Using Magnus Carlsen to CHEAT in Chess

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boys today the plan is simple we are going to be doing a mind brain hand foot chess match me and magnus against alexandra and andrea botez a absolute bout of champions we're the greatest chess player in the world of all time i'll say it we'll try to beat two i don't know i think like women's fide masters rookies as we call them not because they're women just because they're fide masters and me and him are grandmasters in a game of chess am i too fat like this the thing is when i flip it i don't know like is this like this is too wide that could work though all right i have everything set up on my stream looks good okay sounds good um i think magnus is still fixing something so i think we have a little bit more time no worries i'm here to just chill then i could just go live yep you're saying yeah you can just go live did you change your stream title uh okay where do i change the title if we lose ludwig wants us to change our twitter profile photo to a photo of his choice until the end of april yeah yeah he gonna put the same thing on the line it just feels like i got a lot of followers comparative you know maybe maybe i i just give you guys like like five gifted each you know something like something crazy what if what if what if you change it for less time you guys would have to win to pick which i just don't see happening okay because there's a little something in chess especially this mode called synergy i don't do you guys even know each other i i would say no yeah i mean i'm sure you and magnus have more synergy than me and my sister i've known for my entire life thank you for saying it out loud i didn't want to have to yeah i know i had to say it for you yeah that's just easier for us guys it's just easier it's easier for us guys just guys being i would say brothership goes beyond blood in a way by the way just to let you guys know i'm streaming in just chatting today just to show you solidarity with you guys let's go big win i accidentally quit okay here we go there we go okay maggots we have about eight seconds okay what are we starting on pawn okay all right yes so ludwig if you didn't know i'm currently i need some more content for my new nft collection yeah of course that means that it's gonna have to be i'm really sorry about this it's gonna have to be kink if [Laughter] magnus has nothing on the line so he can just come in and fall cloud and leave okay king i don't know where it's one okay okay let's just keep it simple keep it simple when when you are far from home where do you go back home king andrea you you don't do this castling anyways right no no that's okay okay let's go nuts uh okay another king move now we're we're all even ludwig you feel better now i feel wonderful i've never felt stressed uh let's go nights let's go nights let's go night surely the night here wow i love that for us i do um daddy we're just talking about him night night night it it it is easy i'm just wondering like which easy one it is because there's so many easy ones because that's so easy is it i could bounce here that'd be a little crazy though i could bounce here i'm thinking it's i'm thinking of this dog and he's got two spots this is a little enticing yeah i'm getting crazy i'm going to get nuts i love it that's what i wanted to do they say a night on the room is grim uh look i i have my eyes on something special here i i'm telling you right now the over under on total moves i think it's about 21 21 that's what i would say and then it's over it's a checkmate it's a resigned by move 17 but they don't get mated until 21 they should have resigned by 17 i imagine i would say it will be resigned by by move 13 to be honest by move 13. i would never disagree okay andrea let's make a queen move no need to both as gambit just you know be cool well that seems like a little bit of a hit stop getting hit wow wow implications yeah andrea could not see a defended knight 1800s these days i was calculating a different line i was tunnel envisioning so the queen is the one with the uh like the five prongs six prongs did not calculate all right well this is actually a bad position already don't worry sister we were losing with any queen moves i heard it was by move 13 so he might be on pace here we're kidding i think so too okay okay that's an awful move why is that awful oh it is an awful move true i think he's bluffing and it was the best move i agree i agree he's trying to make us feel bad don't take that andrea don't fall for these brain tricks you never know that's the thing he looks intimidating now but remember ask him how to change his stream title and he's a lot less intimidating oh right there okay just for the memes we're gonna go for pawn just for the meeting that is a fun meme surely we're just gonna climb our way [Laughter] okay queen i don't know why i said that oh god rook rook this is this is great oh shut up okay this is queen oh