one is eating this place yeah we're sending him zach go ahead what does he say to eat that yeah he wants you to eat the poopoo oh my god so one of the things they do is called eno leaking yeah you know what i don't know if uh zach soundboard goes into discord unfortunately they might not oh you guys can't hear it you'll hear it on the stream is there any other ques i mean i feel like i have a million things to ask you guys ask me i mean i'm so open i'll answer anything no i see that i just i don't want to leave any stone unturned when did you first realize that you were like such a sexual uh uh deviant i was working on a farm at my aunt's farm when i was like 14 and i got my toe stuck in a mouse trap and it hurt really bad but i liked it so i kept doing it and putting my hands in it and i liked it and then one day i got it and put it on my [ __ ] and it snapped and i like squirted like it made you feel cool man yes holy [ __ ] but like what so obviously this is triggered by childhood stuff like do you have some kind of direct line where you're like were you yeah yeah you have yeah maybe maybe it's not the right time to go into all that yeah but that's fine yeah i understand holy [ __ ] wow the mousetrap story is pretty epic that's pretty so the first time you had sex did you freak out you're the guy who you first slept with or like when did you start introducing this in the bedroom so nothing like he was very vanilla he had a micro penis so like nothing yeah nothing felt like how i wanted it so we broke up and then i married my husband because of my strict household um i couldn't really have premarital sex so like by the way i just have to say it's always the girls who can't have pre-marital sex that end up putting mouse traps on their vagina and squirting really ethan why let's not make i think that's a good generalization based on what i feel like that's a really good generalization based on all based on your research but it's like if you prohibit people from having sex they're gonna end up being freaks no i agree all right give a shout out to the girls who didn't end up being freaked out they all are they they end up having like anal sex and [ __ ] it's crazy what they do you gotta let the bull free man oh so so your husband is only the second man you've been with yes interesting so what was it like you guys you guys were like like was it a setup marriage or you were just like boyfriend girlfriend but you have to get married we were boyfriend and girlfriend but had to get married so i couldn't like hold back my sexual intentions with him because i knew he had such a big wiener that like i wanted it so bad so we got married in the first six months we started dating so you're like [ __ ] this i just going to marry this guy that's crazy that's really good luck that you guys are both down to like do all this stuff so god bless well guys i bless your marriage i papa bless your marriage and i wish you all a fruitful and happy career and uh thank you for sharing your story with us and uh god bless man yeah thank you so much thank you guys zach are you gonna be i love it we love it zach are you putting in any requests with them zach what are you thinking about requesting i mean the [ __ ] egg stories are [ __ ] crazy man i mean the pooping is way worse than that [ __ ] i think i just want to see that out of curiosity dan's breathing heavily what did you think about that call dan i loved it no i mean what the [ __ ] dude but she said no she said she made a great guy yeah she's not getting paid enough i agree i'm not even close i i i've i don't know if the person that i knew did any uh uh fecal stuff but i was friends with a porn star a few years back um and she did like the weird fetish stuff like the special requests from people like really bizarre remember when she told like she's there's a lot of people that are into balloon popping where it's like and she just pops balloons sweet and so just like weird [ __ ] like that and um and yeah i think she made like a lot more than that but the market's much more saturated nowadays with only fans right there's a lot i don't think there's many people on only fans willing to [ __ ] and by the way she's really pretty too like i would i mean yeah if i saw her i wouldn't be gorgeous like i get what she's saying that it's like i like it so i don't mind yeah but come on it's business yeah i mean got it don't sell yourself short right that should jack up those prices in my opinion i think you could be making more damn that's great dan has been fantastic what i mean dude true love does exist i mean there's someone out there for everybody and like the fact that they like found each other and in this conservative family where they get married and all this i mean damn they're actually they're excommunicated now for sure though after that i bless them the pope uh the pope uh says ish i don't think so the pope probably likes her the pope [Laughter] so interesting i mean the poop thing is [ __ ] crazy so you guys damn this is like this episode of just pure deviance so let's talk about this [ __ ] sally youngblood on tick tock aka teddy bear love this is just a tick tock account so it's really not weird okay i mean it is but it's like out there tick tock has deemed this [ __ ] nest like cool so sally lives with her husband daughter and son-in-law she makes content often hits at her having a sex relationship with both her husband and son-in-law many