I Beat MrBeast With Just a King and a Queen

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i quit i'm not even playing anymore i don't i  don't like chess i retire i will stick to giving   away money and just making youtube videos chess  is a lot harder than i thought it was and um yeah   i mean honestly it's going to come to the point  where you just have a king and i just don't even   move but i just win you should have you should  have won that game you should have won i should   have oh my goodness oh well actually no it's like  i'm on this is the one i went because i blunder   completely blended one or i do well then i blended  one that i do well so following our rotation this   is a good one plus 21. yes oh man i could trade  three pieces for one and probably still win   if i fail i'm not even going to say it again  because i said it last game i failed um   all right there you go stop  that pawn in his tracks   chocolate chip said offer a draw  honey that would be funny if i just do um um i'm really gonna think this one through  i don't want another bad game so i mean like the only free piece  i see right now is the pawn on b3 so all right what if we just i  don't know we'll just do that we   don't have to think too much we just  gotta watch for a rook and a queen   okay all right easy the no brain  move is this right very good um i'm scared um run it back um all right i'm not leaving any  pieces without something defending it so i'm   just going to move up to h3 just so i don't have  a hanging pawn every piece of this game is going   to be guarded whether they like it or not um  activate your rooks okay someone told me to   activate my rooks uh oh this one's already up  whatever i don't know i don't feel like acting um like if he was me he would try to yeah i mean literally i just need to like trade  like two or three pieces for his queen like   it shouldn't be that hard i should just  like throw pieces at his queen until he just   trades with me like right so like if you  can yeah but i want to put my knight on c3   but there's nothing guarding it and i'm not i  want every piece guarded so you just can't take um uh huh you want i hey sure why not no what a rage quit if he keeps doing this uh there shouldn't all right the only pieces this  queen can hit are that pawn at d4 and it's fine   my pawn on h4 and it's fine and my stupid freaking  knight there's no free pieces his rule can't take   a free piece so we're good i don't see a world  where he just screws me and does a 500 iq play   here so now that we got that out the way so  i'm gonna start thinking in this order now   what do i think would be a good move um there  are many options yeah we'll just do that okay uh okay   like when he does this he always puts his  queen work and just pin my king so annoying um i'm just gonna literally move all  my pieces over here you just can't   i mean i'm just gonna throw them what what the  heck why is it so easy for a jack queen a king how do i have so many pieces there and not  a single one can take your queen right now   what is this you did the one thing you should  not have done you remember how everything had   to be defended you just forgot to look at what my  queen was attacking i was so focused on defending   pieces yeah well how i just assumed there's like  four pieces surrounding your queen esther you're   doing like mind control yeah you just need  to look at the queen where it had access to   that was literally the only move the only  way that you couldn't win that game was   when you started doing that everything was  good up until up until you did i just i yeah you need to develop this one yeah i  should just i know what this next game the   first thing i'm doing is i'm moving a freaking  pond out from in front of the king so you can't   get pinned like that exactly yep yep someone  said mr beast defended everything but his king   you guys are funny all right   i don't even play brutal anymore embarrassing  not having fun all right thank god i didn't like   bet 100k or something on like continuing  again we had like half your pieces   but you should have won you  should have won that game well it can't go any worse than it  has so that's true that is a perk   of just screwing up so horribly  it literally can't be any worse those aren't famous last words  i'm not losing again like i know   he just won there because i just let my  king be pinned by a bunch of pawns so   i'm just not gonna do that this time and  there we go problem solved um okay boom   what's he about to do um okay one pawn down  three more to go okay forcing trades boys   okay and there's no pawn in front of my king oh that's true should be slightly better off um oh i'm thinking so hard right now what  is he wanting to do this stupid queen   is he just taking my knight it's only a night though just  remember that it's only a night   no we're living and dying for this night i don't like that he has his rook  and his queen lined up i mean   there's something protecting this pawn i'm  about to move so i don't see how it's a bad move all right he's right back to where he was um okay there we go all right another pawn  down another pawn down okay um okay um make my hands sweat um i mean do we do this oh wait um gonna what's he about to do  if i take his pawn on f5 hmm what you're gonna move your queen to h4   and then take that pawn or  something or just take that pawn um there are some ideas here that i have can i do to stop them um chad just pray for me okay this is  just