Can Kurt Schneider Beat A Blindfolded Hikaru Nakamura?

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kh1 wait did you say h1 yeah age four  you know it's bad when he's like shocked Kirti there what's up okay yeah yeah awesome um  so see ya anyway we're here with Kurt Schneider he   is a music video editor he has a very big YouTube  channel I think he needs no introduction really of   course those you in chat you can see see right off  what his channel is oddly enough Kurt is actually   a very strong chess player he did I believe it  was against the try-hard guys right you played   you did the blindfold Simon yeah yeah yeah right  so so Kurt it's a very strong trust for as well   so we're gonna probably play play some blitz  games I may do a little bit of hand and brain on   so so yeah all right what color do you want to  start with a nice you want to play five-minute   games right sure I'll do whatever three to is  fine is three two okay I'm sure however however   you want to do it I feel like I can't say I'm  a strong chess player when I'm on stream with   you though that's that feels something that just  feels wrong about that well no but I mean 20 to   40 is pretty good it's quite quite quite strong  so all right it's not your challenge I think um   oh it didn't happen okay just means the ways  that I hang pieces are maybe just a slightly   more convoluted you know you don't hang pieces  that's okay so let's let's get this show on the   road okay so I'll do something different since  ready you probably haven't you haven't probably   faced the birds opening a long you know when I  used to play chess I played a five here but then   I hate when people play E for and go to the Kings  gambit so hopefully those positions exactly yeah   yeah because that's that that is that that is I  think one of the points behind playing that will   just go prayer something oh that's right you play  it you played this opening didn't you you played   this like this modern modern opening I ever call  honestly my openings are garbage sometimes I just   play like random like like I don't know like maybe  I'll just play some like Hedgehog type nonsense oh   okay okay um so so as as we were talking before  like how did you how did you oh okay you wanna   play this okay this might not be good so so we  always like interested in music and chess growing   up it was like one or the other or like what's the  background like I always and I feel like chess was   always it was always fun I mean I I I learned  the game when I was maybe like eight wait you   said you were eight when you started playing yeah  at least that's when I played my first ornament oh   that's that's really good actually that's that's  very good 2208 starting at eight that's that's   actually really good I think true yeah what am  I supposed to do here somehow I want to attack   you on that Queen side but yeah like by the time  I was getting into high school I was just like   I was always interested in music and music was  becoming just like more and more part of what I   like wanted to do so it was just hard to find time  for the chess and other stuff right right um okay man this is like uncomfortable I think  I want to play this is just like some   sort of this is just bad it's not that bad  I won't play here okay so like you you were   kind of doing both the music music music  and chess and then like towards towards   the end of high school is when you really got  super serious about music and and just there   wasn't the time to play play shots basically  yeah once I was like 16 I would say I wasn't   really spending time on chests anymore  um and I was spending more time on music   and in fact actually something really nerdy  like much dirtier than chess is part of math   competitions oh okay high school it stops okay  well which they actually were pretty fun but sorry Mike my chats going in the saying there  they're like saying a true five head I don't   know if you're familiar with the twitch  twitch Mota but five head nature you're   really smart oh no no no I just I just pretend  on the internet okay man I really want to play   c5 but I feel like it just loses a pawn  for nothing it's um probably okay okay alright I'm gonna play play here okay okay wait do you play Sudoku or something um  yeah um some Sudoku things okay so my chat   was there they're saying that you are you're  very good at Sudoku - I try it's like chess   I'm good enough to pretend that I'm good so  okay yeah I have a feeling like c5 probably   just loses a pawn but I just wanted to play it  yeah you probably should have played it without   getting this pawn on the side of the board  playing b6 and B takes a five that whole you   probably should have played it right away I think  would have been a little more sense there totally a bishop on c8 is just gonna be so  sad the whole game yeah it's it's   I guess it's not so bad it's only just  positionally a little bit tricky to play hmm okay this really got painful yeah that's that's a bad one hi  bro I guess you don't lose on   it you don't lose right away though  with this cuz cuz you're still gonna   take the rook on a five I capture it's my  plan but we'll see how long holds up okay all the pawns are falling apart no man deed this  is kind of ugly no dang it ah okay okay you got   this one Hikari you got this one yeah that  that opening wasn't too bad those you should   have played c5 and f6 probably yeah I think  the whole d66 I know it's garbage like I I   what did you play when you're playing though  against this f4 type of stuff I used to play   e5 against f4 against like but I got to e4 I  move one against efore I typically played the   French oh okay then yeah yeah no no wonder yeah  you got such a bad position how this openings   it turned into like a modern modern kind of  like Hedgehog yeah and I'm just feeling like   some sort of like bad French at some point  mm-hmm right yeah cuz you could never get   c5 in this is true yeah alright let's do it  again mmm okay so you go ahead I usually play   d4 when I was when I was playing okay which  opening do you want me to play um let's see   what are my choices okay okay I can play e5 e6  d5 c5 or c6 I guess v e5 maybe your C I mean I   don't know what do you want you get to do that  sure sir I guess I'll choose e5 okay not okay sometimes I would played the Scotch but I think  I usually played the role of heads more often   than this guy okay I'm betting you almost never  saw this though let's see I'm supposed to play   d4 here I think do you actually know what this  is this is just the Berlin okay good yeah yeah   just