we're losing there anyway oh i i i what a stupid blunder it was just a stupid blunder with the rook you played great most of the game is really really tough when we got short of time it's a streaming trick magnus it's called throwing for content because three o's uh although it might seem shocking to you it's boring to many people on twitch they like the excitement the drama so i always like to give a couple to the botes just so that i can make a more exciting comeback yeah yeah for sure let's also go ahead and move a bishop here okay i love that i was thinking that exact move so we we just want them to capture so that we can open a file or do we it could be a debate andrea oh i didn't mean i'm so sorry that was a terrible move i didn't mean to do that yeah you didn't even save him yeah he didn't see him throwing for content as well wow it's okay it's it's a decent move it's pawn it doesn't affect he doesn't even know london theory yeah now we're in in tight waters magnus i'm not as comfortable in this in this position you know your instincts i'm a magician whatever piece you say i turn it into gold that's what i like to hear think of it just think of it that way yeah okay that's that's actually that sounds great for me i might say that it's um high time for a night move i wouldn't necessarily agree but it's okay what if we get a little crazy magnus can't you can't talk about crazy on every single move it's going to be crazy start uh all right you know we're going to get a little bit solid on the night all right solid let's get solid then let's move up no let's let's let's move upon see what your heart desires okay sure uh magnus you have to remember he's a content creator and if it's not crazy it's not clickbaity maybe now a pawn move yes there we go night move also alex many times when i say you don't hear me so let's make a queen move okay wait wait a sec wait a sec just for one sec we have a brilliant way to win now wait oh god a brilliant way to win okay okay so you want me to discover this way to win okay wait wait you know what i'll allow this i'll allow this but if we beat magnus we change his profile photo for a day yeah yeah magnus put it on the line yeah put something on the line if you're going to be suspicious sorry if you win if you win this game not that okay okay i don't see how it follows but i think it it could be because so it's obviously not the bishop here or excuse me the the queen here no more hints magnus because i said queen and then you said brilliant how about we make a rook move okay this is still this is still level we can still change his profile photo it's not over it's just yes but we have to win okay so so go ahead andrea i know brother i'm thinking i have no idea why that's a good move still i just knew that it was something crazy let's do a night move but i don't know why uh let's make a bishop move rook just a simple pawn move [Applause] magnus new profile photo incoming we could we could have just gone wrong h5 or we got his profile picture it's not it's not over yet it's the best of five it's over how is it over on this game on this game why is it over what happened if there's a mate in two okay so walk me through this brilliant vision because i just knew you wanted something custom so i just said rook but i had no idea why they couldn't take okay so if they take yeah i'm gonna go with queen h7 okay lego queen g3 we have mate in one with queen h4 okay g1 then we play g3 and it very fittingly says here on the server looks like that game slipped through your fingers all right all right all right we have to make a comeback of sorts uh because it is a best of five give me a moment at the piss and then we'll win a pawn i actually like this one all right andre good it's good okay we're spicing it up okay uh where we go are we going to go for content how confident they're doing this for us night look everyone knows bond cloud's e2 this d2 move is just a blunder okay king king okay alex they'll be even more glorious when we win 3-0 are you are you a stonewall guy or a classical i am a classical dutch okay cool cool uh bishop less classical than i thought i suppose i know i i know this one i know this one i know this one i just go here i think magnus is happy with that magnet it's okay that's actually okay i feel like the tough thing for ludwig will be if he gets in really bad time pressure i think the hardest thing for me will be picking which photo to make your profile picture okay the confidence i would imagine i already have ideas don't worry i already have one prepped up for magnus i want to do the the troll face the crazy eyes the crazy smile there's nothing i'm telling you if you make it a troll face it's not a punishment we're nice actually actually i think it would be more appropriate than the one i have now which is from when i was like 19 or something no why haven't you updated it go uh king okay sure um rook next andrea well that was a good move uh bishop you gotta prevent their