Ethan ANNIHILATES Manspreading With Facts & Logic - H3 Podcast #128

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The 5 minutes of Ethan just losing it over the gif of the guy crossing his legs is gold. Hardest Ive laughed at the podcast in a while and just from him and hila's reactions, amazing.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/TheAtami 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

The ethan bradberry coffee bit happened at my local starbucks omg the staff must have been mortified

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/juicycouturexoxo2006 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Everytime he gets a haircut a part of me dies. Let your jewfro fly, can't believe Hila doesn't like it.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SwissCheeseUnion 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

One of my favorite episodes yet. Ethan laughing at the gif of the guy was amazing. Also, Ethan is right we have to get Hila nominated for some sort of award. Shes been killing it lately and now shes a mom! whatareyou OUTTA YA MIND??

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TheRealScratch 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Someone needs to find the gif of the man crossing his legs. I’ll try.

Edit: Found it but someone added this amazing sound effect

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Useless_Poop 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

One regular schmegular my dude

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Thick_Duck 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

You know it's a good episode when the conversations are so natural that you lose track of time.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/King_Loaf_Bloke 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Put a shock collar on Ethan. Shock him every time he pauses.

He also has to donate $100 to charity each time too.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lizcoco 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

That old man experienced a hernia :/

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/heavydutyday 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
- hello Super Trouper nation we are here once again your friends your comrades your leaders your best friends I daresay your only friends and a lot in this world that really care about who you are everyone else hate you yet this is your one place you can come to get away from all of it because so say it from anyone you know cut off everybody you love in your life and come here watch this Buckeyes every Tuesday and Friday those we are not a cult but we are truly is not a cult but we are truly the only ones that actually know and care about you on a real level they already cause that hi this is daddy foo bhishm Xmas is that this is the weirdest fetish like our Kelly he had his girls call him daddy I don't get the whole daddy thing why would you want that why would that be well you're go to like I don't know there's a lot wrong with that guy so yeah he's going to prison oh thank you to rake on rake on here but thank you to them to sponsor this episode of the podcast this is freeform baby we're out here me and ela we out here doing it our way like Burger King but it tastes good we're off the rails this is no yeah our Kelly's going to prison they got him and I think they they took his bail away as well I don't know if he's going to prison yet you know well some on somehow it's still undecided like what is there to decide well he needs a try it's clearly up to no good by my boy Dan correct me if I'm wrong but they they removed the possibility of him posting bail because he's a flight risk so he's in prison correct he's in jail and the technique is in jail awaiting he's real waiting trial exactly and usually you'd be able to post a bail yeah but because he's a flight same with with everything which that they're like dude that's the one I was thinking it's kind of funny it's the one time being a billionaire is there's a drawback kind of always a plane yeah I mean like of all the scenarios in the world you're like damn this is the one time I don't want to be a billionaire because the judge is like there's no bail I can give you where you're not gonna just bounce to Saudi Arabia but at the same time and being a billionaire is the only reason he's not in jail up until now that's a very good point you know so maybe billionaire in the long run was a good thing for him and then no jociel opinion got your purse controversy yeah I mean from what I'm reading lately apparently so many people knew about it for so long Epstein man that guy crazy crazy business I don't know if we could talk about it this early in the show I feel like and it is actually true the YouTube Raiders they give you more like you talk about the more controversial stuff towards the end you can get away with more are you sure you want to say this because I forgive another shooting yourself already said that's their policy okay it's not like a loophole it's their actual policy like they have a policy of like if you curse within the first 30 seconds you're gonna get screwed but you can they give you more leeway towards the end because they know no one's watching or maybe that's just our show but at the scene yeah we should we should talk about that after the break because I can't even say the guys name without Raiders being like huh they got their finger of the mature button let's talk about some good news before we get into that TMZ saves YouTube let me say that again TMZ sent me an email that completely blew me away I mean this is unprecedented proactive so commendable policy I'm gonna read this email I am just I'm floored by this TMZ save YouTube hello so by the way just to preface this story we showed a lot of teams Eclipse in our previous episode with the baby boss and they claimed our videos and I disputed them which is like we don't even make money on this podcast anymore because every episode has like 10 to 20 different claims by the time you dispute the mall it's like the money gets lost you know YouTube says that you're supposed to get money from this escrow account I have not some evidence of that ever happening I have a feeling like that a skort doesn't even exist you know where that escrow account is YouTube chase account YouTube um yeah yeah rainy day funds yeah what do you call it that little piggy bank yeah yeah they're like yeah it's an escrow account what they mean is we keep the money and you [ __ ] idiots keep fighting actually I've been talking to my rep I'm like ha I'm like okay when do I get paid is there any proof that's what I'm trying to get at I saw him on his ass I'm like okay so I won this dispute a month ago there's no earnings it says it's at zero so where's the money at because we should have seen a spike like there's no spike there's no earning because okay let me get back to you then he comes back to me says okay so you're you get it three months later and you should see in a spike good luck good luck following up on that but so I'm good I'm gonna keep writing his ass and I'm gonna say is there any evidence I need evidence on the server sit but how like this is a high level guy in YouTube and nobody can show me evidence it's not in my an oh then he goes it's won't showing your analytics so imagine there is so where are we listen we need receipts here yeah and HD podcast so I'm on I'm on them hot because I want to I want to know that the system's actually working because so far this guy who's super high up in YouTube a friend of mine has not yet been able to confirm that any of that money from that supposed escrow account has come to me like it's a nice story they know and everyone's like okay cool escrow account but I as far as I'm aware no but ever been paid out so all these well these big companies are getting paid mm-hmm other thing a lot of people just don't dispute it yes so many of our friends whenever we ask I'm like what did you do about it nothing I don't want to deal with it what yeah I don't know I think it's just it's very intimidating it is and you have a special ability to handle this stuff I feel like it been through a lawsuit the only one in the history of all [ __ ] platform even still you get into the details of it and you're like wait what is the law and they're like I'm gonna understand the law which someone else wouldn't do first of all you thank you for the compliment you woke up in second of all you're right I would have never gotten in that lawsuit to begin with if I didn't care about the details mm-hmm because from the beginning I was like [ __ ] you yeah this videos fair use [ __ ] and so and and well now when I write my so it the legal language of the YouTube DMCA is written to discourage people from abusing it so they write a very scary little do they know I'm starting to understand as I learn more and more about these claimed farms is that they're all so scared they're only able to get away with what we allow them to because it's just a bunch of people sitting in a room trying to claim and gobble up as much money and they rely on people's hesitancy and unclick and I think says if anyone is being shady it's them what are you doing you're actually making content ELA of course I'm fully convinced that if there was some large-scale class-action lawsuit in some way organized it's hard to find a law honestly I just think they're exploiting a huge legal loophole but they know that the thing is you have to prove bad faith and I think the simple fact of their existing a claim farm proves I think is provable and if you subpoena those emails with the managers and all the people making Commission on claims you're gonna find bad faith out that ass maybe but it wouldn't be so like we'll have to be like a federal investment like a criminal investigation like FBI [ __ ] more than I actually look at everyone's emails but who knows you know yeah if if I was uh Atlantic Records the FBI would be so far up their ass they be [ __ ] in Mexico right now trying to hide from the feds but the point is that they're just as scared of someone rebutting them as you are of them because the legal language a document and now when I get a complaint a claim does what I say and I think I'm the only one on YouTube who can say this [ __ ] well that you can cite it mm-hmm I say I have previously fought fair use in court or not in court and I have previously fought I lost a lawsuit and won and I go in parentheses who Saints Auto V Klein I am prepared to defend my right of fair use you need to remove this claim immediately supination guess what happens they always drop the [ __ ] case but I think that all the other youtubers out there could cite the legal precedent too I mean who say you could say fair use has been previously defended on YouTube and Husayn fine and fair use what won a resounding victory that this case is precedent that you have no claim to this video and you must drop it immediately so because when you just send that to some dumb intern who's just as scared as you you know as their instructions are hey just [ __ ] you know they're just like easy money they're just gobbling up easy money when they get something like that like hey mother from someone mentioning lawsuits and legal precedents to like [ __ ] this also for them it's like a quantity game right right so if one responds with a scary thing they'll just drop it because never really 100% yes so that's the preface of this is that TMZ claimed all her videos like it happens all the time but they sent me this email a couple days ago they says hello my name is Maddie and I run YouTube operations for TMZ I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I've seen some consistent disputed claims from your channel and after review I've decided to whitelist your h3 podcast channel and a new podcast highlights channel let me know if you have any questions or concerns you also she also Maddie providing me their direct line she said he or she I'm not sure if it's it's Matt it could be a girl yeah