making sure let's see I think d4 is more  common than rookie one for them just most moves   are playable remember okay yeah I mean I'm  guessing if you said last night you played   with when you were like 15 right more or less  yeah so the Berlin that right exactly yeah okay   let's see I mean I seemed just nice to threes  probably fine but is it an idea to fianchetto   here like b3 Bishop b2 is like all these ideas  were pretty reasonable yeah you can you can   bring the bishop out you can bring the knight  out this is all very serious serious opening   theory that everybody uh everybody studies at  the top levels these days all right okay what   do I want to do which one oh this something  different I'll do this one all right well okay hmm help with this this one try it try to  try playing endgame okay it's beating 95 yeah you're you're not bad at this game man  you're still still finding good news tryin   tryin so how high were you were you worried  number-one ranked in in Pennsylvania in your   age group at some point you were right or close to  it in Pennsylvania yeah I think I probably was but   in the country I was like like I was just barely  able to qualify for the cadets right right which   was top 10 under 18 I think yeah at the time  was 16 seriously you as juniors as well okay   right oh man thinking about I don't know if this  is a good mood look I can't see what's wrong okay he actually probably wasn't a good  myth now that I think about it ever get my life choices it's not so clear  you see the pond is strong or weak it's not   really clear here they're both it's a tricky  position I'm actually gonna have to think here   hope we got him thinking yeah that it's a  success okay he wants to bring his bishop   to c6 what do we do about that okay ooh oh  gee - oh man man it was going fine that's   going just gonna find that game it's gone  it was going reasonably well yeah oh jeez   okay one moment and just have to think if I  have any tricks I have one trick maybe but   I don't know okay that's actually not a bad  move because you're attacking the bishop yeah hmm oh it's just so annoying now it  was so so not annoying before   yeah it's pretty good you were doing very well okay down upon all right so I guess I take the pawn okay I'll do this all right I don't think you  can't hear me right now okay you can't hear me all   right shot so I click push the talk so um I put  push-to-talk here I'm gonna move this night attack   this rook attack that rook so this is pretty good  for me okay let's go here attack this works yeah   there are Forks everywhere here yeah my looks like  I'm basically trapped now there's still Forks all   right still man it all falls apart it all falls  apart now okay whatever I'll play until the bitter   end I don't have any Forks okay this is capture  all moves look bad maybe really bad yeah yeah   yeah I don't think there is any way to stop that  checkmate oh man man know that game was pretty   that game is pretty good but you actually what  you should have done is you should have traded the   Knights I think on each for yeah yeah that makes  sense but that's probably that's probably what I   would have done there that would have made um made  some sons yeah okay um I think we can maybe even   try to do some blindfold actually if you want some  odds do you want a lot down sure okay all right I   think I have to add one more person to the column  and then we can do it let me just do this out okay um you jump in yeah  hello hello agent you there one second chatter yeah I'm uh trying  to add someone else's a call see second Kurt can you hear me yep okay you can hear  me yeah there's there should be another   person on the call but I can't hear him oh  there you are okay okay here you know okay   all right let me just grab a grab grab  a blindfold we'll grab like a sleeping   thing quickly I don't have one right here  on my desk so give me one second oh good how's it going mr. bickerson  he's been at it - the call   what's your name in Justin nice to meet you dude look dropped out hello twitch chat oh yeah that's which said it goes so fast  in this channel yeah can't even read it how's it going in your day so far Justin pretty  good I had like one class oh nice you're in   college no I'm in high school Oh got it got it  cool are you are you already I'm not sophomore   well now dad dad's back alright ok I guess yeah  we're good to go oh yeah you know hit car ooh   I played your dad in a tournament once that is uh  exactly not surprising at all honestly with which   tournament it was in Connecticut I think it was  it might have been called something like the North   East open I don't think that was the name of it  but I'm not like totally sure what year um roughly   Raleigh I was like nineteen hundred so it probably  would have been like nineteen years ago like I   would have been like I think I'll be like 13 14  okay okay yeah that's that sounds sounds about   right I mean I think I played in this tournament a  different year because it sounds vaguely familiar   but that's not actually not shocking at all  to me yeah so yeah that makes sense actually all right so I guess okay so guess let's  just start the game I guess I think people   can see the board I think you're accepting  challenges I'm naughty no actually agent   I think it can be forced right apparently  like there's something problem I think we   have to manually send okay so okay so curtain  Sunday's challenge two blind takes do you see   it so I guess click on the binoculars it's  just in life chess yeah yeah on the bottom   right-hand side clearly a new yep I see it  yeah and then the you can type in a name so   oh yeah okay so we can type in blind takes  lying to cardio blind take school got it I don't see it I think you have to do the second  one from the right the top players Oh top players   okay got it now we'll go to blind tapes blinds  there's some people with crazy readings on this   side a few people yeah you know alright I see  it you're blind rating is in the 24 hundreds   I I mean I don't usually play rate rated but  yeah something like that do you do you think   that's an accurate reflection of like you're  blind playing strength oh I mean it should be   higher than that I would say should probably  be like a hundred points give or take below of   my actual rating is so like I'm twenty seven  fifty for example it should be probably about   twenty six fifty would be my guess gotcha  so I think it's a giver it's about 100 cool nice flex there I like it okay all right so so  Kurt you don't have to tell me he removes all   that agent agent she'll