Hikaru and Levy Struggle to Survive in Puzzles

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is the rook on d8 yeah what worked the a king g7 rook g8 king g8 my rookie no my rook's still on  c8 i actually leave the rook there oh wait oh you   haven't played rook c3 in this line no no this  is going to be one queen c2 i think it's right well two i can safely say you are the  only one who knows what's going on anymore so it's 9 59 are you ready levy and approximately  let's see 36 seconds we get rolling so i think i   think if we get 80 we're guaranteed to lock it up  the one thousand dollars so that's going to be my   target goal is 80. fair for but we have a second  hour right so oh so okay we have three hours   my goal is i i want i think i think 70 is going  to probably win every single hour if we get there   okay um so i think we target 70 every hour if  we get to 80 with what we lock up 1 000 then we   can just kind of just chill the rest of day for  the rest of the hours okay i think if you get   burned out by the way we can obviously just take a  like a three minute break somewhere in the middle   i i don't think i'm gonna be the one getting  let me let's go let's go let's go let's go   it's ten o'clock let's go okay i'll do the first  20 because i know them so you can just like sit   back drink your tea have your popcorn um is it  knight d5 it is right you just take the queen   it's queen let's check you take the bishop take  the bishop you go here of course you go here here   of course you go here here of course you  go check back mate take and you just take   so with this format is so weird  check check ladder mate nice okay easy stuff this is a more   this is easier than okay this is checking rook  d8 d8 right that's what i said yeah being up a   queen is good oh that's nice and check and take  right now is g3 you push the pawn down um there's   knight f4 there's also queen c1 but it's a free  knight it looks like on there it is yes right and   you just have to not get mated okay okay king f6  queen g5 is bad so it's here i assume it's rick g8   yes i don't see any other move and here's a weird  puzzle king h8 yeah of course for page one knight   d3 i assume you just you have to take the rook  otherwise you get chuck made just up king h7   i just take the queen i assume you  take here here an a7 and make a queen   okay now this is the first one that doesn't  look aw i assume it's the wait knight f6 queen   f6 queen h56 okay this is the first one that  i think we should think for wait but knight f6   queen f6 there's bishop g5 right there's also  isn't there knight g6 hg6 bishop g6 bishop g5   or you lose your cool well there's king d7  though at the end oh but never mind yeah   oh they take let's take with the pawn okay so  you take with it yeah yeah no some of these are   yeah this is how they roots e8 knight f7 i assume  this is rook b7 rook c7 king is too far away   sacked the rook and then okay so now rook d7  looks like an obvious move is there any reason   it's got to be rook d7 there's nothing else  that makes any sense right king e2 rook d2 yeah   i mean yeah because king of three is queen of five  so um yep okay e4 is just winning right just es3   it's a famous trap i think knight h6  looks right and you just take the queen   okay e5 is a move bishop g5 is a move bishop  h6 but e5 just wins yeah you just take with   the bishop right i take the pawn um i think  you just take you take check take the queen   yeah somehow the puzzles got easier in the 30s  they they did yeah yeah kind of i'm i'm honestly   i i look like i'm clueless but i i would get these  i just don't want to talk over you because you're   actually the one making the moves so right um okay  okay so now this is i assume you're just castling   you go queen d1 shot i i think yeah that's okay  this one's the first officially strange one okay   there's queen e4 here but then queen c8 but  then work up eight queen e3 queen e4 queen e3   yeah queen breaking up one queen soon yeah yeah  and there's just a check no matter what so check   my biggest fear is just suggesting a move and then  it ends up being wrong so no it's it's you're not   gonna be wrong okay queen a4 is queenie for the  move here okay this is the first one that's not   obvious or is it bishop c6 but bishop c6  there's b2 b2 yeah so i'm assuming it's   queen a4 trade trade knight b6 bishop b3 and  your bishop just comes back to c6 at the end   or is it there's queenie one though wait a second   yeah this is this is the first one yeah  that actually need to think for a second   again it's survival so we have all the time in the  world so queen a4 it's got to be queen a4 though   it just takes okay okay the end game is  just winning or key five's a move works c5   is rook c5 the move bishop d4 xc oh wow  and both bishop beast oh rook c4 at the end   yeah and you just take okay and  you just take the knight rook c4   so queen g3 and queen e3 right  it's rookie one i think nope there's no mate is doing puzzles no there's nothing i think  the best we have is a draw yeah it's probably   something first with queen g3 oh that would have  been so nice yeah um okay i i mean queen g3 looks   right to me how do you stop the mate queen  e32 is queen f3 right rookie show you take i don't i think it's do you see anything else  there's queen e3 queen e2 there's no checks   yeah and they also can't yeah okay well that's the  check yeah okay wow so king a3 you get checkmated   by knight b5 king a5 i assume knight 6 has checked  me so i assume we just take wait knights is six   wait a second also a5 no king a5 no no queen c5 a5  right okay but king a3 is a force checkmate right   yeah so it's not king of three so it's 50 50.  it's king a5 or queen c5 so you go king a5 here   and b6 king a6 you win if knight  c6 king b5 knight d4 it's a draw   what the hell and queen c5 a5 you just lose  though right yeah if you go queen c5 a5 you   just resign because queen a5 knight c6 yeah so  by process of elimination it has to be king a5   this is so ridiculous no it's got to be king  b5 i guess it wouldn't you there's no merit   to sacra oh my god it's just the draw yeah  okay very bad okay but now this one should   be easy it looks like it's queen h2 right  and then king c1 this one looks a lot simpler   i think what you do is you check you come back to  each when you go g2 because the queen supports at   the end right you take you come back to  issue and the queen holds the pawn on c7   yep that's wow that's ridiculous yeah g2 and then  you guard c sound okay well you have to take cause   king g7 you got mated in one so has to be queen  of six and now do you take the queen or do you   uh we have five threatening queen h3 five rookie  three bishop e3 queen e3 queen c2 is winning   um i think queen of five is right do you  see any i think queen five must be right   because he takes three f6 you lose like it's gotta  be right if it's wrong i don't wanna be right nice   okay sorry we know five i mean  first we must be fe3 right okay then what king c does it  matter well i mean what do you   do what other moves do you have here  that make any sense no moves right   yeah rookies for you lose right yeah so it's  gotta be takes okay now we have to figure it out   i'm assuming it's bishop c4 but i'm not uh  bishop c4 yeah i was gonna say and you also   have bishop g8 no if you need it right let's  hope we don't right we don't have to rush it but because also bishop before you take bishop b  three d right yeah and now bishop b3 and d2   okay so now it's got to be rook c3 except why  it takes you queen a3 and you take the rook   and if white plays rook g6 what is your move  it's not queen a1 winning the rook oh sorry i   didn't actually see queen a1 that's true i know i  was like i didn't even think about it but i don't let's think about this then there's  bishops no there's no there's no bishop c4 honestly i'm not sure the queen queenie one actually does  feel right somehow but i'm i'm not sure   no but then after that okay so queen a1  king d2 queen h1 queen rook g6 queen g6   rook she's well rookies actually just go rook  d8 right and you i mean bishop d3 queen h2 i'm not sure i feel like it's it's well yeah  yeah i mean rook c3 well let's see rook c3   rook g6 and there's no good way to win i  think it is queen a1 but i i don't know we don't need to yeah we don't need to  get a wrong answer it's been eight minutes hmm okay are there any other moves okay let's  think about it so we have queen a1 we rook   c3 any other moves that make sense here  knight f4 maybe yeah but then king d2   no so it's got to be rook c3 it's gotta be  queen a1 um there there there hm i don't know my instinct says it's my instinct says it's queen  a1 but i i that's just my intuition but it's like   it's like what is white gonna play after queen h1  right that's what we have to figure out rook g6   that's what white's gonna play rook d8 bishop  d3 bishop d3 we don't queen f3 queen f3 yeah   it's got it's oh oh i'm an idiot wow well then  what was the move it was rook c3 it was no no   i know but why was that wrong rook c3 rook  g6 then you have something i don't know what that was so weird okay whatever it's it's  it's survival though so it's not a big deal   um but yeah my first intuition was  actually right it was it was c3   okay not a big deal you guys okay so  i assume you have to take on b6 right uh yes because i see no other  moves so it's got to be right   and now i assume you take again  and go rook b1 but i'm not sure i mean rook b6 cb6 rook b1 looks right  to me do you see anything else levy   you have to be forcing because hg4  is coming and you're going to lose   it's got to be it's gotta be right and i think  it's rook b1 oh wow not even taking okay good wow yeah that's good okay queen h4 doesn't work  because you hang your queen uh bishop f2 what   cutie cutie uh is in our chat talking trash and so  is anna okay well they're in my chat talking trash   no but you go queen c5 queens you want to take the  queen of course oh that's gross oh that's nasty   yeah that's very sweaty that's oh my god okay okay  god that's sweaty um okay rick g7 must be right   yeah bishop e5 is wait why does bishop e5 not work  bishop e5 bishop e4 and you got me bishop before   yeah bishop g7 king j8 you don't have a check yeah  it's gotta be takes right and now is it rook h7   rook g8 king j8 you lose it's gotta be rook h7  right uh is there any merit to three yeah but i'm   so scared to suggest the move now the three rook  f4 is bad though right it's got to be checked no   yeah and just check yeah okay oh because you have  queen g5 too as a boss right exactly that's why   yeah yeah okay queen c3 king f2 queen d4 king  g3 seems like the right line i mean there's   nothing else that makes sense other than queen  c3 here right not as a first move no i mean you   can take on e6 but that's not good that's  yeah not for a puzzle it's gotta be takes yes and now i think it's queen d4 but then  after king g3 i don't know what the next move is queensy e4 king g3 we don't have like a a quiet  move to get a mate somehow like a knight fc   yeah but then you take on d7 which check i  mean it can't be bishop e6 and it can't be   queen a1 right we've concluded that much like  bishop e6 is so dank isn't it is it just queen   a1 ed7 and like bishop oh uh lovely queen takes  a one queen takes d7 and checkmate right right   that's what i said i said there's queen d7 queen  uh queen of seven yeah so we can't take on a1 um bishop e6 seems so weird doesn't it well the question is do you want your  queen on d4 first i mean i assume the king   i assume the king being on  g3 is better for for black no okay that's what i thought but then  the queen on d4 is subjected to   rook t1 so wait so queen d4 king g3 knight f6  ed7 king d8 where how does white stop check me   because you're threatening knight h5 right  h4 knight h5 can you shoot queen f4 is made   now i don't want to lead you  down the wrong path again i mean i i i feel like i gotta trust my intuition   i think it's knight