of the comments tell his videos speculate that the son-in-law and husband are being held captive fascinating do we have a curated are those like serious or like or does like when people say eli is being held kept why don't you be the judge i yeah i'm fully convinced they have someone locked in the box what's happening there whoa you must be a bad boy that's what happens when you're a bad husband you get put in the kennel say hi hi i just keep in my basement burrito where and who's that that's the daughter i believe that's there's a daughter involved hi nate all right no you're a bad boy look at me what you doing you're kind of cute go back to the kennel you're a bad boy that's what bad husbands do they get put in that kennel why is the daughter come on out now say hi guys say hi to your sister you know once again i gotta say this is why tick tock is the best platform in the game because you just never know what you're gonna find when you scroll oh my god it's the best why is the daughter involved so here's another one called candy shop it has copyrighted music dan beware so here this is the couple this isn't the son-in-law right this is the couple yeah you know yeah everybody knows that song oh you're playing deliverance the dog wants a lick bruh damn dude so this is tick-tock bruh copyrighted music oh lord help me jesus jesus jesus so is this her son-in-law what uh yes i mean what what in the [ __ ] why does he look like what is going on here there's a lot going on here there's a lot going on what's oh my bro i got it let's get out of here so here's one called threesome [Laughter] so this is i think i i think this one showed up on my feed it was the or maybe some who's who someone found this on their feed and sent it i did yeah this is the magic of tick tock this shows up on your feed i don't get the weird stuff i get all right it's barely open is there nothing i can do i made a new page just for the weird stuff my page is all weird stuff bruh so it's a song about a threesome i mean i have to say that he doesn't look related like this is his song no he's not as uh no no no so who are these people it's the daughter's like boyfriend or husband or something oh wow is this what goes on out there this is what goes on out there outside of the big city [Music] you better turn that off we're gonna claim for that [ __ ] zach they're trying to [ __ ] lose my pants for some damn white trash jokes disgusting i think this dog might be part of this love circle too because look at the dog oh my [ __ ] christ on a stick guy explains to haters jesus dude this [ __ ] is so wild it's not all so why does it matter to you dude this guy's literally the dude from uh trailer park boys who's never wearing a shirt oh randy yeah why does it matter if we don't have shirts on i don't even have any shirts at all so why does it matter to you it's not it's really none of your people don't own oh what a god what what's the big deal because we don't have our shirt on what's in his hand don't go without your shirt on what the [ __ ] is he eating yeah what is this house dude i love it bro you gotta love it man these people are just out there living their life and putting it on tick tock for some reason technically these guys right here you're looking at me they go around naked too sometimes in the house hi poochie hi poochie the [ __ ] all the haters i really want to know what he's eating more than anything really kind of fasting i'm so hungry child protective services uh oh what do we got called child protective services edward go ahead call them they're not gonna do anything anyways okay if you want to call child texas service on us go right ahead there are no kids involved and if there is kids involved that's really none of your business because there's nothing going on legal in this house for a child texas service to do anything to you so legally yes we do have kids in this house but it get hot i got a lot of i got it's a tactical team what i love is that sally's feeding them the lines and they're trying to remember what their lines are yeah some shakespeare i think these guys might be like low iq not like i mean i mean that with peace and love but like clinically low iq you know what i mean yeah cause like go ahead call them they're not gonna do anything anyways like high pitch he's like your turn okay if you want to call child text or service on i mean i mean i mean she's saying child tective service [Laughter] continually that that that that i mean it's even like in the text oh yeah the spelling there but if something threw me off she says there's no kids involved as even if there were it's none of your business i didn't catch that yeah watch this there are no kids involved and if there is kids involved that's really none of your business because there's nothing i don't have your business illegal in this house she says there's nothing going on on the eagles oh man [ __ ] these people are well ticked only on tick tock folks yeah man that's a whole wide crazy world out there bro you know those people voted trump i'm just saying sorry i'm just saying you know they also had no politics i voted trump okay you know they have a magazine that's all i'm saying stop i'm the president of the united states don't ever talk to the president okay sorry donald sorry i know i said i wouldn't talk about it i'm sorry donald trump all right you are holding me you are 100 holding the poor poor man hostage oh yes i am