tell me tell me okay if  you're blind do you want more time you know it's   fine it doesn't matter it's fine okay okay okay  okay efore rabbit tried into french c 6d fort so like not be talking here is that like  oh it's all good you can talk to you it's   fine okay Knight to c3 it's completely  fine if you talk okay sure cuz I'm not   gonna lie if I was blindfolded it  would take like my concentration   uh-huh Knight f6 ee5 night f d7 f4  c5 Knight to f3 knight c6 Bishop e3 well see takes d4 Knight takes d4 Bishop c5  Queen to d2 someone's prepared by the   way someone's blitzing out these moves  I mean I know that this is some mainline   yeah it is the main line actually not just  some name line so you know I mean I think   the news a6 here I can probably Castle -  I'm not sure play that's a six castles lon Knight takes d4 Bishop d4 castles access  Kurt it's funny you're playing this because   there's a guy there's an IM that I've  played online quite a bit recently it   plays its exact same line so it's kind of  funny that you're playing this cool I feel   like I definitely played for two McCain's in  this position yeah before okay King to be won b5 Knight to e2 Queen c7 h4 efore rook to h3 a five 90 g3 Bishop e6 bishop takes a six  rook takes a six-night to h5 you're nervous man you're nervous or I'm nervous  I don't know who should be nervous here actually   I'm getting nervous I don't know let's see  yeah I guess my night is kind of close to   your king right I'm getting nervous because  your piece that close to my king I think this   position is objectively fine for me I just I  know it's good you're like I'm gonna blunder   something on the Kings side good instincts  so yeah you should you should be fine here get away with this sure Rick c6 well then I'm also using a - this time okay 25 seconds okay work g3 g6 Bishop takes e5 rook c5 pawn to f5 22nd can you do that oh snap look time man ef5 Queen to h6 10 seconds  Queen B 5 rookie 3 Queen eh a work d de 1 eight seconds both sides Knight f6 Knight Knight  takes Knight rook e8 mean takes Queen g7 Queen g5 rook c8 rook eat rookie 87 oh sorry I will take  it it was a dirty flag it felt dirty I don't feel   clean right now definitely definitely takedown  was I was like winning there somewhere I don't   know like I honestly I never saw where I was  getting made it but that doesn't mean anything   that I didn't see it yeah it was very is very  messy um but I should have played Knight f6   first I think instead of moving the Queen to h6  and I think maybe it's it's better yeah I was   probably planning on kind of doing the same thing  like taking and then I guess playing we need five   still oh my god maybe I could have played east  six instead of actually e six on and so tonight   us at the e6 takes and queen h6 yeah okay so e  six takes Queen h6 but then can i play like just   like yeah you go Knight up some lady five yeah  yeah Knight f6 yeah it's a messy position yeah   all right those can you make a challenge is there  a way to make it with more increment just so it   doesn't get really yeah no worries no worries I I  feel feel not clean about the flag but you know oh   don't worry I've done that too like a honey I've  done that to hundreds of people online and worse   worse circumstances than that so I would not fill  I would not feel bad about that at all all right   all right let's see so blind takes and then after  I click on your name I can set the time control   so how it works you click on the more yeah you  click Oh yep yep and then it's like our bullet   just to make it like three three second increment  be like three three three three yeah okay all   right three three challenge coming in all right  go with efore again sure I'll play a c5 Knight f3 okay just play Knight to c6 okay what's  this move this should be five you said   yeah okay um Knight to G to e7 castles  86 Bishop a4 Knight to g6 c3b five Bishop III Knight to a5 Bishop c2 fish nice oven d4 d6 night be ed2 castles ricky one c5 Knight f1 see takes d4 cd4 Bishop g4 hd's yeah you probably should have played  before you played night off one yeah each three [ __ ] takes off  three Queen f3 knight c6 d5 Knight to d4 Queen d1 Bishop g5 and they g3 Bishop takes c1  Brooksie one Knight f4 Bishop d3 Queen g5 Bishop f1 each tribe KH 1 wait do you say h1 yeah age 4 you know it's bad when he's like shocked native five-night takes up 99 he takes Queen takes Queen takes off five a 4 B  takes a 4 Queen takes a floor work a b8 b 3 Knight takes d5 Queen takes h4 Knight to f4 Bishop takes a six rook takes b3 queen g4 Queen takes Queen on takes Queen rook  to be - 37 seconds King g1 rook - eight well it hurts Rick a1 g6 Bishop f1 rook takes rook rook takes d5 g3 Knight to e6 King g2e 451 III forgot  about that Bishop e2 rook takes Bishop King rook d2 d2 yeah I can think this one is  e takes up to alright alright   you you got this one Ricardo  you got this one alright I'm a good game good game yeah so in that position  probably h3 before night f1 just because Bishop   c4 is really annoying right yeah I mean I  think night f1 was okay but it's very weird   cuz after take some Bishop g4 I guess you  could have still pushed actually not push   ponts are you could have got Knight back to  d2 and it's probably still it just felt too   sad yeah yeah I mean it's it's it's a weird move  because basically you end up in a position where   you're you're just you wasted a tempo yeah  so engines had III draws in my game okay oh   is III drawing at the end of the game maybe  wait we're at the very end apparently ether   was a bad move oh you couldn't move the king  up to f2 reaction and just attack the pawn and   if I capture the pawn then work d5 oh I'm  I'm an idiot oh that's actually yeah it's   kind of unfortunate for both of us yeah I I  actually I didn't see King after we right off that's okay hmm strange but yeah early early  yeah you totally should have played that night   back to d2 and then each three and it would have  been relatively okay I think but it's it's very   strange to just bring the knife back so you  already moved it so I can see why it's not   natural that's for sure totally not not not  not not um that's a little bit a little bit   gank to use to use a twitch twitch lingo but  yeah alright you want to go again I mean I'm   down I'm down like however you want to do it your  stream so I'm down for for going again I'm down   for playing some hand and okay we get in Hanna  brain if you want sure we can do a couple games   Hanna brain cool game game for whatevs okay so  an order to hand and brain okay do you want to   make the moves