f6 because takes hindi i  don't see how white stops to check me do you   bishop seven did we look at that e7  i'm right i'm right i'm almost right   yeah what i actually said knight f6 yeah it  was good yeah yeah all right let's go yeah   actually someone in chat just said  you can also play bishop takes d7   okay so this one what do we just like  you smother them to death somehow   yeah i mean queen g3 looks like the  obvious move but then h5 mm-hmm um   how do you do this exactly because h4 king  h4 is no good king j3 queen f4 is no good   h4 king h4 queen f6 then queen g5 queen g5  queen oh no you have nothing interesting for you i mean queen g3 feels right but after h5 i can't  think of a move so you're saying gh5 king h5 there   there's there's nothing queen g4 king h6 yeah  there's nothing there king g3 queen f4 right what can you do here to create a checkmate  it's going to be something very stupid it's going to be something very stupid um there's got to be some way to make a mate okay what are the possible moves let's  think think about i have an idea queen   g3h5 h4 king h6 g5 takes queen e5 but then there's are you trying to draw are you trying to  win this thing yet that's the other problem   like i don't know um that's true we don't have a prompt this is stupid i don't know my guess is that  you're you're trying to make it make a draw i mean   queen g3 seems like the right move  but there's no way to win there yeah there's like no mate  there's like legitimately no mate   i don't know i think it's h4 i don't  know or not h4 sorry queen g3 and h4 or wait no no wait levy wait  a second can you play king g3   queen of four trade like king  g no just h5 what am i smoking yeah i was looking at full like some some weird  mating nets but no i don't yeah i don't see any   queen g3 is the only move that i see that makes  any sense is there any merit to playing like   just a random queen move no because queen f4  right right and then you're already too late   oh man this is rough i don't i  mean i guess it's queen g3 right   queen g3 queen d5 we already looked at  king king queen g3 seems wrong though what on earth can this be like i literally can't figure it out i'm so confused let me think okay so king g3 cleanup 4 is no good  okay so we've concluded king g3 is no   good so what are the other options there's  queen g3 there's h4 right yeah queen g3 h4 there's no oh wait a second wait  a second wait a second wait a sec   wait a sec wait wait h4 kh4 can you go queen g3 king g5 king h3 whole h5 gh4  gh5 i'm a genius oh my god   i think i'm a genius wait okay well h4 was  right okay so check here here because then   you have f4 right yeah or wait but then f5 no  f5 queen h4 king f6 queen h6 but then g5 wait   wait okay so chad king here king here f5 f4 king  six no good so check king f4 g5 king g3 king f3 oh man it's got to be right though no it's  well hold on so queen g3 king g5 king h3 f5   queen h4 king of four i have f4 king f6 no do we have g5 there queen  h4 king f4 g5 and we promote yeah g5 king f3   and just g takes h6   i mean it feels like it's got to be right so i'm  going to play it and king h3 right well you have   no other moves so it happens yeah okay okay so  it goes on okay so we get exactly this yeah um okay so f4 there's king f6 uh yeah i'm in slack  levy i see that so okay f6 queen h4 king f4 g5   king f3 we can also throw in queen g3 i guess  for good measure if we want but no then king e4 queen age 4 king f4 right i mean because f4  king f6 it's it's i mean you could have made a   draw earlier so it's a it's it's a puzzle where  you have to win right does that i mean that's a   logical reasoning yeah um i think it's queen of  four and g5 i i i i don't how else do you win   i don't see any any other way  where you can be winning do you   no that's why i i like this option oh oh  for [ __ ] come on man are you kidding me   i hate those puzzles where it's like you try  to calculate the line and it's like it just   ends like i hate those lines i literally hate  those lines now this must be 96 but i don't   know what the next there's a knight e3 wait  wait 93 king before bishop g7 right it's one   of these stupid ones and king c5 bishop  bishop fb4 though but king d4 is a check um somehow oh yes i have c5 king b wait where  do you go to king king a3 king a3 right king a3 right because bishop g7 is checkmate still  c yeah i think you're right actually i think it is   so c4 and then c4 so there's a pc64 bishop g7  and you just win right queen g7 knight f5 yeah   it looks i mean i think it's it's got to be right  doesn't it after king before it's got to be right   oh okay well this oh oh but now you have to  check levy oh it's so it is the same thing   but you have to check and rework your king  back right yeah i think so that's crazy wow   and king a3 wow look at that what a that's  crazy yeah and then here in here okay okay   okay so queen h1 king e2 bishop g4 is an  obvious idea what else do we have here   um actually that's no good because white can  just take on g4 okay so what are the options here what are the ah is it queen h1 and queen h4 maybe wow i think it's queen h1 and  queen h4 but i don't honestly know   is there any merit to throwing in rookie 898 is  there like a there's no way right there's that   never works oh oh so you want to play  queen h1 king to rookie 898 bishop g4   and then king d2 yeah king d2 and i  yeah our queen then we have queen h6 i don't think it's good but i think it's i think  it's queen h1 queen h4 that to me that seems like   the obvious line but maybe not what do you want  to do yeah actually no the more that i'm looking   what does black play i mean what does white play  after queen h4 right exactly i think so go for it dc6 queen c oh and now you take on wait do you  play knight d4 do you take on c4 with chuck   queen c4 king g1 or do you go knight t4 to make  the checkmate knight d4 king g1 queen of six hmm is there any reason  you wouldn't play knight d4 i mean what's the onl black white only has one  move there no king g1 or f3 white has that f4 also oh well no but then you have queen  f6 didn't you you just said but then   the knight c2 oh my god rookie five man  that's that's wild i think it's not it's   got to be knight d4 though i assume  it is okay good there we go oh my god   king m okay so now there's f5 f6 queen d5  queen d5 or do you take the pawn on c3 here   wait you can take the pawn on c3 and take the  pawn on b2 that can't be right though can it just sack the queen yeah can white go knight d2 dc no i mean d well  the point is you go gt3 bishop d8 i assume   you actually just take the pawn of b2 right  away so it takes bishop d8 and cb2 right wow we're not made it there queen h5 and then you  go uh rook f takes d8 king e2 and then f5 or or f6 but i think f5 wow i don't see it i mean i i don't know what else  can it be like let's think okay let's think about   queen d5 that's the other obvious move right yeah  green g5 makes sense and then what does white play   well it has queen hd queen short  queen h5 right let me take on c3 i mean knight d2 there right i keep i  keep suggesting this knight d2 thing   well i don't know knight g2 f6 pc3 fg5 i mean i i don't see it i think it's  i think it's queen d5 though i it's i don't i mean i don't see how can queen d5 not  where queen h4 f6 28j king f7 queen h5 king e7 but also why is it not dc3 immediately   i mean i just feel like there's  got to be some trick take cb2 cb2 queen h3 maybe there's a reason   take two actually i mean i honestly don't know i  honestly don't know see you said queen h3 there   yeah i don't know i mean i think it's queen d5 but  i i really it's it's i'm hard pressed for you wait   oh no no no no i was gonna what i saw in the line  with queen h5 that uh the bishop on e5 is hanging   but black just goes f6 right that's why yeah  i mean that's i'm not i'm just not sure though i have no idea here i think it's queen d5 that's my my instinct  says queen d5 but after queen h5 how do you win   dc 392 f6 bc3 i mean i don't know what is this just like 50 50 i don't  know dc3 take our queen he's here i don't know i mean i think we 50 50 what do you  wait yeah holy [ __ ] what if dc3 bishop d8 cb2   there is rook h8 king h8 queen h5 queen e5 and  we can't queen oh you're right actually you're   right i think yes okay then it's got to be queen  d5 right i think i i think they sacked the rook i   think i i think i trust you so i did it's queen  d5 right i let's just verify i trust you let's   trust you it is ah it is yes okay rook h8 queen h5  so i assume you take on c3 right and play f6 here   i mean you have to take c3 right i think  you have to take yeah okay i assume f6 now   you're getting checkmated no matter what c2 is  66 f6 is more forcing right because it hits the   bishop yeah i mean because c2 is just stupid white  just takes the pawn and you have another way no   other way to stop made so it's got to be here  good very good loving very very good congrats   you figure it out okay so wait so now  we're back here so i assume d2 is right   yes dc1 bishop c1 d1 bishop f1 bishop no but wait  does that work actually wait so d2 rookie 2 right   dc1 bishop c1 rook d1 bishop f1 bishop h3  rookie 898 and how does white can't defend right   there's no checks so yeah it's a very thematic one  right i mean nothing else works it's got to be d2   but queen e1 is no good it's got to be d2 oh oh  oh okay oh it's a very yeah that was a sexy finish   with the back rank yeah yeah yeah okay that's  like oh that's gonna be difficult it's like oh   he just sacked you're just down a piece okay [ __  ] yeah yeah yeah no no it's a very famous pattern   so here what can it be there's i mean let's go  c8 on queen c5 right rook c5 queen c5 rook c8   something yeah actually that seems pretty yeah but  i mean basically what i look at is i see are there   any other moves that make sense here and i see  no other moves that make sense besides rook c5 okay i don't so now we just but queen  b1 king f2 rook b2 there's rook d2   so maybe queen f3 here to go work do  you be one or queen e4 no 24 is no good   queen f3 queen c1 there's no good  continuation queen b1 king f2 is it queen one is it queen no it's  not queen e4 because rookie one   i mean queen b1 is the move that  i'm thinking of i'm thinking it's   queen b1 king f2 queen h1 because  out of c6 you go rook b2 maybe there there they're there they're there  they're there there but then there's   rook d8 and c7 but then there's queen b7  checking you take the pawn on c7 right   i thought the king was on g3 actually no because  you take h2 with chuck so king has to go to f3   f1 or e1 it goes to f1 you when you take your  queen so one of them goes after you taking b7 and   it's the right triangle the biggest right  triangle no it's not queen on eight would be   the biggest calculator whatever same thing  i think failed geometry no i didn't but uh   okay so queen b1 yeah queen b1 queen h1 looks  really good but i don't know what else it can   be because queen b1 king f2 rook b2 is nothing  right queen f3 i mean queen f3 is the only other   move that makes sense but queen c1 queen c one  three queens one and then it's a draw right   because i think right yeah although queen  after queen 21 there is queen e2 isn't there no yes yes yes there is queen e2 um actually no but you know what on queen f3 there's   queen e1 and then of rook  b2 you have rook d2 right i think in the line that you just said   with no but i mean dude it has to be queen  b1 like okay okay no no but like i mean   you you you were it is yeah okay yeah basically  basically i should trust my intuition right   yeah i mean chose my intuition and it's queen h1  and rook b2 right do i trust my intuition you said   queen h1 it was your first instinct i mean it just  but okay well i i mean i am a good chess player so   hopefully my intuition is good my intuition is  perfect of course there you go oh there you go   i'll fill in the gaps with like rook h8 and queen  h5 and then we'll yeah i mean overthinking andy   yeah