H3 After Dark (Talking About The Trisha Thing) - #16

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All of this drama is giving me second hand trauma lmfao

👍︎︎ 204 👤︎︎ u/Kakyoin-Here 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honestly bless Dan beyond being an insane production talent I can't imagine what chaos would erupt if he wasn't around to provide some moderation for the chaos

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/RockyTheFlyingSaucer 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think the bigger issue here is that Moses is being ultra passive while still being the one responsible for a lot of the inflammatory comments. Trisha still bringing up Hila's personal family life despite being told Hila doesn't like it is bad, but I doubt she's just pulling these quotes out of her ass.

Its so bizarre that he will be in the room with them while shes making these comments about his sister or the rest of his family and he won't even speak up. Then he gets called out on it and says "its just the way she is?"

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/VPplaya 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks u/Dan_H3 for bringing in a different perspective during this episode, really appreciated that

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/i-drink-soy-sauce 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think this is a situation where both sides are right and wrong. It's good to see that they understand Trisha's mood and personality disorders and are empathetic. There are no true cures for the difficulties Trisha has; all she can ever hope to do is manage her disorders. Doing so requires being surrounded by people who are willing to handle the highs and lows, which isn't something a lot of individuals are equipped for. I think if Trisha's relationship with the H3 family ever ends, it'll be on her end, but it looks for the moment like she's finally found the closest thing she's had to people who can accept her.

👍︎︎ 219 👤︎︎ u/MotherHolle 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mental health blow-ups and subsequent toxic reactions aside, Trisha's problem with the family is that they don't communicate as openly as she would. Hila and Moses both seem very non confrontational, which is technically fine, but it triggers a response in Trisha when she feels like she isn't getting the whole truth from them - and she isn't, because it doesn't seem Hila and her really talk, and Moses seems to consistently be telling one tale to the family and one to Trisha. If Trisha was not involved in the family's life beyond work, the podcast would be fine. But I think they have trouble respecting her as an actual family member, and not just a sideshow. Hila is not innocent just because she seems above it. Trisha is vulnerable and they have always known that, so the bigger person is the one who reaches out and acts in empathy.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/forgotmyactualtbh 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mizkif and H3 is pogchamp combination, worlds collide

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/aijuken 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

So Trisha apologized, then made a video that was less apologetic, then released a new video while this podcast was live where she basically retracts the apology and goes off on both of them? At a certain point you just have to cut the crazy out of your life. I feel like Moses especially should really start to see the writing on the walls right about now, even if he just bought a house with her. The entire situation is a massive clusterfuck.

👍︎︎ 151 👤︎︎ u/ImHully 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

So Ethan admitted he didn't watch the video and AB basicly just summed it up kinda? She adressed a lot of things they went on about and was really complementing of them and the crew actually but he made it seem like the video was all vile and horrible... and why did Ethan bring up that he thinks Trisha is driving a wedge between Moses and his work collegues? That's another private issue that should've never seen the light of day/the audience, I don't think he had any right to bring something like that in just to underline his point... I think it would be best Frenemies gets shelved for good as bad as this sounds, this whole thing causes more destruction than it does good... EDIT: spelling

👍︎︎ 144 👤︎︎ u/King_Slowpoke 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
and should we roll in a little bit for tonight fortnite dude this looks so good all right here we go in five four three four nine two podcasts well well well not only are we back we're all wrapped up for christmas shout out to abe the conversions maybe if this doesn't work you can become an interior designer thank you let me get this straight a muslim gift wrapped a juice set for christmas how does that make sense in any way possible baby what was it what was that yeah meliana [Music] yeah that's how i feel melania that's funny first lady everybody why we gotta get political we have so much to talk about there's so much to talk about this is such a huge show just to give you a tease we have a call in from you guys know the tick tock guy who does the car videos he goes hey what do you do for a living that guy he's calling in the show isn't that fun i think that's really fun he's calling in a little bit later we have so much to talk to you about first of all i want to say um [Music] oh yeah right we have sponsors we have quip ring and stamps.com now ian i know last time we talked you had covid so i want to check in on ian and see how he's been feeling i mean i'm doing pretty good all things considered you're feeling good you're feeling normal [Music] that's one way to put it right have you been having trouble breathing or i mean just take me through your daily routine here you know i wake up and uh i lay down i continue to lay down the hours drift by and they go by some more and then i go to bed but i'm already in bed so i don't really go to bed i i stay in bed and that's my life now [Music] all right thank you for the update i appreciate that so he's doing fine it sounds like he's doing really well he's doing fine good actually today today marks ian's um third year anniversary with the podcast if you can believe that that's why whoa so you know what first of all ian in i don't know i don't think you knew this but we were working on a ian tribute video to commemorate your three years of service in the army i mean that's very kind gesture but it kind of feels like a a memorial like a memorial i was kind of afraid it might come off that way don't say the m word or the dewarder all right well let's just go ahead and roll the virtu the visual obituary just ignore the part where it says in loving memory at the end okay all right let's celebrate ian's three years and just to be clear it's not a it's not a living memorial it's not a memorial right he's alive for now know that i'm the only one ian you know i would get your ass regenerate somehow wait i'm just saying you know i would get your ass for a deservier regeneron i would [ __ ] pull all the stops for to keep your ass alive you know that shin guy i get you shungite is that fda approved not yet okay well you know what there's ways to get everything right all right here we go i want the record to show that i'm the only one that hasn't gone to the bathroom today in this office yeah you're trying to make a point we get it i'm really thirsty and i'm not gonna drink i need everyone watching to blast the [ __ ] off okay i'm just on that pure covet baby do you guys know what max stands for massive [Music] [Applause] that's weird dude what are you some kind of predator just as i predicted dude it's lubricant silicone-based is [Music] wow [Music] what's up speed it up a little i'm starting to panic a little bit oh god i hate this part almost done buddy you're almost there i didn't make your [ __ ] oh i'm okay hey i eat trapped me in here okay he called it the downside up he said i have to call it that in case it tramples any you know intellectual properties [Music] wash it with the water and paper towel it down in the crevices i won't lie this is definitely me when i'm uh on camera awkwardly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] so what do you think what do you take me for i can almost hear you no don't do a memorial you guys made it look like he died [Music] oh oh wait are we still going well ian i can't say the show wouldn't be the same without you three years of excellence three years of excellence ian yes thank you he he will be missed rest in peace that was powerful thank you god three years i mean you were i feel like you were a different guy three years ago when you started you were yeah and now you've really uh you've evolved i mean you're you are a comedic force on this show to be reckoned with ian oh i thought you're gonna say you really let yourself go no you know you still look good but i'm just saying like you've you've evolved as a human i feel like you came in as this hapless little intern who i could have definitely taken advantage of if i wanted to you know what i mean you wouldn't have said anything but now not only would i dare not try that but you just are a tour de force here on the show i appreciate that i started as a young little boy and now i'm like a machine right an actual robot literally yeah you started as the as the intern you started doing we're getting there you started as an intern and now you're just a full-blown employee dude so yeah definitely and you guys mentioned uh this week how at first we had the gag of ian not showing his face and i totally forgot about that i know the first few months the gag was that nobody knew who he was because he didn't show his face and then what was the first time you showed your face i feel like it was when i did the pusha t drake thing no no no it was when sean evans was on and we had the hot wings oh you came on to try the one there was an accidental face reveal when uh ethan bradberry came both the bradburys yeah we weren't very good at uh being consistent that's right well you know what i'm so happy that uh you emailed us and then let's not forget how he got the job he emailed us like 20 times yeah and then on the 20th time i was like you know what i'm gonna forward this to dan and let's see if this guy's actually has anything redeeming to offer he did so i'm glad you're here ian we love you thank you i appreciate that and i will miss you i will yes you know this is what tom sawyer probably felt like when he came back to his own funeral right right i'm still alive tom sawyer kind of type this could be gatorade or urine i don't know right right taste it oh cause the flavor damn good it's damn good regardless so we congratulate you ian and so bad and you know the next time oh a quick side note real quick with my taste buds they're not even close to coming back and sam she made me some oatmeal uh the other morning and she accidentally spilled like a bunch of pepper in it and i just said i don't give it to me anyway i don't even matter yeah and i had no idea oh my god so weird that's awesome it's kind of a super power like did you just try eating raw brock just go rub rock raw brock rob broccoli i do yeah i'd do anything i'd eat all i did because like if i couldn't taste anything i wouldn't eat like junk food i just eat raw brock you would still find a way to junk food you think so yes i do what's about the texture the textures it's about the experience hey it's about how it makes you feel the drive-thru okay maybe you're right well you know you know we have another announcement another celebration elo's birthday is tomorrow what a big pimp and i got me cupcakes to celebrate happy birthday ela thank you happy birthday thank you you've done so much you've come so far every year is an adventure with you really is you know that always sounds bad but no it's good i want to smell feet because it almost sounds like it's so challenging every year no we every year is so much activity one and one year yeah a lot of activity here um cheers so there's a lot to celebrate today um good so you can smell my feet tonight in celebration of your birthday big i'm going all out for you baby i want to smell feet yeah i know you do and that's why i'm saying tonight is your special night i haven't showered my feet i haven't washed my feet in weeks in preparation for this all right so you're welcome right haven't trimmed manicured have you visited blocked oh is that what you want me to arrange for you wow i knew belle delphine was into that but not you either no but we have some fun plans i did all kinds of surprises but she doesn't know what it is yet but i did all kinds of surprises for you we could talk about it when we come back yeah so excited anyway now on to the obvious elephant in the room this is probably gonna take a while do you want to do an average before i'm gonna go quick like 12 minutes so i don't know um let's just talk about it it feels weird to do it out already all right let me take a bite of this cupcake first trisha would go this time patricia is always like trying to justify i was like this is bad this is bad video she goes it's asmr oh my god okay [Music] we posted a frenemies episode with trisha okay let me start over yesterday we posted a frenemies episode you know it's just it was where where we had a a big blowout and trisha's walk and stormed out crying and you know it's just it's so it sucks because like the episode before was great and we were simply coming back to do a second episode because we didn't get to do the beauty products and somehow it just totally melted down and so i honestly i don't know i mean after she ran out i immediately texted her and apologized i said i'm sorry that you're so upset i don't know what to do when you get into like the i don't know is it disassociative phase or whatever where she says she blacks out and then she like lashes out and stuff so i was like i'm sorry i just i don't know how to react when you get in that way and she said and then she sent me like a few hours pass and she sent me this really big beautiful apology saying that you know she's sorry she says stuff she doesn't mean she loves us in the podcast and she just is you know you know she has she goes into this thing and she loses control yada yada and so we had a really nice conversation and i said you know where team i said i look i always forgive it it's all water in the bridge for me like i don't take anything you say in those kind of stages personally because i know that you like don't have control over it or you regret it immediately so i said look it's all water in the bridge i'm team tricia all the way like you know i'm in this and she was like thank you so much and then you talk to her too right yeah i so what ethan called me and he was like [ __ ] hit the fan yeah i immediately called elab come come watch the episode so i watched it and i just felt like um it definitely like blew so out of proportion over and it kind of felt like over nothing because i was getting um frustrated with a few different things and i don't know i just at some point i told ethan like it's it's so annoying to me when she says stuff like oh you guys are so unwelcoming and things like that because i felt like it's so far from the truth and she said she said and i just want to make this clear this is the kind of things that she says that always cause problem even in that moment she said moses doesn't even like you guys or his family so who cares and i was like and i said that's why ila doesn't want you talking about her family or her but um when you guys talked about it she said well why doesn't why didn't she just tell me directly and so when she said that i really agreed with that i was like i have a phone number i should have just messaged her directly instead of putting you in the in between so after the podcast i after i watched it i felt really bad about seeing her like that because i didn't take