or do you want me to make the  moves is the first question well I feel like   we probably be stronger with you as the hand  right is that like the okay so then you okay   so then you should put it down okay so I said  yeah and also big shout out to agent jail for   for helping us with a blindfold thing so much  to Justin hope you have a great rest of your   day thank you so much alright brain before so  is it is it better for the stronger player to   like actually make them move typically probably  it is so we should we should undo it the other   way around okay all right I'm game okay so let's  see okay so I think what we'll do is we'll play   a couple of people I know we're playing other  streamers or other people who are who are in   the channel but just just wait and we'll get  the games will just start automatically sounds   good oh wait no they did they don't start okay  um okay let's see do you have any challenges   if you click on the Play tab that middle  tab up at the top on the right hand side sorry say one more time for a noob like me  so so on the right hand side up at the top   you should see game play and tournaments  or just play in tournaments so on the   left hand side at the top I get like I  do see something that says challenges   am i looking at the right place well there  should be a board and then to the right of   that there should be that whole pain which  oh yeah yep got it right so you should see   like play yep I just I guess hit a five-minute  game hit 5 and just the game should start oh cool but wouldn't that just put me against  like random people you want to play against   um against yours or whatever just do it  let's just do it let's just play against   anybody who cares cool alright let's go I'm  ready so wait so in theory because I am NOT   a a handed brain expert here hmm like if if I  have you telling me the piece how do you think   that affects my playing strength um should I  in theory be like playing better or if I like   don't really understand the idea behind what  you're doing is it not gonna I would think on   average to probably play a little bit better  alright okay so I will say pawn I mean I'm   gonna play this because um okay um pawn will  play this okay since there are so many people   watching I'm gonna say a proper move gunshot  you don't want to move pawns too often so night um I guess pawn pawn pawn bishop night king rook night people on the plane I  today there today yeah night up is probably   what I would have played there night just be  playing these symmetric structures rook Queen Queen well the structure is not symmetrical  anymore um night yeah that's why I wanted   to take the 95 I just I get like when  you have those like exchange French type   structures I'm just like Oh y-yeah  um oh I know that feeling very well sorry g6 I was worried about f5 I had the move I  water with us six actually Oh got it I actually   have six didn't even coming to my mind okay  it's still fine um okay sorry I'm not like   getting us made it here pawn very nice very  nice I wasn't sure if you play that one rook actually move is still not  good um yeah so nervous rook kind of getting us smack around still okay queen when in doubt take more stuff  exactly I thought that's always   how you should play chess that's  always how eat it plate says rook night pawn queen night night night-night do you want me go here said that's  fine yeah completely fine pawn pawn Oh fine night pawn pawn Oh Oh dad that's that's not bad maybe rook should Knight pawn king yeah I've  no time okay my bad no that's all good III   should put increment that would have been  a smart oh you actually know I didn't even   know you knew how to pre move action okay  yeah if I'd known you knew how to pre move   I would have told you pre moves I'm a run  go for it oh snap I'm time dang it no that's   okay actually well I'll do increment next time  well I think there should be some challenges   as well do you see a challenge from from like  this gal oh there should be challenges if you   click on the play right below in that tab  play where you see the pawn okay there we   go oh snap yeah game just sorry okay uh let's  go pawn now right damn Queen close snap okay Bishop let's try this one Queen try again  try try try again yeah um pawn Knight pawn pawn Knight night ok-hee a d5 actually like he missed it yeah  I realized that after I played that f7 then   I was just like maybe it's okay somehow yeah  um night but if he plays d5 at the very least   I had pawn takes right which i think was the  best man mt6 yeah I figured it was sold it pawn bishop night night pawn night yeah this is pretty good can't  complain here night this guy   telling me pieces I think he  knows hot night night night night night-night night how many times have  you said eating a Roy pot pie King Brooke King it's looking good extra rug yeah yeah pawn rook King King I didn't pick the fastest way to win  this um rook think it's okay rook rook rook rook checkmate or he goes up yeah all right  there should be two more challenges there should   be one from Nick as well in the play list in the  time of Nick so if I just hit open challenges   it's that actually no it should be actually  listed you should see a specific challenge   I see okay I just started a game so just start  automatically okay all right okay all right then   no worries and they can just start the dubs gonna  start directly um okay let's do night all right pawn I mean I know the main movie 5 but I  will say I have no clue what I'm doing you can't move multiple pawns yeah you can push   that one or the other one as well um  yeah if I uh pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn bishop bishop King night all right so action I just turned voice  push the talkback on so you should push   the night out to like a five or maybe move  the night like this is still very um yeah   96 was probably quite a bit better bishop  ago you could have put the night to a five   so then I we had our there yeah it's still  good though cuz he shouldn't have push the   pawn because now he's got these double  pawns that aren't really all that good you could have won the game there you  had a tactic was be five takes takes   Bishop takes c4 and oh I've see four in  the fish 23-man you tried to get me to   see it with ponzu yeah I thought it was on  the more obvious moves yeah thanks yeah my   bad I should have seen that a pawn  well now I think I'll play here oh no but no it doesn't before her takes takes  rook takes I take bishop he takes I still   can throw in though Bishop h6 though  right pawn this shook wait why does it Oh cuz