embarrassing if i lose here i just   all right i feel like i should move mine  i should move my queen somewhere don't uh i can't do that it's not a bad move um uh worth oh god where to go if you would have checkmated  me right there i literally would have just quit   um oh wait you got the paw the bishop um good move um processing the best move would be to move my bishop right  to e3 it's a move yeah um what's he trying to do no but then you would just no actually my knight's   still dependent you're just going  for that free the pond over there oh boy oh boy um but if oh i don't know i'm just gonna do that all right  he pre-moved that's annoying i wish i would just   move my queen over there just to try to predicted  it gosh i had a feeling he would pre-move it   to one of these days i want to predict it it's  going to be a big iq play well normally when i   do a pre-move it's something where it won't be  a mistake even if you expect it well if i move   my queen to a2 and that would have screwed you  okay did i have so many pieces please don't lose um oh no oh no um if i move my king to g2 to protect the knight  and then he moves his rook over what happens   okay i don't know well then he  takes um we'll just uh do that okay all right we're making progress   all right i'm still plus eight with  this stupid freaking rook to worry about all right so i go there um there's some way he can just like  pin me or something i don't want to do that what's this jump oh boy what do i do heck away from me no yo i'm like my brain is turning right now cheer me on chat let's go oh what the  heck was that for all right keep going oh boy all right this is about  as far as i could think no no um you're doing well you're doing  well you're just gonna do that oh um i'm i'm scared help that do anything oh god uh pressure pressure pressure um oh god very good there we go ah oh god i almost just lost it ah scary oh draw what the heck all right does that  count as a win to drive to beat you again oh no   so actually just at the very end just if you go  one move before the end the way that you could   have won that was to move the rook over instead  of putting the queen on that g6 square and then   you move to the queen the queen over to h5  on the next one it's just winning by force   you couldn't just let me have my win  uh i should have won that game there   was a forced technique to make a win there  there's just a forced way oh gosh dang it um   but you should have won that game let me  see if we have any other odds let me see dang so close but yet so far actually yeah  yeah go ahead and make a move i'll make one   move and run to the restroom i'll be right  back just make a move and i'll make one move   yeah okay go ahead okay chad i was doing so well  um all right so chat help me um while he's gone help me help me figure out what i do  dude this dude has a queen in three pawns   what do i do um trade everything don't suck uh let's see attack resign that would be so  funny yeah like uh that video i saw one   time on youtube like i made like five moves  and resigned or some something like that i will just what up everybody can you still  hear me or are you all watching ads hey comment um uh hi if if you guys  can still hear me while he's gone levy are you still here oh hi oh there's a lot of  highs okay so you can't hear me what up everybody what's up what do you think of my my place so  far is it as is it as a variety oh never mind   he's coming back i'm back so nothing nothing  nothing okay we're just having fun in the chat   just josh awesome this game you better win if you  don't win this i'll be a little bit disappointed   i i mean i i did uh that last game was very  good though if you you just didn't know   the technique but there's a force technique  when you end up with like a queen and a rook   um or like a king and a queen where you  can just make a four sequence of moves   that always leads to a checkmate no matter  what your opponent does really all right all right well i mean as long as they just  don't let it wear anywhere just he pins my   king behind some stupid freaking pawns i don't  think i'm in any like brave grave grave date yo pawns are kind of a nuisance  they're in the way of everything yeah but see here this is where you definitely  don't want to hang anything okay you don't you   want to keep everything protected this is good  very good trade queens of it um so if i go it's a very good move um well i mean literally all i have to do  is pay attention to your queens that's true mhm i don't like what you're trying to do here  sir remember it's one queen that's all it is   it's just a queen it doesn't matter who  it is it's just a queen i don't like it   i'm gonna take it oh gosh um you can't possibly win there's no way no  i i shouldn't be able to win here okay um it's a good move is that the stretch to put your king  in check every time it's one strategy you just want my rook i don't um that a fork yeah it is okay okay wait  so how many moves to the stalemate   uh the only way it's a stalemate is i can't move  my king so as long as so like basically if you put   the king in check and the king has no squares  it's checkmate but if the can i get that oh   darn it i knew that was a thing too gotcha all  right at the time i thought i lost because like we   i we made too many moves but i probably got yeah  so basically if the king's not under attack and it   has no squares it can go to then it's stalemate  but if the king has squares it can move well if   