personally the stuff that she said i know she doesn't mean it like when she was talking about our parenting i know she doesn't mean that yeah um but uh so i messaged her and i was like you're right i should have just talked talk to you directly and um and she responded with a really long message and she apologized for everything and i felt like pretty good after that apology but i don't know then today she posted this video and i just kind of feel like i just can't take any word like i'm used to taking things as they are if someone says something to me then that's what they mean in my head that's what i'm used to but i feel like ever since this whole thing with trisha and my brother being involved it's just like i just can't handle i can't handle it and it's like she apologized to me really nicely but then in the video it doesn't sound like she's that apologetic like i expect i expected it to just be kind of more apologetic so i don't know that's where i'm at yeah it's hard because i you i get i think what's frustrating is like you get the sense it's like they both tell us one thing and then they tell each other another thing and it's like it's like this constant yo-yoing and it's like maddening and i don't think you're unreasonable for wanting to not to get a couple weeks off yeah like you don't have to call her immediately to resolve it it's like you have because it was coming to it was becoming a lot because she's involved with my family too now you know being with my brother yeah and so it's a weird mix of everything and every time like ethan said she will throw in weird comments like hey he doesn't even like you guys or you guys never call him you guys never you don't even care about it close you don't know anything about him and that to me that's not true and when i brought that up to my brother he says she just says stuff for the show but it's like huh i don't know if someone repeats something so many times it becomes true to me yeah it's it's hard because your brother he he denies that he reflects everything he says she's just saying for the show she doesn't mean it but she but this [ __ ] so she knows it bothers you and that it's disruptive to your family but she's so so she keeps saying it yeah so i don't understand what's entertaining or what's like what's like the entertainment value of that like it's not good it's not but but like to me it seems like the only really the only sane way you can interpret that is that they talk about it and that's what they talk about and she means it right because she keeps saying it and when we talk to her she goes no that's true you know it's a lot it's all so anyway we had this big blowout because i said she brought up something about ela and i said we should we can't talk about ela because uh eli doesn't want us to talk about her and so she blew up but it's not from this place of like oh i'm better than her and i don't want anyone talking about me it's just not that it's um it's just a lot right now because he's involved with my brother yes and things i've kind of hit a fan like i me and my brother had a little argument and so things weren't really going well and i wanted a break from you guys talking about it on the podcast because every time it fuels everything even more every time you guys talk about it things get worse i agree and i totally understood where you're coming from that's why excuse me i think it's the fact that like she's she's dating your brother so she needs to like she's she can't confuse privacy a need for privacy some measure of privacy with like being fake it's not fake and i think we are about as open as it gets on the internet like we share everything we talk about everything but sometimes i just need like maybe two weeks to process what's happening you know i'm just not ready right now like i just had an argument with my brother i'm not ready to talk about it right now online you know um it's not like i'm hiding something if someone asked me i wouldn't say oh i didn't argue with him you know it's not it's not fake but the argument but you guys have to understand the argument isn't over trisha that's what she thinks is like you're trying to break them up the argument is over why is trisha saying these things that she says you told him and then you're denying it but she's saying it's true and she keeps saying it and saying and saying it and then you're always saying oh she's just saying it for the show it's like well that's [ __ ] not true or if she is just saying it for the show why are you okay with it right you know it's not a joke it's not a joke it's not funny and it's not a joke it's not entertaining to always say what kind of sparked the whole big argument is that on the the last episode with the goat yoga at the end of it she said something like uh about them getting married and she said something like oh he's my his mom is not even invited yeah and that really pissed me off and i told ethan you gotta cut that and um and here i'm saying it here i'm not hiding anything that's what happened that for me that crossed the line and i got upset with my brother not at her and um this is that's everything i'm telling everything right now so no one can say i'm hiding anything and that's it i have a lot of empathy it's your family you know what i mean and somehow she's gotten her wrench she's in there with the you know i have to give it up to trisha she has a she has this uncanny she is a one of a kind how she has like this ability to like and it hurts me because i'm such a fan of the show when it's when it's not drama related i it's like my favorite show i know a lot because i'm not involved in the recording and i i get to enjoy it just as a viewer you know i just watch it when it's done and i have no idea what you guys talked about and it's really entertaining but i'm starting to wonder you know at what cost because this is a bit much right at what cost and that's the thing is i never thought that there would be a cost so high yeah because i feel like i can handle her shenanigans you know like when she was having a meltdown i was trying to stay calm and i wasn't taking the things that she was saying personally there was a moment at the end when she started calling you the c word and she was well it wasn't it was that plus it was like i could tell that she was really getting emotional she started crying and like she was just she was boiling she was boiling over so i told her because she said i'm gonna leave and i said i think it's a good idea for you to leave and we'll talk later it wasn't like bye [ __ ] you forever i said you should go it wasn't going anywhere good no it was only going worse you were right to say that so i said why don't you go we'll talk later when you know because like i feel like you need to calm down a little bit and let things settle and then we can work it out now on the issue of dan how was it for you how was it you for people were wondering right what was it like for dan and abe to watch that dan i remember you said you felt like you should have left the room or something i considered it i don't know you should definitely not have that would have really that would have that would have been so odd if you left well it just seemed i mean it just seemed like it was getting deeply personal and wasn't really content anymore like it was a real uh thing that was uh happening between the two of you and it i don't know i mean i didn't yeah that was like in my mind i was like should i slink out of here right now well abe what was it like for you front row i mean i was i was just happy dan was there uh you were following him that's true if it was like trust me it would have been extra uncomfortable yeah and it'd be there i was i was also consciously thinking about moses i'm like i feel so bad he's getting the pizza right now he's thinking he's gonna show up and be the man and then he's gonna come home he walked through the threshold i was like oh my god it's the meme he literally came back and trisha greeted him with you know i don't care about you could dump me i don't care [ __ ] your family i hate your family he's like damn i was just coming have some pizza i was ready to bury the whole thing and just have pizza you know what i mean and i love people yeah papa john i was calling the spirit by the way papa john is gonna be calling in next week he but that's that's a separate thing he's he got an update on the lawsuit and he's gonna call into the show next we have to give us to talk about it so that's exciting but that's not here nor there people in the chat keep asking what happened to the pizza oh you know what happened we ate it we had a whole pizza we had like a really sad weird pizza party afterwards it was me ap ethan just around the counter in uh the kitchen just like silently eating we were all just like wow just like damn what the hell damn this pizza is good though but damn and in case you were wondering they did bring the thick crust they they got the note about the crust that i felt like [ __ ] that night yeah way too much yeah it [ __ ] me up so much terrible man you know the thick crust was not a good call because it's like so failing but it was so greasy there was then there's the aspect of like okay we have this footage is it should we even upload it what's the deal so anyway dan put it online unlisted and then when trisha messaged me we talked it out and everything and she said well we knew it would like get a lot of views obviously but the question was like basically there's the question of like is this fair to upload it is it too much to upload it for me it felt like this is the this is the lore of the show this is the whole show if you don't upload this you're missing a huge puzzle piece but i wasn't gonna upload it without her permission so when we were talking she brought it up and she said well at least i hope you've got good footage and i said i have it unlisted do you want to watch it and she said no you can upload it but as long this was her condition she says as long as nothing's edited out that was her condition she said you should upload it as long as nothing's edited out and she wanted it she literally wanted me to upload it she said you should upload it and i said all right so we uploaded it and [Applause] um i do think it's important that we upload it because like how could you possibly explain what happened otherwise right so then we i think we fixed it and we resolved it obviously the comments were pretty brutal to her you know and but so so i thought we were all good and f you know what ironically dr drew was is scheduled to come back next week i know and we are all supposed to be in that episode but now i don't see how we can do it so next so dr drew was scheduled to be back on tuesday we're going to do an episode with everybody with all the crew tricia and moses and ela and we all already submitted a personality test we were going to get our results of our personality test but now it's just going to turn into like an episode of jerry springer ellis said and i think she's right yeah you know what i mean because if ela's there moses is there and tristan's not there it's going to turn into an episode of jerry springer yeah hit that ring give me the ring sound bite zach ding ding ding will you throw punches with trish aila oh god i'm not going to participate like frenemies i don't like jerry springer right yeah that's the sound so you know like on one hand we could just have dr drew to come mediate again which it probably makes sense maybe i was really excited about the personality test but maybe we could have him come mediate and then do the personality test later it's it's not just him it's his partner and oh they were all scheduled yeah [ __ ] it's like a it's a whole thing so well we should discuss after the show so we definitely need to follow through with that i guess the question is if trisha will be there or not right i mean i would like her to be there it's just a matter of like if trisha and eliza is going to be on the camera it seems i don't know if trish is going to be able to help herself not just her me too i get very emotional and i would not be able to keep calm like ethan did and i just don't want to put myself in that situation i agree and i don't want you to have to do something you're not comfortable with either well it sounds like we're gonna have to go through it one way or the other so then to think so but i thought like we had this really nice texting conversation where she's like i forgive or i'm sorry and i was like i forgive you it's all good i'm team trisha you know me like i don't and so then she uploads a video today you know explaining what happened from her perspective which is fine it's what i i kind of expected her to put out a video you know why is it so hard to find her channel on youtube hang on one sec um you know but but she said certain things in the video that kind of rubbed me wrong in his counter to to what we talked about on the phone for example she pinned a freaking comment that says she pinned this comment it says people keep praising ethan ila but to be honest they're just as toxic as david and his gang was they poke tricia in ways that they know will get a rise out of her and don't fully communicate with her there's a lot of underlying passive aggressiveness and condescension and their interaction with trisha and nobody calls them out for it so i mean i don't really know first of all i totally disagree with that yeah comment yeah and so when she pinning like when she's actually feeling like that i don't know how we it makes me feel like i don't know how we can go on if that's how she feels well especially when she messages me and apologizes and says it's all good and then she makes a video saying that we're toxic now i don't know anything about her relationship with david and that gang but the this insinuation that we're toxic to her or that we don't communicate with her or that we poke her trying to do you know get her it's just it's just not true i don't know what's your evidence of that like i mean i just don't get i just don't get it i really don't so i mean i'd like to find i'd like to find an example i mean i don't know it just i just was like abe you watched the video i mean it's 15 minutes long it was one up this morning so i haven't had time to watch it so it's not like i'm about oh i meant 15 minutes long if i whatever i said maybe like what was the thrust of this video it was back and forth a lot you know she did feel bad um but she did say that you know she made it seem like you poke at her on purpose to get a reaction and um i don't know i mean i i don't know it went back and forth a lot but she did kind of make it seem like you're provoking it on purpose let's see that's the thing is like we have this show where we provoke each other and now all of a sudden me doing that is toxic and uh you know and and and somehow it's like that's the whole premise right that we make fun of each other i don't know a single instance where i've where i'm talk i'm being toxic to her people are praising ethan neil but they're just as toxic as dave and his gang was what did i do i've literally tried my best to support her and welcome her and and do everything that i possibly can to be forgiving and accepting and to welcome her back every time i don't hold anything against her and this insinuation that she thinks i'm toxic i just feel like she's weaving this narrative already and it makes me wonder if this thing can possibly work out that comment at first i was like okay we'll be back everything's fine we'll get over it when i read that comment i was like ah i don't know if this is gonna work out i really don't and it's a shame because i love the show it's what the [ __ ] it's the show's the best right like it's like everybody loves the show it's like crack everybody loves it but what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do you know what i mean like she also mentioned a few times that we have final cut and so that okay please the narrative i've literally never cut the only thing that we've ever