GMHikaru reacts to The history of the top chess players over time

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oh is this like okay actually I love this intro' this is really nice with all these chess boards it's a really nice creative like intro really nice video okay so who the who is this dude I've never even heard of this dude [Music] oh is this what is this who the Petroff is named after put it spelled Petrov it's pe TR o FF it's not spell PE T ROV oh is it this opening named after this dude I actually didn't know that okay it's named after him okay what a papaya I don't even know the history of shots [Music] okay okay yeah and so this is the other thing like when you look at look at the game of chess like chess is one of those things where it was like chess is reversed so in most games like I guess like League and other things like a day is just not not very good but in in like most other games it's like any yeah any is it is it good now but in chess any was any was and it was you know dog you know what and now na is kind of the best which is just a very weird dynamic for now China's gonna pass pass any eventually okay Oh tours oh right sorry sorry let me move my camel I move my camp over over here I guess okay come win training Oh Staunton very good chess player by the way okay this guy I've heard of but I don't remember who he was this vonda or von der Lassa I've seen the name but I don't I don't really know much about him and finally any this this this guy was a boss probably the greatest chess player what one of the greatest chess players in history Paul Morphy first American world champion basically oh my gosh holy this guy is 61 years old and he's still like playing chess did people even live to be 60 in the 1850s that's kind of crazy isn't it or am I wrong like I mean let me be 61 in 1855 isn't that kind of that's kind of badass isn't it I mean that's that's pretty that's that's pretty pretty pretty good stuff isn't it I don't know like 1855 I thought you lived to be like 45 or something oh yeah and now it now comes will home science the first official a first first official one oh he died I didn't see him he was 69 oh you oh you guys are trolling okay you're trolling okay rolling yeah we probably did die yeah look at this list there's only like one American either kind of crazy crazy okay and here comes the German here come the Germans look at this oh nice wait so what is it did anybody here like do two stats to like when you see Lasker you see this peak up here like we're like well like 1897 or something then it's just everyone starts trending down is that like everyone's playing worse or what's going on it's but the world wardens start until 1914 right so you're not there yet it's only 1905 so you get a quit damn for the prime date Nemo for the Prime they need escort feature for the prime here comes the Cuban oh did the music change music just change gentle with like World War one that the music just completely changed your web from like it went from upbeats of really dramatic that's actually really that that's really funny that they tied the music with like with this and now you hear the Imperial is Russian music because alikum became the bus player [Music] yeah this Imperial Russian music it's really really funny I don't know why I'm having trouble not laughing this it's just really really funny yeah I know who these guys are obviously but listen this is like such Imperials Russian music is very [Music] okay the post-world War two you see this guy is still the best bought then Inc [Music] look at this list oh my god she's like all like all these all these like Russians and like I mean Kara's is Estonia and gligar riches I think maybe you could slob at the time not sure what it's called but it's kind of crazy looking at this list like look at this whole list and yes by the way Beck he'll tell was the world chess champion one of the greatest tactical players ever in the game of chess from Latvia the magician from Regas he was called actually actually fun fact shot so when I was in Riga I think I was in Riga maybe it was June of 2019 I actually went by went by the house where he lived there was like there's a plaque and there's a plaque stating that that's the house where he lived so I did I did go by and see the house where he lived in in in Riga here comes Bobby did I meet any of these people IRL no I did I did not mean any of these guys yeah I'll actually I'll tell you actually I have met Spassky by the way I have met Spassky I saw court tournaments but I never spoke to Korchnoi those are the only guys on the list of people who I actually who I've who I've uh who I've yeah I I've met Spassky and I I mean I played internals for course when I was playing I think I spoke to mash in London on one occasion very briefly it was he was already quite old obviously but I spoke to him briefly so so yeah there's the only two guys here that I actually did I ever liked it met in person hikaru is so old yeah I'm so old shot I know I have of course met Karpov and I have that I actually did play Anatoly Karpov in a in a row over the board game so Bobby vanished from the list here cuz he stopped playing chess look Jerry shows along list now of course I know Gary quite well did I win or lose record I only played anatoly karpov one time in an actual ranked classical slow chess game I beat him but but very very strong chess where he's already I mean who's just playing more for fun I will say when you look at this list though the people who play it you'll see that in the older olden times a lot of these guys they just kept playing like regardless of what regardless of how old they were they just cut planks they love the game and one thing I would say is Karpov is well-liked he still plays chess occasionally for fun he just you know he enjoys playing the game whereas say someone like Garry Kasparov specifically does not play for quote-unquote fun but here comes Garry here come here [Music] yeah now already you look at this list of the players action on this list how many of these people have I actually played so I've obviously played Gary I played Anatoly I play D von Schuch I've played Gelfand I never played solid I saw him a term in New York in 95 I've played D on Timman I have spoken to Gurevich I don't think I ever played him I played against letting you das and I played against Alexander Belly offski I played against jaan Elvis so most of these guys on this list I've already played against what years this is 1990 so wow so in if you look at the top 10 players from 1990 on this list I played against 8 of the 10 people who were in the top 10 in the world in 19 freaking 90 that's insane that's crazy I'm old I know I'm so old I'm so old no this list start in the 18 in like the 1850s in the 1920s I think they might I think there's just based on stats on the rink there's some stats out formula they came up with for the rankings I don't know there was an official list they get it perfectly nice for the prompting of Colonel so for the prime they need a 17 year old car for the prime date a wild cucumber for the prime so so yeah okay let's keep going he'll be on this list he'll be on this list by 2023 [Music] okay so let's say this is 95 and in 1995 actually yeah like look literally only this one guy Valerie Salib on the top 10 he's