really like right could be a girl right then yeah let's go with yeah yes Maddie okay you have my direct line if anything comes up in the future and provided me their direct communication I mean that I was blown away I was like dude that is so mature that is so nice this is what we need more of and this equals so nice to actually have communication to write from TMZ of all people to you know team Z surprised me consistently somehow these guys seem to do the right thing yeah besides for being like also on the other hand vultures but they'd small paparazzi thing yeah the whole paparazzi thing that you know besides harassing Justin besides for the very essence of their existence no but this was a really great email that I I was like wow as a classy thing to do I never even considered such a thing so now is the perfect time to start for us to start reloading their content in its entirety all right like what call a tea pot got slash TMZ sorry uploading all the paparazzi videos no I'm kidding take note other companies out there this is a this is a huge huge play a huge an uber match play mm-hmm excuse me uber match sounds very Nazi doesn't isn't it wait what no a mensch what does it not man yeah uber match yeah a super mensch yes they say that well why not see cuz it's German uber is very German word really I don't know it was German it was very Nazi word I feel like it means above it means better than and the the the German term for like the master race sounds just like that they say I don't think it's meant well so that's what they call this in the uber race greater race the soup yeah so Wilbur is superior to taxi to what it's a regular taxi is that one like uber the app oh yes exactly uber oh no it it is ubermensch yeah uber Mitch know that that oh no no no but met but see Mensch must be yeah it means something different in german uber man looking at the wikipedia article right now it comes from Nietzsche the philosopher oh hell yeah we're going we're going deep here but yes Nazism that is the term connecting übermensch ubermensch concepts or theories is not well maybe they are over man and a bench is a concept in the philosophy of free of of Nietzsche not now I'm now let's click [ __ ] it I'm in it let's see it means Superman beyond man over man hyper okay is a concept by Nietzsche a a goal of humanity is set for itself it is a work of philosophical allegory with a structural similarity to some other [ __ ] I've never heard of but it's like what we should what we should strive to be super humans in the the origin of it it had a more you know not Blair yes not with low eyes and all that co-opted by the know there's like it was like ubermensch yeah we should be super attractive that's what he meant arm well that's a preference we should all have blue eyes and blonde hair that's what he meant by the way I feel like that is I just learned a lot I only I didn't never heard of that we educate here on the h3 podcast because I always I heard like the Aryan race I heard those stones goober much there you know and on the other hand I knew of meet you but I don't know you connecting dots here where's trans ma world all of a sudden yeah but I felt that the concept of the Nazi ubermensch is a weird one because honestly I know like maybe maybe Hitler liked to [ __ ] blonds but fair skinned is deaf far from ubermensch like those [ __ ] just drop dead when they Sun hits their skin like black people don't get like skin cancer nearly as much as like you take some of these redheads from like Ireland you just had fetish probably blonde blue yes uberman CH like crunch the numbers do that's not even genealogy or whatever you eugenics right it's how they call it yeah if technically if you wanted to do like survivability darker skins better right Dan yeah that's that's right that Africans are the real master race that's what we're learning here today well they're also the original race that that's true and apparently Jesus was blocked too if you go back far enough we're striving off path so in short thank you I've got this anecdote about Zach our sound lad that's the sound lad we went shopping his dad is a is a real estate agent and he showed us a couple houses and they narked on Zach so hard he's not here today but I guess we'll have to follow up with him on Friday you're gonna be listening and I didn't ask for [ __ ] his mom came to for some reason so both of his parents were they're nice people really great people total ubermensch is uberman Chester they're Jewish so that's an internment that's an under man I speak a little German they're men and so first they say he's that got a haircut because he has this long luxurious hair yeah wait what yeah he got a haircut then they go he broke up with his girlfriend which apparently is been dating this girl for a long time and I'm like I wonder if that has anything to do with Belle Delphine sniffer underwear oh no and then I find out that Zac narked cuz I was saying that we were looking for a new house and Zac narked on me to his dad who's an agent and then his dad he didn't want to give my information to his dad because he respects my privacy and his dad ends up getting out of him because he gave him a two hundred dollar Commission for the lead by the way I never said [ __ ] this all came out of them and then finally the Coupe de Gras was that they said he was sucking on a pacifier till he's five years old and the only way they could get him to stop is by doing a pacifier ceremony where they destroyed it in a flame like they all held hands and say goodbye to his pacifier what that that one's not real nice sweats [ __ ] God in life they've met they volunteered all this information I didn't say [ __ ] they literally just showed up to embarrass him but so we have a lot to talk about on Friday their characters his dad is a funny man he's like mr. realtor you know he's got a convertible Mercedes you know his mom was rocking the Gucci shoes is he big enough does he have a job ads we see him around town do you see what do you see you know how like Realtors they always have those cheesy photos that they put on like yeah he's about that that's low-level [ __ ] he's mister let me make some calls you know he's got the pocket listings you know what I'm saying right yeah it really does he's guys like yeah he made our current realtor look like a [ __ ] little I want to say it actually you know what what am i doing what are you doing they all listen to this you know this is what's problem here like I and this is so ridiculous right now I just realized that our realtor listens to this show and he always comments to me about it no it's just what it is I mean this is the world that we live in well if I can't like how am I supposed to do the show if I'm not picking Oh was my realtor gonna think about what I say like how could I live my life like this because ultimately I'm here for you people and I'm the only one that is here for you yeah remember that well Karl if you are listening to this don't worry we're still with you baby and sax dad if you are listening we're still [ __ ] we're actually not even looking for a house this is just saying there's no house I live in a hole I feel like I have a feeling and so I was feeling that Karl only listens surface-level for chitchat so if he brings this conversation up then I'll know he's a real fan thing as I know Zacks dad's gonna hear this because obviously Zack works on the show and he's gonna show it to him but the real test so Karl if you bring this up to me a conversation now then then you're my guy because your truth yeah and there's there's really no way there's nowhere in a bubble that someone's gonna listen be like hey Carl did you hear this all right it's just Carl yeah yeah meanwhile Zacks dad's like nobody please [ __ ] tell Carl Zach's dad wants that Commission so bad I can feel the desperation out of it out of the phone when I talk to him I gotta make sure Zack it's like more than 200 bucks if he ends up selling me a house that's true cuz the Commission on that [ __ ] isn't huge as that got ripped off yeah $200 the lead this is a hot lead Zack you sold my ass out for 200 bucks I'm worth more than that bro you'll be fair you did say that he had to really squeeze yeah well that [ __ ] and these that need a lady's a lead the dad his dad goes his dad was I had to pay it sack 200 bucks and then a mom is like he's just kidding because she's like maybe don't isn't it fine you're in a family the mom is so sane and then the dad is such a character like what what is going on with what is going on what is that anomaly and why there's a mom always like families where it's the opposite I've never I have hmm a friend of high school whose mom was just total off the wall and our dad was just so stoic okay well hold on your dad was your family what your dad was stoic and you're what is pretty whacky what what is stoic it's just serious no but like my dad was such a character he's like insane well okay those are two different because your dad's not okay you know what the point is again we're being we're going way off back there so tizzy but in short thank you to TMZ that should be a thing whenever we go off track in short thank you to TMZ it but but was funny as Zach's dad was like I pay him 200 bucks and then the mom was like I could tell she was like don't this is funny I say he's kidding he's kidding yeah and I look at them both in like he's not kidding I know he did but he's good he's really trying to help and we do appreciate it so it's not so but if Karl you are listening then I got to cut him out of the picture well see I don't think Karl will say anything cuz this is what are we in like 30 minutes Dan uh 23 so he might mmm I mean maybe we should put somewhere we should put his name in the title Karl don't leave Sachs dad is like setting him on a goose chase like hey he's like at his house like I'm plugging this Internet okay okay the great anecdotes a full of anecdotes here on the HD podcast Ethan Bradberry is back in the news Bradbury be good to your mother hila made the most hilarious observation last night we were going over this stuff she goes Ethan Bradberry at this point is just making content for us because we need to watch and you guys need to what we're talking about but I was telling you thing like do you understand what's happening here and we're watching a video that he basically made for us it was like because I feel like what is our life it's so funny that Cracknell because it's so true because I don't think this content has any inherent entertainment value to anyone else except us and viewers of the show like the regula had by the way the regulars doing well so I feel like almost a hundred thousand views and it started at five thousand it was which was also general buddy yeah that's true but that was such a funny point you uh and I feel like Ethan Bradberry is putting on this Godfather persona is so heavy that he's blurring the lines between meme and real so much that nobody knows what's going on and I giving around his friends and his family don't know what's going on with Ethan like he came on this show and he's like what's the mean what's the mean and now he's so far down the meme hope he doesn't know who he is anymore yeah but let's start here he's in the upside down words so he's keeps going down this meme hole of like the god the Brad the the Bradbury father the Godfather is a better way to say that the berry father I like that so it's all about could be good to your mother Andy Joe Gambino region to the front of me and heart of Brooklyn New York City you be good to your mother coming great that's good keep it that way she hasn't given me a call in about two months and drink it wrong Rossum let's not call them no it's not I see the cream and sugar come over yeah I'm becoming almost such passionate kisses and bigger to your mother being rate to your mother keep it that way capiche got beat listen I might take you down to the church and then the pair right after cuz you've been good too but it may be even said to tamp like to get the jazzing about that he forget about