totally overthinking everything wouldn't it  be like overthinking oscar because that's an o   whatever same thing yeah overthinking oscar  right exactly okay um yeah all right okay   um so what actually what are the moves that make  sense here for what you're you're down in exchange   i mean queen f6 looks like an obvious move yep  what else can you play here that makes any sense   i'm kind of hard-pressed uh maybe you have knight  e6 rookie six queen g7 oh go queen g7 okay yeah   oh that's an idea to go 96 94 i mean 96 feels  really weird though doesn't it 96 knight f7   yo could you go uh e5 with the idea to play rook  b2 queen c5 yeah well it's check on g2 though   it's a check i see there you go i'm just here  to to humble myself and make you look better   so no no i mean it's a logical idea it's  just the kings on g2 then it yeah queen it's   like it's either 96 or q6 but queen f6 is so  forcing but on the other hand queen f6 rook c7 i mean i don't know that doesn't look right to me  somehow but 96 doesn't look right at all either   hmm yeah what the hell is the  solution here man this is this is   i mean my gut says it's queen f6 that that's  just i mean that's just i mean my intuition   says it's queen of six on the other hand  96 but 96 is just way too dang it's just   too dank isn't it knight e6 knight f7 queen  f6 workout rook d7 but what is the plan on   on queen of six rook c7 right that's i have  to come with a plan on queen six works c7 i mean oh what you have some queen d4 queen g7 and  you might win the night but then there's   b6 and there's you're really trying  something there's nothing there 96 somehow king h4 um i think it's queen enough no but queen  i know actually i'm total [ __ ] queen f6 the   last night she ate i'm such an idiot there's this  knight g8 i'm i'm an idiot queen of six knight g8   right i'm just an idiot queen six can't be right  right or not not right well queen g6 and it's   just not enough we're not i know i think queen i  think now i'm pretty sure it's gotta be knight e6   96 rookie 6 check if king 8 a you go e5 and you  fossilize the king if 96 rookie 6 queen g7 king a6   you have bishop e2 king a5 and then you go queen  a1 king before rook c4 can be three queen of four   king be two rooks c2 king one queen a2 which is  the checkmate um it's got to be 96 then doesn't it   well what if they don't take there's nothing  what do they do 96 96 what knight f7 but   then you go queen f6 with d7 and you have  knight d4 and the knights coming around no   i guess it's just that yeah  it's just the knight is coming   no you don't know that yeah my first instinct  was queen f6 but it's definitely not queen f6   so i think it's got to be 96 then what other moves  makes sense here f5 looks like a ridiculous move   e5 looks like a move but it's not a puzzle  actually e5 allows knight five and you just   lose right so the knights hopping every which way  i mean after 96 black is like absolutely paralyzed   yeah i think 96 must be right so 96 nine  of seven ninety four nine ninety eight   so ninety four is wrong so queen enough  six rookies sucks queen of seven you win i mean that doesn't seem right  at all but i think it's right i think it's 96 what do you think what  about 96 knight f7 oh you said queen   f6 and then 1947 94.98 but i mean it's still  not conclusive but i mean what else can it be i mean i don't that doesn't even feel  right either yeah because the knight   is getting to d8 in this line right so it's like it holds queen of six night g8 is nothing um is there something faster like 90 so like 96  knight f7 knight c7 or something like some sort of   yeah but is that really a pa is that still a  puzzle uh knight 2795 you mean yeah yeah no i like   that idea yeah because you fork the king and the  rook right and then if black plays like queen b1   then you're gonna shut down e3 or d4 right and if  rook c8 on night on night c7 and on rook c8 yeah   then you go to ip5 and you take the rook right  yeah okay then it's got to be right yeah or not   i think so right or not after knight c7 i don't  see a defense yeah it's an id5 with a fork agreed   where can you work in black go rook d7 maybe  but then knight d5 and then you're gonna check   again on the diagonal the king's in trouble i  think it's i think it's right yeah it is yeah   okay oh but whoa i was not i didn't  even we didn't even consider queen bee   three um i was gonna say queen b4 here actually  instead of queen b3 i forgot to mention because   now you're taking go knight for knight c6 right  or do you go no queen d4 will be six knights   no rook c7 trade trade queen c2 and then you take  the knight it's gotta be just trade knight before   no yes that looks yeah what is black play rook f3  king of three i mean but it's a winning end game   yeah is it i don't it's i mean it's gotta be yeah  it's gotta be come on hold on hold on hold on   what are what are some of the other  scores by the way that we're dealing with   like 24 queen b6 is the only well but i mean  it's it's survival so it doesn't really matter   well i guess it does because  we've taken 37 minutes to be fair   so it kind of does matter actually  this could literally be the run uh i mean i think it's just takes knight d4 that's  my my my gut says that's what it's got to be   because queen d4 queen b6 then you're back at  square one like it's just too too random isn't it   okay well wait well take take knight d4  rook f3 what are you going to play there   king f3 king a6 rook c6 it's got to be right it  just has to be right doesn't it uh that rook c6   is convincing yeah okay rook c6 is convincing yeah  yeah yeah okay we're at 60 okay okay bishop g7 is   crying out to be played but why isn't winning or  is it winning well what else is there let's think i mean nothing else even makes any sense does it   right because if you go knight h5 there's knight  d4 so yeah and i mean rook d4 bishop c5 queen g3   no but that's ridiculous now h5 take six bishop  f8 no that's right it's got to be sack right i   mean so they take and then you go to age five and  you pray king f8 and queen g3 maybe you pray uh i don't know what else it could be i don't think you can afford getting your bishop  on d4 taken well it's a puzzle so that i mean   based on that alone yeah it has to be takes  knight h5 king h8 and then what is the question ah daniel monarch 58 okay we and yeah we obviously don't have the same run  so wait i have an idea wait wait so bishop g7   king g7 right knight h5 king h8 rook d7 queen d7  knight f6 queen e7 queen h4 king g7 queen g5 king   f8 knight h7 king h8 and you go queen h6 and it's  the arabian mate white has black as the sack the   queen and you just win right but actually take  695 king f8 right away is the question isn't it   but then you go queen g3 it's got to be right  no it has to be i don't see anything else   at night is this just gonna be knight h5 is it  gonna end on knight h5 i'm gonna be really pissed   no it isn't okay so now it's rook d7 right  queen d7 knight f6 knight f6 and queen h4   this is pretty funny because i was actually  this arabian mate i was going to show this   to pokemon later so it's pretty funny  to actually see this in the puzzle here   but yeah it's got to be right yeah  knight f6 right oh oh you just take yeah   yeah okay good um okay let's see so we're at  61 let's keep going um there's rook g8 there's   queen h6 but that's no good just takes g5 q7 takes  bishop f6 and black is black is fine here um let's   see what else is there what else is there there's  d8 rook d8 you have nothing queen d2 queen f3 you   lose um what queen d2 queen f3 oh yeah oh my god  i didn't even like think of queen d2 i was like   what i mean rook b7 is also rook b7 queen f4 and  you make a queen and black it's fossilized right but on rook b7 black can take g4  and then you go what do you do   do you go bishop g4 with d3 king g2 queen f4 no that doesn't work so if you go rook  b7 black we'll just take on g4 bishop g4   queen of four you make a queen wait  h6 and black covers all the squares   rook b7 yeah is there rook h2 or do you just take  it and um oh actually rookie shoe does work yeah so what else can it be then okay what are the  moves here let's think about this what are the   moves there's d8 queen that's no good there's  rook b7 that's no good um those are two moves   right there's queen h16 g5 king g7 that's absolute  bollocks um so wait dude doesn't work what dude   uh why is it not d8 uh and queen c7 oh my god oh  oh oh my oh oh oh i don't see it oh oh oh my god   oh oh that's very bad um wait so d queen is  g4 let's just let's just work it through let's   make sure so d8 queen eight well d8 queen can  block over case you know you just take okay so   d8 queen what are the moves okay shoes no  good um it's quick you just take with the queen because you can just play king and shoot queen  of four king g2 and yourself a whole whole rook   um so d8 okay rook d8 queen queen c7 king h6  g5 just wins on the spot so rook d8 and rook   issue don't work so the only move left is hg4  so hg4 king g4 right kingshi four yeah just   king g4 and then i've d8 queen c7 king h6 queen  d8 queen f5 king g3 bishop e5 king g2 queen c2   king street queen f5 is a draw and efficiency 4  queen f1 is mate um so you go to f1 on queen c2   yes i think you're right so so let's rework  it's a d8 queen hg4 well it's got to be d8   queen right we're that's got to be right  yeah yes okay let's go for it good okay so   now we have three captures queen g4 rook  d8 obviously is wrong so it's down to 50   bishop g4 king g4 if bishop g4 queen  f4 you just kind of lose don't you and that doesn't look great three rook  d8 you lose so it's got to be king g4   and then rick d8 queen c7 king h6 i mean   let's see yeah you can't go rook d8 because  then there's queen f5 in bishop e5 yeah okay okay so man king g3 rook d8 is no  good right no that's just garbage   that's total total blog no um so king g4  is the only move that makes sense right kimchi for rook d8 queen c7 king h6  28 chuck check which v5 king of two   wait why king f2 and not king g2 sorry so  king g2 quincy two king up one you're saying   and then queen c1 bishop queen d1 no because  black trades and you lose the rook on b8 at   the end oh the v8 rook is hanging oh  yeah that's also part of the problem   okay but no other moves work  right bishop g4 queen f4 does and   and you're just losing right bishop g4 queen  of four no matter where you check you just lose   wait is there queen hey no oh wait oh wait  are we [ __ ] oh am i a [ __ ] oh oh uh uh uh   oh oh um um um um you're right wait so  uh so bishop g4 rick d8 queen c7 king h6   there's no checks oh no there's f1 there's queen  f1 still so rook of rook d8 queen f1 king g3 queenie one king g2 and  they're no chucks queen g one king of three oh man thanks takes that's a draw though yeah it feels much better  to run the king to f to f1 but to everybody in   chat saying queen sheet check you're in check  as white thank you very much you guys relax   oh i'm getting spammed with that too thanks  yeah yeah we have 15 minutes left so i mean   this is our la we're only gonna end  up doing one run this hour basically   yeah um what okay so let's think okay  bishop g4 for sure doesn't work right   bishop g4 rook d8 queen c7 king h6 and that's  just a draw that's a hundred percent of draw   um so bishop g4 definitely does not work with  d this is work queen of six bishops before p7   king h8 does not work does not work does not  work okay so it can't be bishop g4 so it has   to be king g4 right bishop g4 doesn't work queen  g4 doesn't work it has to be king g4 because king   j3 rook d it also doesn't work for sure that  doesn't work so it's got to be king g4 right   process of elimination it's got to be process  of elimination king g4 right yeah i think king   g4 yeah it is okay yeah okay queen f6 is no  good rook d8 is no good queen c7 must be right   yeah rook b7 king g8 no yeah yeah yeah it's got  to be queen 27 nothing else makes sense right and nothing else makes sense