holding in the cabbage see this [ __ ] cabbage wait wait wait stop these people [ __ ] serious this is literally like trailer park boys where they mispronounce everything everyone all the haters out there look at this and look how smiley he can smile too he's my son-in-law [ __ ] all the haters no she's not holding me as captage oh yes i am holding him a cat this [ __ ] is a lie and then oh that's not bad huh trump likes the family dynamic oh my god oh my oh my god why do you want to know so much about my life who the hell he is who the hell he is if you really want to know oh my god this is my son-in-law who is married to my daughter if you really want to know oh my god i touched his chest this one is my husband so you know i [ __ ] him if you really want to know i don't [ __ ] this one so get a like [ __ ] okay i'm actually glad that she cleared that up yeah i believe her yeah there's no reason to lie you wouldn't tell the truth i feel oh you didn't maybe disagree you don't buy it wait till you get to the last three videos all right more evidence coming so here's this one has music but let's see cabbage um she's right i see their only family oh man i don't think you can even handle that zach i love how the dogs are always involved i love the i love dogs why is she doing this what do we make of this hmm not a lot it had like a few hundred likes sally hates her daughter-in-law wait really wait isn't her daughter-in-law her daughter no no her daughter-in-law is with her son and she keeps saying stuff like i can't wait for this [ __ ] to die i can't wait for my my son to break up with her notes [ __ ] wait i thought she has a daughter she i guess also has a son so this has 300 likes so i mean it has very little views this is definitely 300 something a lot deep uh i mean it's got like a thousand views probably you know what i mean i have a lot for them to take from me that's notes [ __ ] there's only one thing a [ __ ] can take from i don't get it she hates her sally records her daughter giving her son-in-law hickeys gross oh that's disgusting buckle up yeah it's very disgusting though [Music] i thought he had who is giving him that i can't that's the daughter i can't that's sally's daughter giving her husband no her son giving sally's husband i mean sally's daughter i'm come on yes exactly that was disgusting there's a lot of these now a lot of these were too graphic to show is that right yeah there were some very disturbing things that yeah don't go to the channel like the thumbnail wow yeah so i had to mute because there's music but this guy looks different than the guy was in the other videos i think that's why there was that video of her clarifying it's like why is he thumbing up like watching this so weird yeah yeah someone's locked in the basement 100 i want to go there for thanksgiving next year go ahead you'll never come back yeah they take may make quick work at your ass we see your ass in their tick tocks all like zombied out yes ain't nowhere wrong ain't nothing wrong with me being in my video i don't own any shirts you'd be like i don't own any shirts walking around topless you'll have an excuse zach to not wear a shirt nipple clamps nothing wrong with this oh she posted a bro i can't i just can't what's with all this they're like in the hickeys they're all covered in hickeys this is but i want to read that message that they wrote i'm done oh i almost got it hang on don't you want to know what's on the message i do oh it's slower now how odd yeah that was weird we're waiting for the uh the here we go here we go someone thinks it's kind of funny to report my videos and my pictures let me tell you something i know who's doing it if it keeps on going i'm going to whip someone's ass and i'll do a damn good job of it you think jill scares me jail if you think jail scares me jail don't [ __ ] scare me at all i want to go be in jail for a day maybe three days till i get bailed out i guarantee you i'll make sure you throw the first punch so you'll go to jail too and i'll just use self-defense so i won't go to jail so quit reporting my [ __ ] pictures you stupid c word might be talking to you either how long we've been going i feel like we peaked uh almost two hours right now all right we gotta call it off damn we had so much going to stop on this shitty note what else you want i mean i got i have a ton of stuff i'm getting stuff on the legendary no what's up oh the the uh the little copeland thing that we found yes you guys should definitely okay where's that one uh here i'll highlight it it's um how are you gonna bury it and it's right here what are we gonna do what are we gonna do right so you guys know the top one or the bottom one the top one so you guys know copeland we talked about him he's the guy who says you know oh my god well you recognize him so the story is i guess he used to make christian movies yeah he's an actor in certain ways and this is part of a series of films uh that he plays a character named uh i think it was uh daniel lyon is the name of his character yeah pastor daniel lyon and it's uh part of the um uh these movies are called commander kelly and the super kids armor of light it's part of the super kisses jesus christ jesus so with that little bit of all things are possible with god [Music] i'll bind you sing that in the name of jesus oh now get out of my way so there's some dude with a gun pointing at him now he's on a motorcycle speeding