it who you get or what the area I think his friend is just so flustered by this and they're standing so close together for audio listeners they're standing like an inch from each others face and you can just screaming in his face his friend just is trying to keep up he's flustered and I love how he calls him he goes House of the coffee is at raw and the raw as we've decoded it means black coffee and he goes is it raw and he goes it's the raw so they're all trying to me him trying to get he's like no it's not it's not I see the cream and the sugar who are you kidding and that ain't raw so he set him up and then he knocked his ass down could you can you imagine Ethan Bradberry ask you is it raw and you say no I'm fear for my life the man's a psycho I dare tell Ethan Bradberry it's not wrong so the new logic is that if Ethan didn't gonna call didn't get a call from your mom then you've been good to you Amaya see at first I thought it was bad that the mom did write in on it yeah but as we've decoded exactly you are not getting a call from the mom is good because he's been good to his mother so if you have been giving your mother troubles she would be call him and she call Ethan to say yeah be good to your mother I got a call what do you do two months ago Ethan Bradberry I need you to straighten out my son ain't be good to me you've been good to your mother I've been great to my mother what does that mean how great can you be to your mother what are you doing for your mother you've been great to your mother what does he send bride where is mom think about him you better bet if Ethan Bradberry is not great to his mom who answers for that mo mo is the ultimate let's read the caption here always a pleasure catching up with Andy Ricci at 5:30 a.m. if you ever never catch him you can find him in the root of New York City strolling the streets just to remind him of a straight streak streak streak why might streak I felt like it said steak but sorry at aneurysm his Street continuing to be good to his goddamn mother oh he's on a streak okay remind him on his streak can do I'm confused with this written because it doesn't this doesn't make sense remind him on his streak continuing to be good to his goddamn mother it's just one less mother ringing my phone ranting about their kids to me and it and it brings me tons of joy be good and stay out of trouble kids capiche [ __ ] yeah the only comment that shows is how the f is this N word verified because you don't understand because you're not good to your mother so anyway that's the new stick and it just goes deeper and deeper and so that's it so pre lewd to the regular to which just recently came out called the regular Megillah and you need to know about the mother paradigm to really understand the regular schmegle does anyone follow I think they follow is let's we got to take a break Dan we have to take a break right yeah so let's do it well we'll come back to it so it's a short break we only have one sponsor so I'm gonna run to the bathroom so if I'm not back immediately if you see a empty chair give me like ten seconds okay all right see you guys in a minute it's 2019 ela everyone needs a great pair of wireless earbuds and before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on a pair you need to check out these wireless earbuds by Ray Khan ray Khan is doing it right let me show you this slick little design do you see that that's cute is that a tiny little box with a charging port so you got the buds inside the port and if you're on the go all you do is plug it in you keep it all together and charges inside how slick as that is pretty awesome it's magnetized so it's super satisfying to open and close I love it inside you've basically got the CIA's top secret technology it's so slick and it's so advanced pops right into the ear like a beautiful dream what really blows my mind is actually the quality of the audio you get out of this little device I mean this this is truly from the CIA from the government this is top secret technology and here's what something else that you don't see us other people including I've got a weird ear hole I got an XL ear hole you uh do you do I think I do I think I'm Excel so you know they've got X they got extra small to extra large so that you this is gonna figure ear like a dream the quality is amazing they f it is amazing the price is even better folks compared to what's outside out there the competition give me a break dude guys it comes with free shipping on all USA orders you got free returns and a one-year warranty so really give it a shot you got nothing to lose they are stylish discreet there's no dangling no stems it's a bluetooth headphone with all the great sound and the great looks look at all these color options here you've got pink a black brown blue white and also my favorite color forget about it because you need these ray cons go to buy rake on Comm slash h3 to get 15% off your order that's buy rake on Comm / h3 for 15% off rake on wireless earbuds if you been I in a pair now's the time to get an amazing deal so one time guys bye recon calm /h three beautiful [Music] hey mom nation then I would see this is what we need sponsors we need more sponsors you know we're back so Brad so down the Bradbury hole we are wait we're so much further down the Bradbury hole than I ever anticipated that being said let's pop up where I died a site like this is like a wormhole that's a really good analogy we're in UFO territory you know how black holes apparently tear the fabric of space-time cuz they're so heavy it's like nobody knows what's at the center of a black hole the singularity it's the regulations now when he'll for the first time so here's the regular to the regular Megillah so right now that's 4,000 views and that's even after the success of the first one which was a smash hit I like that but there's a cult following for this now let's throw it to the comments real fast been waiting for this Papa blessed be good to your mother capisce that's me Wow be good to your mother capisce I don't want any more mothers right give my line issue podcast has entered the chat yeah well here we are let's watch love the house this therapy cop ready to eat some [ __ ] pissed I feel like you would know better than that oh come on Ethan what are we doing it wait wait I don't remember that why is he on the John taking photos what's he taking photos of sitting naked on the toilet I think he's just checking his phone you know like watching some thought it looked like he was taking a photo like look he's deaf oh maybe not maybe he's watching some heels yeah there's a reveal in a moment so watching his own bro what that's the intro who's taking a [ __ ] watching the first one and then yeah I think he's watching this one oh he's mine yeah it's like nested in itself film this is the owl production slavery keep up are you kidding so here's the gang hey I love what watch first of all there's a couple things to keep faster first of all Tennessee then is just barely hanging in there what is he on I think he's just on like he's on the rock he's on you know what he's in withdrawal from pranks yeah he's just he's barely hanging on he doesn't even know what's he doesn't know why he's there he doesn't understand but he's like I'm gonna keep an open mind what won't go along with you guys look these guys have been through a lot together he's right or die so I respect that but when he thin Bradbury calls then the crew for a regula yeah he's like well you know and and and Dennis see he's view of centric this is the the brain master of spider-man exactly so when Ethan Bradberry pitches us the Dennis II who sees himself as really the the brains he's he's more than he's the so G was the director that made jaws Steven Spielberg he Spielberg of the gang he's the director and Ethan Bradberry pitches the regula he says Tim we go into Starbucks and I asked for the regula and then I started screaming and I pour a cup of coffee and to Dennis II he's thinking nobody's gonna watch this nobody's gonna watch it doesn't make sense Ethan's lost his mind yeah he still read your diet that's the face that you'll see on Tennessee right now and then the other face that you want do want to follow is mo somehow just only is fixated on this dude like he really wants to [ __ ] this dude there's no other interpretation nuttin yeah now let's start over good Carla should I not spas it's six minutes I'm gonna come apart now you're gonna possibly give it a little bit okay either you tell me what I'm good okay I'm a poly before them get - [ __ ] yeah big news man just got Tommy Wiseau vibes yeah the music good look at mo okay sorry I gotta go back already look at mo in the home we face they're practically about the two of them I'm not listen even but mo so the other dude is awkward and he looks away because they're having like this stare off but mo never back down from the stare off as you'll see okay I'm sorry no don't go back no we watched it to New York City I've been heading down to the church and bouncing up there were a few friend of Mines I'm thinking I've included a few Finn of Mines i'ma get to these guys in a second and I won't be where the bottom introduced them to you I've been getting a lot of confusion to what this wrong this regular rich was anyways I got a dentist cut up front of me on our now open I got Andy Ritchie to the Rebbe hey listen welcome to your brother Boone all yeah we were tap dancing and let me tell you son you're like cool about 40 mm you love the ring he gets super violent with the ring sometimes I'm afraid he's gonna break it but the regular ritual he throws to the spoon that's my favorite you know I'm not trying to pause this last time I got a mother call on my phone ringing my life was about two months ago she tells me she sees Johnny and Muno tap-dancing on a beefcake under the Verrazano Bridge and I said to myself Daisy I hang up the phone right then and there I got Johnny Johnny you've been good to your mother we got g-men the man with the game I got Kenny Caruso stop gonna be nicer what [ __ ] nice or what'd they did a switch a rule word Mo's the crazy one now why did he say it twice I feel like they totally switched there's so weird like if you throw back to the beach pranks when Ethan is like scaring mo yeah anything is like circling circling mo and staring him down and being like What did he say what did he say to him now let me pull that up for reference because you guys have to know about the role reversal dude has I guarantee you you will not find this level of in-depth analysis of the bradbury brothers anywhere else like what the hell we're like us we are we are historians of the Bradbury's Beach pranks Bradbury brothers now the end of this video um why can I not remember it's killing me we always like my friends you bet we did about with him so he but he's like visibly angry that's the part here watch this we had so much right on behind the scenes make sure you go the back so he wasn't a crazy unpredictable one but now I feel like moto that roll things that you've been talking to me nice a walk been [ __ ] nice a walk there's been a lot of confusion I don't know what's going on most [ __ ] lost it but with the brother like Ethan it was only a matter of time you've been talking nice so what you've been talking Nautica record scratch you have the same mother they're brothers so I think they finally moved out of that grandma house I don't think so on the table yeah no this plastic [ __ ] what's the point living a house where plastic covers every goddamn thing the table is covered in plastic like the trees are covered in plastic this appears to be covered wow what is this a crime scene or a goddamn living room Dexter like we goofed on them for that like five years ago and well I guess it's not their couch what if it is their couch I think it is cuz look at that poster oh you just put it over in the painting at that hour are you guys still living at home yeah you guys gotta move out and they're bringing all these people over that's I was just about to anything that he's good to