rookie 3x I thought it worked and then I   realized it didn't work it's still  probably okay um bishop well night all right so if he moves the Queen over  here you can still place Seaforth Queen   goes back there see 4th Queen goes  here maybe takes night night yeah why didn't you take a look on sorry because I'm  a because I'm a complete buffoon is the answer   no it's a strange move I didn't understand  understand I literally didn't see that the   pawn was hanging and I was like what in  the world is he want me to do with Knight   ah sorry sorry that was like complete brain  dead of you Queen dear Lord I'm sorry dude Queen rook rook rook rook night pi pawn punt punt bishop very nice rook rook rook oh nothing nothing King rook rook rook rook rook rook yeah that's good rook oh yeah nice yeah yeah  that was some pretty close action it was not   not easy yeah III miss a bunch of things in that  game right but not not that much just just the   one tactic really I I mean hanging the palm was  on me when I blender the pawn on on b5 that was   on me completely but all good the first time  missing b5 was solely on me and then honestly   just missing that the pawn on d5 was hanging that  was just like really right that thought well kind   of but it's still not obvious because after you  take the pawn y-you can move the rook to d1 and   tack the bishop still so it's not so so clear  yeah but somehow I just yeah okay I think all   right let's let's switch it up and don't play  a couple of games and all be the I'll make the   move so I guess you see those binoculars oh wait  sorry no you see these sorry the one on the far   left the the chat kind of bubble or whatever you  call it yeah at the bottom just type in a slash   and then type follow space I'm gonna hit Caro one  sec one sec sure chat disabled oh so close the   game window just hit the access to the game window  at the top of the top of the tab where there's a   lightning bolt yes so just close the game and then  you'll be in the main window and you can just type   it at the bottom there so type slash follow-up  space and then Hikaru H I K are you awesome okay   um alright so do you see the game that are  wrong you know yeah okay so you tell me the   piece alright somehow this feels like so much more  relaxing like I can chill let's go like on night pawn bishop pawn hon not bad lipstick on night let me feel much less pressure when I could just  like say appease yeah I should it should be it   should be a little bit easier for sure you know  I don't even have to like know if Knight takes e4   works because it's like well just if it doesn't  work the ninety six or something right that's   true actually you're right yeah is easier for  me I have to say it Queen in case yeah Bishop oh let's go on you know it's bad when you say  a piece and then write that I don't respond   yeah it's like I'm trying to figure out what  I'm gonna do it's like oh snap what have I   done okay I didn't see that but I think it's  okay let's just go with Bishop Bishop Bishop yeah I think it's much easier if  you don't have to find the moves   because I can probably find something  it's easier for me to do it the other   way where I can find something that  you'll you'll understand than it is to   go for me giving an idea and then like you  having to having two figures go with night that's eat factory a really good move I  didn't think he would see it or I went   to play the rook up with the rook on c8 but I  didn't he would do this so if we lose the game   it's on me not used to don't don't feel too  bad man our we're fine oh it's just play rock on like sorry that was not a good one on my part I'm  just putting his sticky situation with that all righty tonight it's it's actually  probably better now than it was one move   to go actually so it's quite good the position  improved because the last move game I guess   got 20 seconds so okay okay I'll just name  pieces Bishop oh whoops I slipped them into   whatever I meant okay but we got this now  I believe okay it's a masterplan pawn Yolo this is pretty ugly now yeah that's  great not good and say it was I just   I I didn't see it because we had 20  seconds okay rook rook it's okay I   believe a pawn okay how I deal with  that stuff coming down to our stuff it still is 1,400 though  so we should not resign no   no I'm not resigning let's let's go this game on pawn oh okay thing is that night I don't  know how we defend our stuff but we'll just   hope that some probably shouldn't be that  hard here actually rook it's on King King   King yeah it's just a draw I think okay  a pawn bring it what King on Queen Queen   real queen yeah rook come back kids let's  go dude all right okay Knight okay this   guy's 2500 this is actually guy was helping  us with the blindfold so he's very serious yeah King pawn pawn Knight yep let's go with I guess if you sure what  I'm supposed to do here I guess it's so I should also move faster  oh it's fine it's fine it's   fine because there's there's the  increment so it's not a problem well Yolo is gonna night bishop trying to do something creative here  okay I guess Bishop takes pawn there   wasn't like anything specific wrong no no  there's nothing wrong with I just wanted   to play some of that's confusing all  right all right I'm getting out with it Queen yeah by the way the reason that I'm  that I'm trying to confuse him is because   he's literally playing an opening that I've  played on stream like a million times so he   knows exactly what to do that's the reason I'm  trying to do something a little bit different   because he because I played this sort of opening  many many times that's why that's why yeah I'm   moving the [ __ ] f6 is not normally what I would  do but I'm trying to confuse them let's see if   we can do that so I'll just play rough yeah I  found a really good move that's very annoying mmm feels uncomfortable I guess on mm-hmm that's  a very good move yeah no this is very light but   actually runs this is a problem though it's  like if I try to cope with some original idea   like I don't make the normal then actually  it's really hard on you because you're not   exactly sure what I'm doing so it so it goes  both ways this chair I'm not even sure what   I'm doing most of the time so you know what  does this give you do giant all right night oh I should put the knight on c3  maybe some Ivan's better than this no I'm not sure how our way I guess got some tricks maybe whatever let's go a night yeah that's what I'm hoping well I  don't know if this works though but   look interesting maybe it works I'm not sure on if you're not sure