literally uh rook  d8 28 nothing right no it's gotta be check it   has to be checked but now we know rook the eight  queen of five king two three push b5 and you lose   so it has to be queen d8 nothing  i mean there's nothing else   it doesn't even make us play we don't even know  the solution oh did you get up and leave levy   or no you put your head down yeah yeah oh my  gosh i didn't even actually see the wind there   by the way like i wasn't sure what the wind was  yeah but whatever we'll take it we'll take it   so okay so rook c3 is an obvious move queen and  one's an obvious with bishop h6 so it's bishop h6   or rook c3 right i i didn't let you play rook c3  once this might be your moment uh right you missed   it one time true rook c3 looks very good but i'm  not sure if it's actually why isn't it just right   because if rook d8 bishop f8 there's nothing  check king g7 i mean i guess let's start the   other way is there a conclusive win after  bishop h6 kings king d1 that's the question like because i don't see a conclusive win but  there could be like queen b1 king e2 bishop b5 king f3 no that doesn't look right i think it's  rook c3 i mean how can it not be rook c3   and then you just have a mate right i would assume  so but i'm just i'm not sure there's bishop e4   i mean you can also play queen c2 in that original  thing bishop h6 queen b1 queen c2 and then king f3 i mean that also feels very  good that's the problem   but i don't see a conclusive  checkmate there do you no but now i don't know what the  difference between the two is   uh good point yeah well bishop h6 king d1 if you so for example roof c3 rook  d8 bishop f8 and then bishop e4 right yeah you have nothing i don't i actually don't  think it's rick takes c3 oh my god are we gonna   get this wrong a second time i don't think it's  my gut says it's not rook c3 my intuition says   bishop h6 this time because rook c3 rook  d8 bishop f8 bishop e4 where's your win it feels far more natural to hunt the king down my intuition says this bishop h6 i i mean do  i trust my intuition cause like i don't know well first of all is there anything else is there  like some stupid thing here where it's not that   no i don't think so it's got to be  bishop h6 right it has to be bishop h6   it's so okay nice so we can um okay let's see  three or three yeah we can potentially keep going   if you get an even higher score and no one else  gets higher so then we just keep like we can hold   our score to not restart and just keep building  our score okay okay okay okay yeah you're a bullet   champion trust the intuition yeah intuition works  in bullet chest you guys but in this case if i   make a wrong move my opponent has all the time the  world and they'll make a correct move so it's not   quite the same thing um okay rook c3 looks obvious  to me but rook c3 bishop e4 bishop c2 bishop c2   queen d5 checkmate right triangle um it's rook  c3 no or not oh it's a move order thing oh i   think it's a move order because the thing is  your bishop is active here in the other line   your bishop is passive so it's a dead bishop  on f8 versus an active bishop on h6 i think but i don't know no that was my logic too to  check and then it's got to be rook c3 right   i don't know what white does i mean i can i'm thinking like  rook d8 rook c3 rook the 8 king g7   queen d4 but no then queen b1 and it's over   i mean the questions on take some white take  with the pawn on c3 like queen c2 kingy one oh man this is hard i think it's rook c3 but i  i don't know why wouldn't you just play queen v1   queen c2 king f3 and then what it just i mean  how do we not have something there bishop c6   so checking into check king  of three bishops bishop c6 king g3 f4 no we just take on  d5 now yeah but then bishop d5   then you resign because queen  d3 there's bishop f3 blocking resign on kg3 oh well you're just down a bishop  oh that's just that's just not very nice uh check their check i mean i think it has to be um or take c3  but i don't know work to c3 just seems so   obvious to me there's just nothing else  in the position that makes sense right   what are the moves there's queen bee one or  the queen bee one or rook c3 right bishop   c two king c two you lose queen one king  two you lose yep so it's one of these two   moves or sorry it's one of these things  takes for queen b1 so queen b1 king e2 22 king ops three bishop c16 i actually don't know yo wait what if bishop  c6 king g3 bishop f4 check yeah then king f4   and then queen g2 and then  work d8 no no no no no no no no   then queen f2 there's a queen on  b6 levi wake up oh wake up dude um   um yeah yeah okay so so then okay so queen you  said you said queen she to rook d8 yeah yeah so so   okay so queen b1 king e2 queens to king of three  bishop c6 king g3 bishop four takes queen g2 rook   d8 king g7 because queen of three is me and at e6  you can go king h6 and i've broke c8 queen f3 and   king e5 and queen e4 is made of g5 you go queen g5  that's mate um i think it's all all winning right   but i don't know for i mean that seems right  uh in that line is there bishop g7 somehow boy   bishop g7 where so wait so so clear fishing for  queen g2 bishop g7 where uh it's it's hard with   all the arrows e6 king h6 bishop g7 but then king  g7 queen d4 f6 rook their queen f3 is still me is the rook on d8 yeah what worked the eight king g7 rook g8 king g8 my rookie no my rook's still on  c8 i actually leave the rook there oh wait oh you   haven't played rook c3 in this line no no this  is going to be one queen c2 i think it's right well two i can safely say you are the  only one who knows what's going on anymore um e6 king h6 which would be seven takes  queen b4 f6 right there queen of three a king g8 i think it's queen b1 the queen be one king two  takes there's also king off one not king of three   oh fudge oh fudge it was king f1  white doesn't have to go up after   queen c2 we don't have bishop b5 rook  b5 nothing king just goes to g1 i guess yeesh i think i mean i guess  it's got to be rook c3 then right what did we leave off on on rook c3 rook  c3 i think it was just i think rook c3 the   thing we were concerned about take three  yeah was bc3 queen c2 king he wonks in on   queen g2 there's like some rook f1 and white  starting to play queen enough six sack the   queen to make it check me with the pawn on f6  because you cover all the back ring squares um it's got to be i mean it's  got to be i mean rook c3 just   seems so right doesn't it rook c3 bc3 queen c2 oh i haven't uh wait wait so  pc3 queen c2 king one yeah yeah and then you have to take  g2 and then y goes rook f1 by the way if you want to left click anywhere  you can people might it might be a little easier   for people okay lovey okay um all right okay  all right all right guys we starting over from   the beginning yeah okay i think it's rook  c3 but i i don't i mean i just i don't know   itch i mean i'm trying to make queen bee one  king quincy to king f1 but then you have no   checks really do you so i'm i'm sure it's not  queen b it's god we wrote c3 then doesn't it i believe it's rook c3 please be right it's got to be rook c3 right doesn't it or not it  what's the final line rook c3 bc3 queen c2 king e1   and then it stops yeah okay is it gonna actually  stop if we play queen c2 oh my god i'm gonna flip   out i think it is queen but what else can it  be it's got to be queen c2 right and then what   i don't i don't know but it's right oh [ __ ] we  keep going oh sorry oh oh shoot oh yeah bad words okay um all right okay let's see uh uh  okay um queen g2 is the move that i want   to play but rook d8 and then what king  g7 rock f1 bishop g5 bishop h4 i mean i   think this is still winning but i don't  know i don't know um i don't know what how i mean it's got to be queen g2 though right  any other move makes sense bishop g5 no bishop g5   i assume just like bishop f3  even in white's okay right   bishop g5 bishop f3 bishop wait sorry what bishop  h king of one oh come on this is like how you   that's how you beat me like in those  games like too quiet isn't it bishop   it's got i mean we just need to stop overthinking  it it's just got to be queen she too right   it's we haven't been wrong so far no it's got  to be yeah okay yeah i think we're going to win   because the danny and aman are on 61 and they  have a minute so thank god i can finally just   get too wrong okay that's good no no no no wait  wait wait wait wait we're trying to figure out   if cause we could keep pushing this oh that's  that's true that's true yeah okay we win the   first hour okay so we just keep going okay um  all right okay um so there's ab3 or queen b3 okay what what can we do here um big shout out to 25 000 of you guys  who are watching us go insane by the way   um make sure you guys have the right number  on on hand in case we completely lose our   mind so you can call the right people  to help us out um all right so ab3cb3 you cannot sack the queen right so um what  can it be queen a5 no queen e5 queen a3 right   just tweeted out a very epic image of us  solving puzzles 25 queen 83 ab3 queen a5   rook b3 takes 666 takes no so queen a5  queen a3 cannot be right because then   after queen e5 queen a3 you're always pinned  right so it leads to some forced end game i mean the move that you know like what i  honestly think it is is something really   weird like ab30cb through queen b3  takes mark b3 but then there's king a2   i don't know what can it be huh oh and if you drop  the back back there's queen a3 right and like abe   i mean ab3 cb3 queen a5 bishop c2 rook  a6 maybe but even 25.2 doesn't seem right   uh wait what was the wrong with the idea that you  just said abcb queen a5 i think white just goes   queen c2 what about a b c b bishop a4 king  a1 bishop c2 maybe after bishop bishop a4 yeah like a position we just we just shred it  shred everything queen a5 first no then queen a3 queen c5 some queen move back and then   yeah queen c5 is actually what i was wondering  about but do you have a force mate like queen c5   like what about on queens if i would  do something ridiculous like rookie two   where's your win abcb takes takes  takes king a1 you have nothing uh is there any merit to playing a b c b and c2  just bishop takes c2 and then you have like the   c file no no i think you just resign um  so if it's going to be something with uh will there be a king b7 involved some rook  a8 i mean only if there's an ab3 but i   don't think there's ab3 here oh god yeah these  puzzles are very taxing it's not it's not easy   uh okay let's let's do let's do the process of  elimination here there's ab3 there's queen a5   there's queen c5 there's queen e7 27 looks  stupid right just white can even just go   yeah queen e7 i mean basically on queen 7  and queen c5 rookie 2 is the problem isn't it   because you have no checkmates once you take  and i take the rook is always swinging over   on the second ring what's the problem here  is it the bishop the bishop was the problem the bishop on d what do you mean the problem  in this position it's the bishop on d3 right   yeah everything yeah yeah yeah um i mean ab3 cb3 queen a5 seems right but  after queen c2 is it just bishop a4 and you win   i mean that seems like the only option  doesn't it let's see so ab3 cb3 queen a5   right you threaten rook b3 and queen a2 mate so  take 6 25 white has to respond so white has to   go with bishop c2 rook a6 a3 bishop a4 b4 rook  b4 takes 6 king a2 bishop c2 is checkmate on a3 if bishop c2 rook a6 a4 you just hammer a4   if queen c 2 bishop a4 king c1 takes  takes check king b1 rook b3 is winning um   i think that's right what do you think bobby you wait did you get a conclusion after queen c2  i mean sorry after a4 that's that's my that's my   move and how does white stop the checkmate takes  625 queens two bishop a4 if age seven you just   take a b three rook b three take six take six king  c one queen one queen two for queen checkmate it's   gotta be right it yeah it doesn't feel five right  it's gotta be queen of five c2 is garbage queen   