we don't we don't like censor it i mean the only thing i've ever cut out was in the last episode she went on and on and on and on about the family and i said you know what this is not good i'm gonna cut this out for the sake of ela and her family it had nothing in fact if anything it made her look better because she was saying some real [ __ ] vile [ __ ] about moses family and if you ask me every time she's in front of the camera she's doing everything she can to drive a wedge between moses and his family yes that is my problem like she's doing maybe it's unconscious i don't know but she's doing everything she possibly can to drive a wedge between moses and his family like a comment that his mom would not be invited to the wedding i mean where's where would something like that come from he said she's joking uh what's the joke here exactly what's the joke i love comedy you know what's the joke what's the joke yeah is is is ila's mom supposed to think that's a joke people are supposed to just watch them like oh it's just trisha she doesn't mean it when when she says oh you don't know your brother you your brother doesn't care about you you guys don't you guys aren't even close when she says that 20 times what's the joke and you know what's messed up is like before they started dating we were really close with mo's i mean now we were really close with those we saw him every weekend we talked about everything i confided to him all the time we talked about what he was going i mean we were closer to him than anyone else in our family yeah is the siblings that i'm the closest to but i mean if anything since he started dating her he would not participate in like our family calls or stuff like that but that's fine i figured he's busy i don't i don't have a problem with that but i it sucks when she puts it in a narrative where it's like they don't even care about you they don't even call you it's like that's not true it's total [ __ ] but i don't know so i don't know and at one point it's like oh god [ __ ] gerd at what point is she really is this thing that we're doing actually causing too much harm to our family you know what i mean so it's like it's not just funds and games anymore it's actually become kind of really bad so that's where i'm at and i don't know what to do because it's awesome and i love it but like she's i don't know i've i don't know when she's pinning comments about i'm toxic and [ __ ] and like i just i don't know what to make of that and like it just makes me feel like i don't know if that if she'll ever actually be able to stop trying to alienate moses from his family and friends and his and his employees by the way people he works with she does that to them too which is a whole different story so god damn it no i'm okay can i just clarify something from my own conscience because i've seen some of the comments saying at the end when i sat next to ethan and i said i've been waiting for this moment i was just playing off the simp mean i met i meant like sitting next to ethan i didn't mean waiting for her to come that was fine i didn't think anything of it are you kidding huh yeah it was great i was just trying to gather my thoughts i just was hit by a train so i wanted to see you put the bird poop on your face you know what's funny is we only made it through three [ __ ] products yeah and not even the good ones man we had so many good ones lined up what what was that tumeric like like was it nasty yeah it's disgusting you'd have to be insane to do any of those things if you actually think any of those things work you're just crazy i don't know what to say brushing your teeth with strawberry i mean what the [ __ ] are you talking about the saying is like so dumb so i don't know i mean in my heart i still want to try to make it work with her but like because like the arch of the of our relationship was like we started we had a big blowout and then we came back and we were friends for a while and then out of nowhere there was this huge blowout again over the fact that ila wanted some privacy because she's always making these little jabs at the family and now that's blown up because she can't respect the fact that ella doesn't that she needs to there needs to be boundaries and it's not that we're hiding [ __ ] it's just you can't talk about his family like that every episode you can't do it i mean if it's just a joke then let's not joke about it you know i don't know i just don't get those comments i totally i don't get what are they what is the purpose of those comments you know the only the only thing it achieves is that it's alienating him from his family yeah and there's it's only so long before moses can be like oh she doesn't mean she doesn't mean she doesn't mean it it's all good i don't feel that way i didn't say that to her it doesn't mean it there's only so many times he can say that before you like that's why we got into an argument because i i came to the point of feeling like i i just it doesn't matter what you're gonna say to me when i keep hearing from her that you hate us and you don't like us and all this stuff it's uh tainting my image of you and the way it's hurting my feelings i don't know i just can't it's i don't know what to say yeah that's about it i mean that's about it i think we said it all so hey guys what's up so i it's friday morning so it's i don't know but so that's i mean that's everything right i don't know what else to say so what it was good pizza at least no it really wasn't well it didn't taste good i mean it tastes good yeah it tasted good it tastes good right then it was okay yeah it's too greasy i think it was the i think that they need to go back to the kitchen and reformulate something because the level of grease is out of control i personally think that the dealt my doe request ruined it it was too nice might have yeah i think i ruined it all right well we have a call in with the cargo that's that bad with daniel mack uh we should do but let's do some ads first yeah okay let's talk about uh where's that quipped gum is this it it's right next to you little metal thing that's gum yeah quip has got gum now dude it's sick so i just had a yeah that is fancy as [ __ ] how does this [ __ ] work so quip uh here can you email the copy to i did you got it it's not i don't have access to my email on this computer you have to do how does this work is there not i don't think it's loaded dan oh it's like it's like a pez dispenser okay so it's probably in the bag so you have it it says today's reads the top of the inbox okay this is a disaster i don't see the copy either dan oh here it is i got it i got it okay well can you can you i don't see the bag um can you feel the gum all right quip baby you know we love quip and i just had a uh here let me have a cup about a cupcake bite maybe you shouldn't i gotta clean my mouth with whip gum i gotta give you a review of how the gum works all right all right [Music] brush floss or chew gum can you imagine if you could just chew gum instead of brush gum is this unsung hero when it comes to better oral health they didn't send gum they just sent the dispensers what what's in this other dispensers quip didn't send us gum they just sent us the dispenser for real you're sure there's no gum in there what the [ __ ] i want to try the gum wait how are they going to send just a dispenser there's got to be gum in there that doesn't look like it what the [ __ ] are you sure there's no gun how could you send just a dispenser like how is that even possible well i'm sure it's that great really cool look at this you don't you've triple checked because they're going to email us being like you didn't do the cub we sent you the gum you just look really good okay let me tell you about chewing gum like a press dispenser gum is the unsung hero when it comes to better oral health the american dental association recommends chewing sugar-free ground for 20 minutes after meals that's awesome gum is something people chew as a way to relieve stress curb appetite and most importantly freshen breath but many don't realize that gum can also be an integral part of a healthy oral care routine by the way you gotta love the pez dispenser i love it i love love love love love love love love love love love love love life you put you just oh my god this is amazing yeah i love it this is amazing i love quip gum oh it's perfect during perfect you don't need to touch anything right elo we all chew gum but not all gum is created equal some might come in fancy packaging some might not come at all but they only cover up the bad breath others are loaded with sugar that can wreak havoc on your teeth luckily the oral care experts equip have made a gob that stands out from the back one that can help prevent cavities oh and it tastes great too it does it's only a few short years ago the quip reinvented the toothbrush for modern age they've done it again with chewing gum they've launched a new gum that's actually good for your oral health and comes with a dispenser to remind you that it's one click candy you loved as a kid that's true love it true whip gum can help prevent cavities and freshen breath with chewing for 20 minutes after each meal it's sugar-free has a tooth-friendly xylitol with zero calories and to satisfy your taste buds quite added a long lasting minty flavor crunchy tri-layer design and stamped it all with the classic equip tongue the slim travel ready dispenser available in five colors packs and protects up to 10 gum pieces at a time and fits in just about any person or pocket for the go in a world where we all need to be extra safe with hygiene the quick release button means you can still share with friends no rapper hands or hassle good observation elo you know what i'm saying you can get a gum refill for a gift that keeps on giving all year round quips customizationable uh subscription that you chew and share at your own pace and not worry about running out plus the more you buy the more you save with bulk discounts on extra gum packs let's go this is not a substitute for brushing and flossing but it is a great support for your oral health pair it with quip electric toothbrush refillable floss and more great products right now and the special holiday deals fits fits great in a stocking in addition gun packs whip delivers fresh brush heads floss toothpaste refills every three months for five dollars shipping is free and you can save money and skip the misery of in-store shopping right the f now so go to get quipped dot com slash h3 right now and get a free plastic dispenser with any refill plan that's a free dispenser at get quip dot com slash hd spell g-e-t-q-u-y-p dot com slash h3 it's quip the good habits company all right i like that i like that gum i've always loved pez dispenser it's always been like the best treat ever so satisfying to do that can we just do this whole episode i like it so should we do another ad or let's do the call and then i'll do another out i feel bad like come on maybe i'll do one more real quick let's see yeah do one more okay is he lined up uh actually no line them up baby we sent yeah just go ahead do another you want to do let's do ring we like ring i love ring listen ring doorbell it's the [ __ ] okay you put it up and the [ __ ] rules i wrote the dead [ __ ] rule all right ring you don't have to sell so hard i'm right there with you i love it you know it's doorbell season the busiest time of the year at your front door and that's definitely true at my house they wrote that but it's just amazon i live in a gated community so you know no foot traffic right now there's more schmutz and schmatt's at your door let's i don't need coffee to promote i mean ring listen here's the deal with the ring i love it and i use it and it's one of my favorite products for sure the doorbell here's here's the thing about ring it gives you a motion detector when someone comes close to your ring doorbell or spotlight whatever product you have you get a notification on your phone you pull it up you see what's going on amazing also it beams the video up to the cloud so if anything happens you've got the evidence and the record of it happening boom now if somebody's at your door or somebody's up to shenanigans you could talk to them through your phone through the ring device incredible still there's also a live view so if you're wondering if a package arrived or some shenanigans is going on around your house you can live view it i will say they didn't have live view at first but they updated it like a year or two ago and that made it pretty much the complete package yeah so like i would be at our old house i was super paranoid because we people are always messing with us there i'd be upstairs and i'd hear something and i pull up the ring live i had them all around our house and i was like you know it's so it's so great and then the other thing that i love is that they've got the the ring neighborhood app so that everyone who has a ring in your neighborhood gets access to this app built into the app where you can see reports and stuff and you can see all these crazy whining cairns and stuff who are like they complain they're like they're like here's a picture of someone who's trying to rob my house and like that was a dude literally delivering food that's like it's like so entertaining there's like someone who's super paranoid and then in the comments everybody's slamming on them but then there's some really useful information as well ring is a one-of-a-kind product it's honestly giving me the peace of mind the sense of security and everything that you would want from and i'll tell you we had the the ordinary um security cameras yeah the old-school one it's just it's not even oh useless it's so useless like you have to have like a recording device and you have to wire it all through it it's like you can't access it when you hear something i mean it's really and it's way more expensive i'm telling you ring is is the future is the only thing you need love it for a limited time go to ring.com forward slash h3 for special holiday offers that's ring.com h3 alrighty beautiful so we have uh so who we're going to talk to now you guys got them lined up yeah uh so daniel mack some of you got here let's watch some of his videos to refresh because he's kind of a phenomenon on tick tock i love his videos and i and i'm sure certainly not the only one because every time when he makes these videos he goes hey what do you do for a living like the vast majority of people go hey you're that guy from tick tock okay it's not loading though how's our internet we're still broadcasting yeah you're up good old tick tock tick tock tick tock it's always tick-tock it's always usually loads though you know yeah i don't know do it live oh this is annoying why isn't it working does it work for anyone else when they open it working for me it is so what the [ __ ] here let me open a different browser what the [ __ ] here let me try and like incognito well do it live [ __ ] it yeah exactly well okay why is that okay incognito works so here here's this type of video okay it doesn't play you guys seriously i mean i'm trying to do a show here i'm doing the best i can okay yeah yeah i saw tacos still tacos okay man what do you do for a living i'm an engineer engineer yeah hell yeah thank you work in finance finance morgan stanley morgan stanley cool man i appreciate it thank you i'm an aviation advisor aviation advisor fighter pilot i think i've seen you on youtube that's me yeah thanks man what do you do what do you do director of sales okay hell yeah man i appreciate it thank you they banned him for five years for filming what come on everybody loved it how they can enforce that so anyway he's he these are his videos and i think he really tapped into something special because i think we all have that question when we see someone in a really nice car it's like what yeah what did they do who are they right i feel like especially since i moved to l.a like in israel you rarely see nice cars but here it's all the time literally everyone's so