towards the guy with the gun quite a show off here oh shot a bolt of lightning it was absorbed by the motorcycle by the power of jesus christ is compelling him there's like a hologram of uh angel with two blades oh yeah what happened did he get him oh he pulled right up to him he's scared it's on the ground are you through are you thrown get on your knees in the presence of the prophet god oh he forgives him he's telling him to pray i receive you lord jesus there's forehead they're forehead to forehead he's like i forgive you jesus and right now and right now if you go to copeland.com you can get thirty percent off silver solution which here's govid i believe you lord jesus will you accept the silver solution that cures all viruses i receive you lord jesus come into my heart come in that's pretty epic that was a very peaceful uh conclusion resolution to that conflict yeah yeah he seems to be some sort of um terminator like character but he's like a god why do you have to pepe you lost a pepe i have no idea i was like who the [ __ ] is i thought some random weirdo was messaging dan sets this up why is it called k why is it called dan puff it's it says kh puff that [ __ ] it's a picture of pepe the frog with money what is this i don't know the background to that dan is goofing on me no i'm not good what is that sure there was a few months ago uh there was a a a group of people that were brigading the subreddit with a bunch of uh hate speech and gore pictures and we found out that they um we found out that they were coordinating it all from a discord channel so i i infiltrated their discord training from ela well i think i was just using that computer so what is negaila it's like evohila so you're trying so you're trying to go in as nega ila to infiltrate well that that wasn't the name that i used was whatever the [ __ ] i don't know did you get any intel that's pretty funny yeah actually thank you dan thank you dan thank you who knew you were undercover dude i'm fighting i'm fighting i'm fighting behind the scenes all right cameron there's no um everyone's typing everyone's on camera make ethan laugh yeah that's what i was trying to get at i i you guys said this guy cameron trying to get on is this cam like cam grants no it's not kim grant's you've got him it's gonna be [ __ ] drinking god damn it bring him on thank you to all of our members by the way i didn't get a chance to thank all of you thank you to the members who make this show possible you help and support us so much you give thank you thank you thank you thank you is that cameron this is guys oh hey sorry does this guy donate no i'm sorry do your thing you say i'm broke now please play fire safety oh that poor guy you know what cameron before i forget you just stand by i gotta play the fire safety video for this poor guy no worries can you turn him down a little bit dan he's like [ __ ] crazy turkish fire safety vehicle just shut up yeah thank you cameron we'll get to you in a moment i appreciate you peace and love i love you yeah i love you too buddy okay so turkish fire safety video gone wrong i mean i don't know how to type it yep number one inappropriate for some users come on this is for you dude i'm sorry i missed it i owe you this i owe you this so much so exhibition the first demonstration doesn't go so well who do you think's in that suit like if there was someone from the h3 universe who would it be in that suit joey solids you think joey you think joey's that luckily nobody gets hurt that's my man [ __ ] yeah you gotta turn off the sound cause it gets too serious you know what i mean dude this guy this was a political assassination like [ __ ] you i love it man this is the worst fire fighter ever like who bro you are the worst person in the at that job of all time [Laughter] god such an animal moment like it is so awesome i mean it's so awesome so there you have it is this the same guy putting it out i'd be like dude just get out of here bro you're done we love it i like it buddy so back to cameron let me uh turn it back up one second all right how you all doing okay cameron you've been donating all day to try to do it how much have you done yeah man i'm i think i donated like 250 but canadian yeah but it's 250 canadian dollars so it's more like i don't know ten dollars america no okay hold on let me do this 250 canadian to usa here's what's on the stake 400 that's 200 bucks yeah yeah we're playing today for 200 bucks okay so you can go you can break even if you make me laugh bro i don't even want the money but i just want to make you laugh no i mean listen we've got to put it on stick are you rich or something how you got 250 bucks to throw at me uh i'm not i mean i do okay for myself good for you that's great thank you but i want to i want to make you want to pump your tires real quick um you are my generation's howard stern in my opinion oh is that poking what is poking the tires maybe that sounds like the battery is popping out pop your tires just want to give you a flat tire real quick thank you for saying that dude no you really think that you also like drive uh with my dad my dad was a traveling salesman we used to always listen to howard stern when i was younger and then now i'm a drive well i was a traveling salesman until covid um but yeah i always listen to your podcast so i have like 10 hour drive sometimes just throw them on and yeah you guys all remind me of like the howard stern crew so