b3 is garbage yeah bishop c2 is garbage it's got  to be here yes and then rook a6 a3 and bishop a4   wait but then there's king wait oh oh i was  about to say i'm a genius but it keeps going on   um there's king a2 because bishop a4 b4 is  whatever then bishop b3 takes queen b4 no um maybe   i think bishop a4 king a2 and some combos right  i don't know if queen b4 is right because queen   because i can just go bishop d5 ed5 but it has  to be winning it just it has to be winning right   i mean it just it i mean it it it has to  be winning yes okay good oh my okay dude   we just gotta okay let me just find out if we  can keep building our score by the way because   that would be really bad if we can't and we have  to restart no of course we can't um yeah i think   it was some question rookie eight and you just  lose so c3 must be the right move here right   we're okay six just queen d2 or wait can  you do queen f1 uh do you have bishop c8   rookie eight oh bishop c oh oh ver oh is  bishop c at one of these cheesy tactics   no but bishop c8 rookie one c3 queen h5 g6 and  you win the game right i think you're right levy   i think it's just bishop c8 no but bishop c  rookie three then c3 then queen h5 then g6   and then you win wait you don't have  like a like a but bishop c8 and c3 oh bishop c83 is really gross isn't it bishop  c c three queen d2 rookie eight and you lose   yeah the whole idea here why we can't take by  the way is rookie eight by the way right just   in case anyone's confused that's the problem um  i feel like we should probably point that out   uh using c3 now yeah i mean i c3 seems right  but i don't yeah i know c3 has to be right right   right what is white gonna play queen  h5 you said well if queen h5 um   it's a good move can you just wait did you already  look at queen e1 after which was c3 queenie one   c321 oh ooh that's a oh actually oh ooh that's  dirty oh that's actually a big oh you're right   that just you're right okay so c3 doesn't work  that actually makes it a lot easier then right so can you do something ridiculously quiet like h6  no then just c3 again queenie yeah dude or king f7   king of seven okay six i mean there's like some  yeah i guess i can just check and make lift with   age three and king each other right right right  that might be a little okay so king f7 is no good   h6 is no good bishop c8 c3 looks like it's no  good right unless we're just missing c3 queen   f4 okay what does that mean sorry i got really  excited yeah no no i understand i i get that um um what are we trying to stop sorry i'm trying  to figure this out what are we trying to prevent   with c3 queen d5 oh no i'm just an idiot wait  i'm a total idiot bishop just bishop b5 it   stops rookie and you just take the bishop next  move is it is it that simple because bishop b5   c3 you just take oh yeah yeah i'm just an idiot  bishop b5 just wins because queen h5 even there's   no checkmate it's just all about one square oh  i'm an idiot i'm just a total idiot right there   should be five queen h5 queen d2 right and  you just oh i'm an idiot yeah right or not   oh my gosh i'm such an idiot i mean i should have  gotten on like two seconds it was so bad so bad okay so what else do we have here  there's queen c4 and then rook d1 right   um rook f1 king jew king of one no no  good right so what else do we have here um queen d6 rook d6 bishop d5 and that's a move  right in fact there's something like that i   want is it something like takes takes ab5  cb5 bishop d5 bishop c4 do you think lobby it has to be something with with bishop d5 bishop  c4 that doesn't make it's all too sweet i mean one   yeah yeah i think it's takes rook d6 and then the  question is do you take on b5 or not probably i   mean what else can it be rook f1 is garbage queen  c4 is garbage it has to be queen d6 doesn't it   is there any other moves that make bishop g2  know um yeah it has to be yeah it has to be   trade right it's got to be right well  i i don't see anything else yeah okay   so it's bishop d5 or is it a b5 here let's think  um so if you go bishop d5 white can sack and take   a6 and then rook c8 that doesn't look right so  i think it's just a b5 and bishop d5 am i stupid   so bishop d5 b uh if we play it  immediately is there just takes on   d5 and ba6 how do you win that right  like yeah i mean also bishop d5 b a6   bishop c4 i'm wondering if there's some trick  with white can just go like h4 or something yeah actually there's no way to win it's got to  be ab5 right i think yeah ab5 what will white play   i mean why can't gambit upon but that must  be winning it's got to be ap5 right it has   to has to be no please be right bishop d5 right  there's literally no other move i don't think   okay good good good good good good good good good  we got two easy ones which is kind of nice okay   aziz puzzle let's see queen e1 king c2 cd3 king  d3 there's nothing um i'm gonna use the restroom okay so i can take that was that about the puzzle  or me going to the bathroom that's okay okay it's   all good go ahead go ahead it's all good it's  okay it's all good it's all good um it's all   good so cd3 i'll just think the subs swell it well  and he goes okay thank you to janet combs for the   prime it's a great flash for the prime stantastic  for the tier one master oh great with the prime   jordan brother with a prime napa jackass with the  prime ramming gaming with the prime dance for the   who with the prime zone ender with the prime  git pisano with the prime bram and surat with   the prime tsukijitu with the tier one suji with  the prime stephen molly with the tier one phase   with the prime thing at k4s for the four months  and dog for the uh three months late aguirre   for the 20 months thank you so much thank you  raheed for the five kuch for the two interest   c for the two it's cd ken for the two double f for  the two thank you to cutie cinderella for the six   months thank you so much um thank you to chemistry  for the two french random for the nine eliat ej   with the uh three tailings short for the twelve  love to write with the twelve masayas with the uh   four poop chaka with the six boaz weinstein  five with the three thank you to pedro um   for the two months thank you so much thank you to  uh mr llama for the nine months singing a middle   child syndrome for the two they need a cap and  hammer for the prime luminosity with the prime   the dom for the prime thing of dirty dwarfing with  the 777 thank you so much all right i think it's   cd3 like my instinct says cd3 do i play without  levy here or do i wait for levy doesn't matter i   mean he got one wrong already my instincts as this  takes but then he takes but then you take but then   he takes then you go check then he goes here and  then you take your check block and you don't have   a win so if you take it might not work you can't  take though queen a1 looks absurd king c2 cd3 king   d3 you resign um so it's got to be cd3 takes  takes i don't i don't see what else it can be   you can't take with the king so it's gotta be  rook f8 i think c wait but cb2 queen b2 you have   nothing if you go rook c8 rook h8 king and [ __  ] queen h2 king g7 so i think rook ch just wins   because of this penny pin pin on the queen queen  a1 king c2 does not look right uh cb2 queen b2 is   obviously wrong so it's o for two so it's got to  be it's got to be rook c8 or with b8 but i think   wait rook b is wait no but rook b8  white just takes you chat king d2   takes and white just cuts you with rook c2 so  it's gotta be c8 here yeah yep yep there we go   okay so queenie one's a move knight e3  is a move um now is this a win or a draw uh actually knight e3 looks i think 97 is wrong  by the way but because where is e6 or queen h5 no   no i'm an idiot of course it's 90. it's 93 queen  h5 king g no but 92 queen is this a draw or win   well hold on no need to this is this is gonna be  our run there's no need to get anything wrong so   okay okay knight e3 by the way why isn't it queen  d5 by the way levi why isn't it queen of three   okay you like you like you like getting up close  and first no because queen d5 white goes g4 and   white covers the e3 square it's like i think g4  oh queen f3 oh you're naughty oh look at that   yeah i mean queen f393 knight g4 isn't it just  winning or am i insane queen f3 the only move is   i don't even know what is the move so there's king  g1 and then there's also queen d7 queen c8 right   so king ju1 queen d1 king of two queen d2  king f193 king june 21 mate king out three   queenie e3 mate so king king ju1 gets mated  so king ju1 loses g4 wait queen h4 there's   also queen h4 no or is there 93 h493 queen  h3 and then you go queen d1 or g1 queen d5   rook g2 knight g4 and queen d1 back and it's  checkmate or knight f2 and shook me right   easy yeah very easy right it's just queen f3  enough isn't it or am i insane because you're   also threatening queen up one to take the queen  on age three right yes of course i mean of course   you just go check and take very easy you just  take the pawn very easy okay let's keep going   um all right maybe hey maybe knight c3 maybe  c4 here um let's keep going i mean yeah of   course that was these it was only 3100  puzzle um okay i got it like 33 so it's   all right i mean what was your bullet like  35.50 yeah something like that yeah yeah   okay but levy we have to get one more right  for obvious reasons um because it's one more   than what we have now so we would be closer  to victory yes of course well it would also   be 69. i'm not interested in childish jokes  i'm interested in winning the competition so   we can just stop there i don't think anyone's  going to get to 69. hey how gangster would it   be if we just retired early and no one got up  to that that would be right exactly yeah okay   are people still going by the way are people  still going or have they gotten three wrong   that's a good question i mean  i just want to check on that oh yo uh c4 looks really good no because  there's a mate like there's a piece hanging on   oh chess bras are still going okay yeah okay so  c4 well c4 i thought rookie 5 takes in like f6 g7   so let's think about this how do you the thread  is basically that white's going to take on e5   and run the two pawns down the port right that's  what white's playing for so somehow you kind of   have to stop that wait what uh somebody said that  on the official show they said it the score will   not count for the second hour oh okay okay so then  what are the prizes what is it better to invest in   um no apparently this will count i don't know  well whatever who cares oh whatever who cares um   oh right that's a good point because if  it didn't matter danny and mon would stop   going right they would just stop and start  over so yeah no no of course not um oh okay   so someone's trolling oh okay yeah okay  okay so c4 looks like an obvious move right um rk8 king b3 looks ridiculous c4 has to be  right that's what i was saying but so okay dc4   king c4 yeah yeah and then i was like trying  to figure out what white is going to do there   because g7 you go bishop it's got to be right yeah and then there's yeah the mate  on a8 is the problem that's right   oh okay now is it rookie eight is  the question number one or is it   b5 b4 b3 b2 you can also run the b  no that can't be right um let's see   let's see knight c3 rook c7 looks very wrong  doesn't it or not then you looking to have king e6 i don't feel so good what yo is it is it is it  rook a8 yeah that's what i thought rookie in   knight c3 right but rookie rook c7 is kind of what  i was trying to work out but i think it is rook a   or is it recognizable king b2 d3 maybe d3 f7 d2  king c2 rook a2 king d1 king c3 queen check it's   god we wrote a yep there we go let's keep going  um rick c8 move king e7 queen a3 is also a move um   let's see what else is there rook c7  hangs the rook so that's good right the 25   um just in case anyone's wondering   uh i've already hung mate twice no i hung a rook  once a queen queen in a mate wait a second um what possibly can