normal to see like super high-end cars yeah and i always wonder what do all these people do i agree because like our job is like one in a trillion yeah it's like this but then all these [ __ ] are out there it's like what how do you how do you make money let's bring them on cool daniel mack bringing him on right now one sec oh i see him hey can you hear me yeah i can hear you can you see and hear us video i can see you oh this is pretty high tech i didn't know we were doing a zoom call yes sir look at us so let me pin let me pin can i pin can you pin dan yeah no it's that it's dan it's a dan thing no you can do it here yeah the little the little box on your laptop screen yeah i got it oh i see i see so how are you my dude i'm doing good i'm doing good good weather over here in dallas so so how did you're in dallas yeah people think i'm in l.a yeah yeah i didn't know i didn't know there's so many nice cars in dallas but i guess there's rich people everywhere oh yeah old money new money in dallas so i don't know so tell me about the first one of these videos you made was it uh your intention to make this kind of video how did it come together i mean i just kind of thought of the idea during the summer and then i actually moved to dallas uh just a couple months ago actually for a job and i had the idea but i was with a friend driving around and we went to this like really like rich area uh and saw like a ferrari and a lamborghini just like parked there and i was like it's now or never so i whipped out my camera i had like 20 followers on tick tock at the time and i just posted the video like thinking nothing of it and then it just popped off like same day i was like what yeah immediately i guess that just goes to show the power of a great idea yeah are people i'm i'm kind of surprised by how receptive everybody is but are do you just cut out the rude people are everyone just really happy to talk to you it could be a texas thing but like 90 of people i talk to are just really nice like i don't yeah i don't include people that aren't like some people will be like don't put me in the videos and whatnot or they'll just ignore me and drive away and i'm just standing there with my camera like uh okay but yeah most are really nice uh so it must be a texas thing because i did that in like new york or something i i don't think people hey forget it but hey [ __ ] you buddy your mom i'm kind of surprised it seems like all the answers are relatively boring right you expect like i do this incredible thing but like i'm in finance a few of them are like drug dealers sometimes i think people are joking how many people do you think are actually drug dealers when they say that there's one guy i mean the first guy that did it uh in my first video he said drug dealer and that's kind of what popped it off but he's like a car i think he like rents out exotic cars but there's another guy in a ferrari that i got in like my fifth video and he just plain face i roll up to him i say what do you do and he just looks at me dead in the eyes and says i'm a drug dealer i was like uh and he's like yup maybe that got serious i think the truth is the people who say i'm in real estate are the actual drug dealers yeah yeah there's some shady stuff for sure going on okay but it just it's actually a really interesting insight into like how these people get so rich it's like a real estate real estate real estate oh dude i think i'm getting i think i'm getting the pattern here yeah definitely yeah multiple streams of income i guess i don't know they i guess they have so much stuff going on sometimes they don't even know what to say that's true yeah so when you blow off blood blow blah up on tick tock um does it mean like financial success too or is it just kind of like you're just cool on tick tock but i don't know i'm expanding it i don't know you know tick tock has like their creator fund and it's pretty minute i don't know i mean i've made decent money off of it but i think like youtube's where the where i'm trying to shift a little bit more into or something but something's going to come of it yeah i'm waiting for you get a sponsor from some car people you know what i mean like i want some car brand to buy me yeah let's go be like because i drive like a chevy impala like people think i drive like a ferrari or something but i drive a 2011 chevy impala so i'm like if you're watching this buy me a car or something good advertising for you yeah we gotta get your ass uh a nice car well keep at it i think there is definitely something there for you you know and um what's like the most interesting experience you've had asking people that sticks out to you well one guy it was like my third video he was driving a uh a bentley actually i guess i didn't end up putting him in because the audio was a little weird but it was around that time when i shot that third video some guy uh i asked him and he's like why why are you asking me this and i was like well it's for a tick tock and he's like i like your spirit i want you to come to my mansion christmas party this is actually this weekend so i might be doing that but he's like yeah i have a two day rolling mansion party uh with like a bunch of rich people and i own like 20 cars bring your friends let's going to end up in a dungeon bro [Laughter] you're going to be the sacrifice you're going to be the party sack human sacrifice well honestly i've gotten like seven job offers too like really just like i like your spirit here's my video that's some rich people [ __ ] right there i like your spirit son i'd like to offer you a job so nobody bought your soul yet did you get any good job offers or were they kind of like i'll pass well last week some guy rolled up i rolled up to him in a ferrari i don't know if you've seen my videos because i walk up to him asking the question he doesn't say anything about him knowing them but he's like i'm looking for a manager actually for my fine for like my financial company or something like that real estate like are you like are you interested immediately and i was like wait what he's like yeah like here's my business card here's my number give me a ring i'm looking for managers i was like man i just asked this question you don't even know who i am i think i think you tapped into something they're important because it reminds me of that scene from uh the one with [ __ ] leonardo and the both of wall street where uh jonas jonah hill's character goes what do you do for a living like i just you know i want to do what you do i want to make and i think people in that high level they want really motivated people and it doesn't you find it doesn't really matter what's their background or experience but if you show that go-get they're like i want this guy oh definitely yeah it's been weird i don't know like that i'm a normal person i just happened to blow up for no reason so my friends like no reason come on someone we got lucky so you're gonna be taking any of the job offers or no i work a different job right now they don't want me talking about it too much but uh i work in finance so oh look at you dude why are you driving around in a chevy impala bro i just graduated just graduated you'll be fine you're you've got that and you've got the entrepreneurial spirit you're going to be one of those people yeah you're going to be in one of those before too long and so some young kids going to be coming up to be like hey sir what do you do for a living well son i'm going to find them they'll be like what do you do i'm like well i asked people what they do for a living yeah and that development leads me to get a ferrari i guess that's the most ironic thing yeah cool i saw a video where the guy invited you into his car to drive it oh yeah yeah that guy was so chill um he was like hyped to see me uh he let me like take photos in front of his car he messaged me after but uh i was so scared doing that because you have to like shift it by oh yeah use the triggers on the handle to get it you should have just floored it and [ __ ] crushed it and then bounced oh for real i was i was real scared i went like 50 miles out was not it was not going to be flooring it but uh i don't know i've had a couple people offer to let me drive their stuff so how do you find these cars you just go to rich areas and like stand around yeah well i got banned from like the place that i went to the most for five years have you heard about i just saw i literally just saw that before i brought you on yeah yeah so like i'm there just you know filming as i do for the last month and three cops pulled me aside and they're like come with me sir come with me and i'm like with a friend i'm like what's going on here and they're like you're criminally trespassing right now like we can write you a ticket and arrest you right now and i was like whoa what do you mean they're like the property owners don't want you here they they said that you're banned from the property they take my mug shot with like an ipad oh what i didn't know they could do that yeah they're like turned to the side and i was like is this necessary if people are watching me like in this rich area like pointing i got three cars like caught on me you got to flex on your friends because you got all these rich friends now you got to start a war you got to start a war you have influence village there there i called them up and i tried to get a you know something i was like why did this happen they said someone complained so what's the name of it highland park village highland park village you all heard it right here foot soldiers assemble highland park village in dallas texas you'll regret the day you ban daniel mack from your facilities foot soldiers rise up let's call them live right now can we call them no dan says it's a bad idea either either you'll get unbanned or they're really they're going to extend your ban for another five years after exactly we're going to cause a mob to bombard them you should make a trip out to la and do one here because i feel like you see a lot of i think people are generally nice i think they're just like they're proud right they're they're happy to tell you they're proud of of everything they've they've acquired yeah i'm actually going to be going to la tomorrow to do a collab with a big creator so oh [ __ ] there you go shit's happening bro but it's going to be yeah it's going to be a good one so i think i'm going to go like rodeo drive like stuff like that that's really cool yeah yes yes yes yes every other car there is always like a yellow lamborghini or something there yeah yeah it's free free money over there well daniel yeah it's free money just buy back dropping out of the sky well danielle i'll be watching on tick tock all righty i appreciate it thanks for calling in buddy appreciate you god bless what was the name one more time at that facility uh highland park village highland park village we're coming for you they need to reverse we're coming for you [ __ ] the foot soldier tell them daniel sent ya [Laughter] all right daniel take care buddy appreciate you man bye nice guy very cool i love people like him it's just such a great idea yeah he's feet he's got a great idea he's fearless and he just gets in there here i want to watch another one of his this one has 40 million views yeah so he's super viral on tick tock i think yeah i've seen this one 40 million bro that's sick i think he scares the [ __ ] out of this guy living nothing nothing excuse me what do you do for a living they think they're getting mugged what are you doing i'm married okay that's what's up [Music] okay i appreciate it what do you do for a living oh uh medical clinics medical clinics yeah i appreciate it man thank you okay in other words he sells he sells oxycontin in rural america medical clinic that guy's the real drug dealer hey man this guy's my favorite yeah he's like what the [ __ ] and then it's also maybe the kobe like everyone's gonna i think that was before kovid i don't think so oh he's wearing a mask yeah he has a mask on him i mean if i'm walking in my car and someone jumps at me with a camera in my face i'd be like the [ __ ] yeah too what do you do for a living what would i say i'd be like well i'm kind of a big deal on the internet you don't recognize me yeah [Music] every one of those car meetups i've ever been to because i used to go to them a lot everyone's just kind of dicky from my experience maybe it's just an la thing no i think well i think i think there might be some on to that you know i mean certainly takes a certain personality to drive around in a car like that you know so oh we have a calling now from the only fans girl we have make ethan laugh we have so many crazy videos you guys want to watch some videos is the end still ian are you alive i'm hanging in there you are wait ian actually i i am actually curious how are your symptoms how are you doing i mean you have kovit i am worried about you he's hacking [ __ ] how are you feeling for real though um i'm all right it's a i got a bad cough there's covet everywhere yeah i know you could you could all over this you could can that air and [ __ ] you know what i mean yeah and you haven't left your room right if you bring a potted plant in here it'll just uh no i haven't left this room is that crazy are you going crazy [Music] oh my god you can't even talk are you getting better are you still like do you feel that you're you're getting better at all or are you still bad i think i'm getting better i think they said i'm allowed to go out that's insane that's insane i can tell that's not true yeah somebody like all right 10 days is up let's go shopping i want to just slowly let the air out of this air mattress poor guys on an air mattress oh my god i'm sinking just like my ambition you're deflating the air mattress right now you don't have to do that for us i'm going down i'm going down with the ship what have you been eating since you can't taste anything have you been enjoying the food at all mush it's all mush it's all mush there's no flavor just like life oh what have you been eating though that's mushy you know i don't even remember doesn't matter it all blurs together god bless all right well all right thanks for the update show the long shot of him sunk into his bed though like not zoomed in [Applause] ian really goes all out he he deflated his bed for us for christ's sake i've never seen him smile so much right kobe has been good for you ian is there any truth to covet being good for you can we make that argument don't get covered ladies and gentlemen okay because everyone was saying the covet ian was super funny what are your thoughts about being funnier with covet than without corona well you know um you know people said that it was it would be a drama but it's a comedy got it like the joker [Applause] kofi turned in into the joker so let's do our last ad and then one laugh oh i wanted to say you guys go watch our jared leto content chord it came out really good it was really fun [Applause] we posted the frenemies and everybody left our freaking content court to go watch frenemies told you that they're like [ __ ] this this is way he shared better so bad can we watch the video of him laughing yeah let's do it here let me pull it up on youtube what is going to get us claimed there might be copyrighted music in it here i got it i just i'm going to mute it i need a machine gun dude i'm sorry bro [Music] i'm sorry i just don't accept that first of all that cast is really bad the joker is not a model you know what i mean right he's not some hunk that's like just a little edgy and wild he's a [ __ ] maniac and he's not handsome you know what i mean yeah i can't do this so watch that that was good let's do what's our last one stamps uh that's right stamps you all know the holiday season more people will be mailing stuff than ever before that 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at the top of the home page and type h3 that stamps.com enter h3stamps.com never go to the post office again all right [Applause] we love you guys