then you're not  sure that he's definitely not sure   either right right that's true that's  a good fam really know that we have to   be winning now I mean pawn that  can't be good no it wasn't good okay it's this mate after that and that's  feeling is probably a lot of ways tomato   queen is just easier okay let's just like Queen  yeah Bishop free move okay ruff-ruff I guess I rep then clean through clean that was a nice theme I don't know if that was  good that's how we do it okay was Knight f3   actually sound it looked like a lot of fun let's  see it was a good computer overlords show us the   ways oh no actually it wasn't good but because  he was supposed to take with the bishop he was   supposed to eat with the bishop then it's Dennis  then it's not not not not good II think something   just goes like Brooke c1 I think okay but that's  a little bit hard to see but once he takes with   the pawn I think it's actually is very good  yeah like oh no it's not good he takes pawn   takes like yeah that looks I mean to my untrained  eye that that looks dangerous right I think the   point is though with the pawn on g3 the knight  is really good in the center so you attack you   just you basically just end up attacking this pawn  forever on f3 but it is dangerous it's definitely   dangerous and it's actually a really good move  I mean it worked out really nicely well okay so alright oh I see and me and Justin had a nice chat while you  were away for a moment that you took sophomore   in high school oh yeah yeah he's a sophomore  in high school 2500 but it what do they put in   the water nowadays all that it like nowadays  I feel that like all the young players are   so crazy high rated yeah I think it's I think  with just it's one of those things where it's   getting younger and younger so the best players  they start like much much younger ages so what   do you want me to move first of all sure  yeah yeah but everyone's starting so much   younger now that it's just one of those things  okay pawn um okay I'll stick to the routine okay this actually I think is a real opening  by the way I'll play Knight yeah but this is   this a real opening okay that was a bad move he  should have moved the Queen up and taking the pawn you said pong right yep I get nervous when I when I say I  move and you started thinking this   long yeah yeah I was not expecting  that yeah yeah okay fine whatever   whatever he's gonna have that one  back it's all good let's go night pawn I assume that's what you wanted yeah that's  what I want it I mean I just want to mount some   Kings over there but actually that might not  have been the best way to go about it okay so anyway it's the same like a lot of kids are  starting younger and younger so they just got   much better really really quickly nowadays  yeah there's so much like stuff you can do   online with chess you know okay I guess it's  like night okay but in music isn't it kind of   the same I mean like both in terms like I mean  like in terms of artists aren't alike isn't it   getting younger and younger there - I guess  so I feel like the ability to learn chess at   a young age now is is different than it was  you know 10 20 years ago okay this is like   online you can just like play so much stuff  music like I guess Bishop I just fills me   like it like for you didn't cover right was  ability Ailish I think it was he did like a   cover one of those songs right totally and like  I mean I feel like when Mac he's like it feels   like younger and younger the talent like is  getting discovered yeah yeah but maybe that's   not specific like I'm into music it's just one  of those things were just for whatever reason   internet speeds up the world mm-hmm okay I  want to do this let's go with Bishop Queen we're doing well this game though we've got a  good position here good night good queen good   bishop yeah no feel like I say we're but really I  mean me struggling more at the 1400s end with the   2500 yeah what's going on yeah probably this  is more random I guess but do you actually so   like do you like still occasionally like look at  chests like watch videos just just randomly every   so often like when there's a big tournament  and if there's like coverage let's go with   on against that I'll like like I'll look at stuff  especially when it's like the quick tour to miss   I think they're just much more fun to watch also  congrats on you know how I don't want to jinx you   so far I know the storm is still going on right  on the you know the Linares a beat or two minute   you've been crushing it yeah thanks yeah so far  so good but tomorrow is the knock out so yeah   so long way to go for sure but like just foremost  potater perspective that stuff is so much more fun just trying to figure out if I can do it okay let's just put this [ __ ] on the  share cleanup for this good but rough yeah this is pretty good yeah you're right  though like the quick tournaments are much   much more adding much more fun for  spectators to watch certainly than   the slow ones yeah okay play cleaner  nights let's see let's go night Hey ruff oh yeah that was a big mistake yeah  that wasn't a good one but it should have   been pretty pretty comfortable yeah I was are  already just a pawn yeah all right let's do   like two more the same reason why oh yeah yeah  what whatever you whatever I'm down for whatever   I'm just here here for the funds oh no this is  rated sorry let me make it an unrated game not   gonna play a game yeah yeah that you know I  don't want to bring you down to my level so okay what one more okay what's the move all right  we're gonna try something special here sure with   pawn pawn to start okay wasn't fun I want it oh  dang it he's taking my plan okay let's go pawn   do you know what this opening is by the way oh  I know I know I've seen your YouTube videos okay   King okay Queen you know let's just go King  cuz why not sure good choice alright alright yeah now it's kind of normal but now  it's now it's like it's like although   all the movies you see where they set up  the king and the Queen wrong yeah yeah we   can't castle though - this is actually kind  of a weird position let's go with on okay yeah leave you watch movies I think  like 90% of the movies they set up   the king and the queen wrong so  now it's like watching a movie what on that's a shot night so so with everything that's going on are  you still like very busy with with music   suffer it's just kind of like even there it  is very slow yeah no I mean I'm lucky that   got a job that I can you know work from home  and all that so kind of you know I'm lucky   