his mother that ain't good you Martin get to the mother good point you know Wow evidence to the contrary but I'm I'm amazed that he was able to pull together so many dudes for this nonsense you know at 5:30 a.m. to apparently but anyway they got the wrong so let's continue as to what this war is what this regular ritual is is the raw is the most strongest purest form of coffee formula out there I want dismission because I feel like it helps with your thinking what are you out of your lab rabbit rabid-ass mind that's right Oh rabbit s fine it's it's intelligible if there was a subtitle it would say intelligible unintelligible the opposite of intelligible saying you can't understand it right is intelligent is intelligible come on eat then Maddie mine maybe should be a subtitle intelligible we need a fart mic like Tama Christina I just farted but you guys can hear it anyway oh it smells so bad though sometimes your farts just get that next notch of smell or you're like oh your mother can smell it we got going on over here I'm missing another cup who got my other color and I seen you robbed my cup I think it's a slave cops these [ __ ] are driving around and like out it like $150,000 please but they still live at their parents shoot at their parents else nice so we have the coffee already prepared they don't have what we're looking for in that raw shop we're gonna slam with the regular ritual you ready as long as you're good Oh what did that frame say you put it right and he hit it yeah it's not in my document though why isn't it in my document he's been it's not really that profound he hit it he hit us with a with a hidden frame here it was that like 1 250 or something right we're gonna slip well what the regular bit yeah [ __ ] was right after that already so he had it his off if you just know how to seek with them it's not worried and oh that's nice oh you're secure bro you're a legend ok he says dear future of Bradbury this is a secret frame allowed me not to get attached to anything that isn't written for me and grant me patience and times of hardship and raw we trust I think so that's a hidden message Jerry there's just one frame right one frame what does it mean actually maybe more than one frame it's actually get that wrong one two three frames yeah so cuz you definitely notice it you know you notice it anyway as long as you go to your mother got beige yeah but you got to understand the raw to the Roy's up there what do you think advanced style I love this it really has to becoming the silent legend actually including Dennis yeah just because he goes along with them that's what I'm saying bro you know you guys hit him with that three minute and a half intro that's the hallmark of the regula you hey I gotta hit him with that Bradbury into it Oh at 75% in that's what makes the regular the schmegle I love it so this is my another thing with the like epic b-roll and then just suit like cut to our iPhone like epic Stacia Johnny come over you - oh yeah I've done a call from your mother's hmm not good in Sam be good to your mother's capiche lady but they say having gonna call from your mother in about a month oh that contradicts what he's saying good said okay great come on babe kiss his lots of kisses that's that got beat up a lot - kissing lots of tender kisses get it going Joe come on babe he said he got a call but they say he didn't get a phone I wonder who called it them Bradbury taking the lead like Reservoir Dogs to the nearest Starbucks [Music] buckle up I like how he calls it the Ross shop yep horse how you doing it so let me get the regular regular regular schmegle angles they got angles regular Megillah let me get a lot like live regular smegal so well hold on I'm confused now because the raw is just black coffee yeah and he's at Starbucks asking for the regula which as far as I know is just a black coffee yeah I guarantee you that is what you want she's like a regular large coffee that's the raw but then she calls it coffee and he's like no okay it's a terminology issue cuz she almost served him yeah then she clarified but I wonder if it I wonder if the video what it just ended amicably she handed him a black coffee you know but I'm like I'm like Ethan that's what you want that's raw a regular coffee yes that's the regular you know you brought your own cup you ready to go they do have it that's what's so frustrating to me Ethan they have it you ordered it you go I think the fear sets in dynasty board shorts and polo what's the point of rain the coffee machine it's not plugged into anything so that's epic we are uncomfortable the manager where is the generator not good mother the manager picked at the lowest point nine one one watch it get it bad bear you know he can really get a good scream yeah I was just yelling a public kind of his thing he's gotta talk that managers on the phone with the police guess you're just laughing at them to everyone's kind of just they've got black coffee then we get it going so again there's no this is covered one of them was super wet so again there's no intrinsic entertainment value to anyone who doesn't I mean the original one doesn't have any intrinsic value until I mean until we found it yeah it's like Oh or that you need to refine it's like have you seen a gold nugget a raw gold nugget it's does it's not a beautiful or a diamond even as a better example a raw diamond just looks like a chunk of stone but you need someone to find the diamond to polish it and to chisel it until it's beautiful to bring out its luster a diamond in the rough it's true is what the expression you know means and I really do think the regular should be called the rough because it's a diamond in the rough and at this point but I have a lot of confusion now Ethan because you've been very consistent with the terminology they have the raw 1 & 2 if you're gonna tell me that your coffees more raw that you brought from Long Island that's been stale for like 2 hours then a Starbucks that's what I'm saying where's the generator I mean you got right ela bring I bring a gas-powered generator I don't like the coffee machines is something yeah the regular hot so here's what I page here's what we need for part 3 yeah bring a generator into the Starbucks you got to pull the string and get the gasps the the gasoline motor generating heat and then you warm the pot irregular and then forget about it you know that's like you see I like to see him set up outside of Starbucks and try to sell it yes power generator there's a lot of you got any other ideas I'm sure the list like some people will buy it [ __ ] God help but yeah I think you're right someone might recognize him you have any other ideas I like that idea what did you have to bring more cups than five yeah that's true that's true hmm Ethan what else I think if you shaved your head and eyebrows it would be funny Dragonball Z style that's Joe he is kind of gone Super Saiyan what can we do I mean that's that's a good party Danny see it needs an upgrade of some kind I think he's proven himself enough I think Tennessee needs to be walking around like a giant Cup costume remember a Aqua Teen Hunger Force the cup like he should go dressed as a giant cup that was Master Shake thank you then I don't think you would he's above that yeah he's a director he's Spielberg Danny C Berg that doesn't work Dennis Berg um Dennis Bay let's move it on that's a lot that's a lot of regular we have a lot of fun on our HD podcast do we not we learn we listen we grow we thrive here together if you're listening I just want to say here we are boys listen I listen there's anyone I don't know that anyone's listening they turn it off by now yeah I'm saying most people are not listening at this point it's incredible that people listen though it is I still don't really think about it that like actual people listen listen to this right well I don't have any actual proof like you see the numbers but well no that's not Trevor I've run into people who were listening as they said hi so that's my proof that's my only proof did you look at the phone though I didn't actually hear it yeah nor did I look at the phone to confirm it was what they were listening to so we should talk about something else oh it was me alone you know so man spreading chairs man spreading chairs now let's move on to something even more important get a load of this lady look at her smarmy dumb face you're so stupid you're just annoying so I'm gonna show her I'm gonna set up her whole argument what do I have a problem did I say something wrong either well look how smug she is about these stupid [ __ ] chairs so I read the article okay Wow mrs. read the article what are you in a woman's chair right now I'm gonna be on her side for a moment okay she doesn't take herself that seriously she said she does see the humor in it and it was meant to start a conversation about women taking more space in life that's interesting that she it's a metaphor yeah because the article the crimes who knew very serious about how she won awards yes she did win an award but the work is not to start selling these chairs at Starbucks now it's it's an art piece it's a design piece but with more like to start a conversation hey are you done yeah I just made some wine deal look at her look how smarmy she is her arms across just like her my legs should be at all time no I'm kidding that's a fair point it's good that we we don't paint with too broad of a brush here right you look yeah no I see boats knives on this one what because I I kind of said he's fine yeah that's all inside but but people are taking this seriously exactly let's put and also it's more fun it's more interesting if we take it from that route it can't be so reasonable that this shows boring you know I'm saying get out of here with them stop with this reason and logic in fairness you know it's not entertaining you've been good to your mother I've been great to my mother okay we should call our moms you should check in on my mama Ethan be good together he's been great to me the end of manspreading student fed up with men and fridging on her public space wins National Design Award for creating chair that restricts how they sit now who the [ __ ] I mean somebody gave her an award so what it is is that the woman's chair forces the woman to sit with their legs open and the man's chair forces the man to sit with his legs closed mm-hmm so I don't really understand this solving problem because they're just they're passing the problem all over to women yeah well who don't even have a preference to sit with their legs open and I know many times do I need to explain this why don't why don't nobody listen to me men have a dick and a balls there's there's precious thing there's all the sensitive tissues in between our legs that restrict us from sitting do you understand that women sit with their legs closed because it's more comfortable and Men sit with their legs open because it's more comfortable you have a vagina you idiot it nothing hangs out it's easy it would be great if I could sit with my legs closed but it's not convenient especially a fat chubby I got huge size there's no space for anything down there do you understand you know they won't know it so they won't even acknowledge that though Gila they never they won't even acknowledge oh you want to know everything anything I want you to open the article yes because then they have pictures of people sitting on the chairs and all look so sad I want you to show it you're on my side finally thank you scroll down yeah there's a few I mean the woman looks ridiculous yeah that's okay okay this is how Minson how does it feel you don't have a penis and this bro has been cast straighter if I see a guy like this he's been castrated or is a micropenis I mean you have to you have to consciously as a man you have to consciously stomach the discomfort to sit like that okay you have to make a baby when your legs you do howling you if I sit with my legs apart it's very uncomfortable do you want me to describe it to you nobody makes these in these [ __ ] articles and videos hello