so um let's do let's get let's get the um oh there's so many good videos we have two more columns but yeah let's watch some videos there's some really good ones in here ela that i think you're gonna love so you guys know we are fascinated with scooter people it's been a while and i think i thought i'd seen it all so what's happening is he stuck in the store oh my god it is oh right there oh but maybe it's locked why is it so windy bro does he just bail oh he goes back in he's not done that nothing's a tank yeah is this jared leto is the joker yeah i'd be way better oh he already broke another window it looks like oh dude that guy just had a whole shower of glass that he was unfazed by look how much look how much glass fell on him here let's do a slow-mo of this touchpoint style let's watch that back in slow motion dude the amount of glass this guy takes a shower in unfazed i get jackass done it's crazy damn he's pretty badass though what the what the bandanna and the glasses that's pretty good that's pretty cool to be honest this is your brain on scooter any questions yeah guys something man [Applause] okay ela you'll appreciate this so this guy is this a famous streamer uh i think so yeah he said he had like 40 000 people watching yeah you know who he is a.b i forget his name i have seen him around though i think he's primarily known for like pokemon and nintendo he's playing pokemon so so dude went during the stream and pissed in the bathtub okay why i guess because it's faster i just peed in my basement faster than the toilet good question i don't know but but the girlfriend comes in and she's like i told you not to pee in the bathtub it's disgusting oh my god so he's done it he's done it many times and she's just like i can't do it i can't with you mods can you buy me a splitter yeah [Music] oh cause i peed i peed in the bathtub i'm sorry dude you are disgusting bro he's like please don't do this i'm sorry i don't know this is it's not like an adhd like so so let me get this straight you have to roast me in front of twenty seven thousand people yeah because multiple times so it's so it's time to shoot in my basement yes bro yes it's time to it's time to shame you once is okay you do it once she tells you to stop yes bro peeing in your bathtub when you live with a girl who doesn't want you to pee in a bath it's time to shame you bro what does that save you from like i don't understand if you already went to the bathroom you're already there i'm trying to think maybe okay so so if i'm charting this out in my mind maybe the shower doesn't have the toilet in it as it's closer to him so he runs in and he's in the tub he's in his basement i mean it's always near each other you know this guy needs a drain in his room that you can just pee in i just peed in my bed i don't see an issue that he can't make it to the toilet nearby he's streaming you know [ __ ] you gotta get it done so so love just messaged and said that's mischief and he thinks it's a bit what what he thinks it's fake there's no way she's acting love you really think stat he just he just messaged me and he said that can we get love on i'm not taking him on let's call him get love to call on i'm gonna take away this i don't see any issue what's wrong with peeing in the bathtub wait what that way hey what what's wrong with peeing in the bathtub what i don't understand the black one that is gross okay but like you you have water that goes down and you can are you gonna clean it after you pee in there hold on jack it doesn't just clean itself i understand [Laughter] first of all there's being in the shower is one thing if you pee in the tub it sits there but there's a drain i don't understand the issue with that but the pee it gets over the top so if you're gonna stick to it so if you live with a girl and she's going to take a shower and there's a bunch of urine sitting there in the tub you think that's okay to do to her no but i i'm saying you can piss in the drain and then just you know flush it down didn't do that water he didn't do that oh so there was just like urine just all over that's what he did oh okay love says he doesn't have a cam set up but he can join the call and just talk yeah that's okay i had a roommate that puked in his tub regularly or just once no just once but it doesn't go down the dangle the toilet's right there he didn't clean it up and then his girlfriend cleaned it like the next day he just left it and had her see that's why i asked zach like are you gonna clean it because you know you know he's not and then i would i would clean it okay when i was younger uh like four or five years old i had this toy chest and i used to pee in there why wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa toy chest how did you clean it you just transport it to the bathroom no there was like a bunch of toys in it and i would just take a piss on it when i was like four or five years old you know when you're young you do weird [ __ ] yeah you don't know sure you do but that is still funny it's true but the bathroom was like right there but you know i just wanted to pee on my toys for some reason did you pee in your room and he could pee all over the place no it wasn't you're pretty accurate i guess the worst part was the toy chest was in the family room so great one day my mom went there when she saw that my parents didn't find out and then one day my mom's all why does it smell like urine in here you were storing the urine there in the living room it was just like this giant open yeah essentially yeah and i just didn't give a [ __ ] god kids do the weirdest thing wow i remember learning childhood psych that like uh kids uh urination habits or bathroom habits predict a lot about their future so i find that great oh well i was [ __ ] up to begin with you better keep a close eye on theodore wait i don't know if we already know it but are you into peeing on girls me yeah i mean i wouldn't say into it i've tried it but it's oh you have tried it yeah we talked about it oh yeah we've talked about it yeah i've tried it i wouldn't say with whitney it was brought up but i wasn't sure if we it was in that conversation you're right we actually wait would you get peed on zach uh i try yeah yeah you try yeah but you haven't been peed on i haven't been peed on a peed on someone but did they like it oh no he just unplugged his internet oh he's back did they like it zach i'm here can you hear me yeah yes oh i get i i guess in the moment yeah you know if you're funny enough you'll do anything you weren't like into it i i did you have a boner when you peed because that's tough to do you can't pee with them that's what i was going to ask yeah so you know that really you can't pee with the bone and you told me i did not well you can but it's like it's like you have no accuracy very dangerous like hitting the peak of mount everest yeah you lose all that happens every once in a while in a video game and you can't aim yeah you can try but many have failed all so where do you keep your pee now today zach um i have a bottle in my room okay you do that do you really no because i know people do that yeah i actually have a friend who told me actually i don't i won't reveal but he told he tells me that he pees in bottles in the middle of the night because he doesn't want to get up and he literally has bottles of pee next to his bed i swear to god you know who it is i let the speculation begin no i won't reveal any more info yeah than that but i was shocked have you ever drank pee you know i have not drank and pee have you zack go ahead please after high school and i was with my buddy wes and we were at this party and we had to pee so bad yes had to pee so bad and we pissed in this cup and there were like cigarette butts in there and our friend is like yo you guys should drink it i'm like okay we just took a swig and i'm just crazy like that you are crazy like that dude he's just damaged you're so young and you already have so many stories to tell yeah you got to keep a full sign zach yeah i feel like if it wasn't for us zach would be dead in the ditch somewhere all right we gotta keep an eye on this kid man this week has been depressing so this is a this is fun for me um depressing because ian is sick yeah it's just kind of like with all the oh it's your ending right uh i believe we have love on the line love are you there yo what's up okay hang on because we didn't finish watching this clip let's finish watching it i'm serious why you know you know that i i don't my i literally look and i see and i said the shower is not where i want to pee right now i want to pee in the bathtub and i didn't did it you know that i don't want you to pee in there because i use it is it across your mind that p also is a germ killer it did right it did so why because it's it was kind of interesting okay love how is that a bit pretty much everything they do is for content and their whole stream their farming content constantly and that's the whole point i don't have a like straight answer to why it's fake but they fake a lot so you think he's one of the biggest streamer on twitch is the face of twitch oh really you think he's open to humiliating himself like that she seems so genuinely disturbed for sure he does immediately uh himself a lot constantly well thanks for ruining the video love some people are wondering who is love love is if you have seen him on twitter he goes by h3 out of context and hi love we actually never we've never spoken to love love is uh he works full-time for us and he does all of our social media he's a he's the highlight god we love love and he does h3 out of context he's the man how are you loved peace and love he's in love the live stream is perfectly at night in sweden so i usually just watch the podcast and then go to bed but oh yeah yeah what time is it there well it's uh 11 o'clock oh okay love are you tell me about your life are you single right now yeah yes i am single what do you mean you guys i was expecting this question no he said yes and do you think it's hard to meet a girl when you're such a h3 sim because you are are you an h3 simp or do you have other people's account you do out of context for no i'm only here for you dude really no no yeah that's a [ __ ] sin i i would argue i'm a bigger sin than maybe i didn't know that i thought that you were whoa whoa i thought you that you kind of do it for other people too for some reason because there's out of context for other people yes yeah i thought it was one person i won't i'll say he deserves the crown i mean like really maybe i'm gonna give it up just like that dude wait wait i'm more about the meme but i mean like i haven't watched like every single h3 video one night and i know look okay wait let's test him let's test it you know i have noticed that a couple of times a b didn't know the reference about like little things we've talked about or why he failed he's a fake game and i was like okay i see oh just just to cut in real quick um that guy miss gif is watching our stream right now who's that oh he is yeah so does he want to call in and yeah because i want to know if this was fake or not and he's being called out what's his name what is it yeah yeah miss gif it's the face of twitch it's the face of twitch what do you mean he's the faithful player is that what he says here's the face of twitch that's it okay all right does it mean like twitch put him on posters he's one of the bigger streamers okay okay miss gift so what's going on you're being called out do you pee in the shower can he call in is he interested in calling it to the show i guess uh what would be the best way how do we do that i mean if he's in discord i'll send him the i mean i doubt he's a subscribing member um maybe um email me that's probably the easiest way and i can reply with a link to what's your email podcast today's your productions.com sure maybe can we can we dm them the zoom yeah maybe we should dm oh let me call him on twitter yeah there you go there you go okay so simple oh trish is messaging me i just want to get a peek wait but we got so much going on yeah but i just okay we got uh but yeah love it's nice not good i appreciate you guys as well um someone said in the chat we need to do a simp off that's what i want to do right now i i was about to suggest that but then a b just rolled over immediately wait what's his twitter what's his twitter miss gift probably just mischief missed m i i am the man child on twitch proud owner okay here i just i just followed him so oh his his um his icon is a black meme right so there you go we're friends have you visited one of us one of us one of us is he still watching ian yeah he's saying he wants to come on okay so so so all right i just followed you on twitter one of us one of us can you guys give ethan a link to give him yes i uh sent it in our uh link oh okay in our group chat yes sir so it's ms kiff m-i-m-i-z-k-i that's fine okay i'm sending you the zoom link and your twitter dms dude you've got it there on your twitter dms all right this is exciting you're a fan of his two love oh yeah big fun big fun so wait so wait whoa whoa whoa you gotta kill one of us i mean who are you a bigger fan of because because like i i know that you're a fan of ours but like you know you're a fan of a lot of people so you kind of gotta choose here well i'm choosing you and the day of the week of course but that's what what about on the weekends yeah he says he's joining the zoom oh this is amazing i love this by the way the number that mischief has on the screen and that's how many subscribers he has that's right and that's paying subscribers oh wow wait that's not it that doesn't include um prime okay all right he's uh in the lobby i'm gonna work all right miss gif let's let's talk about it levels out of this later all right yeah we'll settle this later love you know what we should do ian can you put together a um a simp off contest for the two of them yeah that we can do next week sure you write that down i gotta study that somebody wrote down but no studying no way wait do you guys want my camera yeah yeah yeah if you got it we can throw you on screen yeah yeah yeah we need to see the face of twitch yeah oh my god that twitter right here you read the article okay all right hold on i'm trying to make this work start start i don't really use zoom off and i'm a little uh yeah it's all good yeah it takes a minute to do all the clicks do it live sorry guys i can't believe i'm talking this i'm a huge fan thank you so much dude yeah i'm a huge fan i love your uh uh oh i see you hey we got it i am thank you guys all right so let me try this this is my technician okay what's the peeing so i have it on good authority that the peeing bit was a setup uh why don't you talk to her because i'm a huge pathological liar you are is that what she says about you he is a pathological life okay so so did he be in the tub yes or no multiple times why why does he do that because he thinks it's more fun why basement you think it's more fun i kind of agree with on there he only pees in the shower and then sometimes he pees in the bathroom yeah i heard him say like i didn't want to go through the shower and i was like wait yeah do you have life you never pee in the toilet that's one thing we know for sure he doesn't pee in the toilet now well that's crazy bro you look i get the feeling you're looking back and forth on your stream and seeing yourself waving is that what's going on i don't think you can hear us because she's oh she's got the headphones on yeah okay okay dude ethan dude being on your show boosting me up to a hundred viewers man thank you so much only a hundred we gotta do better than that dude no way this is crazy dude thank you so much okay wait all right wait so you're huge you're the face of twitch bro don't be doing stick on me so yeah you've heard oh we got gamer glasses oh yeah of course and sponsored okay hold on hold on hold on so when you walked on and he quote humiliated him was that schtick was that planned no you you talked to her there's nothing