threat yeah i rely magnus stop it i'm muting you i'm kidding you this is the this is the remove the threat could mean anything uh rook you've checked move your king andrea king i'm thinking you have four seconds stop thinking oh i want to make sure we're not getting mated king next if he checks you yep a rook pawn rook it's lost that was really nicely played that was really nice okay we resigned okay king okay resign address game oh that was nice great that was great no that was that was really great let's just get two more and uh call it a day yeah magnus is alexandra and alexandra is sky ludwalker it's not confusing at all i think it makes it more straightforward if anything i actually have absolutely no clue how to play this system pawn as well andrea ludwig is 1200 and he plays his moves with 100 confidence you're at 1900 just pretend it's good well that's that's the power of improvement i'm not good enough to know i'm bad yet we could make what's known in the business as a queen move could also not make a queen move the gambit i guess that's not an option i guess there are two yeah it's either make a queen move or not make a queen move but uh let's go with a king move hang on i i'm pretty sure lettering said queen queen is not the same as a king andreas or alexandra excuse me simple mistake bishop knight pawn what what i'm sorry which one did you hear from that specifically magnus if you could relay it back to me just want to make sure our communications are clear i heard king to be honest [Laughter] [Music] not even a part of the bishop uh yes uh okay i'll play bishop that's fine yeah yeah bishop i think you know i love your dreams of castling i just also like being safe and protected oh you don't i don't i don't like being safe and protected i like castling i like king move then i'm so stressed out i'm so stressed out right now it's un-ironic uh then i would like to go with a rook move [Music] ludwig i don't think that's what you're suggesting was it no of course e7 is natural a seventh ranked rook are you kidding me open season baby okay 17 seconds sweet sister we're gonna speed it up let's go with another rook move yeah this is bad no no you're fine you're fine you're fine rook rook king we got this hundred honestly we're still fine no big deal pretty sure we're losing gear rook uh okay we're not fine yeah this is lost gosh darn it and even set it up so that our need would just go well what i thought that's why i was trying nuts wait no let's go i was setting this up trap up for 10 minutes they talk like that three seconds okay i need you to focus all the time okay okay good good good sister pawn no no no no no pawn not pawn i take that back i take it back i get one take back i get one take back i get one take back everybody gets one takes back seats everybody knows that we'll give you one take back what take back sees is fine we'll go with another king after what happened in your anxiety i'll do that andrea okay we're gonna go with a 10 seconds ludwig rook move andrea [Applause] your mic you yelled it so your mic cut you off because you're too loud even your mic doesn't want to put up with it that's not them i said it in time well that leads us to a game five i believe when when you go as you could see in the game when the white pawn is on a6 it's too late to go f5 because we have this trick with rugby one rook b8 and then rook okay gotcha up yawning this is good content there's always one one slacker in the class magnus is there to call him out i'm the slacker in the class that moves on to chess youtube videos okay all right let's do the game point and okay um oh i i think you guys get white you guys get what if we make this last game a little enticing we could just play alternating moves as well no i don't i don't know no wait i actually love that idea no i love that idea it's a great idea okay let's let's just say that we play alternating moves uh ludwig and andrea play the first move and we go from there that works for me okay oh do we just alternate moves so there's no hand brand anymore right yeah oh oh that's kind of is that okay ludwig yeah okay that's cool with me yeah this is fancy g3 out of six oh g3 andrea don't worry you got this uh i will castle yes i'll do the boring moves you do the hype moves that's what i was doing no no no no andre don't put it like that don't make me nervous you just have to do more exciting moves andrea you can't do the boarding videos i did bishop g5 was there okay queen b3 queen b3 this is funny for me because i have zero idea what you're thinking i'm going to tell you magnus straight up i'm drawing a blank i'm gonna go i don't like my queen being pinned i don't like it and that's just that's a good point so i'm gonna go here so i don't have to suffer through that anymore excellent i don't like it when magnus says excellent i'm me either it tilts me yeah it's actually a little thing oh alex apparently a bunch of people are saying your stream's effing shut up you fell for