hello I don't understand why no one acknowledged it let me drive can we see that it I want you to go down more Wow that okay hold on okay yeah these are entertaining you look sad look at her legs widen open close your legs you don't need that much know I personally when I was pregnant I couldn't sit with my legs crossed and I didn't like it I prefer to Wow so as I was saying you're more comfortable with your legs closed yeah let me get here tan from buzzfeed and all the other feminists creating mansplaining chairs man spreading chairs my legs are closed right now this is how you want me to sit for all of our viewers thank you here you can see me in the wide okay here's what's happening tan and everybody listen to [ __ ] up cuz I'm gonna get explain this once my balls right now I can't hold this very long are being smashed between my thighs okay you're gonna take ties yes it does not help you they're being smashed there one my bright testicle is being smashed in the middle of my thighs it's hot and it's there's a lot of pressure and yeah even even after this amount of time I've been speaking it's starting to hurt and I have to let up the top testicle is being squished up top yeah it's it's also very uncomfortable the penis rests comfortably at the top it's a it's a testicle issue mm-hmm use your imagination they hang down and when it's hot as it is between the thighs they hang even more do you know why let me give you some male biological lessons because apparently you don't understand anything about being a man the testicles are required to be held at a certain temperature for the semen to be viable ela hmm that's why they hang what it's not for insert actor because they need to be cool and when you forced me to sit like that guess who's not getting pregnant oh but maybe that's what you wanted the whole time all men to die and be castrated okay and so you know all these fancy chairs and all these BuzzFeed videos and all these TED talks and all these sad pathetic little men who were sitting I look how look at look at this photograph like she's so free sky and he's on a blue background little [ __ ] boy so every other dive and sit in that chair look at this look at this guy how do you live with yourself bro you betrayed your aunt your gender you betrayed your gender look at this Wow oh so okay so here you've heard all the arguments you've seen all they have to say now allow me what is what you should I read the bolt all I want to say is that she have received a lot of explicit messages from and who seemed to be under the impression that she is trying to castrate them and that she hates all men don't which couldn't be further from the truth please don't see if you do that you are even worse than she is if you go out of your way okay now that I've gone extreme one direction let me go the other way if you go out of your way to target this woman to find who she is and we don't do that okay no if you are one of these guys no thank ya that's what I'm trying to say thank you so like it the goes and finds her and sends her a mess yeah you are you should be castrated do you understand how pathetic and insane that is bro I mean that's so insane so we can make fun of her and goofing about it but if you're gonna actually send her if it if it upsets you much dude you should be castrated I mean that's so disturbing and weird bro uh-uh you are way worse way worse than her just making a stupid chair that we can do here that is why I wanted to show her side as well yeah it is important to acknowledge it and she said I don't take myself too seriously because for my work I really wanted to be both important and thought-provoking while also being engaging and funny I think humor is really interesting too in order to tackle social issues good so then she's really gonna appreciate my counterpoint that's really actually I have a whole topic I want to talk about these pathetic guys I will do it on Friday yeah I found this channel called um I don't remember it's some insult I call it the unbell manifesto you know it's crazy like the the idea is held within are so disturbing on and I watched one video and YouTube was like recommending me this release like if you're watching this [ __ ] you've pretty much not only hate women but I feel like you know 100% hate women but it's like way beyond that beyond that yeah but this but we'll talk about make right now big towers I'm sure like that or that's what they call themselves it's men going their own way oh thank you I was wondering what that acronym you know I just found the video in your dock that you're talking about and you're right it's so crazy oh my [ __ ] YouTube algorithm just I just going to this I haven't even watching it just clicking on it all of the suggestions on the sidebar are like more insel [ __ ] and this is like it while we watched it together and I I really couldn't believe it was real yeah and it has a ton of you tons of positive engagement so people are and I'm like I was just listening and total shock and disbelief because I mean I've only I've been surrounded by reasonable dudes my whole life and while we joke about mansplaining this stuff apparently there's a lot of guys out there that I guess think that I'm speaking to them and I am NOT because this big house [ __ ] is I cannot believe anyone actually believes this stuff it's cringy it's crazy scary yeah it's scary and so so dude trust me it's not like that you know yeah I can't believe how far these guys take it but then yeah it's like it's like YouTube algorithm separate recommending alright [ __ ] I mean there they are whoa this McTell [ __ ] is [ __ ] meant going their own way I guess if that way is like what way is that the wrong way I I don't even know we'll talk about it alright do like for people to understand what we're talking about since we haven't shown anything but it but anyway i disavow that with with extreme prejudice so to counter her point I have only one simple gift to show you okay little clever engineer and all of your co-conspirators out there who think that manspreading is an issue I present you with the one gift one short little video clip to undo all all of your studies people hate him for this one gift this is a man on stage who sits down crosses look man I've watched this so many times [Laughter] [Laughter] shits up inside shock and pain he amazes himself at how how much he could do you see what I'm saying ladies okay okay lady who mate just watch this look at the sweet man [Music] I mean either tell me what's your reaction to seeing this does it are you gonna tell this poor man to stop manspreading [Laughter] everytime it surprised me like everytime it surprised me and you know the man silently suffers nobody on his left or right nobody but this camera man knew what happened this poor sweet old man trying to mind his own business and minimize the space he's occupying because there's other dudes next to him they're spreading their legs out too because they also have not what is left has got no problem well Tommy I think homies do for some new pants think he passed on a couple well I don't know what's going to be free also he's older this does [ __ ] droop slow man those the guy on the left is like he's packed in but but the point is is that I mean this could happen to anyone any one of us I mean making that face like somebody and this right through his body but I mean what really more do I need to offer to you and rebuttal I feel like you know at the national debate team she comes with all this paperwork on all these illegal documents and I say ladies and gentlemen of the jury I present this and I rest my case this guy is not a man spreader he's just a dude with some well troops well low troopers who [ __ ] sat on his nuts wrong you know look how much pain this poor [ __ ] in if you get you telling me there's a chance that you're gonna sit on the subway with your little vagina and no issues no problem between your legs you need empathy I mean women have they complain and they complain about men all the time and a lot of time they're right but you want to talk about empathy you will you have to acknowledge we have testicles and they're delicate that's the problem that they um they make feel they make men feel like this women really hate them and I think it's a shame because there is a lot to complain about with women men issues right so I think it's a shame that they make it so like they make it ridiculous they make it even more dividing because they go at man so strong that the only reaction is to be like you know you're you just hate you you can't have a serious conversation about it when this is the counter point but that's a really good point you and that's why I love you because you are smart and thoughtful and reasonable and you you really are just so fantastic and you have never once given me any trouble about me manspreading you I don't really have a problem with what is your legitimate problems you say that well what's one off the top of your head if you cut an issue that we should be discussing between genders I think a real one that goes a kind of less noticed is sometimes it is harder for if you're like a woman in a and more men around you and everyone is having conversation sometimes it kind of really be harder to be heard yes that's very true that's a real one that I'm experienced I don't know if it's like that for everyone I think that's a good generalization and I found myself doing that to you because you're well for whatever reason I agree I have I I find myself frequently doing that and then having to consciously pull myself back yeah but also you don't want to create an environment where people are looking I think what it is is just being conscientious yeah you have to be you being more thoughtful yeah be more thoughtful of not just I think women but people who are less I mean women tend to be less assertive I think that's why and I think that'll piss off some feminists but I mean I'm sorry that's just I feel like that's a bylaw just different women can be assertive but Delta different way so so like you said a lot of times they'll get drowned out in a conversation or I guess what people would say maybe like Susan the CEO of YouTube would say is that man she loved my cutting her off a lot and sometimes when we both handle stuff like business-wise I feel like if something came from you people will take us more seriously versus if it came from me well when it comes to negotiating but when it comes to like dealing with manufacturers abroad they even asked to talk to you when they don't even know that I'm more involved yeah we had partners in Pakistan who wouldn't even talk to HeLa yeah so they both because they didn't take her seriously they would when it when I told my they would email me go around ela and I'd be like talk to Ella yeah I'd be like what the [ __ ] did yes but yeah that's especially ironic just knowing I mean ela is extremely business savvy like it's written that's really ridiculous that they will want to go around her but I see what you mean and I think that's more of an issue of of Education I think growing up it helps to teach young boys like that even more than just literally sitting down and be like son you have to remember right you have to by example yeah by example but yeah you have to sometimes listen more and give other people an opportunity to like myself I can be very especially in a setting like this I don't know assertive of my voice right so it's been a learning process to learn to to allow you to communicate yeah and parallel to me but you do leave the show more so it is sometimes it makes more sense for you to anyway be about it yeah yeah or maybe I think to talk about feminism and all that I feel like it is totally just leading by example right I think action instead of just talking like I think it's pretty cool that Teddy fresh mm-hmm all 90% of our employees are actually female and it's not we didn't make it a conscious decision that's just we just hired the best people that we found we only have one male employee yeah well she to wit men alright Ben yeah but I think