okay was it when you walked on and humiliated him was that was not planned because love here thinks it was planned we're getting out the fireballs no he was upset that i did that so are you his caretaker like us yeah yeah i could tell this guy neither i recognize one when i see him something tells me this guy needs even more help than i do yeah he wipes his own ass though so that's good that's huge progress so so so he pees in the tub but you don't want him to pee in the tub has he stopped peeing in the tub you prefer he pees in the shower what is going on yeah i've told him that i don't want him to pee in the tub so before he said that he wouldn't and then he did it again and that's why i was mad so has he stopped since that incident uh yeah he hasn't done it since that's great he pees in the tub and he lets it dry there like what's the situation can you uh i don't know if on youtube they they have they made timeouts yet or something can you time out this one guy in your chat who said hassana b is definitely the face of twitch they obviously haven't seen him play a video game we have the ability well well i was another friend of the show i don't know if yeah we can really be choosing sides yeah i mean hassan well who do you want to choose sides with the real face of twitch or hassana b okay look he'll be the face of twitch in four more years but until then you're talking to him well love well love here is a fan so love you tell me who's the face of twitch is it hassan or the or the uh or uh whiz whiz what uh sorry i'm sorry the tub pisser no mischief is the face of twitch there's no doll oh love says dude this is crazy dude you guys are you guys are not i don't understand why you're so so hus why is it oh i see sorry i'm trying to okay so tell me um now that i've got you here the face of twitch are you glad the doc doctor was banned because i feel like that probably gave you a leg [Laughter] you want to know my honest opinion yeah hell no no way no there's not one person on twitch who's happy that doc's gone really dude he twitch is a dead platform man you're doing the right thing being on youtube we're out of jokes you know what i mean we're out of memes it's been it's been going on here for 10 years now and uh doc was one of the only people that had the good memes the good jokes the good fun and now that he's go i'm being honest now that he's gone i i know twitch would agree uh it's been pretty boring he's he was a lot of the funny clips he was a lot of the funny stuff and since he's gone it's been kind of dead what what do you make of like do you feel uneasy being on a platform that just ban someone it doesn't give any reason even now there's no explanation uh i feel like i have uh my leg and enough dms where i don't really have to care about that stuff so i'm kind of okay you know i've uh definitely made my friends and my enemies but i've uh i think i'm okay compared to the average i've uh done a lot of good networking and i'm also dating a bird girl who's loved by twitch twitch loves her you're a bird girl well she she does a podcast on twitch she's a very animal loving person oh we love animals so you're you have a good you have an in-road so basically basically you're saying you're unbannable oh pretty much yeah i mean i i do every bounty for them i run ads for them they love me over here and then she just does she literally is the perfect angel she's the bird face of twitch he's she is the bird face of twitch yeah he's great and so i understand you play um nintendo games you played old nintendo games are we um why are we living in the past honestly because the pass was better man let's just cut to the chase i mean like i think the 90s were look i mean the best you wait do you guys like uh nintendo yeah i can't believe i'm talking you guys i feel like i'm in a dream tell me how cool this is that's sick oh oh it's wait tell me about the rating so it's a god that's my favorite part this is tell me everything i'm really interested tell us all the nerds i collect i collect uh boxes graded boxes like vj graded in boxes that are graded because this is my this is what i love to do so i live in the past completely um yeah what's that worth how do you yeah what does it work it's worth about i'm sorry this is just my this is just my youtubes no one cares about that uh this is worth about like uh like ten thousand dollars wow whoa yeah oh cool and what's it rated on the on this scale uh it's 85 plus so it has the uh the gold standard so that and my bathtub you know right right and by the way can we talk about that i don't leave the piss in there what is the first problem oh you don't toilet the okay the you want to know the real issue and this is not i've talked to her off stream about this maybe ethan i feel like you understand right you have adhd i'll try eighty it would people call me h3 right right so you have adhd listen it's on the toilet kind of boring right like you go to the toilet you're peeing and you're like tick-tock on the clock you're looking at yourself just peed in my basement it i dude when i was a kid i used to pee in my sink in my basement because it's i used to be in the sink a lot see then you're not you're not watching i don't do it since i've been married though you know what i mean like doesn't go we're not married yet right we haven't announced it yet yeah yeah yeah so yeah so are you pledging to her today that once you get married the unusual peeing habits will stop do you pledge today that once you get married the urine will only go in the toilet being in the tub is part of the bachelor life and uh yeah man i'm only i'm only 19. i don't know if i can get married yet oh you're young man i'm young wait how old are you i'm old as [ __ ] we're like 50. i'm 35. yeah i know jesus i'm surprised you're not using teamspeak for this call [Laughter] you guys are old as hell wait i have a question if i ever came to la would i be able to go on your show if there's no culvert i'll bring you on yeah [ __ ] it let's go we're friends yeah no way really we should play some mario or something you're trolling dude would you play a video game or something yeah i'm down i think we have a good vibe we could be in the tub together and we can play let's get back to that so just letting you guys know when i pee in the tub first of all it uh eliminates all germs i'm letting you guys know that's [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] that's not true hear them out hear them out here that's not true it's not true [Laughter] i've watched a lot of tech talks about it yeah when you pee in the tub i'm just letting you guys know so you're cleaning the top you think you think urinating cleans it so i've watched a lot of tick tocks and i'm not 19. how old are you dude how old do i look 37. you old [ __ ] talking [ __ ] about me oh he's 25 okay all right he's going to pee in the bait he's going to be in the bathtub god he's going to be in the bathtub go check on him okay we don't buy that well ethan okay all right you're 25 you look 25 i'm 25. yes wait how does she look she's older than me i'm not answering that don't put me in that position no i want to put you in that position okay i think she looks uh 24. 24. i'm 22. she's 22. oh see that you're close yeah that's close dude i can't believe i'm talking to you guys you guys are like famous famous and we're like we're not the face of anything yeah definitely i just i'm telling you all i do is just i just leach off of other streamers [Laughter] huh well hold on let me ask you something your icon what is the your twitter icon uh yeah it's not brand friendly i should probably change it isn't that from blast yeah so we're fans of that four years in the making yeah it's so what it is it's uh that's my face in the picture it is uh yeah that's me no it's not yes it is so would you you want to get black uh that's me when i was five years old [Music] makes sense he's lying i'm not i don't trust anything you say you're one of these guys that just lies about everything you're on traffic video about me no i swear to god it's me when i was five years old i was in a mets outfit and i had a bat and i took that face and i put on the pictures and that's there and what's with the black hand cresting your face well it sounds like you're facing oh that's my father yeah we're at a baseball game yeah of course so wait would you guys play mario party or something with us yeah 100 wait he he so i feel like you like animals right yes i love animals maya a question maya has a podcast she do she doesn't have a pod would you ever go on her podcast you just networking i mean what the [ __ ] i'm trying to talk with you you just try to network this [ __ ] i mean i mean pace yourself buddy you're gonna host me afterwards i mean what the [ __ ] man just trying to leverage everything but i appreciate the hustle i don't but that's not a hustle but i do i do think we have a good vibe and i would like to play video games with you that would be sick wait what kind of games do you what's your favorite video i've made if i you have to prove to me that you're actually a fan what's my favorite video what's your favorite video of mine go ahead five seconds name one video i've made name one video i've made oh come on dude do you well i used five seconds back in the day with like vape national like come on name one other one oh when you attacked keemstar do we watch those on stream okay okay i think we watched all of them like the winter of the keemstar the summer of keemstar early spring of keemstar gardens got some credentials video older than one year old go other than vape nation at keemstar go five seconds when you attack james charles because uh he stole your your brand okay that's not no i wasn't old but it's really it sounds like i like you he's familiar yeah i like it i watched uh uh i i watched your doctor disrespect uh h3h3 podcast oh there you go okay okay even brideberry ethan bradberry who can forget right there one of my favorite videos is when you were color you you people are typing in the chat people are typing in the chat and you're cheating man i only have a hundred viewers right it's not helping much all right are you joey salads can i ask you something yeah you're just reading off [ __ ] did your views go up from this did my views go up from this yeah no [Laughter] they did that's good i'm glad mine did too i think you got to host me this is good really we should do this more often because our views all of our views went up wait can i ask you a question yeah anything why don't you do this on twitch the real answer which i will i'm always honest so i'll be honest with you right now is that the twitch was paying me money to stream there and they and then when it was time to renew the contract they were being really annoying and youtube offered to pay me more money so i said [ __ ] you twitch i'm going to daddy youtube that's it but i will say the the monetization on twitch is so much better with the prime the prime [ __ ] is so awesome you know yeah i wish i saw that more often honestly but we come from youtube it makes more sense no it makes perfect sense i i but your your podcast was pretty good over here it was like the second best podcast on twitch really who's it was better the bird one yeah the bird one's pretty yeah anyway i'm happy on youtube i already pissed in tubs i don't want to get more in trouble yeah yeah anyway i like being on youtube because it makes sense because all of our content lives here so there's no transporting or anything needed there's a lot of problems like for example we would stream on twitch and then because of the contract we had with twitch we had to wait a day and so people would upload it on youtube before ours went up on youtube and it would [ __ ] up the content id because google would think that they made the original video so it was a whole that was kind of a whole mess there too but you know you don't have emotes and stuff you know we hit him with the emojis guys spam those motions [Laughter] trisha sent me a bunch of angry texts after the beginning of our lives i'm i'm watching a new video yeah oh for real she already put up a video i'm done with h3n oh [ __ ] me all right guys we gotta go deal with something oh [ __ ] wait what was that was jake paul on what's going on zach hit the the the uh the ring the bell ring anyway dude it was really nice meeting you i like i like you i like both you i think you guys are great i like that you have a caretaker i like that you be in the bathtub and the sink and everything i'm down with that i think it's fantastic wait so but you so are you guys really down to hang out sometime wait don't you live in new york no no we're in la oh wait oh yeah forgot about that didn't you live in new york we did at one point yes oh i'm from jersey oh yeah but we're not there anymore i i just was trying to you know relate it's friendly with you guys yeah your water supply and trash goes to my state it's a beautiful it's a beautiful uh uh relatable chopper yeah so listen follow me on twitter if you ever come to la or whatever or whatever let's play some video games let's play some mario oh no way i love it mario would you want to play mario is it mario or mario you tell me it's mario that's what i think too how do you say water i say water radiator coffee how do you say coffee i love you you don't say it like that do you i i i'm looking at my coffee right now oh no i mean i'm looking at your girlfriend's face to try to tell when you're bullshitting me or not you might as well just talk to her because she's just the honest truth does he really say coffee and dog and water okay thank you for the clarification and i also say toilet when i'm looking at a bathtub all right we gotta go we have a crisis on our hands thank you for calling in i appreciate that and uh we'll we'll talk to you okay we'll play some mario dude hell yeah you guys are the best i love this it's crazy yeah this was fun thanks for calling in you guys are awesome nice meeting you guys all right bye guys love you talk to you thank you guys god bless you guys merry christmas merry christmas dude i'll see you guys happy hanukkah i'll send you guys some bathroom cleaning products i'll send you guys some top scrub stuff thank you thank you yeah you're welcome you're welcome anything anything anything to help you guys all right take care anything for a fan i love you guys bye thank you that was fun what a nice guy that was great huh what a character good call love yeah love are you still with us yes yes how'd that go love i think that went well uh he didn't leech off you too much yeah yeah he tried just a little he was trying man but yesterday he had 70k viewers on twitch 70k what was he doing yeah he was like twitch has been hit with a pokemon card like opening spree yeah so he's doing critical and everyone is doing it so he saw that a guy opened a pokemon box that's like 20 years old for i think i think it's like 20 or 30k dollars he's so rich sort of open is one of the oldest streamers he burned all the cards that they opened just to whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait miss kif did that no no no another guy soda pop he did that that's so good his neighbors with uh pretty much and how did how did the viewers react to the burning that seems kind of over the top well it's that's so not helping for you so um well that was fun that wouldn't happen without love so thank you love we love the love we love the love connection okay so so like next week let's get love back on the phone because i want to have a sip off between love and yeah roger that so next friday are you available um yeah of course okay i understood good that's how i like it okay thank you i'm not studying though no nobody should die you could study like i'm studying look if you if you study that means your dedication yeah it shows dedication i mean i don't want to do anybody like that if eb once said i want to okay so so be here next friday okay i love we appreciate you thank you and that was really great thanks for for making