that you actually fell for that too easy my god streamers too insecure about their tech true you're talking to us we're so scared the chances are andre i don't know if you're talking we can't hear you what do you mean yes you can i'm gonna make a simple move like this no i'm not gonna make that move no that's probably okay do you know what i was doing i don't know what it is no i don't think it was great i'll i'll give it to you straight no that doesn't depend wait that is a great move all right bishop takes e4 good i was hoping ludwig would maybe walk in good job good job what'd i walk into nothing yeah nothing no uh d4 we're still fighting d4 i don't love this for me personally there's any consolation i don't love it either that does make me feel better maybe usually i'm just trying to put out the fire magnus comes cleaning up after ludwig i i'm not the best roommate but you know we have a fun time and that's what i care about uh okay magnus i'd like you to practice the muffling technique right now no comments right no comments this is stressful i don't know what you're talking about we have a bunch of good moves there i would argue maybe too many good moves in a way shut up and think [Laughter] oh my gosh poor earlier okay so there's a mate here and that sucks so how do i prevent checkmate i could sack my queen is the only thing i can think of doesn't seem harder look harder yes very good very solid we got this we got this andre take this seriously they can actually come back and i would not like to sure take the choke i'm definitely thinking i'm thinking this is still not easy at all uh a night c4 all right i got a little crazy with it fair enough what am i blind oh i threw yeah all right that's xgg600 okay [Music] don't do the time thing again like last time because it scared me why just for fun just a little bit andrea okay rookie right okay that is let me tell you the hardest well i i would say magnus just joined me you dragged him down there was two realities magnus it was you dragging me to victory or me dragging you to hell that's a shame it's a shame in a way it felt like the better team lost today i have to say yeah but we got back as i said we got back to 2-2 that's uh that's a massive comeback and two clear winning positions in game one and two yeah uh this could have been a blowout to be honest well magnus you know what they did to me right i i stream 712 hours in a month they ask me to play they get me two days after i'm off a month of streaming to play chess do you think i've been keeping up with my chess coaching do you think robert hess has squeezed in an hour offline no because there is no offline time i'm about as rusty as they get i sat in the bath the other day to play a few games with jess i forgot which way the knight moved i thought i was andrea for a moment hey my chest was equally rusty well shirley will have to rematch at some point i don't know what we should do for ludwig though well we'll discuss it and we'll come back to you you have to the end of april so every day you spend thinking is a day lost oh we'll get it to you today ludwig don't worry all right yeah we'll give you a few options just so you know my dm's do close at 3 p.m pacific so i won't be able to see it until next business day and i do take fridays off now so monday monday well look when me and magnus do our month-long boot camp he walks out of there minimum 300 000 subs minimum 2000 rated we'll uh we'll do a rematch uh i i i will be the the highest sub uh twitch streamer without allowing subs it's gonna be pretty tough yeah yeah magnus doesn't allow subs on his channel but they can buy his nf oh do you not write because you don't have your yeah we'll just do it through nfts we'll convert our nfts to twitch subscribers okay let me let me tell you the difference between you and i yeah when i when i stream when i stream i am their friend not trying to make money of them aha i'm their friend yes that's that's the difference between you and i i'm not saying i'm not saying one thing is better than the other just saying they're a little bit different you're saying you are their friend to me they are like beautiful beautiful vehicles that deliver me money and i'm just trying to make sure everybody's got a parking spot i i know and i'm not saying one is better than the other oh surely not i have to stress that look at the end of the day i don't have enough room for all this friendship uh in my heart in my heart it's okay ludwig we know we're not your friends we got each other we got each other exactly yeah uh but all right gamers i'm headed out i'm gonna go piss didn't play video games i think thank you guys this was a lot of fun it was a pleasure we'll do it again even though we lost [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,802,416
Rating: 4.9611092 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: zdsdEVngg7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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