that you know it's funny if we didn't we didn't make the decision like I want female know that in this room or you know well also and maybe this breaks the stereotype our lead designer is a male I don't know you probably expect no actually designers are is that a male or into that's interesting but the thing it you know we've also noticed I feel like in the world of entertainment or at least new media I feel like you in particular are us are a perfect example of a strong independent woman who has her own achievements and her own accomplishments under her belt and whenever you see people getting accolades and recognition for being like a feminist or ever it's always these typical people that have made a super-loud and they try to make their whole identity about that man is a man power women but what I don't know what they're doing exactly other than talking about it so what I feel like yeah and and and well and while you are actually living a true the life of a true powerful independent woman you don't nobody's good even gonna recognize you for doing that because because I don't talk about that's because you're doing what's actually impactful which is living it instead of just you know screaming about how much of a feminist and tweeting about all you know you know what I'm saying no one will ever acknowledge a true that crew hustle but I think you you transcend even the the like you said we're not we don't think about things and that well the way that we and you think about things is is really the way that I think we all need to strive to is that on my merits yeah not not by not not based on what outcome you want mm-hmm but based on the merits itself but that's not progressive enough apparently because you need to make chairs that force people to sit like this get a load of this guy well I want to recognize you I I want to recognize you you uh you are a strong independent woman you're you're amazing thank you that's what I always loved about you from the beginning independent super intelligent grounded I don't feel super intelligent I know well I mean who does really I mean who does really people I mean look people always have throughout my life said that I they think I'm intelligent and I'm only saying that as anecdotal I feel like a [ __ ] idiot mm-hmm I swear to God I don't feel intelligent okay I know that if I think you're intelligent I know if I took an IQ test I would score very low hmm I feel like I'm sure I would like barely get over a hundred I'm not that smart I don't know why I give off that impression I'm just not that smart but anyway Here I am making about me how dumb I am but you are you're so capable and you're so willing to go your own way and you're so strong and you so you're not swayed by it by by like perception and and and cultural things you've always been very much your own person and I just I you know yeah I think you're sick all the success you you have is all just from your your strength and independence well thank you and it's always been a teamwork with us so you've always enabled me to pursue all the stuff about you no I'm saying I think what it is I actually growing up I've always like I've seen my mom work she was a stay-at-home mom for a while but mostly with my siblings not mood me and then I've seen her always work and then when I wanted something we were she would be like okay this month I can buy you one pair of jeans I always wanted like the brands like I prefer to buy less but spend more mm-hmm we don't really have a lot of money so she would be like I'm the 15 I get paid and this is how much I can spend on you so 1 to 15 will go and whatever you want but you get one thing that's awesome but I've always seen her work and the what comes of it right and I've always I've always had this thought like I'm gonna be I'm gonna earn money for myself so I can buy whatever I want I'm not gonna have some guy you know giving me money and me yeah cool living at his so that hit that's always been in my mind since being like a kid yeah because your mom led by example mm-hmm your mom came from a very traditional household and she decided she was gonna enter the workforce with very with no qualifications yeah and just slow and earn her own deep in a very conservative household your dad probably didn't even want her to work I don't know yeah right your dad didn't even want her to work and the funny thing not coming funny but at at the end towards like my dad's last year's she was the only one actually working and providing isn't that the best it's like mother [ __ ] didn't even want her working and here she is supporting him but that's you know that's that's a real strong woman boo-yeah who breaks convention to do what's best for her and she she led by example and that's the best lesson you can say words are what words are seriously wind like you can have all the wisdom and say all the right things but it's it it's at it will go out one ear and out the other it is weightless it has nothing nothing in the face of actually living an example I mean that's what it's all about for kids I think I always wanted a stronger my mom is strong in some ways but she also went out and made a good living and worked and supported herself which was good which was a really good example I think yeah which is probably why I favored one like that but moreover my dad was always just such a dick to her all the time and very demeaning to her of me growing up like he like she doesn't know how to use the remote so instead of just helping her it turns into this whole thing about like he's treating her like she's an idiot and it's like always that and that and that and that and that and that and I guess you can learn you know one of two ways right and I never wanted to one of the best things ever heard was the best thing a man can do for his kids is to respect their mother and I don't feel like my dad ever really respected my mom and I feel like it was it really was not not healthy as a young man to to see that somehow I came out of it with what what I think is the right idea because I've always been attracted to women that I have a deep respect for so I think I was looked actively looking for a relationship unlike theirs they're still together happily married yeah they're not that serious yeah there they are they are like loving couple it's not like they used to be worse but my butt against suit they somehow my mom she's crazy too you know like these people are [ __ ] insane especially back in the day like God but you really just words are worthless man they so are worthless you have to just you have to live it to teach it mm-hmm and then you don't have to speak a single word in short be good to your mother be good to your mother in short thank you to TMZ a lot of tangents today is this real somebody told me I saw this image of the air force train I was going to ask you the same thing so the air force is apparently training for the area 51 invasion how do we find out if this is real so here's a slide so one of these guys in a military outfit is giving a PowerPoint presentation to other military personnel it says terms to know Naruto running the act of running like Japanese anime characters Naruto Uzumaki leaving got the last name which a person runs very fast with their torso forward and arms back and the instructor is demonstrating with his arms back and its torso forward so you know what I'm thinking about it again I feel like there's no way this is real well Dan do you have an answer though wait yeah so I I did find an insight on reddit of somebody you know it is reddit so let's take it with a grain of salt but somebody claiming to be in the military and what they speculated it probably was is I guess they do training exercises about how to give a briefing and take it seriously and they purposely pick really absurd things so he gave as an Appl when he was in the middle Arian they made them do a presentation about like they're about to go to war with an army of vegans mm-hmm and like they had to like not laugh and like treat it as if it were a real thing so he was speculating that they're using this as one of those examples but the opportunity because I also saw in the comments that this picture wasn't on the internet previous to the area 51 page oh well it could be Photoshop that's why they would do it that's why they do one thing right so that so it was a timely presentation I mean I'm either way I think it's real talking about the area 51 thing because I've seen reports that the military you know they despite it being a giant meme they have to take it seriously because yeah at least 50 people are gonna die trying to get exactly my brother will be there to counter at all my brother should be a good drone oh god he'd get murdered no drones but it but I think it is real one way or the other I think the photo is real I think the context okay yeah is potentially not real yeah but either way it's fantastic yeah and it's somebody somehow like I wonder if this is top-secret these photos is this official top-secret business I love how the guy in the bottom he's like he's really oh my god so there you have it the military is preparing for the area 51 raid - happening September 20th 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. ending succinctly at 6 a.m. just in time for some pancakes and eggs cats movie trailer we always we have so much to cover and there's too much to talk about god yeah there's - I have too much here it's already an hour and a half I have too much to talk about guys there's way too much to talk about what have we talked about so far I need a thumbnail do we have a something that we can you know title and thumbnail if we end it now it's been hour and a half we've talked about TMZ we've talked about Ethan Bradberry and we talked about ant-man Spencer pretty much it didn't lock the background Zack what am I gonna put Zacks dumb face in the realtor wars I'll put a picture of the two Realtors what can we do for a thumbnail I mean that's demands plating chairs pretty good that one is hard to pin it down oh yeah well you'd have to get a really good title like um women proposes castrating man [ __ ] man there's what would you title this episode right now title like that we're gonna get in the algorithm with those uh men going their own way videos I'm saying if you the titles that we castrating wouldn't want to castrate men be good to your mother that's right what if it's you know people are gonna click wreath and Bradbury I think it's got to be the man spreading chairs mm-hmm yeah that's the only topic with with teeth here and it's a good one how about this Ethan destroys the manspreading argument which is true I think I do but that's such a Ben Shapiro title Ethan yeah well I mean but it's good those videos have a lot of years at the other hand you know can we can we all agree that if we do it we're doing it ironically yeah always I say you can that's what Hitler said about killing the Jews I didn't manage that right that's a license to murder you can do say anything you want as long as it's ironic Ethan and it Ethan ends the man spreading epidemic okay once and for all must watch I can go it ends I have a problem with destroys Ethan annihilates that's a long word now there is this good content or what even a little peek behind the scenes we can even highlight this that's how many you think of a thumbnail title that's how matter we can get this is a banger of a highlight now if we go with this title what do you put in the tum no because those chairs are not gonna know you know the Naruto running in the military would be funny I don't know hmm but we talked about that for like two minutes yeah the chair we would have to get creative cuz the chair you know we should get just a random picture of men spreading like a good one and and he's on a noose hanging Ethan annihilates the manspreading argument Ethan but maybe we should be paired like a parody of entry or Ethan destroys mansplaining argument and the picture it's apparent okay yeah of course we all agree no problem and then I think she's pretty smart me so it could be her