that happen that was awesome yeah thank you guys for everything that's a [ __ ] scene all right hey buddy okay now i had all this stuff planned but i think we have to watch trisha's new video live oh that's probably not a great idea why well abe watched it right it's it's 18 17 minutes i'm five minutes let's watch it how's it going i don't think you damn i feel like it's meant to be watched right now yeah okay like come on this is way too good okay so the title is so done with h3 and their hypocrisy and lies well brother i feel like we were really fair i know like we're literally just saying exactly what happened that's it let me read her text because she sent me a bunch says let me i think that will inform inform what happened she said well i'm not going to read her text out of respect for her but i think she just what triggered her i'm in her defense i'm guessing is the chat oh it wasn't reading the chat she said i was really uh pro ela yeah uh huh she said she's always trying to hang out outside the podcast that's not true she says she quits i'm making a video whatever let's watch right now h3 and honest here we go buckle up ladies and gentlemen let's go buckle in boys this might be the end of frenemies right before our eyes like honestly i'm done i'm honestly done with frenemies yeah yeah we were supposed to try and do a doctor dr episode next week or whatever but i'm i'm seriously freaking done um my security guard's behind me right now sorry he just like came in but um i'm so freaking i'm so freaking done with them because honestly honestly they didn't even watch the full video of what i put out and i am so [ __ ] sick of one of ela being so [ __ ] mighty or holier than thou i deserve to not be talked about and all this [ __ ] like that so did we at the beginning of our relationship so did we at the beginning of when me and moses started dating they talked wait this is just not a good comparison they were on the dating show i know this is so not the same like maybe i leaked something that they didn't think i should have but but like on a personal level she's dating our brother we want to know what's going on it all started from him telling us he was gonna apply just for for the show he all started like that he was in on it i feel like exactly i feel like both of them are kind of rewriting his story and now that they're together they like have this romantic idea of how it all started moses that was not what happened moses was like i'm going to apply for the show to be interesting and we were the one he was actually asking us like what should i say you want me to be funny you want this and and we were like just do your thing just be yourself i remember it very vividly so no wonder we talked about it it was meant for the show dude the comparison is ridiculous like i i once they said we decided not to talk about anymore and that was good i didn't want to but now all we asked of her was not to talk about moses's family just stop sharing private details about what moses is telling you about his family because it's hurting people like that's it people are saying it's buffering for them yeah i think our internet was having a little bit of a rocky ride for a second it seems to have stabilized yeah it's not flashing anymore is everyone saying the chat in the chat then it's all good um i guess i don't know i guess that's a little delayed but i think we're okay it's not it was so much relentlessly about me and she's like what's the joke what's the joke about my family not being invited it's a [ __ ] joke no it's not oh my god why is how is it a joke i don't understand how is saying moses doesn't even like you guys anyway while you're angry a joke how are you going to write that as a joke and you keep saying it we're not engaged we're not getting married there's no wedding right now it's a [ __ ] joke so to be like what wait you guys are definitely trying to get pregnant and you just bought a house together so why how is it how is you guys getting married a joke like what's the joke what's the joke i mean joke what's so funny about that hey guess what [ __ ] ethan and ela that's what you guys signed up for you guys want to be on the show and you guys use this to get views and we got the million views and whatever and like i'm fine with that i'm fine being exploited i'm fine being exploited not being exploited i don't know she i feel like when she gets into this um episodes she doesn't even mean what she says that's kind of so i don't even know if i should even react because obviously i didn't even i didn't even respond to her comments about our parenting right that she made yeah i don't even want to go there if we really are going to think each other's top comment is so perfect trisha you don't talk about your own brother because he doesn't want you to and i respected that i was like okay fine so how come you can't give either that same respect you know but i feel like my mom does not want to be part of the internet and everything that we do in in this way and so and and trisha knows that my brother have told told her that my mom asked that from the beginning she just don't want to be a part of this stuff she has her she likes her privacy she likes living a normal regular life and she doesn't want to become anything other than what she is used to and so i mean she should be able to understand my request this isn't me being high and mighty and snobby and i don't know whatever she's saying about me it's not that at all i share everything about myself and i was gonna be in front of me so in the next episode like she was saying like i'm too good for the show it's like i i've told her that i'm personally a fan of this show it's i don't know it's like there's just no winning with her i think like and it's not her fault necessarily because i know she has this condition yeah totally have empathy for but when you tell her something like don't talk about my mom this is off limits then i think when she goes to that place then she knows how to get to you because she's like i'm not supposed to talk about this so this is the thing i'm going after and i'm not saying i'm even gonna give her a pass and say it's not her fault because of her condition but i'm just saying that she still does it and this claim that we exploit her i don't understand how is it exploiting i'm paying like i pay you i welcome you i built this whole [ __ ] set everything we do is consensual i don't understand how you can claim that i exploit you you literally always tell me that this show's the only reason you're relevant and it's the only reason you like youtube and all this [ __ ] we're so out front and honest with everything we do pokes on it but don't be like what's the joke it's not funny oh i didn't know you guys are the [ __ ] comedy gods that get to decide what's funny what's a joke wasn't appropriate what's interesting what is the joke i mean you're saying it's a joke but what's the joke i think that's a that's a good question ethan be like this isn't entertaining well clearly it [ __ ] is because it gets more [ __ ] views on your channel than any other one of your shitty ass podcasts she always goes to that she's always trying to like i know yeah yeah it's entertaining it's good content but she she she thinks that that hurts my feelings or something but it's entertaining people like it i mean i'm fine with that i like it too i'm so [ __ ] sick of these people i'm so [ __ ] sick of it and i'm so done and i literally don't care i literally don't care yes we buried the hatchet yes we said i'm sorry to each other yes i was over it but i was allowed to make a video in response to the comments i was getting and if they actually [ __ ] watch the video they would get that hey ethan and eli not everything is a personal attack against you they were their big thing that they were so offended is that i pinned a comment on my video that i posted this morning the comment was and he sent me he sent me a whatsapp and i got and i sent it back and he saw it he said he started 12 43. so he saw this while filming the live it's in this comment people keep praising ethan but to be honest they're just as toxic as david and his gang was they poke treasure in ways that they know we'll get a rise out of her and don't fully communicate with her dude that's our show that's what we do and that's what i do but the minute i [ __ ] poke or i say a joke that he doesn't mind dude it's not she's not getting it no it's not a joke it's not entertaining it's not getting ready you're [ __ ] with their family you're [ __ ] with their family that's not a joke it's not entertaining and it's not okay or offensive it's totally just like her brother situation my family did not sign up for this and they don't want to be a part of this and she knows that even dr drew when we had him on set you guys have to have boundaries right and the boundary that we set is you gotta stop talking about moses and ila's family and ela or about how moses feels about eel and all this [ __ ] you gotta stop she didn't respect that boundary she immediately you know broke [ __ ] crushed it like the kool-aid man you know what i mean then he embarrasses me then i'm the [ __ ] crazy one i crossed the line it's not funny what driving a wedge in our family is not funny driving or watching between our [ __ ] relationship at the beginning is not funny either i never once asked you guys to talk about my podcast i'm asking moses specifically asked you he led us to have ethan stop talking about him and what did you say what did you say to moses you said that's the joke it's part of the show we he has [ __ ] text messages moses doesn't have a voice in this you guys have this platform and you guys you didn't even watch the [ __ ] video but they take this as a personal attack this comment oh me pinning and tweeting i don't even know i'm not following yeah i don't think we can watch it i don't know that we should watch this yeah and people in the chat are saying it just feels too bad well this is the problem too is like i don't know what to do with this situation but it's obviously gotten a little out of hand at this point you know i thought it was all good and then and then i saw that comment and it made me feel like well clearly it's not all good right if she's saying they're as toxic as david and his group and again i'm not calling david and his group talks i don't know what happened with them but like i know how she feels about them and so if she feels that same way about us then what's the point of this whole thing you know i don't know hey yeah yeah yeah yeah i was really hoping we could make it work you know i felt like i felt like the trials and the tribulation and everything was part of the show and that we would overcome everything and make it work but yeah if that is going to be happening now frankly i mean she like i feel like her and everyone who follows her kept saying how you know that's what happens to all of her relationships and i guess i feel like we're seeing it happen in front of us because we really wanted it to work we weren't doing anything to like try and make it not work the opposite to make it work and i thought you know what i can do this i can do this because i'm patient with her and i don't take the things she says personally so i can do this where other people maybe got to the limit with her i can endure it and i can do this and we can work through it but she finds a way to make it she she somehow always finds a way right i can't talk to her past relationship but she found a way with me to make it unmanageable because it it can because there's no limit so it's like if you're unfair then she brings in the family right she attacks our parenting she'll and well the parenting thing didn't bother me honestly that much because i know that it was unwarranted but the family thing is just it's causing it's causing problems you know what i mean like [ __ ] you want to watch some crazy videos or you want to wrap it up how long we've been going dan uh about two hours we got to bring in the um the only fans people that we that we uh had on cleanse the palette with some funny videos or something though okay good call there's some really good videos here i don't know how to feel about that like i feel bad for her that i don't know i don't know what to say about it you know it's like okay she did her video we responded i feel like we didn't really say anything better but we were just kind of explaining what happened right um right then and abe i mean what did what did i do you talking about now or right now oh right i think it was more of the chat i feel like she felt more attacked by the chat really i don't know i didn't i don't think so i mean i mean we you guys probably should have watched her video she she actually had a point with that we were commenting on a 45 minute long video that we didn't watch oh well av watched the whole thing okay but it's not it's not about a b you got you got some bullet points on it and there may have been some nuance i don't know i haven't watched the video either but i mean i just saw the comments you pinned well but what set her off and what caused her to make this further video is we made a large commentary on a video that you didn't even watch which i think to her i i think that that was triggering her no i don't think so i mean we talked about the video we talked about all the stuff that happened leading to this yeah i don't know i didn't talk about the video yeah i said i didn't watch it i just talked about the comments she pinned and i was talking about everything leading up to our last episode of frenemies but i'll watch the video i'll watch the video i mean she posted it this morning i didn't have time to watch it this morning but i'll watch it afterwards but like you know i didn't talk about her video okay i should have watched her video i mean still i don't know we didn't have time dude i give her i feel like i give her all the credit in the world i give her all the benefit of the doubt every time i mean what the [ __ ] do i not have ever been unfair to her i don't understand no i think you've been really patient with her i mean it honestly i think in retrospect it's easy to say this obviously but what set off that fight the other day of you interjecting mid-episode to uh lay down that restriction about conversation about ela probably should have happened in advance and um i think well okay that's true but i don't think she would have i think she would have taken her horribly to no matter what and she probably would have brought it up on the show but you're right i should have told her i should have told her ahead of time right and overall i'm not trying to take her side in any of this but i'm just trying to see where there may have been missteps then and that's why that's why i when i finished watching it my first realization was that i should have just said it to her myself right right because yeah and you know i guess ethan didn't know when would be the right time to say something like that and you know but i i thought it would be okay i don't know why i thought it would be okay to do it like like hey what was impromptu and and it was going a place where you knew it couldn't and so you you tried to you know draw a line in the sand right there is there any comments or donations that we should read we haven't done any of those a lot maybe are you tracking anything i am but i only have limited amount that i could keep track of because i'm not on the back end and i i can see some of them well can you write them down good one you should just jot down good ones like copy paste them in the future uh do you want me to just read some off here i mean i would prefer if they're curated a little bit oh okay you know i mean it's all about right now yeah well i'm curious if people have insights i don't know if they do or not uh ethan trisha's brain works in a way that's different from how your brain works she needs specialized help yeah you won't be able to uh i agree to cope it out so easy and that's what i agree with and i i don't know