the only guy that I haven't that I haven't played against everybody else on this list by 95 I've played against the plate against camps key played against Kramnik Yvonne took Anand Karpov Kasparov goth on Dream Shroff so except for this one guy already I've I mean so pretty much everybody here should let me see this is what 97 yeah and so by 97 yeah by 97 the list of all these people how many of I beaten so i beaten gata Kamsky I've eaten Alexey share I'm a beaten Boris Gelfand I beat Afghani brave and a match I have beaten Topalov I've beaten Karpov i beaten yvonne shook i beaten Kramnik i beaten dawn and gary i never played a classical chess game against so I mean that's just separate but yeah nine of the ten people I have played against and I've scored scored victories against so so so yeah but that does not have flex it's just I mean I've played many of these guys many many times and also I didn't play them in 97 when they were necessarily at their peak I played them of course much later so in 1997 I was 10 years old like I was not that good at shots in 97 I was only 2200 [Music] [Music] wait where's Jude it so actually this this is very quickly I will point out one thing in 2005 so I'm looking this very closely now is that one thing that's worth noting as you'll see in the AIDS place is Judit Polgar I'm she was the number eight two ranked player in the world the only female player ever to be in the top ten at chess so I have to definitely mention that no I'm not name dropping I mean it's just I played these guys that's all but yeah Judah pole guard definitely the only female player ever to be ranked in the top ten at chess and this was in 2005 and she was number eight in the entire world and if you do a comparison like the top female player right now I think is is maybe Hui Phan she's probably around number 45 to number 50 I have play Judah Dover the board yes I have a very good score against Judah but definitely one of the biggest ambassadors for the game so so yeah I just have to point that out here just keep going oh I'm gonna appear on this list at some point - right wait when do I appear ah there I am I appear right there in 2011 okay let me go back where do I first appear let's see there there we go okay it's yeah there we go so I appear on this list at Wednesday's yeah January 2011 you see I I appear here I'm number 10 on this list so I actually made the list wait what where I hit number two why does it show me number two wait wait one side let me let me do it like slowly yeah okay shows me number four yeah no I hit number two in October I think of 20 2015 maybe I think 2015 I did but anyways you see like at the end I guess there's only three 26 years to keep going no that's where it stops right so it stops here so this is March 2016 so kramnik was second gear he was third I was fourth Fabiana was fifth most these names of course are still still pretty close it showed it just went back fast yeah yeah but anyway so so yeah this is this is a good one um only four it's only four it's yeah it's fine um but yeah so that's that's the list of like the top choice players over time you see the rate rings actually let me go back a little bit let me see so garry kasparov where was the first guy to bury 2800 by those SATs I think it was Kasparov right somewhere back here wait no who's this dude okay so Karpov basically wait who's the green dude the green dude is who's this green dude that goes really high this is they had a fully Karpov or not oh no the green dude is the green dude is Bobby sorry the green dude is Bobby Fischer I'm stupid sorry j4e I must thank you so much for the prime thing you'd buy one product for the prime yes is this Bobby Fischer so tells off so he was the first guy that looks like cross is 2800 ranking but the reason I'm going back in the video is just I'm trying to compare it to try to compare to the computer one since I watched a computer one to see it's like he breaks his 2800 and then both Karpov and course my kind of over it but if I go back here this orange who's the orange I can't even tell who the orange the orange guy is Mikhail Botvinnik it looks like so so maybe it's like by the rankings everybody is kind of everybody by the rankings kind of was it was over 2800 until what point so yeah so it's okay Bob Vinick we know is the orange line if we go back who's the red line Ali eken is the red line okay so maybe like 1930 is is where is where you can compare it I guess when you look at it if you if you compare if you compare the stats but it feels like the general general change is not super Morphy for his time was more feet let me go back I didn't look closely because I'm just trying to watch the whole thing let me go ahead more feet um 20 no but if you look at this they say 2784 the time period so it looks I don't think he crossed a let me keep going goes up let me see it does he go over it no 27 96 you saw it there for half a second 27 96 so by the by the rankings he was just under that for the time but very very close so so like yeah but considering the time though look at the gap so he's up here next guy is like more than this guy the Green Line is I don't know who the Green Line is but but it's very short like it's it's very far like that that's how you grade the world champions by the curve I mean everybody everybody I mean we're all very cordial to each other she's a very nice she's very nice she's a very nice person and I I always have had great interactions with her um so yeah I know you're looking for something else but but but yeah she's she is um she's a great ambassador for the game she's doing so much stuff for chess now and like I've said like just one of the best chess players in the world all right yeah okay shot laugh laugh laugh it up laugh it up laugh it off just laugh it up dude come on let's be serious here um but yeah so I guess the rankings you don't really see a huge differential like it's it's like you see here there's a big gap there's there's not it's always pretty tight the gap is like like fifty ranking points like even here look at this this this this gap sure it's like so tight and then it's only well it's only with Bobby Fischer that you see the big gap and then of course Garry Kasparov with the big gap as well so it's like yeah it's just an interesting interesting interesting one asking twitch to be serious yeah yeah it's but but yeah Fischer just like amazing and then of course Baro Carlson of course is is is quite a bit better but again you see the gap the differential is he's better but it's still it's still a pretty tight range you're talking give or take plus minus 50 points roughly
Channel: Pepega Reacts
Views: 2,073,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmhikaru, hikaru reacts, gmhikaru reacts, hikaru twitch chess, hikaru chess moments, hikaru reacts to top chess players of all time, gmhikaru reacts to history of chess, hikaru twitch reacts to history of top chess players over time, gmhikaru reacts to ranking videos, gmhikaru reacts to comparison videos, hikaru reacts to abacaba, ranking video reaction, the history of the top chess players over time grandmaster reaction, abacaba rankings reaction, top chess players twitch reaction
Id: NjV6r-iIGso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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