with the woman's chair men's chair if you blow that up you could probably get a bitter pictures because this one's real low-res like a close-up and all maybe the people sitting on those chairs oh that's pretty depressing yeah I think we got something there I mean the alternative that I wanted to do for the title but we haven't gotten time to get there is the the ice cream looking challenge which i think is good but we can talk about that on friday we really got to move on friday because we have so much to cover dude i'm that's it okay on front we're gonna have a long episode on Friday because I gotta clear this list cuz we have [ __ ] a lot dude including I've got like the insult manifest so about all these Instagram food one some things here are starting to get old like the face out of the whoopsie-daisy yeah the face app there's so I'm okay we're doing like five hours or a leak which is gonna be like three hours on Friday cuz we got a let's just I think what we need to do is just move mm-hmm just be like boom boom boom move baby none of this tangent [ __ ] Oh women empowerment get real we're moving nice chat for another day all right so we go right is business don't miss Friday's episode because we mean business don't ask me how we're doing no none of this no no chitchat under this how's your mother and trust me my mother been great capiche haven't heard from my mother haven't heard from your mother in two months you've been good to your mother he's almost too enthusiastic that when he's like I've been great my mother it's like whoa don't be so good to your mother in weird you know I've been watching Fear Factor a lot and there's this one episode where the mom and the son are like hugging and kissing all the time I was like not that good don't be everyone around them acknowledge that they're being weird and they're still being all touching nice so weird there wasn't a second that they weren't touching each other and like whole episode the mom was she was yes she must had him really young cuz she looked she was attractive and she was wearing very little and had big fake titties kept showing her like yeah it's very strange and he was probably like 18 and they were just embracing each other like I feel like there's like a couple there's almost no chance that they don't they're not they had like the body language that a couple would like hugging and so if he was [ __ ] his mom do you think the question is would they be more just concealed with their affection or would they not be able to help it or would they think in their minds that it was okay if they were [ __ ] I feel like that is how they would act because then you have to be so twisted in your mind to do that mmm that I feel like maybe for them that is toned down usually it's just maybe I have no idea you don't towards the end if anyone's curious I watched every single episode of fear factor because with these like new no no no no 160 episodes are like 157 episodes they added to Hulu every single one and because we're just I'm in front with Theodore I have the most and the least free time I've ever had in my life it's very weird yeah so a lot we're just feeding in and burping him and trying to get him to go to sleep and we're just sitting in front of the TV the whole day until watch 157 episodes of Fear Factor since he's been born because you can't really watch good content because then you're not paying attention enough so you're wasting it so and you got to watch something that you can just kind of like look away and then look back and you're still not missing anything right so Fear Factor is perfect I mean I loved it it was really interesting though because so the show was cancelled ultimately because the the first couple seasons were like huge success crazy ratings world phenomenon yeah and the ratings were falling off every season falling off falling off and I when I first started I was like how's that possible the first episode is so shocking I could not believe what I was seeing the very first challenge in that first episode they tie the contestants to the back of a [ __ ] horse and drag their ass at full speed on the ground on like a dirt like rocky and they had they had to hold on to a rope for as long as I could and they were getting [ __ ] up they were getting like their shirt Wonder's shirt was torn completely off they were all bloody and cut up and it was like everyone was like terrified it was shocking and I think I don't know for what reason if it was legal or what but like as the show went on I feel like less actually dangerous things happen or they were like and that that's what was so great about that especially first and second episode is that like every episode was just shocking human first second seasons yes sir like as a how the [ __ ] they get away with that it's literally like they used to execute people that way where they drag them at the back of a horse yeah it's literally the dudes shirt was shredded off his body and then the other side of it is the animal torture oh my god it's so so you would never be able to do it today dude it's it's it's hard to watch the worst thing I saw so a lot of times they're blending up insects live insects like worms and cockroaches and beetles and the ship they always turn them into smoothies so they blend him alive but the craziest one was they had a huge bullfrog like this big that they blended alive and showed what the [ __ ] yeah I haven't I still haven't seen that part cuz I was looking away with Tia door mm-hmm I gotta go back and a [ __ ] they I mean it there was other I mean I even the insects is hard to watch me it's not like there there's like huge beetles and cockroaches and worms and they're just they're alive and they're just blending them alive and showing it on camera and then the person just straight chugs it it's like the most disgusting one that I've seen was there and dead rat that they all blinded and so good and then they have to drink it set it up yeah you set it up they go out to this if you've been in New York City you know there's there's all these hotdog stands where they saw a hotdog for like a dollar and they take it out of this old water with tongs so they're on the streets of New York City what does he take out not a hotdog a dead rat a whole dead rat puts it in a blender with a little sewage water and [ __ ] blends it right there entire dead rat hair skeleton tail I mean everything it's a whole rat a lot of hair really close and then he puts it in a bowl and gives him a spoon and they have to I was actually shocked because they ate it all like that there was two guys I had a challenge and they both didn't have any trouble eating that dead wrap which shocked the hell out of me they were talking about they had to like hair stuck in the teeth fear factors a crazy show man I watched every [ __ ] episode but I have to admit it got really boring towards the end and watching Joe Rogan's uh transformation is funny too like you can tell his testosterone levels are going through the roof towards the end like they came back for the last season they were they came back for like a little special and he comes back and he's all tatted up both of his arms and full tats he's he's like more yakked than ever you can tell he's been shooting testosterone into his testicles and uh and taking alpha brain and [ __ ] like apparently some guys sued them for that rat episode oh really because I struggled at Friendly's it couldn't stomach what he watched well I'm not surprised wait it was just a viewer just a viewer yeah well so I think the most obscene stuff I've seen and I'm like an expert because I I walk I don't think anyone's watched as much for your factor as I did in that time I would just watch it every day all day did you know that they just recently revived it no they didn't well I did apparently it's on MTV and the host is Ludacris now know why are you kidding wait how long have I been on since twenty seventeen recently yeah there that's gotta be so tame we're gonna have to wait out Ludacris I saw in my opinion Joe Rogan made that show that show would have been nothing and I'll tell you why because Joe Rogan is such like an alpha male character and he peer pressure's people he shames people human humiliates people and he really amps up the environment and he actually is really good encouraging people through the challenges who wouldn't otherwise do it and he's so he's so perfect for that show he made that show Ludacris give me a [ __ ] break yeah that's kind of hard to picture but yeah apparently it's a thing two seasons not like there was one scene let me tell you about how Joe Rogan is good for the show I'm telling you I'm an expert at Fear Factor he goes there's one challenge where they have to eat a giant Madagascar hissing cockroach they're huge living cockroaches oh that's nothing on that show and so one of the girls I think it was a celebrity it was a celebrity edition and one of them failed the competition so they're like okay I'll tell you what if you eat this hissing Madagascar and cockroach hole you can come to the finals and she's like no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way and Joe Rogan's like I'll eat one and he takes an entire mmm hissing cockroach I mean they're huge man I'm talking like both of your thumbs together just dropped you a link with pictures of him yeah they're [ __ ] it you have a picture Kyle it's not oh you don't want to see a picture you see how big their I mean it this guy's this it's it's dare Norma's and so he puts the whole [ __ ] thing in his mouth and he eats it he's trying to be a badass he was really badass but he started gagging but but it he was gagging and I think laughing because he's shocked by how disgusting was it alive yeah yeah yeah they like live scorpions a tarantula leeches yeah I can't hang with that [ __ ] man no watch that show and so he goes he gets it down he goes that's why I'm the because he had he can he had times almost yaks he at times but he always holds it together but the workers are the worst thing I ever saw on that show was they put the contestants again always the worst ones they somehow get through but they put the contestants in a tank full of cow intestines and what they had to do was bite into the intestines and out the [ __ ] spit into a cup and then drink it so they had these huge long intestines and they would bite into it and would be squirting everywhere and they would suck it up or they would like sponge it out like that and they would spit it into a cup and would they bite in it was really juicy at what squirt everywhere it's full of [ __ ] and then they had to drink it I'm like how the [ __ ] even how was that and people always do how do you survive that thing yes how would they do it well that one actually nobody had any problem with and their rat and they wanted to discuss them in the move those those those Jews ate it like chocolate ice cream yeah they did so about that one the guy sued them for two and a half million dollars to just lay me he felt so disgusted for watching the stunt and he felt dizzy and lightheaded and vomited and he claimed that his disorientation was so severe that he ran into a doorway and seriously injured himself for that as a [ __ ] and then the judge throw it out thanks obviously damn that that was during the era where everyone was just suing for any yeah and also so you told me that they had an episode of when the contestant had to drink donkey semen yeah didn't air oh yeah because it was the only episode that NBC ever rejected whether it was a twins episode you can find it online but they cut it and actually it wasn't on who I wasn't sure because they rereleased it but it's a twins episode and there's these really I frezzer I remember cute like petite blonde twins and he goes well you'll have to do he brings out a huge picture of donkey semen and they have to chug it boat so one of them is donkey urine and one of them is monkey semen and they both and one has to choose which one and they and I'm thinking like how is this part and they do it they do it they do it and then there's