how to handle this situation i've never been in a situation like this and yeah i am well aware that's why i'm the first guardian i was gonna say i feel like the first step is this has got to be taken offline like it messes with you when you make a point and then you've got like a live ticking feed of people going you're wrong or you're right and then it it alters what you do next and i think we're just going we're getting in this back and forth cycle that's kind of being pushed by the conversations happening by all these people we don't know the metadata i think are kind of influencing yeah i think we got to just take it off the line well we'll definitely take it off yeah i agree we'll take it offline for sure after this i mean i to the point about her mind working differently i get that and i totally empathize with that night that's why i just i don't know what to do and how to help her but i think we just need some time at this point to let things settle yeah definitely yeah no but it it did it hurt it just hurt my feelings a little bit that comment about us being as toxic as david's gang because like i said i don't know how i can't speak to that what they actually did so i'm not trying to say they're toxic i'm just saying i know how she feels about them and the fact that she feels that way about us was kind of just i don't know because it kind of hurts my feelings because i feel like i've been a good friend to her and i've tried to do everything i can to be a good friend and be supportive and understanding and i don't know what else i can do except just give us some time i guess but yeah i think trisha is really sweet she means well and i feel like it's you put a lot of understanding in on your side and you might not get that back like i feel like anyone who knows you knows you're very blunt and you know you're very sincere when you speak and i feel like she she she's not giving you that she's not allowing you to be yourself as well so when you made the comment about like you know just saying like bluntly like eli doesn't be talked about she gets so offended she doesn't give you that same understanding i hope it works out i i like trisha i also agree with you abe i think she has really good intentions at heart and how hard she's a really good person and that's why i cherish my friendship with her and i thought that we could work through everything and so i hope that you know given some time things will settle and we can work it out because i do i i believe that she's a good person you know and and that's why i always uh wanted to make it work you know i think everyone just needs some air and take a step back all right let's let's let's watch some goofy videos there's some great ones here man i can't believe how great that girlfriend peeing in the tub one went eh that was awesome yeah yeah oh this one was so good you guys i saw this i think i saw it on tick tock my peep in my basement thank you uh uh jeremy look watch this guy dude he'd literally just you react to this i'm not gonna say anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm not gonna say anything either what oh my god i'm not gonna say anything okay [Music] no no wow [Music] that oh oh man you gotta love this cameraman right he's like oh look at this guy this is a coach yeah he's digging it oh he's got something he's got a nugget he's got a little nugget watch this what no wait there's another one i couldn't believe what i was saying oh my god oh he hit so then he was forced to make an apology because this video went viral how did it feel he had to address it wow does this have subtitles i don't know you guys know i don't speak uh you don't speak german you were talking last week about it i'm not good enough okay here we go all right let's try this is it just going to be auto generated and yeah nonsense it's pretty good i think [Music] i didn't know that people paid so much attention to it it happened and i'm sorry for it and concentrating he needs to keep that hand above the desk which you don't perceive consciously i'm trying to behave differently i'm going to try and behave differently from now on it's so embarrassing just think whenever you shake hands with someone bro i can't believe they forced him to address it it's like let's just say like that's one of those things you just have to forget happened and move on you know can you though you have to what else do you say i mean he handled it well i guess though yeah and everyone smiles their man muscles i mean sure i scratch my balls and smell it but that guy was like all over up in that spot no i don't know no that's the butt no neck what do i smell my ass you hit your ass when you smell your finger yeah i mean sometimes really yeah like you touch yourself you touch your b-hole like really touch no i mean not like you know sometimes you know you not finger yourself but you touch your feet yeah you know why you want to make sure you're clean down there aren't you worried about your hands being dirty yeah no i'm very clean down there like will you touch your butt i mean you poop from there this is why i won the heartthrob thing doesn't have anything to do with look well something i'll go [ __ ] yourself baby i'll be honest some people are into this this is why people like zach i'm a human being i mean we're related to apes somewhat you know me too you've never been curious to smell your ass you know ian's got his cat's arse in his face right now yeah he smells his cat's house so in when you're out and about when you're out and about you'll touch your b-hole no it's not when i'm out of not when i'm out and about okay yeah i'm not shaking your hand that's what i was gonna say because you you're out and about with your b-hole stink on your fingers exactly no i'm very clean you know it's it's a smell check you know it's like a vibe check i'm trying to find some other good ones good fire video on the subreddit oh for real send it to me why was that i was i was trying to be low-key ask the guys to find it okay this one ela again i kind of want your snap judgment on this man since the invent the invention of like camera phones you've captured weird [ __ ] man like you know seriously here's a dude just eating a raw rack of ribs and like a baseball field love the meat chef can you even chew it like how do you even do that and he just like plops it on the ground it looks like a zombie invading invasion yeah totally there's the police siren going on oh i guess he's hungry i mean this dude's just filming he can't believe what he's seen man yeah crazy just shocked me i was like wow [Music] oh this one cracked me up too human jump rope so he's spinning him around like he hates him right like he hates him his ass and then watch how he throws him at the end whoa like he [ __ ] hates that it looks like an ape yeah he's scary this guy he's he's trying to kill these people [Applause] i like to think that like that everyone else is he's not playing and everyone else is just goofing on him he's like this berserk ape then he just throws him at the end and then he's going to rip everybody apart whoa that's crazy right oh we have a flame video okay let's go where is it i got it well look how this this spins never seen that before okay here we go oh this is a fire mishap now is this like include like graphic burning of death because that's not what i'm into can somebody vet this did anybody watch it did somebody yes i watched or i i didn't watch the last 10 seconds why didn't you watch the last time those are probably pretty critical you can't set me up like this if i took ten more seconds hold on hold on hold on just this is a serious note we're live you can't set me up like this right you can't send me a video someone burning alive you have to watch it first you won't even shake my hand ap okay so did you watch it it's loading it's loading now when i seen the it didn't look like it was no it's me watch it just great okay all right fire in the pants oh he like fits it out that's cool what [Applause] oh no [Music] backstage dude i'm sorry but that definitely was it [Applause] the dude was literally jerking it with a fire stick like look at this he's like let's go [Music] i mean what was the expectation [Applause] that's good not as good as the turkish one i'll say but good it's hard to find fire videos with the perfect balance between hilarity and not burning to death right it's a rare breed it's that perfect venn diagram [Music] um champagne anyone oh i didn't this is so silly this is a silly video that i love that was cracking up so much it bounced off the wall and bounced off his head and then it it's just it's so funny it's like such a three stooges thing [Laughter] in this slide whistle yeah come on back let's get some cartoon [ __ ] he gave you the the concept [Laughter] you love it somebody donated a hundred dollars australian for the fire safety video are we just gonna end up watching them every week you guys want me to watch the fire safe the last time i didn't even laugh though i had 100 big ones for that wow we have so much stuff left to get to but i gotta probably call it a day i'll watch that for you though oh let's get that okay let me watch the fire safety video because i don't want to i want to give you your money's worth but i'm not i didn't even laugh anymore i've just seen it too many times but okay you paid for it i paid for it you know turkish fire safety video now this is my favorite this is my favorite video straight up i got to put an embargo on pay me to do this so cause we have 40 000 people watching the donuts really want to watch this video for the 20th time so we've got the turkish fire fighters you know they're doing some kind of uh presentation not going great and this guy this is like the chief of fire apparently in turkey and well he catches himself on fire and then he throws it on everybody which is so funny because it's he's there to put the fire out and he's throwing it on people and it looks intentional too also whatever what could they possibly be demonstrating you know it's like that he just set some logs on fire this guy is the worst fireman ever i think that's what's so funny about it besides the fact that it looks like he did it intentionally he's the worst fireman ever this guy looks so perfect like when you get upgraded attacks you know in a video game it's totally level three fire attack level three fire attack for sure he's like hey hey dude catch this catch catch this fire [ __ ] you're the fireman you're not supposed to be lighting people on fire he literally left people on fire all right don't send me that anymore don't make me do that anymore please that's it that's the last time that's it don't don't donate with peace and love yeah with peace and no further videos any further training video requests will be thrown in the bin after december 11. no more donations in the name of fire safety video any further donations will be returned with peace and love thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right we're almost at two and a half hours oh yeah yeah there's so much more to get to but it's been too long it's been 10 weeks look at me that is so what should we do on tuesday because that's our next oh well we should discuss after yeah yeah really we shouldn't do this live yes well there'll be something i think so for sure because i don't want to i got it something dr drew would definitely be making an appearance the personality test on tuesday yeah question is will trisha be there that is the question i still hope i hope there's a way i really do it's been yeah it's been where you look at me did i get acclaimed for singing this too good so ela happy birthday thank you you look great today i know you're having a bad like hair day but i think you called it off the cliff i always love when you put in the clip people are gonna think that you he's saying it because i was complaining before what i always compliment your looks no i'm just i just don't want people to think that you were just saying i have a bad hair day out of nowhere oh i'm protecting you oh thank you your hair looks great though everybody was complimenting here the shirt's sick too appreciate it not as sick as ian ian happy three year anniversary we love you i love i love the cat cuddles like thank you god bless god bless and uh he just sent me okay abby just reminded me we have to address um the intern application uh oh situation oh [ __ ] oh what about the only fans girl well what about it oh maybe we'll do it next time should we bring her on it's a whole thing yeah no i mean next week next week next week with peace and love next week peace and love we will talk to you next week peace and love uh yeah we made a mention on the show last week about a potential well there was sort of a loose conversation going on about needing having a possible need to staff up in a couple months when we move into our new studio as well as the sort of uh desire to have another female cast member on the show and um i guess the audience perceived that as a call-out for applications of which we have now received about like 700 i would say oh my god in my email um so i apologize if i haven't responded to yet um with peace and love with peace and love uh it's in love peace and love if if and when i should when we are uh staffing up we will we will explicitly call out for that it will probably be in a few months things are a little fluid because we're still in the the pandemic mode but we are moving into a much bigger studio and we likely will be needing help and i'm i'm saving all the applications so you haven't wasted your time by uh sending them in uh just to make that clear but take your time don't rush it because we're not reading them all right now anyway that's right so just wanted to clarify any further resumes will be tossed in the bin no no i am categorizing them all as applicants uh none of them are being thrown away we will review i will not read any applications received after december 12th peace and love peace and love so that's it just wanted to put that out there peace and love i know what it's like to apply to something and not hear back uh we're not ignoring you it's just maybe a little uh there's a lot it was more than we expected it was way more than we expected all of our emails like literally i just have to say all every one of our emails is full yeah of applications which is email my personal oh i'm sure you're reminding me that so many people are interested yeah i kind of goofed up because our support team and teddy fresh is really slammed because ever since black friday it's just been like chaos for them and they're trying really hard so um if anyone wanna apply for anything for teddy fresh email to careers teddyfresh.com not support not support because they careers teddyfresh.com is the new place with peace and love yeah any resume sent to support well that was great i mean hey thanks for just sticking around it was fun episode besides you know the tricia stuff which is tough but hopefully we'll figure it out but really enjoy talking to wiz kiff the face of twitch i forget his name biscuit i get the feeling he's not a real school anyway [Laughter] i get the feeling that guy didn't know anything about me he was just reading the chat no yeah right he was like oh vape nation and well anyway i like him regardless yeah you know what i mean i know what you mean all right well we'll be back on tuesday and uh with peace and love have a great weekend wait didn't we get a christmas update to the song you said maybe jingle bells [ __ ] [Music] all right guys i gotta take these out [Music] rice from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to zoo [Music] you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h two three three three you're watching h23 i'm
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,817,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: kQoAIMFaeJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 50sec (8810 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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