work here i have no idea what  can work here what can possibly work okay the   only check for black is queen e5 corrupt yes  there's a way for us maybe to create a box   where we take that away like rookie no i was  going to say rook c8 and queen f5 something   like that roxy had queen g3 right but then i  just go like queen e6 and i just hold i mean   it might still be playable but i just  always go queen e6 at the end of that   um you have queen e6 huh yeah i don't know what it  can be here let's think about this rook c8 king e7 and then what rook c7 you go queen b7 queen  b8 no that's stupid um wait sorry did you   did we refute rook c7 already after king e7 oh  rook c8 king e7 rook c7 rook d7 and then what   you have no good shots queen a3 just king d8  that is insane we don't have a good check there i don't think so we don't have like a rook c3 it's a move but it's i mean just like  queen e5 and queen of six or queen d6 like   it's just not good enough  like my whole chess career okay all right um okay let's see um   okay so the only other people who are close to  us have 63 and too wrong okay okay so yeah so   we're in good shape but i still want to get to  80 to guarantee victory um see a king is seven oh man this is really hard can we start with queen  f5 and then just like i don't know rook d8 queen   uh h7 isn't good rook c7 just queen e6 yeah no  it's not it's not a queen move i'm pre it's got   to be a rook move i'm almost certain of that  but i don't know which rook move it can be   like queen a3 doesn't work so queen 83 doesn't  work queen g3 is ridiculous queen f5 doesn't work   it's got to be a rook move so we basically  have 50 50 right it's rook c7 or rook c8   that's not rook c7 queen e5 oh so it's it's  just 100 rook c8 right if there no queen was   what other rook move makes sense there are  no other rook moves that makes sense because   basically you need to get the king into the open  i mean yeah just just just a probability you know   we said queen five was bad because  rook d8 yeah i know what's your move rook c7 there queen e6 26. i  really have nothing that's insane   it's right it's 100 rook c8 i know it's rook c8 um  but i don't know what the next move is so yeah no   this is a very different story squares  where we fork the king and rook somehow   like in the future queen a3 is  a move but then rook before um rook c7 or d7 queen c6 25   wait wait wait wait queen c6 maybe where were  queen c6 queen e5 g3 and then oh but there's d7 oh that's oh that's so close but then queen  b6 no but i mean it's not that's not at me   i mean like if you don't have a checkmate here  then it's just no good because it's just like rook   c7 or d7 you could trade and go queen b7 and make  a drop this has to be white to play and win right that's fair so we said no to queen  f5 here because of queen e6 correct that seems pretty convincing so there are only  three other squares right there's b7 there's   c6 and there's eight but queen e8 just looks  ridiculous black just goes like queen e5 g3 king   f6 even oh but then he wrote no queen eight  can not be right though just can't be right   can it okay and and why why did we refute rook  c8 uh sorry network see rook c7 rook d7 rook c4   with some rookie four ideas just queen e5 check  and queen d5 queen e5 queen and black is there's   queen black is just getting away yeah yeah it's  like you have to find one move it's not rook c7   it has to be a queen move so there's what are  the queen moves they're really i mean queen five   is no good so it's like 25 queen a3 actually  is ridiculous so it's like 33.333 repeating   percent it's one of these three squares b7 8  or c6 but which one is it it's a question c6   actually looks right to me but i can't figure out  how to continue after d7 so it's not c6 so it's 50   it's like it's either it's either queen  b7 or it's queen a8 one of these two i feel like it's queen a8  because like queen b75 g3   and then i don't know like king f6 for example  or even just like king of six wait rook c6   yeah i know i see your point you have queen  queenie but k rook d6 queen neat d8 king e6 no no i think i think it has to be queen b7  but i don't know why it should be queen b7   that's what i can't oh you know what it's got  to be queen b7 r27 queen b8 because you need   to rook off the fourth rank i think i don't  know okay so so queen b8 and the threat is   rookie eight and then oh and there's no queen  e5 there's no queen right and if if king f6 queen b6 but then just queen e6 and a  queen no then rook c6 no is it where is it   that's true so i think we went upon queen b8 um i think it's right but i'm not sure   and the difference is that the rook  is passive right on d7 versus d4 right my logic was my logic  was that black is cocooning and   it's easier to defend but yeah i think it makes  sense i think it's right it's got to be right now king of six i think it's right what do you think um after queen b6 we only looked at queen  e6 so king e7 are we just winning there   like queen c5 or something you would think  it must be winning yeah i mean the puzzle is   gonna end right that's what's gonna happen it's  gotta be queen b7 right it has to be and queen v8   it's gonna end oh yeah oh wow okay good it  basically ended yeah yeah yeah good good no   so i guess the key there was some yeah  it was queen b8 controlling the square   so it was a combination of everything  yeah um okay well this will be a mate it feels like it's rook to one rook f1 and  then something weird like queens g2 maybe   what's wrong with queen e4 d3 rookie  wait oh i see your point okay so rook two   okay so let's see rook two one rook f1  queen e4 how does black stop check me if black was d3 it's the only move oh no there's  queen f5 too no no but queen of five you just take   f1 rook f1 rook f1 so check rook g1 queenie  for d3 and how do you stop how do you meet   do you have rookie one there then king c king d2  queen e3 is made so king c2 and you have no mate okay two rook c1 queenie one queen b1   b2 that's [ __ ] crazy no it doesn't  work it's gotta be rook two one oh my god oh wait oh my gosh  i found it it's rich you won   it's not i thought i saw forced meat there what wait am i insane levy i what was the mate  richie one rook f1 queen e4 d3 queen e3   d2 rookie one king c2 queen e4 or e4 queen e4 shuck mate yes so how does  blackstock check me uh rook she won f1 queen e4   d3 right queen e3 so the  thread there is queen c1 mate   well i mean is there blacks and chuck  or what blocks and check if king do you   want you just go queen to three kings to one  queen to two maid and if d2 you go rookie one oh my god there's king b3 oh my gosh this  king takes b3 oh because the king's on a1 well we just slow it down and we get 10  more runs yeah no no it's fine it's fine   yeah you're right oh chess bra  just failed on 66 okay okay um okay no we did i mean you just got excited and  played a move that's all we gotta just yeah okay wait so that means rook  f1 was rook g1 was wrong   yeah how the hell is rookie one wrong like that's we're gonna solve the last puzzle on  this puzzle is that what we're gonna do   kind of okay what are the moves here okay so if  you go knight f6 just uh white just goes like   queen d4 right and you just resign or no you  have queen you sit way away knight f6 queen d4   queen d6 is okay right queen g5 and 96 is the only  two moves that make any sense in this world right   so we're on a 50 50 at least that's good yes okay  would it actually be knight f6 queen d4 queen d6   that is unbelievable i mean that's a that's  a well okay let's see queen g5 is the other   movie queen g5 let's start with queen  g5 because it's also very thematic um rookie four is no good rook  c one knight f6 is fine   wait dude sorry queen d4 queen d6 don't  we have queen d4 rook d8 or am i insane   and then queen b6 oh and then 95 yes i mean do  we get hasty and pl wait do we get hasty and   play knight f6 or not i think it is knight f6 but  i'm not sure well so knight f6 what if like queen   somewhere all the way like oh then queen  a7 we have queen yeah exactly so queen b3   queen a7 fe4 f4 i mean i think knight f6  must be right let me think for a second how can it not be right yeah with rook d8 right that's the well let me  find a why does queen g5 not work let me think   about queen g5 let me find a concrete  reason why queen g5 doesn't work first actually why doesn't queen g5 and idf6 work am i missing something maybe there i have queen d4 and then knight f6   but i can like move my i think  it is knight tf6 but i don't know is the point that like the  rook versus the two knights is   is not a win or something i don't in  one of these positions i'm not sure uh knight f6 queen d3 so  what queen a7 and we play f4 oh i don't know i have no  idea dude i think knight f6 uh   wins material by force whereas the other  one doesn't win materials okay fine lovey   good oh i didn't even see queen r5 by  the way yeah i didn't see it no but   no i no i did but i thought we had queen a7 okay  wrong i mean it might and then 96 knights if   wait well wait a second i didn't even see queen  of five actually you know if i'd seen queen f5 it   would have rejected knight df6 on the spot so it's  a good thing that i didn't actually see that move yeah yeah no if i had seen queen takes f5 i would  have actually just i would have just like rejected   knight the f6 on the spot but yeah so queen a7  queen f4 and then what though and then what wait   and then what what oh you have g5 okay so it has  to be queen a7 right and now it's knight d6 and   knight c4 and queen e5 you go rookie eight queen  d6 rookie three queen f8 night [ __ ] right lovey   oh that's disgusting you have rookie eight  and it's pinned yeah yeah and now knight c4   and you just win the juicer there we go  okay 71 let's keep going okay oh my god   oh my god okay let's see 73 or bust yeah that  would be pretty insane actually it'd be just   absolutely nuts completely insane  um okay let's see okay there's   eight there's queen h1 my face hurts yeah  this is getting really really difficult um   71 i mean i think we have the high score no  matter what pretty much i think so too it's   also good that mvl and uh bloodstream decided  not to not to play so oh they're not competing   oh i don't think so oh very sad all right then  left we should just take the next hour off and   go like eat some pizza i i actually don't think  anyone will get the score yeah i'm not gonna lie   i mean we can cont we can honestly chill for a  bit and then kind of like start again i'm down   to try to get 80 but um all right then i'll  take a three minute break i'll just take a   short break and clear clear my head i'm gonna  get more coffee because yeah this is actually   this is why like when i this week i'm not doing  anything crazy before because like it really is   it is just like your your battery just drains  so much quicker on this i'll be right back okay chad i'll babysit oh i do just want to say the disclaimer that  uh in a lot of the positions where hikaru   starts doing the calculation verbally uh  i say nothing because frankly speaking there's nothing like he will point out all the  candidate moves and if i just start talking over   him that's just chaos so when he finishes you  you fill in the gaps of what's missing or you   ask the questions that might have been overlooked  but the thing is the the biggest difference here   uh is that hikaru will go from b to f like he  will just skip three moves because he just sees   the answer like he sees there and like i have to  be like what the hell is going on why is like what   is e to f like what is the third to fourth and  then he saw it already and i'm just like what   the [ __ ] how is that even possible i'm sorry  that's a i forgot i'm on two streams i'm just like   how is it even possible to see b through f so  he sees three candidate moves and then sees like   five moves deep in multiple directions  right and i just try to fill in the gaps   so yes i saw that anish tweeted it was i mean it  