I'm still able to make a lot of music make  a lot of trash oh that's good : you know   getting the stuff let's go with so is that  something that's like everyone's still very   busy is it just like even with with what's  going on it would happen or you think it's   it's just what music is kind of moving that  direction anyway towards where like people   can do stuff the even if they're not I'm gonna  go pawn together and yeah I mean like into the   whole digital world like you know we could still  do our thing and let's just go pawn okay I guess that's a complete yeah cool great I bet King   sorry well now we have a whole  whole decline Dada yeah yeah uh see now it's just been like making  YouTube videos making like stuff on   other platforms like then trying to get  into tik-tok was just something I like   never thought I would say oh wow man I  I really messed herself let's go tonight we're gonna got we got to come back  though okay rook um I'm not afraid   you got this actually honestly maybe I  could have trapped just clean the teapot   yeah that's what I was expecting you to say  no it's not gonna work as well this is like   a worst version of it it's your reward we  don't even play here let's just go with like okay and everything looks bad rope he's still only  1400 though so you should be able to there should   be some way we will find a way we'll find  a way on we got this on yeah take that okay night we're finding the way getting  better moved by the loser yep yep   night the little things in life you know row we got all the momentum now  it's looking really good rook let's go with B that yeah  now whatever let's play rough let's go with bishop it's a great move very  nice move sorry about that last turn but I   thought yeah rook rook then I should  play Knight but whatever rough night night on look very nice very various  okay let's let's play rook rook on mmm touchdown ruff yep exactly rep on ruff yeah very nice that was really really good  yeah I mean after i blundered a piece it was   it turned around after that you know we went in  the zone we got him right okay let's do one more   let's let's play one more okay so this team we  got white at least okay let's go with font sure   um okay I'll play your openings it's all good  I sometimes play d4 I just usually play let's   go with pawn okay oh man I mean maybe this is  cheating this a but I always played f3 in this   position but I know if I say pawn you're gonna  play e5 which I've never played that's fine I'll   play it okay okay that's fine I notice that this  move is like kind of garbage but it's actually   completely fine but I just somehow liked it okay  what am I supposed to do here let's go with pawn   now okay it's actually a completely reasonable  move it's it's very good but like it there are   a lot of people in the stream watching who are  not that strong of chess they're gonna be like   you know there's their certs so there's some  people who are like barely GM's who say don't   ever push your F pawn so but yeah it's a good  it's a good let's play let's play pawn now okay you might just transpose you if  grants let's play Knight mm-hmm Bishop on I want to do stuff to him if he plays  like that but yeah it's really nice oh there's so many tempting choices but okay I'm  just gonna try let's try pawn oh sorry it's our   move oh sorry hitting Rises our move I just like  what's he doing yeah okay it's h4 the best there I   was also thinking about like other ways but yeah  I mean I think either you have to play like all   in attack with h4 you should go like a3 or just  castle those are the three moves I would consider   basically got it I mean h4 was definitely my  intention because now we got nasty things okay I'm   just double-checking that this all works I mean I  don't see why I shouldn't let's go Bishop you know Knight Queen yeah this is a actually might not be that well   let's just start with Queen okay now we  actually have to start thinking don't be No Oh wheeze rook okay um was the choice I don't  know it's good here best but that's the plan   but it was this die just like missile in  I didn't quite see how to break through no   I think it's reasonable it's very hard  black as all these pieces that haven't   been brought into game yet it's always  annoying when they have all those pieces don't quite see how to do it Oh don't see our get out okay let's just go tonight sorry okay  that's fine I'm yeah I'm thinking way   too much yeah well because we have 25 seconds yeah   yeah that's all my fault someone says  that's how you know that right right still there at very unclear though he  the skies depending very well though   so I thought that was just winning too  and then it's like not not winning at   all so it's that's kind of like yes  let's go on okay maybe I should have I'm happy to see that yeah let's go night  I guess I'll see how we're native stuff my plan is king yeah that was bad my bad I was still fine yeah I   mean we saw pressure but at night  but it's not what I wanted bishop um the fun I'm hoping we just magically made him somehow yeah  I don't I don't know staying at night it's okay as we never have chocolate  yeah this is really close so King okay gotta move fast good night night night   cream your grill there that's  fine okay King King King yeah rock on almost famous brother look I  already said rattling knocking raaah the show nice very nice yeah very nice nice  nice yeah we very nice came together at the   end yeah I really mean me I mean like you would  have no problems like this no you play that quite   well for at the end it was very good I I really  thought that that would just be me after Bishop   h7 was I'd like missing some I don't think so  actually um yeah I don't think so somehow like   let me just see quickly I don't think so I see  how do you see like Oh analyse yeah that's what   I just clicked that - okay where the computer  just tells us oh I guess I was winning with you   capture the pawn and then you were supposed to  check again and then play like I don't know like   knight of seven okay it's the checks in Knight  f7 he like moves the Queen somewhere and then I   play like h3 yeah knight of seven Queen d7 and  then wreck h3 apparently it's supposed to be   very very good here I see just with the plan of  playing or t3 Knight a texture or you put in the   opposite order I could play Knight h6 and then  repeat please well yeah I mean I guess this is   winning but it's this is really really hard to  to follow or understand I mean it's just very   very strange so I I don't really understand  this at all but apparently it's it's winning   