it's in check and the king has no squares and  it's checkmate um you could just took my roof   through those i know but i i don't want to cause  there's only one thing that i can play for here   okay all right well find out next time kim mr  beast not stalemate hikaru remember one thing   though what you're doing here is you're  not actually putting the king in check   so there's a very high risk if you don't check  of the king um at some point not having any   square so just be aware of that they just put  you in check every time you don't have to but   it's one of those things when your opponent  is very little material that you do want to do i don't know what to do i don't know what to do ah do i just put it here what i don't i don't i don't  like this this is too hard   you're too good at chess it doesn't make sense um i don't know what what what do i do i don't  want to stalemate i feel like this should be   obvious i just don't want to stay awake again  is this it i don't freaking know okay it's   that's a move that's a move it is a move i  agree it's a move i don't know what to do oh he's not winning with the king i'm  just i have plenty of pieces i'm just   joshing around just having fun oh no  no no no oh my gosh are you kidding me   i quit i'm not even playing anymore i don't i  don't like chess i retire i quit i quit do you   remember the one rule i told you one rule which is  with very few pieces you want to put the king in   check you want to always threaten to capture the  king no i quit i'm done i'm done this is i suck   i thank you for confirming and i am retiring thank  you uh world for watching me play chess clearly   i'm just not cut out for it i will stick to giving  away money and just making youtube videos chess   is a lot harder than i thought it was and um yeah  just have to learn some basic checkmates that's it   that's it yeah it's funny no that was fun i'm  we're just calling it there there you go guys i   might look stupid i swear to god he's smarter than  he looks obviously i think really for you though   you just need to learn some basic basic patterns  for checkmate once you learn some of those basic   patterns you would have won those last two or  three games if you had known a couple of basic   patterns that's all you had that's all you needed  was to know some of the basic patterns that's it   yeah but no i mean it's it's very tough game  though it's very very difficult yeah no i'm   i'm kidding i'm just being dramatic honestly i  had a lot of fun and uh yeah no worries actually   this is my first time actually like playing real  games or like someone like obviously of your chess   knowledge so things that are just so obvious to  people like you uh to me i'm just like oblivious   right exactly yeah yeah no i mean i mean it's  just very very difficult yeah dude what what are   you gonna have your guys titled the video when you  upload that dude that could be a banger i i want i   want this to be your most viewed video okay okay  okay most viewed video yeah i think it will be um   i'll think about it well i'll i it's probably like  just uh i mean i'm not the guy who does the titles   but some something like you know how long before  mr b mister oh wait i gave all my pieces to mr   all my chess pieces to mr mystery honestly you  could probably title it like i beat mr beast or i   i won a game of chess with a whole half  my pieces or i beat mr beast with only   half my pieces something like that or  i'd be a banger or like 10 of my pieces   honestly if you i mean honestly if you really  wanted it to be i guarantee if you did this   it'd be your most video if it was like i've been  i beat mr beast in chess with only a queen and a   king like you know something like that oh my  and then the thumbnail is just a chess board   and you just have a queen and a king and then my  side has everything and then it's our faces like   that banger like genuinely i think it'd be your  most feed video yeah yeah i'm looking forward to   it i think seeing how it does i hope it's the  most video but um yeah i'll talk to my editors   we'll come with it with a banger for a title and  uh yeah it was that was great though i enjoyed it   that was awesome man yeah an hour and a half of me  just getting slapped in chess absolutely the last   half hour though you were you you should have won  you were doing great the last half hour to be fair   you just didn't know the check mating patterns  that's it but you should have won the last dude   it's fun so chat thank you all for for watching  i assume you're going to keep streaming   yeah i think i will yeah yeah no i had i had  fun i think my chat enjoyed it so thank you   so much once again for coming on no problem  it was nice seeing all of you guys and um   yeah i just he's better than he looks so just  be honest it looks so easy when you watch it   on youtube and you get up here and you try to  do it and it's just like yeah yeah but it was   great though yeah i had a lot of fun all right  catch you later all right have a good one peace you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 8,119,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, mrbeast gaming, mrbeast, mrbeast plays chess, mrbeast plays chess with hikaru, mrbeast vs hikaru, mrbeast vs hikaru nakamura, mrbeast chess hikaru, mrbeast chess match, mrbeast chess pogchamps, mrbeast chess account, mrbeast chess rating
Id: AUps1qgnoUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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