wasn't noteworthy to the point that we had to stop   the stream it was it was funny aneesh said what's  hikaru's hourly rate right isn't that what he said arrow lee not hourly but arrowly  i thought that's what he said all right what's up lovey just drinking water i'm gonna put in eye drops  actually one second okay okay so queen h1 or rook  f8 both moves are playable by the way the person who donated to you earlier  asking for advice for his daughter also donated   to me and basically the the thing is this boom has  seen a lot of parents teaching their kids chess uh   kids love chess kid chess kid has had like amazing  results so definitely check out chess kid and   there's nothing hicara said that i can already  uh kind of add on to just positive reinforcement   you gotta let them win sometimes to feel  like they're making progress and that's it   and uh don't if you yourself are not that great  at chess you can defer to a teacher you could   be a role model and you could you know help  the kid through i figured it out i solved it   you solved this it's queen queen h1  it's queen h1 and rook g8 isn't it   how does white stop check me it's got to be  see this is a perfect example i'm not trying to   coach chicaro i just provide emotional support  and and he kicks ass you know what i mean so   all right there you go shoot two knight f2 and  queen queen g1 right isn't it just queen quinju   one king of three and then what wait wait so i  thought queen g was game over queen g1 king f3 yeah rook f2 doesn't work so i thought it was queen g1 but then  after king f3 i don't know the move we have to does it wait white doesn't have a check right correct so we have a move no  like well i guess white can play   knight e6 or something and then we're in trouble hmm not sure one second all right okay  let's keep going oh all right so what else   queen g1 king f3 king uh rook g3  king e2 yeah okay there's nothing okay let's see um i'm not gonna lie  i might tier three sub for hikaru   eating asmr if you do like a mukbang i  might i might have to sprinkle some some   tier three subs as gifts there that's uh  okay yeah let's figure this out i i mean   yeah i'm just eating my all my bananas right now  i don't know why uh why is it not rook g1 or am i   rook d1 well the queen is saying the  queen's hanging holy [ __ ] never mind   queen's oh you're right you're queen's hanging  queen sagging you you it so casually accepted   my move i was like oh i'm right and i'm like whoa  no no hold on hold on that was a test that's what   that was queen g one has to be right queens you  want king after and then i don't know something what works so i just i don't see it   let's not work up to a knight he forks queenie for  you guys so please stop stop suggesting bad moves oh my god hmm yeah it's not queen h3 too slow well queen sure white just takes an eye  on d7 we just don't have enough right we   don't have enough pieces well take 27  with with with with what correct yeah   i don't know something um yeah okay let's see  no it's not rook f294 i don't think i mean okay okay let's let me try to focus um okay what works here um it's not a  draw is it we're winning i assume   we're winning somehow i don't know how i  tell you i found the draw i don't think   yeah queen two one and rook two three which two is  a draw but it's not a draw you went here somehow um   okay sorry everyone's losing their mind at me for  eating three bananas um why you need the potassium   yeah also someone said i'm eating this banana   like it's the last banana that i'll  ever eat which is pretty funny too yo what i just said yo really dramatically  but i don't know if i actually have the answer i don't think i have the answer damn it  i was looking at like queen g1 rook g7 it doesn't quite work but maybe let's see yeah i really wanted it to work queen e6 what  is the move here it's got to be queen g1 no i think it's queen g1 oh oh come on no man that's  so stupid man come on yeah i hate when you play a   movie it doesn't go king f3 that's hilarious oh  apparently queen f3 what why is it winning after   king after what's the move because i don't know  what the move is i just assumed it's queen two one   knight e4 oh queen g1 and rook h2 maybe i'm not sure but maybe oh  levy you know why rookie shoe wins   because knight d7 kwg2 king you two takes  kingdom on queen f1 kings to do queen f3   queen d3 chuck and your pin so you have  to go back and then rook h1 is made okay now let's let's say that as  if as as if i'm a complete idiot   so uh what's king f3 rook h2 yeah knight  takes d7 okay queen g2 okay king e2 queen   takes up two kings one queen f1 c oh my god  yeah queen d3 oh my god yeah exactly right   um is that is that what is that what was  missed yeah i think that's correct yeah   oh my god oh queen d3 is disgusting   are these from games or are these studies i'm not  sure maybe um okay maybe knight takes h7 here's   oh my god queen d3 oh my god yeah no when  you actually find out the answer it's like   right exactly yeah okay um maybe geez my chat  is going insane sorry give me a second why oh   you ate another banana yeah i'm hungry all right i  mean hey caro i'm not gonna lie four bananas is a   little bit you might be the first person in the  history of twitch to eat four straight bananas   like this could be a big moment i mean um three  was you know lebron james eats you know he eats   his bananas when he's like playing the basketball  games but four is uh is there going to be a fifth   no no well i mean i ha no i i actually have three  more but i'm not going to seven i don't i don't   need the seven seven seven memes um all right  okay um i'm gonna get i'm gonna get a banana   okay so let's see i'll keep going in solidarity  it's a bishop h7 i have seven or nine h7   i don't know i don't know too much  potassium these are heart problems   you guys i don't eat every day relax or  sorry i don't eat bananas every day um knight h797 takes takes queen g3 king h8 knight  g6 maybe a queen queen takes c7 um to move um okay i see the arrows have already begun what can  it be though what was what were your candidate   moves like knight age seven seven i thought 97  97 rook g7 was an idea but that takes queen g3   king h8 can take f7 or something or knight g6  but i don't know it doesn't seem right does it   um maybe we win the queen  somehow yeah but i mean you   give two pieces it doesn't i don't  know it doesn't feel right does it i don't know there's just so much stuff here  okay why don't we start with knight h7 mm-hmm   so now you have 97 queen h6 bishop g5 right rook  g5 knight g5 what there's nothing that's insane   unbelievable oh my god i'm looking for some bishop  age seven um it doesn't quite work maybe we have   six of the move i'm not sure so knight h7 knight  h7 queen h6 is refuted by bishop g5 vm right yeah   um what else works uh okay so 96 is garbage  knight takes f7 i guess is garbage two right no it's not 96 wins 96 at v6 rook 27 kg7 queen  g3 king h8 knight g686 queen c7 and black can't   save both bishops right oh the bishop fork  at the end oh queen g3 oh wait wait wait you   said knight chief six agencies no there's  knight g4 there no naive takes take swing   through there's knight g4 never mind just  just discard that no it doesn't work sorry hold on knight e6 fe-6 rook g7 kg7 queen g3 knight  g4 oh you can't you oh you don't get the queen   queen g form nothing there's no i don't  see it no wait what how do you not have   oh cause the bishop just moves yeah you don't  have a mate on queen h5 it's just bishop yeah that's cruel that's cool okay so what about  knight e6 and then like queen h6   same problem it's a move yeah oh wait wait wait  wait ninety something six queen h6 chad i'm not   eating more bananas relax um that's not just it's  not just winning out of the bishop moves rook f7 not sure oh yeah rook f7 knight f7 queen  g3 oops wait sorry say that again what were   you saying knight e6 fv6 queen h6 rook f7  knight f7 queen g3 right no no i know it's   knight e6 doesn't work knight f7 doesn't work so  knight is knight h7 works if it's not knight h7 then i mean if it's not a night  move that seems really weird no um shoe what can it be here  i don't know what it can be 40 000 bits for a fifth  banana relax you guys relax um i don't know i don't know what works here um oh can't  beat bishop nice of knight take knight g   takes us out with knight h6 knight g6 you know  the checkmate i think it is right i think it's   bishop h7 and the knight g takes f7 oh my god and  the whole point is knight h6 knight f knight g6   yeah yeah i think that works doesn't it no but  there's bishop g5 at the end uh uh what at what   end afternoon knight g takes up some bishop g5  hg5 oh wait no maybe that's still winning wait   but black can also go knight g5 i think that's  right what do you think i think it's fishbaits7 i   what's the solution on bishop g5 it's just  winning you just play oh you take everything   and you you you have g6 with a fork yeah i think  that's right but i'm not sure do we just go for   it i think we do i don't see anything better  and knight g takes f7 right yep and just hg5 there we go good very good okay let me  work up 34 here um what what makes sense um that was a 3 800 puzzle by  the way 38 37 that's insane   okay so rook f3 queen f3 queen d4 is that the idea so is this one 4 000 i don't know this one  looks ridiculous um is this some triangulation   or something like rook f3 queen f3 queen d4  king a5 queen c5 mate king b7 like queen c5   and queen no that's too dank uh uh uh oh man  what are what are the candidate moves levy   i'm struggling to find candidate moves if not  rook f3 tonight is it going to be some really   oh by the way by the way like tawny do not said  or else you're getting timed out but apparently   tony says this was the puzzle benjamin  bach had when he was when he was at 165.   so this is insane okay but don't say it honey or  i'm gonna have to time you out okay so don't say   it um oh yeah we had um we had a guy who i didn't  realize was writing like the answers oh like i i   completely didn't even realize it and then  when you suggested bishop h7 he wrote it's   the engine recommendation uh i didn't even  see that yikes no it's in my chat so i   took care of him it's okay he was taking he  was well taken care of it was good mafia style okay what the problem here is i'm struggling  to find candidate moves lobby can you even   think of candidate moves like there's rook f3  what a queen b2 maybe what uh is queenie three   and queenie one it's not it's yeah and then like  i don't know um uh good lord this looks insane   queen g3 yeah but white can just go king takes  a5 right right yeah yeah king a5 king a5 um i mean queen b2 seems like the right move to me queen where queen between yeah queen beef  oh then you take you have the rook hanging   well i mean yeah if queen b2  queen b3 you hang the rook and   i assume there's some kind of fossil  of king of fire king a5 you go rook no but this puzzle seems completely  impossible for human like yeah i mean   i'm just i'm trying to come up with a move  here it's this seems extremely difficult um uh   i mean it's about to be something  like queen e3 i mean i don't know like   no but queen e3 there's queenie one we can  still get this right i just need to think   what are the what are the moves queen  b2 rook f8 rook f3 rook f6 maybe um okay i mean i don't think it's rook f3  though workout three just doesn't look   i mean listen right because queen takes take well  okay we can work it out if this actually doesn't   work this is forcing takes queen d4 king b7 if  queen c4 queen c3 and you lose queen c5 queen   c3 and you lose queen a6 is nothing there  on queen c3 queen a6 king c7 and you lose   there's just nothing i mean maybe you don't lose  but i mean what do you think d4 queen d4 queen c6   i'm doing anything i'm just i'm just saying like  there could be oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wait d4   queen takes d4 you have queen c6 king v8 ch check  no no no