this game is so absurdly hard to do play well  play even to play like chess it like a mediocre   level this is like it's like ridiculously hard  you turn on like the analyze thing after the   game and it shows you like a bajillion ways  you could have done like 100 think butter right yeah yeah no I mean the whole whole thing  was completely uh but we played 90 it was 97   percent so it was it was all is all pretty good  nice 97% accuracy so definitely can't complain   about that is that is that a I'm guessing I mean  that sounds pretty high I don't really know it's   at like I'm guessing this pretty well I mean it  sounds like 26 best moves and for inaccuracies in   one mistake so what was the one mistake okay like  it let's see okay so Rick each one's not really a   mistake yeah I mean I we didn't really make that  money that many bad moves I think I think just   like the the only the only really bad move was was  probably not um what was it was it was not playing   Merc H through that whole night of southern or  cash to realign that was the only mistake that   we made gotcha I can forgive myself for that one  yeah I know that's not a big deal but it's still   yeah so it's pretty good though the quality  is pretty high in your you obviously even if   you don't play much you're still playing at a very  high level I try but man you know like I feel like   when I was like you know you like a little kid  and like 1,600 like I thought it was like good   and then when I was like got to 2200 I realized  that I could like that I play this game horribly   like if you like to hire my rating got the more  I realized just how bad at chess like just how   little I knew about chess yeah I mean but isn't it  like that with anything kind of mate maybe maybe   like the better you get the more you realize that  you know nothing right yeah exactly yeah I think   that's actually like true about like most things  like yeah when you start it's like yeah it's like   you think you think you think you're like you're  good and then you keep learning warm while you   realize how little you actually know it's like I  mean it's the same thing with me like of course   I've studied a lot of chess but like many times  when I actually look at games as a computer it   actually like I feel pretty stupid to on it so  it's like I really don't understand the game all   that well so so yeah it's all all relative I think  yeah I understand I mean obviously at like your   level it's it's totally on a different you know  whatever plane then we're on that but I have to   imagine that looking at stuff with computers you  are like you know whatever however many 600 700   whatever it is many points above the best humans  in the world like never I gotta be just like a   just like a sobering thing it's like oh my god  what in the world yeah because I mean very often   they're a lot a lot of ideas that like you'll see  like I forget there was some game that I played   recently in this this lynn doris tournament we're  like i think there was some way that was winning   and I won the game anyway but there's like some  some beat there's some kind of idea that was just   like so ridiculous it made no sense to me but then  once you actually see it with the computer it's   like it's like oh of course like that's so obvious  but there are a lot of these sort of themes that   like as humans we've never seen before so it's  it's really just amazing I mean there's there's   so many things you see in like you just you it's  hard to comprehend really really hard to call it   early on and again 2700 versus like I don't  computers like 3500 now I think so it's it's   pretty insane I can't even really comprehend what  that number means yeah I don't I mean it's weird   though because like when you think about humans  against other best humans the majority of games   end in a draw right it's like really high it's  like 65 70 percent of the games and in draws but   I think when the talk computer programs play there  are still like decisive games and you would think   actually I'm from like just theoretical standpoint  if we're drawing it's the best humans you would   think that when computers have even more much  more knowledge than us they should draw their   games even more chess should be a draw but somehow  they're still having decisive game so it's very   very just like yes I'm 3500 engine and it's still  losing a bunch it's like well obviously that means   that that 3500 engine is nowhere near perfect  right exactly but then we think we're perfect   at 2700 yeah yeah so I again yeah coming back to  that being said me now at 2200 I'm like wow I know   I know nothing I know nothing about this game  that's you know something that you definitely   do like even playing those blindfold games like  it's it's very good I'll try and a I'll remember   that that dirty flag that got you on that one  right right yeah I think the little victories   I think to be fair you were actually quite a bit  better in the game anyway though so it's not it's   not like a true dirty flash you weren't like yeah  yeah no no it's it's true I held off the storm   right right but yeah but dude I just thank you so  much for for like playing with me this is like you   know when when I was growing up playing chess the  idea of like a top players in the world playing   just like you know people on the internet like I  don't know it wasn't a thing like I wouldn't have   imagined when I was growing up like Karpov or  Kasparov playing some like you know random yeah   you're not random you're definitely not random  and I'm in here great chess player great musician   as well great great everything related music so  I mean honestly was a pleasure it really was a   pleasure for me doing this as well I really did  enjoy it with you so it's fantastic sounds good   dude well thank you man thank you and I want to  say what's up the chatter I haven't looked at chat   the most time I have it over on my other screen  here but what's up chat anyway yeah getting tons   of love a lot of the love love emotion chat so  that just uh yeah thank you so much you really   enjoyed it oh yeah thank you dude and yeah that's  the luck in the tournament imma be rooting for   you so thanks I'll do my best nice all right  yeah have a great rest day peace to eat later you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 705,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video
Id: uYNcs2HVpks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 49sec (7309 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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