just thought i'd pump you guys up a little bit thank you thank you so much for saying that man i appreciate that a lot thank you love you a lot what what are you selling yeah what do you sell i sell meat meat oh that's cool i sell meat i sell you yeah it's yearly food orders so it's like uh that's good business people want to go to the grocery store so i mean my job's been pretty awesome since covid because now i don't have to drive and i can do it all over zoom or the phone and you know if no sometimes i would drive two hours and no one would be home for my call so now it's just people don't pick up it is what it is so when you're not you're selling food to like restaurants or individuals no homes yeah just people just uh that's good money yeah let's go to the grocery store yeah it's not bad it's uh i mean i work for my dad so he he pays me i fairly enough but he uh shout out barry but yeah wow that's so interesting yeah it's it's triple a all your way around baby how can i buy some can i buy some meat from you or is it did you deliver to the united states i'll send it to you for free no no no no no no no no no no no we ride for the nation but can i buy meat from you from usa i i think yeah we can send it down let's get some meat we'll do we'll do a meat review dan get his details let's buy some [ __ ] stuff from this good stuff what's your commission uh my commission i it's it's around like 10 15 percent just depending on the commission depending on what like i said what my dad wants to do my dad's a very funny guy i have another funny story about like how i became a salesman and like my dad jipped me on my commission and it's a funny story we don't use gym remember that the commission like i sold my first food order and i didn't know what i was doing and the commission was like 400 bucks and like my dad's like oh yeah i'll even give you the commission and i didn't know what it was at the time i was like oh my god and then one day we were at walmart and i was like oh i need a new xbox controller he's like you know what i'll give you that instead of the commission oh dad that's something that my dad would do a whole xbox controller for an hour's worth of work oh my god and then later on i found out that you know he made like 360 bucks off yeah my dad my dad would do that business man he did the sales process so here's the deal we're gonna play make ethan laugh you're very confident obviously you've been donating a lot of money if you make me laugh you get all the money back this is a big gamble two hundred dollars u.s coming to you and a big ass and a meat order to boot in the let's go okay cameron right now the rules for 60 seconds let's make ethan laugh when you hear the bell when you make when you hear the bell ring you have 60 seconds to make me laugh are you ready and understand the rules i'm i'm ready okay cameron all right i'll count you i'll be ready go ahead dan here we go in three two one go okay so it's my fiance's and i first date we met on tinder uh we went on our date we went back to my place and we were in bed things were getting a little bit frisky and she says to me you know i want to go further with you but i don't [ __ ] guys unless i'm dating them so she's like i'll blow you i'm like okay i'm down so she does that gets a little bit frisky again she it's like i same thing i'll but i'll blow you somewhere okay so she blows me again and then she's like okay this third time's happening she says okay i want like you know what i'm like i want to [ __ ] you i'm like okay well like you know what why don't we date we're boyfriend or girlfriend now so we have sex about a year later we're just casually talking about people that we've had sex with before and i go yeah this one time i i like met up with this girl on tinder she blew me twice and [ __ ] me she my fiance looked at me with the most disgusted face and was like wow cameron what a [ __ ] and i just looked back at her and said abby that was you he got you yeah yeah and that was a minute but so you you managed to do it in time so how did she react when she realized that it was her it's she had a great she responded great to it she couldn't believe it she's like oh my [ __ ] god that was me that's funny well you know what yeah she's gonna she's my cinderella [Laughter] you know what dude you formatted that great yeah that's great that was a great delivery it's my salesmanship you know i can pitch there you go yeah that was a good one man and i'll tell you what you did so you know i'm wearing my uh teddy fresh rip and dip hoodie the first one i'll tell ya hey thank you appreciate the support well tell you what that 250 you donated it's coming right back to you as well as someone thank you some appreciation for some meat though i'm gonna [ __ ] order from your house you tell dan how to order and we'll we'll buy some meat from you or one of these guys is already talking to him get out get it yeah everybody get your meat orders in get your meat order all right cameron uh damn we'll damn we'll get your paypal details yeah we'll get you hooked up thanks buddy thanks and thanks for the launch love you guys thanks for the launch wish you appreciate it yeah hopefully yeah our best to cinderella say hi to theodore yeah thank you everybody appreciate you take care cameron cameron's a great one yep he came in he pumped my tires he made me laugh he knew how to work the crowd he knows how to tell a story he's got the