it's no good um i don't think it's rook   f3 where cap three seems too obvious okay so it's  not work f3 what else can it be i mean the only   other moves that i can think of are rook f8 rook  f6 or queen b2 so queen b2 seems forcing right   correct yeah so queen b2 king  a5 rook f8 but then queen b3 hey huh yo yo yo yo yo yo rook f6  rook f6 why okay i'll play it   no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa  whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what jesus   holy what was the move on rook f6 i don't  know i didn't actually look at that one yet uh   i don't know here's my logic king a5 knight  c6 knight c6 queen c5 and we win correct   i have king beef oh oh yeah yeah so king b5  queen beat two and you're surely yeah you must be   winning okay so rook f6 king take the a5 doesn't  work okay so let's go king b5 what's your move   didn't you just say queen b2 but then i just  go queen b3 and i cut you off at the pass but don't i win the rook oh sorry you're right  no you do okay so now on queen b2 if i go rook b1 queen c3 and then queen and then  rook c1 yeah it doesn't work   amazing no but hold on i can go queen g3  on king b5 threatening queen b8 correct correct but yeah that's definitely correct but   can you play king a5 there but then no you  can't because queen no because then queen d6   no then queen b8 and you lose anyway you've  you've made it knife knight c6 king a6 okay oh queen a8 king b6 no come on  this is crazy five king c5 queen before queen before and then that's  so i mean come on man there's no way i think you're right but i'm not sure   and you can't go forward because we just  play queen g3 right i'm gonna trust you on my   i think you're right somehow all right i mean  i i don't know man let's pray oh it is oh   yes but it didn't go king b5 it took on a5 so  now it becomes really easy doesn't it wait well   let's not let's not get ahead of ourselves wait  so knight c6 knight six is made if king a6 you   just take it king b5 you just take beat wait  are you so sure levy that it's that easy uh   no i i never said it was this easy all i saw was  knight c6 knight c6 loses but so knight c6 king b5   but okay we're on the right  we're on the right path mm-hmm   maybe it's queen b2 though actually  but then knight b3 and queen c3   hold on knight c6 king b5 queen b2 yeah and then  knight b3 oh and then no rook f3 queen d5 though dude how are we not winning after knight b3  don't we have some queen c queen c3 there's   queen d5 yeah that's why i wonder if it's just  queen b2 right away and then knight b3 queen c3 yeah i think it's queen be too right although  after queen b2 right away you don't have a   checkmate do you are you threatening rook a6  wait we have everything no because i mean if   you play queen b2 rook a16 b5 and you just lose  oh because you're you can't move right yeah um okay hold on hold on rook a6 now  doesn't work no so it's queen bee   two or knight two six at least we're down  to 50 50. i think it has to be knight six   though because queen b2 rook b1 what's  your move i mean like knight c6 is the   easiest to calculate so we should calculate  it knight c6 knight c6 king b5 king b5 yes queen b2 knight b3 so why not knight d4 knight d4 b2 knight b3 same thing you have nothing there  no i mean as a human that looks completely lost   for white but yeah i have to prove it  because you're down a piece right right okay king b5 i did i'm very confused knight c6 king b5 queen b2   have we got b3 yeah and i  was wondering about knight a7 but then king king b4 rogue b6 king c5 then  repeat no black queen d5 no rook c6 um wait   sorry say that again so knight 16 b5 takes knight  p3 knight a seven king c5 c6 yeah king takes c5 are you kidding me i don't have  a mate there i don't see it dude we already know we're gonna play some move  here and it's just going to end i know i know no that's wrong attitude to have levy because um  if you think that it will that's going to be true   if you think they're gonna get it right it will  we'll get it right um so no we're actually going   to get it right because we're going to play some  good moves here like knight c6 probably right queen b2 has to be wrong doesn't it it it  doesn't feel right i mean well dude i mean   yeah like i was gonna like this has to be right  and now is it knight a7 or is it queen b2 it's   no no knight seven king it's gotta be queen b2  right ninety four nineteen yeah right queen b2   okay yep oh yeah i was not expecting  that wait a second wait what   wait now there should be a forced  actually wait where is the force checkmate um um huh where's the checkmate i must be blind   do you see a checkmate lobby because i certainly  is it yo yo yo yo is it 1997. i was saying 97 a 97   or a knight before i wasn't sure which one well  wait a second wait a second okay let's think 97 you have which you've checked me on you  only have one checkmate though c3 is not   at me you only have one threat so 97 if i  just go like rook b1 i mean i don't know um i think it's night before because  then you have no but night before you um wait let's take the forcing route  let's take the forcing route queen c3   or queen before king d5 on which one which  one do we both yes queen before king d5 and then i know i'm calculating i don't know   oh i don't know no i'm just i like i i've  realized that king it's somehow white is surviving   i mean i literally have no idea  what the move is here i mean it seems like a quiet caging move or something   yeah no 97's a move that looks right but i  think it's wrong but what can it possibly be i mean i literally no idea i don't think anyone has any idea oh man before king d5 no that doesn't work queen c3 does not work it's   got to be 97 right before  which one is right though because i literally cannot no i i'm so  far deep into one of these variations   also but you know what 97 loses to queen b3 i just  realized or no it doesn't hanging right i thought   there was queen b8 cast of knight g5 but you have  queen b8 rook f8 um also can i play king g6 oh no yeah yeah yeah okay okay three king b5 queen  before king d5 like i don't just don't see it   i just don't see it okay well let's   you wanna just go with the move no i  want to get it right no no no okay um is it going to be some position we win  we win on d4 somehow or is it a mate i   assume it's got to be a forced mate it feels  like there's a quiet caging move to force me   i totally agree with you on that part but i  have no idea what the quiet caging move is i have no idea um   queen c3 it's not i don't i'm sure it's not  queen c3 it's like queen before it's like knight   b4 i think the queen before phil's right but  i just don't see a mate that's the problem why isn't it queen c3 king d5 and then like 97 oh i guess  there's king king e4 yeah and then there's no like oh yeah  there isn't no maybe it's 97 no but rookie one gets checkmated by queen c3 king  b5 queen c4 king a5 or k6 i think it's 97 here but   i i honestly don't know okay this is how does  white stop checkmate okay 97 threatens a force   checkmate how does white stop it knight p5 you  just go rook c6 mate so there's no knight move   with that knight can't move yeah but then you just  knight e6 we just take yeah right so they're no   no knight moves right after 97 so how does white  stop check me there's either queen b3 well let's   let's let's do it okay 97 if a5 queen c3 is  made so you can't push the pawn or the knight   so that's three pieces out of the way can you move  the rook somewhere brook to b1 you go queen c3   rook to a3 you get made so the rook can't move  either after knight e7 right the king also can't   move so that just leaves the queen so that means  queen b3 is the only move and then you can play   like work c6 or you can just t i mean that has  to be right doesn't it i mean ha that has to   be right doesn't it queen b8 oh wait no wait a  second wait 97 knight b no then queen c3 so yeah   so after 97 the only move is queen b3 that does  not get checkmated but then you just take the rook   queen b8 rook i mean that's gotta be winning right  i want to be so hyped if it if it's 97 i mean i i   think uh is my is my reasoning wrong i can't think  of any other moves that don't get chuck mated i think it's 97 i think it is  97. all right go for it yep   that's all right yep and now i  think you just take the rook right   yeah that'd be i mean there's there's rook c6  also that's what i was no but then just king b5   i'm insane it's just got to be take the rook right  take the rook and then rook f8 yep yep there we go oh man yeah wow i'm gonna have a  little internal celebration for   saying i thought it was 97 and then you  filled in the gap so there we go perfect   okay and um okay so now what is it king  g8 is a move but then work h6 right oh my god i see it right quincy it  looks obvious here to play rook b3 um but i don't know does that make does that look  right it does right it's got to be quincy right   right right or this one you want to do immediately  i mean i don't know i mean what else what   i mean like what what else can because  the moves that i see are queen c8 knight   b7 rook b7 takes queen b7 and then rook b3 i  mean so why is rook g2 i assume q2 knight b7 i mean it's not attacked either  frankly rookie 2 knight b7 um yep okay it doesn't look very good but  what if you like take on b7 cb7   no but that's not a puzzle  obviously that's just losing rook h2 i don't know man i'm just i'm playing i'm  playing around like i don't i'm playing around   with moves here so queen c8 okay it's gotta be  queen c8 here i think it's quincy i'm like i'm   like i would say i'm like 85 percent sure it's  queen c8 okay so then what is white gonna play i   don't know you tell me how do you stop well i mean  after quincy what does white do to stop queen a6 how does white top queen a6 uh knight b7 yeah rook a takes b7 c takes b7  queen b7 and how are you stopping checkmates i mean to me it doesn't i i  don't see how you g7 rookie 7   rook c7 and then king f6 it's  gotta be right now well rook c7   okay so wait let's start over so okay so so  queen c8 and ip7 takes takes queen b7 oh oh you're right okay um okay so  what else can possibly work here i don't even know what else it can be ah quincy rook 8b4 what's that threatened rook d4  knight yeah but if i go knight b7 008 sure i didn't see that but yes  that's why we're a team you know   i i say rook eight before you say queen a8 yeah i mean it's one uh i mean oh wait oh  oh your arthritis rook d4 of course   of course i i mean obviously i don't know what do you think i don't see an outright i mean to be honest even  the idea you suggested and i was suggesting moves   for white i mean i i i have no idea 50 50 it i  would say rook 8 b4 and i'm sorry if it's wrong   i would say queen see it and if i'm you want to  flip a coin i i don't know a point do you have a   coin levy i don't have a coin what faith decide  you don't have a coin i don't have a coin um   i guess yeah everyone's too busy investing in  bitcoin so we don't have physical money anymore   uh it's all about ethereum that's it's okay  lovey um um what can i i don't have anything   i don't have a coin okay i'm gonna flip a cup  okay i'm gonna flip like a cover case i have   um so you call it heads or tails sony's head's up  to down his tails you call it uh tails hells okay um it's tell so you win so we're gonna go with  rook 8b4 okay let's see is it right or wrong yep   there we go oh that was 34 3 400 okay what was it  i was right of course i was right it was queen c8   well there you go yeah it was queen c8 exactly you
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 787,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, Hikaru and Levy, Hikaru and Gotham, Hikaru Nakamura and Levy Rozman, Hikaru Nakamura and Gothamchess, Puzzle Rush, Puzzle Rush Survival, Puzzle week
Id: ziClMd_dgFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 30sec (7950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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