a guy couple that does it - chugging an entire picture of semen yeah crazy right then there's another one so that was the only episode that was cut but they used to do like the stunts they would do in the beginning were so insane like mm-hmm they would shut down like huge parts of Los Angeles and city work and get like access crazy to like huge skyscrapers in LA and they're crawling out and it was really amazing and then towards the end I think they just got lazy or lower budget because they were just in the desert on the crane pretty much but in the way they had bigger budget because they started doing all these crazy explosions and like annoying ours every time the producers didn't understand no it's like more money it's the YouTube bread syndrome yeah they are us and all of our creator fans that we know whenever they pitched the YouTube bread they're like okay but we need to justify that for charging people I guess it's YouTube premium now yeah and boat so we need to spend more money I'm like well [ __ ] shut up like I pitched to them I pitched them a really good concept I wanted to make this character the vapenation guy except I go to different subcultures and study the soap culture and assimilate mm-hmm so every episode I become a different guy not so like one episode I'd be like become a skater and they said that it was too low-budget something that I can make that would exist in front of a paywall I'm like are you [ __ ] stupid here I need good people that's what I'm paying for not explosions I think for good people they don't get it these people don't understand what makes a good show they don't understand it and they work in the industry the other one that was super obscene was like they have cow blood like a swimming pool of just cow blood done done a couple of times and to see someone covered in blood like they were bobbing for cow hearts or something and they come up and their head is just covered in blood and it's just so it's so sick it really is just so sad and the other thing about this show is that it's such a timepiece it's finding a Worcester tips puka-shell necklace it's all the girls are like models fake tits though yeah I was so long ten and they're always wearing a bikini yeah always and then they always make sure to have a water challenge and then they do like a slope an up the body oh yeah they when they take off their clothes they always do like know everything to try to pretend like that's not what they're doing they try to be cool about it but it's so obvious and all the guys look like before four it's great i I seriously loved every almost every episode yeah it's on Hulu every episode I highly recommend it but a parent so apparently the show obviously was so popular at first and then tapered off but in syndication it's like huge it's like a huge huge show like 700 million bucks I wonder if Joe has a back end on that must right cuz I know it's not for sure he wasn't that famous when he started doing it huh but he did he did every single episode so I'm pretty sure that he got some good conditions and he was he wasn't super famous but he was on Newsradio by that time well i like he was like a known actor and yeah but no he was an unknown but this show made him famous in the beginning but i think they kept doing more seasons there must have been a renegotiate yeah yeah yeah yeah because he really makes the show but they could have just give him a really nice per episode fee not knowing that it would be like so syndicated yeah because I mean I'm sure Joe I'm sure Joe's really well off but I don't know because that's like if he had back in on fear factor that's like 100 million like crazy numbers maybe not what do I know what the [ __ ] do I know I don't know it work is if if the show made seven hundred million dollars in syndication I don't know what the normal back-end let's say one and a half percent because he's just a guy maybe it's five percent residual well like I'm not completely sure either but it seems like a lot to get a whole black 5% it's usually per airing more so then just like a flat fee when they said no to syndication okay well every time it airs he gets a little bit of money assuming he he does have residuals on it well if he got 5% which seems high to me I don't know but that'd be thirty five million dollars it's a lot of dope yeah it's a lot of dough a lot of donkey semen you can buy with that but I'm sure he I'm sure he makes that about every episode of the podcast he's all good but it's all on Hulu dude I would totally check that out if you're just chilling and once I mean especially the first season I think he'll be hooked but the first season just shock the [ __ ] hell out of me the only challenges i always hated was a woman thugs so boring dumb oh yeah they have it's just ridiculous some of the times it's just so unfair like you pit a 90-pound girl I guess a 200-pound guy and then they have a dog come attack them they're in like a dog attack suit and the dog weighs 90 pounds so of course the dog is going to tackle the girl of the ground and the guys clear with like absolutely no challenge at all the best ones are when it's like a mix a perfect mix where the women aren't evil even playing field with the men sometimes they really surprise you you would think like there's no way a guy wouldn't win it and yeah woman dies when the woman yeah the women are fierce competitors on that show pretty funny definitely like remember the last challenge of the first episode again blew my mind they had a taxi hanging from a crane at this absurd angle just insane angle near the climate of the back and get a flag and they made it rain and they made it rain so I was like how the [ __ ] can anyone do this and of course no I don't well I think one day I could complete it but the first guy slipped off and like almost broke his arm you trying to catch on and grab himself and he [ __ ] destroyed his arm so the first episode was amazing like people were almost dying there being so I was just it was amazing right yeah and it just I don't know if either it wore off the shock or got more conservative and think about it but dude I don't know that first season was just [ __ ] like boom-boom-boom and ever every episode is a banger you know and then there's really fun once listen to me going on about Fear Factor there's really funny ones where the contestants suck and they just won't do anything and Gio just burr rates that hell out of them those are really fun to watch and there's even episode where Joe gets in a fight with a dude it puts him in a headlock that's pretty big yeah it's great so yeah that's it there and there you go I'm complaining here I just want another extra half an hour when I could have covered all these topics but I had to [ __ ] how the way we like to thank Hulu for sponsoring this episode that way I do like Hulu though I like it anything about the cable i watch you a little more than netflix at this point oh I know why is because they have all the reality shows and they have all the new [ __ ] like you almost don't even need cable through it because they have ongoing shows like bachelor nation what up they put the new bachelor and you just have to wait an extra day but I'm paying $150 for dish and they [ __ ] suck [ __ ] I can't wait to cancel it I'd rather suck the [ __ ] out of a cow intestine can pay them another 150 bucks that's not true oh yeah and the best part of Fear Factor it's only fifty thousand dollar prize the [ __ ] that these people go through no no it's not it's not good enough it's really not like maybe in the first season in like the early 2000s I mean I don't know where inflation was at but 10 episode ten seasons later it's still 50,000 and the [ __ ] that they go through sometimes they go out their head yeah they do have special hundred thousand and the millions I gave you guys are gonna love this they do some they did like a couple of times a million dollar special where it's like seven seven episodes long and in the fine print they say the million dollars is paid to the winner over 40 years so they're still being paid off now the winners of that [ __ ] I was like twenty five thousand dollars a year which I mean is nice but like you're not a millionaire and then I'm imagine you had a really good point of yeah I'm just imagining these people like they're kind of low life like just like imagine a dude who won fear factor twenty years ago and he doesn't work he just collects his $25,000 fear factor pension so anyway it's it was like bad for them because it put them in this middle position of like I don't need to work right but then you're getting a little point about and then as the years go on inflation hits you by the time they pay your ass back over forty years that money's gonna be worth like so much less right yeah cuz in 40 years yeah probably like half of what it was 40 years even knows of the government hasn't resolved it but I just love them the image of one of these guys like yeah one fear factor I want fear factor 30 years ago I've got another 10 years left on my pension 25 thousand a year is so funny and the fine print 40 years and then that person ends up with no education no career oh it's [ __ ] cursed their whole life winning the show was the worst thing that ever happened to them you know because they you think you're a millionaire but you're so far from a millionaire you're so far from a millionaire mm-hmm you're basically making the salary of a full-time McDonald's employee not to poopoo their service I mean god bless for that ain't a millionaire like what are the chances they went out and got gainfully employed and was just like I'm gonna make an extra twenty five thousand on top of this someone who appeared on fear factor hell no they're celebrating and then that's basically what the Big Lebowski is about she was a winner on fear factor like 35 years prior and he's about to run out of money god bless love the fear factor all right we're gonna have to try to make this thumbnail work mm-hmm [ __ ] man spreading we're going to go crazy on this one Ethan destroys feminist ideology in one fell swoop mag domination make doubt Ethan goes mgtow can you make a dumber sounding name MIG though like dude if you're gonna try to be badass make it ow sounds like sounds like what Steven Seagal does you know what Steven Seagal looks like he's off yeah it's like a really shitty martial arts for fat old dudes McDow alright let's wrap this up alright Friday is gonna be max impact so y'all don't go and miss that right ela it's business guys this has been your parents Ethan and yo decline the only people that truly care about you in this world your best friends your only companions I mean this is everything hey tree podcast is everything cuz without us who's gonna tell you what's going on in the world who's gonna tell you what to think and who's gonna listen your problems people around you are just trying to control you the people are around you're rolling hills here's our address you can send us your 10% of your income a tip if you were a I say that right tip tight hey dat site but if what the church get 10% and I don't how I do way more for you guys in the church what does the church do for you you know what I mean like seriously think about it oh I'm a pastor I'm not talking about the same dumb [ __ ] I did last week I change it up at least and you can watch at home way more comfortable so they are my dress will be in the description you could save me 10% the h-street type TIFF right then die yes yes you can send us your money thank you thank you we will see on Friday we love y'all we appreciate you this has been a while off the rails experience this episode was off the rails song is nearing the end and said alright so guys we'll see on Friday where we're gonna be on the rails bye bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,260,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: 4DK_6yMgUfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 34sec (7174 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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