salesman pitch for sure we like cameron [Laughter] cameron's a good one all right guys that's the show hey yeah i'm starving hi joe that was fun eh come on i mean we put on a pretty good show we did all right today we did all right we put on a good show you know um i'm broke and i really want to see you look at sean valentino the womanizer i think he's good material who's sean valentino never heard it we'll look into that for next week maybe look into it john valentino will put it on the womanizer got it we got it zach should we request a video from that only fans girl where it's like something we could show on the show but like it's not super sexual but it's weird enough that we you know what i mean yeah i mean that that could be cool i'll reach out to her what anything in particular i'm not sure it'd be hard to think of something we could show on the show that's like weird and wild but not super sexual yeah yeah so no poop well i don't think we could show poops out yeah i'm thinking well we can think about it wow it's been a quite a show i've thought it was i had a lot of fun thank you guys all for joining thank you to all of our members who join and support the nation but really everybody that watches everybody supports us the foot soldiers are out there the foot militia thank you thank you we're on boy gotta take our guns i do like wiki fleets yeah i'm meeting outside wikifeed headquarters the voice the vote was rigged boys let me check as we wrap it up let me check charlie's rating mickey feet nation we forgive but we most certainly don't forget i mean war is not pretty boring pretty man and sometimes you got to do everything you can to win 6.5 oh yeah we want to give a shout out to our facebook page our h3 podcast facebook page we're trying to grow the show over there because you know these boomer ass [ __ ] morons use facebook and trying to compete with all that dumb [ __ ] like so flow so you don't have to just like just go like the page and like like and share our videos so that i won't think about this as a sales [ __ ] you know who cameron that we just had on the call oh it's probably good sales which i feel like i mean let's be honest i hate facebook but it's good people you know it works for reaching people so just go like follow it and like and share the videos we're trying to grow it and i mean yeah it's you guys rule and i'm just trying to trying to hack the system so we can get these boomer [ __ ] morons to watch our dumb podcast you know what i mean stupid-ass dumb facebook but yeah okay we only have eight thousand followers so we have poor um love 20 000 people watching right now so yeah we can double that right now but yeah that's our that's our strategy you know love uh out hd out of context another fan of the show great guy such a great guy he lives in sweden but we hired him full time to do our social media and he's so good he's he's such a great guy he's spamming the chat right now with that link he's making it so easy for you just click that link yeah he's managing our facebook page on our instagram he's been doing a really good job so i'm trying to recognize his his hard work yes love is the most silent partner in this uh endeavor he's the silent beetle i believe they they were right he's he's epstein he's the he's the best perhaps he's the what people got kicked out um nicole asked would you guys ever do a your mom house lifestyle podcast where we can pay to watch it and you review less youtube friendly clips i mean i don't think that i could deliver a good enough show where i would feel justified charging people money yeah i don't know it's a i think it was works great for christina and tom because it's so like they go all the way they do a really good job in planning and getting all this stuff but i i don't know i've got maybe when we feel when it feels right i don't know yeah probably it's an interesting idea i don't want to charge you guys you know what i mean and again once we're out of the covid era and we're in a new studio we're gonna have a lot of more opportunities we're gonna have like a big stage we could potentially have musical guests we could like put on something that maybe would be worthy of that maybe well guys that about wraps it up have a great weekend have a great great weekend please stay safe stay god dude charlie's going to freak when he sees that wookie hat signed by us so much cheaper i want to smell feet all right guys we love you all right take care we'll see you on monday we're coming hard next week i think we're gonna have four four episodes next week uh oh yeah monday yeah right all right it's tuesday yes do we have a content court next week maybe we should right yes we do look at you sir four episodes we're back baby come on h3 podcast forever swipe whistle agrees all right guys see ya love you take care you're listening to the hd podcast what we got on the scene could it be papa's united bill delfin we're talking front wiper back wife what you gonna do with me then you know and the whole damn crew goose and gaps with all the guests you'll see the best podcasts in the world take it from me jc over cherry hp baby we podcast now
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 911,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: iAnsNKeY4Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 35sec (7895 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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